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Communication Competency

 Ability to effectively transfer and exchange information

that leads to understanding between yourself and others
 Informal Communication
 Used to build social networks and good
interpersonal relations
 Formal Communication
 Used to announce major events/decisions/
activities and keep individuals up to date
 Negotiation
 Used to settle disputes, obtain resources,
and exercise influence
 Deciding what tasks need to be done, determining
how they can be done, allocating resources to enable
them to be done, and then monitoring progress to
ensure that they are done
 Information gathering, analysis, and problem solving
from employees and customers
 Planning and organizing projects with agreed
upon completion dates
 Time management
 Budgeting and financial management
 Accomplishing tasks through small groups of
people who are collectively responsible and
whose job requires coordination
 Designing teams properly involves having
people participate in setting goals

 Creating a supportive team environment gets

people committed to the team’s goals

 Managing team dynamics involves settling

conflicts, sharing team success, and assign tasks
that use team members’ strengths
Multicultural Competency
 Understanding, appreciating and responding to
diverse political, cultural, and economic issues
across and within nations

 Cultural knowledge and understanding of the

events in at least a few other cultures

 Cultural openness and sensitivity to how others

think, act, and feel

 Respectful of social etiquette variations

 Accepting of language differences

Self-Management Competency

 Developing yourself and taking responsibility

 Integrity and ethical conduct

 Personal drive and resilience

 Balancing work and life issues

 Self-awareness and personal development


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