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Paper chromatography


1- Learn to separate heterogenous mixtures through the use of paper chromatography

2- To observe how the components of a mixture can be transported from a liquid solvent (mobile
phase) to a solid support (stationary phase) with different migration speeds


• Chromatography paper
• 100 ml glass bottle
• Mortar and pestle
• Ruler and pencil
• Pasteur glass pipettes
• Sand
• Ethyl alcohol 98% and Acetone in 9:1 ratio
• Spinach
• Inks


1- Grind for some minutes the spinach and some sand with the help of mortar and pestel until you
obtain a small quantity of extract
2- On the chromatography paper (12x4 cm(la x si legge by)) draw an horizontal line 2 centimeters
from the lower end
3- With the Pasteur pipette take some of the extract already prepared and add one drop on the
4- Repeat the same procedure with the inks drawing with each pen a point on the line

Titolo: Filtration

Hypotesis/Objective: divide water from sand

Materials: Beaker, Sand, Water, Glass rod, Spoom, Filter Paper, Funnel

Method: Cut the filter paper in a round shape. Put a spoon of water and sand in the beaker and mix.

Take another container, put the funnel with the filter paper inside and drop the mixture of water and sand

Observations/results: thanks to the filter the sand and particles remain in the paper filter, while the water
pass clean through the funnel

Conclusion: we can divide a mixture thanks to the paper filter


Hypotesis/Objective: show that water and yeast are a homogeneus compound and divide an
heterogeneous compound

Material and equipment: Water, beer yeast, eppendorf pipettes, centrifuge

Method: mix water and yeast and take, 2 ml of this mixtures and put it in the pipette and after in the
centrifuge. Turn on the machine

Observations/results: After few seconds we can see that yeast and water have separated, the yeast is on
the bottom and the water on the top

Conclusion: water and yeast are a heterogeneous mixture and an eterogeneous mixture can be separated

Conclusione: acqua e lievito sono un miscuglio eterogeneo e un miscuglio eterogeneo si può separare

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