High (Secondary) School AEU Gra - DR John Kelliher

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High (Secondary) School ‘Grades 9 & 10 –

Math – Pythagoras’ Theorem and

Trigonometry– Ages 14-16’ eBook
By Dr John Kelliher
Copyright 2012 Dr John Kelliher
Smashwords Edition
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – About Pythagoras’ Theorem and
Chapter 3 – The Scope of Study
Chapter 4 – Pythagoras’ Theorem
Chapter 5 – Trigonometry
Chapter 6 – Recommendations
Chapter 7 – Feedback
Chapter 1 – Introduction
This math eBook is part of a compendium of math
eBooks that cover the entire elementary school,
middle (junior high) school and high (secondary)
school national curriculum of North America. As
such it is suitable for children or students from the
ages of 5 years old to the age of 18 years of age. It
is also suitable for and highly recommended for
mature students.
The North American national math curriculum
encompasses the levels of elementary education in
elementary school in Grades 1 & 2 from 6-8 years
of age as well as Grades 3, 4 & 5 from 8-11 years
of age. It also covers the North American math
curriculum in middle (junior high) school in Grades
6, 7 & 8 from 11-14 years of age as well as high
(secondary) school in Grades 9 & 10 from 14-16
years of age.
The math eBooks in this series cover the high
(secondary school) Grades 11 & 12 mathematics
curriculum from 16-18 years of age, as a follow on
from North Americas Grade 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-10 math
This eBook is part of our range of Grades 9 & 10
math eBooks. Our Grades 9 & 10 math eBooks
comprise three principle sections. These are,

Number and Algebra

Geometry and Measures

Chapter 2 – About Pythagoras’
Theorem and Trigonometry
This eBook introduces the related subjects of
Pythagoras’ theorem and trigonometry, as
Pythagoras’ theorem relates to all right-angles
triangles, trigonometry as it relates to angles and
ratios of sine, cosine and tangent in right-angled
triangles as well as angles of elevation and
This eBook is part of our range of Grades 9 & 10
math eBooks that are aligned with the North
American curriculum.
Our Grades 9 & 10 math eBooks comprise three
principle sections. These are, notably:

Number and Algebra

Geometry and Measures

In addition, there exists a Publications Guide.

Our maths eBook are produced such as that as well
as a Publications Guide, and three principle
publications corresponding to the principle sections
(Number and Algebra, Geometry and Measures and
Statistics) there are individual modules produced
within each principle section which are published as
Pythagoras’ Theorem and Trigonometry is a module
within the Geometry and Measures principle section
of our Key Stage 4 (KS4) publications.
Chapter 3 – The Scope of Study
Pythagoras’ Theorem and Trigonometry are
relevant to a wide range of scientific, commercial
and business practices. They have particular
importance in the following fields of work, study
and commerce:

Computer Science
Chapter 4 – Pythagoras’
Chapter 5 – Trigonometry
Chapter 6 – Recommendations
We hope that you have enjoyed reading and
learning what this math eBook offers in terms of
the subject of Pythagoras’ Theorem and
Trigonometry as a module of our Geometry and
Measures section of our Grades 9 & 10 curriculum,
and that if you have we would very much like you
to recommend our eBook at your eBook retailer’s
store. Thank you very much in advance for your
appreciation and comments.
Chapter 7 – Feedback
We would like to hear from you in terms of what
you thought of our eBook, the impact that it had on
you, what you liked about the eBook, what you
liked about your experience as an eBook reader
and what you would like us to do better in the
future. Your feedback is valued and much
appreciated and we will use in in our programme of
continuous improvement.
You can send you feedback directly by email to the
author (Dr John Kelliher) at
kellstarofall@hotmail.com. Alternatively you can
contact us via our website (via either our blog or
our contact form) or if you are on twitter, send us a
direct message.
Our website URL is: http://drkelliher.weebly.com
Our blog’s URL is:
Our twitter address is: @kellstarofall

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