Therapeutic Potential of Stem Cells in Skin Repair and Regeneration

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Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2008; 11(4):209-221 . 209 .

Special column of 10th anniversary

Therapeutic potential of stem cells in skin repair and

ZHANG Cui-ping张翠萍 and FU Xiao-bing付小兵*

Stem cells are defined by their capacity of self-renewal possible due to the limited regenerative capacity of epider-
and multilineage differentiation, which make them uniquely mal keratinocytes, which are generally thought to be the
situated to treat a broad spectrum of human diseases. Based key source of the epidermis and skin appendages. Currently,
on a series of remarkable studies in several fields of regen- researches on stem cells, such as epidermal stem cells, der-
erative medicine, their application is not too far from the mal stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow,
clinical practice. Full-thickness burns and severe traumas and embryonic stem cells, bring promise to functional repair
can injure skin and its appendages, which protect animals of skin after severe burn injury, namely, complete regenera-
from water loss, temperature change, radiation, trauma and tion of skin and its appendages. In this study, we present
infection. In adults, the normal outcome of repair of massive an overview of the most recent advances in skin repair and
full-thickness burns is fibrosis and scarring without any regeneration by using stem cells.
appendages, such as hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous Key words: Stem cells; Skin; Regeneration; Repair
glands. Perfect skin regeneration has been considered im-
Chin J Traumatol 2008; 11(4):209-221

ammalian skin serves a number of vital physi- scarring which are different from the original skin in ap-
ological functions to maintain homeostasis. pearance and function. Studies are made to evaluate
Skin provides a moisture barrier, regulates the prospects of using stem cells for skin repair and
body temperature via hair follicles, sweat glands, and regeneration.
dermal capillaries, and provides lubrication via seba- Stem cells are found in embryonic and adult tissues,
ceous glands. The functional properties of skin are of- named independently embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and
ten under-appreciated until substantial loss of the skin adult stem cet deep into the dermal layer such as mes-
occurs. In adults, the normal outcome of repair of mas- enchymal stem cells (MSCs), hematopoietic stem cells
sive full-thickness burns is fibrosis and scarring with- (HSCs), epithelial stem cells, and neural stem cells.
out any appendages including hair follicles, sweat and These stem cells are defined by their capacity of self-
sebaceous glands. To date, no effective therapies have renewal and multilineage differentiation (Fig. 1). For
been developed to prevent or reverse the fibrosis and example, ESCs can give rise to cells of the three em-
bryonic germ layers: endoderm, mesoderm and
ectoderm.1, 2 Similarly, MSCs and HSCs derived from
W ound Healing and Cell Biology Laboratory, Burns
Institute, First Affiliated Hospital/General Hospital of PLA,
bone marrow have the potential of differentiation into a
Trauma Center of Postgraduate Medical College, Beijing variety of tissues, including endothelium, liver, muscle,
100037, China (Zhang CP and Fu XB) bone, and skin. In addition, skin stem cells, including
*Corresponding author: Tel: 86-10-88455171, E-mail: epidermal stem cells and dermal stem cells, are also & multipotential. It is thought that they not only contrib-
This work was supported by the National Basic Sci-
ute to the production of their original tissues,3, 4 but also
ence and Development Programme (973 Programme, No.
2005CB522603), Grant for National Outstanding Young
can be stimulated into other cell types such as nerval
Researcher (No.39525024) and the National Natural Sci- and osteogenic lineages.5-6 Because of the great differ-
ence Foundation of China (No.30170966 and No. entiation potential, stem cells have been thought to be
30230370). a powerful tool for treatment of a wide spectrum of dis-
. 210 . Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2008; 11(4):209-221

eases that are ineffectively treated by traditional of hairs and other cutaneous appendages that will be
approaches. In this review, we present an overview of differentiated from the overlying epidermis. Adult wound
the most recent advances in skin repair and regenera- epidermis fails to regenerate appendages, not only be-
tion by using stem cells. cause it is unable to respond to appendage-inducing
signals, but also because it does not receive such sig-
Skin repair and regeneration after injury nals from the underlying wound dermis. To date,
Re-epithelialization Adult skin consists of two therefore, the regeneration of appendages, especially
tissue layers: a keratinized stratified epidermis and an sweat glands, is a hard nut to crack in skin regenera-
underlying thick layer of collagen-rich dermal connec- tion medicine.
tive tissues providing support and nourishment.
Appendages, such as hair and glands, are derived from Currently, researches on stem cells bring promise
and linked to the epidermis but deep into the dermal to functional repair of skin after severe burn injury,
layer (Fig. 2). Cutaneous wound repair is a multifac- namely, complete regeneration of skin and its
eted process involving clot formation, cell migration, appendages. Application of stem cells can accelerate
extracellular matrix synthesis and deposition, and finally, the re-epithelialization of skin wound and bring possi-
dermal and epidermal reconstitution. During this bility of skin appendage regeneration (Fig.3). In essence,
process, the restoration of an intact epidermal barrier there are at least four different ways of using stem cells
through wound epithelialization, also known as re- for skin repair and regeneration: local stem cell induc-
epithelialization, is an essential feature. Re-epithelial- tion such as epidermal stem cells, transplantation of
ization of a wound primarily involves the migration of stem cells induced in vitro, combination of stem cell
keratinocytes from the edges of the wound and hair therapy with gene therapy, and the use of stem cells in
follicles to an extracellular matrix, their proliferation, tissue engineering protocols.
differentiation and stratification to form the neo-
epithelium. Recent evidences from an organotypic model Epidermal stem cells and skin repair and regen-
of wound healing in which keratinocytes were geneti- eration
cally labeled with retroviruses suggest that not only basal Significant advances have been made in identifying
cells migrate toward wounds but also suprabasal cells and locating the stem cells that inhabit the skin includ-
may “leapfrog” over the basal cells.7 Once the denuded ing epidermal stem cells (interfollicular and bulge stem
wound surface has been covered by a monolayer of cells), dermal stem cells,8 sebaceous stem cells, hair
keratinocytes, epidermal migration ceases and a new follicle stem cells, sweat gland stem cells, melanocyte
stratified epidermis with underlying basal lamina is re- stem cells, MSCs, neural stem cells and endothelial
established from the margins of the wound. But the stem cells. Epidermal stem cells first attract much at-
above natural repair process is slower compared with tention because of their importance for cell and gene
the need for rapid wound cover to reduce infection rates therapy in skin diseases. In the 1990s, researchers
and the formed epidermis is different from the normal using3 H-thymidine to evaluate the label retention to lo-
epidermis because the regenerated epidermis is thin- cate the stem cells in murine haired epidermis discov-
ner and with fewer and flatter epidermal ridges. ered that the majority of stem cells in the skin reside in
the ‘‘bulge’’ region of the hair follicle (named bulge stem
Regeneration of appendages In adult skin, su- cells), with only a small fraction of stem cells residing
perficial burns that destroy the interfollicular epidermis in the basal layer of the interfollicular epidermis (named
but leave hair follicles intact are healed rapidly and effi- interfollicular stem cells). These stem cells ensure the
ciently with the regeneration of epidermal appendages. maintenance of adult skin homeostasis and hair
But if a skin wound is deeper than the level of hair bulbs regeneration, but they also participate in the repair and
in the dermis so that no remnants of hair follicles remain, regeneration of the epidermis after injuries.9
the repairing epithelium does not regenerate hairs, and
the same is true for sweat and sebaceous glands lost
at the site of injury. During embryogenesis, fibroblasts
in the dermal connective tissues supply permissive and
instructive signals that govern the positions and types
Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2008; 11(4):209-221 . 211 .

presence of exogenous growth factors. Then the rate of

re-epithelialization was monitored. The results obtained
in this study demonstrate that the re-epithelialization
process in full-thickness is accelerated by the pres-
ence of keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) and especial-
ly by epidermal growth factor (EGF), which support the
migration and proliferation of keratinocytes. Intriguingly,
the succedent research indicated that EGF promoted
the motility of individual cell and monolayer wound
Fig.1. A schematic diagram showing the plasticity of epidermal closure, which was independent on an increase in cell
stem cells, dermal stem cells, MSCs and ESCs in regenerative number.11 In addition, it’s worthy of notice that when leg
ulcers are treated with recombinant human epidermal
growth factor (rhEGF), there are some stem cells or
stem cells-like cells in the spinous and granular layers
of regenerated epidermis and these cells bear no ana-
tomic relation with the epidermal stem cells in the basal
layer.12-14 Therefore, it is possible that these undifferen-
tiated cells come from the differentiated cells through
dedifferentiation. Besides exogenous growth factors,
recent reports proved that endogenous cytokines and
Fig.2. A schematic diagram of structure of skin. Location of epi-
dermal stem cells including interfollicular stem cells (1) and bulge growth factors secreted by local keratinocytes also have
stem cells (2), dermal stem cells including dermal sheath stem an important role in re-epithelialization of skin wounds.
cells (3) and dermal papillae stem cells (4). Simon et al.15 addressed that the altered cytokines and
growth factor expression in the wound resulted in the ac-
tivation of follicular and epidermal progenitor keratinocytes,
and ultimately mediated epidermal repair. From above
researches, we conclude that growth factors, which may
include KGF, EGF, TGF, bFGF, IL-6 and IL-1, play impor-
tant roles in promoting re-epithelialization by inducing
migration, proliferation, and differentiation of epidermal
stem cells in situ.

(2) Tissue engineering Tissue engineering com-

Fig.3. A schematic diagram of perfect skin regeneration by stem bines the principles of cell biology, engineering and
cells including epidermal stem cells, dermal stem cells, MSCs and
material science to develop three-dimensional tissues
in replacing or restoring tissue function. Skin tissue
engineering emerges as an experimental regenerative
Epidermal stem cells and re-epithelialization therapy motivated primarily by the critical need for early
(1) Induction of epidermal stem cells in situ Epi- permanent coverage of extensive burn injuries in pa-
dermal stem cells are generally thought to be the key tients with insufficient sources of autologous skin for
source not only for development of epidermis but also grafting. Today, the most commonly used skin grafting
for re-epithelialization of skin wound. Many factors, in- technique employs the use of split-thickness grafts
cluding cellular mediators, cytokines, and growth taken from unaffected skin. This method is effective,
factors, induce and regulate the migration, proliferation but it is limited by the available surface area of unaf-
and differentiation of local epidermal stem cells, which fected skin and creates some degrees of additional
facilitate the repair and regeneration of skin after injury. injuries. The technique of obtaining human skin with
El Ghalbzouri et al.10 introduced a full-thickness wound dermis and epidermis reconstructed from cells isolated
in human skin equivalents (HSE) made with a scalpel, from patients can enable autologous skin grafting in
frozen by liquid nitrogen, and closed in the absence or patients with few donor sites.16 Indeed, the proliferative
. 212 . Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2008; 11(4):209-221

capacity of just a small patch of adult skin is immense was maintained by a defined repertoire of transduced
and the use of cultured keratinocytes allows a much stem cells.26 In addition, gene therapy can also be used
greater surface to be covered. The initial clinical use of in wound healing to promote tissue regeneration, espe-
cultured keratinocytes is to create confluent epithelial cially being combined with tissue engineering. Wound
sheets that can be gently removed from the culture dish healing factors, such as platelet-derived growth factor
and applied to reconstitute the epithelial portion of burns, (PDGF)27 and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)28,
chronic wounds, and ulcers.17 At present, the use of can be transferred into epidermal stem cells that make
cultured keratinocytes is limited by the length of time up the skin tissues. Therefore, gene therapy has the
needed to grow epithelial sheets in vitro, during which potential to generate the next generation of three-di-
time the patient is susceptible to infection. The epithe- mensional skin substitutes with enhanced capacity for
lial sheets are also extremely fragile and do not adhere treatment of burns, chronic wounds and even systemic
well to some burned surfaces. Skin substitutes that diseases.29, 30
can function as dermal equivalents can hold the ex-
panding keratinocytes, improve adhesiveness to the Epidermal stem cells and regeneration of skin
burn wound, and form a temporary wound cover to re- appendages Epidermal stem cells are the major
duce infection rates.18, 19 By seeding large-scale cul- resource of the epidermis and skin appendages such
tured epidermal stem cells onto a fibroblast-containing as hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sweat glands.
dermal substrate, tissue engineered skin (TES) com- At present, we know that when interfollicular epidermis
posed of associated dermis and epidermis can be re- is lost after injury hair follicle keratinocytes can repopu-
constructed in vitro.20 The constructed TES is similar late the interfollicular epidermis and, conversely,
to the uninjured skin in morphological features and can interfollicular keratinocytes grafted into an empty hair
satisfy the need of restoration of skin defects, yet it follicle can produce normal hair. Hair cyclic regenera-
lacks several important functions including those pro- tion by activation of hair stem cells located in the fol-
vided by hair follicles, sebaceous glands, sweat glands licle bulge is regulated by Wnt/b-catenin, bone mor-
and dendritic cells. phogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) and BMP-4.31, 32 But after
injury, the nascent hair follicles arise from epithelial cells
(3) Gene therapy Gene therapy has been de- outside the stem cell niche of hair follicles, suggesting
scribed as a promising approach for treatment of skin that epidermal cells in the wound assume a hair follicle
diseases21 and impaired wound healing22 and cultured stem cell phenotype. Further research shows that inhi-
epidermal stem cells are used as delivery instruments bition of Wnt signalling abrogates this wounding-induced
for gene therapy23. Researchers had devised methods folliculogenesis, whereas overexpression of Wnt ligand
to use cultured human keratinocytes to correct inborn in the epidermis increases the number of regenerated
metabolic skin diseases.24, 25 Keratinocytes were har- hair follicles.33 It is likely that epidermal stem cells give
vested from patients with recessive dystrophic epider- rise to sweat glands.34 In view of the relationship be-
molysis bullosa, and the genetic defect was corrected tween epidermal stem cells and sweat gland cell
either by genomic integration of the correct sequence development, Fu et al.35-36 ventured to suggest that there
using a bacteriophage integrase or by transgene ex- is a possibility to induce epidermal stem cells to di-
pression using a lentivirus. The repaired keratinocytes rectly differentiate into sweat gland cells and to estab-
were expanded in culture and grafted onto nude mice lish a three-dimensional organization. Shikiji et al37 at-
to produce healthy epithelia in which the defect was tempted to regenerate eccrine sweat glands in vitro by
repaired. Although no study included grafting back onto inducing the keratinocytes which were derived from
the original patient suffering from skin diseases, these young donors. They first provided the evidence that re-
efforts represented a major advance toward the possi- constructed epithelia of skin equivalents invaded into
bility of manipulating stem cells to treat human a fibroblast-populated collagen gel and organized duct-
diseases. In the succedent research, epidermal stem like structures that resembled eccrine sweat ducts in
cells were used to prepare genetically corrected and the presence of EGF and FBS in vitro. These results
cultured epidermal grafts and were transplanted onto indicate that some of the postnatal keratinocytes from
the surgically-prepared regions of the patient’s legs. young donors still possess pluripotent ability to be dif-
The results indicated that the regenerated epidermis ferentiated into eccrine sweat ducts/glands in response
Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2008; 11(4):209-221 . 213 .

to EGF and FBS. Although it is not a perfect model, So the remaining problem is how to enhance the fol-
this research provides hope that functional skin equipped licle-inducing effects of follicle dermal stem cells. Osada
with eccrine sweat glands can be generated in vitro for et al.49 aggregated the DP cells to form spheres and
autologus transplantation in cases of extensive burns, then injected them with epidermal cells. Unlike the dis-
for example. sociated DP cells, the spheres induced more new hair
follicles. These results suggest that sphere formation
Dermal stem cells and skin repair and regenera- partially models the intact DP, resulting in hair follicle
tion induction. Moreover, the cell combination of intact pa-
Hair follicle dermal stem cells Mammalian der- pillae together with DS and outer root sheath (ORS)
mis contains a multipotent precursor cell population. cell cultures can produce new follicles in wound sites
These cells termed skin-derived precursors (SKPs) were and these follicles have sebaceous glands and are ori-
isolated and expanded from rodent and human skin.38 ented in an irregular fashion.47 Therefore, whether cul-
In recent years, it has become evident that the hair tured DP cells induce follicle formation appears to
follicle represents an important stem cell niche in the depend, at least partly, on environmental criteria. Up to
skin. Hair follicle dermal stem cells reside in the der- now, tissue-engineered skin equivalents have several
mal papillae (DP) at the base of the follicle and the deficiencies, including the absence of hair follicles. In
dermal sheath (DS) that surrounds the outside of the some reports, the reformation of follicle-like structure
hair follicle.8, 39 These cells exhibit some properties of is successfully induced in vitro by DP or DS cells in a
stem cells, including regenerative potential,5, 39, 40 roles three-dimensional mixture culture. Wu et al.50 observed
in wound healing and ability to produce a functional that hair follicle-like structure could be reformed in der-
dermis. DP cells, which are the major components of a mal sheath cell-populated collagen gel when combined
hair DP, produce and secrete several growth factors, with superior or inferior epithelial cells by organotypic
molecules constructing extracellular matrix components, (three-dimensional) culture. Therefore, we believe that
and cytokines such as basic fibroblast growth factor the application of follicle dermal stem cells in the field
(bFGF), endothelin-1 (ET-1), stem cell factor (SCF), and of cell transplantation and tissue engineering will pos-
so on.41-43 So they are generally thought to play essen- sibly achieve the hairy healing of the wound.
tial roles in the induction of new hair follicles and the
maintenance of hair growth.44, 45 DS cells can be trans- Non-follicle dermal stem cells Various cell
formed into DP cells under the influence of follicle ger- populations can be obtained from dermis with different
minative epithelium. If the base of a follicle is removed culture systems. Recently, Bartsch et al.51 have iso-
experimentally, the lower follicle dermal sheath (LDS) lated another multipotent cell population, termed der-
cells can replace the dermal papilla cells and restore mal MSCs, from low-temperature preserved human fore-
functional hair growth. Similarly, DS cells can also be skin biopsies with adherent culture. The isolated cells
incorporated into dermal repair in a manner similar to can be expanded for over 100 population doublings with
skin fibroblasts, which results in qualitatively improved retention of their chromosomal complement and
dermal repair.46 Intriguingly, DS cells from the base and multipotency. They reported that a single dermal MSC
the upper follicle behave differently during this repair could differentiate into adipogenic, osteogenic and
process: only the LDS cells are incorporated into fol- myogenic lineages. In addition, Perng et al.52 reported
licle and interfollicular dermis.47 In addition, there are that human dermis-derived MSCs (hDMSCs) possess
many experiments about hair follicle induction in heal- differentiation potential of epidermis facilitating wound
ing wounds by follicle dermal stem cells. Although DP healing in skin-defect nude mice and the re-epithelial-
cells do not induce the reformation of hair follicle struc- ization marker of human pan-cytokeratin is significantly
ture in vitro due to some reasons such as that they increased on day 14 and day 21 in the wound site of
cannot aggregate and reform the cell clump, that they hDMSCs and gelatin/pNIPAAm/PP-treated group.
successfully induce many hair follicles as well as the Recently, multipotent fibroblasts expressing nestin- and
reformation of hair fibres when they are transplanted vimentin+ were also isolated from human dermis.53 Der-
into the nude mice and that the reformed hair can be mal fibroblasts are commonly accepted as terminally
observed by naked eyes.48 However, the number of re- differentiated cells, which are routinely used as a nega-
generated hair follicles in above experiments is limited. tive control for evaluation of cell multipotency in many
. 214 . Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2008; 11(4):209-221

studies.54 Yet, the researchers found that dermal fibro- rescent protein (GFP)-expressing transgenic mice and
blasts isolated from human foreskin could differentiate then gave it to the recipient (non-GFP expressing) mice
into adipogenic, osteogenic or chondrogenic lineages by tail vein injection. At last, they found that GFP-la-
in the presence of certain factors, suggesting that der- beled cells differentiated into non-hematopoietic skin
mal fibroblasts might contain a pluripotent subpopulation. structures in wounded skin, implying that the trans-
The relationship between multipotent dermal fibroblasts planted MSCs have the ability to migrate to the dam-
and dermal MSCs remains unclear and deserves fur- aged tissue sites and stimulate repairs by differentiating
ther investigation. However, multipotent cells may also into skin-specific cells. In addition, experiments of influ-
exist in other non-follicle zones of the dermis. Multipotent ence of local application of MSCs on cutaneous wound
cells have been identified from marrow stroma and adi- regeneration showed that GFP-labeled MSCs could con-
pose tissues, which have a similar mesodermal origin vert into the phenotypes of epidermal keratinocytes, se-
from embryonic development with dermis.55, 56 Although baceous glands, follicular epithelial cells, and vascular
the potential physiological role of the non-follicle stem endothelial cells by transdifferentiation.68-71 Wu et al.72
cells in dermis is unclear, the multipotency of these also proved that bone marrow derived MSCs-treated
cells suggests that they might be a useful cell source wounds exhibited significantly accelerated wound clo-
for therapeutic purposes. sure with increased re-epithelialization, cellularity and
angiogenesis. In a human study of chronic nonhealing
MSCs and skin repair and regeneration wounds, the results showed that direct application of
MSCs are non-hematopoietic cells, which were first bone marrow-derived cells can lead to wound closure
described by Fridenshtein et al.57 in 1986 as the clonal and possible rebuilding of tissues.65 This study, although
and plastic adherent cells, being a source of osteoblastic, interesting, was hampered by the lack of an efficient
adipogenic and chondrogenic cell lines. The main source delivery system for the autologous bone marrow-derived
of MSCs is bone marrow. These cells constitute, cultured cells. More recently, Falanga et al.66 have ap-
however, only a small percentage of the total number of plied human autologous bone marrow-derived cultured
bone marrow populating cells. Apart from the bone cells to nonhealing and acute wounds, using a special-
marrow, MSCs are also located in other tissues of the ized fibrin spray system. This approach appears to be
human body. There is an increasing number of reports safe and may represent a rather ideal way of introduc-
describing their presence in adipose tissues, umbilical cord ing cells into injury sites.
blood, chorionic villi of the placenta,58 amniotic fluid,59
peripheral blood, fetal liver,60 lungs, 61 and even in Despite the accumulating data of skin lineage dif-
exfoliated deciduous teeth62. Human MSCs are known ferentiation from MSCs in vivo,73 studies on differentia-
to constitute a heterogeneous population of cells. The tion of MSCs into epithelial lineage cells in vitro are
culture of MSCs demonstrated that single-cell-derived also performed74. Wu et al.75 proved that MSCs derived
colonies of human MSCs contain three morphologically from the early human embryo have the ability to trans-
distinct kinds of cells including spindle-shaped cells, large form into epidermal cells in vivo and in vitro. Consistent
cuboidal or flattened cells and extremely small cells that with this, hMSCs derived from adult bone marrow also
are rapidly self-renewing (RS cells). The RS cells appear possess the potential of differentiating into epidermal-like
to be the earliest progenitors in the culture and have the cells with the production of keratin 19, P63, and β1 -
greatest potential for multilineage differentiation. integrin under certain conditions.76, 77 Recently, our group
reported that P38 route may play an active role in the
MSCs and re-epithelialization Because they differentiation of MSCs into epidermoid cells because
can be obtained easily, MSCs derived from bone mar- enhancing the activation of P38 route by blocking the
row have received considerable attention. It has shown upstream signal Rho can promote the differentiation of
that a single bone marrow-derived stem cell is able to MSCs into epidermoid cells.78 All experimental data
differentiate into epithelial cells of the liver, lungs, gas- from above researches suggest that hMSCs have the
trointestinal tract, and skin.63 Systemic transplantation potential of epidermal differentiation under a specific
and local implantation of MSCs are promising treatment differentiation condition. But there are no experiments
methods for skin wounds,64 especially for chronic wounds65, 66. in vivo to verify that the induced hMSCs are the same
Badiavas et al.67 obtained bone marrow from green fluo- as the epidermal cells. Therefore, we call them epider-
Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2008; 11(4):209-221 . 215 .

mal-like cells. However, we believe that epidermal-like hypodermia, the sebaceous glands, and the hair fol-
cells differentiated from hMSCs can be used as a cell licles of the wounds on the midback of the homoge-
source for tissue engineering and cell therapy. neous male Wistar rats.83 Investigation into the mecha-
nism of the transdifferentiation shows that the wound
Skin tissue engineering is a possible solution for microenvironment containing diverse growth factors or
extensive skin defects. The ultimate goal of skin tissue inflammatory factors may play an important role in this
engineering is to restore the complete functions of native process. Among the skin appendages, sweat glands are
skin, but until now the structure and function of skin are most important because they possess the functions of
only partially restored. Recently, the suitability of hMSCs temperature regulation and homeostasis maintenance.
for soft tissue engineering was investigated.79 These cells But they cannot be regenerated in full-thickness burn
were seeded onto 1-ethyl-3-3-dimethylaminopropyl wounds via remnants of skin tissues.35, 36 The recruit-
carbodiimide (EDC) cross-linked collagen sponges and ment of MSCs to skin wounds and the participation of
implanted in immunodeficient mice. After 2 and 6 weeks MSCs in cutaneous repair imply that MSCs may play a
in vivo, populated scaffolds showed a high density of potential role in sweat gland regeneration.84 Despite the
vascularization and cellularity. Perng et al.80 also dem- fact that the regeneration of sweat glands is a difficult
onstrated that the hBMSCs possess the differentiation and perplexing problem, we make an effort to explore
potential of epidermis and the capability of healing skin the possibility of transdifferentiation of stem cells into
wounds by culturing adult hBMSCs on gelatin scaffolds sweat gland cells in vitro.85, 86 In our experiment, adult
with poly N-i sopropyl acrylami de (pNIPAAm). MSCs were co-cultured directly or indirectly with heat-
Interestingly, BMSCs can be used to construct full- shocked sweat gland cells and the phenotypes of the
thickness tissue-engineered skin, because BMSCs co-cultured cells were examined. The results showed
have the potential to differentiate into epidermal cells that 4% of the BrdU+ MSCs added to the co-cultures
and fibroblasts in vitro and show clinical feasibility when were differentiated into sweat gland cells, which expressed
acting as epidermis-like and dermis-like seed cells in the proteins of sweat gland cells: carcinoembryonic anti-
skin engineering.81 gen (CEA) and cytokeratin 19, markers of the gland cells.
In addition, the percentage of differentiation was enhanced
MSCs and regeneration of skin appendages In by epidermal growth f actor and the inj ured
addition to transdifferentiation to epidermal-like cells in vitro microenviroment.87, 88 Further researches showed that
and promotion of wound repair in vivo, regeneration of skin the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway,
appendages may be another potential application of MSCs especially pERK, was involved in the phenotype conver-
in regenerative medicine. The experiments of systemic trans- sion of human MSCs into human sweat gland cells.87, 89
plantation and local implantation of MSCs for cutaneous There are two possible mechanisms for the conversion
wound regeneration demonstrate that the MSCs migrating of MSCs into other mature non-hematopoietic cells of
into the wound sites can promote the repair and regenera- multiple tissues: transdifferentiation and cell fusion.
tion of skin wounds by transdifferentiation into phenotypes Transdifferentiation refers to the conversion of one cellu-
of epidermal keratinocytes, sebaceous glands, and fol- lar phenotype to another by changing the expression of
licular epithelial cells.68-70 Wu et al.72 transplanted GFP+ a master regulatory (master switch) gene, whose nor-
BM-MSCs into wound healing model and determined mal function is to distinguish the two tissues in normal
the contribution of BM-MSCs in dermal keratinocytes development and belongs to a wider class of cell-type
and appendages. They found that some BM-MSCs switches termed metaplasias. Cell fusion means that
positive for GFP and cytokeratin in the dermis of the stem cells or their progeny fuse with cells of other types,
wounded skin formed structures resembling develop- mixing cytoplasmic and even genetic materials of dif-
ing sweat or sebaceous glands. In another research, ferent (heterotypic) origins, thereby converting the gene
porcine MSCs were isolated and engrafted into porcine expression pattern of stem cells to that of the fusion
skin. Results showed that transplanted MSCs lablled partner. However, which path should answer for the
with BrdU were transdifferentiated into sebaceous duct phenotype conversion of human MSCs into human
cells.82 Consistant with above results, we found that sweat gland cells needs to be further investigated.
BrdU-labelled MSCs, which were collected from Wistar
rats and infused from the penile vein, emerged in the
. 216 . Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2008; 11(4):209-221

ESCs and skin repair and regeneration Nakagawa et al.108 generated human iPS cells from adult
Derivation of ESCs from reprogrammed human dermal fibroblasts without c-Myc. Furthermore, the thera-
skin cells ESCs were first established from the inner peutic potential of such iPS cells were investigated by
cell mass (ICM) of mouse blastocysts in 1981,90 and using a humanized sickle cell anemia mouse model.109
human ESCs were first derived in 199891. However, the However, the human iPS cells are not identical to hu-
use of human embryos faces ethical controversies that man ESCs. So further studies are essential to deter-
hinder the application of human ESCs. In addition, it is mine whether human iPS cells can replace human
difficult to generate patient- or disease-specific ESCs, ESCs in medical applications.
which are required for their effective application. One
way to circumvent these issues is to induce pluripotent ESCs and wound repair ESCs can be induced
status in somatic cells by direct reprogramming. So- in vitro to differentiate into cutaneous cells, which can
matic cells can be reprogrammed to an embryonic-like be applied to bioengineered skin to facilitate the wound
state by injection of nucleus into enucleated oocyte92-95 repair and regeneration. 110 During embryonic
or by fusion with ESCs96, 97. Researchers reported the development, skin forms as a result of reciprocal inter-
use of nuclei from hair follicle stem cells and other skin actions between mesoderm and ectoderm. Epithelial
keratinocytes as nuclear transfer (NT) donors to clone cell differentiation from ESCs can be identified by the
mice, revealing skin as a source of readily accessible presence of cytokeratin intermediate filaments and
stem cells. And the nuclei of stem cells can be repro- keratinocyte-specific involucrin.111, 112 After in vitro differ-
grammed to the pluripotent state by exposure to the entiation of mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells, en-
cytoplasm of unfertilized oocytes. In primates, the re- richment of keratinocytes and seeding onto various
sults of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) are char- extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins in the presence of
acterized with inefficient reprogramming and poor em- BMP-4 and/or ascorbate can promote the formation of
bryonic development. Byrne et al.98 used modified SCNT epidermal equivalents, which are composed of strati-
approach to produce rhesus macaque blastocysts from fied epithelium (when cultured at the air-liquid interface
adult skin fibroblasts, and successfully isolated two ESCs on a collagen-coated acellular substratum). The resulted
lines from these embryos. The discovery that nuclei tissues display morphological patterns similar to nor-
from mammalian differentiated cells can be repro- mal embryonic skin. The cells express late differentia-
grammed to an undifferentiated state by transacting tion markers of epidermis and markers of fibroblasts,
factors present in the oocytes leads to a search for which are consistent with those found in native skin.
factors that can mediate similar reprogramming with- The data suggest that ESCs have the capacity to re-
out SCNT. Recently, four transcription factors (Oct4, constitute in vitro fully differentiated skin.113 In another
Sox2, c-myc, and Klf4) were shown to be sufficient to report, Troy et al. 114 developed a two-step culture
reprogramme mouse fibroblasts to undifferentiated, scheme in which pluripotent mouse ESCs were induced
pluripotent stem cells [termed induced pluripotent stem first to a surface ectoderm phenotype and then posi-
(iPS) cells].99-103 Moreover, researchers have repro- tively selected for putative epidermal stem cells. It
grammed adult human dermal fibroblasts into so-called showed that the earliest stage of epidermal develop-
iPS cells with the same four factors and the human iPS ment followed an ordered sequence that was similar to
cells were similar to human ESCs in morphology, that observed in vivo (expression of Keratin 8, Keratin
proliferation, surface antigens, gene expression, epige- 19, Keratin 17, and Keratin 14). To date, however, the
netic status of pluripotent cell-specific genes, and molecular mechanisms controlling epidermal commit-
telomerase activity.104,105 Lowry et al.106 also acquired ment of ESCs are unclear. Further researches showed
the same result by ectopic expression of the same set that p63 and BMP-4, which play pivotal roles in ecto-
of four genes with the addition of the NANOG transcrip- dermal and epidermal development, may be involved in
tion factor in dermal fibroblasts. At the same time, Yu this process.115
et al.107 also successfully reprogrammed human so-
matic cells into iPS cells that exhibited the essential Other stem cells and skin repair and regeneration
characteristics of ESCs with four candidate reprogram- Besides epidermal stem cells, marrow-derived stem
ming genes: OCT3 and SOX2, as Takahashi et al.104 cells and ESCs, other stem cells derived from adult
used, and two different genes, NANOG and LIN28. tissues may also serve as cell therapy to enhance the
Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2008; 11(4):209-221 . 217 .

healing process in skin wounds. Muscle-derived stem a potential role in sweat gland regeneration. But there
cells obtained from the muscle of New Zealand white is no report that intact sweat glands including secre-
rabbits were cultured in vitro for two weeks and then tion and duct sections are regenerated in vivo or in vitro
seeded onto a circular 2-cm-diameter defect created by using stem cells. In conclusion, there is still a long
on the dorsal side of the ear of the rabbit. Fourteen way to go before we realize the full potential of stem
days later, re-epithelialized areas were significantly greater cells in regenerative medicine. But with our great ex-
in the treatment group, but the wounds in the control group perimental efforts, the vision of perfect skin regenera-
showed nonepithelialized areas.116 Interestingly, there is tion with stem cells will come true in the future.
another report that the sweat apparatus is capable of
re-epithelializing the skin surface after a major cutane- REFERENCES
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(Received April 12, 2008)

Edited by LIU Yang-e

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