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BOOK I – PERSONS Judicial Capacity Capacity to Act (CA)


CHAPTER I: General Provisions Aptitude of the Aptitutde for the
subject for the mere exercise of such rghts
holdings or and to consummate
Art. 37. Juridical Capacity, which is the fitness enjoyment of rights juridical acts
to be the subject of legal relations, is inherent As defined by the
Civil Code: The power to do acts
in every natural person and is lost only
The fitness to be the with legal effects.
through death. Capacity to act, which is the subject of legal
power to do acts with legal effects, is acquired relations
and may be lost. As per the condition
of subject: Dynamic subject
Juridical Capacity (JC) Static subject Dynamic – always
Static – showing active or changing
- Fitness to be the subject of legal little or no change, (Mirriam Webster)
relations action or progress
- Inherent in every NATURAL person (Mirriam Webster)
- Lost ONLY through DEATH Aptitude to be the The power to give life
subject of rights and to juridical acts, to
Capacity to Act (CA) obligations, the execute acts with legal
abstract possibility effects.
- The power to do acts with legal effects of receiving legal
- It is acquired and MAY be lost effects.
One, indivisible, Does not exist in all
Persons irreducible, and men nor doesn’t exist
essentially the same to the same extent.
- Any being suspectible of rights and always and for all
obligations or being the subject of men
legal relations. It is enough that the
Intelligence and
person exist volition is required
Kinds of Persons Inherent Merely acquired
Lost only through May b lost through
1. Natural Persons death other means and
- Also known as “physical persons” circumstances
- They are human beings Cannot be limited or Can be limited or
restricted restricted by certain
2. Judicial Persons
- Also known as “artificial persons”
- An entity authorized by law with
duties and rights recognized as legal Note: BOTH JC and CA constitutes FULL civil
authority and having distinct identity. capacity

Personality Art. 38. Minority, insanity or imbecility, the

state of being a deaf-mute, prodigality and civil
- Is the aptitude to be the subject, active interdiction are mere restrictions on capacity
or passive, of juridical relations to act, and do not exempt the incapacitated
person from certain obligations, as when the

Arranged by: Tisay

Persons and Family Relations under Atty. Liza Lopez- Rosario
(Taken from Rabuya, San Beda Notes , LR Notes)
latter arise from his acts or from property Restrictions on Capacity to Act
relations, such as easements. (32a) (M-I-I-D-P-I)

Art. 39. The following circumstances, among 1. Minority (Due to lack of development)
others, modify or limit capacity to act: age, 2. Insanity or Imbecility (Due to
insanity, imbecility, the state of being a deaf- disease)
mute, penalty, prodigality, family relations, 3. State of deaf-mute (Due to crime)

alienage, absence, insolvency and trusteeship. 4. Prodigality
The consequences of these circumstances are 5. Civil Interdiction (Due to public
governed in this Code, other codes, the Rules of policy)
Court, and in special laws. Capacity to act is
not limited on account of religious belief or 1. Minority
political opinion. - The state of a person who is under the
A married woman, twenty-one years of age or age of legal majority.
over, is qualified for all acts of civil life, except
in cases specified by law. (n) Minor
- is a person below 18 years of age
Note: since majority commences upon
Article 38 – enumerates the RESTRICITONS on attaining the age of 18.
one’s capacity to act - He may not enter into. a contract as a
Article 39 – enumerate the CIRCUMSTANCES general rule.
WHICH MODIFY one’s capacity to act.
2. Insanity or Imbecility
Incapacities to Act Special An IMBECILE is a person who while in
Disqualifications age has the mental capacity
Limitations or Restrictions on comparable to that of a child between
restrictions on capacity to act. 2 to 7 years of age.
capacity to act
An INSANE is a person whose mental
Based on subjective Based on reasons of
circumstances of morality facilities are diseased.
certain persons
which compel the Note: An insane person is not exempt
law to withhold or from liability if not proven
suspend for a
certain juridical 3. Deaf – mutism
Generally a deaf-mute may not give
Restricts the Restrict the enjoyment
excersice of the of the right itself. his consent to a contract nor be a
exercise of the witness; however, he may if he knows
rights how to read or write may validly
enter into a contract.

Incapacity – is the restriction of a person’s 4. Prodigality

capacity to act. A PRODIGAL is a person incapable of
managing their affairs and of the

Arranged by: Tisay

Persons and Family Relations under Atty. Liza Lopez- Rosario
(Taken from Rabuya, San Beda Notes , LR Notes)
obligations which is attached to him Note:
as a consequence of his bad conduct. Complete Delivery means the cutting of the
umbilical cord so that if after the cutting of
5. Civil Interdiction the umbilical cord the child is ALIVE, even
It is an accessory penalty imposed only for a few hours, is considered as a
upon an accused who is sentenced to PERSON.
a principal penalty not lower than This rule applies ONLY if the foetus had an
reclusion temporal. intra-uterine of at least seven months.
If the foetus had an intra-uterine life of less
Its effect includes: than seven months, it is not deemed born if it
(1) Deprivation of rights of parental dies within twenty-four hours after its
authority or guardianship complete delivery from the maternal womb.
(2) Deprivation of marital authority
(3) Deprivation of the right to manage GR: For civil purposes, the foetus is
his property considered born if it is alive at the time it is
(4) Deprivation of the right to dispose completely delivered from the mother’s
of his property by an act or any womb.
conveyance inter vivos. EXC: If the foetus had an intrauterine life of
less than 7 months, it is NOT deemed born if
CHAPTER II: Natural Persons it dies within 24 hours after its complete
Art. 40. Birth determines personality; but the delivery from the maternal womb.
conceived child shall be considered born for all
purposes that are favorable to it, provided it be Illustration:
born later with the conditions specified in the When Jamica was on her eighth month of
following article. (29a) pregnancy, she accidentally fell of the stairs
causing her to have a premature delivery of
Art. 41. For civil purposes, the fetus is her child whose name would be Jericho. The
considered born if it is alive at the time it is baby was born alive but thirty minutes
completely delivered from the mother's womb. later, died.
However, if the fetus had an intra-uterine life Question: Can the baby be considered a
of less than seven months, it is not deemed natural person?
born if it dies within twenty-four hours after its Answer: Yes. The baby can be considered a
complete delivery from the maternal natural person. Under the law, conceived
womb. (30a) child is deemed to have possessed provisional
personality if a testate or donation is made in
What Determines Personality his/her favour. It is also clear that the CC
GR: Birth determines personality provides that a child that is born, alive, ageing
EXM: A conceived child should be considered seven months or more has already acquired
born for all purposes favourable to it. conclusive personality. In fact, it is said that if
the baby was born alive although died later
When a Person Deemed “BORN” on, as long as it cried during its delivery – it
The foetus is considered born if it is alive at has possessed personality. It does not need to
the time it is completely delivered from the live 24 hour for him to acquire conclusive
mother’s womb. personality unlike intra-uterine babies or

Arranged by: Tisay

Persons and Family Relations under Atty. Liza Lopez- Rosario
(Taken from Rabuya, San Beda Notes , LR Notes)
babies born less than seven months which Note:
need to live for at least 24 hours in order to
acquire personality. When two persons perish in the same
calamity, such as wreck and it is not shown
Art. 42. Civil personality is extinguished by who died first, the survivorship is determined
death. from the probabilities resulting from the
strength and age of sexes.
The effect of death upon the rights and
obligations of the deceased is determined by RULE 131, ROC – gives the presumption as to
law, by contract and by will. (32a) who died ahead of whom.

GR: Civil personality of a natural person is CHAPTER III – Juridical Persons

extinguished by death. Art. 44. The following are juridical persons:
EXM: the personality of a person may be (1) The State and its political subdivisions;
extended even beyond his death and in this
case his estate is considered of his (2) Other corporations, institutions and
personality. entities for public interest or purpose, created
by law; their personality begins as soon as they
Note: In this jurisdiction, the estate of a have been constituted according to law;
deceased person is also considered a having
legal personality independent of their heirs. (3) Corporations, partnerships and
associations for private interest or purpose to
Art. 43. If there is a doubt, as between two or which the law grants a juridical personality,
more persons who are called to succeed each separate and distinct from that of each
other, as to which of them died first, whoever shareholder, partner or member. (35a)
alleges the death of one prior to the other, shall
prove the same; in the absence of proof, it is Art. 45. Juridical persons mentioned in Nos. 1
presumed that they died at the same time and and 2 of the preceding article are governed by
there shall be no transmission of rights from the laws creating or recognizing them.
one to the other. (33)
Private corporations are regulated by laws of
Article 43 applies ONLY when the question of general application on the subject.
survivorship involves persons “who are
called upon to succeed each other”. It is not Partnerships and associations for private
applicable when there is no question of interest or purpose are governed by the
succession. provisions of this Code concerning
partnerships. (36 and 37a)
Application of Rule on Survivorship under
the ROC Art. 46. Juridical persons may acquire and
possess property of all kinds, as well as incur
If the question of survivorship involves obligations and bring civil or criminal actions,
persons who are not called upon to succeed in conformity with the laws and regulations of
each other, it is the rule on survivorship their organization. (38a)
under the ROC that shall govern and not Art.
43. Art. 47. Upon the dissolution of corporations,
institutions and other entities for public

Arranged by: Tisay

Persons and Family Relations under Atty. Liza Lopez- Rosario
(Taken from Rabuya, San Beda Notes , LR Notes)
interest or purpose mentioned in No. 2 of separate and distinct from the personality
Article 44, their property and other assets shall of the owner of the enterprise.
be disposed of in pursuance of law or the
charter creating them. If nothing has been Title II - CITIZENSHIP AND DOMICILE
specified on this point, the property and other Art. 48. The following are citizens of the
assets shall be applied to similar purposes for Philippines:
the benefit of the region, province, city or
municipality which during the existence of the (1) Those who were citizens of the Philippines
institution derived the principal benefits from at the time of the adoption of the Constitution
the same. (39a) of the Philippines;

Juridical Persons (2) Those born in the Philippines of foreign

parents who, before the adoption of said
- Are artificial beings to which the law Constitution, had been elected to public office
grants a personality distinct and in the Philippines;
separate from each individual
member composing it suspectible of (3) Those whose fathers are citizens of the
rights and obligations, or of being the Philippines;
subject of legal relations.
(4) Those whose mothers are citizens of the
Note: The personality begins from the Philippines and, upon reaching the age of
moment the law recognizes them or majority, elect Philippine citizenship;
creates them unless the law provides
otherwise and such personality is (5) Those who are naturalized in accordance
extinguished only in accordance with law. with law. (n)

Corporations Art. 49. Naturalization and the loss and

reacquisition of citizenship of the Philippines
- is formed and organized under the are governed by special laws. (n)
Corporation Code
- commences to have corporate Art. 50. For the exercise of civil rights and the
existence and juridical personality fulfillment of civil obligations, the domicile of
and is deemed incorporated from the natural persons is the place of their habitual
date the SEC issues certificate of residence. (40a)
certificate of incorporation. Art. 51. When the law creating or recognizing
Partnership them, or any other provision does not fix the
domicile of juridical persons, the same shall be
- is defined by law as one where two or understood to be the place where their legal
more persons bind themselves to representation is established or where they
contribute money, property, or exercise their principal functions. (41a)
industry to a common fund, with the
intention of dividing the profits
among themselves. Domicile – there is an element of
permanence, place where one intends to
Note: A Sole Proprietorship is DOES return.
NOT possess a juridical personality
Arranged by: Tisay
Persons and Family Relations under Atty. Liza Lopez- Rosario
(Taken from Rabuya, San Beda Notes , LR Notes)
Residence – temporary in character

Used to indicate a Denotes a FIXED
whether permanent RESIDENCE, which
or temporary when absent, one has
the intention of
There can be several There can only be
places of residence ONE place of domicile

Elements of Domicile

a. Physical presence in a fixed place

b. Intention to remain permanently

Kinds of Domicile (O-C-C)

1. Domicile of origin – received by a

person at birth
2. Domicile of choice – the place freely
chosen by a person sui juris.
3. Constructive domicile – assigned to a
child by law at the time of birth.

Arranged by: Tisay

Persons and Family Relations under Atty. Liza Lopez- Rosario
(Taken from Rabuya, San Beda Notes , LR Notes)

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