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Quiz II
Name: ____________________________________ Date: _________________

1 Choose to complete the sentences with correct word or phrase.

Example: We went to Rome last week.
were went go
1 “Did they enjoy the party?” “Yes, they _____.” a) enjoyed b) did enjoy c) did
2 Yesterday _____ Saturday. Today is Sunday. a) Didn’t b) didn’t was c) was
3 I _____ a great movie last night. a) saw b) ’m seeing c) see
4 _____ the football game yesterday? a) You watched b) Did you watch c) Watched you
5 Sally _____ a book on the train. a) readed b) read c) red
6 Where _____ Jimmy this morning? a)was b) were c) did
7 I _____ my iPod last week. a) lose b)lost c) losed
8 What time _____ Mr. Carter leave? a)was b) is c) did

2 Write the past simple form of the verbs. 8

Example: do did
1 find __________ 6 fall __________
2 get __________ 7 drive __________
3 hear __________ 8 speak __________
4 wear __________ 9 write __________
5 take __________ 10 sit __________ 5

3 Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.

Example: Yesterday was Monday. Today is Tuesday.
didn’t didn’t was was
1 What time _____ Mrs. Cooper leave?
is was did
2 Vicky _____ her purse last week.
losed lost lose
3 “Did they enjoy the movie?” “Yes, they _____.”
enjoyed did enjoy did
4 I _____ a magazine on the bus.
readed read red
5 _____ the tennis match yesterday?
Did you watch You watched Watched you
6 We _____ a great movie on TV last week.
saw ’re seeing see
7 Where _____ Amy yesterday evening?
was were did
8 I _____ to Barcelona last week.
go went were 8

4 Put the events a–g in order from 1–7.

a Mike called me the day before yesterday.
b John and Anna got married two years ago.
1 c Anna was here a few minutes ago.
d Chris lost his car keys last night.
e I was born in 1988.
f We went skiing last winter.
g We got up late yesterday morning.

5 Complete the phrases with go, have, or get.

Example: go to church
1 __________ to a restaurant
2 __________ a letter
3 __________ a meal with friends
4 __________ back to work
5 __________ out on Friday night
6 __________ dressed
7 __________ a good time 8
8 __________ up late

6 Complete the text with the words given.

The Three Little Pigs

made tried ate built were lived fell blew was used came
Once upon a time there was three little pigs. One _________ a house with straw, one _________ a
house with wood and the other _________ bricks. One day a big bad wolf _________ and
_________ to destroy the houses. He ________ on each house. The houses of straw and wood
_________ down and he ______ the pigs. The house of bricks ________ very strong so the final pig
_______ a long and happy life.

6 Find the word with a different sound.
Example: thought taught bought could
1 woke wrote drove lost
2 killed wanted closed loved
3 gave saw take became
4 died read went said 5
5 got was lost sat

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