Invocation Lesson Plan

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Ellen Dailey Lesson Plan: Invocation to ​The Odyssey

English II Regular Time: 50 minutes

Note: ​This assignment has been amended from an all paper/pencil, individual work assignment
to a collaborative assignment that utilizes the use of technology in the classroom. I utilized the
Puentedura’s SAMR model of technology integration as discussed on pages 140-142 of

Connected Reading , Turner and Hicks (2015). I followed the four-step model to transition my
assignment from merely substitution of paper with a Chromebook to redefinition of utilizing
Google extensions to capture both annotation and audio explanation.

Link to TN ELA Standards

Reading Literature (Invocation, ​The ​ Odyssey)

9-10.L.VAU.4 ​Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on 9th-10th grade-level text by choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. a. Use
context as a clue to the meaning of a word or a phrase.

9-10.RL.KID.1 ​Analyze what a text says explicitly and draw inferences; cite the strongest, most
compelling textual evidence to support conclusions.

Speaking & Listening (Group Discussion)

9-10.SL.CC.1 ​Initiate and participate effectively with varied partners in a range of collaborative
discussions on appropriate 9th- 10th grade topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas
and expressing one’s own clearly and persuasively.

9-10.SL.PKI.4 ​Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and
logically, so that listeners can follow the line of reasoning; ensure the organization,
development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.

Daily Objective:
1. Students will participate in academic conversation as they make meaning and draw
inferences from the text.
2. Students will integrate technology into their learning process as they annotate and analyze
the Invocation to ​The Odyssey.

Teacher Materials:​ Promethean board, google slide presentation

Student Materials:​ Chromebook, Screencastify (Google extension), Invocation pdf, Invocation


Students will demonstrate understanding of Invocation through the group discussion questions
(google doc) and through their annotation and audio video submitted to Google classroom.
NOTE:​ prior to this lesson, students will have discussed the history of the Greek
gods/goddesses, completed research and prepared a God/Goddess biographical poem in groups
of 2, as well as studied various other historical aspects of Greek civilization.

Teacher will provide students a pdf copy of the Invocation via Google classroom so that students
can practice annotation and active engagement with the text.

Students will first read the Invocation to ​The Odyssey silently to themselves. Then, they will take
turns reading it at least twice aloud as a small group and discussing the experience of the

Students will then work independently to annotate the pdf as well as provide audio of important
lines, further questions they have, and places in which they are still struggling.

Students will complete analysis questions with their groups.

(This lesson will lead into a discussion of the questions answered tomorrow as well as
clarifications addressing trouble spots in student audio).

My students work in small groups of 3-4 students every day. These groups are constructed based
on academic performance, student choice, and behavioral considerations. I believe that letting
students work in groups exposes them to new ways of thinking and communicating while also
providing lower level students with the confidence that they can participate in academic
discussion. Students are also learning to not only be accountable for their own learning but also
for the learning of their peers. They excel at teaching what they know to their peers without
prompting from me.

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