GROUP 14 Handown

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N Word/ expression and Explanation in English Meaning in Sentence example

O synonyms (if any) Vietnamese

1 Resentment A feeling of anger or Sự tức giận, bực bội Your customers seem
unhappiness because you to be harbouring some
/rɪˈzentmənt/ (N)
have been forced to accept resentment against
Dissatisfaction, someone or something your product.
discontentment, discontent that you do not like
, envy, jealousy

2 Aggregation 1. a total calculated 1. sự gộp; 1. The single

by adding differen ghép gộp, sự profit figur
/ˌæɡrɪˈɡeɪʃn/ (N)
t amounts, prices, tổng hợp e is an
etc. 2. khố i kế t tâ ̣p aggregatio
2. a combination of n of
products or servic many, ear
es that ned from
are sold together
different m
2. With
our data aggreg
ation service, m
arket research c
ompanies and g
overnment orga
nizations can
rely on
a single source f
their operations
3 Interpret 1. to decide what 1. giải thích, làm 1. It's difficult to
the intended mean sáng tỏ interpret
/ɪnˈtɜːrprɪt/ (V)
ing of something 2. trình diễn ra these statistics
1. explain, elucidate, ex is được, diễn xuất ra without knowi
pound, explicate, clari 2. to perform a piece được; thể hiện ng how they
fy, illuminate, unders of music, a role in 3. phiên dịch, đưa ra were obtained
tand, comprehend, ma a play, etc. in a lời giải thích 2. The figure of
ke sense of way that shows the Ancient
2. perform, present, mou your feelings Mariner has
nt, enact, act about its meaning been variously
3. Translate 3. to translate one interpreted.
language into 3. She couldn't
another as you speak much
hear it English so her
children had to
interpret for

4 Tactical 1. carefully planned 1. Chiến lược,

in order to chiến thuật
/ˈtæktɪkl/ (Adj) 1. Telling your boss
achieve a 2. Khôn khéo, tài
you were looking for a
particular aim tình (dùng trong new job was a tactical
2. (especially of khoảng cách error
weapons) used or ngắn, ngắn hạn)
having an effect 2. He has plenty of
over short tactical ability and is a
distances or for a great organizer.
short time

5 Lateral thinking a way Tư duy đường vòng, tư After a

of solving a problem by th duy ngoại biên little lateral thinking,
/ˌlætərəl ˈθɪŋkɪŋ/ (N)
inking about it in a we solved the problem
different original way and by starting again.
using traditional or expect
ed methods

6 Visualize 1. to form a picture 1. hình dung, 1. I can't

of mường tượng visualize what
/ˈvɪʒuəlaɪz/ (V)
this room
Imagine somebody/someth 2. làm cho mắt looked like
ing in your mind trông thấy được before it was
2. to make decorated.
something visible 2. Ultrasound is
to the eye a technique
that uses
sound waves to

7 Concrete (Adj/N) 1. clear and certain, 1. cụ thể, hiện thực 1. They think she
or real and existin 2. bê tông killed her husb
g in a form that and, but they
can be seen or felt have no
2. a very concrete evide
hard building mat nce.
erial made 2. The bomb
by mixing togethe shelter has
r cement, concrete walls
sand, small stones that are three
, and water metres thick.

8 Abstract (Adj) existing as Trừu tượng Truth

an idea, feeling, and beauty are
or quality, not as abstract conce
a material object pts.

9 Analytical (Adj) using a logical method of Phân tích Some students

thinking about something have a more
in order to understand it, analytical app
especially by looking at roach to
all the parts separately learning.

10 Divergent (Adj) 1. developing or 1. Chia ra, khác 1. The two

moving in nhau, phân kỳ scientists have
different 2. Trái nhau, bất followed
1. varying, different, directions; divergent
dissimilar, dispar becoming less paths since the
ate similar 1960s.
2. Contrastive, 2. (of opinions, 2. There are
conflict, views, divergent
, incompatible etc.) different; no opinions on
longer similar this issue.

11 Sequential (Adj) following a particular orde Tuần tự, nối tiếp The publishers claim t
r of time or place hat
the book constitutes "th
e first
sequential exposition o
consecutive, straight, f events and thus of
continuous, linear the history of
the revolution".

12 Convergent (Adj) 1. moving together 1. Tập trung, hội tụ 1. The rays beco
from different 2. Giống nhau me more
directions and convergent as
meeting they leave the l
2. (of ideas, policies, ens.
forces, 2. The
etc.) becoming two countries
more similar or have
the same convergent vie
ws on regional
and internatio
nal issues

13 Impeccable perfect, with

no problems or bad parts
/ɪmˈpekəbl/ (Adj) Hoàn hảo Our staff take pride in
providing impeccable
faultless, unblemished, spo

14 Demographic 1. data relating to the 1. Nhân khẩu học 1. the demographics of

population and different radio listeners
/ˌdeməˈɡræfɪk/ (N) 2. Nhóm khách hàng
groups within it
2. a group of customers 2. The products are
who are of a similar age, designed to appeal to a
the same sex, etc. young demographic.

15 Pertinent appropriate to a particular Thích hợp, đúng chỗ, These examples are
situation thích đáng directly pertinent to
/ˈpɜːrtnənt/ (Adj)
the question asked.
relevant, appropriate, suit
able, applicable

16 Liaison 1. a relationship 1. Sự liên kết, sự 1. Our role is to

between two phối hợp ensure liaison
/ˈliːəzɑːn/ (N)
organizations or 2. Người kết nối between
different schools and
departments in an parents.
organization, 2. She served as
involving the a liaison
exchange of between the
information or different group
ideas s
2. someone
who helps groups
to work effe-
ctively with each

17 Market segmentation the dividing of all possible Phân khúc thị trường Market segmentation is
customers into groups the key to legal
based on their needs, age, services
/ˈmɑːr.kɪt/ education, income, etc


18 Skimming pricing (N- the practice of charging a Chiến lược giá hớt váng Generally, the market
phrase) high price for a new skimming pricing
product in order to make model is best used for
as much profit as possible a short period of time
before other similar – allowing the early
adopter market to
products become available become saturated, but
and prices fall not alienating price-
conscious buyers over
the long term.

19 Circulation (N) the typical number of Tổng số báo phát hành It has a daily
copies of a newspaper or circulation of 400,000,
magazine that are sold making it the second-
every day, week, or month largest newspaper in
the country.

20 Sales representative (N) Someone whose job is to Nhân viên kinh doanh Sometimes, sales
sell a company's representatives will
/ˈseɪlz rep·rɪˌzen·tə·t̬ ɪv/
productsor services, focus on inside sales,
especially by visiting or which typically
phoning customers involves "cold calling"
for new clients while in
an office setting, or
outside sales, which
involves visiting clients
in the field with new or
existing clients

21 Penetration pricing (N) the practice of offering a Chiến lược giá thâm On the internet, some
product or service at a low nhập companies have taken
/ˌpen.ɪˈtreɪ.ʃən//ˈpraɪ.sɪŋ/ price in order to sell more market-penetration
than competitors do, and pricing to an extreme
to persuade customers to by giving away their
keep using it services.

22 Breakthrough (N) an important discovery or Bước ngoặc, đột phá A product may start
event that helps to out really slow but one
/ˈbreɪkθruː/ improve a situation or day it may have a
provide an answer to a breakthrough and from
problem that point on you don't
have to look back
23 Revolutionary (Adj) relating to a complete Thay đổi mạnh mẽ Computers have
change in a system of brought revolutionary
government, or bringing changes to publishing
or causing great change

24 Affordable (Adj) not expensive Có thể chi trả được They are meeting
consumer demand for
/əˈfɔːdəbl/ fashionable products
at affordable prices

25 Positioning (N) the way that customers Định vị thương hiệu Positioning helps
think about, or the way marketers create an
/pəˈzɪʃənɪŋ/ that a company wants image of their brand.
customers to think about,
a product in relation to
similar products or to
competitors' products

26 Price leader (N) a company that is the first Công ty tạo lập giá thị A price leader will
to decide on a price for a trường emerge and set the
/praɪs//ˈliː.dər/ particular product or general industry price
service, which is then for a product.
copied by other
companies selling similar
products or services


The Centrality of Marketing

Most management and marketing writers now distinguish between selling and marketing. The ‘selling
concept’ assumes that resisting consumers have to be persuaded by vigorous hard-selling techniques to
buy non-essential goods or services. Products are sold rather than bought. The ‘marketing concept’, on the
contrary, assumes that the producer’s task is to find wants and fill them. In other words, you don’t sell
what you make, you make what will be bought. As well as satisfying existing needs, marketers can also
anticipate and create new ones. The markets for the Walkman, video recorders, video game consoles, CD
players, personal computers, the internet, mobile phones, mountain bikes, snowboard, and genetic
engineering, to choose some recent examples, were largely created rather than identified.
Marketers are consequently always looking for market opportunities- profitable possibilities of filling
unsatisfied needs or creating new ones in areas in which the company is likely to enjoy a differential
advantage due to its distinctive competencies (the things it does particularly well). Market opportunities
are generally isolated by market segmentation. Once a target market has been identified, a company has to
decide what goods or service to offer. This means that much of the work of marketing has been done
before the final product or service comes into existence. It also means that the marketing concept has to
be understood throughout the company as much as in the marketing department itself. The company must
also take account of the existence of competitors who always have to be identified, monitored and
defeated in the research for loyal customers.
Rather than risk launching a product or service solely on the basis of intuition or guesswork, most
companies undertake market research (GB) or marketing research (US). They collect and analyze
information about the size of potential market, about consumers’ reactions to particular products or
service features, and so on. Sale representatives, who also talk to customers, are another source of
Once the basic offer, e.g. a product concept, has been established, the company has to think about the
marketing mix, i.e. all the various elements of a marketing program, their integration, and the amount of
effort that a company can expend on them in order to influence the target market. The best-known
classification of these elements is the ‘Four ps’: product, place, promotion and price. Aspects to be
considered in marketing products include quality, features (standard and optional), style, brand name,
size, packaging, services and guarantee. Place in a marketing mix includes such factors as distribution
channels, locations of point of sale, transport, inventory size, etc. Promotion groups together advertising,
publicity, sales promotion, and personal selling, while price includes the basic list price, discounts, the
length of the payment period, possible credit terms, and so on. It is the job of product manager to look for
ways to increase sales by changing the marketing mix.
It must be remembered that quite apart from consumer markets (in which people buy products for direct
consumption) there exists an enormous producer or industrial or business market, consisting of all the
individuals and organizations that acquire goods and services that are used in the production of other
goods, or in the supply of services to others. Few consumers realize that the producer market is actually
larger than consumer market, since it contains all the raw materials, manufactured parts and components
that go into consumer goods, plus capital equipment such as buildings and machines, supplies such as
energy and pens and paper, and services ranging from cleaning to management consulting, all of which
have to be marketed. There is consequently more industrial than consumer marketing, even though
ordinary consumers are seldom exposed to it.
1. Find synonym of these phrase in the text
a. discriminate → ………………….
b. energetic → ………………….
c. plan, expect and arrange → ………………….
d. sensitivity → ………………….
e. conjecture → ………………….
f. sales outlet → ………………….
g. recognized → ………………….
h. special capabilities → ………………….
i. separated → ………………….
j. constituents →………………….
2. Translate into Vietnamese
1. The ‘selling concept’ assumes that resisting consumers have to be persuaded by vigorous hard-
selling techniques to buy non-essential goods or services. Products are sold rather than bought.
The ‘marketing concept’, on the contrary, assumes that the producer’s task is to find wants and
fill them. In other words, you don’t sell what you make, you make what will be bought.

2. It must be remembered that quite apart from consumer markets (in which people buy products for
direct consumption) there exists an enormous producer or industrial or business market,
consisting of all the individuals and organizations that acquire goods and services that are used in
the production of other goods, or in the supply of services to others

3. Few consumers realize that the producer market is actually larger than consumer market, since it
contains all the raw materials, manufactured parts and components that go into consumer goods,
plus capital equipment such as buildings and machines, supplies such as energy and pens and
paper, and services ranging from cleaning to management consulting

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