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CONFIDENTIAL @UTHM Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER II SESSION 2013/2014 COURSE NAME : TURBOMACHINERY COURSE CODE : BDE 40303 PROGRAMME : 4BDD EXAMINATION DATE : JUNE 2014 DURATION : 2% HOURS INSTRUCTION A) ANSWER ONLY FOUR (4) QUESTIONS FROM FIVE (5) QUESTIONS B) SYMBOLS HAVE COMMON DEFINITION UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE C) STATE RELEVANT ASSUMPTIONS WHERE NECESSARY THIS QUESTION PAPER CONSISTS OF NINE (9) PAGES. CONFIDENTIAL Qi (a) () ©) BDE 40303 Differentiate the function of stator and rotor in axial turbine stage. (4 marks) Consider a turbine stage of a multistage axial turbine, The inlet gas angle to the stator is a) = -36.8°, and the outlet angle from the stator is 0.3°. The flow angle of the relative velocity at the inlet to the rotor is, B> = 36.8° and the flow leaves at (§; = -60.3°. Assuming that the rotor blade rotates at tangential velocity of orm = 220 m/s and operating at constant axial velocity, determine: @ the axial velocity, Vx; (ii) the relative tangential velocity component entering the rotor, Wa; (ii) the absolute velocity entering the rotor, V2; and. (iv) the absolute relative velocity leaving the rotor, W5. (12 marks) Assuming the multistage axial turbine in QI(b) is supplied with mass flow rate of 95kg/s. Determine the required number of turbine stages to produces total power output of 145MW. (4 marks) Qa (a) (b) (o) BDE 40303 Briefly describe on reaction ratio design parameter of axial compressor. (2 marks) Consider a compressor stage of a multistage axial compressor operating at the inlet flow angle into the stage a, = 15.8°. The stage is designed to have a reaction ratio and flow coefficient of R = 0.50 and $ = 0.65, respectively. Determine: (i) the blade loading factor, y; (ii) the flow angle at the rotor outlet, az; )) the flow angle of the relative velocity at the rotor inlet, Br; (i (iv) the flow angle of the relative velocity at the rotor outlet, Bo; (v) the total tum of the absolute relative velocity, AB; and (vi) the total tum of the absolute velocity, Aa. (12 marks) Assuming the compressor stage in Q2(b) is supplied with air at mass flow rate of Sokg/s. The stage is operating at constant axial velocity Vx = 170m/s with stage efficiency 7 = 82%, determine the required power for the compressor stage. (6 marks) Q3 (@) (b) BDE 40303 With the help of illustration, describe three common available blade configurations for centrifugal pump. (6 marks) A pump handles water at the rate of 10L/s with a head of 100m across the pump. The power is provided by an electrical motor with shaft speed N = 3450rpm with overall efficiency n = 66%. Water is at 20°C with density p = 998m */kg. Determine: (i) the specific speed of the pump, N.; (ii) the flow coefficient, 6; (iii) the blade loading factor, ys (iv) the hydraulic efficiency, ny; (v) the specific work across the blade, w; and (vi) the pump required power supply P,. (14 marks) Qs @ (b) BDE 40303 Describe the function of wicket gates in Francis turbine, (3 marks) A Francis radial-flow hydraulic turbine is being design with the following dimension: = 2.00m, n, = 1.42m, by = 0.85m, and by = 2.10m. The runner rotates at N = 180rpm. The wicket gates tun the flow by angle a2 = 30° from radial at the runner inlet and the flow angle at the runner outlet is as = 10°. The volume flow rate at design condition is 340m’/s. Take the density of the water p = 998kg/m’ and neglecting the irreversible losses, determine: (i) the normal velocity component entering the runner, V2; (ii) the normal velocity component leaving the runner, V1.9; (ii) flow angle, a that entering the runner; (iv) the outlet flow angle, a; that leaving the runner; (v) the power output of the turbine, P,; and (vi) the required net head of the turbine, Hy:0. (17 marks) es (a) (b) BDE 40303 Describe the difference between axial turbine and radial inflow turbine. (5 marks) Combustion gases, with y = 1.3, R = 287 JkgK, and cy = 1148 Jkge-K flowing through a radial inflow turbine. It is designed to deliver P, = 152kW of power. The exit pressure is atmospheric pressure at 101.325kPa and the flow inlet angle is a2 = 72.1°. The rotor speed is 42000 rpm and the blade speed is U2 = 440 mvs. Use the design point from the Balje diagram where D, = 2.6 and N, = 0.71, determine: (the spouting velocity, Vos (ii) the specific work, w; (iii) the mass flow rate, m; (iv) the outer radius, 1 (v) the velocity at the inlet, V2; (vi) the inlet Mach number, Mo. (15 marks) - END OF QUESTION - BDE 40303 List of Formulae Axial Turbine ‘Tye = Py = theory, Vy(tan tg — tan ay) = theory, Vj (tan By — tan Bs) Va Vy ® 1 ~ 56 (tan a, ~ tan as) 1 5 (tan B; — tan) tang, = S402 tanB, = y/2 > For 50% normal reaction ratio = 201 -R- psinas) = 1 2p sina, tana, = —tanB, tana, =—tanB; Axial Compressor w = U(Vae — Vat) ue a W = h(tanag — tana) = (tan B, — tanB,) = 2(1 — R-tana,) A R= 1—F¢(tana, — tana) For constant V,, R-y/2 BDE 40303 For 50% normal reaction ratio tan ay = —tan Bo; = —Bo tan ay = —tanB; ;a2 = -B, de Haller criteria os _ W, y, cos o72<4 Wa _ cos Bi _ Vz, cosa, Wy, cosB, R Centrifugal Compressor w = U2Vor— UsVar U2 Vor ° = (tan x2 — tan By) Uz recommended by Stodola recommended by Stanitz recommended by Wiesner TCos x2 0.63t (1= 2 + W?/sina,?) me = 1— Sr 2p Centrifugal Compressor 1 D¢gh) / po ee VQ ng =a gy = 0.1715,/N, BDE 40303 Compressible Flow for ideal gas,

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