Internal Rules and Regulations University Halls of Residence 2017-2018

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(this document is an integral part of the tenancy agreement)

Academic year 2017-2018


1.1 The living units are let to students with an international mobility programme and to academic and
scientific staff/visitors, registered at Ghent University.

1.2 Every year a new rental price is fixed for each type of living unit. The costs for consumption of water,
electricity and heating, provision of bed linen, cleaning of the common spaces, repair service, use of
telephone, internet and television connection (when provided) are included in the monthly rent. The use
of cookware such as pots and pans, cutlery/crockery, – solely available in studios –, is also included.

1.3 For students only

In case of cancellation and/or no-show a fee of € 100,00 will be charged. This fee is due if you cancel
your reservation after you have received ‘confirmation of accommodation’ from the Housing Office. All
cancellations must be done in writing.

For staff/visitors only

In case of cancellation and/or no-show, the rent for the reserved period will be charged to the department
or faculty. This fee is due if you (or your department/faculty) cancel your reservation after you have
received ‘confirmation of accommodation’ from the Housing Office. All cancellations must be done in

1.4 In case you wish to change the period for which you made a reservation, please inform the Housing Office
at least one month before the start of the reserved period. Requests for changing the period for which
you made a reservation will no longer be accepted after this time and the rent will be due for the original
reserved period.

1.5 Re-applications for a living unit must be submitted online (


2.1 When moving into the living unit, the tenant is given an inventory form, on which comments can be
formulated. It must be returned to the reception desk of home Vermeylen within the course of 1 week. If
no description of the living unit is submitted within the specified period, the tenant is deemed to have
received the unit in a good condition.

2.2 Checkout must be completed before 10 a.m. on the final date mentioned in the tenancy agreement. No
personal belongings can be left in the Residence.

2.3 When vacating the living unit, the tenant has to hand over the key and access badge to the reception desk
of the Housing Office against a receipt which will be delivered under the reservation of all rights. If the
key and the access badge are not submitted in time (before 10 a.m.), the right to reimbursement of the
guarantee becomes invalid.

3.1 The tenant is obliged to keep the allocated living unit for the duration of the tenancy agreement.

3.2 The tenant is not allowed to put the living unit at the disposal of third parties or to sublet it.

3.3 All living units (with the exception of home Heymans) are single rooms. It is strictly forbidden to occupy
the unit with more than one person. The flats in home Heymans can only be rented by couples (or a single
parent with max. 1 child) of which the main applicant must be enrolled at Ghent University.

3.4 It is strictly forbidden to duplicate the key of the room. Upon loss or in case of a defect, only the tenant can
obtain a duplicate key or access badge from the reception desk of the Housing Office against the payment
of the cost involved.

3.5 The tenant must maintain the living unit, including its furnishings, in a good and hygienic condition.

3.6 Inspection of the living unit by the Housing Office with respect to hygiene, safety and occupancy, has to be
permitted at all times on condition of previous notification, except in circumstances beyond one’s control.
In case the living unit is not maintained accordingly, cleaning/repair costs will be charged to the tenant or
sanctions can be imposed.

3.7 The fitted furniture may not be detached or removed. Decoration of the living unit is permitted as far as
no damage is caused to the permanent fixtures (walls, doors, etc …).

3.8 Repainting of the living unit is not permitted. Repainting must be requested via the home manager.

3.9 Animals are not permitted in the Halls of Residence except for guiding dogs assisting tenants with a
functional restriction.


4.1 The installation and/or use of cooking and heating appliances is strictly forbidden in the rooms and
corridors (with the exception of water boilers, coffee makers and microwave ovens). The use of frying
equipment is forbidden in all areas.

4.2 All electrical appliances which are owned by the residents must carry the quality label CE and meet the
applicable safety standards. Interventions that are the result of defective or non- conforming appliances will
be charged to the users. One small refrigerator (table-top model) with minimum an A+ -label (low energy) is
allowed in the room. If a refrigerator is provided in the living unit, it cannot be removed nor replaced.
4.3 The use of extension cords with paired plugs or table sockets is permitted if they bear the CE quality label
and meet the applicable safety standards. They must also be equipped with a pin earthing device. The use
of adapter sockets with surcharge protection is not allowed.

4.4 The use of sound (reproducing) equipment is allowed provided that it does not lead to complaints about
the noise.


5.1 Ghent University will insure the tenant against the danger of fire, explosion and water damage. Personal
belongings are not covered by the insurance policy.

5.2 When leaving the living unit, the tenant has to close the living unit door and residence access door. Upon
entering the residence the access door must be closed. The university cannot be held responsible in the
event of theft. The tenant is advised to store money and valuable materials safely.


6.1 The tenant is obliged to participate in a meeting concerning the life in and around the Halls of Residence.
The Housing Office will notify the tenant of the specific date and time of the information session.

6.2 The tenant is obliged to participate in evacuation exercises. The management will determine the moment
when these exercises take place and will decide whether these will be announced or not. At the beginning
of the academic year an information session is organised with respect to the prevention of fire. The
resident must be present at that session.


7.1 In case of emergency, please contact the home manager. After office hours, dial ‘88’ to reach the Emergency
and Prevention Office (PerC or PPD) in Home Vermeylen. Interventions that are not related to safety or
urgent technical defects but solely caused by the negligence of the tenant will be charged a minimum
of half the hourly rate for interventions. Interventions resulting from disturbance of peace will also be
charged accordingly.

7.2 For security reasons, open flames, including lit candles or incense burners, are strictly forbidden.
Decorations which may hinder the normal operation of the fire detectors are forbidden. The fire detectors
must be kept free at all times.

7.3 Malfunctions and defects must be reported as soon as possible to the home manager via Changes to or repairs of (electrical) installations may only be carried out
by authorized personnel and by order of the university.

8.1 From 11 p.m. onwards, complete silence has to be observed in the whole building. During official examination
periods, silence has to be observed during the daytime as well. Gatherings cannot be held without the
permission from the Housing Office. Requests have to be submitted through the online application form.

8.2 Smoking is forbidden in the communal areas.

8.3 Instructions to staff members can never be given by residents. Complaints, problems or suggestions can
always be submitted by the person concerned to the Home council or the home manager.

8.4 Visits are allowed. The tenant is obliged to meet his/her visitor(s) at the front door and bears the full
responsibility for his/her visitor(s) with the exception of the civil consequences of a criminal offence
committed by the visitor(s). Visitors are subject to the provisions of the internal rules and regulations for the
time of their visit. They can neither spend the night nor make use of the utilities such as showers or kitchens.

8.5 At the simple request of a staff member of the Housing Office or the Emergency & Prevention Office, all
residents must show their student/personnel card.


In some residences, a Home council is elected at the beginning of each academic year among the student-
tenants who wish to join. The Home council can organise all kinds of social activities in the Halls of
Residence and can intermediate between the student-tenant and the Housing Office. Each Home council
determines its own internal structure and may approve an additional set of internal regulations. The
names of the elected members of this council can be provided by the home manager of your Residence.


10.1 If the stipulations of the internal regulations and/or the rental agreement are breached, in case of theft,
disturbance of the peace or abuse of the fire and safety installations within a university home or, in
general, if a resident displays behaviour that is not compatible with (shared) living at a university home,
the head of the Housing Office may attempt to reach an amicable settlement which is acceptable for all
the parties involved. This requires the approval of the director of the Department of Student Facilities
(possibly by email).

10.2 §1. If the head of the Housing Office deems that an amicable settlement is neither opportune or possible,
the head of the Housing Office will report it to the director of the Department of Student Facilities. If
need be, the director of the Department of Student Facilities will transfer the case to the president of
the Homes Commission.

§2. The Homes Commission (i.e. the Appeals Commission in case of appeal) may take all appropriate
measures it deems necessary with regard to the resident involved (such as – although not limited
to – the (temporary or permanent) restriction of the access to the home involved (or all homes),
possibly accompanied by the possibility to move into a room in another home, in case it is decided
to take a room in another home, only the rent remains to be paid; the termination of the current
tenancy agreement). The measure is to be communicated in a written, motivated decision and after
the hearing of the involved resident as explained in §3 below.

§3. The president of the Homes Commission needs to summon the resident for a hearing, together with the
service of the charged offences laid against the resident, referring to art. 10.2§2 of this rule. The resident
shall be summoned by way of a registered letter (which needs to be received on the second working day
after the date of posting) in exchange for a delivery receipt. The resident should have received the notice
at least five working days prior to the hearing. The resident may be assisted by a counsellor (lawyer or
other) of his/her choosing and can file a written appeal by the date of the hearing.
The Homes Commission needs to reach a decision after hearing the resident. The decision to take a
measure is to be taken by the president of the Homes Commission, who can only take this decision if the
majority of the members of the Homes Commission – including the president – supports that measure.
The president cannot take a harder measure than the one accepted by the majority of the members
of the Homes Commission. The Homes Commission can be advised by whoever it communicated to.
The decision is signed by the president of the Homes Commission and communicated to the resident
within five working days after the date of the decision, by way of a registered letter (to be received on
the second working day after the posting date) in exchange for a delivery receipt. The notice will also
mention the possibility of appeal as described by art. 10.2 §5.

§4. The Homes Commission consists of student representative members, i.e. the instution delegate, who
is also the president, a student representative and an institution’s delegate (who does not belong to
the student services direction) appointed by the Social Council at the start of each academic year. In
case one of the members is impeded or absent, a substitute should take the place of the member
in the Homes Commission. The director of Administrative Affairs will act as the deputy chairman.
The Social Council will always appoint a substitute when choosing a student representative and the
institution delegate. The terms of office in the Homes Commission are renewable. The members of
the Homes Commission remain responsible until the Social Council has appointed new members (and
substitutes) (save for the Chief Logistics Administrator).

§5. The resident may lay appeal against the decision to take a measure as described by art. 10.2 §3, within
five working days after the decision has been received (under penalty of inadmissibility), with the
Homes Appeals Commission by way of a registered letter addressed to the president of the Homes
Appeals Commission, accompanied by the decision and the possible written appeal.

After hearing the resident, the Homes Appeals Commission takes a final decision regarding the
execution, modification or termination of the applied measure. The procedure, including the serving
of the judgment, follows the same rules as those which apply for the Homes Commission as described
by art. 10.2 §3.

10.3. If the head of the Department of Student Facilities believes that the nature of the events warrant a
disciplinary measure, he/she may file a complaint with the Rector in accordance with the Disciplinary
Regulations for Students. Without prejudice to the possibility to take additional disciplinary measures, the
Rector may dismiss the complaint after an investigation or refer it to the Student Disciplinary Committee.
For further information on the procedure, consult the above-mentioned Disciplinary Regulations for

11.1 Taking personal measures towards fellow residents is forbidden. An aggrieved party may file a complaint
with the Home Council. If the solution is not satisfactory, a complaint may be filed with the Housing Office,
which may act in accordance with the stipulations of art. 10.

11.2 In case of disputes between the tenant and the landlord, both parties may turn to the mediation facilities
of the Social Service.

11.3 If the Internal Rules and Regulations or the rental agreement have been breached by the management,
aggrieved residents may file a complaint in accordance with art. 11.1.

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