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Did Fatima kiss the dust of the grave of the Prophet ?

A Hadeeth quoted by
As Samhoodi form Ibn ‘Asaakir

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al –Allaamah as Samhoodee mentioned in Wafaa’ul Wafaa’ that Ibn ‘Asaakir narrated in his
book Tuhfa from the path of Taahir ibn Yahya Al Husaini with his chain( isnaad) to Ali  that
he said:

"When the Prophet  was buried, Fatima (may Allah be pleased with her) came and stood
by his grave, then picked a handful of sand from her father's grave , put it on her eyes and
recited a couplet which is translated as:

And what would be [the loss of a person] who smells the sand of Ahmad’s  ( a name of
the Holy Prophet) grave and then does not smell any other fragrance throughout his life.
She further said that she had been through so much trouble and hardships that the days
would have converted to nights had such hardships been burdened on anyone else."

Then she kissed the dust and placed it (back).

As Samhoodee ascribed this narration about Fatima to what he called the Tuhfa of Ibn ‘Asaakir
from the path of Taahir ibn Yahya al Husainee who said:

My father informed me from my grandfather from Ja’afar ibn Muhammad from his father
from Ali  who said:

“When the Messenger of Allah  was buried, Fatima az Zahraa (may Allah be pleased
with her) came and stood by the grave (of the Prophet ) and took a handful of soil from
the grave and put it in her eyes and cried and (when she was) settled, she said:

And what is upon whosoever smelt the dust of Ahmad…

(see the summary of al Wafaa’ 1/153 and 203)

Firstly, this is a broken chain (in the chain of narrators), it is broken between Muhammad ibn
Ali ibn Husain and his great grandfather Ali ibn Abi Taalib  , because the father of Ja’far ibn
Muhammad is Muhammad ibn Ali ibn al Husain ibn Ali ibn abi Talib. So Muhammad ibn Ali is
narrating from his great grandfather Ali ibn Abi Talib .

The two haafidhs: Al Mizzi in Tahdheeb al Kamaal (26/137) and At Tirmidhee in his Sunan

“Abu Jaa’far Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Al Husain did not narrate from Ali ibn Abi Talib”.

This is because Ali died in 40 A.H while Muhammad was born in 57 A.H.

And this is why al Haafidh adh Dhahabi said about this narration: “ This was attributed to
Fatimah but it is not authenticated (i.e. this story) from her. (Seyar a’laam an Nubalaa’ 2/134).
And the Hanafi Shaikh al Mullaa Ali’ Qari said: from what was attributed to Fatima. (i.e it is not
authentic that it happened) (Murqaat al Mafaateeh 17/243).
So This is a clear indication that this narration (story) that contains the two lines of poetry is not

Secondly, we find what was established with an authentic chain, to the sons of Fatima that
contradicts that. It was narrated from Ali ibn al Husain ibn Ali  that he saw a man who came to
a gap at the grave of the Prophet , he entered it and supplicated, so he (Ali ibn al Husain)
prohibited him and said:

“ Shall I not narrate to you a hadeeth that I heard from my father (who in turn heard
it) from my grandfather (meaning Ali ) from the Messenger of Allah  who said:

“Don’t make my grave like a place for Eid (a place where one goes frequently) and
don’t make your homes as graves and give your salutations to me for indeed your
salutations are conveyed to me wherever you are”.
(Tareekh al Kabeer 289-3/2) (Musannaf of Abdur Razzaq (6694), (Musannaf of Ibn Abi
Shaibah 2/375).

As Sakhaawi said: This is a Hasan hadeeth [in his book] (Al Qawl al Badee’ fil salaati ‘alal
Habeeb ash shafee’ pg. 228).

We also find in Muslim what contradicts that from the hadeeth of Ali ibn Abi Talib that he said to
Abu Al Hayaaj al Asadee:

“Should I not send you on the same mission as Allah’s Messenger  sent me? He
commanded me not to leave an elevated grave without leveling it nor to (leave) an image
without effacing It.” Sahih Muslim (969).

It is strange that we find those who allow seeking help in times of distress from the occupants of
the grave defending its elevation and building (a structure) over it. It is from the will of Allah
that he made Ali’s task  to destroy the elevated (enshrined) graves so that it will be a proof
against those who build graves with their names and make them gods (as partners) to Allah.

The Scholars have forbidden wiping or kissing the walls of the graves and mentioned that it is
from the practice of the Jews and the Christians based on so many sayings of the Prophet . We
well mentions from them the narration of Muslim on the authority of Aisha that the Prophet 
said when he was dying:

“May Allah curse the Jews and the Christians who took the graves of their prophets
as places of worship. She said: Otherwise they would have elevated his grave and
the prophet feared that his grave might be taken as a place of worship.

(Sahih Bukhari 1330)

Al Haafidh1 said: “It is as though the (Prophet)  knew that he will depart with that illness, so
he feared that they will enshrine his grave like those before them did. The cursing upon the Jews
and the Christians points to the censorship of whoever does what they did.” (Fathul Bari 1/532)

Al Haafidh also said: “The story of the righteous people was the beginning of the people of
Prophet Nooh in their worship if idols, and then those who came after them followed them in that

And he (ibn Hajar) mentioned that they were seeking the blessing of the supplication to Suwaa’
(one of the righteous man) and others amongst the righteous. When one of them died they made
for him a statue according to his image and they used to wipe over it. After that Satan made them
worship it gradually. (Fathul Bari 8/688).

Al Haafidh Ibn Hajar al Asqalaani, the famous Shaafi’i scholar.
One of the names of righteous people who was worshipped and elevated to godhood as mentioned in Qur’an

Y\ V‫ه‬Ah jLVh YU V‫آ‬A[^ Y\l
Y^ G\‫ أ‬GSo_p ” :‫ل‬Am GSZ[DE‫ ا‬nZDL
Y^ RZ\‫ أ‬Y^ _JDU Y\ V`ab Y^ ‫_ي‬b
RS^ q‫ ا‬Gr‫ ر‬G]^

Yahya ibn al Husaini – from his

father – from his grandfather –
from Ja’afar ibn Muhammad – from
Ali ibn Abi Talib r.a. his father – from his great
grandfather -Ali ibn Abi Talib

Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Al Husain

Jaa’far ibn Muhammad KLMNO) GC ‫ي‬IJE‫ ا‬:‫ن‬ABCADE‫ا‬

: RSST GC ‫ي‬MUVWE‫ وا‬.(137/26‫ل‬AJQE‫ا‬
YZ[DE‫ ا‬Y\ G]^ Y\ _JDU V`ab c\‫”أ‬
Father of Yahya Al Husaini
KEAh G\‫ أ‬Y\ G]^ ‫_رك‬L gE

Yahya al Husaini

Tahir ibn Yahya al Husaini

Ibn ‘Asaakir
Appendix 1. Original Arabic research by Abdul Aziz Shakir

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q‫ل ا‬cT‫ ر‬zU‫ ر‬AJE ” :‫ل‬Am RS^ q‫ ا‬Gr‫ ر‬G]^ Y^ RZ\‫ أ‬Y^ _JDU Y\ V`ab Y^ ‫_ي‬b Y^ G\‫ أ‬GSo_p ” :‫ل‬Am
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.(203‫ و‬153/1ACcE‫ ا‬uƒˆ€ VBy‫ )أ‬.“..._Jp‫ أ‬u\VO g† YU n]^ ‫ذا‬AU :‫ل‬c|O ‫…„ت‬y‫ وأ‬Q\‫ و‬ANZSZ^ n]^

(Narrations that contradict that).R~mASL AJU uJhAC ‫ء‬AS\‫ أ‬nE‫‰ إ‬ZDŠE‫_ ا‬S[EA\ {o AU ‫_ت‬b‫\‹ و‬
gَ ]ŽT
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َ q‫ل ا‬cT‫ ر‬Y^ RS^ q‫ا‬
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َ ‫ أ َد‬l ‫ أن‬GyVU‫ ؟ أ‬gَ ]ŽT
َ ‫ َو‬Rِ Eِَ‫ِ و‬RZْ ]َ^
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ُ ‫ ا‬n]Žƒ
َ q‫ل ا‬cT‫ ر‬RZ]^ GS—a\ AU n]^ ¥—a\‫ أ‬l‫» أ‬
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.ANZ]^ ‫ء‬AS{E‫ وا‬ANaC‫ ر‬Y^ ŸC‫_ا‬L ‫ر‬c{|E‫ب ا‬ADƒ„\ uoAšWTl‫ ا‬IZ˜L YU ‫_ت‬b‫_ و‬m‫و‬

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.q‫Ÿ ا‬U uNE gN]a˜L‫ و‬gNJTA\

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َ G{SE‫ أن ا‬u…®A^ Y^ g][U v‫ روا‬AU ANSU V‫آ‬My GWE‫ة ا‬VZ—QE‫ا‬
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AJ‫ آ‬vV{m gBaL ‫ف أن‬A™C ،‫ض‬VJE‫ ا‬¥E‫ ذ‬YU ‹DOVU Ry‫ أ‬g]^ gَ ]ŽT
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َ q
ُ ‫ ا‬nŽ]ƒ
َ Ry„‫ » وآ‬:°CADE‫ل ا‬Am
.(532/1‫ري‬A{E‫‰ ا‬WC) « gN]aC ‹a`L YU ‫ ذم‬nE‫رة إ‬A†‫رى إ‬AŠSE‫د وا‬cNZE‫ ا‬Ya]C ،n~U YU ‹aC

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.(688/8‫ري‬A{E‫‰ ا‬WC] gNE ‫ن‬A´Z…E‫ ا‬µL‫_ر‬W\ A‫{_وه‬aZC

‫ أ^ˆم‬VZT) «ANS^ ‰ŠL gE‫ و‬uJhAC nE‫ إ‬K[SL AJU ‫ا‬M‫ » ه‬uL‫وا‬VE‫ ا‬Y^ G{‫ه‬ME‫ ا‬°CADE‫ل ا‬Am ‫ا‬MNE‫و‬
.(243/17‰ZOA`JE‫ة ا‬AmVU) «uJhAC nE‫ إ‬K[SL AJU‫ري » و‬Am G]^ ˆJE‫ف ا‬ASp¨‫¡ ا‬Z† ‫ل‬Am‫ و‬.(134/2‫{ˆء‬SE‫ا‬
.(434/2V…{E‫ ا‬VZ€ ‫ة‬VZT GC Vo¨‫ن ا‬cZ^) ‫س‬ASE‫_ ا‬ZT Y\‫ل ا‬Am ‫ا‬M‫آ‬
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q‫ ا‬Gr‫ ر‬KEAh G\‫ أ‬Y\ G]^ V{‫ ا¨آ‬v_b YZ\‫ و‬YZ[DE‫ ا‬Y\ G]^ Y\ _JDU YZ\ A^A´|y‫ك ا‬AS‫›ن ه‬C ‫ع‬A´|yl‫ ا‬AU‫وأ‬
_JDU uL‫ن روا‬cQO ‫ا‬MN\‫ و‬،KEAh G\‫ أ‬Y\ G]^ Y\ YZ[DE‫ ا‬Y\ G]^ Y\ _JDU c‫_ ه‬JDU Y\ V`ab _E‫›ن وا‬C .RS^
.(137/26‫ل‬AJQE‫ ا‬KLMNO) GC ‫ي‬IJE‫ ا‬:‫ن‬ABCADE‫ل ا‬Am AJ‫ آ‬u]TVU KEAh G\‫ أ‬Y\ G]^ V{‫ ا¨آ‬v_b Y^ G]^ Y\
l_b ASJ]T cE ‫ا‬M‫ ه‬.“KEAh G\‫ أ‬Y\ G]^ ‫_رك‬L gE YZ[DE‫ ا‬Y\ G]^ Y\ _JDU V`ab c\‫ ”أ‬: RSST GC ‫ي‬MUVWE‫وا‬
.‫د‬AST·‫ا ا‬M‫د ه‬cbc\


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