Chapter 6: Measurement of Engineering Geology

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– Provide a set of (simple) metrology methods that allow engineers to have a basic understanding of the
rock mass quality at each site.
– In accordance with this (simple) measurement method, provide engineering design of various rock mass
conditions. Such as slope engineering or tunnel
Road project.

RQD rock quality indicators (85 land, 87 Geology, 88 Land, 90 Land)

The 5.4cm diameter drilled core specimen was used to evaluate the pros and cons of the rock. In each
core drilled, the ratio of the total core length Lp of the complete core length exceeding 10 cm to the
drilling length Ls.

6.2 Description and assessment of relevant factors of engineering geology.

6.2.1 Related Factors

The relevant factors of engineering geology, including geological materials, geological structure,
environmental factors, and engineering factors, are as follows. For the three rock mass classification
methods mentioned above, Bieniawski, Barton, and Wickham, the breakdown of the four major factors is
roughly as follows: Geological Material Factors

(1) Geological characteristics of rock materials
(2) The color of geological materials
(3) Particle size of rock material composition
(4) Strength of geological materials (single pressure strength and tensile strength)
(5) Weathering of Rock Materials Geological Structural Factors
(1) Weak face (equivalent to joints and cracks in general rock mechanics)
(2) Weak face spacing
(3) Weak Surface Continuity (or Continuity)
(4) Weak surface roughness
(5) Weak face quality: refers to weathering, decay
(6) Weak face width
(7) Weak face (crack) The status of weak sandwich.
(8) Number of weak groups
(9) RQD
(10) Overview of Geological Structure Environmental factors

(1) Earth stress
(2) groundwater or weak surface seepage
(3) Depth below ground surface Engineering factors

(1) Project scale
(2) Tunnel axial and excavation direction

The relevant factors of engineering geology are not necessarily limited to the above-mentioned items.
The above-listed items are mainly for the consideration of the three rock mass classification methods.

6.3 : One of Engineering Geometry Measurement Methods: Rock Mass

Ada tiga : RMR Method (Bieniawski), Q Method (Barton), RSR Method

The Rock Mass Rating (RMR) System is a geomechanical classification system for rocks, developed by Z. T.
Bieniawski between 1972 and 1973. It combines the most significant geologic parameters of influence
and represents them with one overall comprehensive index of rock mass quality, which is used for the
design and construction of excavations in rock, such as tunnels, mines, slopes and foundations.

Since RMR can be used in various aspects such as foundations, rock slopes and tunnels, and is not yet very
complicated, it is the most popular. In particular, the mechanical properties of the rock mass can be
obtained via RMR, and therefore it is superior to other designers who are suitable for tunnel closure and
support work.
CHAPTER 7 Application of Engineering Geology in Natural
Breakage Stability
7.1 Introduction
The problem of natural slope stability, although it is only a large category of various slope stability issues
(there are two categories of artificial filling), it occurs most frequently and causes the greatest number of
disasters, and therefore receives special attention.

When a natural slope is unstable and there is a downslope motion, civil engineers call it the Fang, and
other scholars call it slope failure or landslides.

The scale of this area is very different. The smaller ones are generally falling rocks and can be cleaned up
by several trucks; the largest ones are over 100 million cubic meters, such as the Kuching mountain. The
rate of downhill movement, from a few centimeters per year to 100 meters per second, has a great impact
on human life and property. From the scale of the Fang side and the rate of downhill movement, it has
been possible to find out the complexity of the Kuang Fang problem; then from the perspective of Yu
Fang’s type, the cause of Yu Fang’s side, it will be seen that the Kuang Fang’s changes are numerous.

The scholars in mechanics used the theory of soil mechanics and rock mechanics to analyze the stability
of the slope, and used the safety factor or the probability of the square as an indicator of the stability of
the slope. The author himself, after actually conducting several natural slope stability analyses, he really
realized the main functions of soil mechanics and rock mechanics analysis, and considered the changes in
objective factors and subjective factors, such as cracks in rock slopes or in an avalanche. The change of
the water level, the unblocked or blocked drain system, the precision of the shear strength parameters,
etc., cause the change of the safety factor?

For the mechanical calculation of the natural slope stability, the order of accuracy is roughly as follows:
(1) Initial landslides have already occurred, the slope has slowly moved downwards or is time-shifted: the
safety system is close to 1.0. As long as the geometric shape (topography, sliding surface, groundwater
level) of the Squat is known (by surveying, field geomorphological surveys, or additional surveys, etc.), the
shear strength of the sliding surface can be back analyzed. Can be applied to similar cases.
(2) Colluvium: There was evidence of sliding, but there is no slippage at present, and the safety system is
judged to be 1.0 to 1.2. The position of the sliding surface is more difficult to infer or ascertain than the
case of (1). Its stability It is more difficult to analyze nature.
(3) No evidence of collapse of slopes: The stability calculation of such slopes is the most difficult, especially
in rock slopes with complex geological conditions. Some rock slopes appear to be safe but suddenly slide
at high speed; some dangerous rock (even known as aerodynamic stone), independent for decades, is still
in place. In recent years, the mechanical calculation capability has greatly improved, supplemented by the
application of high-speed computers, and the precision is very high. However, if the complexity of the
slope is not yet fully understood, even if there is a precision calculation, it is accurate. Still poor.

7.2 Factors Related to the Stability of Natural Slopes

There are many factors that affect natural slopes, and how large the impact of various factors is, and it is
difficult to assess them using the rock classification method (which has been used successfully in tunnel
Voight & Pariseau (1978) pointed out that some of the largest landslides in the world occurred almost
entirely near the plate joints. The movement of the plate lifts the strata up high, resulting in mountains
and plateaus. However, the pushing force of the plate movement is continuous. When the mountains are
getting higher and higher, the landslide seems to be inevitable. The central mountains of Taiwan are
pushed by the Philippine plate from east to west. The north-south ridgeline is no more than 100 kilometers
from the western plains, and some places are not even more than 50 kilometers. The highest peak of the
Yushan Mountain is nearly 4,000 meters. Therefore, to the west The collapse of the hill is probably not
blocked by manpower.

It is also possible that the west slides back to the east without a successful climb.

The author (Hong Rujiang, Republic of China 68) once claimed that the important factors of landslides
include the following four major items:
(1) Geologic materials
(2) Geologic structures
(3) topography & environmental factors
(4) engineering factors and human activites
We will discuss each of the above four factors one by one.

7.3 Influence of Geological Materials

7.3.1 Introduction

The author discussed the material factors in engineering geology in Chapter 3. This chapter does not focus
on the discussion of slope stability; therefore, although the effects of minerals, weathering, and moisture
content have been discussed, it has not been discussed to apply to slopes. Stable situation.

7.3.2 Cementing materials of geological materials

The loess in North China contains quite a lot of cementitious materials and even forms ginger-like
tuberculosis (commonly known as ginger stone), which gives the loess a fairly good cohesion when dry,
and can maintain a fairly high upright slope; but after water soaking, cementation occurs. The material is
dissolved in water, that is, it is easy to collapse and there are people who know the Yellow River.

The red-brown platform in Taiwan may be due to its special structure, soil structure, or cementation of
its iron oxides and aluminum oxide. The drying is said to be stable. After sufficient water soaking, the
cementation of iron oxide is destroyed, which is easy to collapse or Dispersion, floods in the eighty-
seventh flood of Baguashan in the Republic of China in 1987 and the flood of 8.1 in the Republic of China
in the year 71 caused the heavy rain on the red clay platform lasting for nearly two days.

The mudstone in the southwestern part of the Taiwan region is not resistant to weathering and erosion.
The topography of the terrain is bad terrain. According to the author's opinion, the author believes that
the composition of compaction is not significant, so it collapses and is less. The directionality caused by
the control of the weak side.
According to the author (Hong Rujiang, Republic of China 66) inspecting the Tainan No. 1 well core sample
drilled by CNPC, the nature of the mudstone from the surface to a depth of nearly 5000 meters is not
much different. Therefore, the author judges that the weathering depth of mudstone is not large, and the
strength in the depth is not high because cementation is not enough to make it a hard rock (instead of
weathering nearly a few thousand meters deep), and the erosion rate is large and widespread. Become a
bad terrain.

The various properties of sandstone are greatly affected by its cementitious substances. Those with poor
cementation not only have low strength, but also are prone to permeable and increase the weathering
speed to increase the groundwater pressure. Especially when it comes to impervious shale or mudstone,
it is easier to slide.

In summary, poorly cemented or cemented materials that are susceptible to dissolution, leaching,
softening, or loss of water all contribute to the stability of the slope.

7.3.3 Effect of Particle Size

In the case of earth and rock piles, such as collapsible soils, cliff cones, engineering wastes, or mines, the
collapse rate and grain size have a great relationship. The massive rock fragments or coarse grain mounds。
At the time of collapse and collapse, the rate was extremely high. Shreve (1968) estimated the rate of six
large-scale collapses and its value was as high as 100 to 300 km/h. The mines in the Aberfan massacre in
South Wales, England, also slid between 15 and 30 kilometers per hour. Hsu (1975) discusses the Swiss
Elm Plaza, and also emphasizes its surprising rate of collapse.

Fine-grained soils, because of their cohesiveness, can have a fairly high upright slope.

7.3.4 Impact of Geological Material Organization on Sui

There are several kinds of materials, because of their special organization, and have a major impact on
the Fang. The first thing to point out is the collapsible soil, followed by the red clay gravel layer.

The structure of the colluvium is extremely irregular. Its composition, such as the house, and the finer
ones are sediment, clay, and even organic matter. Its nature is extremely variable and difficult to measure,
sampling is extremely difficult, and its interior is very loose. Easy to gather flowing water; its surface, due
to weathering and the growth of plants, is difficult to penetrate water, so the internal pressure of the
collapsible soil is prone to high water pressure, which is not conducive to the stability of the slope. The
author regards avalanche soil as a kind of compound soil (Hong Rujiang et al., Republic of China 67).

Therefore, the distribution of the particle size is an important factor. If coarse particles account for more
than 75% of the particles, the particles of the coarse particles have come into contact with each other,
and the pores formed by the coarse particles are filled with fine particles. The nature (especially the
resistance to resistance or sliding) is determined by the coarse-grained composition: if fine-grained
materials account for more than 30%, the coarse-grained particles are difficult to contact with each other,
then the nature of the collapsed soil is fine. The pellet composition is determined. For the grading of its
particles, I suggest digging the pit, preferably over a cubic meter, and sieve it. However, it should be noted
that the above-mentioned figures of 75% and 30% are general cases, and there may be slight discrepancy
between the accretion soils at different locations or depths.
The red clay gravel layer can also be treated with the concept of composite soil. The gravel grains are all
in contact with each other (roughly more than 75%). The strength and compressibility of the red clay
gravel layer are determined by the gravel composition; if gravel grains have been largely Without contact
with each other (roughly gravel grains less than 7090 to 7596), the strength and compressibility of the red
clay gravel layer are determined by the fine red clay - therefore, if the gradation of the red clay gravel
layer has brought the gravel grains into contact with each other, then One of the following conditions will
cause the slope to collapse easily and even cause a mudslide:
(1) Those with less cohesive red clay.
(2) Red clay easily swells.
(3) red clay soak softening.
(4) Red clay is easy to spread.

Any other soil or stratum that has the characteristics of the above-mentioned composite soil has similar
characteristics. In general, agglomerates, fault debris, artificially abandoned earth and stone piles, etc.,
can all be considered as composite soil.

7.4 Influence of Geological Structure

In the large collapse mountains pointed out by Voight & Pariseau (1978), the influencing factors were
reviewed one by one, and the geological structure was the most important factor. The secondary factors
were: weathering, earthquakes, sliding past, saturation, heavy rain, temperature changes, and mining. .

In the monoclinic structure, one side is liable to generate a forward slope slide, and the other side is called
an escarpment slope (see Figure 7.1).

Dip slope, which means that the slope direction of the stratum (or sliding weak surface) is the same as the
slope direction of the slope.

The forward slope is most afraid of the lower toe being cut off and causing the lower end of the potential
sliding surface to “see the light.” Some scholars claim that the lower end of the potential sliding surface
is “free end”. After seeing the light at the lower end of the potential sliding surface of the forward slope,
there is a possibility that it will slide down due to gravity. It will be easier if water pressure is added to the
crack surface in the forward slope to generate water pressure and top force (Figure 7.3). Slide down the
potential sliding surface that has seen light at the lower end. According to the theoretical analysis of Hoek
& Bray (1974), when the dip angle of the potential sliding surface of the forward slope is between 40° and
70°, it is the most easy to slide; and actual observations by many researchers confirm this. Conclusions.
However, Zhai Zhifang (Hong Rujiang, Republic of China 70 years), with an inclination of more than twenty
degrees, still follows the slope slide, which is another factor that strongly intervenes, that is, heavy rain
makes the sandstone vertically joint and collect water and the water pressure on the sliding surface rises.

Inverted slopes tend to produce talus deposits or colluvium. The tendency of the collapsing layer to slide
easily is comparable to that of the forward slope, and is often twins, as shown in Fig. 7.1; but there are
also separate cases; there is even a case where the collapse layer is generated under the forward slope,
but it is quite a few. Less, photos 7.3 and 7.4 show the slope slip of the Lishan colluvium.

7.5 Influence of Environmental Factors

Environmental factors, including: ground stress, regional stratigraphy and decompression of earthquakes
and valleys, groundwater pressure, impact of groundwater and residual topsoil on groundwater pressure,
rainstorms and typhoons, weathering and erosion, etc. The author (Hong Rujiang, Republic of China 70)
This has been discussed elsewhere, but it is not repeated here, but it should be noted here that although
Richards et al (1978) did not consider water pressure as the primary factor, it was listed as the primary
factor of the weak face angle θ (can be It is inherently doomed that it cannot be changed by manpower.
It is not natural forces that are easily changed during human time. It can only be reinforced by geotechnical
processes. Groundwater pressure Pw can be changed due to natural forces (such as heavy rain) or
manpower within a very short period of time (for example, one day or even several hours). In addition,
water also has a detrimental effect on cohesion c, shear angle φ, and unit weight. Therefore, groundwater
pressure is more often a decisive factor for landslide, and is the number one killer for slope stability.

7.6 Influence of Topography and Landforms

Terrain is often a characterization of geology. Knowledge of the terrain helps to understand the stability
of geology and slopes. However, the terrains seen so far are often much smaller than the geological ages
below, because of the geology of a place (especially After the formation of the geological structure, the
surface of the earth is affected by rivers, climate, and even earthquakes. There will be many changes and
it will become the topography and topography of today.

Topography itself is a great science, and it is naturally impossible to discuss it in detail here. Here only
necessary brief explanations are given.

In the traditional terrain classification, the alluvial terrain is divided into youth topography, maturity
topography, and old-age Cold age topography. The Sifang is most likely to occur in juvenile terrain and
transition from juvenile to adulthood. terrain. The young river cuts down and the source erosive force is
large, easily causing the bank toe to disappear and causing landslides.

In Taiwan, the most easily collapsed natural slopes are:

》"The top of the mountain and the slope near the 1 page
High mountains and deep valleys often have steep slopes.
》" mudstone slopes
Muddy slopes, with dense terrain and extremely curved topography, have become evil lands. The uneven
distribution of basic materials and rainfall (rainfall in autumn, winter and spring, and heavy rainfall in
summer) are also the reasons that facilitate the erosion and collapse of mudstone slopes.
》" Red clay platform
The topography of the red clay platform is generally flat on the top surface and the potential is not large.
However, the slope on the edge of the tableland suddenly turns steep and meets the underground flat or
valley of the platform. The terrain is steep, and sliding disasters often occur. The most famous ones in
recent years For the Hukou red clay platform, the slide of the Fengfeng Mountain slope.
In particular, the hills formed by sedimentary rocks often contain a “back structure” (commonly known as
a single-faced mountain). One side is a forward slope, and the other is an inverted slope, which is easy to
collapse. See Figure 7.1.
》" Canyon Topography & Steep Coast
The slopes of the Taroko Gorge, Dajia Valley Guandeji Valley, the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River and
the steep coast of the Suhua Highway, etc., often have decompression joints (cracks) that are generated
by the topography. A falling rock or rock fall occurred.

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