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Paper 9

P262 – How does lying influence the selling process ?

” Never argue with someone who believes their own lies ! ”

Lies are always a ” good ” choice when you want to make a ” lovely ” impression .
Unfortunately , some people choose to lie even in business .
The first time when a seller tells a lie , maybe someone will believe him , but in a certain point
, his lies will be noticed . Some sales people lie but don’t believe they do. They lie to make a sale.
They lie to get you to buy what they want you to buy. They lie to promote their agenda, not yours.
Aside from con men, compulsive liars and some politicians, most people become
uncomfortable when telling a lie and transmit their deceitful behavior through their body language.
While they may sound convincing, their gestures speak louder than their words. Consequently, they
reveal their deceit nonverbally. While it's not always easy to spot deceptive behavior, there are many
subtle yet discernable clues to the trained eye.
Lying through omission is when someone deliberately and knowingly withholds information
that could be beneficial to the buyer. When someone withholds information in order to influence a
decision, that’s lying through omission.
So , if the seller is lying to you , he knew what he’s doing and hei is able to do this just for the
desire to have a higher profit . The

selling process is influenced by lying because the customers are impressed by what the seller says and
in that way , the profit will raise .

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