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“Company Semar SAC"


1.- Godoy Huamán, Judith

2.- Guzmán Quiliche, Luis Fernando

3.- Marín Quevedo, Yarithza

4.- Vásquez Tirado, Maycol


Mg. Omar Maguiña Rivero

Trujillo –Perú

(2018 - I)
I. Introduction

The key to Business success it is not in the adaptation, but in the constant innovation and in the
good communication between all the integral parts of the company. ( C. Espinosa, J. Larrabeiti)
consider that "the directive leadership of any company must pay special attention to the execution
since it is the key piece to achieve the objectives set; because the business world It is a world of
ideas, but it is, above all, a world of results. "
Given this assumption, organizations develop different strategies to survive, improve and develop
business; so , the following report seeks to apply the knowledge acquired from the
subject Management By Results having as object of study the company "SEMAR", company that is
dedicated to the wholesale sale of liquid fuels and LPG ; having as main objective the development
of the Strategic Plan of implementation of the company "SEMAR, from the implementation of the
strategic plan is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness in organizing activities for the
implementation of new strategies.
In order to prepare the strategic plan we have to take into account different parts, in the first part
we will develop the mission, vision and values of the company. In the second part we will develop
the different matrices, which are MATRIX SWOT, MATRIX PEYEA, MATRIX MIE and MATRIZ MEP
We will develop the Strategic Direction, Matrices of generation of strategies, Strategic Objectives
and Evolution; thus achieving deepens our knowledge.
II. Development of the Strategic Execution Plan Company "Semar"
2.1. Identity
2.1.1. Name and address of the organization
Company SEMAR SAC, domiciled in the Av. Juan Pablo II Mz .l lot. 8 urb.
San Andrés V stage - La Libertad - Trujillo - Víctor Larco Herrera.
2.1.2. Business turn
The company Semar is engaged in the wholesale sale of liquid fuels and LPG.
2.1.3. Historical review
The company SEMAR SAC was born 17 years ago, as a family business idea; led
said company. This business idea began with the sale of gasoline and kerosene
on tricycles informally, as time passed the owners realized that this business was
profitable so they decided to formalize and build the first tap that is located on
Av. Cesar Vallejo Mz 4 lots 8 and 9 urb. La Rinconada - Trujillo. Currently the
company has 4 branches and a cistern as its own means of transport. The
commercial turnaround of the company is the wholesale sale and / or
commercialization of liquid fuel and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
III. Estructura organizacional


Sales and Human

Finance Logistics
Marketing Resources

Logistics Logistics
Administrator Accountant Beach Chief
Manager Assistant

Secretary dispensers

3.1. Aspects of the Project

 Marketing
According to D'Alessio (2008), marketing focused on business orientation to meet the
needs of consumers through the adequacy of the supply of goods and services of the
organization is an important function under the current conditions of competition and
The SEMAR SAC organization is positioned in the market because of the preference of the
customers who supply their cars with fuel.
The conclusion is reached that the SEMAR SAC organization has as a strength the
positioning of its brand in the minds of the consumers that supply in the different branches
it has. However, we believe that concepts such as strategic marketing and its importance in
the work of the company and the environment that supports it should be reinforced. By not
using the tools of strategic marketing, the organization is not coming to consolidate its

 Innovation
While the quality of service "Semar" is good, meeting the quality standards and
requirements imposed by Osinergmin, it should be noted that lacks innovated with
complementary services in care means to distribute and sell fuel, provides NDO additional
services such as change of oils, grant lines of credit are limits of consumption; to sustain
future competitiveness in terms of service, allowing a close integration of the company with
the market in the processes of marketing, communication, and sales.
Likewise, it must be oriented with a differentiating service before the competition, where
the purpose is to serve people and not cars, making each visit to an EE. SS, be a memorable

 Human Resources
D'Alessio (2008) indicated that human resources constitute the most valuable factor of the
organization, mobilizing tangible and intangible resources, allowing the operating cycle to
function, and establishing the relationships that allow the organization to achieve its

SEMAR , appropriately manages its workers training them to have a highly qualified staff, to
perform the functions efficiently commissioned , despite not having recruitment
policies; based on teamwork, on the other hand, economic incentives are provided
according to their performance; they are supported to continue their studies; that is
why workers feel committed and motivated to work in the company, because it helps them
feel like winners in life and able to achieve the objectives in their job .
The organization SEMAR SAC has as strength the area that is in charge of managing its
Human Resources to achieve the company's objectives.

 Recursos financieros
La empresa Semar, mantiene una adecuada presencia en el mercado, lo que se ha traducido
en mayor nivel de sus ingresos por ventas, tal como se puede verificar en los periodos 2014
– 2016, que se presenta en anexos. En estos años supo mantener una adecuada imagen
de solvencia financiera, porque fue mejorando los resultados en la utilidad bruta y esto
debido a la negociación de los precios de los combustibles al momento comprar a los dos
distribuidores mayoristas con las que opera; contando con un nivel liquidez aceptable (1.06)
para pagar sus deudas a corto plazo, lo que significa que tiene liquidez para sus operaciones.

 Financial resources
The company Semar maintains an adequate presence in the market, which has translated
into a higher level of its sales revenue, as can be verified in the periods 2014 - 2016, which
is presented in annexes. In these years he knew how to maintain an adequate image of
financial solvency, because he was improving the results in the gross profit and this due to
the negotiation of the prices of the fuels at the moment buying the two wholesale
distributors with which he operates; with an acceptable level of liquidity (1.06) to pay their
short-term debts, which means that they have liquidity for their operations.
 Physical resources
The SEMAR SAC company has a good infrastructure where its workers feel safe to work and
which allows a good and timely distribution of liquids to other branches, avoiding hazards.
Currently has 05 stations which are integrated as follows:
 Points of attention (islands) equipped for attention and sale, both for
combustibles liquids and LPG.
 Water and Air Service.
 Public bathrooms, for both ladies and gentlemen
 Commercial Premises
 Parking area
 Fuel and LPG unloading area
 Administrative and accounting office of the EE. H.H
However, in terms of equipment and machinery in the USA. SS are old.
It is concluded that the organization has the strength of having good facilities, and offices , however
some arrangements could be made in order to provide a better service to its customers, such as:
Improve lighting with led lights which are ecological and consume less energy and ensure a
comfortable and safe environment, new years, that are always well cared for and
clean, implementation of green areas and gardens , and identify other complementary services can
be provided to customers, optimizing the facilities of the stations and obviously improve
the equipment, machinery.

 Productivity
 Social responsability
 Cost effectiveness
The organization is clear about the liquidity available to it at each year-end, which is measured
annually, considering its assets that can be converted into cash within a period no longer than 12
months; p ara SEMAR have the performance indicator and measure annually, it is important
because it lets you know if you've invested in the company is taking as a result gains and / or profits
or in the extreme case lost at the end of your exercise.
Currently, it is implementing a management system for the management of social responsibility
requirements, based on the SA 8000 Standard, which is summarized as follows:
- Do not use or support child labor
- Do not use or support the use of forced labor
- Control the occupational health and safety of workers
- Ensure that work hours, remunerations, and benefits are granted, rigorously
complying with all laws in force in Peru.
Regarding its financial capacity, the SEMAR SAC company has different indicators that help it to
perform a good management, among which is the profitability seen as a strength for the
company. Without leaving aside that this indicator is also visible and measurable in the financial
statements that this legal entity possesses, which is seen by the shareholders and attractive to the
financial entities that are located in the city of Trujillo.

3.2. Purpose or mission of the company

3.2.1. Established mission
Does not have an established mission
3.2.2. Proposed mission:
We are a company I buy stuck in providing quality service that would meet the needs
of our customers through the sale and marketing of liquid and gaseous fuels,
encouraging competition in the local market. Our teamwork motivates us to ensure the
interests of shareholders and collaborators to contribute to the sustainable
development of the country.

3.3. Long-term intentions (vision)

3.3.1. Established visión
Does not have an established vision
3.3.2. Proposed vision
3.3.3. To be by 2020 the service station with the greatest local presence, financially
sound with an excellent team, values, and continuous growth that make a
difference through good service and quality of products, contributing to the
economic development of the country, reaching an adequate participation in the
3.3.4. Proposed values

 Financial resources and profitability.

- Achieve at 20 19 , generate net profits greater than 10% per year on sales.
 Marketing
- Increase market share by 10 % by 20 19 , implementing a Marketing area within
the company.
- Increase the level of customer satisfaction by 90% by the year 20 19
by implementing machinery for greater supply and distribution.
 Productivity
- By 201 9 , a staff training process will begin, improving and incorporating more
personnel, and by 2025, 100% of the general management and line managers will
be trained, as well as operations staff members, to improve productivity. of the
 Physical resources



Friendly Service



Professional ethics

- For 20 20 it is planned to have a station in Moche and another more
in Chimbote; to expand market share by implementing new complementary

- By the year 20 20 , 30% of the total investment required will be executed in:
equipment and software and infrastructure.

 Social responsability
- By 20 20, dispose of the ISO 26000 standard in the processes.
L aching the sustainability of the company through the supply of products and
services that satisfy the customer , doing so without endangering
the environment , operating in a way socially responsible.
 Innovation
- By the year 202 0 , have three new business lines, since there will be a permanent
policy of development and innovation of goods that the company will provide .
- Implement the year 201 9 , the area of research and development of
complementary products and services, in charge of the innovation process and
improvements of complementary products and servicesof the
company's stations .
 Human Resources
Implement, by 201 9 , a training and personnel training plan, in order to improve
the processes: administrative, productive and controls. In that year 60% of the
processes will be optimized, reaching the year 201 9 to 100%.

4.1. Strategy s: SWOT

1. It has an adequate 1. Does not have
administration with the workers. adequate planning
2. It has a good direction 2. Does not have an
INTERNAL consequently with the organizational structure
management of human talent
3. It has a control of specific
4. It has a good position in the
5. It has products of quality
EXTERNAL equivalent to the price of it.
6. It has adequate economic
performance and liquidity.
7. It has staff with qualified
training demonstrating an efficient
work performance
8. It has a permanent training
plan for workers.

OPPORTUNITIES Fo strategies DO strategies

1. R isk of new Product development: Unrelated diversification:
competitors Open new premises within the city of Offer the service of a store in
2. Political stability Trujillo, in different sectors, the taps where customers
3. Subsidies policy Miraflores, Villareal, Av. El Ejército, as can buy various products
4. Access to credit of it would have good acceptance. ( F6, such as cookies, drinks, etc.
the financial system O6) that the client needs in this
5. Quality of life of way attracts the client. (D2,
the population Market penetration: A1)
6. Technological Disseminate the quality of the
improvements and products added to the prices offered Market penetration:
innovations through a marketing campaign to Creation of the website and
7. Automations consumers (F4, O1) Fan Pages in the different
8. Conservation of social networks, to be in
energy contact with customers
about the changes and
offers, as well as our vision
and mission to them. (D1,
THREATS FA strategies DA Strategies
1. Rivalry among Product development: Horizontal integration
existing competitors Align the strategic plan towards SEMAR SA must develop its
2. Bargaining power compliance with product quality product with its own brand,
of suppliers standards established by buy from its competitors, so
3. Threat of OSINERGMIN in order to achieve that it can expand and be
substitute products certification of it (F3, A4) able to recognize its brand. (
4. Environmental D1, A1)
legislation Product development:
5. Values and ethics Enhance the ability of workers in Backward integration:
6. Threat of natural terms of product innovations (direct SEMAR SA must have its
disasters and indirect competition) to know the own transport so that it can
potential and be clear about the supply itself and take control
benefits of the product. (F7, A3) of its suppliers. ( D1, A2)
ITEMS 2014 2015 2016
 ROA of the company. % 24 25 26

 ROA of the sector. % 26 22 23

 ROE of the company. % 29 29 30

 ROE of the sector. % 30 27 28

 Sales of the company. (Millions) 10 9.4 11.5

 Sales of the company. (Millions) 120.9 140 123.6

 Sales of the company. (Millions) 65 68 70

 Occupation in taps of the sector% 63 69 65

 Occupation in taps of the sector% 3 1 2

 Competitors 13 14 12

 Usual costumers% 64 71 76

 Rate of inflation 0.16 0.23 0.33

Financial strength (FF) Stability of the Environment (EA)

 ROA of the company. +4  Rate of inflation -2

 ROE of the company. +4  Companies withdrawn from the -4
 Sales of the company. +6 sector

+14/3 -6/2
4.6 -3
Competitive Advantage (VC) Strength of Industry (FI)

 ROA of the sector. +3

-1  ROE of the sector. +4
 Usual costumers -1  Sales of the sector. +5
 Occupability of the  Competitors +5
company  Occupancy in faucets
sector. +5
-2/2 +22/5
-1 4.4


X = VC + FI
X = -1 + 4.4 = 3.4

Y = EE + FF
Y = -3 + +4.6 = 1.6


As we can observe when carrying out the analysis of the PEYEA matrix, our coordinates
(vector) determine that our company under study must implement AGGRESSIVE strategies ,
which indicates that the company is financially strong and has obtained important competitive
advantages in a stable and growing industry.
Therefore, it is possible to use:
•Market penetration.
•Product development.
•Vertical integration.
• Di versification in conglomerates.


 Market Penetration
Disseminate the quality of the products added to the prices offered through a marketing
campaign to consumers

 Product development
Creation of the website and Fan Pages in the different social networks, to be in contact with
customers about the changes and offers, as well as our vision and mission to them.
- Achieve at 20 19 , -% increase in - Reduction of sales costs by
generate net profits profits. optimizing costs.
greater than 10% per year -% increase in - Creation of the website and Fan
on sales. market share. Pages in the different social
Financial - Increase market share by networks, to be in contact with
10 % by 2019, customers
implementing a Marketing
area within the company.

- For 20 20 it is planned to - Number of new - Offer the service of a store in

have one station in Moche
stations. taps where customers can buy
and another more in
Chimbote ; where - Number of new various products such as cookies,
additional services are also
customers. drinks, etc.
- Disseminate the quality of the
- Increase the level of
products added to the prices
customers satisfaction of the
offered through a marketing
customer by 90% by the
campaign towards consumers
year 2019, by
implementing machinery
for greater supply and

- By the year 2020 have - ssue certificate - Participation in workshops given

certifications in the ISO processes. by entities that certify in ISO .
26000 standard in the - % of - To allocate a% of the investment
Internal processes. (Social investment in the implementation of the
process responsability) budget in physical resource.
- By the year 20 20 , 30% equipment and
of the total investment
software and
required in: equipment
and software and infrastructure.
infrastructure will be
- Implement, by 201 9 , a
training and personnel
training plan .
- By 201 9 a staff training
process will be initiated, - Draw up agreements with
improving and training entities to provide talks
incorporating more -% of trained in our company.
Learning and personnel, and by 2025, workers. Agreements with Universities
growth 100% of the general -% of trained (careers involved) that are willing
management and line workers. to provide training or induction to
managers will be trained, guide our workers.
as well as members of the
operations staff, to
improve the productivity of
the company.

4.3. Current and recommended organizational culture

The Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument-Current Profile "- Kim S. Cameron and Robert
E. Quinn

The organizational culture assessment tool-Current and

recommended profile
1. Key characteristics Current Preferred
A The organization is a very personal 30% 30% FOCUSED ON MUTUAL
place. It's like an extended family. People APPRECIATION AMONG
seem to share a lot of themselves. COLLABORATORS
B The organization is a very dynamic and 20% 25%
enterprising place. People are willing to ENTREPRENEUR
take risks and take risks
C The organization is very results 30% 30%
oriented. A big concern is to do the FOCUSED ON
work. People are very competitive and OBJECTIVES
achievement oriented
D The organization is a very controlled and 20% 15%
structured place. Formal procedures CONTROLLER
generally govern what people do.
Total 100% 100%
2. Organizational leadership Current Preferred
A Generally, leadership in the organization 30% 30%
is considered to exemplify mentoring,
facilitation, or parenting.
B Generally, leadership in the organization 20% 30%
is considered to exemplify
entrepreneurship, innovation or risk-taking.
C Generally, leadership in the organization 30% 20%
is considered to exemplify a sensible,
aggressive and results-oriented approach.
D Generally, leadership in the organization 20% 20%
is considered to exemplify coordination,
organization or efficiency of operation LEADERSHIP
without problems.
Total 100% 100%
3. Employee management Current Preferred
A The style of management in the 40% 30% MANAGEMENT OF
organization is characterized by teamwork, TEAM WORK
consensus and participation. EMPLOYEES
B The management style in the 10% 25%
organization is characterized by individual
risk, innovation, freedom and uniqueness.
C The management style in the 20% 30%
organization is characterized by great
competitiveness, high demands and EFFECTIVE EMPLOYEES
D The management style in the 30% 15%
organization is characterized by job STABLE EMPLOYEE
security, conformity, predictability and MANAGEMENT
stability in relationships.
Total 100% 100%
4. Glue of the organization Preferred
A The glue that holds the organization 40% 30%
together is loyalty and mutual trust. The GLUE
commitment to this organization is high.
B The glue that holds the organization 30% 25%
together is the commitment to innovation
and development. There is an emphasis on
being at the forefront.
C The glue that holds the organization 15% 30%
together is the emphasis on achievement
and achievement of goals.
D The glue that holds the organization 15% 15%
together are formal rules and
policies. Maintaining a fluid organization is CONTROLLER GLUE
Total 100% 100%

5. Strategic emphasis Current Preferred

A The organization emphasizes human 40% 30% STRATEGY CEBTRADA IN

development. High confidence, openness VALUES AND A
and participation persist. FRIENDLY COEXISTENCE
B The organization emphasizes the twenty% 25%
acquisition of new resources and the INVESTMENT-CENTERED
creation of new challenges. They value CREATION OF
trying new things and looking for CHALLENGES
C The organization emphasizes competitive 10% 25% STRATEGY FOCUSED ON
actions and achievements. Hitting ACQUIRING
stretched objectives and winning in the COMPETITITVITY
market are dominant.
D The organization emphasizes 30% twenty% STRATEGY FOCUSED ON
permanence and stability. Efficiency, STABILITY AND
control and operations without problems EFFICIENCY OF THE
are important. AREA OF OPERATIONS
Total 100% 100%

6. Success criteria Current Preferred

A The organization defines success 30% 30%

based on the development of human
resources, teamwork, employee OF HUMAN CAPITAL
commitment and concern for people.
B The organization defines success on the 40% 30% SUCCESS AS THE
basis of having the most exclusive or new INNOVATION IN THE
products.He is a product leader and SERVICES THAT IT
innovator. PROVIDES TO THE
C The organization defines success on the 10% 25% SUCCESS AS
basis of winning in the market and PURCHASING MORE
outperforming the PARTICIPATION IN THE
competition. Competitive leadership in the
market is key.
D The organization defines success based 20% 15%
on efficiency. Reliable delivery, trouble- SUCCESS IN COST
free programming and low-cost production LEADERSHIP
are fundamental.
Total 100% 100%
Worksheet to qualify the OCAI
"current" Sheet music " preferred " Sheet music
30% 1A 30% 1A
30% 2A 30% 2A
40% 3A 30% 3A
40% 4A 30% 4A
40% 5A 30% 5A
30% 6A 30% 6A
210% Sum (total answers A) 180% Sum (total answers A)
35% Average (sum divided by 6) 30% Average (sum divided by 6)

20% 1B 25% 1B
20% 2B 30% 2B
10% 3B 25% 3B
30% 4B 25% 4B
20% 5B 25% 5B
40% 6B 30% 6B
140% Sum (total of answers B) 160% Sum (total of answers B)
23% Average (sum divided by 6) 27% Average (sum divided by 6)

30% 1C 30% 1C
30% 2C 20% 2C
20% 3C 30% 3C
15% 4C 30% 4C
10% 5C 25% 5C
10% 6C 25% 6C
115% Sum (total of answers C) 160% Sum (total of answers C)
19% Average (sum divided by 6) 27% Average (sum divided by 6)

20% 1D 15% 1D
20% 2D 20% 2D
30% 3D 15% 3D
15% 4D 15% 4D
30% 5D 20% 5D
20% 6D 15% 6D
135% Sum (total of answers D) 100% Sum (total of answers D)
2. 3% Average (sum divided by 6) 17% Average (sum divided by 6)

The work team considers that the culture that must be established in the
organization must be guided by characteristics of mutual appreciation in
collaborators, dynamism and entrepreneurship, in order to find the expected

Likewise, it is recommended to maintain an entrepreneurial leadership within the

educational institution to guarantee a better participation of the collaborators
and a team work that allows to offer a quality service to the market.

The glue that should govern the organization is that of loyalty and commitment.
As well as a strategy that contributes to investment and the creation of


Net Income 348,045.00 3.53 %
Total, of assets 9,869,152.00

This indicates that for each monetary unit invested in assets, SEMAR SAC generated 3.53 % of net

LIQUIDEZ income .

Reason of the circulating

Current assets 3,855,159.00 S/ 1.60

Current liabilities 2,414,182.00

This indicates that SEMAR SAC for a debt sol has S / 1.60 to pay its short-term
debts, which means that it has liquidity for its operations.

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