Blessed Princes

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Mcpotar & Monalisa Chishato
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
places and incidents are either the product of the
author's imagination or are used fictionally. Any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to
actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.
This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment
only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to
other people. If you like to share this book with another
person, please purchase an additional copy for each
person you share it with.
Copyright © 2018 Michael Mupotaringa &
Monalisa Chishato. All rights reserved. Including the
right to reproduce this book or portions thereof, in any
form. No part of this text may be reproduced in any
form without the express written permission of the
Version 13.06.2018
Chapter 1

Rested on a bench, Maria smiled into her smart-phone

as if it were a mirror. A smile adorned her face, a frown
for split seconds as she responded to a particular
message. It was a message to her husband, Jasper.

“It’s okay; I’ll just have to use public transport. Take


After a few exchanges of lovey-dovey emoji’s of

reassurance she smiled again, as she stood up to go to
the bus terminus. Jasper had said he’d be unable to pick
her up as he had unfinished business at work.
“Excuse me ma’am,” a youthful female voice muttered
from behind her. It was a slender girl about her height.
“Hie,” Maria replied.
“Sorry to bother, may I use your handset to call
somebody?” she asked, “My phone is out of power, and
I am supposed to meet the person in 15 minutes.”

All this while, Maria’s eyes like a CIA profiling

computer had been scanning this girl head to toe and
cold reading her body language for signs of deception.
In Harare, standing with a stranger for 30 seconds,
especially one asking for help wasn’t usually
recommended, but for some reason on this day, Maria
decided to hand her the phone.
The girl scratched her own card and dialed quickly;
she held the handset to her ear and made a call.
She seemed to be talking to a male.

“Hey babes I’ve just come from Mutare, my phone

switched off but you can come and pick me where you
picked me up last time.”

She seemed to agree with this man and she was done.
She returned the phone, “Thank you so much. She
pulled out $5 from her purse in gratitude.

Maria smiled till she looked at her phone and yelled,


The young girl glanced in jolt.

“This is the direct landline to my husband’s office.”

A frown faced Maria, looked at a bewildered young

girl whose face too was clearly looking for answers.

“I don’t know ma’am, maybe I was talking to someone

else in the same company who is not your husband.”

“It better not be Jasper...” Maria cautioned.

“Oh no! His name is actually Jasper,” the lady said, “I’m
so sorry I didn’t know.”
Maria would have slapped this young lady across the
face but she decided to listen to her side of the story.
After looking at a few pictures they were both dead
sure it was indeed the same Jasper and well Maria got
to know that the girls name was Mary.

It seemed Jasper could always get away with sleep

talking about any of them.

The ladies did not exactly become friends but they

decided that since jasper was on his way to collect
Mary they would give him an unexpected surprise.
Jasper turned the corner of Samora into Park Street, he
was excited it had been a while since he had seen his
petite little play thing Mary .His phone chimed
signaling a message from his Wife. A stab of guilt tore
through his chest but he ignored it and the message
instead he focuses on sweet little Mary and her supple
He reached his Girl bench and saw Mary seated, he
parked his Car and waited for her to jump in

"Hey babe, sha my friend wants a lift to 4th Street her

Man dumped her last minute"
Irritated Jasper unlocked the back door and grunted,
“She can jump in."
Didn't even bother to check who got in until both girls
had sat down .When he did look via the view mirror he
lost control of all limbs.
He couldn't believe it, both his Mary's were in his car
and neither was saying a thing.
He finally started his car and headed towards 4th rank
...excuses and theories running through his mind.
Chapter 2

The air seemed still in Jaspers office where they had

gone to resolve the crisis. Tears frequently suspended
themselves on both his women’s eyes. He had to
explain, he had to admit it. He was wrong.

After redundant apologies to both, he broke up with

Mary and swore he would not communicate with her
again. In their presence he deleted Mary’s number and
she deleted his. She left with her face down.

Days passed by in Jasper’s household but things were

not the same as before. Daily he would feel the chill of
her cold shoulder. She still cooked for him, except she
didn’t talk much verbally. She’d leave notes of where
she was going on the fridge.

One day she broke the pattern, she gave him a call at
“Honey, we need to talk.”

“That’s what I’ve been saying,” he thought. She didn’t

specify much about what it is she wanted to talk about
but he assumed she wanted them to start working on
their relationship again.

“I’m going home early,” he said to Clarence, his

business partner.
“This has something to do with your wives doesn’t it?”

“My wife, yes. I love my wife, it’s not longer wives.”

He responded, “I guess, I took this one a bit too far.
Had never cheated you know, it just happened. I’m not
a player.”

“Nothing just happens fam, nothing. Admit it, you

joined the club. Good luck though.”


He got out and hopped into his car. Got home, Maria
opened the door. She was looking ravishingly
beautiful, reminding him of old times when she had
imprinted her finery on his mind’s iris. In his mind he
thought, “How did I ever forget, I come home to this?”

A table set with such exquisiteness. Dinner was set for

two with candles to let him know they were pressing
the reset button. He stood there awed as she took his
hand and led him to the table.
They talked about how much they loved each other as
they ate and drank and Maria told Jasper how he had
hurt her so much. She said she was now ready to
forgive him.
He was so happy and thanked her for giving him a
second chance.

“I have something else to tell you,” she smiled.

“What is it honey?” he said with an unsure face.

“You’re going to be a father!” she leaped with joy.

He smiled and celebrated with his wife. They kissed

and waltzed to their favourite playlist. It was like
falling in love all over again.

Morning came and Jasper scrolled to see all the texts

that had been sent the previous night. There were 7
missed calls from a new number and a text message
from the same number which said,”I don’t mean to
disturb your life again but I missed my period again –

He quickly deleted the text.

Mary stood by her bedroom window and thought

about how lucky she was that her man was so
supportive and caring , ever since she broke the news
about the baby he had been extra attentive and loving .
Nothing seemed to outrageous or expensive to him.
She smiled as she remembered how he nearly lost his
phone whilst looking for anthill dagga at the backyard.

She loved him, she truly did and the thought of losing
him had terrified her until she had discovered this baby
and it changed everything, she had thought of walking
away and never looking back but this baby deserved a
father she never had and she was going to make sure it
got it. No way was she was walking away not now.

This baby had brought them closer just when she had
thought she had lost him to that wife of his and now it
was game set match.
Chapter 3

The television was on, a morning news bulletin.

Minister Tavengwa was saying something about
empowering the youth.

Mary hugged her pillow with a remote in her hand,

consistently checking for any response from Jasper.

Before Minister Tavengwa said more, she switched the


"Hypocrites," as she rolls out of bed.

She turned on the radio, opened the curtains to let the

sunshine kiss her melanin filled face.

There was a debate on morning radio on girls who date

married men. She switches off the radio. Cleaned up the
room and took a shower.

As she got out of the shower, her phone rang and she
rushed for it.

It was just Chiedza. She wanted to know where they

were meeting. They decided to meet at the park.
As she was about to dress up, another phone call.

"It might be him..."

Once again she was disappointed, but not too

disappointed. It was her mother.

Her face lit up. Mum simply wanted them to catch up

with some girl talk so she dressed up and left for town.

They met up with Chiedza and started sharing notes.

Chiedza posed a question.

"Mary, you are not yourself today. Wanna talk?"

Mary put on a shaky smile and says, "I'm okay."

She tilted her head down and tears condensed at the

corner of each eye.

"No I'm not okay" she admitted.

"I saw my Dad in the morning. The morning news


She takes a deep breath.

"I hate him."

Chiedza drew closer, and wrapped her arm around


"My father has never loved me."

"Don't say that Mary. Isn't he the one, who bought you
the expensive phone, pays fees, buys you clothes?"

"He knows he's guilty. For 16 years, he kept me and my

mum a secret. His first wife and my step brothers
mattered more."

She sighed, "If it wasn't for snoopy journalists, we

would still be the family he'd be ashamed to be in a
portrait with."

"Look Mary at least now he is acknowledging you and

your mother , I mean you have everything hey , you are
the daughter of a minister , I suggest you take full
advantage of it "

Mary laughed "No, no, no, I know that look last time
you had that look we got deported from Brazil. No I am
going to be on my best behaviour, Mum almost had a
heart attack last time. No!"

She continued to chuckle and then checked her watch

"Speaking of which my mom is getting here in about 2

minutes and you do not want to be here when she
Chiedza stood up to leave but bumped into a 6 ft 1
busty woman with a grey haired tight ponytail.

"Oh Mhamha , hie I… I didn't see you there how are

you? "

"I would have been surprised if you had seen me

Chiedza Kuendamberi given those Dark shades you
have on inside I do hope you were on your way my
daughter and I have important things to discuss without

Chiedza scuttled out muttering under breath. Mary’s

mother settled into the booth, ordered water with a dash
of vodka then eyed her daughter and scoffed.

" Did you see that excuse of your father being

sanctimonious and righteous on national TV, if only
they knew what a user and liar he truly is "

" Isn't a too early for communion mother "

"Don't give me that Mary, I don't know how many

times I have told you that your father promised me the
world and then made me suffer. He rejected me, me and
stuck with that cow in a dress men are trash I tell you I
should have taken him for all he had."

Mary sighed, she had heard this before she knew it by

heart, blah blah Love blah blah blah cow blah blah
Couldn't be fooled, Her mom was a mess always had

"Are you even listening to me? After what I did to

secure your future you are not even giving me attention,
look at you gaining weight because of my efforts, pray
that you never be the second love to any Man, walk
away I tell you....."

Mary's Phone rings and she checks the Phone ID flash


"Excuse me Mum I have to take this".

Chapter 4

Mary secluded herself so that she could take Jasper’s

call privately.

On the other end of the phone, Jasper breathed.

“How have you been?” He asked.

“I’m fine and you?”

An air of silence travels between both earpieces. They

began to speak about the baby.

“Is she sure she is fine?”

That is the big question that was dangling in his mind

throughout the conversation. It seems Jasper at this
point was assuming Mary would lie about pregnancy
for attention.

Well of course she was sure. She of all people would

know if she were pregnant or not. However as soon as
Jasper mentioned keeping the baby a secret she dropped
the call. A few minutes later she called him back.
“Sorry I hung up, I was overwhelmed.”

“I understand,”

Jasper firstly explained that he had not anticipated it

would come to this, he was excited about the child but
he needed to mend his marriage.

Mary agreed and asked him if he would make a

commitment to take care of the child. She promised that
she would not interfere with his marriage. Jasper
promised that he will surely do so.

Mary smiled a bit as she hung up; played back the

phone conversation they just had and whispered, “This
is for me and the baby.”

Immediately she told her mother that she had to go

somewhere quickly. She hugged her mother, kissed her
on the cheek and told her that she loved her. Then they
escorted each other out of the park to go their separate

Meanwhile Jasper sat anxiously tapping his pen on the

papers on his desk. "Musiyazi? whats up my guy ?"

"Eh Jasper My man , wass' good asi you want your ass
handed to you again On Friday?"

"Hahaha You Know I let you win I , you needed to

balance the scales just a lil bit."
"Get away Jasper , you know I beat you Fair and square
your game has been off lately."

"Well I’m having a child.”

"With who ? I was about to conclude that you shoot


"Haa You know I’m a beast. Two children, different

mothers. The wife and that item…
THERE WAS SILENCE from the other side

"Congratulations… but tell me how you are going to

handle both at the same time"

Jasper sighed...

"It’s what I’ve always wanted. I’d always thought I

wasn’t getting a child because God was getting back at
me for Sarah.”

Musiyazi replies, “ You were both teens. You had

nothing to give to the baby.”

“But it alienated us… it ruined our lives. How can I

ever look at another child?”

“Self love means forgiving your younger self. I am

happy for you.”
Mary got home she uploaded the audio recording
of Jasper luring her into abortion onto her drop
box, she renamed the file to evidence.mp3 and
logged off. She then walked to her bed and gazed
anxiously into the ceiling.

The insomnia.
Chapter 5

As a man of his word Jasper was indeed supportive

in the preparation of both children. He was excited to
say the least.
The scan results were out, they were both boys. The
feeling of finally having two princes in his name and
the adrenalin rush.
The secrecy!
He didn’t want any blood pressures flaring. That
was recipe for an abortion. He understood that Mary
was hurt too but he did his best to visit her and lower
her blood pressure.
He promised that he would one day reveal the child
to the world but explained logically how it would have
been a bad idea to do that before the children were
One day Mary sat for about 30 minutes in a
restaurant tapping the desk anxiously and looking at the
door consistently. She was expecting someone.

He came in, a young lad, clad in a coffee leather jacket.

He had a back pack.
“Sorry I had to pass through the library.”
“It’s fine.” she said.
“I’m so excited about the baby. I’m getting money
tomorrow so I will be able to buy some of the
preparation stuff.” He said,

“Oh hun… you are so sweet Tawo.” She said.

Tawonga had been making plans to secure money to

marry Mary since she got pregnant. He was the scape

Mary was confident the child would most probably

have been Jasper’s but we all know that Jasper had a
wife and wasn’t quite ready to make it public.
Tawonga had been sleeping with Mary around the
time she was with Jasper so it wasn’t hard for her to
convince him what had happened especially after Jasper
had shown some signs of disinterest in raising the child
undernormal parenthood.

Meanwhile she would still accept financial assistance

from both men.
The secrecy!
Jasper took Maria out more and made sure he was
there for all her material and personal needs. He let her
into his Facebook account, allowed her to reply
Whatsapp messages on his behalf.
We all know he was a man of honour with nothing
to hide under the sun.
A call from Musiyazi came in whilst he was
watching TV with his wife rested on his chest.
He had to take it outside.

“Jasper! How sure are you that Mary is carrying your



“Okay, meet me as soon as you can tomorrow I have

some things to show you.”

“Okay, let’s do 6pm at the Volt.”

Chapter 6

The day was a Friday but it felt like a Monday. A

long day for a man who was anxious to hear what his
friend had stumbled upon.
He was not sure if he wanted to know.
He was not sure because the thought of having a son,
after struggling to have one for so many years had
energized him. The secrecy had only been to protect
Maria from depression.

He could not risk a miscarriage.

Having two people carry his seed kind of felt safe.
Was he about to be told that one of those child was not
his. Once again, sad images of Sarah in agony clouded
his mind.
He especially recalled the day her parents had chased
her out after finding out what she had done. She had
protected his name for her sake and he believed she
died with that grudge.
But! His questioning persisted.

“Was Sarah even pregnant by him?”

Why had it taken him so long to conceive with Maria
and now a new narrative of, “Mary’s baby might not be
yours.” Was about to unfold.
The hour hand dragged it’s lazy self and had a
rendezvous with the minute hand at 6pm.
Jasper had obviously been there 10 minutes earlier.
He knew that Musiyazi would be a bit late but he
needed to take a few shots of Vodka to handle the news
without taking it hard.
Musayizi came in.

Flipped open his laptop to reveal photos of a young

Tawonga Makawa with his beloved Mary.
He went on to reveal information about how this guy
was going to marry Mary.
Jasper sat there with his palm wrapped around his
mouth. Dumbfounded is the word.

“She could have told me about this. If he is the scape

goat. I get it.”
He paused.

“Why did she keep this from me?”

Musayizi sighed and said, “Maybe because he is the

real father Jass’ and you’re rich. Do the Math.”

“Oh snap! I’m not even going to add up the money I

have spent on this pregnancy. To be honest she can keep
it but the betrayal.”

He knew it was ironic for him to be talking about

betrayal but he was angry.
He immediately texted her when Musayizi left. Of
course Musayizi would have stopped him from
communicating whilst he was in his emotions.
“I know everything. Have fun with Tawonga and stay
away from my family!”
At the other end of the phone she got a tiny heart
attack but she had to absorb it because she was sitting
righ across Tawonga who kept smiling at her happily.
“I’m full she said, as she pushed her plate away.”

“Honey what’s wrong?”

“I think I need to errr… sleep early today. Doctor’s
appointment is tomorrow remember.”
Tawonga with a worried face said, “Oh, okay. Let me
store this away for later.”

He tucked her into bed and though she had said she was
sleeping early she was still wide awake whilst Tawonga
snored through the night.
She looked at the innocent lad and whispered,
“Forgive me.”

He never heard her. He was happily in dreamland.

Chapter 7

Jasper did his best to ignore all the messages Mary

was sending to explain. She said she wanted to meet up
sometime and explain.
Finally he gave her a chance.
They met up.
“You do know once he is involved and the child is
carrying his surname I’m out of this.”
“Even if he’s yours?”
“How dare you say he’s mine if he is going to be a
Makawa!? You were cheating on me.”

“You were cheating on your wife too Mr Faithful…

how dare you deny him a present father? Do you think
he will live on money?”

She sighed.
“If he’s my child then what? You will put it on that
boy. I think that boy deserves better.”
After a few more exchanges, nothing was resolved.
Jasper walked out and said he didn’t care anymore she
could go to the press and humiliate him.
He knew she could not do that of course because that
would spoil her plans with Jasper.
Letting the press know would mean Jasper would now
know the truth. That he was played.
She was so devastated.
Later that night she texted him to apologize and
explained why she had to use Tawonga as a scape goat
and how it was in his best interests of keeping the child
“But the joy of him being his father can only be felt if
he knows that I am. If he acknowledges Tawonga as the
father, that’s dead to me even if it’s true.”
At this stage it had become tough for Mary to go public
with the truth. It would embarrass her family which was
already preparing to accept dowry from Tawonga’s

Introductions had been done and ties had been made.

Since Jasper chose the son that Maria was carrying over
hers she felt justified to what she had to do to give that
child a better life than she had.
So finally she got married to Tawonga and the baby was
The boy was healthy and a bundle of joy for the couple.
They named him Blessed.
The grandmother had insisted on it.
She said names were powerful in a child’s destiny.
Of course Jasper heard about the child and he didn’t
know what to feel about it. There was still probability
that it was his child.
It was too early to see or be able to tell. Besides his
wife was going into labour soon and it was about time
he focused on the wife God had given him.
The one he had betrayed.
A son was born and since a King had been waiting for
him, he called him Prince.
Chapter 8

It’s funny how fast they grow, first you are routinely
changing diapers, then you are being interrogated on,
“What’s this” and “What’s that”
Tawonga always had time for Blessed’s questions.
Whilst he read his books on Economics, he would give
the little one puzzles to work on.
Mary had slowly adjusted to presenting a happy face
when most of the time it was killing her that Tawonga
could have been happy over a big lie.
Good deeds don’t go unpunished do they. Tawonga’s
fate was simply how the good men of the world get
rewarded for falling into the archetypes women say
they want in lists on magazines.
Understanding, compassionate, faithful and humble.
She wished she’d have been a better woman for him,
but she’d never confess the truth for Tawonga’s sake.
Somehow the guilt was mutual.
As time moved on Jasper reached out to Mary and
asked about the child. He would even send money for
clothes and toys.
Tawonga was never suspicious of where the clothes
came from. He just assumed that since she had a rich
father, the grandparents were spoiling Blessed.
After-all he was Blessed.
When Blessed was 6 years of age one day he sat with
his father doing his school work.
He was excited to show his father his wax crayoned
drawings which made his father nostalgic. Reminding
him of the time he was the same age.
“Let me show you something.” Tawonga said.
Excitedly he pulled out a trunk which was right at the
end of their fitted wardrobe. In it were some old school
books that he used to use.
He showed Blessed some of his early drawings.
“That’s me, that’s your grand’pa and that’s gogo he said
as he pointed at some crooked child like pencil

They both had a laugh.

“Was this your jacket?” the child asked.
“No that’s your mum’s , we just put our childhood
clothes in there.”
“Dad I look good in it…”
The child wore the pink jacket happily.
“Pink is for girls.” The Dad retorted jokingly.
Then Blessed pulled out a cellphone from the jacket.
“Dad! A phone. Can I have it?”
It was indeed a phone. It was not an old phone either. It
was a smart phone.
He took it from the child. It was on silent and it had
only one dialed number and messages.
The secrecy?
Chapter 9

Chiedza was just done showing Mary a new network

marketing opportunity. It had a range of herbalskin care
Chiedza had recently joined with the franchise and of
course had been trained to recruit others.
However people with trust issues like Mary needed
more convincing on why this was not yet another
pyramid scheme.
She’d had enough of that; it was time to update each
other on gossip and personal problems.
The gossip was a part of the process it made them feel
better about their own problems at least.
So they gossiped much about their mutual friends and
finally they had to zero in on themselves. To be fair.
“Well I can’t laugh at Mai Todhlana getting caught. You
know I have worse skeletons.” Mary said.
“It’s the past hun.” Chiedza chipped in.
“It still eats me up. It still haunts me. I have been
receiving support from Jass’ and I feel like it was a bad
idea. I should have left him in the past.”
“Are you…?”
“Hell no! I’m only sleeping with my husband. He tried
of course but Tawonga is a good man.”

“Then why are you even engaging him. What if you get
caught? Will Tawo believe that?”

“To be honest… even I don’t know. Maybe it’s because

I realize that Maria’s boy… Prince looks almost exactly
like mine. That cannot be coincidence.”
“I see.” Chiedza said.
Yeah. They had a prayer together then left the house.
Chiedza tried to pitch her products one more time and
gave Mary a free sample of lotion to try out.
Mary got home. Tawonga had cooked a lovely dinner
for the family. He kissed her and served her.
This was not new to her, she was not new to this. Yes,
he was the breakfast in bed type of guy.
It was as if he’d been pulled out of a book.
“As he ate his dinner with his fork he pointed happily to
the little man.”
“Son, tomorrow I want you meet some new friends.
Just boys day out. Mummy is not invited.”
“I can’t believe you guys are planning to leave me out
again, it’s not fair.”
“It’s for boys only mum.” The boy said.
They did the dishes together as a happy family and
went to sleep.
Chapter 10

Morning came.
Blessed was up before the sun but he only got out off
his bed when its first rays pierced the window
diagonally revealing floating aerosols of dust that filled
the morning air.
The young lad hopped out with so much pent up energy
and bathed. He was ready for “Boys day out”.
“Boys day out” was always full of surprises.
It is no wonder why mum was always jealous of it.
Soon both of the boys were clean and ready. They drove
off and Mary was left alone in the house.
Well now that she was alone in the house. She needed
to check if jasper had sent any messages. She was
unable to check when her husband was home.
So she pulled out the trunk. Nothing seemed amiss. As
usual the phone was off and it was in the pink jacket.
Nothing until she saw an un-open message. It was not
from Jasper.
It was from her husband.
“We found out. As soon as you read this meet us at the
Before she could digest what had just happened.
A call came in.
“Hello…” she said with a gasp.
Tawonga made a fake laugh at the other end of the call,
“Just get to the park. That’s all… I’m hurt.”
How did you know I’d read.
“I sent the text with the phone off so that it would
deliver when the phone switched on again. That’s how
I’d know.
As a backup I added an app that alerts me so yeah.”
He hung up.
She was shivering like a crack fiend in need of another
Then she broke into tears till her face was dam p and
her eyes were red.
She reached out to her phone to text Jasper, “Jasper, my
husband now knows.”
A few seconds later he replied.
“I know.”
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