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The Agricultural Market Committee, Unjha is established

on October 23rd, 1954 under the Bombay Agricultural Produce
Act -1939 for the better regulation of purchase and sale of
Agricultural Commodities in Market area.

There are 26 villages of Unjha Tehsil in the market area

of this Committee. Unjha is declared as principal Market Yard
in the Market area. Arrivals of Agricultural Commodities in
Unjha Market Yard are from 300 KM radius i.e. Mehsana
Dist., Sabarkantha Dist., Banaskantha Dist., Saurashtra,
Kutch and Rajasthan in the Market area to extend sale and
purchase facilities.

There are “ 27 ” Agricultural Commodities Viz. Cumin

(Jeera),Fennel Seeds ( Variali ), Issabgul, Sarsav, Mustard
(Raido),cartor seeds, Till, Groundnut, Asalio, Rajgaro,
Fenugreek, Moong, Math, Udad, Gram, Tur, Val, Chola, Guwar,
Wheat , Bajari, Juvar, Chino, Kalingada-Bij, Cotton, Coriander
Seeds, Vegetables & Fruits, Dill Seed ( Suwa ), Ajwain Seed
(Ajmo) in the Market Area.

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The Object of APMC is to regulate the Market for

protecting Agriculturist sellers by cash and kind to establish
modern Market Yard with required facilities for producers and


The Market Committee is constituted of 17(seventeen)

members. There are 8(eight) Agriculturists, 2(two) Members
from Co. Op. Sale Society, four Traders, 1(one) Local authority
and 2(two) Government nominees. These members elect one of
them as Chairman and a Vice Chairman every two years. State
Government nominates the first Committee and there after it
comes through election at every four years. The Committee
appoints Secretary and necessary staff under the approval of
the director of Agricultural Marketing & Rural finance, Gujarat
State, Gandhinagar, who is the executive Authority of the Act.


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Unjha Market Yard is one of the biggest regulated Market
for Cumin. It is well known commercial centre throughout
India for its trade of Cumin (Jeera) , fennel (Variali), and Isabgol
and Mustard Seeds (Raido). Crops of Cumin, fennel, and Isabgol
is only possible in Gujarat , Rajasthan and some areas in iron.
The crop of Cumin particularly of North Gujarat is superior in
quality and hence there is great demand from all over India and
foreign countries also.

Unjha is natural assembling and exporting centre for

Agricultural Commodities of North Gujarat. There are 800 big
business firms in this town which export Cumin, Fennel, Oil
Seeds, Pulses and Isabgul to nearly 1500 centers of India &
foreign countries every year.

This market is also important for crushing and grinding

of oilseeds, pulses, isabgul coriander seeds and kalingada-bij
etc. There are 6 oil mills, 5 Pulse mills, 4 Sat Issabgul factories,
27 cleaning factories for Jeera, Variali and other spices, 6
Kalingada-bij factories & 5 Coriander seeds factories for the
purpose of further processing of these products.

Thus Unjha is natural assembling and exporting centre

of Agricultural Commodities, especially for Cumin.

Page 4

 Method of Sale
The Agricultural Commodities brought for the sale in the
Market Yard are arranged in open heaps in the plots allotted to
general commission agent and heaps are sold through open
auction conducted by the paid auctioneers of the Committee.
The details of the sale is noted by auction clerks on the same
time. This detail is useful for the solution of disputes.

 Sieving & Delivery

After auction all the produce is sieved for minimizing
adulteration and for improving Agricultural Commodities.
According to the serial order of the delivery of the produce is
taken in the Market Yard on the place of auction by standard
weights and in standardized on the spot i.e. real weight is given.

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 Cash Payment
After taking the delivery of the produce a cash memo is
prepared by the general commission agent or purchaser and
one copy of memo is given to the seller with cash payment
another to Market Committee and copy is kept for his own
record. Thus cash payment is introduced in all the work of sales
delivery & payment is finished on the same day of arrivals & the
commission agent prepares a sale slip in triplicate, one copy
given to purchaser, one given to Market Committee with Market
fees and one for his own record and recover the value of sale
from the purchaser next day with Market fee.

 Market Charges
The old practices of Market charges in cash and kind
have been abolished and the Market Committee has fixed
prescribed new Market charges for the purchasers and sellers
not from the farmers.


Page 6
Govt. Nominees Chairman

Secretary Vice Chairman

Traders Member of Co-op. Sale Soc. Agriculturist


Name & Agricultural Produce Market Committee, Unjha.

Address: Unjha Ganjbazar,

Phone:  +(91)-(2767) 252508, 253608, 253979

Fax:  +(91)-(2767) 254308

E-mail:  contact@apmcunjha.com

Website:  http://www.apmcunjha.com

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