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Training Toolbox Talk #11: Noise – Ear Protection.

Noise pollution is any unwanted sound. Noise negatively affects human health and well-being.
Problems related to noise include hearing loss, stress, high blood pressure, sleep loss,
distraction and lost productivity, and a general reduction in the quality of life. On some
occasions, we can be both the cause and the victim of noise, such as when we are operating
noisy appliances or equipment.

Permanent Damage to Hearing is Irreversible!


85 dB TWA is the Action Level at which hearing protectors must be
made available, and a Hearing Conservation Program implemented.


90 dB TWA is OSHA’s Permissible Exposure Limit, at which
hearing protectors are required and engineering/administrative
controls of the noise must be considered.

Noise Sources
Air Compressors, Hammering, Circular saws, Concrete mixers,
Chain saws; Generators, Vibrating rollers and Excavators, noisy
clubs, high hissing sound, etc are all occupational noise sources.

Controlling Noise
• Use alternate plant or equipment that generates less noise;
• Enclose noisy plant or equipment;
• Relocate plant or equipment to another less frequented area;
• Make sure that all noise-suppressing features, such as mufflers, are working and are maintained;
• Increase the distance between personnel and the source of the noise;
• Limit the number of personnel working in the vicinity of the source of the noise
• Limit the time which personnel spend exposed in the vicinity of the noise;
• Provide a barrier between the plant or equipment and persons working in the vicinity; and
• As a last resort provide appropriate personal hearing protectors to all persons in the vicinity of the
source of the noise.

Ear Protection
• Don't use cotton wool for ear protection, it is
not effective.
• Ensure ear plugs are a good fit and properly
• Regularly clean reusable ear plugs.
• Use disposable ear plugs once only.
• Clean your hands before touching all types
of ear plugs.

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