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San Juan

Last week I was asked to recommend a place to a tourist and I couldn’t think of a
better place than San Juan. It’s a town in Dominican Republic and it’s in the south
of the country. If you´re in Santo Domingo and you want to go there, you need to
drive for 3 or 4 hours.
It’s a beautiful place, you can go there anytime of the year, because it’s nice all the
time and the weather is cold and comfortable. So, don’t forget to take you coat with
When you arrive there the first thing that you should do is go to the emblematics
parks as Caonabo’s Park, Juan Bosch’s park and San Juan Bautista’s park. If you
ask me I would recommended you my favorite one that is Juan Bosch’s park,
because it has a lot of things about books.
About food, it has several options, but the special one is Chenchen with goat.
On the other hand, San Juan is a place where you can find lots of cheap second
hand clothes (a.k.a paca) and handmade objects and jewelry.

Finally, tourists can go to the rivers, it has like 4 or 5, but the best and largest one
is El Yaque del Sur.

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