Erogkmez Ao M06S3 A Typical Day

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A typical day

a. What time do you get up? I get up every day at nine a.m.
b. What time do you go to sleep? I usually go to bed at twelve o'clock
c. What time do you take a shower? I like to take a shower before bed
d. What time do you study for Prepa en I start studying in the afternoon around 5
línea-SEP? pm
e. What time do you have breakfast? I eat breakfast at nine-thirty
f. What time do you have lunch? I usually have lunch at three o'clock

First, I wake up at 9 a.m. every morning I turn off the alarm and get up. I have a cup of
coffee and take breakfast at nine-thirty. Then I go to work on my computer until the
afternoon. After that I lunch with my family at three o'clock. And I study in the afternoon
around 5 pm until dusk, I take dinner while I watch a series or a movie that's my favorite
activity of the day. And some days of the week I exercise before taking a shower. Finally
I'm going to bed about twelve o'clock.

“My favorite activity of the day is take dinner while I watch a series or a movie”

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