EC 09 604-Control Systems

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41237 EC/PTEC 09 604 - CONTROL SYSTEMS ~ (2009 Admissions) Time : Three Hours Maximum : 70 Marks PART A Answer all questions 1, Compare open loop system with closed loop system 2, Determine the error coefficients for the system having Gls}H(s) = (3+2)/ (s(1+0.5 5)(1 +0.28)) 3. State Nyquist Stability criterion 4. Write any two properties of state transition matrix 5. Define Controllability. (Sx 2= 10 Marks) PART B Answer any four questions 6. Obtain the expression for y(t) which is satisfying the differential equation y"*6y't8y=16e" Neglect initial conditions. 7. In an RC circuit, the values of Rand C are 1 MQ and 1pP. respectively. Obtain the expression for the current flowing in the circuit if it is supplied with an input of step voltage of 1 V at t=0. 8. Give the procedure to solve block diagram reduction problems. 9. Explain the rules for construction of Root Locus. 10, Examine the stability of the given equation using Routh’s method S¥6s! 11s+6-0, 0-1 11. Find the state transition matrix for A = (4 x5 = 20 Marks} Turn over 12, 13. 14, 15, -2- Part C Answer all questions (a) Explain the block diagram reduction rules. . (or) (0) Construct the signal flow graph for the following set of system equations Y= Gi Yi + GaYs Ya = Gs Yi + Gz Yo + Gos Ya = Qe Ya + Gr Ya (a] Derive the unit step response of a Second order system. for) (b) Sketch the root locus for the system having GISIH(s} = K / (( s(s2+2s+2) (a) Using Routh’s criterion , determine the stability of the following systems. * (i) Its loop transfer function has poles at 5-0, s=- » 8-3 and zero at s gain K of forward path is 10. (i) Ie is a type one system with an error constant of 10 sec’! and poles at s=- Band s=-6. for} (b) Explain the properties of z-transform and its significance in control system. (a) With « suitable example, explain the method of deriving the transfer function from state model. for) (b) With a suitable example, explain the method of deriving the solution of non homogeneous state equation using Laplace transform method (4x 10 = 40 Marks)

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