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Alkalizing A treatment used during the making of cocoa

powder to give particles better suspension pro-
perties when they are used in a drink (commonly
known as the Dutch process)
Amorphous Not having a distinct crystalline form.
Bloom Fat or sugar on the surface ofthe sweet giving a
whitesheen orsometimes individual whiteblobs.
Cacao Botanical name referring to the tree, pods and
unfermented beans from the pods.
Chocolate liquor Another name for cocoa mass.
Chocolate mass(e) May refer to either cocoa mass or partially
processed chocolate. In this book masse is used
exclusively to mean partially processed choco-late.
This was chosen to try to avoid confusion with
cocoa mass.
Cocoa Traditionally the manufactured powder used for
drinks or food manufacture. At present often
refers to fermented beans in bulk.
Cocoa butter Fat expelled from the centre (kernels or nib) of
cocoa beans.
Cocoa butter equivalent Vegetable fats which are totally compatible with
cocoa butter and can be mixed with it in any
Cocoa butter replacer Vegetable fats which may be mixed with cocoa
butter but only in a limited proportion.
Cocoa liquor Another name for cocoa mass.
Cocoa mass(e) Cocoa nib ground finely to give a liquid above
35°C(95 OF). Cocoamassisnormally usedin this
book for all except origin liquor, as mass is used
in the official EC regulations.
Cocoa nib Cocoa beans with the shell removed.

Cocoa powder Cocoa nib with some of the fat removed and
ground into a powder.
Conche A machine in which the chocolate is kept under
agitation,so thattheflavour isdevelopedand the
chocolate becomes liquid.
Sometimes used for machines which treat cocoa
mass to remove volatile components.
Chocolatl Drink made from crushed cocoa beans devel-
oped by the Aztecs.
Countline An individual unit normally purchased and eaten
by the consumerininformal surroundings, e.g.
Mars Bar.
Couverture Legal use, high-fat (Le. over 31% cocoa butter),
normally high-quality chocolate. In this book,
these are referred to as high-fat couvertures.
Common UK use as biscuit-coating chocolate,
often containing other fats.
Crumb Intermediate material in the milk chocolate
making process, composed of dehydrated milk,
sugar and cocoa mass.
Dietetic chocolate 'Chocolate' made for people with special dietary
requirements, e.g. diabetics.
Enrober Machinefor coatingsweetcentrewithchocolate, by
pouring molten chocolate over it.
Fermentation A process in which cocoa beans are treated such
thatchemical changeis brought about byenzyme
action. This usually involves removing the beans
from the podsand placingthemincoveredheaps for
an extended period.
Husk The shell round the nib or kernel.
Lecithin Class of organic compounds similar to fats but
with molecules containing nitrogen and phos-
phorus. Used in chocolate as a surface-active
agent to improve its flow properties.
Lipid Generic term for oils, fats and waxes.
Micronizer Device for the radiant heating ofcocoa beans so as
to loosen the shell.
Milk fat replacer A vegetable fat used to replace milk fat in
Non-Newtonian liquid A liquid whose viscosity varies according to the
rate at which it is stirred (sheared).
Origin liquor Cocoa mass manufactured in the country of
origin of the beans.
Outer Box containing a number of retail units.
Plastic viscosity Relates to the amount ofenergy required to keep
a non-Newtonian liquid moving once it has
started to move (see also yield value).
Polymorphism Theexistenceofthesamesubstance in more than
two different crystalline forms.
Precrystallization A method of producing a small percentage of
crystalsofthe correctform within thechocolate,
e.g. as occurs in a temperer.
Refiner Roll mill, often with five rolls, used to grind solid
chocolate ingredients. In some countries it also
refers to machines for changing the flavour of
cocoamass. Thisis not used in thiscontext in this
Temperer Amachinefor cooling/heatingchocolate to form
stable fat crystals.
Winnowing The separation ofa light material from a denser
one by blowing air over them. In the case of
cocoa,theshellis blownawayfrom thecocoanib
and collected separately.
Yield value Relates to the amount ofenergy required to start
a non-Newtonian liquid moving (see also plastic
Useful conversion factors

Square area
1sq. in = 6.4516sq. em
1sq. em = 0.155sq. in
1sq. ft = 0.0929sq. m
1sq. m = 10.763sq. ft
1cu. in = 16.387eU.em
1cu. em = 0.0610cu. in
1cu. ft = 0.0283cu. m
1cu. m = 35.314cu. ft
lIb/cu. ft = 16.018kg/cu. m
1kg/cu. m =0.0624Ib/eu. ft
1 ft = 0.3048m
1m = 3.280ft
1micron (jlm)=0.0375 x 1O-3 in
1p.s.i. = 0.0703 kg/sq. em
1kg/sq. em =14.223 p.s.i.
1p.s.i. = 0.068atm.
1atm. = 14.7p.s.i.
1p.s.i. = 0.069Bar
1Bar = 14.5p.s.i.
1p.s.i. = 6.895kPa
1kPa = 0.145 p.s.i.
1kPa = 0.01 kg/sq. em
1kg/sq. em =98.1 kPa
1poise = 100mPa. s
1poise = 0.1 Pa. s
1mPa. s = 0.01 poise
1centipoise = 1mPa. s
100centipoise = 1poise
10 poise = 1Pa. s
10dyne/em2 = I Pa
Heat transfer coefficient (thermal transmittance (U value); rate of heat exchange
or conductance (C value»
1 Btu/sq. ft-h-F. = 5.678 W/sq. m-Dc.
1W/sq. m-C. = 0.176 Btu/sq. ft-h-oF
1Btu/sq. ft-h-F. = 4.882 kcal/sq. m-h-oC
1kcal/sq. m-h-C = 0.204 Btu/sq. ft-h-of
1W/sq. cm-C = 0.238caljsq. cm-s-oC
1cal/sq. cm-s-C = 4.186W/sq. cm-oC
1W/sq. cm-C = 8.598 x 103 kcaljsq. m-h-oC
1kcaljsq. m-h-C = 1.163 x 10-4 W/sq. cm-oC

Heat flow rate

1Btu. h = 0.293 W
1W = 3.1412Btu. h
1Btu. h = 0.2519 kcal. h
1kcal. h = 3.9683 Btu. h
Energy per unit mass
1Btu. Ib = 2.326J/g
1J/g = 0.4299
1Btu. 1b = 0.5555 kcaljkg
1kcal/kg = 1.800Btu/lb
Density of heat flow rate
1Btu/sq. ft-h = 3.1545W/sq. m
1W/sq. m = 0.3169 Btu/sq. ft-h
1 Btu/sq.ft-h = 2.7124 kcaljsq.m-h
1kcal/sq. m-h = 0.3686Btu/sq. ft-h
Thermal conductivity (K values)
1Btu-in/sq. ft-h-fah = 0.1442 W/m-cent 1W/m-
cent = 6.9334 Btu-in/sq. ft-h-fah
Energy (work. heat)
1Btu = 1.055 kJ
1kJ = 0.947 Btu
1oz. = 28.354gram (g)
1gm = 0.035oz
1oz. f = 0.278 newtons (N)
1N = 3.6oz. f
lib. f = 4.448 N
1N = 0.225 1b. f

1N = 0.1 kgf
1kgf= 9.81 N
Energy (work)
1kWh = 3.60 x 106 Joule (J)
11 = 2.777 X 10- kWh
Specific heat
1cal/g°C = 4186.8J/kg K
Spec. ht of water at 4°C = 4.2045 kJ/kg °C
1Btu/lbof =4.1868 x 103 J/kg°C 1J/kg°C =
0.238 x 10- 3 Btu/lb OF
Useful physical constants

Thermal conductivity
SI-unit IMP-unit

Ingredient State/temp.range W/moC BTU/hftOF Source

Cocoa mass 60°C (l4O°F) 0.21 0.123 b

Cocoa butter liquid/43°C (110OF) 0.12 0.07 a

Chocolate solid/21°C (70°F) 0.09 0.05 a
melted 0.16 0.09 a
Sources: [a] T h e Manufacturing Confectioner, August 1991, p. 43

[b] A. Dodson, Thermal Conductivity o fFoods, BF-MIRA,Leatherhead, UK, 1975.

Specific beat

SI-unit IMP-unit

Ingredient State/temp.range J/kgOC BTU/lbsoF Source

Cocoa butter solid/15-21 °C (60-70OF) 2010 0.48 a

liquid/32-82°C (90-180OF) 2090 0.50 a

Chocolate liquid/solid 15-4O°C (60-120oF) 1590 0.38 a
Iiquid/40-60°C (104-140oF) 1670 0.40
Cocoa mass solid/4-25°C (39-77 OF) 1970 0.47
Iiquid/30-59°C (86-131 OF) 1420 0.34

Source: [a] T h e Manufacturing Confectioner, August 1991, p. 43

Latent beat
Ingredient SI-unit IMP-unit

J/g BTU/lbs
Cocoa butter 157 67.6

Dark chocolate 46 20.0

Milk chocolate 44 19.0

Source: J. Chevalley, W. Rostagno, R.H. Egli, A study ofthe

Physical Properties ofChocolate, Rev. Int. Choc.
25, January 1970, p. 4.

Moisture content aw-Range
Ingredient % %
Chocolate 0.1-0.5 0.4

Source: The Manufacturing Confectioner, January 1987, p. 65


SI-unit IMP-unit

Ingredient State/temp.range g/cm3 Ibs/ft3

Cocoa butter solid/IS °C (59 OF) 0.96-0.99 60
liquid 0.88-0.90 55
Chocolate solid 1.3 80
liquid/40°C (104 OF) 1.2 76
Cocoa mass solid 1.1 68

Source: T h e Manufacturing Confectioner, July 1969, p. 49.


Entries in bold are glossary definitions, entries in italic indicate that a complete chapter is
dedicated to a subject.

Aasted 195, 196 see also temperers Accra Australia 366, 367, 372, 381
105, 108, 110, 113, 114, 264 Acetic acid 14- Austria 367-370 automation
16,74,103, 107, 110-112, 117, 121, 87,288,295 Aztecs 1
acucar amorfo 33
adhesives 331 bacillus 312, 313, 319
Admul-WOL 148-149 see also bacteria 13, 305, 306, 312-319, 348, 378, 379
polyglycerol polyricinoleate
advertising 371-374 Bactomatic 305
aerobic bacteria 14, 106 bagasse 26
AFCC 22 Bahia 18, 105, 106; 110, 113, 114, 264,
Afghanistan 363 265,274
agglomerates 80,89,96, 118-120, 130, Baker Perkins 201-203, 217-220 see
224,267,289,359 also temperers and enrobers
air bubbles 175,271 bananas 10, 14
alcohol 111, 270 bar codes 338
aldehyde 105, 109-112, 117 Bauermeister 64, 75, 124, 136, 138,
Alfa-Laval 75, 138 207 see also conches beans
alkalizing 63, 69, 71, 72, 75, 78, 85, 138, see cocoa beans behenic acid
266,391 245 Belgium 367-370, 381 belt
alkyl chain 157, 158
aluminium foil 321,324,326,327,329, coater 240 best-before date 337
334,339 BFMIRA process 349,355
Amazon 12, 17-19 Bingham model see viscosity
Amelonado 12, 17, 18 Biyoko 17
amine 74, 109, 110, 111
amino acid 90, 105, 108, 109, 110, 113, black pod 11
118,300 bloom, sugar 234 see fat for fat bloom
amino groups 52, 105 BOB 359,386
ammonium phosphatides see YN body mass index (BMI) 377
amorphous forms 47, 391 boiled sugar process 345
amorphous sugar 31,33,34,92-94, 111, bonded-phase chromatography
263 (BPe) 301, 302
angle of repose 28 anthocyanins Borneo 248 bottoming
15, 16 anti-blooming agents 261 211,221 bourdon tube
antioxidant 2, 52, 75, 273, 275 282,283 boxed chocolates
anti-tailing rod 212, 224, 226 325 Braunschweig colour
apparent visCosity see viscosity 27
APV Baker see Baker Perkins Brazil 9, 17, 18,33, 104, 246, 26~266
Brazilian Catongo 12
aroma index 58, 303 Arriba 110, browning reaction see Maillard
264, 265 ascorbic acid 44 Buhler 65, 79 see also roll mills
bulk density 30
ash content 27, 30, 80 Buss Ko-Kneader 353,
assortments 221, 327, 389
atmospheric crumb process 52
354 butterfly pan 240,
atomic absorption 303,304 241 buttermilk 43, 48,
49, 54 butyric acid 46
cacao 102, 103, 391 super 250, 251, 252

cacao tree 8, 10 coberine 249-252 see also cocoa butter

Cadbury 1-3, 8, 15, 258, 260, 358, 363, equivalent
364,367 cocoa
Cadbury, George 371, 373 bulk 17, 102,259,264,363
caffeine 15 fine 19,24
CAL 22 flavour 11, 12, 15, 19,264
calcium 47 infestation 21
calcium-stearoyllactate 148 cocoa beans 8-23, 55-72, 76, 78, 85,
calories 37, 268-270, 369, 384, 388 107, 111,263,300,302,315,345,346,
Cameroun 104, 263, 264 352,3SO
Canada 319, 366 count 22
Caobisco 380 flat 22, 61
capillary pressure 96 see also cleaning of cocoa beans
caprenin 388 cocoa bean breaker 67, 68
Caracas 110, 264, 265 cocoa bean kernels see cocoa nib
caramelization 30,51, 53, 176 cocoabeanshel1 3,4,8,56-71,76,81,84,
carbohydrate 15, 26, 34, 38, 44, 92, 269, 88,89,105,107,265,266,300,313,314
375-379 cocoa butter
carbonation 26 definition of 391
carbon dioxide 26, 75 fully refined 76
carbonyls 74,105, 107, 109-112 manufacture of 74-79, 207
carboxymethyl cel1ulose 269 cocoa butter alternative (CBA) 242, 245
caries 39, 377-379, 384 cocoa butter equivalent (CBE) 161, 166,
Carie & Montanari 64,75, 124-127, 138, 191,242,246-256,274,275,278,302,
346,355 386,391
carnuba wax 240 cocoa butter improver (CBI) 252
carriage tests 329 cocoa butter replacer (CBR) 242-256,
caseins 44-50, 54 386,391
Casson model see viscosity cocoa butter substitute (CBS) 242, 302
CBA, CBE, CBI, CBR see cocoa butter cocoa fat 71,76,90
cel1 wal1s 85, 86, 104 cocoa flowers, 8, 10
celIulose 325,326, 330-334 cocoa germ 68,75,87-89
centrifuge 25 cocoa liquor 2-5, 34, 55-58, 64-82, 84,
cerebrosides 46 86-89
Ceylon see Sri Lanka cocoa mass
chemistry 16, 102-117 definition of 391
cherel1es 8 manufacture of 70-75
China 248, 384 cocoa masse 391
chocolate 1, 392 cocoa moth 21
chocolate crumb see crumb cocoa nib 2, 3, 33, 55, 62, 63, 67-72, 75,
chocolate drops 271, 272 76,84,87,94, 111,258,265,266, 2n,
chocolate kettle see temperers 342,391
chocolate liquor 391 cocoa pod 2, 8, 10, 12
chocolate masse 31,33,51,70,83,87,90, cocoa powder 47,51,52,55,69,70-82,
91,96-98, 114, 117-119, 128, 129, 131, 87-89, 98, 242, 251-256, 278, 279, 302,
134-136,150,181,261,345,346,391 312,316,317,353,354,359,381,382,
Chocolate Manufacturers' Association of 392
the USA 314 cocoa press 75
chocolate temper unit (CIU) 165,187 cocoa press cake 70,71,76,78
cholesterol 378 cocoa pulp 314
chupons 8 cocoa shel1 see cocoa bean shell
cinnamon 268 coconut 363
cleaning cocoa beans 3,4,55-57,316 coconut oil 252, 254, 274
CMAA 22 Codex Alimentarius 75,382
CMC 137 coefficient of extinction 27
coatings 115, 215, 273, 274, 275, 343 cold seal 330, 337
cake SO, 222, 271-273 Columbia 19

Columbus 258 C~?1I0 1,1, 12, 19, 102, 264, 266, 278
COMA 315, 378 cntIcal pomt (HACCP) 315-320
compounds 80,254,261,270,273, cross contamination 316,317,318
275 see also coatings and couvertures crumb 2, 4, 34, 43, 52, 54, 94, 111 138
conches see also conching 182, 258-262, 275, 276, 392 "
clover 125 continuous crystal accelerators 359
131-136 dry round crystal maturity 182-184 191 , 193 , 202 ,

124 219
Frisse DRC and DUC 128-130 crystallization 25,26,27,31,36,39,40, 53,92-
Heidenauer HCC 132 Homega 95,156-158,161,165-167,175, 184, 216,
126, 127 230, 232, 247, 256
IC3 125,126 Imcatec 346 cut test 21, 23, 104
longitudinal 112, 122, 123 cyclones 67
McIntyre 129, 255 cyclothennic temper 208, 209
PlY 133,355
dead fold 330, 336
PVS super conche 129, 130 decorators 213, 221, 222, 224-228
rotary 112, 122-124 Thouet Deconnatic 227, 228
124, 130, 131 Tourell 135, 136 degree of sweetness 40, 41
dehumidification 234, 237
conching 5, 40, 51, 52, 88, 92-98, 102, 111-
dehydration 262
115, 117-138, 146, 149, 152-154, 255,
dehydroreductones 109
261,266,267,272,275,279,318,346, 347,
demineralization 47, 49
350, 351, 354, 355, 387 388 389
Denmark 366, 368, 369
conching accelerator 127 ' , conduction density measurement 285,289,290,293
27, 232, 234 contraction 161, 183, density values 398
191,208, 230 Contraves see deod~rization 75, 76, 268, 274
viscometer Convap process 65,66,346 depOSItors 231
convection 17,232,234,237 conversion dewpoint 232-235
factors 394-396 Convimeter dextron 387
174,290,291 cookies 271,272,279 dextrose see sugar
Dezaan 260
diabetic 34, 36, 38, 39, 40 269 270
coolers 221,224,232-239 diacetyl 109 "
Gainsborough 236 jet diafiltration 48
turbo 232 multi-tier 238 die fold 322, 323
diet 375, 376, 378
tunnel 182, 191, 231, 232, 233, 238 d!etetic ~hocolate 43,268-270,341,392
254, 272, 359 ' dIfferentIal scanning calorimetry
turbulent air 234 (DSC) 299
turboflow 215 diglycerides 46
Sollich radiation 237 dilatant 170
cooling 252 dimethyl pyrazine-2-5 302
cooling curves 164, 185, 186 ' 192 , 200 , diode array cameras 295
230 disaccharides 25,35,37,39-41 see also
Coriolis force (mass flow meter) 283
sugar 47
284,286 '
com syrup 36, 171,240 distribution 329
Costa Rica 106, 110 Dominican Republic 104, 106, 363
cotton seed oil 274 dry conching 117-126
cotyledon 8,9, 16, 23, 60 ' 61 , 105 , 111 ,
dr~ng 2,5,13,17,18,50,55,56,72,102
312 105, 106, 107,111,265,266 312 , 313 , '

Coulter counter 306 357

countlines 215, 221, 322, 323 ' 324 , 381
dust explosions 32
387,389,392 ,
dutching process see alkalizing
couverture 97,98,215,242,278,380,
383,389,392 see also compounds and
coatings Easter eggs 231,327,329,371,381

EC 27, 30, 35, 48, 72, 75, SO, 318, 333, fondant 2, 36, ISO, 231,270, 321, 364
378, 3SO, 381, 382, 383 Forastero 11, 12, 14, 16-18, 102,246
E. coli 71, 80 foreign body detectors 55,294 form-fill-
~uador 19,104,264,265 Eire
seal machines 337 formaldehyde 109
367, 368, 382, 389 elaidic acid
255 electrochemical sensors fractionation 46,247,252,254 France
293 electrodialysis 48, 49 28,364,366- 370,381 Frisse, Richard
124, 128, 129, 138 fructose see
emulsifiers 47,48,146,186,261,378,387 sugars fructosylamines 108
engrossing see panning
enrober 176,179,182,197,198,211-227, 232, Fry, J.-S. 258
238, 360, 392 fumigation 21,92
enrobing 96,97, 167, 175, 181, 191,202, fungi 61, 314
253,256,270,272,277,323,3SO enterobacteria
71, SO, 316-318, 320 environmental issues Gainsborough Cooler 236, 237
339 gangliosides 46
enzymes 15,16,35,36,39,104-107,113, gas chromatography (GC) 102, 110, 117,
249,262,276,277,293,294,386 Ephestia 136, 243, 300, 338
moth 21 General Foods 260
equilibrium relative humidity (ERH) 30, germ see cocoa germ
324, see water activity esters 46, 111 Germany 28, 30, 366-370, 381
Ghana (Gold Coast) 16-18,70, 104, 109, 246,
ethanol 14, 15 see also alcohol 263, 264, 263
eutectics see fat eutectics glass jars 327
evaporation SO, 51 evaporators SO, glassine 309, 322, 325, 3~334, 336 gloss
235 expeller 75, 76 182,184,190,191,217,222,232,
235,250,254,255,308,330 glossary 391-393
extruders 86,87,335,337,347,348,352, 360
glucose see sugars
glucosylamines 108
FAO 21-23 glutamine 109 glyceride
fat chain 157-160 glycerol
bloom 82,156,161,184,190,191,232, 183, 332 glycine 108, 109
247,249,252,254,255,328,360,386, 391 glycosidases 105 glyoxal
eutectics 182, 186,202,217,220,227, 108, 109
243,245,255,275 Golden Hope plantations 15
fatty acids 46,77, 111, 112, 158, 183,243, goniophotometer 308 grain size
245, 246, 252 28
free 77,313 grape sugar 35
FDA 37,315,378,383 Greer temper meter 165, 185, 187
fermentation 2, 5, 12, 14, 16, 18, 23, 55, Grenada 264
56,71,72,90, 102-107, Ill, 112, 117, grinding 3, 30, 55, 57,59,63, 70, 81, 83-
263, 300, 314, 392 101, 105, 111, 118, 120,298, 316,
Fiji 363 357,387
Finke & Heinz formula 173,174 fin
seal 323 HACCP 315-319
Finland 367, 368, 370 hammy flavour 22,106, see also smoky
flavour development 66,69,75, 102-116, 122, flavour
138, 266, 352, 354, 359 hand decorating- 212
flavour precursors 2, 5, 103, 104, lOS, hazelnuts 94, 363
107,118 heat exchanger - 59, 137, 162, 187-192,
flora 8, 104, 306, 312, 313 195,198,202,208,216,219 heat of solution
flow measurement 283 flow 33, 38
properties see viscosity flow heat sealed foil 334
wrap 323 fluidization 61 heat stable chocolate 33, 34, 190, 240,
fluorescence 301, 303 244,256,389
heavy metals 77
Heidenauer 131,234,358,359 Karl Fischer titration 296

Hershey 2,260,363,365,389 ketone 105, 107, 111

history 1, 364, 365 Kilgren chocolate decorator 214
Holland see Netherlands Kit Kat 371
homogenisation 50, 130, 199,275,349 kokum 248
honey 35-38,378 Kreuter 193-195 see also temperers
HPLC 243
humidity 29-31,59,63,90,93, 144,232, lactic acid 14, 15, 103, 107, 313
233, 235, 241, 254 lactoglobulin 44, 45
Hungary 39,366,383 lactoproteins 34
husk 392 lactose see sugars
hydrocarbon chains 46, 111, 301 latent heat 185, 187, 189,208,230,232,
hydrogenated fats 252, 254 299, 345, 392
hydrogenation 38-40, 46, 386 Lauric CBR 242, 252, 253, 279
hydroxymethylfuTfural 108 lauric fat 81, 254
hy~ene 204,222,239,262,288,315,318, laxative effects 34, 40
343,351 lecithin 46,80,98, 121, 122, 128, 131,
hygrometer chart 233 133-136, 146-152, 154, 227, 256, 261,
hyperactivity 377 269,276-278,314,316,354,355,378,
Hyrheo method 82 392
legal requirements 362, 372, 374
ice cream 222, 272, 274, 360, 362 Lehmann 64, 75
icing sugar 31, 32, 92, 93, 98 Lesme 233
Illipe 247-249 leucine 108, 110
imidazoles 108 licking rollers 212, 221, 226
India 248 Lindt and SpTiingii 122, 260, 356
Indru process 58, 61 linoleic acid 245, 246, 254, 255
Indonesia 9, 17-19, 104 lipase 50,51,249,253,254,273,275 see
Indonesian Djati Roenggo 12 also enzymes
infestation see cocoa lipid 46, 392
infra-red 60, 61, 124 lipolytic action 313
infra-red spectroscopy 296 liquefaction 5, 118, 123, 133, 346,
'in-house' flavour 60 353-356, 359
in-line measurement 90,281,288, liqueurs 231,270, 278, 381
292-295 liquid chromatography 301 see also
in-line sensors 287 HPLC
insect infestation 21,23,61 liquid phase conching 120, 125, 126
instrumentation 165, 281-311, 388, 389 liquid nitrogen 299, 300
interesterification 72 liquorice 347, 363
interval pre-erystallization process 194 listeria 306, 319
intrinsic safety 32 lite 269
invert sugar 26, 27, 34-38 see also Lloveras 124, 129, 350
sugars load cells 177, 294
IOCC(C) 83,84, 141, 143, 144, 154, 172, Loders Croklaan 157-166, 243-256
289, 365-370, 381 loss in weight systems 284
iodine value 77 Low and Duff 124, 129,350
ion exchange chromatography 44, 48, 49 LSCP process 355
Iran 363 Luwa thin-layer evaporator 64, 65
Iraq 363 magnetic flow meter 283
isomalt 39-41 see a/so sugars
Israel 3lJ6 magnetic separator 55
Italy 36(i, 367, 368, 370, 388 Maillard reaction 37,50-53,74,94,95,
Ivory Coast (Cote d'IvoireY 17, 18, 104, 107, 108, 118, 261
106, 263, 363 Malaysia 9, 17-19,70, 104, 106,246,248,
259, 263, 265
Japan 366-370, 388 maltitol 34,40,41,269 see also sugars
Java 12,19, 264, 265 maltose see sugar
JECFA 378 mannitol 34,38-41,269 see a/so sugar
marketing 259, 362-385 tumbling ball 86, 87

~ars 260, 363, 364, 371 turbo 31

mass flow meters 284, 285 vibrating 342
mass spectrometry 102, 305 minerals 44,47,49,94,303, 375
melangeur pan 4, 5 mixers 51, 117 172
melting point 184 moisture 1, 3, 16,20, 22, 28-33, 39,. 52,
methyl bromide 21 59,61,66,71, 74, ~5, 90,92,107,
methyl end group 105, 107, 157 110,117,121,131,137,146, 150,152,
methylbutanal 110, 300, 301 234, 235, 261, 266, 290, 296, 299, 305,
methylfuran 300 3~3n,3ll,3n,m,328,3~,3D,
methylpropanal-2 109, 110, 300 334, 336, 338, 345, 346, 348, 350-355,
~exico 106, 122 359
micelles 45 molasses 25,26
microbiology 30,59,61,63,69,70, SO, monoglycerides 25,36,41,44
81,137,253,254,262,306,312-319 monosaccharides 35, 37
microcrystalline sugar 358, 359 ~osimann 353,387,389
microcrystals 198 moths 21
microfiltration 48, 49 mould 2, 18,20,22,23,71, SO, 81, 105,
micrometer 306 107,111,305,312-314,319,320,387
micronizing process 58,61,392 moulding chocolate 33, 96, 97, 153, 154,
microwave moisture meters 293 167, 175, 176, 181, 182, 184, 191,202,
milk 43-54 228,230,231, 239, 253, 256, 270,272,
condensed 53 277,321,322,324,327,338,3SO
crumb see crumb
fat 47, 164, 165,243-245,261,269, Nagema see Heidenauer
276-278, 350, 362, 378 National Confectionary Association
fat replacer 393 (NCA) 144
protein 289,299 near infra-red (NIR) 292,293,296-298
solids 4,277,345,383 Nestle 15,258,260,363
milk powder 2, 3, 34, 37, 43, 50, 93, 94, Netherlands 77,249,258,364,367-370
133, 137, 182,251,253,256,261,269, neural networks 389
273-279,342,343,345,350,354,357, New Guinea 106,263
358 262, 263, 267, 276, 2n New Hebrides 264
roller-dried Newtonian liquids 122, 140, 144, 145,
spray-dried 262, 267, 345 169-171, 174, 289
milkiness index 277, 278 nicotinic acid 44
mills Nigeria 70, 104, 106, 259, 263, 264, 388
agitator ball 87-90, 94, 98, 343 non-Iaurics 242, 254-256, 273, 279
ball 31,70,85, 86, 136, 255, 343-345, non-protein nitrogen 44,45, 49
350, 351 non-Newtonian liquids 140, 167-172,
blade 86,87 174, 175, 289, 393
classifier 342, 345 North America 6,20,259,363
colloid 353, 358, 359 Norway 367
disc 78, 86, 87, 342, 343 nuclear magnetic resonance (~R)
fluid energy 342 243-246, 298, 299
hammer 31,70,86,342 nutmeg 268
impact pulverizer 31,93, 98 nutritional value 44
jet 31, 345, 353, 354, 389
pebble 343 obesity 377
perl 343 OICC(C) see loce
pin 31,78,87,342,354 oleic acid 158, 242,243, 245, 246, 249,
pug 112 252,254
rod 343 olein 248
roll(er) 26,31, 33, 81, 86, 89, 93-98, operational research 364, 372
111, 151,340-342,345,347,350, optical rotation 27
354-356, 381 organoleptics 43, 102, 242, 245
sand 342, 343 origin liquor 393
triple 87, 88, 90 orthorhombic form 158

outer (packaging) 321-326, 393 polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR) 122,

oxazole 108, 111 148, 149, 172, 383
polymorphism ~ 156-158,160,161,165,
packaging 75,77,82, 191,232,238,316, 166, 182, 184, 245, 247, 249, 393
318,321-339,372,374,386,387 palatinite 92, polyols 34 see also sugars polyphenol
94 see also sugars palm kernel 252 105
palm oil 247-249,254 polyphenolic compounds 16, 106
palmitic acid 242-246,249,252,254 panning polypropylene 323,326,327,330,335,
211,239-241,256,270-272,364 paper and 336,339
board 331 polysaccharides 39
Papua New Guinea 19 polysorbate 190
particle shape 92 polystyrene 334
particle size 28,30,32,56,89,97, 119, polythene 338
154,270,296,298,301,302,306,307, 341 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 327, 334, 336,
particle size distribution 31,47,89,90, 146, polyvinylidene chloride (PVdC) 333-338
150, 172,307,341-343,354 pastels 274, 275 pre-erystallization 153, 182, 187, 190,
193,253, 393 see also temper pressing 78,
pasteurization 50, SO, 138, 305, 318, 319, 79, 316
347,352 pressure drop 168
pasty phase (conching) 120-123, 127 pressure measurement 282,283,285-287
PDAT 74,75,138,355 pearlized film 324, pressure tempering 207
336 pectin 15 printing 331, 338
Procter & Gamble 388
penicillium 294, 312 protein 16, 44-50, 86, 94, 104-106, 109,
peptides 103-105, 109 261,279,293,297,298,375,376,379
pesticides 21,77, SO, 81, 90 pseudoplastic 140, 170 psychrometric charts
Peters, Daniell, 258 232-233
Petzholdt 124, 129, 131, 133, 355 pulp see cocoa pulp
Petzomat processes 64, 73, 74, 137, 346 pumps 167-182, 193, 197, 211, 218, 220,
pli 27,41,44,48,52,71, 72,SO, 103, 104, 223,290
312,313 centrifugal 177, ISO
pli electrodes 293 gear 177, 178
phenol 72, 106, 113, 114, 302 mono 177,180
Philippines 363 pawl 138, 177, 179, ISO, 212
phosphate 47 peristaltic 177, 178,216
phosphatides 26 reciprocating plunger 177
phospholipid 46, 148, 150, 152 see also screw 177,179,348
lecithin vane 177, 178
photoelectric cell (PEC) 338 pyrazine 108-111,302
physical constants 397, 398 pyridines 108
pillow pack 323 pyrroles 108
pipes 28, 29, 167, 181
plastic viscosity 393 see also viscosity quality 71,77,80,83,110,254,259,265,
plastic trays 339 268,288,295,307,312,318,319,321,
plasticizing 332 329,330-332, 338
plate-count 80, 81, 320
platinum resistance thermometers 281, radiation 17,232,234,237
282 rancidity 77,275,330,336
Poiseuille equation 172 recipe 41, 161, 166, 171, 181, 186, 194,
polishing 240, 241 200,202,235,250,252, 256-2SO, 290, 298,
polyalcohols 34 see also sugar 346, 382
polydextrose 37, 38 refiner see mills
polyester 326, 336, 339 refractive index 293, 296, 298 retention
polyethylene 321, 325, 327, 330, 334 time (temperers) 195, 198, 201-205,
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) 327, 215, 218-220, 225 reverse osmosis 48
rework 169
Reynolds number 172 sorbitan tristearate 186

rheogram 145, 146 sorbitol 25,34,38-41,92,94,177,269

rheopexy 170 sorption isotherm 29
riboflavin 44 SOS type 158
ring main 176, 178,219 South America 8, 17, 70, 265, 363
roasting 4,55-72, 75, 84, 92, 102, 104, South-East Asia 17
105, 107, 110-113, 117, 118, 136, 138, Soxhlet extraction 296
259,264-268,275,301,302,314,320, soya beans 94, 378, 386
345, 355, 356 334, 335 Spain 1, 8, 367-370
robotic packing specific heat 232, 397
roll refiner see mills specific surface 150, 151
roller drying 50-52 spices 258,268
Rowntree 260,341,364 spinning 231,271,277
saccharin 269 spray drying 50-52, 355, 358, 360
squalene 46
saccharose see sucrose Sri Lanka 264, 265, 363
Salmonella 71,80,81,306,314-316,319, stabilizers 48
348 starch 35, 36, 105, 297, 298
sal oil 247, 248 statistics 298
salt 268,277,278,305,378 stearic acid 242, 243, 245, 246, 249,
Samoa 264 254,378
San Thome 264, 265 stearin 248, 276
Sanchez 110 Steiner equation 139, 140, 141
saturated steam process 58, 60 sterilization 80, 81,262, 266, 314
Saudi Arabia 363, 383, 384 Stokes' law 14~
Savy Jeanjean et Cie 201,212-214 storage 20, 29, 50, 53, 54, 63, 90, 146,
seasonal chocolate novelties 326-329 181,208,254,312,316-318
sensors 218, 281-288, 293 storage tanks 167,197,202,214,217,
sensory evaluation 41,302 220, 346, 351
shaker 191,211,212,224-226 Strecker degradation 108-110, 112, 118
shea oil 247-249,252 Streptococcus mutans 39
shear 97, 118, 119, 126, 134, 136, 143, Suchard-Tobler 113-114,260
145, 154, 172, 176, 187, 188,289,346, sucrose see sugar
347,353,354,357 sucrose esters 148, 149
shear rate 139, 141, 145, 154, 172, 174, sugar 3,4, 13,25--42,47,51-53,80,86,
188, 189 92,94,97,98, 105,111, 114, 118, 120,
shear test 309, 310 137-139, 148, 150, 151, 180,251, 253,
shelf-life 75,77, 183, 184, 186, 190, 194, 256, 258, 261, 268, 269, 277-279, 299,
221,222,247,254,273,305,321,328, 304, 314, 341-343, 346, 350, 353-358,
333, 336 362-364, 377-384
shell see cocoa shell amorphous see amorphous sugar
shell moulding 231,271 beet 25
Sierra Leone 263 cane 25, 33, 37
silo storage 28, 30, 32 grinding of 30-32, 345
slaked lime 25, 26 invert see invert sugar
slaty beans 13, 22, 23 manufacture of 25-30
slurry technology 51 micro-milled 93
smoky flavour 2, 17, 18,22,74, 106, 107, sugar alcohols 25, 34-41
263, 302 see also hammy flavour sugared almonds 364
snap 222 sugars
solid fat index 298 dextrose 25, 34-36, 41, 92, 94, 269
Sollich 165, 176, 201, 215, 228, 237 fructose 34-36,40,41,92,94,105,177,
Solltemper 269
MST-V 198, 199 galactose 37
MSV Turbo 200 glucose 25, 35-37, 40, 105, 108, 168,
Temperstatic 215, 216 171,240,363,364
U 197,198,215 isomaltulose 39
sorbitan monostearate 190 lactitol 38, 40, 41

lactose 37,40,44,46,49,52,92,94, 306, transducer 282

314, 386 transport 20,21,29,77,82,316-318,325, 332
maltose 36-39,92
reducing 74, 75, 105, 108, 112, 118 triglyceride 46,47,157, 159, 160,242, 243,
sylitol 25, 34, 38, 40, 41, 269 245-249, 252, 254, 302, 359 Trinidad
Sulawesi 19 19,110,263,265 Trinitario 11, 12, 18, 19,
sulphitation 26 102 Turkey 363
sulphur compounds 26,45, 111,305,378
Sumatra 19 Turkish delight 364
Super Petzomat- 137 surface-active agent Turku study 39
46, 47, 227, 347, turnover devices (biscuits) 221
352 see also lecithin twist wrap 326, 327
surge roller 213, 222, 225
Sweden 367-370 sweeteners, UKAEA 281
intense 40 Switzerland ultrafiltration 48, 49
364,367-370 ultrasonics 283,293,349,353-355,387, 389
Tabasco 110 ultraviolet photometer 296,301,303,336
taint 323, 325, 331, 334, 336, 338, 339 United Kingdom 28,91,259,264, 366-373,
tannins 15, 72, 118, 349 376, 381, 382
temper 145,153-166,220-222,232,235, United States of America 91,264,270,
240,245,250-253,282,296,349,359, 360, 319,364-373,378,379,381-384,387 USSR
386 363, 364, 366, 381
temper meter 164, 165, 184, 185 temper
viscosity see viscosity temperers 161, vacuum 25,75,87, 118, 137,261,262, 283,
162, 166, 174, 181-211, 325, 336, 352, 355, 358, 359 valine 109,
214,215,219,228,393 Aasted 195, 196 110
Van Houten 1,258,260
Baker Perkins 201-203 vanilla 268, 277, 278
cooling drum 205 vanillin 269, 277, 278
drip feed 205 vegetable fats 227,242-257,273,359,382
kettle 188, 192, 193, 214 Venezuela 19, 104, 106, 263, 264 Venturi
Kreuter 193-195 tube 283
multi-roll 206 vibration 55, 61, 146, 154, 229, 286
pressure 207 viscometers
Solltemper see Solltemper Brookfield 143, 144, 154 cone
Temperstatic enrober 216,217 and plate 145, 154, 174
thermocyclic 187, 208 Contraves 143
Terry 260, 364 cylinder 142, 183
texture 2,5,47,77, 111, 118,260,265, Ferranti 145
268,270,272,273,309,362,369,372, 386 flow 154
Gardner mobilometer 145, 154
Theobroma cacao 8 Haake 143, 146 in-line 231,289
thermal conductivity 300, 397 thermal
treatment 57,60,68, 137,319 thermistors Koch falling ball 145, 154
185, 281, 282 thermocouples 185,281,282 MacMichael 289 Redwood
thiazoles 108 145
rotational 141,142, 144, 154
thin-tilm treatment 66, 117, 118,266, Stormer 289
275,347,352,355,358 thixotropy 144, viscosity, 50, 84, 118, 119, 122, 129, 131,
146, 154, 170, 289 Thouet 124, 130, 131 139-155, 169, 171, 187,209,217, 222-
threonine 108, 110 348,365
tin foil 321 apparent 140, 149, 152-154, 168, 171, 182
titanium dioxide 331
tooth decay 378 Bingham model 139, 140, 168 Casson
'tooth friendly' sugars 34, 39, 40 model 50,82, 139-154, 168, 170-174,
Tourell 131, 135, 136 182, 183, 226, 289

viscosity contd whey 37,44-51,54,386

plastic 97, 122, 139, 146-154, 168-174, white chocolate 144, 146,253, 256, 278,
182, 183, 226, 289 380,383
temper 182, 183, 186,208,231,272 yield Wiener 124, 129, 136, 350, 351
value 46,50,97, 122, 140, 146-154, 167, Wilbur 260
170-174, 182, 183,226, 289,393 winnowing 4, 57-59, 67, 84, 314, 316,
352, 357, 393
visible photometer 301 vitamins 44,46, witches' broom disease 11, 18
109,302,375 volatiles 5, 100, 113, 120, 267, Woody Stringer 227, 229
300, 358 volumetric flow measurement 283
X-rays 295
X-ray diffraction 33, 158, 159
water activity 107,305,314,315 see also xylan 38
equilibrium relative humidity xylitol see sugars
weight control 222,224-226,271,294,
295, 348, 359 yeasts 13, 14,61,71,80,81,103,312, 314,
Werner-Pfleiderer 347,352 319, 320, 387
West Africa 9, 12-20,245,248,274,365, yield value see viscosity
388 YN 122, 148, 149, 383 see also lecithin
West Indies 16, 70, 363 Yugoslavia 366

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