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1. FLT is being used for carrying load in a granite factory.

a. Identify the design features to be considered while building the internal routes for FLT.(10)
b. Outline the further control measures to reduce the risk of collision of FLT with

2.Outline the faults and bad practices of portable electrical equipment which may cause electrical
accidents in a workplace (8)

3. a. Outline the reasons for load falling from crane (4)

b. Outline the control measures to prevent the falling loads on workers from crane (4)

4. Outline the control measures to reduce the risk of manual handling arising from the task factors.

5. a. Outline the difference between acute and chronic health effects with example (4)

b. Identify the forms of chemical substance (4)

6. a. Outline the control measures to reduce the risk to workers during the machinery maintenance (4)

b. Identify the non mechanical hazards present during the maintenance work (4)

7.Workers are exposed to high level of noise from a industrial washing machine used for washing
workers clothes.

a. Identify the health effects of noise exposure for a long period of time (2)

b.Outline the practical control measures to reduce the risk of noise exposure to workers.(6)

8.Outline the control measures to reduce the risk of fire starting in the workplace(8)

9.Outline the precautions to be taken to reduce the risk of injury to a workers working on fragile roof (8)

10.Identify the substance which may be misused in the workplace(2)

b. Outline the control measures to prevent the substance misuse at work(6)

11. a. Outline the feautures of fixed guard(4)

b. Outline how fixed guard protect workers from mechanical hazard(4)

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