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June 2018


Introduction 3

Approach 4

Solution 5

Competitors 6


Competitor Comparison Table 11

Roadmap 12

ICO 13

How it works 15

Funds Allocation 16

Executive Team 17

Advisory Board 19
Introduction 3

Cyber Capital Invest is an online investment fund platform, aimed at people who
would like to trade on the cryptocurrency market but due to a lack of experience or
skills, don’t know how to get started.

Today Crypto Currency is becoming mainstream. As a result, the profits to be made

from trading Cryptocurrency have become very well known, through friends,
colleagues and the media. Stories of people turning a small piece of capital into
exponential growth, a large nest egg, by investing in and trading Cryptocurrency.

Although Crypto is becoming mainstream there is still an enormous amount of the

population who don’t fully understand how it works and how to use it. People who
don’t know how to setup a Crypto wallet, buy currency, read the market signs, in
order to know when to trade.

As the Founder of Cyber Capital Invest, I was one of those people. I had some
starting capital and I wanted to start trading on crypto exchanges but I did not know
how to start, how to enter the market.

I researched the industry. I watched videos about trading and attended different
seminars. Then I tried to use my newly acquired skills on one of the big crypto
exchanges. It was not easy. Sometimes I made a small profit, sometimes I lost
money but I never fully reached the profit level that seasoned traders successfully
achieve on a daily basis.

In the end I gave up, because the process of watching the markets, buying and
selling every day, took up an enormous amount of my time. Time I couldn’t
convert into a viable income to sustain myself. I realized to achieve this level of
successful trading, a lot more experience was required, experience that couldn’t
be obtained in a short period of time.

That’s how I came up with the initial idea of Cyber Capital Invest.

I realized if I had this problem then there must be millions of people around the
world also struggling with the same challenges. People with enough funds, who
wanted to trade, wanted to make big profits but didn’t have the experience required
to make that a reality.
Approach 4

The Cryptocurrency market is dynamic and volatile, like any young currency market
but for all that volatility the appetite for the market continues to grow. Investment
demand doesn’t wane. Profitability continues to rise. Seasoned traders continue to
make profits.

However, new entrants to the market, people without the seasoned experience, are
continuing to make mistakes. Without a good understanding of how trading works,
this is resulting in losses.

During our research, the Cyber Capital Invest team interviewed multiple traders to
gather expert opinions. We identified the common factor for long term sustainable
profit in Cryptocurrency, was purely down to the level of experience in the traders

The research also showed that the financial loss sustained by non professional
traders could and did have a major impact across multiple areas of their lives. This
showed how important it was that inexperienced people, wanting to enter the
space, to trade Cryptocurrency, need to fully understand the system in order to do
so. These people needed the expertise and wisdom of the professional traders.

So Cyber Capital Invest’s approach to this problem is to design an entry level

trading platform that’s a safe environment for people to invest their money.
How do we achieve this? By supplying a team of experts, professional traders and
risk analysts, who will diligently plot the investment course and monitor the
investment strategy 24/7.
Our Solution 5

Here’s how it works:

1. User opens a new account.

2. User receives an ‘Access Level’ based on their deposit amount and period of investment.

Basic Level - lower withdrawal limits + no identity documentation/KYC required.

Silver Level - no withdrawal limits + light verification using a photo ID.
Gold Level - no withdrawal limits + full verification.

The access level the User choses determines the level of insurance they are automatically
entitled to. For more details on this please read the Our USP/Problem 7 Solution.

3. User chooses an ‘Investment Plan’ (i.e. 7 day plan with 5% ROI yield).
4. User deposits capital into their account (i.e. $100).
5. User’s capital ($100) is now locked for the time period of the plan (7 days).
6. Users capital then gets transferred to a central investment pot.
7. Professional traders then utilize that capital to make trades.
8. At the end of the User’s Investment Plan (7 days) the User’s capital gets unlocked.
9. The User’s profit (5%) from their Investment plan gets paid into their wallet.
10. The User can now withdraw their original capital + their profit (totaling $105).

Any additional profit generated from a User’s capital, above the agreed profit margin we
pay them, is kept by Cyber Capital Invest. We distribute this additional profit between:

Token Holders (30%) Operating Budgets

Traders Trading Capital Pot Increase

We aim, with our platform, to offer Users the most flexible and safe way to profit from
trading by:

Enabling Users with small deposits to leverage Enabling buying and selling across multiple
being part of a collective investing group, with established exchanges (Gdax,, Poloniex,
the skill of professional traders, to deliver stable Kraken, Binance).
rewards. Enabling multi currency deposits and withdrawals.
Enabling trading transparency whilst being able Take no commission.
to remain completely anonymous. Building in anti-fraud measures from the ground up.
Our competitors 6

The Cryptocurrency ‘investment fund’ landscape today contains multiple companies:

Intelligent Investment, Flash Crypto, AK47 Capital, FreeBitcoin, BtcRush and others.

There are also new entrants coming into this space, currently at ICO stage.

Cyber Capital Invest has carefully benchmarked these competitors for their
strengths and weaknesses. Below, in the next section, we systematically go through
the limitations of the existing ‘investment fund’ solutions and layout a better
approach, using our platform design. The biggest problem of the existing funds is
that often they are unable to fulfill their obligations and disappear from market. Due
to that, it is hard to keep track of all of them.

Our aim is to produce a better capital investment business model for our customers,
whilst managing customer expectations by not issuing promises we think are
unrealistic to meet.

Problem 1: When you invest your money, you

can’t withdraw it quickly.

Typically your money’s locked in these investment funds for up to 300 days.
If the fund isn’t making you profit your stuck, unable to withdraw your funds
until the lock-in period is finished.
The volatility of Cryptocurrency markets means you need to be able to sell
quickly, cashout fast or you could suffer big losses.

Our solution
We will provide our users with a set of Investment Plans that will include plans with
only 24 hour lock-up period, after which the account balance (original investment
plus the profit) will be fully available for withdrawal.

Problem 2: When you pick an investment

fund it only has one time period option.

Most funds only offer strict and non-flexible investment plan time periods.
For example, ‘Short Fixed’ plans like Crybit set period of 12 days. This may not suit
the customer who is looking to make a long-term investment.
For example, ‘Long Fixed’ plans like Bitclub, only offer a long-term time periods,
which might scare off new customers.

Our solution
We will provide a range of investment plans offering different lengths of time.
Short term plans offering easy access, and long term plans with a set active period.

Interest rates will differ depending on the plan length and amount invested. Our
platform will provide a profit forecast calculator, so before new users pick a plan,
they can check the return on investment, based on time period lock-ins.

We will also provide a fully flexible investment plan, whereby the original
investment + profit may be held in the system for as long as the user wants, and
will be fully available for withdrawal after 24 hours.

Problem 3: Many funds charge commission fees for

each deposit and withdrawal within the system.

Our solution
We will not charge commission fees. User will be able to withdraw their original
investments plus profits without paying any commission fees.

Problem 4: Customers activity and data isn’t private

on other investment fund platforms.

Other investment Funds store customer profile data in their own databases for KYC.
They also store user activity data such as repeated registrations.
Locally stored data is vulnerable to security leaks due to employee access or hackers.
Users cannot ensure their data is encrypted before storing.
Users cannot ensure their data is deleted when they close an account.
Users cannot ensure they data is not sold to 3rd parties.

Our solution
New users can create anonymous accounts where they don’t have to submit any
personal identification documentation. This means no identifiable, personal
information about that user is stored on our databases, so even in the event of a
security breach, the user remains anonymous.

This means anonymous deposits and withdrawals.

We don’t store our User’s activity data, so there is no risk regarding selling it 3rd

We don’t store user’s location data.

This all means when a user closes their account with us, no personal data is left
behind on our databases.

Initial idea of cryptocurrency was user privacy. Our team believes that user data
must be completely anonymous and secure.

Problem 5: Limited range of payment

options for customers.

Many investment funds only support investments made using bitcoins (BTC).
Some funds allow investments using Ethereum (ETH).
Few funds support the deposit in multiple Cryptocurrencies or Fiat.
Few funds support withdrawal in multiple Cryptocurrencies.

Our solution
We will support a vast array of deposit methods: BankWire, credit card deposit,
PayPal etc. We will also support multiple cryptocurrencies types for deposit and

Problem 6: Current investment platforms have low

levels of security management.

Current non-crypto investment platforms that support Bank Wire, Credit Card or
PayPal are open to fraud.
Cryptocurrency transactions are also subjected to fraud, for example a simple
change of wallet address on the website performed by hackers.
None of the crypto investment platforms offer their users two-factor authorisation
to protect their account.

Our solution
We are aiming to launch the platform with anti-fraud department in place, to
monitor fraud and conduct risk assessment.

We will offer Users several account security levels, based on their personal
preferences. If a User does not want to make quick unverified transactions, they can
opt for higher security setting, with multiple steps of verification. If Users requires
easy access and anonymity, they can choose a lower-security setting, at their own
risk. Users will be able to implement two-factor authorisation for their account.
USP 10

Problem 7: Investment funds have a nasty

habit of just disappearing overnight.

Investment funds function purely based on new investments and typically have no
reserve capital.
Typically investment funds don’t offer Users insurance cover.
So if a fund fails and disappears, your money you paid in + your profits are lost,
None of the operating cryptocurrency investment funds offer their users deposit

Our solution
We will automatically insure all our Users and that insurance cover will vary, value-
wise, based on the type of their account level the user has opted to adopt:

Basic Access Level Silver Access Level Gold Access Level

Insured up to $1,000 Insured up to Insured deposit of up to
+ 10% profit. $10,000 + 10% profit. $100,000 + 10% profit.

Even in the event of a ‘force majeure’ or dramatic currency price dips, our Users will be guaranteed
to keep their insured assets. This underwriting will be secured by our reserve scheme.
Competitor Comparison Table 11

Market research made in the last 6 months is shown in the table below. Numerous
competitors were analysed during this period of time. Unfortunately, some of them
have simply disappeared at an unexpected moment, without returning investments
to their users.

Intelligent Flash AK47

Investment Crypto Capital

Capital lock-up period < 24h


No Commission

Crypto + Fiat

Offers deposit insurance

Offers 2FA

Offers Anonymity

Interest per day 0,75 - 2% 5% 3,8-5% 1,42% 0,06%

Roadmap 12

November 2017 - January 2018 • Idea development

• Team building
• Market research
• Consulting

• ICO Website development February 2018 – March 2018

• Team expansion
• Legal questions

• Launch of CCI website

April 2018 – June 2018
• Marketing, CCI Token sale preparation
• Private sale of CCI Tokens

• CCI Token presale

• Pre-alpha platform development July 2018 – August 2018
• Team expansion
• Marketing, CCI Token sale preparation
• Legal questions

• CCI Token sale

• Central office opening
September 2018 – December 2018 • Alpha version development
• Prototype code publication
• Team expansion
• Marketing
• Legal questions

• Beta version development

January 2019 – June 2019
• Listing of CCI Token on Exchanges
• Acquisition of the necessary licenses
• Mobile app development
• Regional offices opening
• Trading department organization
• Anti-fraud department organization
• Marketing
• Legal questions

• Final release
July 2019 – Onwards • Start of the platform work
• Marketing
• Legal questions
ICO 13


CCI ETHEREUM 250.000.000 CCI 175.000.000 CCI

Bounty Program
Future Token Release

Token Sale

Team Reserve

The Cyber Capital Invest (CCI) token is erc-20 token.

CCI token is a security token which functions as a profit share for token holders.
Every token holder will have a dashboard where they will be able to see:

Their token quantity Statement of earnings

Tokens rate on market Amount of total tokens purchased
Token in circulation

All Token Holders get their profit share credited to their account on a weekly basis.
All unsold tokens will be burned after crowdsale is finished.
ICO 14

Token sale will be divided into six stages

Crowdsale Crowdsale Crowdsale Crowdsale

Private Sale Pre-sale price Tier 1 price Tier 2 price Tier 3 price Tier 4 price
$0.10 $0.12 $0.14 $0.16 $0.18 $0.20

ICO funding objectives

15.000.000 CCI ($1,500,000 - $3,000,000) 175.000.000 CCI ($17,500,000 - $35,000,000)

Trading Tokens
Token holders will be able to buy and sell CCI tokens in exchange for money within
CCI Platform. This means that each Token Holder will have three balances on their
account: Bitcoin balance, Ethereum balance and CCI Token balance.

Also, CCI Token will be added to the most popular cryptocurrency exchange markets.
That means that at any time a CCI Token Holder will be able to withdraw their tokens
and exchange them for other currencies. Profit share receiving will only be possible,
when tokens are kept on the CCI account.

Share of Profit
For example, we raise $20,000,000 on ICO. This corresponds to 100,000,000 of CCI
Tokens sold. Initially, we are going to put 40% of the investments (e.g. $8,000,000)
into the trading pot and our traders will start to generate profit. Let’s take 10% daily
profit as an example. So, $800,000 per day made by our professional traders.

30% of this profit is spread between CCI Token Holders. 30% equals to $240,000.
Now, let’s say an investor has bought 100,000 CCI Tokens, which will guarantee
them 0.1% of a total profit share. $280,000*0.001=$240.

This means that the owner of 100,000 CCI Tokens will be getting progressive profit
starting at $240 per day. This figure will grow due to:

More assets coming Growth of the trading

into the trading pot pot due to trading
How It Works 15

Trading Reserve Capital

User 1 User 1

User 2 User 2

Trading Pot

Trader 1 Trader 2 Trader 3 Trader 4

5% of profit Trading Pot

Accumulated Profit

25% of 40% of 30% of

profit profit profit

CCI Token
CCI Team
Allocation of Contributed Funds 16



Law and Legalisation


Reserve trading capital


This reserve capital is vital to the business. It serves to:

Underwrite the customers insurance policies and thus will be subject to independent
auditing on a quarterly basis, with Audit Results publish in the Public domain.
Act as the financial guarantor for delivering all fixed profit margins laid out in the
Investment Plans to Users.
Deliver healthy profit share to Token Holders.

So it is essential, prior to the platform being open to Users, the Traders begin utilizing the Reserve Fund to build
up profits, to build up more capital.

Initial Desktop Platform build including Operating costs: Salaries, Offices,
security & anti-fraud tools. On-going Platform DevOps, Expenses etc.
development including a Native Mobile App.


Budget for Paid Ads, SEO, Social, Community Compliance costs: Accountants,
Management, production and publishing of Lawyers, Auditing, Regulatory
materials etc. Compliance etc.
Executive team 17

Nikita has a background in Business Management and IT Technology.

He founded an IT company, which he has been running for the last 4 years.
During this time Nikita became interested in Forex trading. He began by
enrolling in courses and then started trading part time, whilst running his
IT company.

In 2015 Nikita invested in Bitcoin. By 2016 he was trading Cryptocurrency.

Nikita Kaperzov
Founder CEO In 2017 he came up with an idea of founding Cyber Capital Invest with his
business partner (Viktor Kurov).

After graduating as a Master of Civil and Structural Engineering from

University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Viktor turned his career into project
management in the industry of Civil Engineering.

Whilst at University Viktor learned to trade Forex currencies. Later, while being
employed as an Engineer, Viktor turned this hobby into a secondary source of
income. Within 2yrs of being an engineer and trading forex, Viktor was in a
Viktor Kurov position to step away and focus on trading full time as a career.
Co-founder COO
In 2015 Viktor invested in Bitcoin and by 2016 had begun trading
cryptocurrency professionally.

Viktor studied Informational Technology in TSI Institute in Riga, Latvia. He is a

Lead Developer, with 12 years experience in the Technology space, working
across a range of Start-up projects and online platforms, managing high-load
bearing systems.

Viktor Latyshev
Lead Developer

Coming from Travel and IT industries, Aleksei have always had profound
understanding of Finance and Economics, which resulted in his BSc in
Business Management and a solid track record of successful investments
into stocks, bonds, CFDs, fiat currencies and, for the past two years,

Alexei Grenkov
Executive team 18

After graduating from University of Nottingham Accounting and Finance

School, Vadim has devoted himself to financial industry. Afterwards, he got
involved into a more appealing, decentralized world of cryptocurrency.

Vadim aquired his proficient knowledge in Blockchain technology from his

experience ICO promotions and Blockchain consulting.

Vadim Zaharov Vadim is constantly up to date with the newest trends of Blockchain
Blockchain Specialist technologies and is proficient in Smart-contract development.

Previously working for reputable international companies Nikolai gained a

solid experience in public relations and customer service operations. Over the
last few years Nikolai has been discovering a blockchain potential and became
passionate about cryptocurrency trading.

With background in Digital Media Production and Social Media Marketing,

Nikolai is very excited about overseeing the CCI’s community public relations
Nikolai Fatyanov and building a thriving social media campaign to help people make profit from
PR&SM Manager cryptocurrency market.
Advisory Board 19

Robert has negotiated over $1bn of technology solutions for major corpora
tions during his impressive career. He started to explore opportunities with
blockchain tech in 2016 and has since dedicated his career to the ICO space
providing advisory, mentoring and capital investment services to new
blockchain projects.

Rob brings a wealth of business and operational knowledge following

Robert Stone successful assignments with a number of new technology projects.
Blockchain Advisor

Studied computer science at university of North Carolina and university of

Pennsylvania, and Sogang university. Experienced as a university professor
and serial entrepreneur in fields of blockchain, mobile, fintech, and strategy
consulting in Korea, Singapore, and China.

'CCI transferred capital industry into blockchain world and will lead its
Jungki Claudio Oh ecosystem providing secure investment opportunities for our financial and
Blockchain Advisor strategic partners'.

Elijah E. Ifeanyi is the co-founder of CNA. He ventured into entrepreneurship at

the age of 19, and has since then built lot of fortune in his impressive flagging
career, notably in Marketing and Media Industry.

Also bringing his wealth of knowledge into the blockchain space four years
back he has remarkable success in consulting/advising start-ups.

‘CCI offers a unique platform to accommodate both new and

Elijah Ifeanyi
experienced traders’.
Blockchain Advisor

Laura Zaharia is a graduate from International Relations and European

Studies. After working in the administrative area, in 2016 she entered in the
Crypto world. Since then she has been an active member in different ICOs,
studying and various crypto related projects and, also, providing insights as an
adviser. She loves meeting new people, learning new things, traveling,
laughing and helping the society have a better future with each action.

‘I do believe that this concept deserves global attention and all team is eager
Laura Zaharia
to let the world know about Cyber Capital Invest!’
Blockchain Advisor
Advisory Board 20

Doctor of Computer Science, 16 years of IT expertise, hundreds of success

fully completed mobile and web development projects. For more than
seven years CEO of TrueVision - mobile and web development company.
Producer. Participated in the creation of 6 startups, had two exit at 2 mil
lion profit.

'It will be a platform that will perfectly suit both investors and traders!'
Georgij Vartanov
IT Entrepreneur

Artur Margevich is a sworn advocate of Republic of Latvia.

'Cyber Capital Invest has a very strong legal concept and a stable busness
model. Its insurance policy makes it unique on the market'.

Artur Margevich
Sworn Advocate

Blockchain Enthusiast with 11 years in Corporate Events Industry.

Blockchain, Bitcoin & Digital Currency Fanatic. Initial Coin Offering (ICO's)
Investment Consultant & Adviser. Investment sales manager and interna
tional business developer for emerging markets and emerging technology.

‘When Cryptocurrency is becoming mainstream, Cyber Capital Invest an

Paul Francis online investment fund platform will help people to get started and to
Blockchain Advisor maximize their expertise which in-turn will boost their skills and experi-
ence. An entry level trading platform is safe for people to invest their

Richard Shibi has more than 15 years of experience in the IT industry. He has
served as senior management consultant and a regional account executive
for IT projects deployed at global scale in the Telecommunication industry
(North America, Europe, Russia, Middle East, China & South Africa).
Richard is currently studying MBA at Imperial College Business School in
London, running a Blockchain consultancy development start-up in Europe
and is serving as a board member and advisor for 5 Blockchain projects.
Richard Shibi
Blockchain Advisor
‘CCI is a breakthrough and revolutionary investment fund where
profitability is maximized and risk is minimized through the utilization of
cutting edge technology and crypto experts.’
Advisory Board 21

Seasoned ICO Advisor, Entrepreneur, Investor, Blockchain &

Cryptocurrency Enthusiast with extensive knowledge and experience in
Bitcoin/blockchain, cryptocurrencies, ICO’s and disruptive technologies.
Brian is also the Editor-In Chief at Revista Bitcoin, a Spanish speaking
magazine dedicated to Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies. He
became deeply intrigued by blockchain technology & disruptive business
Brian Condenanza
Blockchain Advisor Brian's success in social media can be seen on Fluo Shoes, a LED shoes
company he founded in 2015, that has been amassed over 150,000
followers on social media and had their products shared by celebrities
and influential media outlets such as Buzzfeed, New York Mag, Huff Post
and The New York Times.

'Cyber Capital Invest is going to be a hit this 2018. Whether you are
bullish or bearish on crypto, these guys know how to make money.'

Dev Kumar, Founder, CEO @, more than 12 years of experi-

ence in IT. Masters of Engineering in Electronics commenced with Cog-
nizant Technologies as a Project Leader and later emerged as a successful
entrepreneur and an IT consultant. Fascinated with Crypto Industry in 2013
and shortly started as an investor and trader simultaneously.

Dev Kumar understood the potential of Blockchain and profoundly studied

the technical aspects and the real time applications. Founded
Dev Kumar in 2017 to serve the Crypto Community globally with the
Blockchain Advisor best of knowledge and expertise.

‘The phase of a trader is much volatile and to be honest it’s not

everybody’s cup of tea. The fear of losing in such a volatile industry is
acceptable and I wonder if there is anyone who can overcome this.’

Giovanni is a Digital Marketing & Growth Hacking Expert, public speaker

and notable blockchain industry figurehead. He is a co-Founder of Black
Marketing Guru, a digital marketing and advertising startup based in
Rimini, Italy. He is also an Icobench Expert and advisor on a lot of finch

'Cyber Capital Invest has a strong Team and wonderful Business Model.
Giovanni Casagrande They can change the market'.
Blockchain Advisor
Advisory Board 22

Bogdan is an influential blockchain and cryptocurrency expert, investor,

entrepreneur and a frequent speaker at high-profile blockchain-themed
events. He is currently advising many promising startups, is a co-Founder
of bitJob and President of With a BS degree in
Computer Science from University of Manitoba, Bogdan has over 20 years
of IT experience and has acquired intimate knowledge with
inner-workings of ICO development from conception to execution, and
has deep understanding of current Blockchain industry.
Bogdan Fiedur
Blockchain Advisor 'The team is experienced and strong, the business model is sound. CCI will
make trading cost efficient, less timely and more available round the
clock. Join the project at early stages so you can maximize your

Jeff Frey is an international marketing- and branding expert who is

specialized in growth hacking and community building. With a passion for
networking and digital business models, he established his startup
InternsInBeijing as Beijing’s largest platform for expats. He is also the
community director of 2 Swiss blockchain companies,
(real estate investment) & (blockchain & ICO rating
agency). Besides, he is a well-known speaker at various blockchain
events mainly in Asia and an advisor to several other blockchain
Jeff Frey
Blockchain Advisor He previously worked for the Swiss Embassy in Beijing and is very well
connected with investors in Asia.

‘With many scams & fraud in the ICO market it is hard to know where to
invest. CCI helps new and established investors to make the right choice
and even offer a unique insurance policy’.
Traders 23

Mihail has completed Start-up acceleration and finance course having

written a thesis about blockchain and crypto currency. For last 2 years he
is successfully trading top 20 cryptocurrencies. He is proficient in both,
short-term and long-term trading investments.

‘Looking forward to the platform launch! Great opportunity to work with

larger assets’.
Mihail Pekarsky
Crypto Trader

Filip is an expert in Financial and Banking industry. After graduating from

Copenhagen Business School in 2012 and working in Banking industry, he
has devoted himself to trading on Forex exchange, and later on
cryptocurrency exchanges. Filip is a master of Technical Analysis of
exchange graphs and margin trading.

‘Very impressive concept! Happy to be taken on board on an early stage!’

Filip Svoboda
Crypto Trader

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