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Vehicles & Transportation
Site Suggestions The Vehicles & Transportation rules that have been replaced by current Pathfinder Rules. As such, some modes of transportation have been removed or replaced. See Removed Material for
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Eberron Overview
Fare: The cost of a person travelling along a predetermined route. In most cases (i.e. standard), a traveler cannot bring more than what he is wearing and 100 lbs. Obvious weapons, including
Conversion Info
staves, must be checked into luggage and are not immediately accessible during the trip. First class travelers can bring up to 1,000 lbs of cargo and are not subject to weapon searches. Coach, on
Character Conversion
Races the other hand, cannot bring more than what they are wearing. In any case, the schedule and availability are set by the transit company (usually House Lyrandar or House Orien).
Feats Cargo Rate: The cost of cargo travelling along a predetermined route. Medium sized or Large sized animals are covered under this rate, but the owner is responsible for any care, mess or damages
Skills they might cause. In any case, the schedule and availability are set by the transit company (usually House Lyrandar or House Orien).
Traits & Drawbacks
Equipment & Services Chartered: The cost of having a vehicle travel to any place it is capable of at the whim of the renter. This includes any number of passengers or cargo that the vehicle is capable of carrying as well
Alchemical Items & Poisons
as the cost of minimum crew to maintain the vehicle. However, destinations or routes that are known to be dangerous can cost up to triple the normal rate.
Animals & Creatures
Armor & Shields
Own: The cost to own a vehicle. It does not cover the cost of the crew or mounts needed to operate it.
Dragonmarked Services
Optional Material Components Miles per Day: This assumes a vehicle is travelling for 24 consecutive hours.
Special Materials Vehicle Fare Cargo Rate Chartered Own Speed Miles Per Day Source
Tools & Kits (per mile) (per 100 lbs per mile) (per day)
Vehicles & Transportation
- Air -
Magical Items Airship 1 gp 1 sp 1,000 gp 92,000 gp 20 mph 480 ECB, pg. 124, EB, pg. 29
Magic Skycoach (Sharn only) 2 sp 5 cp 100 gp 10,000 gp 10 mph n/a S:CoT, pg. 24
Rules - Land -
Caravan, Orien 1 sp .5 cp n/a n/a 2 mph 16 EH, pg. 42
Removed Material
Downloads Coach, Orien 1 sp 1 cp 20 gp 200 gp 5 mph 40 EH, pg. 42
The Epic Campaign Lightning Rail
The Story So Far... - Standard 2 sp 5 cp 1,000 gp 12,000 gp 30 mph 720 EH, pg. 33
- First Class 5 sp n/a 2,500 gp 25,000 gp n/a n/a EH, pg. 33
Important Items - Commoner Rate 3 cp n/a 1,000 gp 10,000 gp n/a n/a EH, pg. 33
The Opposition - Crew (and Engine) n/a n/a 750 gp 58,000 gp 30 mph 720 ECB, pg. 125
Credits & Links - Sea -
Community Use / OGL
Elemental Galleon 3 sp 1 sp 750 gp 64,000 gp 20 mph 480 ECB, pg. 125
d20 Pathfinder SRD
Pathfinder Forums Sailing Ship, Lyrandar 5 sp 3 sp 300 gp 18,000 gp 6 mph 144 ECB, pg. 125
Soarwood Ships x4 x2 x2 EH, pg. 39
- Sailing Ship 5 cp 2 cp 200 gp 40,000 gp 4 mph 96 EH, pg. 39

House Lyrandar has a number of airships available for private use, in addition to a number of tourist and direct routes between ports. By default, pilots have a +10 modifier to any appropriate
check. For an additional 200 gp per day, an expert captain (with a +15 modifier) can be hired.

House Orien maintains a number of caravan circuits between major cities. These caravans do not deviate from these routes and thus cannot be chartered. Likewise, fare rates are only available
when there is no more cargo to take.

House Orien maintains a number of coaches to travel between major cities as well as privately chartered to specific destinations. The cost of a coach does not include the mounts necessary to
pull it (usually four heavy horses).

Elemental Galleon:
House Lyrandar has a number of elemental galleons. also known as wind galleons, available for private use, in addition to a number of shipping and trading routers between ports. By default,
pilots have a +10 modifier to any appropriate check. For an additional 100 gp per day, an expert captain (with a +15 modifier) can be hired.

Lightning Rails:
House Orien has long covered the overland transportation business for many generations in Khorvaire, the most famous of which is their lightning rail system that used to be able to quickly cross
the whole of the Five Nations. Sadly, the lightning rail service now is limited to three lines, Eastern, Western and Karrnath, as the Day of Mourning and the Last War destroyed much of their central
lightning rail lines. Still, it is the fastest way to travel to other parts of Khorvaire. The three rail lines that are still in service have a number of stops along their routes. The Western Line is known for a
number of branches which still cover the western half of Khorvaire

- Western Line
Thaliost Line: Sharn - (212 miles) - Wroat - (735 miles) - Hatheril - (184 miles) - Sword Keep - (331 miles) - Marketplace - (322 miles) - Passage - (461 miles) - Fairhaven - (620 miles) -
Korranburg Line: Sharn - (212 miles) - Wroat - (1,007 miles) - Starilaskur - (396 miles) - Sterngate - (260 miles) - Zolanberg - (271 miles) - Korranberg
Flamekeep Line: Sharn - (212 miles) - Wroat - (1,007 miles) - Starilaskur - (315 miles) - Vathirond - (342 miles) - Aruldusk (164 miles) - Sigilstar - (470 miles) - Flamekeep - (620 miles)
Metrol Line*: Sharn - (212 miles) - Wroat - (1,007 miles) - Starilaskur - (315 miles) - Vathirond - (630 miles) - Easton* - (710 miles) - Metrol*

- Eastern Line
Krona Peak - (267 miles) - Irontown - (509 miles) - Vulyar - (514 miles) - Gatherhold - (794 miles) - Metrol*

- Karrnath Line
Korth - (128 miles) - Rekkenmark - (146 miles) - Atur - (248 miles) - Vedykar - (256 miles) - Fort Zombie - (418 miles) - Metrol* (780 miles) - Easton*

* The Metrol and Easton stops were the heart of the lightning rail system. These stops no longer function.

Lightning rail cars are simply metal boxes, 100 feet long by 35 feet wide by 15 feet tall, with two Conductor Stones mounted on the bottom. The interior is redesigned based on the needs of the
type of car. Standard rates allow for one seat person and enough storage space for a single backpack, fitting about 60 people. Standard cargo shipping is an empty container with some netting to
secure crates and cargo. First class cars are plush and comfortable, seating only 10 people, but with room to sleep and eat. Commoner cars only have seating along the outside, but can pack 100
people per car. The prices listed are more for comparison. House Orien does not make a habit of selling lightning rail cars.

House Lyrandar Ships:

House Lyrandar provides a prominent business supplying travelers with passage on one of their famous elemental airships or their equally impressive sea-faring galleons. Both departure and
arrival locations are predetermined by House Lyrandar.

Soarwood Ships:
Soarwood ships are identical to their normal counterparts, except that they move twice as fast. A soarwood rowboat only weights 75 lbs.

Found only in Sharn, the City of Towers, these coaches have been enchanted to provided a simplistic method of levitation and propulsion, allowing drivers to ferry passengers all over (and up and
down) the mile-high towers of Sharn. Travelling in such a large city takes time, based on either foot or skycoach. A typical skycoach can easily fit 2 Medium creatures plus a driver (or 4 Small
creatures comfortably, 4 Medium creatures if they squeeze, etc)

Destination On Foot Skycoach

Same District 3d6 minutes 1d6 minutes
Same Ward 6d6 minutes 2d6 minutes
Adjacent Ward 3d6 x5 minutes 1d6 x5 minutes
Farther than Adjacent Ward 6d6 x5 minutes 2d6 x5 minutes


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