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SolidWorks: SolidWorks Student Survey In conjunction with your local reseller, we at SolidWorks Corporation are continually striving to improve the quality of our training material, courses, and delivery. We know that the best way to gauge our progress is to get direct feedback from you immediately after your training experience. Completing the survey will tke less than 3 minutes and will provide information that will help drive the direction ofthe course material and its presentation When you have completed the couse through your loa! reseller please set your internet browser tothe following URL ‘www solidworks coni/tmsurvey. In the box labeled Training Manual Serial Number, please enter 118870941-ENGOD06 We appreciate your assistance in helping us to improve the overall educational experience that we del ver in conjunction with your reseller, DY Cat David Pancoast Training Manager, SolidWorks Corperation 015600011887 PMTO941- ENG SolidWorks® 2009 SolidWorks Simulation Professional Dassault $ystémes SoliMorks Corporation 300 Baker Avenue Concar ssachusells 01742 USA © 1985.28, Dassault Systemes asses Sons Capon, Das Syaumes CA company. 500 Baker Avene (Concord, Mass 01782 USA, All Rights Reserved US. Patents 5 815.54; 6219049; 6219955; fi: 661.225 644 77, 6898 60 f0.712: 9.009905 9 18.8 a oem patents, (CgriP hilgddandiP S316), US and toca patie peging dncumnt are sujet to cg witht Rte and ate tot committe by Dassault Systemes Sold Werks Corporation (DS SluWores) ‘Nomi may be rerdhced or transite in ny form ory any means electronic er mechanical fo $y purse whoa te express writen parmion of BS Soren The software dessin his docuen i nied Unde ahense and maybe se or coped ony it accordance wh he enna of ts icone. All ‘otras pen by DS SobWorks sot software 4 docmentto ar =x font the So Worke ‘Corporation Licsee sd Subsea Service ‘Apesmen and robin sated orp by, his ‘eSmune wo conten al becontdee ordered ‘Smodication or amerint f sich warn SoiWoks, 3 Pare NBT 3D ComenCental, DBWGedioe PbsiWors, eDrwings snd the Drawings ogo are reristred rads it Feaurehanger jy ened estore trademark of DS SolitWorks meyprise PDM and Soli Woeks 2009 are pode FloXpess, DWGseis, DWGgatey, Feature alte, Phar ava and changin trademarks of BS SokaWors Feared ada f Gsm Other band o product names are rademars or ‘ated tadcnans of ter resets Pale, _Bosument Numb: PMTOB4I-ENG ‘COMMERCIAL COMPUTER SOFTWARE - PROPRIETARY US. Goverment Restricted Rights. Use piston, cisely the goverment subject ‘esrcon a5 form FAR 5222719 (Commercial ‘Compu Sonar" Reseed igs) BEARS 3277302 (Commercial Computer Sottare and Comer Computer Soteare Dameron nd Inihe ens agrecent, 2s apleale ContracerMimactrer DassalSytémes SolidWorks Corps, 30 Baker ‘Avenue, Concord Matsashonts O72 USA Potions ofthis sofware © 1950-208 Siemens Produr Layee Mangement trae) Ld '© 1998-2008 Geometric Software Solions Co. La, (© 1986-2008 mental images GmbH & Co. KG, © 1996-2008 Microsoft Corporation ‘uaside iy Viewer Technology, © 1992 ‘Chicago Sales, ns 1© 2000-2008 Tech Soft 3D {© 1998-2088 sDcomesien,IneliCAD Teehnelgy Consriam. Independent IPEG Group. Al Rishi Portions of this soiware incorporate PhysX! by NVIDIA 2006 08 Portions ofthis sofware ar copyrighted hy and are the propery of UGS Comp. 38 Portions ofthisomte © 2001-208 Lansogs fe AMT Rights Reserved Patni Pending. Copyright 19842008 Adobe Syste In an ts Tenors: Alright reserve Prete by US. Paes 3.928866: 5 98.063; (289,50 ,563, 502 639,595; 6,954, 382; Paes Penn ‘Ado, the Adobe logo, Acrobat th Adobe PDF Dislier and Render se registered trademarks ttademarks of Ade Systems Ihe nthe US and lather eats, Foro coytoit ilormation SolidWorks se Help, Abo (ther priors of SolidWorks 2009 are eens fom DS SofaWons oso All Rights Reeve. 08 Sele SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Table of Contents Introduction About This Course 2 Prerequisites 2 Course Design Philosophy 2 Using this Book 2 Laboratory Bxeteises 2 About the Training Files 3 Windows® XP 3 Conventions Used inthis Book 3 Use of Color 3 ‘What is SolidWorks Simulation? 5 Limitations of Solid Wo-ks Simulation Professional 6 Lesson Frequency Analysis of Parts Objectives 1 Modal Analysis Basics : 9 Required Material Properties 10 Frequencies and Mede Shapes u Fundamental Frequency u ‘Case Study: The Tuning Fork. 2 Project Description 2 Stages in the Proce, 2 Frequency Analysis With Supports B Procedure B Results 4 Note. 4 Postprocessing Frequency Results 16 SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Frequency Analysis Without Supports v Rigid Body Modes... 0 Fundamental Frequency 18 Effet of Restrain... 00... 18 jueney Analysis with Load : ag Effects of Prestress 9 Summary’ cy Exercise 1: Frequeney Analysis of a Car Suspension Bulkhead ... 2 Exereise 2: Frequeney Analysis of « Blower Fan. 2 Part I: Analysis Wihout Load... 2... a Part 2: Analysis With Load, m4 Design Scenaries (epuional) 226 Summary. 7 Exercise 3: Frequeney Analysis of an Impeller... 28 Lesson 2: Frequency Analysis of Assemblies Objectives Seecoe Case Study: The Engine Mount 3 Project Deseription : 3 ‘Stages inthe Process. 33 All Bonded Contact Conditions 3 Procedure «2.04 34 Remote Mass. 34 Connecting the Assembly Parts : 35 onde and Free Comteet Conditions 7 Diseussion, 0 Summary. 40 Exereise 4; Frequent Analysis ofa Paticle Separator. 4 Lesson 3: Buckling Analysis Objectives costes teteessenees B Buckling Analysis 45 Linear vs. Nonlinesr Buckling Analysis. 45 Buckling Load Facor (BLF) 46 Buckling Analysis Considerations 46 Case Study: Cabinet 4 Project Description a7 ‘Stages in the Proce, a Conclusion 49 Cateulatng Buckling Loads 9 Results Discussion .. est) Will the Cabinet Buckle or Yield First? 50 Summary’ fi : 50 (Questions si Exercise 5: Buckling Analysis of Stool 53 Exercise 6: Buekling Analysis of a Lamp Shade 39 u Table of Contents Solid ‘Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Lesson 4: Thermal Analysis Objectives... 6 ‘Thermal Analysis Bases 65 “Mechanisms of Heet Transfer anos 6 Conduction 66 Convection — 167 Radiation 68 Material Properties for Thermal Analysis, 0 Case Study: Microchip Assembly... im Project Description 1 Stages inthe Process. : n Steady-State Thermal Analysis. n Procedure n Interfacial Conductance an B Insulation % Initial Temperature : 276 “Thermal Results 6 Heat Flux. n Heat Flux Results 8 ‘Transient Thermal Analysis » Importing Convective Effect from SolidWorks Flow Simulation 80 Results Comparison 3 ‘Transient Analysis witt Time Varying Load a ‘Time Curves 85 ‘Temperature Curves 8 ‘Transient Thermal Analysis using @ Thermostat 86 Symmetry Boundary Condition in Thermal Analysis 88 Summary, : 89 Exercise 7: Thermal Avalysis ofa Cup 31 Lesson 5: ‘Thermal Analysis with Radiation ‘Case Study: Spot Light Assembly 95 Project Description : 95 Stages inthe Proce. 96 Steady State Analysis 96 Review of Analysis Para 100 Heat Flux Singularities 102, Fall Radiation Conditens (optional) 102 Summary, 104 Lesson 6: Advanced Thermal Stress Analysis Objectives: : 0s Thermal Suess Analysis 107 Table of Contents w Lesson Fatigue Analysis ‘SolidWorts Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manvat Case Study: Micro Project Description ‘Stages inthe Process, ‘Thermal Analysis Prescribed Tempersture Condition. Meshing Consideraions in Thermal Analysis ‘Thermal Stress Analysis - Importing Temperatures and Pressures from SolidWorks Flow Simulation Relerence Temperaure at Zero Strains Change in Thermal Boundary Conditions Summary. Exercise : Thermal Suess Analysis of Gas Tank. Testing Assembly Fatigue . Stages of Failure dve to Fatigue High vs. Low Cycle Fatigue Stresslfe (SN) Based Fatigue Fatigue Loading Case Study: Pressure Vessel Project Deseription Stages in the Process, Thermal Stress Study ‘Thermal Study Thermal Stress Study (continued). S2N Curve Static Pressure Study. Fatigue Study Fatigue Events ‘Constant Amplitude Events Interaction Salt Computation Mean Stress Correcion, Fatigue Strength Reduction Factor Damage Factor Plot Damage result disewssion Fatigue study with deaé load (optional) Dead loads in Fatigue analysis Find Cyete Peaks Summary Questions Exercise 9: Fatigue Anclysis of & Basketball Rim 107 107 108 10 110 ite} ld 4 ei ns 9 29 60 ‘Table of Contents ‘SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manuat Lesson Advanced Fatigue Analys Lesson Drop Test Analysis. ‘Table of Contents Objectives Case Study: Suspension Projeet Deseription Stages inthe Proces Discussion Fatigue Study Variable Amplitude Fatigue Event Rainflow Cycle Counting Method Variable Leading Curve os for Ranflow Counc [Noise in Random Loading History Fatigue Strength Reduction Factor Rainflow Matrix Chart Results. Fatigue Literature Summary. Questions Objectives Drop Test Analysis Case Study: Camera Project Deseription ‘Stages inthe Process, Rigid Floor Drop Test. Procedure Drop Test Parameters Dynamie Analysis Solution Time Graphing Results. Linear vs. Nanlinea? Solution. Elastic Floor Drop Test. Elasto-Plastic Material Model Elasto-Plastie Mod Parameters Processing Elasto-Piastic Results Discussion... Drop Test with Contact (optional) Summary. Exercise 10: Drop Testof a Clip 15s 156 156 157 159 159) 160 160) 161 Tot 164 S64 167 167 168 169) m 13 1 13 13 174 14 175 in 178 79 181 183 185 185 186, 187 187 189 191 SolidWorks Simul ion Professional 2009 Training Manual Lesson 10: Optimization Analysis Objectives 195, Optimization Analysis» 197 Case Study: Press Fra. : 197 Projeet Description 197 Design Requiremerts : 198, Stages inthe Proce. 198, Static and Frequency Analyses. 198 Optimization Analysis 200 Optimization Objective... 202 Design Vaviable Summary 208 Define Constraints 208 ‘Constraint Tolerance 208 Constraint Definite Procedure. .2. 0.20... 205 Postprocessing Opt mization Results 206 Design History Sunmary : se 209 Local Trend Graphs aun Summary a Exercise Il: Optimization Analysis of a Cantfever Bracket... 213, Lesson 1 Pressure Vessel Analysis Objectives : 217 Case Study: Pressure Vessel : 2219 Project Deseription 219 ‘Stages inthe Process 219 Stress Intensity 221 Membrane and Bending Siresses (stress Finearization) 221 Basie Sess Intens'y Limits. 21 Pressure Vessel Analyss. : 221 Load Case Combinations 223 General Primary Membrane Stress Intensity 224 Manhole Nozzle Flange and Cover 225 Stress Lineatzation. 226 Table of Contents SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2008 Training Manual Introduction About This Course Prerequisites Course Design Philosophy Course Length Using this Book Laboratory Exercises SolidWoxks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual ‘The Solid Works Simulation Professional training coutse is a direct «extension of Solid Works Simulation. Throughout this course itis assumed that students are familiar with the concepts discussed in the SolidWorks Simulation or similar course, and that they have basic Familiarity with the sofware. The goal of this course isto teach you how to use the SolidWorks Simulation Professional software to help you analyze the structural behavior of your SolidWorks part and assembly models in buckling, fatigue, and when subjected to various ‘thermal loads. The course also covers the frequency analysis, ‘optimization, and the Drop test (Lime dependent impact analysis) Te fens this cours is on the Fandamental skill and concepts central tothe successful use of SolidWorks Simulation 2009. You should view the training course manual as & supplement to, and not @ replacement fr, the system documentation and on-line help. Once you have developed good foundation in basic skills, you can refer te the ‘on-line help for information on less frequently used command options. ‘Students attending this course are expected to have the following: '= Mechanical design experience ‘© Experience with the Windows™ operating system. ‘© Completed the on-line Sofid Works tutorials that are available under Help. You can access the on-line tutorials by clicking Help, Online Tutorial. = Completed the introductory SolidWorks Simulation (or similar) This course is designed around a process- or task-based approach to training. Rather than focusing on individual features and funetions, a process-based traning course emphasizes processes and procedures {you should follow to camplete a particular task. By utilizing ease ‘Stuies to ilustrate ches processes, you lean the necessary commands, ‘options and mienus in the context of completing a design task ‘The recommended minimum length ofthis course is one day. ‘This ining manual is tended 1 be used ina classroom environment Under the guidance ofan experienced SolidWorks Simulation instructor, Ii not intended to bea sel-paced tutorial. The examples, and case studies are des gned to be demonstrated “ive” by the instructor, Please note there may ke slight differences in results in certain lessons due to service puck upgrades, etc Laboratory exercises give you the opportunity to apply and practice the ‘material covered during the leturedemonstation portion athe [About This Course ‘SoliaWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual About the ‘A complete set of the various files used throughout this course ean be ‘Training Files ‘downloaded from the SolidWorks website, CCickon the link for Training & Support, then Training, then Training Files, then SolidWorks Simulation Training Files. Select the link for the desired file set, These may be more that one version af each ile set available Dieet URL! ‘ww. “The files are supplied ir signed, self-extracting executable packages, “The files are organized by leccon number. The Case Sindy folder ‘within each lesson contains the files your instructor uses while presenting the lessons. The Exercises folder contains any files that are fequired for doing the lboratory exercises ‘Windows® XP ‘The sereen shots in this manual were made using Solid Works 2009 and SolidWorks Simulation 2009 running on Windows® XP. Ifyou are running ona different version of Windows, you may notice differences inthe appearance ofthe menus and windows. These differences do not fect the performance of the software Conventions Used This manual uses the fllowing typographi conventions in this Book ‘Convention Meaning ‘Bold Sans Serif | SolidWorks Simulation commands and ‘options appear inthis style, For example, “Right-click Load/Restraint and select Force” means right-click the Load/ Restraint icon inthe SolidWorks Simulation Manager tree and select Force from the shortcut menu, ‘Typewriter Feature names and file names appear in this| style, For example, Restraint = | Double lines prevede and follow sections of 47 Do this step | the procedures. This provides separation ‘between the steps ofthe procedure and large blocks of explanatory text. The steps themselves are numbered in sans serif bold Use of Color ‘Te Solid Works and Solid Works Simulation user interface make extensive use oF color highlight selected geometry and to provide ‘you with visual feedback. This ereatlyinereases the intitiveness and ‘ease of use ofthe SolidWorks Simulation software. To take maximum advantage of this, the taining manuals are printed in fall coor. ‘About This Course SolidWoxks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual ‘Also, in many cases, W2 have asus Som used additional color inthe ilustations to communicate ‘concepts, identity featres, and otherwise convey important information, For example, we might show the filet areas of a partin a Rass Sem different color, to highight—-MAVund Radia min, «Paces areas for mesh control, even though by default, the SolidWorks Simulation software would not display the results in hat way. Please noe, there may be slight differences in results in certain lessons due to service pack upgrades, ‘About This Course SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual What SolidWorks Simulation? ‘What is SolsWorks Simulation? SolidWorks Simulation ia design analysis tool based on « numerical technique called Finite Flement Analysis or FEA. SolidWorks Simulation belongs tothe family of engineering analysis software products developed by SRAC, now part of SolidWorks Corporation. Established in 1982, SRAC pioneered the implementation of FEA into desktop computing. In 1995, SRAC entered the emerging mainstream FEA software market by partnering with SolidWorks Corporation and creating COSMOS Works software, one ofthe first SolidWorks Gold Products. COSMOS Works soon became the top-selling, add-in analysis sofiwate for SolidWorks Corporation. The commercial success of ‘COSMOS Works integrated with SolidWorks CAD sofware resulted in the acquisition of SRAC in 2001 by Dassault Systemes, the parent ‘company of SolidWorks Comporation. in 2003, SRAC merged with SolidWorks Corporation. COSMOS Works was renamed for 2009 o SolidWorks Simulation. SoliaWorks is a parametic, solid, feature-based CAD system. As ‘opposed to many other CAD systems that were originally developed in ‘8 UNIX environment and only later ported to Windows, SolidWorks has, from the very begiming, been developed specifically forthe ‘Windows operating system, SolidWorks Simulation has also been specifically developed for the Windows operating system. Full integration between SolidWorks and SolidWorks Simulation is possible ‘because both ofthe programs are native Windows OS applications. SolidWorks Simulation somes in different “bundles”, of applications, designed t0 best suit theneeds of different users. With the exception of| SolidWorks SinulationXpress which is an integral part of SolidWorks, all Solid Works Simulation bundles are addins. brie description of ‘the capabilities of different bundles isa flows: ‘SolidWorks SimulationXpress ‘The static analysis of parts with simple types of loads and support, SolidWorks Simulation The static analysis of pats and assemblies SolidWorks Simulation Professional The static, thermal, buckling, frequency, drop test, optimization and fatigue analysis of parts and assemblies, SolidWorks Simulation Premium All capabilites of SolidWorks Simulation Professional plus nonlinear and dynamic analyses. In this volume, we intraduee SolidWorks Simulation Professional ‘through a series of hands-on lessons intermixed with FEA fundamentals. Is assumed tha the user is familia withthe basies of the finite element methed and the material discussed in the Solid Works Simulation course, We ecommend that you study the lessons inthe Limitations of SolidWorks Simulation Professional ‘SolaWorks Simulation Professional 2009, ‘order presented in the ext. As you go through the lessons, note that explanations and steps described in detail in earlier lessons ae not repeated later, Each subsequent lesson assumes familiarity with software fimetions and the FEA background discussed in previous lessons. Each lesson builds onthe skills and experience gained from the previous lessons, With any FEA software, we need to take advantage ofits strengths as ‘well as work within its imitations. Analysis with SolidWorks Simulation Professional is conducted under the following assumptions: = mterilis linear ‘= deformations are stall = Toads ate static These assumptions are typical ofthe FEA software used in the design ‘environment, and the vast mgjorty of FEA projects are un successfully within thse limitations. Fora detailed diseussion oF each, consult the SolidWorks Simulation training manual, For analyses requiring ronlinear material, nonlinear geometry, ot dynamic analysis, tools such as Solid Works Simulation Advanced Professional ean he usad. Some dynamic and nonlinear analyses capabilities ae also included in some modules of SolidWorks Simulation Professional Limitations of SollaWorks Simulation SolisWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Lesson 1 Frequency Analysis of Parts Objectives ‘Upon suecessfil completion of this lesson, you will be able to: = Perform a frequeney analysis with and without support. = Investizate rigid bocy modes. = Discuss the role of supports in a frequency analysis. ‘= Perform a frequency analysis with a prestress condition, = Use design seenariot to conduct design sensitivity studies (optional) Lesson tin SolidWosks Simulation Professional 2008 Training Manuat a Objectives SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Menuat Lesson 1 Modal Analysis Basics Modal Analysis Basics Prvuaney Anais Every structure has its preferred frequencies of vibration called resonant frequencies. Each such frequency is characterized by 2 specific shape of vibration. ‘When excited witha resonant frequency, a steuctute vibrates in a shape: ‘Tis is ealled a mode of vibration. ‘Recall that structural static analysis calculates nodal displacements 2 the primary unknowns: (KJd = F where [Kis known asthe stiffness matrix, dis the unknows vector of nodal displacements, and Fis the -knovin vector of nodal lads {In dynamic analysis, we additionally consider damping (C7 and mass /M], [ada [2+ [a = Fn ‘The equation above i taditionally referred to asthe equation of motion for damped ford vibration. In the absence of damping and external forces, it reduces to [3] [kJ = 9 (equation of motion for fice vibration). Notice that this equation relates the inertial and elastic forces at any time instance ifthe motion exists. If no motion exists (ie, no initial impetus causing the motion), the equation still provides a very important relation between the mass properties ofthe structure and its fess. After some derivations (which are nota subjeet ofthis text, but can be found in any introductory text on vibrations), we would cextract the structural characteristics inthe form of: f= natural frequencies: Frequencies at which the structure prefers to ‘oscillate (if excited) Often these values are refered to as resonant Fequencies. '= (natural) modes of vibration: Unique shapes of vibrations corresponding to specific natural frequencies, [Note that any ral structure hasan infinite number of natural frequencies and modes. The maximum number of modes that can be extracted is limited tthe number of degrees-of-freedom, Inresonanee, inertial and elasiestitness cancel. In effet, the structure loses is stiffness. The ony factor controlling the vibration amplitude in resonance is damping. If damping is lo, and most often itis low, the amplitude may reach dengerous levels After you complete the two lessons in frequency analysis included in this volume, you are encouraged to “reuse” some of the previous ‘models and conduet frequency analyses on them, Lesson 1 Frowoney Anse of Pare Required Material Properties 0 SoliWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual For example, the figure below shows the natural modes (shapes) of vibration for an unsupported plate witha hole model, used in Lesson | ‘of the Solid Works Simalation raining manual. Each mode eorresponds toa specific natural frequency. UNSUPPORTED PLATE Move 1 ove 2 moves Nos @ Move 5 Moves When you analyze the results ofa frequency analysis ofa symmetric ‘model, note thatthe medes of vibration are ether symmetric or anti- symmetric. Thi is one weason why symmetric boundary conditions can ‘not apply to modal analysis. Also, observe tha the higher the mode of | vibration, the more complex the mode shape, AA fiequeney analysis can be WnEEL ASSEMBLY conducted on both parts and MooE2 assemblies. [anassembly iS peroRyaeD SHAPE analyzed, all parts must be bonded; no contacveap conditions are allowed. IF assembly parts interfere, as with assemblies intended for rink fit analysis, this interference must be eliminated prior to performing a frequeney analysis This wil be investigated further in Lesson 2: Frequency Aualssis of Assemblies, ‘The following material properties are requited in frequeney analysis: ‘= Modulus of elasticity (also called Young's modulus) = Poisson's ratio Mass density Mods! Analysis Basics SolidWorks Simulation Professional 20097 Important! Frequencies and Mode Shapes Fundamental Frequency Important Modal Analysis Basics ining Manual Lesson 4 Freaueney Anas oP Jn order to model inet tines, material properties specified fora frequency analysis model must inchde material density (nat specific gravity), While every real life strctre as an infinite number of natura frequencies an associated modes a vibration only a few ofthe lowest nodes are important in he response ofa structure to dynamic loading “The frequencies of thes first few modes are usually well-spaced apart; frequencies of higher mades are spaced closer. A fiequeney analysis calculates resonant frequencies and their associated modes of vibration, Its important to understand that resonant frequencies andthe associated mades of vibrations are the only things calculated by a frequency analysis. ‘The fundamental requeney is the lowest resonant Frequency: Because the natural frequency value is proportional tothe level of energy required to excite the stucture at a particular mode, a structure ‘oscillating at its fundamental frequeney would require the least amount of energy when compared to all af the higher natural frequencies A frequency analysis does not calculate displacements or stresses, We repeat this important statement later inthis lesson, In most cases, products are designed to avoid resonance. Knowing. what excitation frequencies our produet will be exposed to, we design the product in such a wey that its natural frequencies donot coincide with the excitation frequencies, To bring the natural frecuency of a structure out ofthe critical ange, \we ean change its geometry, materials, characteristics ofthe shock isolators or we ean apjxopriately place mass elements. The effect of these aetions ean be analyzed witha frequency analysis. ‘While mechanical resonance is avoided in many mechanical systems, resonance isnot alwaysa “bad” thing. Indeed, some devices are designed to work in esonance. Some obvious examples are musical instruments, machines Lke soil compactors, peumatie hammers, and In this esson, we analyze one of those devices wihose design is based ‘on the principle of resonance: a tuning fork. " Lesson 4 Fruene Anas o Pos Case Study: The Tuning Fork Project Description Stages in the Process 2 ‘SoliWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual In this ease study, we will determine natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes ofa tuning fork. This model introduces the concept of rigid body modes and presents their corresponding frequencies “The model is frst run witha fixed boundary condition simulating the fork being held by a human hand, We will also solve the model using ‘no boundary condition o see how the results are affected. We wll then learn how to properly interpret the results of a frequency analysis In addition, when an applied load exists, the stithess of the model ean change (called stress stiffening or softening). This additional stiffness is known as te stress stifness and can either ald or subtract from the ‘overall clasic stiffness ofthe model. To investigate this, a load will be applied to the end of the fork, and its effets will be investigated ‘A tuning fork, shown inthe figure, is designed to emit a lower A tone a the fundamental frequency of 440 Fz First, perform a frequeney analysis to entiem that the tuning fork vibrates at the corect frequency: Inaddition, determine the effects onthe resonant equency when a load of 450 N is applied to the ‘end ofthe fork. Will he frequency be higher or lower? Some key stages in the analysis ofthis part are shown inthe following list = Apply Fixtures ‘The end of the tuning fork willbe fixed, atlermpting to simulate being held ina person's hand, = Mesh the model & Run the analysis = Postprocess Results ‘The results ofthe iitial analysis will be postprocessed to properly investigate their meaning, = No Fixed Geometiy ‘The fixture will be removed to reveal additional modes of vibration. = Effects of Applied Load ‘A load willbe applied to the tuning fork to see how an applied prestress condition affects the modes of vibration, ‘case Study: Tho Tuning Fork SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Lesson 1 Frequency Analysis With Supports Procedure Frequency Ants o Pats Inthe frst part of this ese study, we will examine the tuning fork with Fixed Geometry boundary condition to see ifthe fundamental frequency is indeed 440 Hz (lower A tone) “The frequency analysis s preformed as follows: ‘Open part ‘Open the part named tuning fork, and review its geometry, Create frequency study. Create a study named with supports, selecting Frequency as the Analysis type. ‘Set the study properties, Right-click the study wth supports, and select Properties, cpa Ee Under Options enter 4 jor Number of frequencies, so that the fist four natural frequencies are calculated. “The default numberof requested frequencies is five. The solver type for this problem is not important. We will use the Automatic solver selection Review material propertios. ‘The material property o” Chrome Stainless Steal is automatically transferred from the SolidWorks model Define a fixture. Apply « Fixed Geomety fixture to the face ofthe ball atthe end ofthe stem, Froquency Analysis With Supports 8 Lesson 1 Prauaney Anas of Pas SolidWorks Simutation Professional 209 Training Manuat 6 Mesh the model. Mesh the model with High quality elements and the default Element size of 1.475 mm, ‘Generally, les refined mesh is acceptable fora frequency analysis as ‘compared to the mesh required for a stress analysis onthe same model. "Nevertheless, since the model size is small, we use the mesh that is created with the defaul- element size 7 Rum the ar Results After the solution is complete, Solid Works Simulation creates four deformation plots corsponding to the four requested frequencies, Stress and strain results are not available i feyueny analysis (remember, frequency analysis does not solve a realtime dependent problem), 8 List resonant frequencies. Let us review the summary of results in the Deformation folder, Right-click the Results folder and + a net select List Resonant Frequencies =~ ‘The List Modes window ‘opens and displays the frequencies ofall four ‘modes calculated in the study with supports, "Notice thatthe frst mode is ‘not 440 Has we expected. “ SolidWorks Simulation generated four deformation plots inthe Results directory. A procedure to select the default pots that should be generated automatically when a study completes was discussed inthe SolidWorks Simulation training manual, Lesson 1 Frequency Analysis With Supports SoliaWorks Simulation Professional 2008 Training Manual Lesson 4 Frequency Anas Pa 9 Plot first mode of vibration. Having extracted the naual frequencies, we will now plot the shape ofthe corresponding modes, Right-click on the Results folder and select, Define Mode Shape/Displacement Plot Set the Units to mm. Uner Plot Step, request tt ‘mode. The correspondirg natural frequeney will be shown as well. Click OK. 10 Show the deformed model on the plot. Under Plot Settings, select Superimpose model on the deformed shape, Nl ‘Animate the plot and observe that in the frst natural frequency, both ‘arms ofthe fork oscillate in phase (both arms in the same dieetion) and inthe xz-plane. This is not how we expect the arms to oscillate when the fork emits a lower A sound, Therefore, we will investigate higher ‘modes. Frequency Analysis With Supports 5 Lesson 4 ‘rooney Anais of Pats Postproces: Froquency Results SoliaWorts Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual ‘The magnitude ofthe maximum displacement inthe above plot is 1.234 mm [486 in.], 5 compared to the length ofthe tuning fork ‘whieh is about 102 mur [4 in). (Notice that the deformation scale for this plot is 1:0.00087) As previously stated, the magnitude of the displacement result is mmcaningless in a frequency analysis. Displacement results can be used only to compare relative displacements between different portions of the model and only within the same mode of vibration, “Meaningful displacement results require the execution ofa dynamic analysis, where time-dependent force excitation of the intial impetus exists causing the model to vibrate A frequency analysis ony calculates the natural (resonant) frequencies and associated modes (shapes) of vibrations. I extracts these important rutural propeties by analyzing the equation of motion fr free vibrations (ie. no damping) without any inital conditions causing actual motion, 11 Review other mode shapes. Display the plots ofthe mode shapes associated with all four computed natural frequencies. You can make use of automatically generated {deformation plots coresponding to the four computed natural Frequencies Superimpose the undefhemed model on the deformed shape, While given plot is displayed right-click the plot ieon and select Animate, Review animated results forall four modes, The animated results ean be saved in an av format, Moves wove 4 = ate aaah ‘The lower A frequency of 440 Hz, which we expected to be the first ‘mode, is actually the fourth mode 16 Frequency Analysis With Supports, ‘SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Lesson 1 Frequency Analysis Without ‘Supports Proquaney Analyt o Pots Looking at the first thre? modes ofthis analysis itis revealed that ithe ‘tuning fork was unsupported, these mode shapes would not oceur, Furthermore, the humas hands ae simply incapable of ereating a completely rigid suppont asin the model, Let us try modeling the fork without the rig suppor. Create new frequency study. Duplicate the study with supports into a new study named without supports, Delete or suppress fixtures in the study. Right-click the fixture end seleet Suppress. Define analysis properties. Right-click without supports, select Proportios, and ineease the Number of frequencies io 10 Run the analysi List resonant frequencies Right-click the Resulte folder, and select List Resonant Frequencies. Rigid Body Modes Examining the List Modes window for the without eupports study reveals that the first six modes have the associated frequency of 0 Hz (ot very close to 0 Hz). The frst six modes of vibration eorrespond to the tigid body modes. Because the tuning fork is nat supported, it has six degrees-of-freedomas a rigid body: tee translations and three rolations Review the mode shapes, Plot and animate the first six mode shapes to reveal that these are the rigid body modes assoc ated with the six degrees-of freedom (three translational and three rotational), [Note that the FFEPIus iterative solver must be used for a frequeney analysis with rigid body modes. The Direct Sparse solver isnot suitable {or solving frequency analysis problems with rigid body modes. Frequency Analysis Without Supports 7 Lesson 4 Frequeney Anas of Poe Fundamental Frequency Effect of Restraints Frequency Analysis with Load Important! SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual ‘The first elastic mode of vibration where the tuning fork experiences elastic deformation is Mode 7. Mode 7 has 2 frequency of 444 Hz, ver «lose to what we expected as the fundamental mode of vibration forthe tuning fork, Why didn’t the frequen:y analysis with, supports produce the first mode with a frequency close to the operating frequency of 440 Hz? I we closely examine te first three modes of vibration of the supported tuning fork, we notice thatthe first three modes need the ‘support in order to exis. Without it, the tuning fork eannot vibrate in any of these three modes. Because human fingerseannot generate rigid support used in this first, study, none ofthe first three modes ae likely to occur, If any signs of these three modes do occur, they ate quickly damped by the flexible ‘support of the human “exp In effect, the tuning fore, with or without supports, ends up vibrating the way it was designee to, witha frequency of 440 Hz: mode 4 as caleulated inthe analysis With support, or mode 7 as etlelated in the analysis without suppouts. These two modes are identical. ‘We now continue with» frequency analysis that accounts fr stress stiffening. This type of analysis is ealled a frequency analysis with pre= Joad or frequency analysis with prestress. Compressive and tensile loads change the capacity ofa structure to resist ending. Tensile fares increase bending stiffness; this phenomenon is called sess stiffening. Compressive loads decrease resistance to bending; this phenomenon is called stress softening. ‘Stress stiffening or softening an be important both in static and fequeney analyses because it affects the resultant sifiness ofa structure and therefore changes its vibration properties and its response toa load, Ina static analysis, an sceurate solution that considers the effect of loads onthe stiffness requires nninear analysis. When running a frequeney study with an applied load, the model must be supported in some way inthe direction ofthe oad. Turning on the soft-springs option is net sufficient. Without a support, a singular siifness matrix willbe produced and the model will not run. Frequency Analysis with Load SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Lesson 4 Frquency Ants of Pos Greate new frequency study. Duplicated the study with, supports into a new study named prestressed. Apply the loading. Apply a 450 N [101.16 Ibs} compressive force tothe two faces a: the end ofthe tuning fork. This is an arbitrary load only applied to see the effect that the prestress will have on the frequeney study Run the analysis. List resonant frequencies. Right click the Rooulte folder, and select List Resonant Frequencies. "Notice that all ofthe frequencies have lowered significantly from the with supports study. Review the mode shaves. Plot and animate the made shapes themselves to see that, although the natural frequencies have changed significaily, the associated mode shapes remain the same, Effects of Prestress The effect of the change in stifness du to the applied load will only change the magnitude ofthe natural frequencies. The made shapes are governed by the actual geometry of the model and will not change with an applied prestress, We can generalize our fndings by noting that compressive stresses will ‘decrease the natural frequencies. For example, the analysis of the natural Frequencies ofa compressed column demonstrate that natural frequencies decrease with an increased oad, Note that a load magnitude corresponding to-4 zero frequency will eause buckling ‘Tensile stresses have the opposite effect. For example, when tuning a guitar string the tension in the string is inereased to produce a higher frequency, which corresponds toa higher noe. Frequency Analysis with Load 19 Lesson 1 ‘Summary Ey SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manuat Using the model ofa tuning fork, we can see how SolidWorks Simulation can be used to ealeulate natural frequencies and mode shapes ofa structure ‘The frequency analysis with and without supports allows us to investigate rigid body rods where the sructure ean displace without experiencing elastic debrmation {A very important point o remember is that while a frequency analysis provides very important information about the vibration properties of a structure, it doesnot, by itself, caleulate vibration amplitudes or sess, ‘We demonstrated the fet of stress softening on the natural frequencies ofthe tuning fork due to compressive force . Stress softening and stiffening effets are automatically taken into account if there is a load present. These effects are very common in rotating pars such as turbines, motor rotors, nd wind turbines, however any loading condition that results ina prestress must be taken into account to properly perforin a frequency analysis, Summary SolicWo Exercise 1: Frequency Analysis of a Car Suspension Bulkhead Problem Statement Procedure ‘Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual In this exercise, you will perform a frequency analysis ona car suspension bulkhead ‘This exercise reinfores the fllowing skills: = Frequency Analysis With Supports on page 13, Frequency Analysis Without Supports on page 17. = Posiprocessing Frequency Results on page 16. ‘The bulkhead shown is used as part ofthe front suspension system ofa dit-road racing car, It is built from Cas: Alloy Stel. Perform a frequency analysis on the bulkhead to determine ts resonant Frequencies so they can be avoided in the design ofthe rest of the vehiel. Follow the procedure below ‘Open the part. (Open the part named Car Suspension Bulkhead. Greate a Frequency study. Create a study named without, supports, selecting Frequency as the Analysis type, Apply material properties. In the SolidWorks Simulation study re, right-click Parts and select ‘ApplyiEdit Mate Select Gast Alloy Steel from the solidworks material library. Mesh the part. Create a High quality mesh with the default Element size and Tolerance. ‘Set the study propertes to compute 10 frequencies. Run the analysis a ‘SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual 7. List resonant frequencies. The first six modes of vibration correspond to the rigid body modes. Because the ear suspens bulkhead is nat supported, it has six deprees-of freedom asa rigid body: three translations and three rotations, ‘The frequencies corresponding orig body modes have very small numerical values, sometimes zeros 8 Create now frequency study. Duplicate existing frequency study properties toa new frequency study named with supports. 9. Define fixed hinge fistures on four cylindrical faces. 10 Run the analysis. 11 List resonant frequencies. 2 SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2008 Training Manual Exercise 2: Frequency Analysis of a Blower Fan Problem Statement Part 4: Analysis Without Load Inthis exercise you will perform a frequency analysis on blower Fan bath with and without ¢ centefuea load, “This exerese reinforces the following skill: Frequency Analysic with Load om page 18 © Posiprocessing Frequency Results on page 16 = Design Scenarios fiom Solid Works Simulation manual Lesson 10. Perform a frequency analysis on a blower fan, The fan is cesigned to spin ata range of different retational velocities, Te simply the ealculation, use geometry with «single fan blade, Perform the analysis as both a stationary blade and asa rotating body investigate the effects ofthe tensile stress caused by the certrifugal force inthe rotating blade, Inthe frst pat ofthis ease study, we will perform a frequency analysis ‘ona stationary lower fan blade. Follow the procedute below: ‘Open part file. ‘Open the part named fan. ‘The £u21 configuration presents the fll model; the seotion ‘configuration presents only one blade. We are only interested ina single blade, so we use the model in its seotion configuration, ‘Change to the seotioa configuration, Create a frequency study named section. ‘The material properties of 1060 Aluminum Alloy, defined inthe SolidWorks model, are ‘automatically transferred to Solid Works Simulation. 2 Part 2: Analysis With Load SolldWorts Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Apply Fixed Goometry fixture. Request 5 modes of vibration. Mesh the model. Creat High quality mesh wth ihe dil Element size and ince, Enable the Automatic transition under Mesh Parameters, Run the analysis. List the resonant frequencies. Review the frequencies ofthe five calculated modes of vit No Prstess ‘Animate the mode shapes. Now, we will perform tae analysis with an applied centrifugal load to simulate the blade spinning about the axis of rotation. Follow the procedure below: Create new study. Duplicate the study named sect ion into anew study named section preload, SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual ‘1 Apply contituga load cen Apply Central ou Us an angular velociy AE (18000 apm and ai} ates om 12 mun the aig = — woe The EPI ser eamot eset while ining ls of tga een a 13 List ne natural eau, estate Bae eon th it pe a lt he fundamental or natural fequency. It has increased from 75 Hit 95 Hz, The other four Frequencies have increased as well ‘The results show that the natural frequencies of the turbine blade differ significantly ifa centrifugal load causing tensile stresses is considered Design Scenarios (optional) Note ‘SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual may be of interes to investigate the effect of different speeds of ration on the natural fequencies of the blade endl plot the natural Frequencies as a function of the speed of rotation, To do that, we could simply repeat the abov: analysis with several different centrifugal loads, and summarize te results, Instead of manually repeating the analysis of the model under several loads, we ean use an automatic feature of SolidWorks Simulation called design seenario. To run a design scenario, we define the parameters deseribing what exactly changes inthe model, In our case, we use only ‘one parameter, which isthe angular speed of rotation as defined in the Centrifugal PropertyNanager. By yourself, define the design Scenario forthe following values ofthe speed of rotation: 3000, 6000, 8000, 12000 and 15000 rpm, ‘To review how to define and run a design seenario, consult Lesson 10 of the Solid Works Simulation Designer training man Alter you define and run the design scenario: 44 View the summary results, ‘This window lists frequencies ofall five modes forthe five steps ‘executed in the design scenario, SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual ‘Summary 418 Create design scenario graphs. ‘You can contol the appearance of the graph by selecting Options on the tool bar of the graph window. You are encouraged to investigate the many choices offered by the graph controls ‘A design scenario can be run for other parameters, You are encouraged touse the design scenasio feature to investigate the effeet of element size on natural Frequencies o in other words, to perform a convergence analysis of frequencies [Note that natural frequencies decrease with mesh refinement as the ‘model becomes softer when smaller elements are used. Therefore, natural frequencies converge “from above”. In this ease, those effects re very small and have almost no practical importance, but are useful to investigate as a learning tol ‘We demonstrated the effect of stress stifening due toa centrifugal load ‘nthe natural frequencies ofa cooling fan blade. Using the design scenario Feature, we established the elation between natural Frequencies and the speed of rotation ofthe fan. a Exercise 3: Frequency Analysis of an Impeller Problem Statement. Procedure Ey SolidWorks Simulation Professional 209 Training Manual In this exercise, you wil perform a frequeney analysis onan impeller with a prestress condition caused by a centrifugal force ‘This exercise reinforces the following skills: Frequency Analysis with Load on page 18, = Posiprocessing Frequency Results on page 16, ‘The impeller shown sits on a shaft rotating 120,000 revolutions per minute. Perform a frequency analysis or the Impeller 01 part and study the effect of sess stiffening On the natural frequencies ofthe model Follow the procedure below: Open part fle. Open the part named Irapelter 01. Create a frequency study. (Create a fiequency study named vibration. Select Frequency as the Analysis type. Assign Shell thicknesses. Specify Thin shells witha Shell thickness of 1mm for all blades Apply Alloy Steel to al bodies. Apply Restraints, To simulate shaft support, select the cylindrical fae ofthe le atthe bottom and make it Immovable Apply an angular velosity of 20,000 rpm, Select Axcis! as the reference. SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual 7. Define connection between shells and solids. ‘To bond shell elements to solid elements, define local contact conditions 8 Create Mesh. Create High quality mesh using the default Element size 9. Sot study properties. Request 5 frequencies. 10 Run the analysis. Note Since there are loads present inthis analysis, their effect om the frequency results will be automatically accounted for. 11 Review results 1, = 1186.1 He f= 11862 He ah f= 1186.3 He f= 1180.1 He [Notice that the first modes of vibration ate reserved for blades only and the corresponding frequencies are very close. 29 30 SolidWoiks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual ‘SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Lesson 2 Frequency Analysis of Assemblies Objectives ‘Upon successful completion of this lesson, you will be able to: ‘Understand the concepts oF natural frequencies in assemblies. ‘= Approximate the real caniets and connectors with the appropriate ‘contact entities, Lesson 2 Frequoney Anaya of Aerembiae 32 SolidWorks Simulation Professional 2009 Training Manual Objectives SolidWor Case Study: The Engine Mount Project Description ‘Stages in the Process, All Bonded Contact Conditions ‘Simulation Professional 2009 Training Man 7 Lesson 2 Fraueney Anas of Assembles tral frequencies and corresponding mode shapes of an assembly. This model introduces the concept ofa frequeney analysis of an assembly. Various contact conditions can exist within an assembly and we will develop a Way to properly model them ina frequency analysis, ‘The engine frame supports a heavy «engine inthe configuration shown inthe Figure othe right, Analyze the frame to determine if there are ay resonant fequencies within the speed range of the engine cect ‘The frame is connected o a secondary rigid structure at the four locations for that mode. ‘Therefore, the buckling loadin the first mode is: 3.42 x4450= 15,219 N. ‘The buckling load inthe second buckling mode is 3.10 x 4.450 = 16.465, The second bucking mde is mostly of weademic importance. I the ‘cabinet is going to buckie it will do so inthe first buckling mode. The second mode deformation may occur in some eases ifthe deformation inthe frst mode is resteined, ‘Let us summarize the meaning of the buckling load factor as reported inthe buckling analys BLE Value | Meckling | jyferpretation of Results Status “Applied loads ave less than the ee No tuckling | estimated critical loads. | Applied loads excced the o

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