!2018 07 CEEPUS Summer School

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Interna onal & Interdisciplinary CEEPUS Summer School 01-12.07.



2nd Interdisciplinary CEEPUS Summer School

come and work with over 40 PhD students and professors from various EU countries
work with colleagues from 7 different specialities
experiment and enjoy Silesian University of Technology and more
try CEEPUS Central European Exchange Program for University Studies

Silesian University of Technology Gliwice, Poland

Interna onal & Interdisciplinary CEEPUS Summer School 01-12.07.2018

venue: Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland

dates: 01-12. 07.2018

eligible for: Foreign PhD students of CEEPUS countries (Albania, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croa a, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia,
Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Kosovo*)

language: English

credits: 15 ECTS points, diploma for a endance

budget: 300 EUR sponsored by CEEPUS programme; travel cost and private expenses not included

budget includes: accommoda on, lunch breaks, common excursions, welcome recep on

brief: one design objec ve will be led in 7 interdisciplinary teams from different disciplines: architecture&urban design, electrical engineering, organiza on
and management, mechanical engineering, crisis management, social science. Target: interdisciplinary project in 10 days

subject: shaping an interna onal, interdisciplinary consor um and project.

organisers: Silesian University of Technology

coordinator: Project Management Center, dr. Marcin Górski, Director, czp_0@polsl.pl, marcin.gorski@polsl.pl , tel.: +48 32 237 21 08, +48 608018778

team leaders: Faculty of Architecture [A], Faculty of Mechanical Engineering [ME], Faculty of Organiza on and Management [OM] , Faculty of Electrical
Engineering [EE], Faculty of Mining and Geology [MG], Faculty of Civil Engineering [SE], College of Social Sciences and Foreign Philologies [CS]

contact: please contact individually by field of interest [A] tomasz.bradecki@polsl.pl, [ME] marcin.adamiak@polsl.pl, [OM] joanna.bartnicka@polsl.pl, [EE]
mariusz.stepien@polsl.pl, [MG] katarzyna.tobor@polsl.pl, [SE] szymon.dawczynski@polsl.pl, [CS] anna.waligora@polsl.pl

website: ceepus.polsl.pl , facebook: www.facebook.com/Interna onalCeepusSummerSchoolSUT

Silesian University of Technology Gliwice, Poland

Interna onal & Interdisciplinary CEEPUS Summer School 01-12.07.2018

02.07 03.07 04.07 05.07 06.07 08.07 09.07 10.07 11.07 12.07
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Individual Brief and Coordina on Coordina on Coordina on and Coordina on Common
9.00 Induvid
Accomoda on mee ng me Excursion and ideas Excursion and ideas ideas exchange and ideas presenta on
9.30 ual
[A] exchange [A] exchange [A] [A] exchange [A] test [A]
9.30 Individual Common Common Common Common lecture Common Final
10.45 Accomoda on lecture [A] lecture [A] lecture [A] [A] workshops Presentation
Group Group
Group lecture Group lecture Group lecture
11.00 Formal lecture or Group lecture or lecture or
or workshops or workshops or workshops Discussion
13.00 registra on workshops workshops [X] workshops
[X] [X] [X]
[X] [X]
Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Dinner
15.30 BIN@Gliwice Interdisc. Interdisc. Laboratory or Final
BIN@Gliwice workshops
18.00 workshops[X] workshops[X] workshops[X] Workshop
social Evening Informal
Informal al
19.00 welcome party group
group work group
[P] work
[A] lecture room no.200 , Faculty of Mining and Geology, Akademicka 2, Gliwice
[X] see and check groups programme depending on team's profile: loca on vary on me and lecture/workshops type
[P] Party place: Katowice City of Gardens ; accommoda on proposal: Student Guest house at the University Campus
Excursions: Historical Mine, individual trip sugges ons: Kraków

Silesian University of Technology Gliwice, Poland

Interna onal & Interdisciplinary CEEPUS Summer School 01-12.07.2018

Project description The addi onal advantage of the summer schools pla orm will be the
element of compe on between teams trying to develop the best idea. This
The aim of the project is the implementa on of seven summer schools, each innova ve form of integrated summer schools will show the possibili es of
resolving around a different subject area, on various facul es of the Silesian bridging the gap between – seemingly distant – areas of technical sciences.
University of Technology. Those schools will be par ally independent, but – It will also teach the par cipants how to implement future joint projects
at the same me – they will be connected as parts of one bigger pla orm, within the interdisciplinary research teams.
through joint lectures and the implementa on of one interdisciplinary
project. Thus, par cipants will not only be able to deepen the knowledge
within their area of exper se, but will also have a chance to par cipate in The task of the teams will be the joint development of comprehensive
joint lectures, presen ng basic informa on, technologies and methods used solu ons for the selected urban space (the University Campus), including
in different areas of engineering. innova ve security and accessibility solu ons, taking into account technical,
economic and social requirements (e.g. for people with disabili es), serving
The main purpose of the summer school pla orm at the Silesian University the objec ves of the idea of sustainable development. Therefore, it will be a
of Technology is not only the transfer of knowledge and substan ve typical example of the PBL method (Problem Based Learning).
competence, but also the interdisciplinary integra on and the development
of teamwork within the interdisciplinary research teams. During the CEEPUS summer school will be realized parallely with BIN@Gliwice - an
implementa on of a joint project, it is necessary to have knowledge from open brokerage event joining interna onal universi es and business. This
various areas: management of cri cal infrastructure, security engineering open event is prepared by SUT together with FEUP in Porto, Portugal.
and ergonomics, the use of innova ve construc on materials and building Specialists in shaping interna onal consor a and project proposals from
techniques in the crea on of urban space, urban-architectural design, social Poland, Portugal, UK and Belgium will meet par cipants of CEEPUS summer
sciences, control of mechanical systems and widely understood engineering school to consult ini al ideas of interdisciplinary coopera on within projects
design. A few mixed teams will be created, all of which will include of Erasmus KA2 and H2020. It will be also a chance to meet representa ves
representa ves from all of the planned summer schools. of interna onal enterprises and angels of business.

Organisers believe, that crea ve crash of specialists from different fields and
countries will result with ideas, which might be treat as ini al proposals for
interna onal projects in frame of EU funds.

Silesian University of Technology Gliwice, Poland

Interna onal & Interdisciplinary CEEPUS Summer School 01-12.07.2018

Mechanical Engineering [ME] Detailed programme:

Field of Interest: mechanical engineering, materials engineering
M1. Composites, func onal and gradient materials (including lecture for all
Summer school tle: ‘Func onal materials in sustainable public space’ par cipants en tled: ‘Func onal materials of the future’)
M2. Photovoltaic materials and technologies
Short descrip on: The idea of this summer school is to teach the M3. Nanomaterials and their use in the engineering applica ons
par cipants about the most modern achievements in the func onal M4. The advanced methods of engineering materials proper es
materials for dedicated applica ons, in the cases of architectural purposes, examina on
civil engineering and the so-called special applica ons inside city M5. Surface coa ngs engineering
infrastructure design. The students will learn about modern metallic and
non-metallic materials, metal matrix composites, ceramics and plas cs, Proposed number of the summer school students: 10 + 3 (op onally) – MSc
nanomaterials based on carbon nanotubes and, graphene. These and Ph.D. students
technologies of engineering material proper es improving with use of the
sophis cated heat and surface treatment for example with use of lasers and Faculty capability:
the ultrathin coa ngs produc on. Addi onally, they will learn about The project will be carried out by teachers of the Faculty: Ins tute of
photovoltaics and its use in modern engineering. Moreover, they will learn Engineering Materials, and Biomaterials, Department of Welding
how to examine engineering material proper es and their design Engineering and Department of Foundry, Engineering. All have wide
methodology for applica ons. The school is planned in the form of lectures experience and English language skills according to University standards.
and laboratory exercises (1:1 ra o) with use of modern and very o en
unique research equipment of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

Supervisor: Marcin Adamiak, DSc., Ph.D.

Organizer: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

contact: marcin.adamiak@polsl.pl

Silesian University of Technology Gliwice, Poland

Interna onal & Interdisciplinary CEEPUS Summer School 01-12.07.2018

Architecture [A] Detailed programme:

Field of Interest: architecture and urbanism
A1. Design for sustainable public spaces lecture: The case study of
Summer school tle: ‘Design for sustainable public space' Akademicka street in Gliwice and sightseeing
A2. Design thinking method as a tool for ge ng be er project objec ves
Short descrip on: Par cipants will be introduced with contemporary and workshops
methods of public space analysis. Design thinking method will be a subject A3. Revitalisa on of brownfield sides: lecture case study of Nowe Gliwice:
of lectures and work. Interdisciplinary lectures and schools teams’ lecture and sightseeing
coopera on will be an occasion to develop an idea of interdisciplinary A4. Transforming heritage areas; role of planning policies in shaping the
ERASMUS programme f.e. Organiza on and Management [OM] - design for contemporary city: lecture, sightseeing
all analysis and implementa on in public space, or with Faculty of Civil A5. Applica on of contemporary materials in architecture and urban
Engineering [SE] - new structural materials for public space furniture furniture lecture with civil engineering [SE]

Supervisor: Tomasz Bradecki., Ph.D., arch. Faculty capability:

The project will be carried out by teachers of the Faculty of Architecture
Organizer: Faculty of Architecture

Contact: tomasz.bradecki@polsl.pl; 0048 793090078

Silesian University of Technology Gliwice, Poland

Interna onal & Interdisciplinary CEEPUS Summer School 01-12.07.2018

Organization and Management [OM] Detailed programme:

Field of Interest: Ergonomics, Human Factors Engineering, Design for All O1. Human Factors in Product & Services Design
- Anthropometry and its role in Product & Services Design
- Virtual technologies in Human Factors Design
Summer school tle: Human Factors Engineering and Ergonomics, acronym
- Innova on based ergonomics
ErgoSchool O2. Cogni ve engineering – how to be effec ve and safe
- Cogni ve process. A en on – sensa on – percep on
Short descrip on: The objec ve of ErgoSchool is to obtain specialized and - Memory, reasoning and informa on processing
useful knowledge as well as prac cal skills in the field of Human Centered - Cogni ve overload: informa on supply, informa on demand, mul tasking and
Design (HCD). HCD is a crea ve approach to problem solving allowing the interrup ons
adjustment of life or work environment to human needs and individual O3. Occupa onal and public safety – new methods and case studies of how to be
predisposi ons. Par cularly, these needs should be included during protected from hazards
- Risk factors in human environment
designing both technical means and u lity spaces and should cover specific
- Hazard maps - crea on and use
human psychophysical characteris cs, also specific characteris cs like O4. Design for all (DfA) – the new approach of equality and non-discrimina on in
different types of disabili es. products and services design
ErgoSchool is the opportunity to learn how to conduct specialist ergonomic - Accessibility based and non-discriminatory products and services (intui ve access
diagnosis and audit of accessibility, how to use research equipment and how to informa on, intui ve orienta on, mobility and safety)
to make professional projects. Addi onally the skills will be obtained of - Colors and signs in open and building space
what kind of methods and how their use for subjec ve and efficiency
assessment of cogni ve overload. All courses will be provided with the use of dedicated case studies, lectures and
The knowledge and skills acquired within ErgoSchool will support the interac ve workshops based on examples from urban space and buildings
scien fic and academic competencies of the students but also can be used
The courses will be held at specialized laboratories with research and mul media
to shape a friendly living environment and create self-determined quality of equipment.
Proposed number of the summer school students: 7 + 3 (op onally) – all Ph.D.
Supervisor: Joanna Bartnicka, Ph.D., Eng., Vice Director for Science in the students.
Ins tute of Produc on Engineering
Faculty capability:
Organizer: Faculty of Organiza on and Management The project will be carried out by teachers of the Faculty of Organiza on and
Contact: joanna.bartnicka@polsl.pl; 0048 504656789 Management.

Silesian University of Technology Gliwice, Poland

Interna onal & Interdisciplinary CEEPUS Summer School 01-12.07.2018

Electrical Engineering [EE] Detailed programme:

Field of Interest: electrical engineering, automa on and mechatronics
A1. Introductory lecture: Structure of intelligent house in respect of energy
Summer school tle: ‘Smart-house: Energy systems and ICT for intelligent automa on and mechatronics
building in the Smart City” A2. Energy sources and energy systems of smart houses
A3. Energy quality, power condi oning and u liza on
Short descrip on: Par cipants will be introduced with variety of topics of
electrical engineering, automa on, IT and mechatronics related to smart A4. Smart house - automa on and monitoring
house. A smart house is the object in public space characterized by a such
features like energy efficiency, prosument energy use, automa on of control A5. Actuators and executable systems of mechatronics
and protec on and finally ergonomic structure of mechatronic systems.
Problems discussed during the school will be focused on prosument energy A6. New materials and technologies for smart houses
produc on and consump on, system of power condi oning, systems of
automa on, monitoring and control, including mechatronics and Proposed number of the summer school students: 5 + 3 (op onally) – all
telecommunica on. Par cipants of the school will develop own project of Ph.D. students
intelligent house including aspects of energy efficiency, energy quality,
transmission data and energy and mul func onal systems of monitoring, Faculty capability:
control and protec on of the house. The project will be carried out by teachers of the Faculty of Electrical
Engineering involved in broad range of research related to automa on,
Supervisor: Mariusz Stępień, Ph. D. power genera on and conversion, measurement, sensorics and
mechatronics. Experimental part of the school will be carried out at
Organizer: Faculty of Electrical Engineering laboratories of Electrical Engineering equipped with high quality, modern
equipment and apparatus.
Contact: mariusz.stepien@polsl.pl +48 32 237 26 91

Silesian University of Technology Gliwice, Poland

Interna onal & Interdisciplinary CEEPUS Summer School 01-12.07.2018

Faculty of Mining and Geology [MG] Detailed programme:

Field of Interest: Safety Engineering
MG 1. Cri cal infrastructure (lectures+exercices)
Summer school tle: Crisis management in the urban space. MG 2. Risk management/ Build an Effec ve Project Team (lectures and
Short descrip on: The our summer school included a lectures and prac cal MG 3. Emergency medical services (prac cal exercises)/Energy Security Risk
project connected with iden fica on of Cri cal Infrastructure located in the in the urban space (lectures, exercises, laboratory)
urban space, together with the iden fica on of threats, the construc on of MG 4. Center for Crisis management (Gliwice) – study visit
scenarios and the risk assessment in case of it's disrup on. Addi onally, in MG 5. Escape routes plan (field exercises and laboratory)
the Safety Engineering Laboratory there will be conducted prac cal training MG 6. An -Terrorism Office (Katowice) – study visit
of first aid educa on. Teaching resuscita on will be done using audiovisual
techniques, modern training equipment such as resuscita on phantoms Proposed number of the summer school students: 5 + 3 (op onally) – all
with a set of light indicators, automa c AED defibrilla on equipment, and Ph.D. students
many more.
Faculty capability:
Supervisor: Katarzyna Tobór-Osadnik, Ph.D. (Eng.) The project will be carried out by teachers of the Faculty of Mining and
Organizer: Faculty of Mining and Geology

Contact: katarzyna.tobor@polsl.pl

Silesian University of Technology Gliwice, Poland

Interna onal & Interdisciplinary CEEPUS Summer School 01-12.07.2018

Faculty of Civil Engineering [SE] Detailed programme:

Field of Interest: structural engineering
SE1. Innova ve structural materials.
Summer school tle: ‘Innova ve materials and technologies in structural
engineering’ SE2. Mechatronics in construc on. Smart structures and smart materials.

Short descrip on: The idea of this summer school is to teach the SE3. 3D print in construc on.
par cipants about the most modern achievements in the func onal
materials for dedicated applica ons, in the cases of architectural purposes, SE4. Innova ve methods on monitoring and strengthening of structures.
civil engineering and the so-called special applica ons inside city
infrastructure design. The students will have a chance to learn and discuss SE5. Famous imaginary structures – technique vs reality.
about new concepts and achievements of science and technology in area of
Structural Engineering. The school is planned in the form of lectures, Proposed number of the summer school students: 5
workshops, panels and laboratory with tests on natural scale elements.
Faculty capability:
Supervisor: Szymon Dawczyński, PhD Eng. The project will be carried out by teachers of the Faculty: Department of
Structural Engineering, Department of Structural Mechanics and Bridges. All
Organizer: Faculty of Civil Engineering have wide experience and English language with 12 years of running regular
BSc and MSc courses in English.
Contact: szymon.dawczynski@polsl.pl
Key persons: Marcin Górski, Szymon Dawczyński, Rafał Krzywoń

Silesian University of Technology Gliwice, Poland

Interna onal & Interdisciplinary CEEPUS Summer School 01-12.07.2018

College of Social Sciences and Foreign Philologies [CS] Detailed programme:

Field of Interest: Educa on, didac cs
Summer school tle: ‘Design-thinking and learning-by-doing as the effec ve CS1. ‘Introduc on to the Design Thinking process’ 2h lectures
tools for science and business’
CS2. ‘Design Thinking in science, educa on and business - opportuni es and
Short descrip on: The idea of this summer school is to teach the par cipants about applica ons’ 2h lectures
the Design-thinking and learning-by-doing methods as well as familiariza on with
possibili es of applica on of these methods in educa on and business. The
ra onale for implemen ng the method of Design Thinking is cons tuted by the
CS3. ‘The Design Thinking process in prac cal use’ 2h lab
belief that design-thinking is favorable to individuals in their personal life as well as
simplifies their func oning in social life. The concept of Design Thinking is based on:
empathy, culture of coopera on, effec ve team ac ons, understanding of
interdisciplinarity, courage in crea ng and decision-making supported by a certain Proposed number of the summer school students: all
type of kindness. With regard to theore cal studies, the method of Design Thinking
is based on crea ng innova ve products and services based on deep understanding Faculty capability:
of the users’ problems and needs. Thus, in perspec ve of educa on and training as
well as staff development it should be noted that the development of individuals, The project will be carried out by teachers of the College of Social Sciences
their priority needs and individual preferences are a key element for the
and Foreign Philologies. Experimental part of the school will be carried out
construc on of suppor ve and educa onal measures. The students will have a
chance to learn and discuss about new concepts and achievements in area of
at laboratories of neuroeduac on equipped with high quality, modern
didac cs, science and business due to innova ve and crea ve methods. The school equipment and apparatus.
is planned in the form of lectures, workshops and laboratory.

Supervisor: Anna Waligóra, PhD Key persons: Anna Waligóra, Beata Pituła
Organizer: College of Social Sciences and Foreign Philologies
Contact: anna.waligora@polsl.pl

Silesian University of Technology Gliwice, Poland

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