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A Discussion of Israel, Jews, and Zionists

A Discussion of Israel, Jews, and Zionists

Drafted, and revised by Roman Cincinnatus
June, 2017

This is my effort to help clear up some of the random nonsense and disinformation
associated with the subject of Israel, Jews, and Zionists. Much of the information
included herein was obtained from original UN notes, from Internet based sources, and
from legal and historical discussions with others, mostly Jews.

I have no interest in preventing the free copying of this article by anyone, as long as the
contents remain unchanged. I simply want the truth to be known, especially amongst
Americans, who appear to be the most dumbed down people on earth.

George Orwell’s alleged celebrated line, “speaking the truth in times of universal deceit
is a revolutionary act,” should have special significance for Americans today.

My comments often lead to laughter and ridicule from Zionists and their supporters,
and to kudos by those non-Zionists who understand the problems with Zionism and
Zionist Israel. Why Americans generically do not understand this subject clearly is
probably best explained by the fact that the Zionists control the American government
and they control the American media.

So, let’s start this discussion with comments about Zionism. Zionists are followers of
the political ideology described in the Jewish Talmud and “The Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Zion” first published in the year 1897 by Philip Stepanov for private circulation
among his intimate friends. Zionists deny the existence of the protocols, but when
asked about the protocols in 1921, Henry Ford stated the case for their legitimacy thusly:

"The only statement I care to make about the PROTOCOLS is that they fit in with what
is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to
this time. THEY FIT IT NOW."

It should be worth noting that both Congress and the DoD have reviewed the protocols
and have deemed the protocols to be genuine. History itself, as it has unfolded, has
shown us how the protocols were accurate forecasters of world events.

And so, even today, in 2017, if you look carefully, we find that humans are still frustrated
by the controls and by the criminal and inhumane influences of Zionism. Zionists, and
their sycophants, are the source of most of the international problems in the world today
– especially the wars. Zionists are aggressive, they are elitist, they are evil, they are
criminal, and they need to be brought under control by the civilized world.

Of course, in the Zionist and Talmud Jew mindset, only Jew Zionists are humans and
everyone else (the Gentile or the Goyim) is cattle, suitable only for herding, farming,
robbing, and killing by Jews. This is an elitist and genocidal mindset that sets the theme
for everything destructive that originates from the Zionists. And there’s a LOT of evil
and destruction that can be laid directly at the feet of the Zionists – Zionists are not
builders of anything – they are the great destroyers, as they themselves admit.

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“We Jews, we the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will
do, will meet our needs and demands. We will destroy forever because we need a world
of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build." -- Maurice Samuel
(Jew), You Gentiles, page 155, 1942

Within the generic Zionist political movement, there are atheist Zionists, Ashkenazi Jew
Zionists (often Talmud Jews), and Christian Zionists. Note the absence of the religious
Jews (Torah Jews) and Muslims from this list. I don't believe any other major religions
participate in, or support, the political ideology of Zionism. Israel, for example, is a
political Zionist state, not a religious Jewish state. That’s worthwhile to remember as we
continue this discussion.

In America we have Christian Zionists, often followers of the Zionist crafted Scofield
bible, an interpretation of the King James bible that places preservation of the illegal
state of Israel above everything else. Note that there is nothing Christ-like about the
Christian Zionists – they are plunderers and they are murderers just like the rest of the
Zionists. Christian Zionists are also a major source of American neocon conservatives.
Ah, aggressive war and genocide – wouldn’t Christ be proud of you all.

And Americans, you should note that Muslims appear to have never been defrauded by
the Zionists – they have seen and known the truth about Zionism all along, so while the
Zionists beat the drums of continual hatred and war with Islam for you, it would be wise
for you to remember, in this subject area – Muslims have you beat by a mile. They ‘get
it’ – they understand Zionism - and you don’t. I suspect this would be a great time for
Christian Americans to rethink their American fear and hatred of Muslims. Try to
understand who the real enemy of Christianity is. Try to remember who Christ was – he
was a giver, not a murderous thieving bastard. Think about that for a while, eh.

All of which brings us to the bible. First off, the bible did not ever give or grant Palestine
to the Jews – that’s a Zionist lie. The real reason the Zionists wanted Palestine as the
first homeland was twofold: setting up shop in South America did not work out very well
for them, and they chose the area of Palestine because of the trillions of dollars of
minerals known to be under the Red Sea.

And, no matter what anyone claims or tells you, the Talmud Jews have no historical or
biblical or blood claim to any land in the middle east – DNA evidence shows us that the
Ashkenazi Jews of Israel and of the U.S. are now known to be of Ukrainian heritage, the
heartland of Khazaria. In fact, the rabbis teach that in the eighth century, the entire
nation of Khazaria converted to the Talmud and to Kabbalistic Judaism. There is
nothing Semitic or religious about the Khazarian Mafia (as it is becoming better known

Religious Judaism, on the other hand, is the belief in the revelation at Sinai. It is the
belief that Jewish exile is a punishment for Jewish sins. Zionism has for over a century
denied the Sinaitic revelation. Zionism promotes the idea that Jewish exile can be ended
by military aggression. Hence the Zionist military state of Israel. Is anyone surprised?

But, the Jewish religion is often misunderstood by the Christian. Why? The religion
breeds lies and deception. Here’s an example of that mindset from the Talmud.

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"To communicate anything to a goy about our religious relations would be equal to the
killing of all Jews, for if they knew what we teach about them they would kill us openly."
-- Libbre David 37.

"If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a
false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death." -- Libbre David

Inside Israel and Palestine, the Torah Jews appear to hate the Zionists, what they stand
for, and what they are doing to the Semite Palestinians. I agree with the religious Jews
– the Zionists (the atheist Zionists and the Talmud Jew Zionists) who control Israel are
the single most inhumane and evil bastards alive - in my opinion. One Jew attorney
friend calls them the Khazarian gypsies (no offense meant to the real gypsies).

Because Zionists respect no living human, they lie consistently and they commit
criminal fraud against other humans.

“You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We ARE intruders. We
ARE disturbers. We ARE subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals,
your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of
your last great war but of nearly all your wars; not only of the Russian but of every other
revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion, and frustration into
your public life. We are still doing it. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might
have been yours had we left you alone?” -- Marcus Eli Ravage, Jew, The Century
Magazine, January, 1928, Page 347.

One of the classic frauds perpetrated on the people on earth, for example, was the
prefabricated story about the WW II Jewish holocaust. To be blunt, there was no Jewish
holocaust in WW II. Let that sink in for a moment. And don’t try to tell me that your
uncle swears there was a holocaust because he was there. Evidence shows us there were
no German camp human gas chambers used during the war to kill massive quantities of
Jews. There were German labor camps, and there were German prison camps, but there
were no German extermination camps. The Jewish holocaust was a complete fraud and
myth created by the Zionist Jews for political purposes.

In fact, the 6 million figure used to describe the number of Jews killed by Germany was
bandied around in Jewish newspapers for 20 years before WW II began, and the Red
Cross and Jew census show that only 300,oo0 Jews (or less) died during the war, mostly
of natural causes. The Jew’s own reparation request was for 3 million killed, and that
was another huge fraud perpetrated on the world. The truth of it all is that the rich
Zionist Jews entered into a transfer agreement with Hitler to send the lesser Jews to
Palestine or alternatively kill them if they refused to go. The bounty on dead Jews was
1,000 pounds sterling, and there were an estimated 20,000 Jews killed. So if there was
any kind of Jewish holocaust, it was perpetrated by rich Jews against the lesser
brethren. These Zionist Jews are pretty sick, huh?

However, the massive immigration of European Jews (these would be the Ashkenazi
Jews) into Palestine disrupted many centuries of peaceful coexistence between native

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Muslims, Christians, and Jews. And, for the record, ever since the genocidal Zionists
have penetrated Palestine, there has been no peace in the land - none.

In their rise to total control over Palestine, the Zionists have even committed genocide
against their own lesser Jews as we observe with the Ringworm Children holocaust in
the early 1950s. Look that one up. It was a tragic story. The Arab Jewish children were
viewed as defective and undesirable by the reigning Zionists, so the Arab children were
simply killed with massive doses of X-Ray radiation. Israel - homeland for Jews? Not
so much. Talk about evil bastards… the Zionists invariably take the prize.

And while we are on the subject of Israel, we should note that Israel is not even a legal
state. It was allegedly created in the early days of the UN by way of UNGAR 181, which
has since, interestingly enough, been rescinded and repealed by the UN. That would be
the kiss of death to Israel – if it were a responsible state, but, since it’s not, the Israelis
don’t give a rip about legitimacy. Why should they? Might makes right, eh?

The original UN document (UNGAR 181) was non-binding simply because the UN
charter mandates that, before any borders are adjusted, the local inhabitants must be
polled to assure agreement with the proposed changes.

Under Truman administration pressures (i.e. bribes and threats) on UN members, from
people like Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, Henry Firestone, Bernard Baruch,
and David Niles, all Jew Zionists, UNGAR 181 voting was initially delayed until the
approval count was reached, and then voted on and passed by the UN General Assembly
with the assurances that inhabitant polling in Palestine (requirement) would be
conducted AFTER the UN vote and agreement.

The partition resolution passed on November 29, 1947, and while this resolution is
frequently cited as binding on UN members, it had limited (if any) legal impact. General
Assembly resolutions, unlike Security Council resolutions, are not binding on member
states. For this reason, the GA resolution requested that “[t]he Security Council take the
necessary measures as provided for in the plan for its implementation,” which the
Security Council never did. Think about that for a moment. Legally, the General
Assembly Resolution was only a “recommendation” and did not actually create the state
of Israel. Israel has never existed as a sovereign state. The Israelis know this is true.

“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we
have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest
them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler,
Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have
stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” -- David Ben Gurion (the first
Israeli Prime Minister), quoted by Nahum Goldmann in “Le Paraddoxe Juif” (“The
Jewish Paradox”), pp121.

And to frustrate matters even further, polling of the Palestinian inhabitants has NEVER
BEEN DONE, and the inhabitants of Palestine HAVE NEVER AGREED to the creation
of the state of Israel within their borders. In fact, the actual UN notes reflect vehement
opposition to the ‘two state’ solution by all Arab members. The land in Palestine was

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stolen from the Semite Palestinians. And, no, the land was not ever promised or ‘owed’
to the Jews by any god, Jewish or otherwise.

Israel, according to international law is thus, an illegal and rogue state – it was
improperly brought into existence by fraud and by illegal military actions. Israel does
not exist as a legitimate and sovereign state. In Palestine, the Israelis are the illegal
occupiers of the land, and the Semite Palestinians are the freedom fighters, suffering
mightily under U.S. equipped Israeli military attacks against them, and doing their best
to remove the occupier Israelis and recover their own land. But the Zionists own and
control the American media, so these facts never get into mainstream America.

Americans, it seems, are the last ones to ever be told the truth about Zionism, Israel, and
Palestine. We simply do not have a free press in America. Europe knows the truth
about Israel. Countries in the Middle East certainly know the truth. But Americans
don’t. We are continually lied to by the Zionists who control America, and we stupidly
believe every lie. And the American government continues to financially and militarily
support the illegal state of Israel. Are we really that stupid that we don’t question these

Not only has Palestine suffered under Zionist military and financial treachery, but so has
the United States and so has the rest of the world. Since the illegal creation of Israel,
there have been many attacks against America and other countries, both financial and
militarily. I’m thinking of the military attacks on the USS Liberty by Israel in 1967, and
the false flag attacks on Oklahoma City (Patriots Day, April 19, 1995) and 9-11 by
Mossad (both events for which Mike Harari of Mossad had claimed involvement and/or

The Israelis are now also believed to have done 7-11 (London subway) as well as 3-11
(that would be Fukushima), which is causing the spread of nuclear radiation across the
world. Fukushima was attacked by Israel because the Japanese had agreed to process
uranium for Iran. Nice going, Israel – you really know how to screw things up.
Fukushima radiation damage is huge when compared to 9-11 in terms of overall damage
to people and to nature. Interestingly, the old school Illuminati that wrote the Georgia
Guidestones made it clear that nature was to be spared (“Be not a cancer on the earth —
Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature”). Another ‘screw you’ from Israel, eh.

The purpose of Operation Cyanide back in 1967 was to start a hot WW III and to allow
Israel to rule over the entire Middle East (Ezra Israel) as its reward for attacking and
sinking the USS Liberty. The secret LBJ and Israeli plan was to use unmarked Israeli
aircraft, attack and sink the Liberty, so that the military attack on the Liberty could be
used as justification to get the American people behind the U.S. nuking of Egypt and
thus begin WW III. This was a failed Israeli false flag attack against the United States.

When American Jew president Lyndon Baines Johnson was told about the attempted
sinking of the Liberty by unknowns, he said without any provocation that it was not the
Israelis. That should tell you plainly that LBJ knew the Israelis were involved in the
attack and that he was an involved party of Operation Cyanide. But the Liberty refused
to sink, and Johnson, American traitor that he was, was really pissed off.

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“Fifteen years after the attack [on the Liberty], an Israeli pilot approached Liberty
survivors and then held extensive interviews with former Congressman Paul N. (Pete)
McCloskey about his role [in the attack]. According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he
recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was
told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and
returned to base, where he was arrested.”

“This seems to be a common trick of Israel. Starting with the Lavon affair [another failed
Israeli false flag event in 1954], through the USS Liberty [1967], to the fake radio
transmitter that tricked Reagan into attacking Libya [1986], to potentially 9-11 itself,
Israel's game is to frame Arabs and set them up as targets for the United States.”
(Quotes courtesy of ‘What Really Happened’)

Today there are some fifty or more Israeli dual nationals in congress, and this crime is
perpetrated against Americans in violation of Section 401e of the Nationality act of
1940. It turns out that the Supreme Court interpreted the 401e provision as an excuse
to prohibit Mexican duals from working inside the government, but the Israelis got a
pass. Why? Why are Israelis allowed, but Mexicans are not allowed? Think about that
for a moment. And why are all U.S. congressmen forced to sign an agreement of loyalty
to Israel over and above loyalty to the United States in order to get AIPAC money? Isn’t
that prima facie evidence of criminal and treasonous activity by American legislators?

So, perhaps this is a good time to talk about AIPAC, eh. The American Israel Public
Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is considered by many to be an illegal foreign lobby group.
“One of the problems with the Lobbying Disclosure Act [LDA] of 1995 is [that] it
weakened the requirements for foreign entities, and gave an awful lot of them the ability
to register under the LDA when they should be filing under FARA [Foreign Agent
Registration Act].”

The trick is this: Any entity controlled and funded by a foreign government is formally
required to be registered as a foreign principal. But as long as the entity (like AIPAC) is
formally a nongovernmental organization and isn’t funded by a foreign government, but
rather by a chamber of commerce, an advocacy group, or some other entity — the FARA
law does not apply. And Americans should be concerned – many countries do this trick
– it’s not just Israel. Yes, we are infested with foreign controls over our federal
government, and yes, this observation should help us understand exactly why the
American federal government acts more like an organized international crime syndicate
than it acts like a constitutional American government. Interesting, eh? Are you angry

To continue, AIPAC lobbies for billions of U.S. tax dollars that end up going to Israel
and to buying off U.S. legislators instead of rebuilding America. AIPAC feeds U.S.
government officials a distorted and decidedly pro-Israel view of the Israel/Palestine
conflict. Like all Zionist organizations, AIPAC foolishly attempts to silence all criticism
of Israel by labeling critics as “anti-Semitic,” “de-legitimizers” or “self-hating Jews.”
AIPAC promotes American policies that are in direct opposition to international law.
AIPAC, with the aid of the stupid American neocons, lobbies Congress to promote a
military confrontation with Iran and others. World War III anyone? The yeas have it –

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one world war coming right up. Let’s keep the Zionists, the neocons, the bankers, and
the military industrial complex happy, shall we. Forget whatever the hell the American
people want.

And we wonder why the U.S. federal government does not do what we Americans want
to have done? We wonder why the economy sucks. We wonder why college costs are so
high, and why there are no jobs available. Americans don’t have an American
constitutional government folks – the federal government is being controlled by foreign
governments and by foreign interests, especially by the illegal and rogue Zionist state of
Israel. The federal government has devolved into a well organized crime syndicate.

Now it’s time to mention the bankers. The international banksters (e.g. the Rothschilds,
the Warburgs, the Rockefellers, etc.) are all supporters of the Zionist ideology. And these
Zionist banksters are not Christian in any manner - they do not believe in service to
others or in charity, they only believe in fraud, theft, and force and violence to attain
property of others and control of others. The banks and the financial markets, like the
media in America, are all controlled by the Zionists, all to America’s disadvantage.

BTW, it is now believed that one of the contributing reasons why JFK was killed was
because he wanted to stop the AIPAC bribing of our legislators. Another reason for his
assassination was that he wanted America to return to a sound money system once
again – Treasury Notes, not Federal Reserve Notes. Ooops – don’t piss off the Zionists
– they’ll kill you. And they did.

Returning to the Ukraine for a moment: “We should all feel great pity and sorrow for
the suffering Ukrainian people. They are being massacred and oppressed by the
arrogant Zionist Jews who have, with America’s help [gee – who would have seen that
one coming?], now become the “slave masters of Ukraine.” Even the [Ukrainian]
concentration camps have been reopened and are filling up with native Ukrainians.

“Israel’s oligarchs, under [Jewish billionaire Petro] Poroshenko’s iron hand, are dividing
up the spoils of their Ukrainian takeover. The economy is falling — it has sank [sic] to
only forty percent of its pre-2013 level. Israel is stealing natural gas and oil from the
destabilized Middle East and selling it for huge profits to energy-starved Ukraine.
Everything will change.” (Quote courtesy of Texe Marrs)

Besides the Ukrainian problem, let’s not forget the international nuclear threat that
Israel, an illegally nuclear armed state, has threatened against all western countries,
namely the Samson Option threat. Israel refuses to acknowledge that it has nuclear
weapons, and it also refuses to acknowledge that it has used and still uses nuclear
weapons against other countries. Both conditions are true.

Israeli nuclear whistle blower Mordechai Vanunu has made public many smuggled
photographs of Israeli nuclear weapons and production equipment in the 1980s. Israel
now may have as many as 400 atomic and hydrogen nuclear weapons, as well as the
ability to launch them via long range missiles, submarines, and aircraft. Israel can use
nuclear weapons in a second strike even if its military is devastated.

The phrase the “Samson Option” describes Israel’s threats of using massive nuclear

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retaliation against “enemy” nations should its existence as a Jewish state (Big joke, eh?
Jewish state?) be jeopardized through military attack. Israel created the term in the
mid-1960s, inspired by the Biblical figure Samson, who destroyed a Philistine temple,
killing himself and thousands of Philistine enemies. It’s basically another MAD

The Samson Option includes Israeli stolen or purchased (see the Bush family for
purchase details) nukes allegedly and secretly hidden in 25 cities in the United States, as
well as in many other western cities around the globe (like the Vatican). It is rumored
that many of the nukes are stored inside Israeli embassies until they are needed. The
Zionists threaten the host countries that they will detonate the nukes if that country acts
against Israeli interests. Ah, more threats and intimidation from the Khazarian Mafia –
don’t ya just love these evil bastards. Whether the Samson Option is part bluff and part
reality, I don't know. But it appears that the Israeli 9-11 nuke attack included one or
more Samson Option nuke devices.

Maybe we Americans are part and parcel of the problems plaguing America. Our
American Christian Zionists stupidly and irresponsibly feed our increasing supply of
neocons - those same evil bastards who want to keep America in continual intrusion into
the rest of the world, and in continual wars to support the Israeli conquest of the world.
The Ashkenazi Zionist Americans decidedly support Israel, not the USA. The hidden
elites, invariably atheists, are all international, and show no support for anyone or
anything but themselves.

Fortunately, if Israel goes down, the United States may survive, simply because, for the
present, the rest of the world still values the U.S. as a source of great creativity and
innovation. The rest of the world also knows the American people are uninformed on
what has happened to their government because of the press being a propaganda tool of
the Zionist controlled government. The rest of the world may not want to punish the
American people, but they do want to put a big chunk of the American government in
jail. I suspect many loyal and patriotic Americans have a similar mindset.

It appears the rest of the world also views the American people as being very generous
but they do not like the fact that we are so stupid we don't realize the illegality of
allowing our soldiers and drones going into other countries and blowing things up and
killing people without the permission of the foreign governments. The U.S. attacks on
Syria would be an example of illegal American warfare. That should be a WTF moment
for many people. But the world recognizes that some of us go along with the lawless
government actions simply because of how the Zionist press presents news to us, and so
they don’t condemn all Americans because they see and understand the manipulation by
the government and by the press. How come we Americans don’t understand it yet?

If the United States were to ever turn against Zionist Israel, that action alone would
ingratiate us again with the rest of the world. Many believe that Obama knew this and
believe that he hated Israel as well. Many also see Obama as not being imperialistic at
all. So, in spite of many alleged negatives about Obama, maybe there is a bright side to
him also. That would be a good thing, unexpected perhaps, but good, nevertheless.

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But, what about Trump? He seems to love and adore everything Jewish and everything
Israeli. Is Trump just another Zionist puppet?

It is my opinion that when Zionism is removed from worldwide power and control, the
world will have another chance at peace and prosperity. Until then, we are all screwed.

By the way, what the hell is wrong with peace among countries? Does peace simply let
too many humans live and prosper, and the Zionist elites can’t let that happen? Must
we continue to murder, rape, and pillage each other? Come on people – get with the
program. Only with peaceful co-existence among humans can the earth be healed and
helped to be made more productive for all of us.

Maybe it’s time for humans to live without the force and violence of Jewish Zionism.
Something to think about, eh?


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