NI2 Test U7 Higher

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7 New Inspiration 2

Unit 7 Higher Test

1 Complete the sentences with the missing
words. 3 Write definitions for these words.
1 It’s important to learn some basic ________ 1 amphibians
before you go to the jungle. ________________________________________
2 We made some food in a large cooking _____. ________________________________________
3 Before dinner the children always ______ the 2 birds
table. ________________________________________
4 Take some boxes of ______ so you can light a ________________________________________
fire. 3 mammals
5 There are lots of poisonous snakes so it’s ________________________________________
important to avoid _______ as these can be ________________________________________
dangerous. 4 insects
6 You must _____ the washing-up right away, ________________________________________
because leaving food around the camp is not a ________________________________________
good idea. 5 reptiles
7 There’s quite a big film ______ to make a ________________________________________
programme like I’m a Celebrity … ________________________________________
8 It’s useful to ______ a list of the things you’ll
need before you leave.
9 Birds have lots of _______. These help most
birds to fly. 4 Complete the text with the correct words.
10 There are millions of small ______ in the
jungle and they make a lot of noise at night. Lapland is a (1) _______ in the Arctic. It is the
home of the Sami people who (2) ____________
/10 live by keeping (3) ____ of reindeer. Their (4)
_________ is disappearing and they are trying to
protect it. The Ice Hotel is a major attraction in
2 Complete the dialogue with the correct Lapland. The temperature inside is (5) _______.
A: Hi Jane. How are you?
B: Fine, thanks. You?
A: Great. Listen, would (1)__________ the
cinema this afternoon? PRONUNCIATION
B: No, thanks. I’d (2)_________. I’m planning to
go to the city centre. Take Two are playing there. 5 Tick the correct sound.
I’m (3)__________them. So, I’m going to see
Th (earth) Th (rather)
them. Do you want to join me?
A: Well, it seems too (4)__________! I love that
B: Great, so let’s get some lunch first then. How
about a hamburger? other
A: No (5)__________! I’m vegetarian remember! clothes
Let’s get a pizza. think

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New Inspiration Level 2 Tests Unit 7 Higher Test

south 8 He got a job so he _____________________

both ask his parents for money last year.
their 9 He _____________________ go to the
hospital because he broke his leg.
/5 10 We _____________________ go to school
tomorrow – it’s Sunday.


(GRAMMAR) 8 Read and complete the text. For each number

6 Complete the rules for a summer camp with 1–10 choose the correct option A, B, C or D.
must or mustn’t and an appropriate verb.
Igor: What do you want to do tonight?
Salima: Well, (1) ____ going to a club?
1 You ________________ your room clean.
Igor: Oh no, clubs are so (2) ____. It’s
2 You ________________ cigarettes in the
always so loud you can’t talk.
Salima: OK then, we can go to the gym.
3 You ________________ rubbish on the
Igor: I’d (3) ____. I’m quite tired. Let’s go
to the cinema!
4 You ________________ any food in your
Salima: That’s a good idea. (4) ____ to do
that. So, we have to choose a film.
5 You ________________ to bed at 10.30.
Nothing (5) ____, please. I want to
6 You ___________ after the other children.
sleep well tonight!
7 You ________________ mobile phones.
Igor: OK. There’s Rain Forest on at the
8 You __________ someone about any
Odeon. It’s all about the
environment. I’m (6) ____ by that
9 You _______________ late for the activities.
kind of thing.
10 You __________ to have fun!
Salima: I’d rather see a romantic film
/10 (7) ____ makes you feel happy at the
end, like Pride and Prejudice.
Igor: Oh no, sorry, but those films are
usually (8) ____ because they’re so
7 Complete the sentences with the correct form bad.
of have to. Salima: What funny ideas you have! Hmm,
1 I _____________________ do the washing this is difficult. (9) ____ to go and
up now. My mother is calling me. meet Annie and Jack instead?
2 I can do it on my own, so you Igor: No, not tonight. Come on, (10) ____
_____________________ help me. go and see Rain Forest! You love Tom
3 She _____________________ practise the Black. He’s the actor in it.
guitar every day but she doesn’t enjoy it. Salima: Oh yes, he’s great! OK then.
4 He _____________________ do exams at
the end of the year. Lucky thing! 1 A let’s B what about
5 I _____________________ make my bed C why not D would you
when I was young. My father always did it. 2 A amazing B amazed
6 In my country students ________________ C boring D bored
work hard to get to university. The exams 3 A not like B like not
are very difficult. C rather not D not rather
7 He _____________________ email me – I’ve 4 A I mean B I’d like
just spoken to him so it’s not necessary. C I’d mean D want

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New Inspiration Level 2 Tests Unit 7 Higher Test

5 A frightened B frightening of ice? You sleep on ice beds, you sit on ice chairs
C fascinated D fascinating … OK, with reindeer skins on top, and don’t
6 A tired B tiring worry – the hotel’s a nice, warm –5C! The
C fascinated D fascinating hotel’s in a place called Jukkasjärvi. It’s very small
7 A it B who and quiet with just a museum and a restaurant.
C which it D that But the museum’s really interesting. It has an
8 A bored B embarrassing exhibition about the Sami way of life.
C embarrassed D interested This was absolutely the best trip I’ve ever
9 A I would like B Would you like been on. Go there too – you really must.
C You would D Would you Love
10 A let’s B how about Hannah
C would you D what about
1 Hannah went to Lapland in the school
holidays. True/False

READING 2 They didn’t find the reindeer quickly.

9 Read the text, choose True or False and give True/False
reasons for any false answers. Then answer the ________________________________________
3 The Sami houses are made from reindeer
skins. True/False
Hi Mike!
I’ve just had the most fantastic experience of
my life. We went to Lapland! It was a school trip
4 Hannah drove a sled. True/False
(one week instead of school) and it was fantastic.
We went reindeer spotting with a Sami guide. He
took us into the tundra where we walked for
5 They visited the Arctic Circle in the summer.
ages in the freezing cold, but suddenly, in the
middle of all the empty snow, we saw a huge
herd of reindeer. Probably about four hundred!
We visited a traditional Sami camp too. We
6 Hannah was frightened by the Northern
saw people making knives and leather clothes
Lights. True/False
and houses – all from reindeer. Their houses
seemed really warm and comfortable. We also
went on a sled ride with husky dogs – with a
7 The hotel was warm and cosy. True/False
driver. The dogs look wild, but they’re not. We
went really fast and it was so exciting, and guess
what – we found Father Christmas. He was
8 Where did Hannah see the reindeer?
hiding behind a tree (only joking!).
Late one afternoon we drove north and
stayed there deep in the Arctic Circle. We didn’t
9 What is Jukkasjärvi like?
experience the midnight sun – that only happens
in summer – but we saw the most amazing
Northern Lights. They were fantastic, absolutely
10 What was Hannah’s favourite part of the trip
stunning. You see so many colours dancing
and why?
around the sky.
But I think the best thing was we stayed in an
ICE hotel. Can you believe it … a hotel made just

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New Inspiration Level 2 Tests Unit 7 Higher Test

10 Listen to the talk about Roald Amundsen and 11 A friend is coming to stay and will go to school
answer the questions. with you. Write and tell him/her about the
school rules and tell him/her about some of your
1 What happened in 1872? ideas for better school rules.
2 When did Amundsen go to sea? _______________________________________
______________________________________ _______________________________________
3 Where did he go when he was 27?
4 What did he learn from local people? _______________________________________
______________________________________ _______________________________________
5 Why did he keep plans to go to the South Pole
a secret? _______________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________
6 When did he arrive in Antarctica?
7 With how many men did Amundsen reach the _______________________________________
South Pole?
8 What made Amundsen’s trip to the South Pole _______________________________________
a great success?
9 How did Amundsen explore the Arctic later?
______________________________________ _______________________________________

10 When did he reach the North Pole for the first _______________________________________

/10 _______________________________________



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New Inspiration Level 2 Tests Unit 7 Higher Test












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