Austria Insurance

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The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE:

Risks and Opportunities from a Financial

Stability Point of View
This study gives an overview of the insurance market in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Teresa Bianchi,
Europe (CESEE) in general and of the Austrian insurance groups’ activities in the region in Gernot Ebner,
particular. Moreover, it deals with risk management issues and the challenges arising from the Raimund Korherr
new EU regulatory framework, Solvency II. We identify the main risks and opportunites for and Eva Ubl1
insurance groups in this respect: While potential market growth rates and still higher margins
represent the main opportunities, there is also evidence of some reputational as well as finan-
cial risks. Further, cross-border business activities also pose some challenges for the risk
management of internationally active insurance groups. From a macroprudential perspective,
the Austrian insurance groups’ exposure to CESEE augments the exposure of Austria financial
institutions to this region.
JEL classification: G22, F15
Keywords: Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, Insurance, Austria

1 Introduction1 fundamental economic and financial

Central, Eastern and Southeastern conditions.
Europe (CESEE)2 has been the key The Osterreichische Nationalbank
growth market for Austrian banks and (OeNB) and the Austrian Financial
insurance companies in recent years. Market Authority (FMA) have intensi-
Having put their activities on a broader fied their research and monitoring
basis and entered the market fairly activities, not only in connection with
early, Austrian businesses established a banks but also as regards insurance
solid foundation in the region. Austrian companies; in the latter area, the OeNB
banks and insurance companies have focuses on aspects related to financial
benefited from the catching-up process stability. The aim of this study is to
in financial services. However, besides shed light on the CESEE insurance
generating positive effects, the expan- markets and the Austrian insurance
sion to CESEE has also implied risks to sectors’ exposure to CESEE from a
financial stability in Austria. The finan- more macroprudential perspective. We
cial crisis has revealed that the sizeable identify risks and provide a general as-
exposure of Austrian financial institu- sessment. In section 2 we describe the
tions to the region plays an important structure and the characteristics of the
role in the assessment of their soundness insurance market in CESEE, in partic-
by other market participants. These ular with regard to Austrian insurance
assessments have often been rather groups. In section 3 we identify the
undifferentiated, not reflecting the main risks of the insurance market in
heterogeneity of the region and the CESEE, whereas section 4 focuses on

Austrian Financial Market Authority, Teresa.Bianchi@ and Raimund.Korherr@, and Oester-
reichische Nationalbank, Financial Markets Analysis and Surveillance Division, Gernot.Ebner@ and
Eva.Ubl@ Refereed by:
In this study, CESEE includes Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Michael Jeckle,
Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, FYR Macedonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia,
Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkey, University of
Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Please note that for some of these countries countinuous data series are Applied Sciences
not available. BFI Vienna


The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE

risk management issues. The impact of CESEE countries, especially in the

the upcoming new EU regulatory Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia,
framework for insurance companies, where foreign-owned insurance under-
Solvency II, on the CESEE business takings hold market shares of more
will be addressed in section 5. than 90%.3 A similarly high level of
foreign ownership can be observed in
2 Overview the CESEE banking sector, except for
2.1 Structure and Characteristics of Hungary. The significantly higher pre-
the Insurance Market in CESEE mium and credit growth rates in CESEE
The insurance market in CESEE is rela- compared with those in international
tively young. The privatization of the financial institutions’ rather saturated
insurance sector started with the end home markets have been an incentive to
of the communist regimes more than invest in the region. However, the neg-
20 years ago. The process of privatiza- ative impact of the financial crisis on
tion and development took place at dif- premium and credit growth in CESEE
ferent speeds in the individual coun- and the resulting economic downturn
tries. It was not only Austrian insurers was more pronounced in CESEE than
that entered the promising market but in Western Europe, including Austria.
also most of the big European insur- In 2010 the insurance market in
ance groups, e.g. Aegon, Allianz, CESEE4 generated about USD 88.2 bil-
Aviva, AXA, Ergo, Generali or ING. lion in premiums, which is 6% of the
The market share of foreign-controlled premiums generated by the Western
businesses is remarkably high in some European insurance market. The big-
Chart 1

Share of Foreign Ownership in Insurance Premium Growth in CESEE and

Companies and Banks in CESEE Austria from 2001 to 2010
% %
100 40



50 10



0 –20
Estonia Czech Hungary Slovakia Poland Slovenia 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Life Non-life Banks CESEE total Austria total Western Europe total
Source: Swiss Re sigma, FMA, OECD.

Source: OECD Insurance Data 2009.
As a proxy for CESEE we use the Swiss Re sigma definition of Eastern Europe, which represents Central and East-
ern Europe and does not include Turkey.


The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE

gest markets of the region are Russia just starting in some countries; in oth-
with a share of 40%, Poland (20%) and ers, such as Hungary, Poland, Slovakia
the Czech Republic (9%). The insur- and the Czech Republic, the share of
ance penetration level (premiums to the life insurance business in the entire
GDP) in CESEE was still notably lower insurance business is already at the
compared with the one in more devel- same level as in Austria.6
oped regions (8.4% in Western Europe, Life insurance penetration in most
2.6% in Eastern Europe5). As a result of the CESEE countries is between
of the financial crisis that broke out in 0.1% and 2% of GDP, which is clearly
2008, the steady and high premium lower than the Western European aver-
growth seen since 1989 came to a sudden age (5.3%) and even the Austrian ratio
and temporary end in 2009. However, of 2.7%. The demand for life insurance
economic recovery started to take hold policies depends on the public pension
in some countries already in 2010, system, the confidence in its sustain-
while others still posted negative pre- ability and households’ wealth and in-
mium growth in 2010. come. In some countries like Hungary
The non-life insurance sector grew and Slovakia, unit-linked life insurance
by 2.7% (in nominal terms) in 2010, af- products, where the investment risk is
ter contracting by 7.5% in 2009, still borne by the policyholder, account for a
suffering from the impact of the crisis. very high market share compared to
A strong recovery could only be ob- the situation in Austria or Germany.
served in Poland and Ukraine. Insur- Key indicators of the insurance indus-
ance penetration in the non-life sector try in CESEE confirm once more the
in CESEE is closer to Western Euro- fact that the region is heterogeneous.
pean levels (2% in Eastern Europe, The most developed markets according
3.1% in Western Europe) than in the to the available indicators are Slovenia,
life insurance sector. As the non-life in- the Czech Republic, Poland and Slova-
surance market is more saturated than kia, whereas the catching-up potential
the life insurance sector, the growth is higher in Romania and the Baltic
potential of the former over the longer countries, for instance.
run is expected to be lower than that of In the following, insurance pre-
the latter. mium growth will be estimated apply-
The life insurance sector recovered ing a panel regression (cross-section
and grew by 9% in 2010 (after shrink- with fixed effects), where real premium
ing by a hefty 30% in 2009), mainly growth was explained by GDP growth.7
driven by the rise in premiums in Rus- The growth potential of the insurance
sia, the Baltics and in the Czech Repub- market in CESEE is closely connected
lic. However, in the Czech Republic with economic growth in the region.
and in Hungary, life insurance pre- According to the GDP forecast in the
mium growth was driven mainly by IMF World Economic Outlook April
single premium products, which tend 2011, GDP growth will gain hold in
to be more volatile. In the life insur- CESEE but will remain subdued until
ance sector, the catching-up process is 2016 (end of projection period) com-

Source: Swiss Re sigma.
In Austria, the share of life insurance policies has always been lower than in the rest of Western Europe due to the
traditionally strong first pillar of the Austrian pension system.
See table A1 in the annex for estimation results.


The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE

Chart 2

Proportions of the Life and Non-Life Life Insurance Premium Growth Rates
Insurance Sectors in CESEE in 2010
% %
100 50



50 20



0 –10
Czech Republic
Eastern Europe
Western Europe

Czech Republic
Eastern Europe
Western Europe
Life Non-life
Source: Swiss Re sigma 2010.

Table 1

Structure of the CESEE Insurance Market in 2010

Insurance Premium Insurance Premium Insurance Premium Proportion
penetration growth penetration, growth, penetration, growth, life of unit-linked
non-life non-life life segment segment insurance
segment segment policies, life

Slovenia 5.9 1.0 4.1 –0.4 1.8 –1.1 61.3
Czech Republic 4.0 4.9 2.1 –3.9 1.9 16.9 40.1
Poland 3.7 5.4 1.8 6.2 1.9 8.3 21.6
Hungary 3.0 3.0 1.4 –2.4 1.6 5.3 61.0
Slovakia 3.0 –1.9 1.5 –4.0 1.5 –4.4 28.1
Croatia 2.8 –1.8 2.0 –1.9 0.7 –5.1 n.a
Bulgaria 2.5 –2.7 2.2 –2.7 0.3 –2.7 n.a
Russia 2.3 6.5 2.3 5.9 0.0 41.7 n.a
Ukraine 2.2 12.9 2.1 13.1 0.1 7.6 n.a
Estonia 2.0 –5.5 1.5 –9.2 0.5 1.3 43.8
Serbia 1.8 5.6 1.5 3.6 0.3 2.8 n.a
Romania 1.7 –5.7 1.4 –7.5 0.3 –1.7 n.a
Lithuania 1.7 18.1 1.1 11.5 0.6 26.6 66.2
Latvia 1.5 –14.8 1.3 –18.7 0.2 20.7 12.5
Eastern Europe 2.6 4.0 2.0 2.7 0.6 8.6 n.a
Western Europe 8.4 0.2 3.2 –1.3 5.3 1.1 n.a
Austria 5.9 2.1 3.2 2.3 2.7 1.1 34.5

Source: Swiss Re sigma 2010, IMF World Economic Outlook April 2011, OECD Insurance Statistics.
Note: The four countries highlighted are those accounting for the highest exposures of Austrian insurance companies in CESEE.


The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE

Chart 3

Real Premium Growth in Selected CESEE Countries1 from 2000 to 2010 and
Forecast for 2011 to 2013
in %

30 forecast 2011–2013




2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Source: Authors’’ calculations, Swiss Re sigma, IMF World Economic Outlook April 2011.
These four countries account for the highest exposures of Austrian insurance companies in CESEE.

pared to pre-crisis levels. The estimate both variables on GDP growth.8 For
should serve as a rough indication of the instance, mortgage loans are often cov-
development of the insurance sector in ered by life insurance policies and result
CESEE. The estimation results for real in an increase in home insurance poli-
premium growth show that the outlook cies, while a rise in car loans or lease
is positive but in general less dynamic contracts might lead to an increase in
than before 2007. Among the countries motor insurance policies.
where the exposure of Austrian insur- Since 2010 the macrofinancial con-
ance companies is highest (the Czech ditions in CESEE have reflected signs
Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Romania), of an economic recovery, while at the
Romania shows the highest growth same time the differences in the speed
potential. However, higher growth is and the sustainability of the upswing
often related with higher risk, which confirm the heterogeneity of the re-
implies that in case of an economic gion. It has benefited from the recovery
downturn, premium growth rates of the world economy, develoments in
might decrease equally strongly. Fur- the commodities markets and, in par-
thermore, heightened financial market ticular, from the relatively benign eco-
tensions and weakening economic con- nomic conditions in Germany, one of
ditions in advanced economies could its main trading partners. Macroeco-
considerably slow down insurance nomic indicators for the region show
growth. that the economy grew in most of the
A correlation analysis shows that in countries in 2010. Given the sovereign
most CESEE countries premium debt crisis in some euro area countries
growth is significantly positively corre- as well as high levels of foreign cur-
lated with credit growth, which is a rency loans and elevated unemploy-
result of the underlying dependency of ment rates in some CESEE countries,

Significant linear correlations between premium and GDP growth have been found in Bulgaria, Croatia,
Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania and Russia. No correlations have been found in Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine
and the Czech Republic (time series: 2000 to 2010).


The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE

Table 2

Selected Macroeconomic Indicators for CESEE in 2010

Credit growth GDP growth Total savings to Unemeployment General government
GDP rate gross debt to GDP

Slovenia 1.9 1.2 22.2 7.2 37.2
Czech Republic 3.2 2.3 19.9 7.3 39.6
Poland 8.5 3.8 17.3 9.0 55.7
Hungary 3.3 1.2 19.4 11.2 80.4
Slovakia 4.3 4.0 20.2 14.4 42.0
Croatia 6.8 –1.4 21.7 12.3 40.0
Bulgaria 1.4 0.2 24.1 10.3 18.0
Russia 13.3 4.0 24.7 7.5 9.9
Ukraine 1.2 4.2 17.8 8.1 40.5
Estonia n.a. 3.1 23.5 16.9 6.6
Serbia 26.6 1.8 14.8 19.4 44.0
Romania 5.0 –1.3 22.2 7.6 35.2
Lithuania n.a. 1.3 18.7 17.8 38.7
Latvia –7.6 –0.3 24.2 19.0 39.9
Eastern Europe n.a. 4.2 16.7 n.a. 46.9
Western Europe n.a. n.a. n.a. 10.0 85.0
Austria 0.8 2.0 25.1 4.4 69.9

Source: IMF World Economic Outlook April 2011.

Note: The four countries highlighted are those accounting for the highest exposures of Austrian insurance companies in CESEE.

the economic growth outlook for the tion to shareholders could be lower
region is rather uncertain and fragile. than in the past.
As public sector indebtedness is lower
in CESEE than in advanced economies, 2.2 Austrian Insurance Companies
public debt should have fewer direct in CESEE
negative effects on the economy. How- Austrian insurance companies started
ever, new public borrowing expanded their expansion nearly 20 years ago.
more strongly in the course of the crisis Since 2000, expansion in foreign
and the necessary consolidation of public markets has been driven by entering
debt could have some decelerating effects various insurance markets through
on growth rates. greenfield operations or mergers and
In view of the macroeconomic envi- acquisitions. Right from the beginning,
ronment, the conditions for a deepen- CESEE has been the clear geographical
ing of the insurance market in CESEE focus of expansion. At end-2010,
and further growth are in place, and Austrian insurance companies operated
the outlook is generally positive. How- 100 subsidiaries in more than 26 coun-
ever, it is unlikely that growth rates tries in the region. A total of five
will return to the unsustainably high Austrian insurance groups (Vienna
levels observed before the crisis, as the Insurance Group, Uniqa, Grazer
external environment is more uncer- Wechselseitige, Wüstenrot and Merkur)
tain than in the past. As a result, the headquartered in Austria are currently
profitability outlook is positive, but active in CESEE.
tilted to the downside. Also, due to Establishing branches or using the
higher uncertainty and the challenge of opportunity of the free provision of
maintaining a high risk-bearing capac- services within the European Economic
ity, CESEE subsidiaries’ profit distribu- Area played only a minor role in Aus-


The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE

Table 3 Chart 4

Change in the Number of Austrian Austrian Insurance Groups’ Business

Insurance Subsidiaries in CESEE from by Region 2010
2002 to 2010 %

2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 90

Albania 1 2 4 70
Bosnia and
Herzegovina 1 3 4 4 4 50
Bulgaria 3 3 7 9 9
Belarus 1 2 3 2 1
Czech 10
Republic 6 6 7 7 8
Croatia 5 7 9 9 9 –10
Hungary 9 8 8 6 6 Total Assets Premium Operating Profits
Montenegro 4 5 Domestic CESEE Rest of the world
Poland 10 7 9 9 9
Romania 4 5 8 8 8 Source: FMA.
Russia 3 4 2
Slovenia 3 3 4 3 3
Slovakia 7 8 8 6 6
Serbia 2 2 3 5 6
Ukraine 1 2 5 9 9
Other 2 3 4 8 11 while Western European activities
Total 54 59 83 95 100 posted a loss in 2010. This can mainly
be attributed to reinsurance losses re-
Source: FMA.
sulting from the covering of claims
arising from natural disasters.
Total assets figures also illustrate
trian insurers’ CESEE business. The the significance of the CESEE subsid-
gross written premium volume gener- iaries’ business.10 At the end of 2010,
ated by subsidiaries amounted to EUR the total assets of Austrian insurance
8.2 billion at end-2010, while branches companies amounted to EUR 85.6 bil-
and the free provision of services lion, with the share of the CESEE busi-
accounted for premiums of EUR 0.8 ness coming to almost 17%. This rela-
billion. tively small share compared to that in
The EUR 8.2 billion in gross written premiums and operating results re-
premiums generated in 2010 corresponds flects the fact that the life insurance
to a share of 43% in these insurers’ total business in CESEE is still at an early
business,9 thereof 34% (i.e. EUR 6.4 stage and the high share of the non-life
billion) are generated in CESEE. These business in CESEE.
figures show that in terms of business Taking a longer-term perspective,
volume, CESEE is much more impor- the share of premiums earned in CESEE
tant to Austrian insurers than their for- increased steadily over the last three
eign business in Western Europe. The years, while the CESEE business’ share
CESEE business’ share in Austrian in- in total operating results decreased, as
surers’ total profitability as measured Austrian insurers’ results were particu-
by operating results amounted to 26%, larly low in 2008. All in all, aggregate
In the following analysis, all licensed Austrian insurance companies have been included that have participations
in one or more insurance subsidiaries outside Austria.
However, it has to be borne in mind that the explanatory power of total assets may be different for life insurance
companies and non-life insurance companies due to the differences in the composition and maturity of their port-


The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE

Table 4

Key Indicators of Austrian Insurance Groups’ Business in CESEE from

2008 to 2010
2008 2009 2010

EUR million
Gross written premiums, total 20,583 20,482 18,909
of which: gross written premiums, Austria 13,283 13,106 10,714
gross written premiums, CESEE 5,690 5,855 6,402
Share of CESEE business in % 27.6 28.6 33.9
Operating results, total 595 848 941
of which: operating result, Austria 327 541 699
operating result, CESEE 249 258 247
Share of CESEE business in % 41.9 30.5 26.3
Total assets, total 87,802 93,532 85,557
of which: total assets, Austria 72,115 75,614 64,949
total assets, CESEE 11,004 12,662 14,389
Share of CESEE business in % 12.5 13.5 16.8

Source: FMA.
Note: The decline in Austrian premiums from 2009 to 2010 is due to the fact that Generali Group Austria has no longer been included in group
statistics from 2010 onward as all significant cross-border subsidiaries of this group were sold,

premiums and operating results in account for more than 78% of Austrian
CESEE proved to be remarkably stable insurers’ CESEE premiums.
during the crisis. As the analysis of the CESEE insur-
In CESEE, the following four coun- ance markets (see section 2.1) shows,
tries play a key role for Austrian in- CESEE markets differ significantly in
surers: the Czech Republic, Poland, terms of size and development of the
Slovakia and Romania. These countries life and non-life insurance sectors. Aus-

Chart 5

Distribution of Premiums by Region and Country




57 3


Western Europe CZ PL SK
Austria BG Other CESEE

Source: FMA.


The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE

Chart 6

Distribution of Premiums in the Life and Non-Life Segments by Country in 2010


















FYR Macedonia


Czech Republic







Bosnia and Herzegovina




Non-life Life
Source: FMA.

trian insurance companies provide life Czech Republic and Poland. It can be
and non-life insurance products in most observed that the share of government
countries, but the contribution of non- bonds in the total volume of bonds
life insurance premiums to the total outstanding in Poland (96%) and the
premium volume is considerably higher Czech Republic (66%) is significantly
than that of life insurance premiums. higher than in Austria (38%) and higher
than the share of government bonds in
2.3 Asset Allocation of CESEE the total amount of bonds worldwide
Insurance Companies (58%). By contrast, bonds issued by fi-
Besides banks, mutual funds and pen- nancial institutions in Poland and the
sion funds, insurance groups are the Czech Republic play only a very small
major investors in financial securities. role in the domestic debt securities
Premium growth provides insurers markets.
with higher investment capital; this Local debt investment by insurance
causes positive second-round effects in companies in CESEE is restricted by
the deepening of the local financial limited supply; therefore, insurers
market, provided that at least part of mainly invest in government bonds. By
the capital is invested in domestic secu- comparison, only 4.2% of Austrian in-
rities. The stock and bond markets in surance companies’ security invest-
CESEE are still underdeveloped com- ments (at solo level) were Austrian
pared to Western European standards. government bonds, while securities is-
Table 5 compares the global bond sued by Austrian banks accounted for
market to the markets in Austria, the 19% at the end of 2010. Clearly, the


The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE

Table 5
CESEE insurance companies in the
Amount of Outstanding Debt domestic market is challenging.
Securities as at December 2010 It can be observed that the asset
All Govern- Financial Corpo- allocation of insurance companies is
issuers ment institu- rates quite heterogeneous, but fixed income
securities seem to play a slightly more
USD billion
important role in CESEE than for in-
All Issuers 67,154 38,960 21,522 6,671.9
Austria 352 135 173 44
stance in Austria.11 The high portion of
Poland 202 194 8 x fixed income securities causes a high
Czech exposure to interest rate and credit
Republic 74 49 16 9.2
risk. Low interest rates make it more
Source: BIS Quarterly Review June 2011, Statistical Annex p. A114, difficult to gain profits especially out of
Table 16A, 16B.
life insurance products with guaran-
teed interest. However, a rise in inter-
supply of financial issuers is quite lim- est rates leads to lower market values of
ited in CESEE countries. On a positive fixed income securities. A more con-
note, this reduces the risk of contagion servative investment policy definitely
from the domestic financial sector As makes investment profits more calcula-
government bonds with a maturity lon- ble and less volatile.
ger than ten years are hardly issued in
CESEE, asset liability management at

Chart 7

Asset Allocation of Insurance Companies in Austria and CESEE in 2009











Austria Czech Hungary Lithuania Romania Slovenia Poland Estonia Bulgaria Latvia
Fixed Income Shares and other variable yield securities
Investments in third party companies Property
Deposits with credit institutions and other financial investments Rest

Source: EIOPA.
Note: Percentage shares represent asset class to total investments excluding unit-linked insurance assets.

Source: Statisitical Annex 2009, CEIOPS Financial Stability Report 2010.


The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE

2.4 Comparison of Austrian Banks billion at the end of 2010, while the total
and Insurance Companies in assets of Austrian insurance companies
CESEE in CESEE stood at EUR 14.3 billion.
Both Austrian banks and insurance The much lower exposure of Austrian
groups are important players in CESEE, insurers reflects the traditionally dif-
which entered the market early. The ag- ferent business models of banks and in-
gregate exposure of Austrian banking surance companies and the stage of
groups (majority domestic owned) to development of the insurance and bank-
CESEE amounted to around EUR 210 ing markets. Nonetheless, Austrian in-

Chart 8

Market Shares of Austrian Banks (2010) and Insurance

Companies (2009) in CESEE and Country Risk Assessments

1 3
n.a. 3

8 2

36 34 11

39 46

17 45
4 19 35

20 18 25

14 15
23 22

56 13 4

Market share of Austrian insurers in % Market share of Austrian banks in %

S&P Long Term Foreign Currency Debt Rating
AA+ to AA– BBB+ to BBB– BB+ to BB– B+ to B–
Source: OeNB, FMA, S&P.
Note: Banks’ market shares were calculated on the basis of total assets, insurance groups’ market shares on basis of premium income.


The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE

Table 6
aggregate relative exposure to coun-
Shares of Austrian Banks’ and tries in Southeastern Europe (SEE) and
Insurance Companies’ Exposure in the Commonwealth of Independent
CESEE by Region States (CIS), where political and eco-
Banking sector Insurance sector nomic vulnerabilities are more pro-
nounced,14 is lower than that of Aus-
NMS 20041 55.4 73.3
trian banks.
NMS 20072 16.2 9.9
SEE 18.7 15.1 3 Risks and Opportunities in the
CIS 9.6 1.7 Insurance Business in CESEE
Source: FMA, OeNB. This section will discuss the risks
Member States that joined the EU in 2004: Czech Republic, Estonia, insurance companies are facing in CESEE
Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia.
Member States that joined the EU in 2007: Bulgaria, Romania.
other than the typical insurance-related
risks such as weather-related large
claims payments in the non-life sector
surance companies command a CESEE or demographic change in the life sec-
market share of around 9%,12 which is tor. In other words, the focus will be
at a similar level to Austrian banks’ on business risks specifically connected
market share of 9.4%.13 with CESEE.
To compare the significance of the As we have already pointed out, the
CESEE business for Austrian banks and developing CESEE insurance market
insurers we set the share of insurers’ still holds growth potential. All major
and banks’ CESEE assets into relation European insurance companies are
to their total assets. We find that currently active in CESEE, which has
whereas Austrian banks’ CESEE total tentatively increased competition. Al-
assets amount to 37% of their total assets, though the margins are still relatively
the share is 17% for insurers (40% for high, they have declined over the last
insurers on the basis of premium in- years, for instance in the non-life seg-
come). Given the growth potential in ment, and here particularly in the car
CESEE, the shares will increase over insurance business. Over the longer
time for both banks and insurers. term a high level of competition could
Austrian insurers’ business activi- lead to accelerated consolidation in the
ties are more widespread in the region: CESEE insurance market, which might
They are active in 26 CESEE markets, result in market exits of financially less
while Austrian banks own subsidiaries sound players, or mergers and acquisi-
in 19 markets. However, Austrian in- tions and more risk-sensitive pricing,
surers have a relatively higher exposure which would contribute to a more stable
to CESEE EU countries, including the outcome in terms of financial stability.
Czech Republic and Poland, where the So far the consolidation process has
macrofinancial conditions are more neither led to elevated uncertainty nor
stable and economic fluctuations less contributed to disruptions in some in-
volatile. By contrast, Austrian insurers’ surance services or higher volatility. To
Calculations based on premium income (source: Swiss Re and FMA).
Calculations are based on total assets, excluding UniCredit Bank Austria (the market share would be more than
13% if UniCredit Bank Austria were taken into account).
SEE includes Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, FYR Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey. CIS
includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.


The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE

some extent this may be due to the fact products, in particular of unit-linked
that the CESEE region is perceived to life insurance policies, through inde-
be a growth market. According to pendent brokers plays a prominent role
CEIOPS (2010), market concentration in the distribution channel. It could,
tends to be higher in CESEE EU coun- however, pose some medium-term
tries (with the share of the five biggest risks to insurance companies, as the
insurers in total gross written premi- high commissions paid to independent
ums in the domestic sector coming to brokers may be an incentive to aggres-
between 50% and 80%) than in big EU sively sell insurance products which are
Member States like Germany, France not tailored to the needs of the policy-
and Italy, or in Austria, where the mar- holder. The sale of policies through in-
ket is more fragmented (with the five dependent brokers could thus contrib-
biggest insurers holding a market share ute to misselling and therefore to repu-
of between 35% and 50%). The reason tational and, eventually, financial risks
for market concentration in CESEE to for the insurance company. Reputa-
be higher is that formerly publicly tional and financial risk could also arise
owned insurers still have a strong mar- for companies that have sold unit-linked
ket position. Depending on the degree life insurance products, where policy-
of market consolidation, concentration holders bear market, credit and interest
could even increase, as some insurance rate risks. These risks could be ampli-
companies become even bigger and fied by marketing products with overly
therefore potentially systemically more optimistic return expectations, not
important in these countries.15 very diversified and risky underlying
The high growth rates – albeit start- stocks or other exposures and the dis-
ing from low levels – in the run-up to tribution through independent brokers
the global financial and economic crisis as described above. Market intelligence
are evidence of the growth potential of indicates that in some cases life insurance
the insurance market in CESEE. Eco- products served as repayment vehicles
nomic growth, households’ increasing for foreign currency loans and were linked
purchasing power and corporate in- with high performance expectations.
vestment led to brisk demand for insur- Although this has not been a wide-
ance services. In other words, there has spread phenomenon in CESEE, it can
also been catching up in demand as nevertheless contribute to reputational
compared to the more developed West- risk for insurance companies.
ern European insurance markets. Rapid Insurance companies use banks as
premium growth, efforts to maintain distribution channels in particular for
and gain market share and expectations life insurance products. Banks and in-
of high future growth rates have con- surance companies benefit from each
tributed to the formation of – poten- other by cooperating closely. Aside from
tially complex – group structures. Such the positive effects in terms of income
groups and the risks they have assumed generation and acquisition of new clients,
may be difficult to manage in particular this also reinforces the ties between
in periods of high growth rates. them and makes both more vulnerable,
Market intelligence suggests that for instance when the sentiment to-
the acceleration of sales of insurance wards one of the other turns negative.

It has to be taken into account that premiums written by branches are not reflected in the data used and are
therefore not considered in this analysis.


The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE

Aside from the previously men- risk and cross-border businesses, it has
tioned reputational and business risks, also shown that the supervision of
which are more related to emerging financial institutions can only be effec-
than saturated insurance markets, there tive when the institutional framework
are also the risks of insurance fraud and is strong enough to ensure a policymak-
poor law enforcement, which could er’s (supervisor’s) ability and willing-
give rise to financial risk. These risks ness to act (IMF, 2011). That is easier
and their interplay are particularly rel- said than done, because there are some
evant in third countries with a weaker incentives which counteract this intui-
institutional and legal framework. As tive objective. The benefits of policy
confidence in the insurance sector is measures typically show rather gradu-
rather limited in some countries, the ally over the longer term, whereas costs
risk arises that insurance claims tend to or slower growth often show immedi-
be settled in a way that favors policy- ately. This can create a strong bias in
holders; in this way, insurers may “in- favor of inaction, which can be exacer-
vest” in reputation. bated by industry lobbying or political
The political risks in CESEE are pressure.
elevated and have materialized in some
countries in the recent past. For in- 4 Participations und Risk Manage-
stance, although insurance companies ment
have not contributed to the financial In view of the above-mentioned risks, it
crisis, in Hungary they are now facing is essential to have appropriate strate-
– at least temporarily – levies, which gies, processes and procedures in place
put pressure on their profitability. As a to adequately manage these risks. Chart
result, insurers will find it difficult to 9 shows the hierarchy of the relevant
improve their risk-bearing capacity, strategies.
which, however, would be conducive to On top of the hierarchy there is a
attaining financial stability in the company’s business strategy, which de-
CESEE EU Member States, also in view fines the nature and scope of the busi-
of Solvency II. ness lines, the basic objectives (e.g. in-
The global financial crisis has not tended market share) and the expansion
only revealed gaps in the macropruden- and integration strategy (e.g. buying
tial policy toolkit as regards systemic existing insurance companies or build-

Chart 9

Hierarchy of Strategies

business strategy

group-investment strategy group-risk strategy other group-strategies local business policies


investments holdings underwriting reinsurance ...

local investment policy local risk policy local underwriting local reinsurance local ...

local investment policy local risk policy

Source: FMA.


The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE

ing from scratch, accepting majority or concentrate all participations at the top
only 100% holdings, pursuing a single parent company, the Austrian insur-
or a multi-branding strategy). Nor- ance company. This is practicable when
mally, the supervisory board has to ap- the number of participations is small; it
prove this strategy. allows directly steering the subsidiaries
On the next level there is the risk without additional control mecha-
strategy (sometimes part of the gover- nisms. However, this method fosters a
nance guidelines) defining how the very personal management style, which
business strategy should be implemented may lead to a lack of committee deci-
in terms of risk, including the setup of sions or discussions where many differ-
group-wide risk management, internal ent opinions are offered on the one
control and reporting systems and the hand and a reduced management capac-
corresponding steering committees. ity in case the (sole) decision-maker is
The group strategy (a part of the unavailable on the other hand. The sec-
overall investment strategy) represents ond method is the pooling of participa-
the third level. It lays down the principles tions in a holding company, which typi-
of investment as well as the processes cally is a subsidiary of the top parent
for the identification and selection of company. This is practicable for larger
potential holdings, due diligence and groups, but leads to additional adminis-
decision making. At the same level, we tration and control processes. The
can find all the other group strategies, holding company as a separate legal en-
such as underwriting or reinsurance. tity has to make sure that all proce-
The internal audit function accom- dures are in place for proper decision
panies all strategies, verifying the making at all decision levels (e.g. in-
proper implementation, application and vestment committee, executive board,
functioning of procedures. supervisory board). This may concern
Each subsidiary will then, accord- investment decisions, capital increases
ing to local corporate law and internal or other refinancing techniques and the
decision-making structures, implement strategies mentioned above. All deci-
a set of strategies and corresponding sions must be in line and in time with
procedures as well as controlling, re- the corresponding decisions of the par-
porting and auditing processes to meet ent company.
the group guidelines and to ensure a Very large groups or groups with a
completely integrated risk management very heterogeneous portfolio of partici-
system in the group. pations may implement a third method,
According to the Austrian Compa- where different holding companies are
nies Act, purchasing, selling or closing responsible for different parts of the
down participations as well as starting participations. This method requires –
or ending business lines are considered according to the principle of propor-
to be extremely important and there- tionality – a more complex risk man-
fore require the approval of the super- agement system.
visory board. All Austrian insurance companies
To organize their CESEE participa- have a group risk management that has
tions, Austrian groups usually apply the lead responsibility with regard to
two different methods (the method of all risk management matters and the
establishing branches is of minor prac- competence of methodology through-
tical relevance and will therefore not be out the group. Each subsidiary has in
discussed here): The first method is to place a risk management function or at


The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE

least a risk management coordinator, and complexity of the system and the
even if this is not a local legal require- ensuing control procedures.
ment. The risk managers (and coordi- The most complex areas in terms of
nators) are members of the group risk risk management and centralization are
committee, which discusses (and in underwriting and reinsurance, which
some cases decides) all risk relevant are the core business of insurance
topics, e.g. risk analysis, regular review companies. Apart from different lan-
of the risk map, risk reports, risk- guages, economic development and
reducing measures, or the roll-out of local requirements concerning the
new procedures. minimum information to be provided
Concerning the group asset man- to the customer before signing a con-
agement, a wide variety of methods and tract, the chosen expansion strategy
steering procedures is implemented be- adds to the complexity of these areas. If
cause of the complexity and diversity of the strategy is expansion by acquisition,
local legislation and the different devel- it will be necessary to integrate actuar-
opment stages of the markets. Even the ial tariffs and models and to consider
core business in the different countries existing contracts, business connec-
influences asset allocation via the asset tions or distribution channels. On the
liability modelling and liquidity needs. other hand, companies pursuing a strat-
Basically a group asset management and egy of expansion by development can-
an asset management committee is set not use existing structures but have to
up with the central competence of build them themselves. The same is
methodology and an accumulating view true for, e.g., IT systems, all procedures
on assets and their risks and an appro- concerning claims or anti-fraud-efforts.
priate limit system. Last but not least, in developing and
Regarding the reporting needs, it is implementing a CESEE strategy it is
necessary to have a central data defini- essential to bear in mind that CESEE is
tion and an adequate reporting system not a homogeneous area but consists of
to facilitate the consolidation of all rel- different countries with different geo-
evant (risk-related) data across the graphical and economic conditions and,
group, the calculation of central risks of course, customers and staff from dif-
(e.g. concentration risk) and modelling ferent cultures and backgrounds, which
needs. It is also necessary to bear in could create a kind of diversification
mind that there are different systems of effect.
valuation in different countries (local
GAAP vs. IFRS). The reporting system 5 Impact of Solvency II on Business
includes a data transfer and storing/sav- in CESEE
ing mechanism of all relevant data, re- The new risk-based supervisory regime
gardless of their source – general led- for the insurance sector, commonly
ger, subsidiary ledgers, statistical and known as Solvency II, is expected
actuarial data and all metadata neces- to have a direct and indirect impact on
sary for correct data accumulation. the CESEE business of insurance com-
These reporting standards require an panies.
integrated IT system providing for Direct effects will be observable in
secure data access and transmission. the calculation of the solvency capital
Legislation in some countries requires requirement (SCR).
that IT hardware be physically installed According to the Solvency II direc-
in this country, which raises the costs tive, the solvency capital requirement


The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE

shall reflect all material risks an insur- In general, the Solvency II rules
ance undertaking is facing in its may lead to a change in the structure
business activity. As could be observed and organization of insurance compa-
in various quantitative field studies car- nies and groups; therefore they will
ried out in preparation of the new have an indirect effect on the CESEE
regime, market risk is one of the key business as well.
drivers of the solvency capital require- The application of Solvency II rules
ment from the Austrian perspective. requires well functioning structures
Insurance undertakings in CESEE and systems at every insurance company:
mainly follow a rather conservative On the one hand, complex calculations
asset management strategy, which is have to be carried out that require a
also due to the fact that the range of sound and comprehensive data basis
investment opportunities is rather lim- and special knowledge and skills. On
ited in most markets (see also section the other hand, it is not only the quanti-
2.3 of this study). Therefore, a major tative but also the qualitative require-
part of assets is invested in government ments related to the governance system
bonds or cash deposits at local credit and market transparency that require
institutions. Such an asset allocation the well documented implementation
may have an impact on the solvency of sound reporting, risk management
capital requirement due to a higher and control systems (also see section 4
concentration risk and a lower counter- of this study).
party risk because of the positive Especially smaller companies
treatment of European government within a group will find it difficult
bonds under the standard model of to meet all these requirements in a
Solvency II. cost-efficient way. As a consequence,
In applying Solvency II rules, insur- groups may decide to centralize and/or
ance companies may benefit from “old” outsource functions, either within or
structures. After entering the EU, outside the group. Moreover, a parent
European directives had to be trans- company may decide to restructure the
posed into national law that often in- group and convert subsidiaries into
cluded the obligation to separate busi- branches.
ness lines. This means that an insurance Solvency II might lead to a stronger
company may either provide life insur- centralization within insurance groups
ance or non-life insurance products but with respect to back office systems and
not all lines of business together. How- governance functions. Even though ev-
ever, existing insurance companies ery insurance company has to have its
were allowed to keep their license to own governance system and every
provide all kinds of insurance as so group has to ensure a group-wide gov-
called “composite insurers.” Under the ernance system, the Solvency II direc-
new solvency regime, composite insur- tive allows an even more centralized
ers can now benefit from this structure approach. Title III subsection 6 of the
as they can make use of diversification Solvency II framework directive16 deals
effects between the lines of business with the possibility of installing cen-
and therefore reduce the solvency tralized risk management within a group.
capital requirement at solo level. Even though the detailed requirements

Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 on the taking-up
and pursuit oft he business of Insurance and Reinsurance (Solvency II).


The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE

of this subsection have not been speci- 6 Conclusions

fied, this provision makes it possible for CESEE still holds substantial growth
internationally active insurance groups potential for the insurance market,
to benefit from strongly centralized even though in some countries of the
structures. The main advantage of cen- region non-life insurance penetration is
tralized risk management for an insur- quite close to Western European levels.
ance group is that it is incompatible Competition is increasing and putting
with subgroup supervision. In other pressure in particular on non-life prod-
words, if an insurance group gets the ucts and on the profitability (margins)
approval from its supervisor to apply of insurance companies as a whole.
centralized risk management, there Recent developments show that pre-
will be no (potential) subgroup super- mium growth has been influenced
vision of subsidiaries in the jurisdic- strongly by economic developments
tions concerned. and the catching-up process. Therefore
From the supervisory authorities’ premium growth tended to be more
point of view, Solvency II will also volatile. The investments of CESEE
bring a new focus to supervision with insurance companies are focused on
regard to group supervision. Due to the debt instruments. The domestic finan-
increasing importance of group super- cial markets in CESEE are rather
vision, the cross-border cooperation of underdeveloped and may be the reason
supervisory authorities will be intensi- for some restrictions in investment
fied, e.g. by strengthening the role of strategies. Both the individual insur-
the group supervisor and the supervi- ance markets and the economies of
sory colleges. The group supervisor, CESEE are at different stages of devel-
who, in most cases, is the supervisory opment, which confirms the heteroge-
authority responsible for the supervi- neity of the region.
sion of the ultimate parent company of Austrian insurance groups have en-
a group, is responsible for group super- tered the market early and are impor-
vision to be carried out for each group. tant market players in many countries
In doing so, the group supervisor is of the region. Their CESEE activities
supported by the supervisory college. contribute significantly to their overall
A supervisory college is established for profitability. From a macroprudential
each cross-border active insurance perspective, the exposure of Austrian
group and consists of all the supervi- banks and insurance companies to
sory authorities that are responsible for CESEE warrants close monitoring, in
the supervision of the parent undertak- particular as catching-up has not yet
ing or any subsidiary of an insurance been completed. In the worst case, a
group. A major aim of the supervisory crisis of confidence at one Austrian
college is to exchange information and financial institution could spill over to
cooperate in the supervision of a group other Austrian banks or insurance com-
on an ongoing basis in normal times as panies, even though ownership and
well as in case of crisis. In the latter financial linkages are generally limited.
case, a functioning supervisory college As the exposure of both, Austrian
should also allow quicker and well-co- banks and insurers, to CESEE is size-
ordinated action to counter major able even on a stand-alone basis, this
events that might threaten the financial risk is non-negligible. On the positive
stability of a cross-border insurance side, Austrian insurers’ CESEE business
group. activities are to a large extent focused


The Austrian Insurance Industry in CESEE

on countries with comparatively more In the context of Solvency II,

stable macrofinancial conditions. smaller companies will find it most
As regards risk management issues, challenging to meet the requirements
a central data definition and an ade- in an appropriate and cost-efficient way,
quate reporting system are key to the which may result in centralization and/
sound management of risk and to mod- or the outsourcing of functions within
eling purposes. Challenges may arise or outside a group, and subsidiaries could
from the low harmonization of ac- be converted into branches. From the
counting and valuation standards. The supervisory authorities’ point of view,
most complex areas in terms of risk Solvency II will also bring a new focus to
management and centralization are un- supervision with regard to group super-
derwriting and reinsurance. vision and will increase harmonization.

CEIOPS – Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors.
2010. Financial Stability Report. Second half-yearly report 2010.
Impavido, G and I. Tower. 2009. How the Financial Crisis Affects Pensions and Insurance and
Why the Impacts Matter. IMF Working Paper 151.
IMF. 2011. Macroprudential Policy: An Organizing Framework. March 14.
Kong, J. and M. Singh. 2005. Insurance Companies in Emerging Markets. IMF Working Paper 88.
Skipper, H.D. 1997. Foreign Insurers in Emerging Markets: Issues and Concerns. IIF Occacional
Paper No 1.
Swiss Re. 2011. World Insurance in 2010: Premiums back to growth – capital increases. sigma
No 2/2011.

Table A1

Panel Regression for Insurance

Premium Growth in CESEE
Dependent variable: premium growth

Variable Coeffi- Std. error t-stat Prob


C 0.03 0.01 3.75 0.0003

GDP 1.51 0.14 10.68 0.0000
Fixed effects
Bulgaria 0.01 Poland –0.02
Czech Rep. –0.02 Romania 0.06
Estonia –0.02 Russia 0.03
Croatia –0.04 Slovenia –0.02
Hungary –0.02 Slovakia –0.06
Lithuania 0.03 Ukraine 0.14
Latvia –0.06
r-squared 0.55
Adjusted r-squared 0.51
F-stat 12.15

Source: Authors’ calculations.

Note: Panel regression: pooled EGLS (cross-section weights); cross
section included 13; data: 2000–2010; total observations: 143.


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