Games Day 86 Programme

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‘Colum, Preis GAMES DAY PROGRAMME © The Royal Horticultural @ © Society Hall Greycoat Street @ @ London SWI @ canes bar Iserganised by WELCOME TO GAMES DAY 86! Welcome to Games Day 86, @unigue display and festival of indoor games. Now in ite 1th year, Games Diy provides an oppartnity for players to meet the designers, com ‘Danes apd celebrities of the games world, I alo gives the country's Yop games clubs and [ocetcn an opportunity to present improssive displays and demonstrations. if you nave never teen to Games Diy before, we hope you will want co par~ ticipate ia the octvities, inchading ‘* Games presened and demonstrated by the inventors themselves. * Competitions and participation gates which vistors can join in + Lectures and seminars given by games celebrities, * Practical workshops ren by famous artists. * Livecncton role-playing bats and dispys in full costume + 42"Trade Stands offering thousands of game books and miniatures We hope all visitors will enjoy themvelves at Games ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Games Workshop would like to thank all the Clubs, Societies and individuals who have pat on aspiays at Games Day ths year. We Would aso like wo thank the following fompanies whe have goneroely offered to donate pees for tho numerous competitions beteg run: ‘Abbey Games Asgard MindcteresBaileground Esdevium Games Forbidden Planes Lahyriathe re Gemes Ovcar gomes Prince upust Reider Design ‘Shafir Games Sloth Entrpriser Sound Scares Spi of Adventure Three Wishes TSRIUK) Virgie Games Ceaie BAR & REFRESHMENTS {A snack bar and licenetd bar will be open an Doth days. These are situated below the Men Halland socest fo them is by way of stircae down from the Main Entranc “The Hall Catering Officer does sot permit vstors bringing their awn food to eat ‘his ia the Seack Bar, PLEASE DO NOT USE STAIRS LEADING TO THE STAGE AS A PICNIC FLACE! Tals i not only inconvenient Tor visitors using the esis, bat blocking svaloways in this way ie koa fie hazard PASS-OUTS Visitors wishing to eave the Hall must obtain « Hand Stamp if they wish o be It buck in. Sovurity aff have sit instructions otto allow re-entry fo anyone who has not ad nis hand stamped. If k orcured to you not vo wash on Saturéay nigh, we us ci ferent inka for hand stamps cn boch days _ CITADEL MINIATURES DO YOU FEEL LUCKY? ‘Suunto, ane oft New C25 Choe Wars C’MON, MAKE MY DAY. TTADEL MATATS CREATOR TRERE LTO eerie meee, we CEEADET. ca ed SuMtA is 3 TITAN DISTRIBUTORS LTD PO BOX 250, LONDON E3 4RT, ENGLAND. BRITAIN’S LARGEST WHOLESALER ~ DISTRIBUTORS OF SCIENCE FICTION, FANTASY, FILM ‘AND TV,, COMIC ART, ROCK MUSIC AND GAMING, <4ONS:UOM S3NVD 4OHSHUOM SIWYD dOHSHUOM SIMO 4OHSTUOM SaMVO JONSWIOM GaNVO JONSIUOM GWVO JOHSIUOM SBNVD ‘GAMES WORKSHOP GAMES WORKSHOP GAMES WORKSHOP GAMES WORKSHOP GAMES WORKSHOP “YOU ARE THE LAW” IN GAMES WORKSHOP’S JUDGE DREDD R.P.G. This game, and many others, available from your local Games Workshop ~ and also available from the NEW Games Workshop. Mail Order: Chewton Street — Hilltop — Eastwood ~ Nottingham GAMES WORKSHOP GAMES WORKSHOP GAMES WORKSHOP GAMES WORKSHOP GAMES WORKSHOP (GAMES WORKSHOP GAMES WORKSHOP GAMES WORKSHOP GAMES WORKSHOP GAMES WORKSHOP GAMES WORKSHOP GAMES WORKSHOP. OFFICIAL GAMES DAY COMPETITIONS Registration for the O/ficial Games Day Competivons can only be done ty com- pleting an Einry Form (available in the foyer) Completed Forms must te handed fn en he Pnformafon Stand. Eatry to all games will be allocated on a ist come, fist terved bss. All finals will tke place on Sunday, s0 when entering Official Compeiidons on Saturdhy, pleaie make sure you are available ts play on Sunday if you are suocent sl GOOD NEWS! SHAFIR GAMES HAVE ARRIVED IN THE UK Shafie Games are sweeping the world with their fantastically popular sci of seme. Now thie wonderful eriet i inlly available for you in the UK. ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS TROLLBALL (Suni 72) | (stand 57) The Maidsione Gamers wil bs eafersing TAKI - LOGI - RACE - DINGO The Labyrinth Warriors will nga be run The Thunderslug, Super Bowel Treibait ing tke ADAD Competition. continuing Tournament. The winner Gt alive). will ‘Most ofthe gemes in this series can to played by 2-10 players The gumes are extremely feciting and challenging. creating los of fun - you and your friends Just woa' stop Playing! They are compact and portable ~ take them with you anywhere and everywhere wars Games Day 85 left off. Blarhey's win napecta medal, Bride starts with Bloetey and fiends 10 arson seeking gifs ~.f0r hs Bide MARVEL SUPERHEROES _(Stané 62) Shafir Games are now being sok a Deter games shops and at very low prices - rel valve CALLOF CTHULHU (Stand 53). David Smith will be. confronting the for menoy. Their ole UK ditebutor is The Bancroje’s Gerses Civ will daunt players with The Avengers. X-Men, West entrants with sound efTecis as they en- Const Avengets aad The Fantasie Four suGo LD, ‘unier “The Incompehensible For further information contact J. Reitzer, Managing Diecior, Sugo Ltd, 32 Heathland RUNEQUEST (Stand $8) PARANOIA (Stand 66) Rond, London N16 SNH or phone 01-802-0108 Medway Wargarirs will accept bots RQ2_—_ Robert Avery will be straining the mena and ROS players to their competition stability of entrants with sudio effects, SEE US ATSTAND 38 tey suns, He detectors, forms to be Filled CAR WARS (Stend $2) in und radiation detectors «187 The Royal Aucoduellme Club willbe ran= laghan Areca of Birmingham. The winnse WARLOCK OF FIRETOP_ MOUNTAIN wil receive, apart from the trophy, 4 $50 (Stand $0) travel certificate and entry to the AADA Sieve Jackson invites adventurers to step World Championships in Baltimore in into. Faretop ‘Mountain. in hit aew 58 boardgame based ‘on the first Fighting Fanaty Gamohook, Zager awaits yeu! UNCHAIN THE DEMONS... FILES eee AOU nee ne ass on stunning viseal presentation. Feel fee to wate and ask questions. MUU mes D” SOC eccrine supe pREDD (Sti 69) anusaner (sina a9) Ca Cie oC eC oa treeng Won Cy | moda hic ane GU, Chale wl ing on te Pavers ese Te CMR TTT the tll of he show at hat years Canes Pombo bs sesso ales FONT MMC Lt De Sones PENI on aN LIVE ROLE-PLAYING (Si Pee Ree Seen ee acd WARHAMMER (Stand 60) Becoming increasingly popular "ss os Biren trian The aproritly named Sored fed uae ty eran spe tan Sy Socey lle peating Sckfee ese, meh mt roe, Ga er) fnoncig a Doatwen Aameed Gary's Segoe uever otal tl aca Ratcopter and apecaiyeoaerected Sars Mo er Susaceae Eee saber Sun 11:00-12:30 Cabyrinihe enna) Si e330" Spek af eure Naa Smaeoceo. aia PARTICIPATION GAMES. [Resisration for Parucipation Games can oaly be dove direc to the sands below ADVANCED D&D (Stand 67) Presented by Angela Timms and the Freedon Warners. BLAKE? (stand 58) Clinon Burner invites players 19 an a= Senta entitled From Shongth to Unit. poor iit. (Suant 61) Trouble n Deo Weod Velie iste title of Christopher Hardy's action-packed Scenario Wateh cut for his full period costume, guns all CALLOF CTHULHU (Sand 54) Oxford University’s D&D Society promize *Mind-scorebing horract with phowgraphs, pictures and sound effets For thei Mayday scenario SHAFTR GAMES (Stand 45) ‘Suga Lid. demonstrate their new range of ‘gies Ding, Text, Cogt ana Race DUNGEONS & DRAGONS (Staé 98) Julie Hardy and the Werneth Roleplayers invite beginners and/or experienced player to play the orginal fantasy role~ playing gxme, GHOSTHUSTERS (saad 75) Smooth-talking, strutting, intimidating players should co well in the eiterine Games Chas scenario. JAMES BOND (Stand 48) Do you ave what it takes to be the new (0072 Presented by TH Games JUDGE DRED RFG (Stand $0) Join Marcur Rowland in two ssenarion of his own creation which are tbe pub Tished oom, JUDGE DREDD RPG (Siand 73) The Erith Wargames Clab will be istro~ dosing x new ‘erp’ sytem to the Megt-1 Role-Phying Gas, ‘Ve SeAe be allocated ox a first corse, first served busis MIDDLE EARTH. (Stand 63) Goblin Gate Open Day isthe We of fa ‘ulingten’s scenario set in Mirkwood Forest Lock ovt far the Giant Spider, PLAY-BY-MAIL GAMES (Stand S1) A look at some of the currently avaiable FPBM games courtesy of Siowh Energise. RAILWAY RIVALS Giant) Join inventor David Wats in the early ‘anys of steam power when compatier were loked ia eut-threat competition. RUNEQUEST (sane 71) Alex Begg. and The Syndicate will te Showing their impresiive Ware's Tower percied om a rocky crag through which playore wil have to baile the the to. SORCERER KING alte, srgals tia) dowtiesooes Your ‘way tothe ulate throne ina new Board nme presented by Games World TUNNELS & TROLLS (Sana 46) Join Chris Harvey aoe friends for Intro- ‘auctory sessicns oF the first role-piaying fe adapted for solo ply. WARHAMMER (Stand 70) The Portel of Power is the scenario writ- ten by the Phoemx Games Clud In which fe Dwr 7th Aire Paratoopars are at- lacked by the Ore Kamikaze Rocket Treep, WARRIOR KNIGHTS (Sian 44) Inventor Derk Carter invites you bate arcenea warriors t0 become the Lord of WORLDSHAKER Siand 68) ets ae invited t crete a ‘The Stones 0} Silence in Chis Rele=Paying Game, 130 (sina 9) BBin inventor Francis Tresham in the American version of bis classic railway ‘aime, 1828, LECTURES, WORKSHOPS, SEMINARS: |All the folowing evens take place te Lecture Hall (fist Moot), Seminar Rooms 1-3 (toond floer) end Seminar Rooms 4-6 (third fIbor), A tiaisaee on the right hand sie ofthe main entrance (as vow to in) pies acess to all these rooms. FIGURE PAINTING COMPETITION ‘Seminar Room | Puistieg Fantasy Figures a sow 2 woll stablithed art form and the standard at Games Day Is always exceptional. Tals year, the competition clases are ‘Open = Single Fiawe Open - Diorama Under 14 Open = Single Figure Under 14 Open = Diorama Masters Opon (Professionals and ‘recs winters out) Enter your figure(s) ia Seminar Room 1 Judging, by Tin Olsen will aks place 08 Sunday a¢ 20m, Figure Painting Demonstrations: For beginning figare pslstrs ve have cwo faperts ho will Be teaching tars teh igues om both Saturday and Sanday ia Seminar Room 1 "Set 11:00-4:00 Tomy Catrell ‘Stn 10:30-5.90 Tim Olsen FANTASY ART (Seminar Room 3) ‘Art Workshops will be given by tw0 of the UK's best Fantasy arts On Sarurday, Tain MeCalg_will be ex pining hi techniguss - from an ide through 2 rough, choice of medium, © Ue final mastemplve. Sar 1100-100 and 360-4290 ‘On Sunday, Chri Achilleos will be exe Dlaining Now he arrives at the finished Artwork: Chet will also be talking about the hsiory of ‘is Cistingushed career. Sun 10-120, GAMES INVENTORS. Games Inventors go largely w satsid vena! Byala plipley ets. play their gimes. Games Day enables players {o talk to inventors about their games and about the bleod, sweat and teas that go nw weir development Sandy Pateren it our Special Guet ‘of Honour this year. Sandy is best kxown for hi ‘Call of ‘Cthulhu Role-Playing Game and we sre pleased to bring him all the way fiom Callforia for Onsies Day 86. Sandy's tensnare will uke place it Seminar Room 3, Sat 1/00-1:09 6 2:00- 3:00, Sun 1040-12209 Derek Carver is a. boardgame specialist whose published games are Decter Who, Showbiz, and. Warrior ‘Knights, Be has aso hid Blood Rovel ac~ Gepted by Games Workshop tod it ie Sue {or publication in 1987. Derek wil be luling about the seersts of succesful tame detige in Seminar Room 2. Sir 1:30-2:30 David Watte is renowned for his aitway Rivals which won the coveted Game of the Yeor avcard in West Ger= many, David wil be wiking about Ratt wey Riel and other game currently an Ger development in Seminar Room 2. Sur 3900-4100 Mare Gascolgne (co-designer of tie Judge Dredd RPG aad editor of Werlock imaearine, Paul Coekbarm (editor of Vite Dvur/) and dervis Johason (Gamer Iarkshoo's Game Development Manager) will be talking about the future of the fames industry in Seminar Room 3. Sat 5:30-3:00 ‘Alan Merrett. (Games Workshop's roduction Manager) replaces detvis on Sunday to continue the discustion in Seminar Room 3. Sut 2:30-1:30 FANZINES ‘Stand 10 & Seminar Room 4 Fanaines (amateur magasines) are fa integal part of the games hobby. If you with to find out what makes thie vociferous editors ek, oF just with to ‘bay azine or wo, then visit Stand 10, This year fanzine: have alto boon siven their own Press Rooms where editors Ean be found deop in decusion about the future of the industry, the meaning of lite and (more wally) the pies of lager Some editcrs will be giving talks and theve will be announced: during ‘The Farzine Frest Room isin Room 4 GAMES PLAYING ROOMS (Geninar Room § & 6) Players wishing to try out remy purchased games er pley old favourites may. Use the open tables available in Seminar Room or Seminar Room 6. If you require ther players for your eam, Dublic announcements can be ranged at {he Information Stand THE SUNDAY ROAST A panel of cokbrities and in- ustry moguls inciading. Bryan Ansell, Sandy Petersen, Mare Gascoigne and Paul Cockduen wil spluter and. Shalt theit ways out of srawering your questions in the Lecture Hall” Sut 2:00-3:00, GAMES DAY QUIZ The Games Workshop Keowitatis al CocXbura and Ha cut Rowland) wil ako tn the Celebrity Slimes (Sandy Petersen, Jamie Thompson and Gary Chalk) in a Grendish quiz evied. and ran ty’ the ever-present, ‘ver-popular Tin Olsen in the Lecture Hall. Sin 30-490 (are Casco BOOK SIGNINGS Chris Achilleos at tho Forbidden Plaet sand (3) on Sun 1:30. Steve Jackson & lan Livingstone at the Penguin Books stand (4) on Sat” 3.00. 0 GAMES DAY AWARDS Prior 10 Games Day, a voting form vas distributed nationally to discover nich gimes, figures, manufacrorer and Deople the gaming public most admired Award certifieates will be presented to the winners by Ton Livinettone in the Tecture Hal Sar 4:50-3:00 GAMES DAY AUCTION "he Game Dey Actin, as Shore rare: gener, early issuer of mite teu and ad Ths year Aue Seer amen emmven yest ted wit corpse the Beng Bey Sear ie weet Ee wr nasa oat tc tad sin estan, Te srs yak es (niin ex thie cued whch wit pected val Hall and obe denify you tous. For each tem you en ter in the Auction you mast fll out a s ing Form with dete of your Bid ‘ember and the winiaum bid you quire (i any). Whe no bid is received from the audience at your minimum, the item ill bo pasted a -unsclé. A 18% commission is viad on sac item sold 10 ‘over Ball charges, staff and printing > c 6 BY Cs 2 ou ea E z ‘Approximately hal a howe aftr the ond SP suction, you wil be able to cae Sour money ind/er aKold games. Aay ames et clleted by Sunday een Mao: Yeu ma sox « DM Curt whieh’ will show your identification ‘Tamper Before you can make Di in the tht, The avetorec tarts the bidding Seach ents veerve bie, If ou Wish to bid, you must bold up your Bid Card “he snr ri heroes Oo ‘Sem maximum you must drop goer Bi Gare. "When ony coe Did. Cad reais Tell up the sutioees else the Bidding tt that fn! pce "You wi be ab © ick ap the Heme you have bought ater Sou ave pid for af your puree. Notes: Games Workshop assumes no ostility for items entered into the fustion and accepts no responsiblity for possble damage to or los of such items OG EVENTS, TRADE STANDS GAMES DAY MAIN HALL PLAN a 3 Up to Stage 3 4B 44 59 45 70 46 41 48 60 a si) 49 55 5) n 65] 61 a 56 B 66) 62 st|s3 ca 61| 63 5 68) 64] | 58/54 i me GAMES DAY 1st, 2nd & 3rd FLOOR PLANS ACCESS VIA STAIRS IN MAIN ENTRANCE FIRST FLOOR LECTURE HALL SECOND FLOOR SEMINAR ROOM 1 [SEMINAR ROOM 2] SEMINAR ROOM 3 THIRD FLOOR SEMINAR ROOM 4 J SEMINAR ROOM 5] SEMINAR ROOM 6. 1030-430 1030-400, 1:00-5:00, 190-00 1-100 100-2300 1430-1330 100-200 00-230 209-500, 200-«00 300-330 330-500 300-430 430-500 Tine 1630-1220 100-06 1:30-3:00 1030-1200 1i;¢0-1:0 1100-1230 130-230 200-800 300-330, 300-00 300-400, 330-430 430-500 GAMES DAY 86 TIMETABLE OF EVENTS Saturay, 27 September 1986 Bre Venue Figure Painting Competitions ser ‘Auction ii Fanzine Sominare ska Figure Fainting Demonstration - Tony Cottrell sR Fantay Art isin MeCais sp CCallor Cttuinu Seminar = Sandy Petersen SRS Line Rele- Paying - Ngthore Stage ook Signing = Joe Dever sand ? Live Rele-Praying ~ Spirit of Adventure Suge ‘Chacelum Seminar ~ Sandy Peterton ses Fantasy Ar = Iain MeCalg sz ook Signing - Stove Jackoon & lan Livingstone Stand ¢ "Future of Games Seminar - Gascoigne, Cock>um, Johnson SR3 Live Rele-Paying ~ Labyrinthe Stage Games Day Awards Presentation ~ lan Livingstone sate Sunday, 28 September 1985 Event ‘Avetion Fanzine Seminars Tigore Paiating Demonstration - Tim Olen Call of Cxbuthu Seminar ~ Sandy Paterson Fuatuy Art - Chri Achileos Live Role-Playing ~ Labyristhe Hobby Games Seminar - Cascoigne, Cockburn, Merrett Live Rele-Paying ~ Spirit of Adventare Bourdpatne Desgh ~ Derek Carver Book Signing = Chee Achilles “The Sancay Rost Figore Painting Comp. Judging - Tim Olen si Live Role-Piaying - Myuhiore Stage Railay Rivals ~ David Wats spe Games Day Qu, ui Pracosttion of Prizes ~ Steve Jackson Sige Koy: LH = Lecture Hell (11 Floor) SR = Servinar Reom (1-3 on 2nd Floor: 4-6 0n 3rd) “ TRADE STANDS Abbey Games Stane 34 Manufacturers and distributors of Spaceirader, the “ultimate: space beard aAbketos Stand 21 Buildings forall sentria, from ages past to future centuries, plus a fantasy range. ‘Arrow Books | Staad7 Cone Well books, T-shirts and posters are fn sale andthe author is available fo ‘conversation and book signing, Aseard Miniatures Stand 17 ‘Asgard Miniateres present you with & chance to sample our renowned fantacy and science feton ranges of figures and Wish you all x happy and profitable Games Day 86. Battleground Stand 18 Specialists in guning terrain. Vist our sand to ste our complete collection Berkeley Game Disirtutore Stand 23, Bringing rou the latest US game releases hot ofthe plane from Califor (Citadel Miniatare Stand 3 ‘The worl’ largest range of fantasy min~ iatores inokeding ieenced. Lend. of the ings, Dingeons & Dregons, Judge Dredd ‘ed Dr, Who ranges, Latetrslase ie The ‘Skelton Merde boxed set of plastic min= Dixon Miniatures Stand 22 By far the Diskest and best range of Orioatal Role-Playing figures on the ‘market, including: Samurai Lords, Monks, Rosia,” Dakemono Gebling, On! and 20 varieties of Ninja. NEW ~ Chaos Ninja & Samurai (anore to follow). Abo see our new Dwarves de Elves. Our fally lie lustated catalogue i £1.50. Esdevium Games Stand 8 Endevium Games have all the newest and aot of the oldest games ~ those itoms {hat you can only get ar Games Diy. Al together the biggest and bert range of fumes, modules, miniatures snd acces Series you can Find inthe show. Faraue Sten Sime 10 AA election of the hobby’s beet Fansin Including: The Bubonic Pltarisi, Demon Hisue, Demon's Dray, Die Rubezshi The Fiery Cress, Imazive. Ivory Tower, Seund Fury and Vernon's Odyisey ‘ingship Magazine Stane 28 Published by Chris Harvey Games Forbidden Planet Stand 5 The world’s greatest comic & science fic ion bookshop, now witha comprehensive mall order service” We tre aso the pubs Iishers of Titan Books, eavuring Jiege Dradd, Nemesis, Rogue Trooper and other 2000AD enaracter. Games For Pleasure Stand 12 'SAVE THE PRESIDENTY is the best game I've played in years" So said Bill MDado of Dundes Gamesville. Imagine magazine seid" memorable game hich ‘hoald alvays be given houtoroom. At ite Drice, STPNS unevaled" Pay SPI st oar Mand and. view our other. games. LIMIDO. PERSONA ata INTERPLAY Games Peonle Play Stand 32 Ave selection of war, SF and fans times from all the major manufactures. Games Workshop Stand 1 New releases st Gamer Day incleder The Warlock of Firetop Mourcain boardgame, Halls of, Mortar. Kings & Things 206 Statue of the Sorcerer/The Vanishing Conjurer. Games World Stand 20 Play Sorcerer King ~ Bate, targa and dosbie-cross your way 10 the ultimate throne ina weachorous struggle for the ancient kingdom. Chris Haney Games Stand 27 ‘This s where you can buy shore badges ceveryonas wearing song with T&T. TSR. Merrow Project. ODI. Tren Crown, Relomasier, Pacesetion, d7mory Grimioece’s Traps, Danger Inerntional Johnny Reb, Steve Jackson. Clote Sirula- iow and almost every ether game” you an thik of to! Labyrinn ‘Stand 15, Tabyriathe Club — Real Life Fantary Role-Paying. Details of our adventures at CChisearet Caves and the Tale of Dread ‘Alio availabe cur resl-hfe role-playing “Player's Handbook’. Fully illestrated (guide to torvival in the sealife vale~ Playing world of Labyrinth, Stand 25 the US swaking dete ft Games Day appearance with their modern slay rele for Rambe-syle adventures, ite Games Stand 29 Mitre Games rua. thoes oxciting. Tort~ moving Pay-By-Mall games: Tides of Crane winnss of the 1986 PRM sward, Midgard a fast-growing hotbed of ‘medieval intrigue, ond Global Sepremecs, 220th century simulation of strug De~ {ween aations. All feature ample. oppor tunities for combat, diplomacy and politi cal & economic skulldvggery. Mythlore Stand 37 Real-Life Role-Playing adventures, monstrous costumes and props and some of ths best erature masks to be found. IMythiore return by popular demand after fs auccesful nationwide tour of regieeal Dragonmets Remember me at Games Day '797 Oscar Gamez Stand 35 Permission = the new property develop ‘ment board game for agea #88. Players crn developers to buy up land for nous- fing sthemes. The fist player with a com- plete scheme 10 land at Town Hall wine ‘he game Penguin Books Stand ¢ Fighting Fantasy Camebooks ~ the original and bet solo gamebooks Prince Auge Saad 9 Prince Aumust Moulds ~ The largest col lestin in tho world of wargaming and Fanaty figures (© mould youre elder Design Saad 6 (Creators ef Alchemy meal wear and Dust- [eon Dnellersfertasy figures. Abo poker 00 badges and other sundry delights Second Chance Games Stand 16 Mall Order specialists in War and Fantany Gaming, Specialise ia old. and. out-of print games and magazines. Dealers te ako our DUll-ATt range of painted. war- tame and fantasy figures Shatir Games Stand 38 Shafir Gamer, being a bestseler around the worle, now. preseat their exclusive range for the frst tine in the UK at Games Duy. Shafir Games have wvailable Pals, Legh Race and Dingo on spacial f= fer - so-come along, you can join in 2 bime and share the fu, Silver Dear Stand 42 The Bottom Line game presented at the Siler Tear Ple stand i the Gist in feries of nine exciting hgh finance familly tourd games. The game plays for 2 hhoure, ne player drops out, the winner doesnot emerge unt the very end. And The Bottom Line plays difterenly every 6 SKI Figures Stand 19 ‘The specialists for Admins, Pendragon and Garrison 28mm figures for the dis- ‘erming collecior 0 kames payer ‘Skyrealms Publishing Stand 24 Publishers of Skprealms of Joram, one of ‘the most unusual role-playing games ever published. A complete RPG set ina com= plete world Sleuth Pablicstions Stand 14 Makers of the award-winaing Cotsltine Dewctve and our sew game Curse, the Onde had boils ewetive in Stn Frans isco, Also exclusive importers of the new HOT game in the USA, Supremacy, the REAL game of the superpowers. Plus our ‘weal selection of sianl Battlemas, Sloth Enterprises Stand 20 Soth Enterprins and Vengeance Games offering the tes in Piay-By-Mail Games. Sauwnalia ~ probably the worle'e lagort fantasy campuign. lags of Slee! — A fast-moving fantasy wargame, Orion depth. And World Vengeance ~ A game of survival in post helecwust Brian, Sound Scapen Stand 11 Sound Seapes ~ sole creators of atmos- Dheric muse castes catering forall Gimensioas and. aspecis ‘of role-playing ‘and. adventure. gam works exclusively” performed. by Tenowned music wicard JANUS. All ‘orks in one hour log Dolby Stereo ea Sete format. Take us with you on your roxt guna! Spears Ca Stand 40 Soears Games, makers of Serabble and ther great games, Invite you to ty your hand at MAING, Buel with JARNAC a play ots of oiher fescinaing, games of Sestegy at Gamer Day 86 Spirit Games Stand 31 Spirit Games are rusning demonstration tnd participation games of their products: Straops = the ‘ame of strategie air ‘perations bed of World War I Star~ Search ~ a quick bu: highly competitive race through space; end Shoesving Racer iq unigue busld-your-own-bike maton ‘yeleracing game, ” Spirit of Adventure Stand 33 Have you the Spirit of Adventure? Try the real thing atthe Spire of Adventure sand, Live Role-Playing demonstration, farticigation and trus enjoyment. Do it for real cr phone 051-338 8653, ‘Standard Gamee Stand 36 ‘Come ad yee cur range of guines and “Thee Wishes Stand 13 ‘Three Wishes will be revealing two raw wanes at Games Day. SPI", 9 game of OFF-beat alien teading, and Sujferin’ ‘Spits a tame of good deeds down at Grimetone Graveyard TM Games Stand 39 United Kingdom and European dis wibutors forthe Avalon Hill Game Com= ipasy and Victory Games Ine. Now York, ‘manufacturers of the Endless Games ange of accemories and cistribates of Tortued Souls magazine and The Com- ‘late Dargeon Master series. {TSR (UK) Lu Stand at ‘The leet DAD and ADED modes plus 8 DRAGONEANCE competition. Collet Sour competition form from the “TS Stand, answer the questions corsectiy and you could win one of sx copie of the Final DRAGONLANCE mode prior 10 its rsleaie ia the UK. There are. six DRAGONLANCE Calendars for the Virgia Games Stand 26 ‘We woul like to point out that it was Inponitie for ur Yo bring our entire Droduct range with us today. As ws stock ‘ser 9000 afferent titles you'll appreciate four problem. So if you cant find what Sou want on our-stne pleate vai our hop at 100 Oxford Street. White Dat Publications Stand Hot off the press is White Dwarf 82, the October issue of Britain's foremost SF/T fuming magarine. You will als find War lock 12, the Fighting Fantasy magazine ‘and Best of White Dwar} Articles Vel 3 ‘And here's your chance wo catch up on ‘ome of those back fares you misued ¢ It flowed eagerly forward, temporary eyes and mouths forming and re-forming con- stantly across its protoplasmic bulk 9 [3 ]ater the awesome universe of EF [the Cthutha “Mythos, those dread tales of magic, science, arcane law and unnameable horror; a universe threatened by the unutterably evil Great Old Ones whose minions plot the return of their foul and mighty lord, Great Cthulhu. Call Of Cthulhu is a sophisticated role-playing game without board or con- ventional playing pieces. The action and events take place in the shared imagina- tions of the players and gamesmaster. As a player in Call of Cthulhu you are cast in the role of an Investigator, piecing together clues and striving to thwart the machinations of the Great Old Ones and their insane worshippers as you moye through the colourful world of the 1920s. As a gamesmaster (Keeper), you will present this world to the players and control the cosmic horrors and their obscene conspiracies. This new HARDBACK format con- tains all the information you will need to enter a world of Gothic horror in the true Lovecraft tradition. congo Investigator’s Book - detailing infor- ‘mation for players and gamemasters, full rules for character generation, skills, oc- cupations and resources. Keeper's Book - for gamesmasters only. Full rules and illustrations for the horrific beings of the Mythos, magic, and use of famous books in the game. Plus further nutes w aid play and secu ivs realy 10 use. Sourcebook for the 1920s - which gives abundant non-Mythos data, essen- tial for accuracy and atmosphere. A host of plans, price lists, maps, biographies, distances and non-Mythos monsters upon which the inexperienced Investigators can practice their skills. Includes all the information previous- ly published in The Cthulhu Compa- nion, with new Mythos lore, skills, Sourcebook data and scenarios. Colour Plates - eight stun- __ Including t ning full-colour prints fully evoking in graphic detail the true horror of Lovecraft’s dark visions. a ee Sar tees on ee "Siemon See, Hito TO Bow = otek Shatner Eve nine had eeded wee of commren she suprsisen tear bor ecuncngeSo ethent ort sav teint Gro wnat Ws le Dicer wove ier. 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