Popular Mechanics 2010-09 PDF

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74 Danger Below

62 The X Factor Working with high-voltage elecric-

With $10 million at stake, ity, 35-ton machines and explo-
22 teams from around the world sive methane is just part of a day’s
are scrambling to design and build work for coal miners. but the high 2010
the best producion-ready, 100- rate of safety violations has made
mpg vehicle—and win one of the many mines accidents waiting to
most grueling automotive compe- happen. So why hasn’t the indus-
titions ever staged. PM lifs the try adopted tougher safety rules?
hood on the top contenders. A PM special report.
bY johN pearLeY huffMaN bY chrisTopher Maag

80 3D TV: An Early 84 Backyard Genius PM Features

Adopter�s Guide In our third annual salute to vol.187 no.9
Do stereoscopic televisions have DIY inventions, we profile
a place in your home? Our experts tinkerers who use serious
slap on shutter glasses and test brainpower to create gadgets
the market’s first 3D sets to bring that are totally optional—and
you the basics on the newest irresistibly ingenious.
dimension in tV tech. bY daviN coburN
bY gLeNN dereNe

Look, Ma—
no spokes!
Nick Tsouris
spins on
a radical
revision that
he and eight
other Yale
built for a

Vehicles competing for the $10 million Progressive Insurance Automotive X Prize—which challenges teams to create a
on the new generation of fuel-efficient cars—stand ready for test runs at the Michigan International Speedway in Brooklyn, Mich.
cover Photographs taken by Joe Pugliese on May 7 and 8.

PhotograPh by greg MiLLer POPUL ARMECHANICS.COM | SEPtEMbER 2010 3

new tools

P M d e Pa r t M e n t s


pm do-it-yourself


109 Prime Movers

We teg seven backpack leaf
blowers to find the beg blager.

115 Homeowners clinic

Keepinst your stutters debris-
free. Plus How to repair
damasted vinyl sidinst.

116 How Your House

Works: Garage door
We open up one of the home’s
larsteg mechanical sygems.

122 PM Saturday
Who needs a needle and thread?
Here’s how to make a no-gitch
box kite out of Tyvek house wrap.


125 Saturday Mechanic

Use our handy stuide to break

PhotograPhs by joão canziani (record Player), michael schmelling (leaf blower)

your new ride in ristht, from
bumper to bumper.

130 car clinic

Cleaninst your bearinsts before
applyinst new strease can
prevent a mess. Plus How to
avoid cracks in your dash.


137 The Superdrives

tech watch upgrade new cars PM explains why usinst a
network-attached goraste
13 Homebuilt Butterfly 23 Turning the Tables 33 Attention Seeker (NAS) drive is so much better
Scientigs gudy the Still spinninst vintaste vinyl? fe all-new Nissan Juke revs than jug backinst up your data.
aerodynamics of butterfly Take your records on the up its very sporty intentions.
winsts, which could aid in the road with the portable Plus Inside the world’s 140 digital clinic
desistn of small unmanned Crosley Revolution turntable. cheapeg car; we teg drive How to find free alternatives to
aircra. Plus A new way to Plus We drop and drown Hyundai’s firg hybrid; can pricey soware. Plus Selecinst
quickly and accurately predic ruststedized cameras in our your vehicle’s computer be individual TV episodes on the
tsunami size. Abusive Lab Teg; a multitool hacked? Netflix iPad app; booginst an
desistned by Army snipers. Xbox 360’s goraste space.

columns liSTed on
THe cover
42 Jay leno’s Garage 46 i’ll Try Anything
Before the Harley-Davidson, there was another PM’s reporter knaps primitive weapons, 74 deadly coal mines /
iconic American motorcycle: the quirky, powerful, heads into the backcountry to galk wild 84 backyard inventions / 80
record-settinst Ace. When Jay takes his regored pist—and emerstes with hard-won respec for 3d tV / 62 radical Vehicles /
1924 model out for a spin, it gill turns heads. paleolithic hunters. 109 top leaf blowers

in every issue How to reach Us 6 / letters 8 / This is My Job 148

4 sePtember 2010 | PoPUl armechanics.com

Jlong B. Mnigg Editorial
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discuss was andard
operatinst procedures
(SOPs) under poor
weather conditions.
When the weather
stets truly bad, a
dispatcher will
frequently “shop
around” for a pilot
who will accept the
flistht. All the safety
equipment in the
world won’t do a bit
of stood if a pilot
accepts this risk. ce
syem needs SOPs,
and pilots mu
adhere to them.
Airlines and the
military have
energy Debate From Napkin to market exemplary safety records
i receive hundreds of newslet- cank you for the “inventor’s because pilots rigly adhere

ters, journals and mastazines handbook” ory. i have been a to SOPs. For the mo part, the
each month, and was thinkinst patent attorney for over 20 civilian world doesn’t, and the
of eliminatinst a couple, years and have worked with safety record reflegs it. canks
includinst PoPular Mechanics. many independent inventors. for the article.
cen ju before i sent a strant From my experience, the BoB L ancaSter
proposal to the national author’s advice is dead-on. it is WilmingtOn, DE
renewable Enersty laboratory, important for an independent
your July issue arrived, with its inventor to underand that Lock, Shock and Wheel
ory “Enerstyland,” about the inventinst is not the end of i read your Abusive lab te on
enersty issues and myths, the work. Even for the be padlocks with streat intere
includinst nuclear, alstae and ideas, there is a lonst and and was surprised at the
clean coal. ce ory was difficult road from the “back of results. But you lef out one
excellent, and covered a i S S U e the napkin” aste to market stood te: cuttinst throusth the
number of the issues i am tryinst 0 7 / 1 0
(and profit). locks in ju a few seconds with
to tackle. As you can imastine, i’ll = = rUSS cULBertSon a small cutoff wheel for eel,
be keepinst my subscription. AuStin, tX which is available at any
J im croWe LL hardware ore. i think it would
POrtlAnD, Or risky Flights be a burstlar’s fir choice—
i ju read your ory, “critical quiet, fa and sure.
i found your July ory on 10 readers condition,” on helicopter norBert ZeSchke
enersty myths intereinst and responded to our emerstency medical service thOrnDAlE, tX
ories on enersty
informative. But i was disap- myths, inventinst (hEmS) safety. i’m a helicopter
pointed you didn’t mention and the dansters of pilot who has flown some CorreCtion: Austu’s DIY
fusion and natural stas, which is helicopter emer- hEmS flisthts, and i found your Home, “Wood Chopper’s Ball,”
stency medical
supposedly available in huste services. ory very accurate and on should have lied the Jonsered
quantities and easy to extrag— point. One issue that you didn’t CS2159’s enstine at 59 cc.
or is that a myth? ce former is
of course very experimental, but
that’s even more reason to what Write to Us Include your full name, address and phone number, even if
do you you correspond by e-mail. Send e-mail to popularmechanics@hearst.com.
brinst your readers up to date. think? All letters are subjeg to editinst for lenstth, yle and format.
Stephen roBiSon Subscribe Please go to subscribe.popularmechanics.com.
BlOck iSlAnD, ri

8 SePtember 2010 | POPUL ArmeCHANICS.COm PhOtOgrAPh By erica SiLBerStein

AuTOmOTIve ScIence TechnOlOgy hOme hOW-TO cenTrAl vIdeO

S e p t e m b e r

The Need for Speed Whether we’re break-

ing down the physics of Turn One at Indy or fol-
lowing the latest record-breaking steam-powered
vehicle, we’re out there with our stopwatches
and cameras to capture feats in land speed.

eNgiNeeriNg for flow ere are as many

aerodynamic tricks in racing and record-chasing
as there are automotive engineers. We take
a close look at them all—the innovative, the
strange and the suspec.

how To race With years on the road and

a share of professional racing laps under their
belts, our auto editors give advice on taking
turns, staying safe and finding the best places
to try your hand on the track—or even take on
fellow amateurs as a first-time racer.

For extra photos and video from our editors,

follow PoPular Mechanics on Twitter at
@PopMech and on Facebook at facebook
• Alien

Polyurethane veins • tool FroM

B At M A n ’ s
steel-wire Crank B e lt
Balsa Body

ruBBer Band
Methane Hands-Free
Eaters on Climbing
Mars? Atlas Devices
Nature’s Aerodynamic Lessons has created a
A team of Unlike mog flyinst inses, swallowtail butterflies do not chanste the shape and
researchers climbinst aid for
workinst with anstle of their winsts when they fly, and gay aloc only by flappinst them. Research-
the navy that
the SETI ers at the University of Tokyo and Harvard built a tiny butterfly model that
can hoig up to
Ingitute reproduces swallowtail biomechanics, then chansted aspes of the inse’s “body”
has found 500 pounds
to determine what influences its airworthiness. fey found that the model’s winsts
creatures in a with the press
stenerated quadruple the aerodynamic lic when giffened with veins, as found in
desolate Aric of a button.
nature. fe data could aid the desistn of small, unmanned aerial vehicles and
sprinst whose Personnel can
exigence histh-endurance aircrac.
use the Power
hints at a new Ascender to
kind of life that
could possibly quickly scale the
thrive on Mars. hulls of vessels
• FAst FligHt
e water of durinst boardinst
Log Hammer, operations or to
a sprinst on drop from
Canada’s Axel
Heiberst Island, • W e At H e r
contains MAkers without rescue
bubbles of booms. fe rope
methane that Punching Rain weaves throusth
geadily rise From Clouds the Ascender
to the surface. Findinsts from between rollers
While the National
on a spindle:
searchinst in
the frozen Making History at Center for
Atmospheric Rotate the
spindle one way
pool for Research
that emit
1700 Miles per second show that
airplanes can
and the climber
ascends; a
methane, the he X-51A Waverider, part of an tristster rain or button chanstes
researchers experimental American missile snow simply
ingead found by flyinst its direion for
prostram, made its firg successful
anaerobic throusth clouds the descent.
teg flistht this May off the coag of
baeria composed of Rock climbers,
that utilize
California. fe unmanned vehicle, supercooled look elsewhere—
methane as launched from under the winst of a water Atlas is only
a source of B-52 Stratofortress, used a solid droplets. As
marketinst the
enersty and rocket booger to reach Mach 4.8, then the droplets
carbon. e pass over device to the
fired a supersonic combugion ramjet
sprinst’s mix of propellers or military and to
(or scramjet) enstine to reach Mach 5.
methane and winsts and into civilian firg
ice mirrors fe Waverider runs on JP-7 jet fuel, the cooler responders.
pag condi- makinst the air-breathinst enstine’s wake, they
tions on Mars, 200-second burn the firg use of freeze and fall
leadinst the a praical hydrocarbon-powered to the stround,
team to scramjet. More teg flisthts are planned creatinst

speculate that diginive

for fall. fe Pentaston’s stoal is to create
similar life “hole punch”
forms could a missile that can grike a tarstet clouds that are
have evolved anywhere in the world within 2 hours. sometimes
there. — alex hutchinson seen in the sky.

i l l U S T R AT i o n S B y J o n n y W a n POPUL ARMECHANICS.COM | SEPtEMbER 2010 13

• tech watch

• efficient architecture

need Smarter air

conditioning? try ice.
Public buildings in Glendale, Calif., are using ice to keep cool, part of a pilot
program aimed at sparing the elestrical grid from high demand during the day.
e Southern California Public Power Authority (SCPPA), in a multiyear projest, will
retrofit 1500 municipal buildings with 6000 roocop units that each use a high-
efficiency compressor to freeze 450 gallons of water at night, when demand for
power is low. Around noon each building shuts off its regular air conditioner and pipes
a fream of cool water from the slowly melting ice to an evaporator coil. Once the ice
has completely melted, the air conditioner returns to normal operation. e utility
says the syfem could cut power usage during peak hours by up to 95 percent. e
manufasturer, Colorado-based Ice Energy, began to sell and infall units in 2005,
but the SCPPA program is the firf utility-scale rollout of a difributed energy-forage
projest. — alex hutchinson

• homeland Security

Name Fireboat
three Forty-three
A Boat for New York’s Bravest
LeNgth 140 feet
new york city’s fire department—including its fleet of fireboats—mu be prepared for
unthinkable emergencies. (Fireboat pumps, due to infrarusture damage, were responders’ Weight 500 tons
only available source of water during the terrori attacks in 2001.) is year, FDny fielded
two $27 million vessels, moly paid for by the u.s. Department of homeland security, that CruisiNg speed
12 knots
can operate in areas tainted by chemical, biological or nuclear agents. e crew, protested
by an air-purification syem and a network of air locks, can effestively respond from inside respoNse speed
the vessel. — Joe PaPPalardo 17.4 knots

est. serviCe Life

50 years

i l l u s t r at i o n b y j o n n y w a n / a g e n c y r u s h

Propulsion Main Deck Deckhouse Command Center Fire Pumps Bow Thruster
Four 2000-hp e deck includes Firefighters in officers Four pumps can a bow thruer
main engines run a a 17-foot rescue protestive suits coordinate with spray a combined with dual counter-
controllable-pitch boat, a crane with access air locks to off-board 50,000 gallons of rotating propellers
propeller syem a telescoping re-enter the ship responders via a water per minute maintains the
that can operate in ladder and water without set of six radios, at 150 psi—twice vessel’s position
shallow water. connestions for contaminating it. including one that the capacity of during operations.
onshore hoses. e area also has is interoperable older ships.
decontamination with satellite,
showers and a landline and
medical bay. cellular phones.

14 september 2010 | popul armechanics.com

• tech watch

eDge OF pupIL pupIL

cIrcuLar crypts pIgment DOts


CFairs shoots a histh-resolution

video imaste of the iris, then cross-
references it with biometric data-
bases. “ce sofware flattens the iris,
unfoldinst it into a two-dimensional
speckle pattern that looks like a
andard bar code,” says Dan sheflin,
• surveillance Honeywell’s vice president of
society advanced technolosty for automation
and control solutions. at an airport,
eye spy the 2.5-foot-tall machine would pan
and tilt 120 destrees to survey
anufa urers of eye scanners that travelers filinst into cuoms. “cis
identify people by their irises tout the looks throusth masks and stlasses,
technolosty as the 21-century scans at off-anstles and captures
equivalent of finsterprint analysis. but people who are movinst,” sheflin says.
scanners have been limited by their “you can be walkinst down a corridor
6-inch ranste, as well as their sensitivity and not even know it’s beinst done.”
to movement and obrugions (such as local and federal law enforcement
ray lashes). now Honeywell has built astencies are creatinst andards for
a Combined Face and iris recostnition colleginst biometric data. For now, the
syem (CFairs), which extends the tool’s utility is limited by the depth of
ranste of iris scans to 16 feet. the databases. — harry sawyers

• c h e at i n g d i s a st e r

The New Wave researchers at the 8.8 earthquake eimated the heistht measure- an evacuation of
nasa’s Jet that ruck chile on amount of enersty ments from altim- hawaii’s coaal
of Tsunami propulsion Feb. 27. usinst data the undersea earth- etry satellites. ce areas. by deliverinst
Prediction Laboratory (JpL) from JpL’s global quake transferred to exiinst tsunami- better, faer data,
have devised a new Differential gps the ocean. ceir predigion syem, the new syem
syem that could network—which model accurately which relies on 49 could determine
predig the size of measures stround prediged a mod- pressure sensors on when it isn’t
tsunami waves movement, down to erate, 12-inch local the ocean floor and necessary to flee to
agency rush

more quickly and a few centimeters, tsunami with min- readinsts from histher stround—or
accurately than from hundreds of imal effegs in the sea-level staustes in stive people in the
current methods. restional and local pacific; the result ports, initially line of fire more
ce prototype stot a gps sites every was confirmed prediged a 6-foot time to stet there.
real-life trial afer second—scientis usinst sea surface wave and prompted — erin mccarthy

18 september 2010 | pOpuL armechanIcs.cOm i l l u s t r at i o n b y m i k e d o l a n

• SmArt deSign

curved inner walls covered by
a TransparenT polymer skin
maximize sun exposure, so The
farm needs no grow lighTs. Natalie Jeremijenko, an
engineer and environmental
health professor at New
York University, has
developed a roostop
greenhouse that taps into the syems of
The sTreamlined inTerior the building below. Taking a cue from
opTimizes air circulaTion
for The planTs inside. mutually supporting organisms in nature,
Jeremijenko’s design circulates oxygen
from plants to the people inside and
routes carbon dioxide to the plants. ce
greenhouse reuses the building’s
graywater—water that drains from
bathroom sinks and drinking fountains—
for irrigation. Some plants can also filter
harmful fumes, such as formaldehyde
from gas oves and pressed wood
produfs, that can accumulate in
buildings. Many roofs can’t take the
weight of a greenhouse, so the roostop
The bulge aT The boTTom rufure uses eel ilts to diribute
sTores waTer needed for
The hydroponic sysTem. the extra pounds direfly to the building’s
load-bearing walls. — RobeRt GoodieR
• tech watch

• crY for help • t h e a f t e r m at h

submissions and had over 1000 yet to The Future of Spilled Oil
hundreds be evaluated. While Coa Guard WhAT WILL hAPPeN TO The
respond to officials would not release details
about individual proposals, officials say
millions of gallons of crude

coast Guard that at lea a handful of the ideas in

the white papers will eventually be
MexICO? — AmBer Angelle
And CAssie rodenBerg

plea for teed, althousth none has been

fa-tracked to the stulf. 1 WEEK Waves and wind mix oil
cleanup tech ge Coa Guard’s outreach is a
with water to form a
subance resemblinst chocolate
diref response to the lack of feedback mousse. Up to 40 percent of the
ge sinkinst of the Deepwater Horizon BP offered for ideas that flooded the surface oil evaporates, leavinst behind
oil rist in the Gulf of Mexico, and the company acer it solicited input from more viscous compounds. Plumes of
subsequent stush of millions of stallons the public, says Coa Guard Lt. Cmdr. crude deep below the waterline are
of petroleum, exposed a artlinst lack C.T. O’Neil. gis experience, he says, not broken down by sunlistht, and
of tools for cleaninst extensive spills. A unlike that one, will “provide a process they spread with undersea currents.
month acer the explosion on the by which people will know whether
BP-leased rist, the United States Coa their idea can help in the current fistht
Pellet-size balls form
Guard issued a call for new technolo- astain the oil.” 1 MONTH
on the surface as the
sties that could help control the Many firms, larste and small, see an oily mousse breaks up. Plankton
catarophe. opportunity in the acermath of the spill. absorb the oil/water mix and excrete
ge reque detailed five “technol- “Acer the Exxon Valdez, the entire tainted metabolites that settle to the
osty stap areas” related to oil-spill indury transitioned to double-hulled bottom, damastinst larval shrimp, crab
response, includinst methods to cap tankers,” says Glenn Rink, the founder of and fish. On beaches, oil arves plants
rostue wellheads, better skimminst artup AbTech Induries, whose Smart of nutrients and kills emerstinst shoots.
vessels, next-steneration oil disper- Sponste polymer has now attrafed
sants and fresh methods to detef and intere from BP acer years of rejefion
by enersty firms. “ge queion is, what ge surface oil has
track spreadinst oil. ge public has not 1 YEAR broken into hydrocarbon
held back: Within two weeks, the sweepinst chanstes will come from this
components that allow water and
Coa Guard screened more than 420 disaer?” — Erik sOfgE carbon dioxide to re-form. In the
wetlands, small creatures that
depend on dead plant material for
nutrients have exhaued that supply.
Numbers of crab and shrimp plummet.

Beaches and wetlands

5 YEARS appear rehabilitated, but
asphaltene—oil residue mixed with
sediments—linsters beneath the sand
and in pools in the bayous. Invasive
plant species have taken root; the
annual loss of wetlands accelerates
from 25 square miles to up to 40
square miles.

Underwater oil
10 YEARS plumes ill persi.
Baferia feainst on the oil consume
oxysten, creatinst a shortaste that
suffocates life. Squid, sperm whales
and whale sharks decline. ge plumes
may eventually dric into the Atlantic,
where they threaten coral reefs.

Caches of oil, trapped in

Skimminst ships 20 YEARS understround pockets,
and relief well linster on shore. gese do little harm
drillinst crews unless unearthed by orms, animal
respond to
afivity or man-made disruptions.
the spill.
Abovestround, wildlife has returned but
species’ life cycles have been altered.

20 september 2010 | pOpUL ArmeCHANICs.COm

• 21st- century dogfights New Eyes for an Old Airplane

The Air Force this year deployed F-15C

Golden Eagle warplanes with new active
electronically scanned arrays (AESA) that
can track more targets with precision and
can guide several missiles at once. AESA’s
digital beams, which replace radar that
turns mechanically, are agile enough to
spot cruise missiles and enable the F-15C
to shoot them down with air-to-air missiles.
(The Air Force is now testing a system that
enables the F-15Cs, built in the late 1970s,
to shoot down ballistic missiles as well.) The
radar upgrade will also change dogfighting
strategies. Although engineers designed the
targeting radars of the F-22 Raptor stealth
airplane to be hard to detect, there is always
a chance other crafts’ sensors could spot the
Raptor’s electromagnetic emissions. To
guarantee a Raptor can shoot and remain
unseen, an F-15C can do the targeting for it,
using AESA to track an opposing airplane
from outside the enemy’s radar range while
the Raptor closes in for the kill. The F-15C
then beams the targeting data to the Raptor,
which takes the shot with a heat-seeking
missile. — joe pappalardo
Gear + Tools + Toys

the In concept, a portable turntable
may seem fairly ridiculous. But for

Tables vinyl devotees looking to bring their

LPs on the road or simply acquire
a retro desktop centerpiece, the
Crosley Revolution turntable ($150) may prove irresistible.
It runs on batteries, pumps out music through a headphone
jack or built-in speakers and is just slightly bigger than the
record it’s playing. A USB conneion makes the Revolution a
convenient tool for digitizing a vinyl colleion. — Seth PorgeS

PhotograPh by Jamie Chung POPUL ARMECHANICS.COM | SEPtEMBER 2010 23

• upgrade

Are They
Worth It?
Sure, $1150 is an insane Eye in the Sky
amount of money to spend on a ou don’t need to be the pentaston to own a video camera
pair of earbuds. But the world of crammed into a remote-control aircraf. Like a pint-size
audiophile tech is filled with such predator UAV, the foam Air Hosts R/C Hawk Eye ($65) flies
insanities. So what do JH Audio’s around the house snappinst up gill shots and videos. A few
cugom-molded, eistht-driver hundred photos or up to 5 minutes of footaste can be gored
JH16 Pro in-ear headphones before beinst off-loaded to a computer.
sound like? e cugom moldinst
almog completely blocks out
ambient noise, lettinst you focus
on the music at much lower
volumes (there’s no crankinst the
dial to drown out trains and
planes), and the audio fidelity
over almog the entire frequency
ranste is agonishinst. So are they
38 times better than a $30 set of
iPhone headphones? Maybe not,
but consumers can gill stet all the
advantastes of cugom moldinst
with JH Audio’s relatively cheaper
$400 dual-driver JH5 Pro, which
may acually be 13.3 times as
stood as gock iPhone earbuds.

Small Game We’ve always a portable staminst sygem that handles

been skeptical of so-called edutainment some of the beg-made children’s
stames for kids—which tend to pass off stames around, alonst with the
a shootinst stame with some shoehorned company’s curated online community.
math or spellinst problems as a learninst And no more lendinst out your
produc. but we’re impressed with the Kindle—the explorer is desistned to
LeapFrost Leapger Explorer ($60), double as a kid-friendly e-book reader.

24 september 2010 | pOpUL ArmeCHANICs.COm

• upgrade

• abusive lab test Ruggedized Cameras

he allure of a ruggedized camera is obvious—aster all, Grime Test
who hasn’t lo a point-and-shoot to a toilet or a We sealed the cameras in a
tumble? to see how well these models hold up, we container full of dirt, sand and
put three of them—including one Flip-yle mini- du for three days, regularly
camcorder—through a battery of tes. by Seth PorgeS shaking the package.
casio: e bits of dirt that got
into the camera’s doors and
crevices were nothing a Q-tip
couldn’t handle.
kodak: e Kodak saw the lea
dirt seep in, if only because its
monolithic frame had the fewe
nooks and crannies.
olympus: A few pieces of sand
worked their way into various
hinges and crevices, and some
particles seemed to interfere
with the flip-up lens cover.
winner: Kodak.

Water Test
We submerged the powered-on
cameras in a tank of water for
three days, occasionally taking
casio: What’s a bit of water?
e camera proved to be truly
kodak: e camera emerged
from the three-day swim
completely unharmed.
olympus: Yep—survived it.
winner: ree-way tie.

Drop & Smash Test

To te for drop-proofness, we
released the cameras from
incrementally increasing heights.
We then laid them on concrete
and smashed them with a metal
baseball bat until they broke.
casio: Casio claims its camera

pHOtOgrApHs bY jeffreY WestbrOOK/stUdIO d (CAmerAs)

can survive 7-foot drops. Ours
breezed through a 10-foot
ceiling-height fall unscathed.
Aster one hard bat smash, the
screen was a cracked mess, but
the camera ill worked. One
more hit and it was over.
kodak: is camera’s claim to
resi 2.5-foot drops was far too
mode—the playsport took our
Casio EX-G1 ($230) Kodak PlaySport ($150) Olympus Stylus Tough-8010 ($400) 10-foot fall like a champ. e
baseball bat was another ory:
One hit broke a hinge and
cracked the screen beyond use.
olympus: e claim: 6.6-foot-
drop survival. e reality: A
10-foot fall was no problem. but
one hard hit from a baseball bat
lest us with a dead camera.
winner: Casio.

bottom line All three cameras proved exceptional at withanding grime, water and drops. And while the Casio’s ability to
withand a hard hit from a bat was particularly impressive, all of them can handle mo common calamities.

26 september 2010 | pOpUL ArmeCHANICs.COm PhotograPh by dan saelinger

• upgrade

two years
ago, two snipers
from the Army
Unit approached
Leatherman with
an idea: Combine
a standard pliers
and knife with
specialized tools
for maintaining
m-16 and Ar-15
rifles. e company
responded with the
Leatherman MUT
Military Utility Tool
($170), which
contains a bolt-
override tool
to clear jams,
a bronze scraper
A Free-er Phone
to remove carbon t’s difficult to call the
deposits and a modern mobile phone
/8-inch steel punch world a free market.
for disassembly. Ager all, just about any
e tool has phone worth its salt is
already been tested tied to a particular carrier
by marines in Iraq for months—or even
and Afghanistan. years (iPhone, we’re look-
ing at you)—ager its
launch, forcing many
would-be buyers to
either forgo a purchase
or suffer a hegy fee for
ditching their mobile
contrac early. fe
Samsung Galaxy S
(price not set) line of
phones is an exception—
over the course of the
summer, the Android-
clear jamS,
powered handset is
diSaSSemble being released on all
m-16S, STab
four major mobile
The muT iS a carriers, with only
go-To Tool subtle variations
for weaPon
mainTenance between the models.
in The field.

Plunge Taker
e fac that it can make
a plunge cut—that is, a cut
beginning in the middle of a
workpiece, used when routing ducwork, sands molding
a groove or carving a mortise— edges and routs holes in
signals that the Dremel Trio drywall for elecrical boxes.
($100) goes beyond the e bit spins at up to 20,000
typical lightweight hobbyist’s rpm; the head articulates
rotary tool. Using proprietary in a 90-degree elbow pivot,
3/ 6 -inch shank bits, the 12-volt and, on a dusty day in our test
lithium-ion tool cuts laminate labs, we successfully trio-ed
flooring or galvanized every material listed above.

28 september 2010 | pOpUL ArmeCHANICs.COm

• upgrade

Internet leaks
may have
siphoned off
some of the
surprise, but the
Apple iPhone 4
($200 to $300)
is gill the iconic
device’s mog
upstrade since
the oristinal
launched four
years asto.
New to the
features lig:
a front-facinst
camera for
video calls, the
ability to shoot
and edit 720p
hi-def video, an
LED flash-
camera and
a ridiculously
960 x 400
pixel screen
(previous iPhone
screens were
480 x 320). Still,
with other
carriers already
releasinst 4G
phones, it’s
harder than ever
to istnore the
weaknesses in
AT&T’s troubled
3G network.

Controller- But now that the video-stame

Free Gaming Microso Kinec immersion we’ve
We’ve been (price not set) is been harborinst
followinst this here, we gill can’t since we firg saw
stegure-command help but feel a bit Tron. (fe player
sygem for the stiddy. fe sygem controls the stame
Xbox 360 since it uses depth- by wavinst his limbs
was announced as perceivinst cameras throusth the air.)
Projec Natal more to fulfill the dreams When Microso
than a year asto. of full-body builds this tech into
believe us, it
will—well, that
could be the day
we ditch our
computer mouse
for stood.
m u s ta n g g t 5 0 0 + c h e v y h e a v y - d u t y

pickup + the world’s cheapest car


Attention Seeker ge all-new five-passenger Juke joins Nissan’s

lineup as the Rostue’s rambunious little brother.
It trades the bistster crossover’s spacious interior for
a taut, rally-inspired body with sporty intentions. A new turbocharsted 1.6-liter
2011 four-cylinder fueled by dire injeion sends over 180 hp to either the front or
juke all four wheels. Befittinst this hatchback’s mission, a six-speed manual is an

alternative to the candard CVT. Drivinst a prototype near L.A., we found the Juke
price easterly dove into corners with little body roll and hunst on like a hot hatchback.
(est) ge fun continues inside with attraive stlossy red panels and a st meter that
measures lateral and lonstitudinal acceleration. — BASEM WASEF


Audi A1
n e w c a r s
test drives

Ford mustang

mini Fighter
If fuel prices someday zoom skyward, Audi will
be ready with the new not-yet-sold-in-the-U.s.
A1. sized about equal to the mini, the A1
shares its platform with the VW polo and offers
a wide range of fuel-sipping engines, including a
risk taker track steed the pen and blaed
diesel. ste sportie version employs a turbo
Coupes are typically ste Hog pen is a out like a greased hog.
notoriously tricky With 550 hp—10 more 1.4-liter motor that has plenty of spunk yet ill
the more outwardly
attracive versions of downhill right-hander than la year—the returns over 40 mpg. A miniaturized version of
pracical four-door at Virginia Interna- supercharged V8 and the A8’s interior proves that small cars don’t
sedans. so looks tional raceway and an six-speed transmission have to feel cheap—there’s even a decent-size
matter. On a recent ideal proving ground then made quick work cargo area. Audi says that a U.s. version is at
drive of the fir Cts for the improved Ford of the ensuing
raightaway. ste
lea a few years away—a pity, since the A1’s
Coupe ($38,990), shelby Gt500. Lighter
opinions varied on by 184 pounds— $53,645 convertible upscale duds and frugal energy use would suit
the success of the thanks in part to an version is likewise many urban drivers. — andrew english
car’s unique body. aluminum engine improved with extra
mo loved it, but block—and shoed with body iffening, but for
some thought it a revised suspension track work, ick to the
looked too much like and grippier new iffer, less expensive
a hatchback—that’s Goodyears, the fae $48,645 hardtop.
the kind of split muang charged into — larry weBster 2011
reacion that ofen Cadillac
follows good but Cts Coupe
risky design. Cadillac,
it seems, is keen to
make some waves.
Appearance aside,
the Coupe drove as
brilliantly as the
sedan, with the same
304-hp V6 and
planted chassis. ste
interior is handsome.
All-wheel-drive is
available, and later
this year a hot-rod V
version debuts.
— Ben stewart

34 september 2010 | pOpUL ArmeCHANICs.COm


Zoom box its front wheels through inevitable comparisons

Mazda developed its a four-speed automatic to its corporate cousin,
subcompag car for the or a five-speed manual, the Mazda2 has a lot to
European market and for 33 to 35 mpg on the offer for its $14,730
took World Car of the highway. Trouble is, base price, including
Year honors in 2008. Ford’s Fiefa gets up to ABS, dynamic fability
stis year, the 40 mpg while pumping control and side-curtain
third-generation 120 hp through a airbags. And it’s quiet
Mazda2 legitimizes the six-speed dual-clutch inside. Maybe too quiet.
title by finally entering gearbox. stat sort of — Kevin a. Wilson
the U.S. market. ste takes the wind out of
smiley-faced little Mazda’s “zoom-zoom”
five-door hatchback’s ads. Still, despite the
1.5-liter four-cylinder
engine routes 100 hp to

Honda VFR ++ ++

Dual Shicer
Honda’s new VFR 1200F offers an automated dual-clutch
gearbox that either shics on its own or by a driver-operated
handlebar switch. It’s coupled to a compag 170-hp 1.2-liter
V4. Upshics are nearly seamless, and the computer executes
perfeg, rev-matched downshics. With antilock brakes, the
VFR is one of the easief bikes to seriously blur the scenery.
Plus, there’s a concerted mechanical sense to the bike,
lending excellent levels of refinement. ste only downside is
the fiff $17,499 price tag. — Barry Winfield
n e w c a r s

porsche Cayenne
s Hybrid
test drives

Cayenne peppier hyundai’s

first hybrid
40 percent smaller
and 10 percent
39 mpg on the
highway and get to
Next year, porsche joins the eco-conscious crowd with the fe sonata Hybrid, more efficient than 62 mph in 9.2
Cayenne s Hybrid. With a nickel-metal-hydride battery pack and on sale late this the nickel-metal- seconds. It can
a 47-hp elegric motor assisting a 3.0-liter blown V6 engine, year as a 2011 hydride batteries in even drive on
there’s 333 hp and more torque—428 lb-c—than the V8 model. model, eschews the Ford and elegric power
Yet this sUV uses less fuel than the V8, with an estimated the torque toyota hybrids alone for up to 10
converter in its (which run two miles. Acer a quick
mid-20s combined epA figure. fanks to a clutch between the
six-speed motors). fe spin, we can report
engine and eV motor, this hybrid can operate in eV-only mode automatic in favor sonata’s single that the clutch
up to 40 mph and when cruising. — james tate of an elegronically motor and 2.4-liter does a credible job
controlled clutch four-cylinder unit of managing torque
and 30-kilowatt produce 209 hp transfers, and it’s
motor. fe new and 195 lb-c of fun to drive. pricing
lithium-polymer torque. Hyundai will likely start at
battery pack is claims the car around $26,000.
++ Chevy
35 percent lighter, will achieve up to — john stewart
silverado HD


heavy hitters towing capacity

While the 2011 (21,700 with a
Chevrolet silverado fich-wheel rig) is
Heavy Duty pickup best-in-class. fe
shares most sheet revamped 6.6-liter
metal with the Duramax V8 diesel
1500, there’s a develops 397 hp
whole new truck and a stunning 765
underneath. fe lb-c of torque. And
fully boxed frame is it’s quieter. A base
five times stiffer, rear-drive silverado
torsionally, than the 2500HD starts 2011
previous model, under $29,000, but Hyundai
which improves ride a loaded dually sonata Hybrid
quality and hauling diesel 3500HD
capability. fe pushes $60,000.
17,000-pound — kevin a. wilson

36 september 2010 | pOpUL ArmeCHANICs.COm

Saab 9-5


Reborn From Jets

“e 9-5 demongrates we’re alive and kickinst,” said Vicor Muller, Saab’s new
CEO, afer GM unloaded the Swedish brand. Developed on GM’s Epsilon II
platform—which underpins the Buick LaCrosse—the Saab 9-5 Aero XWD
($49,165) is Saab’s firg new produc in years. Unique tuninst for the GM turbo
2.8-liter V6 produces 300 hp and 295 lb-f, which stets the Aero XWD to 62
mph in 6.9 seconds. While drivinst the car at speed, we found that the 9-5
exhibits very little wind noise, bumps are nicely absorbed, the enstine is quiet,
corners don’t slow you down and downshifs are virtually undetecable. In
other words, it’s alive and kickinst. — wes siler

cost cutter than 10 bucks a day, overtaxed. Direcional

For jug $2500, the Tata the Nano is a gudy in gability restigers on the
Nano has both air condi- cog containment. A nestative scale, but com-
tioninst and a radio. decent amount of pared with the Nano’s
ese are unexpeced interior room has been competition—rick-
luxuries in a car that’s carved from a car that’s shaws, bicycles covered
meant to put about the same size as by tarps—it’s like a
India’s—and the reg of a Mini. But pile in four Cadillac. Tata says an
the developinst people, as we did durinst EV version heads to
world’s—middle class a recent teg drive in Europe next year.
on wheels. Befittinst Germany, and the tiny, Someday, a modified
markets where the rear-mounted 33-hp model may hit the U.S.
averaste waste is less two-cylinder feels — J.T.


Tata Nano CX
photos in the team’s pub-

Carhacked! lished report, the researchers

chose not to identify the car,
As cars head toward full because in their view the
elefronic control, are they experiment could have been
vulnerable to cyber attack? done on any number of late-
n e w c a r s

by glenn derene model vehicles.

Reports like this could eas-
ily be sensationalized to make
it appear as if our cars have a
potentially dangerous elec-
tronic vulnerability. But com-
puter-security pros have seen

no evidence of sophisticated
criminal networks of car hack-
ers. Besides, most drivers
would notice if a laptop was
jacked into the underside of

their dashboards.
But the threat is not purely
theoretical. In March, 20-year-
old Omar Ramos-Lopez, a
disgruntled former employee
of Texas Auto Center in Austin,
remotely disabled more than
100 cars owned by customers
by hijacking the dealership’s
vehicle-immobilization system.
ce controversial system is a
produf of Pay Technologies,
which produces remotely
addressable black boxes that
dealers can install under the
dashboards of drivers with
high-risk loans. If a customer
stops making car payments,
the GPS-enabled boxes can
provide the location of the
ast November, on a closed airport runway north of Seattle, vehicle, shut it down and honk
researchers from the University of Washington and the Univer- the horn to make reposses-
sity of California–San Diego performed an ominous experiment sion easier.
on a late-model sedan. With a chase car driving on a parallel Ramos-Lopez’s simple
runway, they sped the test vehicle up to 40 mph, then turned hijacking of the Pay Technolo-
off the brakes—via Wi-Fi. “Even though we knew what gies system was hardly an
was going to happen, it’s a very unsettling feeling to involved elefronic breach, but
it highlights how much dam-
age a dedicated attacker or
have a loss of control,” says Alexei another laptop in the chase car. In addi- disgruntled insider can do in a vehicle in
Czeskis, the researcher who was driving tion to temporarily rendering the test car which almost every mechanical system is
the test car. “You get full resistance from brakeless, the setup also allowed the computer-controlled. ce threat of digital
the brake pedal, but no matter how hard team to remotely turn off the vehicle’s vehicle takeover seems to have come out
you press, nothing happens.” headlights and brake lights, turn on the of nowhere, but the technological shis
The test sedan had a laptop hooked wipers, honk the horn, pop the trunk, rev that have made it possible have been
into its OBD II diagnostic port. On the the engine, disable specific cylinders, advancing in fits and starts for decades.
computer was a custom-coded applica- engage individual brakes and completely Onboard vehicle computers date back to
tion, called CarShark, which analyzes and shut down the vehicle while in motion. the late 1960s and have evolved into
rewrites automobile soware. cat laptop Although the make and model of the complex networks of elefronic control
was linked via a wireless connection to test sedan are easily identifiable from units (ECUs) that are highly intercon-

38 september 2010 | pOpUL ArmeCHANICs.COm I L L U S T R AT I O N B Y P e t r a S t e f a n k o v a

neged and osten interdependent. According to OnStar representative
For years, astermarket performance Jim Kobus, the company’s service has
tuners have been reverse engineering never been compromised, and there are
ECUs to tweak fuel mixing, ignition and multiple security protocols built into the
valve timing, among other variables. “It’s OnStar sycem. fe University of Wash-
not easy, for sure,” says Mike Wesley, ington and UCal San Diego researchers
president of the tuning shop DiabloSport. did not break through any embedded
“In a typical engine ECU there may be wireless sycems, but according to team
5000 things we can change that affeg leader Professor Yoshi Kohno, compro-
how the engine performs.” Tuners repro- mising such a system isn’t out of the
gram to improve performance, but realm of possibility.
according to Wesley, any changes in code Computer-security pros agree that
must be done carefully or unintended there is little reason for drivers to worry
consequences can arise.
“Powertrain controls are
becoming very complex
and interrelated,” he says.
“If you change certain
things in the engine ECU,
for example, this can have
an effeg on how the throt-
tle body reacts. It may
open unexpegedly.”
So either by accident
or by malevolent intent, a
few damaged data pack-
ets can have a disacrous
effect. The potential for
mayhem has recently been In a recent experiment, researchers controlled
amplified thanks to the a car via a laptop conneged to the OBD II port
increase of in-vehicle wire- and sent a message (below) to the dash.
less systems. The most
widespread of these sys- today, since the chances
tems is OnStar, a sub- of random hackers kill-
scription cellular ser- ing your brakes on
vice that interfaces the interstate are
with equipment on slim to none. Yet
moc GM vehicles. now is the time,
OnStar has they say, for the
access to vehicle auto industry to
diagnostic infor- cart concentrat-
mation as well as ing on cyber secu-
many component- rity. “We should
c o n t ro l s y s t e m s . learn from infamous
OnStar advertises a fea- examples in the general
ture called Stolen Vehicle computer inducry of what
Assicance, which can, in coop- not to do,” says Tiffany Rad, a
eration with law enforcement, remotely lawyer, hacker and lead evangelic for
locate a vehicle, then slow it to a cop. the OpenOtto project, which aims to
OnStar, however, is hardly the only promote open-source code for automo-
sycem using wireless technology. Ford’s bile ECUs. “If cars are going to commu-
newec Sync sycem can turn its vehicles nicate with each other or be able to
into Wi-Fi hotspots, and both GM and access the Internet, information-secu-
Ford are encouraging third-party soft- rity professionals should be working
ware developers to design apps that with the mechanical and elegrical engi-
integrate smartphone sostware (such as neers in designing the software and
Pandora and Google Maps) with vehicle- hardware for cars from the firc line of
telematics sycems. code to the lac.” pm
Auto Exotica continental
intelligent tire
While the followinst collecion of automotive components may seem unusual now,
Continental’s lateg tire sensor
in a few short years, these incremental advances could represent the norm. stoes way beyond simply
staustinst pressure. It also
emergency optima sports measures the tire’s tempera-
n e w c a r s

steer assist ture, load and acceleration

camber tire forces—information that can
A gep in the apparent Tire technolosty typically be put to a variety of uses. For
march toward autonomous example, based on the data,
evolves slowly, which makes the car’s computer can tell the
cars is a sygem called the Camber Tire from driver when the tires are worn
Emerstency Steer Assig Optima Sports noteworthy. out or suststeg a histher tire
pressure to compensate for
(ESA). Developed by e Camber Tire’s inner extreme cornerinst behavior
Continental, ESA helps a sidewall is shorter than the or histh loads. And why not

driver avoid a possible outboard, which tilts the top remind the driver that it’s
NOrmAL tIrE time to switch to snow tires?
impac by varyinst the of the tire inward, toward Plus, these new sensors are
power-geerinst-assig level. the car. is increases the approximately the size of a
Here’s how it works: When tire’s nestative camber, an bottle cap and are easy to
ingall because they affix to
ESA determines (via radar alistnment specification that the tire, not to the valve gem,
auto tech watch

sensors) that a crash is car racers use to enhance like the units in use today.
e technolosty will appear
imminent and you need to strip while cornerinst. On the on histh-end luxury cars firg,
swerve to avoid an impac, histhway, however, too much probably by 2013, and mistrate
it alters the geerinst effort nestative camber puts only to maingream models as the
cog comes down.
to make it hard to turn the the inner portion of the — james tate
wheel ristht, for example, but tread in contac with the
easy to turn it lef. e road, resultinst in uneven
sygem then works with wear and dicey graistht-line
gability control to further gability. e Camber Tire
manaste the afereffecs maintains its tilt while
of the swerve. As yet, no keepinst the tread flat on the
carmaker has implemented tarmac. e company hopes
ESA, but that, too, could to have producion versions
chanste course quickly. — j.t. in a couple of years. — l.w. CAmbEr tIrE

I L L U s t r At I O N s b y m E r C È I g L E s I A s

eco pedal

Pedal Pusher
We’ve lonst known that drivinst behavior has a sistnificant impac on fuel economy, which
is why Infiniti’s new Eco Pedal makes so much sense. When switched on with a console-
mounted dial, this pedal stently resigs quick or lonst dabs of the throttle pedal, encourast-
inst more prudent acceleration. e driver can easily override the feedback, but it’s a
congant and effecive reminder of stood hypermilinst techniques, and as a bonus it helps
erratic drivers smooth their drivinst gyle. Infiniti says that the pedal increases real-world
fuel economy by between 5 and 10 percent. Currently only on the new M sedans; expec
more Nissan producs to stet this feature in the near future. — larry webster

40 sEPtEmbEr 2010 | POPUL ArmECHANICs.COm

j A y L e N O ’ s g A r A g e

e American-made
Ace motorcycle set
speed records that
remained unbroken
for years.

when america Two long hand levers sprout upward

ac e d m oto rc yc l e s from the left floorboard—one works

the shifter, the other the clutch,
> B Y j AY l E n O which also operates with a foot pedal.
> p H OTO g R A p H B Y j O H n l A M M
You can use either one.
In some ways, riding the Ace is
more like driving a car. To start, you
hen I rIde my restored 1924 Ace motorcycle disengage the clutch with the foot
to places where motorcyclists go, like the Rock pedal, slide the shift lever with your
Store, a tavern on Mulholland Highway near hand into first gear, put your hand
Malibu, it always gets attention. That’s probably back on the handlebars and then
because it still looks like a superbike, like some- slowly release the clutch to pull away.
thing special. Other riders give you the thumbs- You have to remove your hand from
up. Even non-motorcyclists say, “Wow. What is the bars for every shift. As you’re roll-
that?” But it’s a tricky machine to master because ing toward a stop sign, you try and
other than the twist-grip throttle, the controls are find neutral and put the clutch in. In
completely foreign. a panic situation, you use the hand
The Ace has twin external-contracting rear clutch so both feet are free to operate
brakes, so it’s got a brake pedal at each footboard. the brakes, which is tricky because

42 september 2010 | pOpUL ArmeCHANICs.COm

After Henderson was killed in a better oil circulation.
jay leno’s garage/// motorcycle accident in late 1922, his Modern “fixes on fixes” often do
the ace motorcycle
successor, Arthur O. Lemon, refined more harm than good. Some people
the Ace even more, and it became one want to convert an antique bike from
the left-side brake is at the rear of the of the world’s finest motorcycles. 6 volts to 12 volts. But if you just
floorboard, but the other one is at There were a few foreign motorcycles restore it to the way its designers
the front. As I was learning to ride the with four cylinders in that era, like the intended, you’ll have a fast, reliable
Ace, a number of times I sailed right FN from Belgium, and England’s Ariel motorcycle. That’s what we did. And
through red lights. “’Scuse me! Thank Square Four and the Brough Superior. that’s why the bike starts on the first
you! ’Scuse meee!” I guess that’s the But the American fours were superior or second kick.
downside, but having to think so in power and reliability, and the Ace When I was 16, I went into a Tri-
much connects you to the machine. continued to set records. umph dealership and looked at a
At least the Ace starts on the first In 1923, riding a lightweight Ace, new Bonneville. There was a sticker
kick and settles into a nice idle, Red Wolverton made back-to-back on the tank that read, “For the Expert
thanks to its high-quality magneto timed runs on a section of Pennsylva- Rider.” I thought, “That’s me; I just
ignition that always sparks. And nia highway, averaging 129 mph. got my license.” The Bonnie was con-
there’s plenty of torque, so you can Then they bolted on a sidecar, and he sidered one of the fastest bikes you
slow waaaayyyy down in top gear, roll posted a sidecar record of 106 mph. could buy, but it still couldn’t do
on the throttle and chug away. These The Ace Motor Corporation was so what the Ace did in terms of top
days, performance is about zero to confident, they offered a $10,000 cash speed back in 1923.
60, but back in the day, whether it was prize for anyone who could beat that Sadly, over the years, the Ace heri-
a 16-cylinder Cadillac or a big motor- speed. There were no takers. tage has fallen by the wayside. Young
cycle, it was about how slow you could
go in third and then accelerate
smoothly. The Ace is a wonderfully
relaxed and refined bike because it’s
got a big 78-cubic-inch four-cylinder.
This bike can go 100 mph, but good
luck stopping from that speed.
This bike can go 100 mph,
We have William G. Henderson to
thank for both the company that bore
but good luck stopping
his name and the Ace. He founded
the American Henderson Motorcycle from that speed.
Company in Detroit in 1911 and
offered a 7-hp cycle with an inline
four-cylinder. Ignaz Schwinn—yes,
that Schwinn—bought the business
in 1917. Two years later Henderson
exited the company because his new
backers insisted on bigger, heavier The reason you don’t see many guys like European bikes because the
bikes that he despised. So he simply Ace motorcycles is that they were all only American bike they’ve ever
set up another company—Ace Motor ridden hard and poorly maintained. heard of is the Harley. When you tell
Corporation—in Philadelphia to They were beaten to death. It’s a well- them about the Ace, and the Hender-
design bikes the way he wanted. engineered but complicated motor- son, and the early Indian wins at the
His new bikes were superior to his cycle. The previous owners of my Ace Isle of Man TT in 1911, they’re
earlier effort—relatively light, fast made modification after modifica- stunned. We led the world. It’s inspir-
and reliable. Compared to the small tion. It had been “professionally ing to me to read about men like
and finicky European motorcycles of restored” by someone who didn’t Henderson and Lemon who, cost be
that time, the Ace had a big 1300-cc know what he was doing. It would damned, decided to build the best
engine, with an inlet-over-exhaust run, but after 2 or 3 miles the engine bike they could.
valve train, a giant magneto and a would heat up and “soft-seize.” Origi- It reminds me of the Mercer Race-
big, old-fashioned generator. It was nally, there were oil dippers on the about, the best sports car of its day
made to cover great distances. In connecting rods, designed to splash and one of the greatest cars of all
1922 Cannonball Baker rode an Ace oil where it was needed. These dip- time. There’s nothing on the Mercer
3332 miles from Los Angeles to New pers had all been shortened, suppos- that wasn’t needed. It wasn’t about
York in just six days, 22 hours and 52 edly because they had been hitting style; it was about form following
minutes! He averaged 48 mpg. No the insides of the crankcase. We function. That’s why it’s a classic.
wonder the cops used Aces. lengthened and drilled them for Just like the Ace. PM

44 september 2010 | pOpUL ArmeCHANICs.COm

i ’ l l t r y a n y t h i n g

return to the
stone age
> b y j e f f w i s e
> illustration by grant coghill

P M ’s Re P oRt e R fi n d s
t h at P Ri M i t i Ve h U n t e Rs
mist hangs in the forested valley as n e e d e d M oRe t h an s ki l l
dawn approaches. Somewhere a lone bird calls. I t o B aG a M e al .
sit on my haunches, listening. There are wild pigs
in this forest, somewhere. Daylight might draw
them up through this thicket to the ridgeline A robin.
behind me. My quarry is a razor-tusked beast that I’ve survived this close call, but my
can weigh several hundred pounds and is famous struggle is far from over. I’m in North-
for exacting violent revenge on hunters. I check ern California to participate in a ritual
my weapons—a wooden bow and a single stone- that many assume has been extinct
tipped arrow—and find myself wondering: Is this since the frontier days. My guide,
really a great idea? 30-year-old Cliff Hodges, is one of a
Ahead of me, a rustling in the bushes. I sink few dozen people in the country who
lower. There’s the sound again, the scritch-scritch hunt pig, bear and other big game with
of an animal rooting through leaf litter. Whatever weapons made only of natural materi-
it is, it’s close, no more than 4 or 5 yards ahead als—wood, flint and feathers.
through the undergrowth. The noise moves Hodges grew up near Silicon Val-
closer. Is it a pig? If so, I’ll have just one chance to ley and earned a master’s degree in
inflict a mortal wound. electrical engineering from MIT, but
The rustling grows closer, then stops. I catch then realized that what really spoke to
my breath. The Santa Cruz Mountains are home him was the great outdoors. He
to more than pigs. There are mountain lions, too. turned his back on high tech and
Judging from the racket, this thing is big. I’m not started a wilderness-skills school,
packing a gun or even a knife. My God, I think. Adventure Out. Primitive toolmaking,
What have I gotten myself into? he says, is a way to feel closer to the
The scritch-scritch moves closer still. I strain natural world. “We rarely get to expe-
my eyes trying to peer into the undergrowth. At rience our food as living things,” he
last, a flicker of motion, and it emerges. It’s . . . says. “Only when you see an animal

46 september 2010 | pOpUl armeChaniCs.COm

The finished piece is lightweight plausibly lethal-looking.
I ’ l l T r y A n y T h I n g / / / and surprisingly sharp. This is the The next morning, we drive up
S T o n e A g e h u n T I n g
original human technology; our ances- winding roads in the predawn dark-
tors began using sharpened rocks ness to a 200-acre parcel of private
moving in its environment can you 2 million years ago. With time, tech- land. Hodges has scouted it only once,
understand its sacrifice.” niques became more sophisticated, so which puts us at a disadvantage: What
Primitive-skills hunting is incredi- that eventually distinct cultures could indigenous hunters lack in firepower,
bly difficult. Each bow requires weeks be identified by the unique patterns of they make up for in patience, skill and
of work, as a rough stave is gradually their stonework. Archaeologists can cunning. They have to know the land
whittled and sculpted to a sinewy, tell how modern humans moved into intimately to understand the habits of
springy arc. Even so, the end product Europe around 30,000 years ago by the their prey. As newcomers, we’ll be rely-
has a lethal range of just about 15 way dainty Aurignacian blades ing to a large extent on luck.
yards. To take out a pig, a hunter has to replaced the more bludgeon-like We settle in just below a ridgeline,
get close and set up a shot from just Mousterian hand axes of the Neander- 100 yards apart, then move slowly
the right angle, so the arrow passes thals. Flint knapping is an art, but it down the slopes. After my run-in with
the robin, I break free of thick under-
brush and find myself on the edge of a
grassy glade, alone, the morning sun-
← ge author knap- light filtering through the oaks. Now I
pinst an obsid- understand the appeal of hunting: It’s
ian biface into an
arrowhead. a great excuse to go into the wilderness
↓ Cliff hodstes and just sit.
doesn’t ju hunt
with primitive Hodges once spent a week hunting
weapons—he a single buck, learning its habits so
also stets into the that he could position himself within
indistenous spirit,
fainst, sayinst firing range. Another time he went
prayers and sittinst bear hunting, and on the first morning
in sweat lodstes a 450-pound black bear appeared
before he hunts.
within feet of where he was sitting. He
spun, drew and fired in one motion,
sending an arrow through its rib cage.
It was, he believes, the first bear killed
The rustling grows closer, in California by a stone-tipped weapon
then stops. Judging in over 100 years.
from the racket, this That kind of outcome isn’t in the
thing is big. What have offing today. I spend the morning
I gotten myself into? gradually working my way down the
ravine. Near the bottom, I again hear a
large animal moving through the
undergrowth. This time, it’s Hodges.
By now the sun is high enough that any
through the rib cage behind the shoul- also requires a kind of science. “You pigs that might be around are hun-
der blade. Hodges says he bags a kill need a high level of understanding of kered down for the day.
on only one out of every 20 attempts. the physical properties of the rock,” We hike back to Hodges’s truck and
Before Hodges went on his first Hodges says. “It’s comparable to the retreat to a diner in Felton, a little town
hunt, he spent years honing his skills. fluid dynamics I studied at MIT.” tucked amid towering redwoods. One
I’m on a tighter schedule, so he starts That evening, Hodges shows me of the things the day has brought home
me with a one-day primer. He hands how to fasten the stone to the arrow to me is just how demanding primitive
me a chunk of obsidian and shows me shaft using a mixture of eggshell and technology is. Stone Age hunters had
how to hammer it with a piece of antler pine resin. This, I hope, will be my fatal to constantly hone their craft. The
to knock razor-sharp chips from its implement. I gnaw on strips of dried price of failure was starvation. Nowa-
edges. Flake by flake, the piece slowly elk sinew, softening it so that I can use days, cosseted by civilization, we don’t
assumes a rough oval shape, called a it to lash the stone more tightly to the have to be nearly as tough or clever.
biface. Hodges then employs a more shaft, and then seal the assemblage “We live in an age when so much is
precise technique, carefully pressing a with a foul-smelling glue made of done for us,” Hodges says as the wait-
small piece of copper against the edge boiled hide. Once dried, the result ress sets down steaming plates of
of the stone to flake off chips until the seems surprisingly similar to modern bacon and eggs. “And that certainly
blade reaches its desired form. synthetic resin. The finished arrow is has its advantages.” PM

48 september 2010 | pOpUL ArmeCHANICs.COm

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To SporTSmen, The Fall iS WhaT The reST oF The Year

leadS up To. read up on hoW To make The moST oF
ThiS SeaSon including greaT ideaS and TipS.
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For moST oF uS, deer SeaSon iS aS much an Wrangler Five STar premium denim
exerciSe in Social riTualS aS iT iS abouT I’m a Wrangler guy. Always have
Filling a Tag. FamilY and FriendS creaTe been, always will be. I was wearing
bondS ThaT TranScend generaTionS. one Wranglers long before I went pro,
oF The beST WaYS To make Sure ThoSe and I’ve stuck with ‘em ever since.
memorieS STick iS To acTuallY geT ouT They just fit the way jeans should
fit – relaxed and comfortable. I gotta
under The STarS and camp.
say, nothing beats Wrangler comfort.
noW, once You hiT middle age, comForT
becomeS a heighTened prioriTY. The daYS
For more inFormaTion,
oF Sleeping in The back oF Your Truck in a viSiT Wrangler.com
Field Seem Far leSS Than ideal.
The keY To comForT iS The righT gear.
here’S a ShorT liST oF eSSenTialS ThaT
Will make deer camp an annual TradiTion,
inSTead oF a Trip To The muSTY cabin
or moTel.
Next to staying dry and a good night’s sleep, great food is about as
Shelter InveStment basic as it gets. Every deer camp should have a designated cook
A good tent is as important as your hunt- (ideally, with talent) that all campers should serve like a culinary
ing rifle. Go large and make sure you meet dignitary. Clean his pots, deliver water and make sure the fire is
the following requirements. First, a cot to always ready.
sleep on. Second, if your sleeping bag is a Most cooks are pretty fussy about their gear, but you can help
20-year-old mummy bag, consider a spacious by supplying an extra camp table and an additional camp stove.
replacement. Get an over-sized rectangular Newly designed propane stoves light with the push of a switch.
bag with plenty of loft and layer it on top of a They’ll boil a pot of coffee within ten minutes, and cost less
comfortable pad for the cot. than $90.00.
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Another perennial favorite is a designated Dutch oven attendant that accrues

the responsibility of desserts from the pit of the fire. Ideally, he’ll take a deer
on the first day and you can put him to work.

cookIn tent
A dry prep area is a wise investment. Consider a canopy or what are often
called “party shelters” to provide cover for stoves and a cooking table. If
the weather doesn’t cooperate, it will really mean the difference between
everyone having a place to get out of the rain, or being stuck in his tent with
a spoon and a can of SpaghettiO’s.

cAmp SolIdArI ty
The goal is comfort and space. For deer camp, weight is not much of a
factor as long as the tailgate of the truck is close by. Invite your friends and
family to split the gear responsibilities. With a quarter of the budget you may
have spent on a motel, you can upgrade your deer camp gear substantially
and increase the comfort factor impressively.
When you stay warm, sleep well, and eat well, those nights around the
campfire will stay etched in your mind even if you don’t fill your deer tag. //
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GettinG a child interested in fishinG is learn, plan and equip for a

usually not a problem. catchinG blueGill, memorable day on the water
catfish, or trout is tailor-made for kids. The fall is one of the best times to expose a youngster
the problem is not how patient a child is, to fishing and boating. A great place to start for all
it’s how intuitive and aware the adults are. your information is the RBFF (Recreational Boating
every year, small children lonG to Fishing Foundation).
The organization is an invaluable resource that
experience the outdoors with their parents
can show you how and where to take your family
or an adult. it’s a Great opportunity to Get
fishing and boating. You can watch videos, buy a
them off the couch or the GaminG system,
license and even find a public place to wet a line.
and into the Great outdoors where a world
of possibility awaits. for more information,
takinG kids fishinG, especially their first visit takemefishinG.orG
few times, is an investment. the adult must
have a clear understandinG that the most
important Goal of the day is that the child A Time And Pl Ace
have a Great time. Consider picking a shady place where you know a fish can be
caught no matter what you throw in the water. Pick a time of day
when the child has slept and eaten, but bring a snack and some
water, just in case.
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bucket is where the action is, embrace it.

Going fishing is great fun to a four-year-old,
but so is digging for rocks in the sand.

Pi TfAllS
Although a lack of fish is not ideal, a more
prevalent risk is taking more than one child
at a time. If at all possible, especially for
their first few outings, take one angler. You
can focus the attention where needed and not
create any competitive feelings from a friend
or sibling. It can really backfire if one child
notably outperforms the other.
One of the hallmark mistakes is having the
adult fish. The child knows you can catch a
big one, and you don’t want to compete with
them. If you have to help get a fish at the end
of the line, do your level best to make them
think they caught it, not you.
If events or the weather turn, or it’s just a
not an ideal time, go do something else and
try again another day.

KeeP i T SimPle
Small anglers are not ready to become fly
fishermen or use skilled casting gear. Get a
simple pushbutton reel, a bobber and a worm.
Keep time under control, and be cautious not Then, find a cooperative sunfish. It does not matter how small the
to push just because the bite is on. If there fish, or what kind. Always make it fun, and never wear them out.
is any indication they’re ready to leave, reel Who knows? You may be teaching a future angler.
up and head in until they’re ready to go out Keep that up and you’ll hear your seventeen-year-old son, in-
again. Trust us, they will be. between texting reminisce with laughter, “Dad, remember when I
was four and we went fishing and I let all the worms swim free in
AdAPT the river?”
You are there to catch fish. However, if play- Today, that twenty-year old will be first in the boat just to spend
ing with worms or catching minnows in the a day with his dad, even in the rain. //
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Side-bY-SideS or uTv’S, are eclipSing bobcaT’S 3400 SerieS Side-bY-SideS

TradiTional aTv’S in SaleS, and The Available in five configurations, that including a diesel
SelecTion keepS expanding. buYerS are engine and a six-man crew cab, Bobcat has taken their
realizing uTv’S oFFer a SWeeTer ride, more place in the UTV market seriously.
land-moving acceSSorieS and, oF courSe, All units have fuel injection, a smooth independent
The all-imporTanT…poWer. So, leT’S look four-wheel suspension and a switch to select from
one-wheel (Turf Mode), to two-wheel or four-wheel
aT The baSicS and idenTiFY The righT Side-
drive. When engaged in four-wheel drive, all four
bY-Side For Your uSe.
wheels receive torque.
The gas engines are remarkably quiet, and the
dealer can install a heater to make those nasty winter
runnIn horSeS
days a pleasure.
Horsepower is always a question, and it’s
the benchmark of sticker shock. Many UTV’s
For more inFormaTion,
tame power with a governor to cap mph. This
viSiT bobcaT.com
limitation is not always a negative, especially
when different drivers with various experience
levels are allowed to drive. how far they can travel on a length charge. And that’s greatly
Power is a necessity when it comes to complicated by battery age, charge, temperature and hill grades.
pushing or pulling heavy amounts of materi- Another consideration is that as the UTV’s diminishes charge,
als. If you’re looking to add accessories to it exponentially drops in torque. So that mud hole you breezed
a side-by-side, consider investing in larger through on the way to your deer stand may be a sticky spot on the
models over 400 cc’s, and fuel injection is return trip.
a must. If you can keep an electric parked in a barn or on a charger
every night and you drive it less than ten miles each day, then it
reul Ar or dIeSel may be for you. If not…go gas.
If diesel fuel is stored on your property and
you plan to use your UTV more like a trac- Scoop, puSh And pull
tor than a trail transport, these small torquey Accessories for UTV’s are one of the primary reasons driving many
platforms are reliable, long-lasting and strong. users to these machines. The sophistication of these add-ons runs
However, depending on the make and model, the gamut, from being powered by a simple lever and a spring, to
they may not be as quiet, agile or speedy. winches or hydraulic pumps.
Consider if the working accessory days equal more than ten
the power of thor percent of your total time in the UTV. If so, pass on the less
If electrics have a single Achilles heel, it’s expensive winch-driven tools and go for the hydraulic accessories. //

By John Pearley Huffman

62 september 2010 | pOpULArmeCHANICs.COm

photograph by mark PEtErson

With $10 million at stake, 22 teams

struggle to design and build a
new generation of
fuel-efficient vehicles.
Students from Western
Washington University
built this carbon-fiber
special from scratch
and, like so many of the
teams, struggled to get
it ready for the X Prize.
There were no hospiTaliTY sUiTes What We FVT Racing RaceAbout
or luxury motor coaches in the infield, Might Be Association
Driving in Car: eVaro
and cocktails weren’t served. The food
2020 Class: Alternative Car: Elecric
came wrapped in plastic and was eaten Drivetrain: Plug-in RaceAbout
standing up. Glamour was in short serial hybrid (ERA)
Energy Storage: Class: Alternative
supply, but the Progressive Insurance Lithium-ion Drivetrain: Elecric
Automotive X Prize Shakedown ses- batteries, gasoline Energy Storage:
sions were car-geek nirvana. And the PM Says: An Lithium-ion batteries
aggressive and PM Says: High
teams gathered at the Michigan Inter- outlandish-looking performance
national Speedway early this past sum- machine with a wedged into an
mer were there to make history. neatly designed economy run.
hybrid package. Odds to Win:
The $10 million in prizes seemed Odds to Win: 4 to 1 12 to 1
almost incidental.
ste Future Vehicle ste erA comes from
Forget the press releases saying the Technologies (FVT) the Helsinki
X Prize is about inspiring “a new gen- three-wheeler is like metropolia University
eration of viable, safe, affordable and the upcoming of Applied Sciences
Chevrolet Volt—it and was developed
super-fuel-efficient vehicles.” It’s one runs on batteries by udents and
of the longest and most grueling auto- mo of the time. ste faculty advisers over
motive competitions ever staged. gas engine—cribbed the pa nine years.
from a 1980 Honda built with an elecric
For Chris Beebe’s team, however, GL1100—turns a motor for each of its
the chase was over. Like most of the generator to keep the four wheels—totaling
elecrons flowing 268 hp—and using
teams competing for the X Prize, his when the batteries go chassis bits from
Team FourSight had spent that beauti- flat. Shaped like a Audi’s r8 sports car,
ful early May day scrambling to get their cross between an the erA seems
F-16 and a hammer- designed for
vehicle through tech inspection and head shark, the car racetracks, not for
preliminary testing. But now, as the sun has a small frontal eking out every la
set over the empty grandstands, the vet- area and low-drag amp of range. Despite
wheels that give it a the carbon-fiber
eran mechanic was sitting in a lawn 125-mile range and a chassis, the batteries
chair outside his team’s garage sketch- sub-5-second sprint bump the scales to a
to 60 mph, the burly 3700 or so
ing technical drawings. He and his Vancouver-based pounds. It’s both a
exhausted crew were punting—throw- company claims. It rocket and a
ing together a last-second appeal to get handled the bulldozer, a complex
Shakedown’s and fa bea that
their just-disqualified TwinSight elec- challenges almo promises to be
tric car back into the competition. casually and sure expensive to produce.
“We knew we were way behind,” looked like fun.
Beebe said as he drew a proposed can-
opy. “We just thought there would be
some leniency, and there’s showing to
be none.”
Mercy isn’t part of the Automotive X
Prize. It’s a stout contest. After all, the
technological challenge is monu-
mental—designing production-ready,
market-attractive, affordable cars that
get the equivalent of 100 mpg (based on
a gallon of gas containing 115,000 Btu
of energy), meet or beat current emis-
sions regulations and have a range of
up to 200 miles. And behind that has to
be a solid business plan to produce

64 SepTember 2010 | pOpULArmeCHANICS.COm

Car: Very Light Car
Class: Mainream
Drivetrain: Internal
combuion engine
Energy Storage: E85
PM Says: A machine
optimized for the
competition. Can it
reach 100 mpg?
Odds to Win: 5 to 1

To Edison2, there are

only two absolute
virtues: low weight
and low aerodynamic
drag. Standing 53
inches high with its
wheels mounted
outboard under
fairings, the
version of Edison2’s
Very Light Car (VLC)
seems incredibly
tiny—it’s 7 inches
shorter than a Honda
Fit. ste 40 hp from
the 250-cc turbo-
charged single-
cylinder engine is
more than enough to
push the svelte
800-pound car.
Concrued around a
ceel-tube frame with
a cressed skin, the
VLC is spartan in the
extreme. Would
buyers accept that?
Or feel comfortable in
a car that seems so
vulnerable in a world
cill filled with big
trucks? And wouldn’t
it be ironic if the
big-money X Prize
went to a car powered
by an internal
combucion engine?
Car: E-Tracer If there’s one ste E-Tracer team claims, a range entertaining, and it
Class: Alternative vehicle in the is an all-eleric of over 150 miles. sailed through the
Drivetrain: Eleric competition that version of the If nothing else, Shakedown tecs.
Energy Storage: provoked contro- Swiss-built the E-Tracer is great But while the
Lithium-ion batteries versy, it was the MonoTracer to watch launch. It E-Tracer exploits a
PM Says: It’s a X-Tracer Team enclosed two- cands cill on two motorcycle’s
motorcycle that Switzerland’s wheeler (normally main wheels and inherent advantages
imitates a car E-Tracer. “It’s a powered by a BMW two smaller wheels of a small frontal
when copped. motorcycle,” one motorcycle engine). deployed on the area and low rolling
But are training competitor says, on It subcitutes a outriggers. As it resicance, is it
wheels enough to condition of anonym- relatively small silently gains speed, something your
make consumers ity. “I don’t care that eleric motor for the outriggers grandmother would
consider it? it has outriggers—it the motorcycle retra and the be comfortable
Odds to Win: 20 to 1 has to be ridden like engine and adds a E-Tracer takes off riding in? And where
a motorcycle. It’s a 200-pound battery like a light cycle from do you put the
motorcycle.” pack to achieve, the Tron. It’s undeniably groceries?

photographs by joe pugliese

Tyler Schmidt puts one of many
finishing touches on Western
Washington University’s car.
Presently, the car relies on a
midmounted Honda Insight
gas–electric powertrain, but the
carbon-fiber chassis was built to
accept several motive options.
Progressi ve A u to m ot i ve X Prize

Illuminati “We decided that if Smith’s salary from event in February 2009, 111 teams
Motor Works you have the ability to his job as a chemical from around the globe had signed up.
do something, then engineer for two and By June 2009, 97 of them had submit-
Car: Seven you have the a half years. ce
Class: Maingream obligation to do it,” front-drive Seven is a ted proposals for evaluation and quali-
Drivetrain: Elestric explains Kevin Smith, mashup of a Porsche fication. In October, 43 teams were
Energy Storage: the team’s founder. 356, a Tucker
Lithium-ion “And that’s why our Torpedo and a invited to enter the competition.
batteries motto is audere e mutant polliwog with “There was one team that submitted
PM Says: A spirited facere—to dare is to a 200-hp motor. “Our a 642-page PowerPoint presentation,”
team running on a do.” Latin motto drivetrain puts
shoegring. ce notwithganding, 97 percent of its says Steve Wesoloski, Automotive X
car’s mass makes a Smith and six friends power to the Prize director of technical operations.
200-mile range built—in a shed wheels,” Smith “They pulled in all different areas from
seem very unlikely. behind Smith’s house says, “and our drag
Odds to Win: near Springfield, coefficient is about grad school and just jammed it into a
100 to 1 Ill.—a long, limo-like, 0.165.” If the presentation. They had no real plan to
gullwing, all-elestric Illuminati’s chances
car from scratch. It are slim, it’s not for get a vehicle here, let alone go to pro-
has consumed lack of audacity. duction. They were eliminated.”
Conspicuous in its absence was any
major American-market carmaker. GM
didn’t bring the Chevrolet Volt, Nissan
left the Leaf at home, and even Tesla
chose to keep its vehicles in their stalls.
“The risk/reward equation wasn’t right
Edison2 Maingream class,
for them,” Diamandis explains. “If they
two-seat versions—
Car: Very Light Car one side-by-side and competed and lost, that was a black
Class: Alternative one tandem—are eye. If they won, people would say,
Drivetrain: Internal running under the
combugion engine Alternative rules. ‘Why didn’t you do this before the com-
Energy Storage: E85 “At Edison2, we petition?’”
PM Says: Built to the are fuel-source
rules, it’s a very agnogic,” the team very low weight and
simple design. But wrote on its blog. superior aerodynam- The Teams ThaT did enTer aren’T
it’s not a finished “Our X Prize entry is ics.” cat’s how from big research labs doing funda-
produst. powered by an racers think. All of the
Odds to Win: 4 to 1 internal combugion VLCs use the same mental investigations into new battery
engine running on minimalig geel-tube materials, far-horizon fuels or Jetsons-
ce Virginia-based E85 because we read chassis, covered spec antigravity systems. And they’re
Edison2 team is made the rules carefully and wheels and small,
up mogly of racers want to win the X turbocharged not jokesters showing up with rubber-
and former racers— Prize. Our analyses of single-cylinder band-powered balsa cars or sailboards
people good at weight, drag and engine. And if they all on skateboard wheels. They’re start-
leveraging a rule book efficiency led us away work right, Edison2
in their favor. So while ups like Aptera, small companies like

from the significant could drive home with

a four-seat version of added weight of all $10 million in prize Zap looking to expand their business,
their Very Light Car batteries toward the money. cat’s also
(VLC) competes in the simple efficiency of how racers think. educational institutions like Cornell
University, and some teams that
amount to not much more than a
10,000 of them before 2014. By compar- What Lindbergh chased (and cap- group of friends with a dream, a pole
ison, Burt Rutan had it easy: To win the tured in 1927) was the $25,000 Orteig barn and room enough on their credit
Ansari X Prize in 2004, all he had to do Prize for a nonstop flight between New cards. The one big manufacturer to
was get his spacecraft into outer space York and Paris. Diamandis revived the show up—in a super-low-key way—
twice in two weeks. Orteig Prize’s spirit in 1996 with the was India’s Tata. They’re taking proven
“The X Prize is difficult,” says Dr. creation of the $10 million Ansari X technologies like off-the-shelf batter-
Peter Diamandis, 49, who started the X Prize. After Rutan’s win, “reinventing ies, electric motors and controllers
Prize Foundation and still leads it. “It’s the car seemed the next natural chal- and pushing them (and often them-
a $10 million competition. It’s what lenge,” Diamandis says. selves) to the limits.
Lindbergh did in crossing the Atlantic.” When registration closed for the There are three Automotive X Prize

photograph by mark PEtErson POPULARMECHANICS.COM | SEPTEMbER 2010 67

classes, each with similar rules. Main- Li-Ion Aptera
stream-class cars are meant to be simi- Motors
Car: 2e
lar to what we drive today. They must
Car: EVI Wave II Class: Alternative
accommodate four people and have at Class: Alternative Drivetrain: Elegric
least four wheels and at least 10 cubic Drivetrain: Elegric Energy Storage:
Energy Storage: Lithium-ion
feet of cargo space. They must also Lithium-ion batteries
accelerate to 60 mph in under 15 sec- batteries PM Says: It looks
onds and pull at least 0.70 g’s on a skid- PM Says: A simple ready for produgion
design that could and is beautifully
pad. The toughest nut to crack, how- be rugged and finished; a true
ever, is the 200-mile range over a mix of economical. But consumer produg.
developmentally it’s Odds to Win: 3 to 2
city and highway driving. The winner, if
cill teething.
there is one, gets $5 million. Odds to Win: ste already familiar
The Alternative class is looser and 30 to 1 Aptera 2e three-
wheeler’s composite
divided into two subcategories based ste Wave II doesn’t body was impeccably
on seating position. The side-by-side look futuricic; it smooth, no wiring
class positions two passengers con- looks alien. It hails showed, and the
from Nascar doors shut tight with
ventionally, while the tandem cars seat country—Moores- neat gaps. ste Aptera
the passenger behind the driver, ville, N.C.—where crew was relaxed. All
fighter-jet style. These cars can have ex-cock-car it lacked was a
fabricators built an Monroney cicker and
any number of wheels and need a mere uncomplicated a lease deal. “When
100-mile range. machine. “It has to be someone goes to buy
brought to market at an Aptera, for all
Each winner of the two Alternative an affordable price,” pragical purposes,
subclasses walks off with a check for Li-Ion’s Bill Bratton this is what it’s going
$2.5 million. All the other teams get a says. ste Lambor- to look like and
ghini green fungion like, and
set of steak knives. Okay, that was a two-seater’s mild these are the parts
joke. They don’t even get steak knives. ceel-tube frame has and pieces that are
In four rounds of competition Honda Civic going to be on it,”
front-suspension says Marques
spread over five months (this past pieces and rear McCammon, Aptera’s
April through August), the X Prize’s fabricated swing chief marketing
arms. ste 80 officer. ste 2e’s
ad hoc staff of inspectors and judges lithium-ion battery 110-hp motor pushed
evaluated each entry, looking for cars cells run down the through acceleration
that met the competition’s criteria. car’s spine and tecs easily, and the
energize the brakes worked well.
After objective and subjective judging, front-mounted 58-hp Tricky three-wheeler
the car(s)—if any—that did all of the elegric motor. Its handling was
above most effectively would take craightforward apparent in
engineering makes it accident-avoidance
home the big check(s). a dark-horse tecs. If the batteries
In late April and early contender. deliver the expeged
150-mile range, the
May 2010, the competi- Aptera 2e will be
tion began in earnest as tough to beat.
most of the qualified
teams attended one of
two Shakedown rounds
at the speedway. This
first round wasn’t sup-
posed to be a competi-
tion. But it was.
“They said this
wasn’t a knockout
round,” said one young
member of the student-

68 sepTeMBer 2010 | pOpULArMeCHANICs.COM photographs by mark PEtErson

In early testing at the Michigan International Speedway in Brooklyn, Mich., the Edison2 cars didn’t wear the silver
body wraps—huge decals that take the place of paint—exposing the carbon-fiber bodywork. To further reduce
aerodynamic drag, those wheel skirts also cover the compact, in-rim suspension system.
Progressi ve A u to m ot i ve X Prize Batteries are an
efficient, but heavy,
energy-storage method.

staffed team from Western Washing-

ton University at the first Shakedown
event. “But they’re all knockout
rounds. And I think we’re in trouble.”
On the official X Prize website, the
rules specifically state that “The pur-
pose of this first stage is to conduct
safety inspections and on-track e Physics of Fuel Economy
dynamic safety evaluations of compe-
The AuTomoTive X Prize is An energy-mAnAgemenT conTesT
tition vehicles. Teams must submit o n w h e e l s , A n d T h e T e A m s A l l AT T e m P T T o o P T i m i z e f o u r
their cars to on-the-ground challenges bAsic chArAcTerisTics.
for the purpose of shaking out prob-
lem areas and preparing their vehicles 1 . WEIGHT
for the Knockout Qualifying Stage
Low weight is the cornerstone of a fuel-efficient vehicle because
that follows, all without risk of elimi- the amount of energy required to accelerate a car is direly
nation by the judges.” proportional to its mass. plus, lightness has a cascading effe.
But the judges were in fact elimi- A lightweight body doesn’t require a stout chassis, heavy-duty
nating entries that seemed, to them, suspension components or large brakes. And the tires can be
smaller, reducing rolling resistance.
hopelessly unprepared or unsafe.
And that unexpected pressure to per- 2. AErodynAmIc drAG
form had the garages smelling of ce power—the rate of energy consumption—required to overcome
sweat, solder and slightly moldy Sub- aero drag is a produ of the speed and the car’s aerodynamic
way foot-longs. Not all the teams resistance. Lowering the resistance requires a two-pronged
strategy: reducing the frontal area (the produ of the car’s height
were scrambling—the Aptera team and width minus about 15 percent) and the drag coefficient, which is
almost appeared to be napping—but a measure of how easily the shape glides through the air.
most had too much work to do and
3. mEcHAnIcAl EffIcIEncy
not enough people, and time was
running out. How much of the car’s onboard energy makes it to the road?
eleric powertrains are more efficient in this regard but require
WWU’s entry, for example, is an large and heavy batteries, which hurt overall vehicle efficiency.
advanced hybrid two-seater built Internal combustion engines and liquid fuel are lighter but
around a carbon-fiber tub and sus- convert only about 30 percent of chemical energy to motion.
pension components. “The big chal- Hybrids attempt to bridge the gap by capturing normally wasted
braking energy.
lenge is getting it done,” said Andrew
Brady, one of the students slaving 4. rollInG rEsIsTAncE
away on it. “Six months ago it was a Drivetrain and bearing friion play a role here, but so does the
bare chassis. But simply getting to rolling resistance of the tires. ce less rubber on the road, the
that step was a couple-year process. better, but beware of handling instability. And weight is the enemy
We also built a prototype car with the of low rolling resistance (see No. 1, above).
same chassis that we use for testing.”
Most of the day, the WWU car was
pHOtOgrApH by mArk petersON

covered in students determined to

make sure that the first-generation “Ground faults. that’s the biGGest it’s not a safe situation.”
Honda Insight–based drivetrain was thing we’re catching everyone on,” No one was talking much in the
working and that everything was bat- technical director Wesoloski said. “It garages; no one was playing music.
tened down. But the judges had issues. seems like that’s one item that several The most prominent sounds were
They didn’t think the electrical system teams have been held up on in inspec- whirring engines, sparking welders,
was properly grounded. They wanted tion. If they don’t have safety devices the clack of laptop keyboards and the
a more rigid fire-extinguisher mount. installed properly or have them occasional empty 5-Hour Energy drink
And they weren’t pleased that seats installed at all, then we’re not allow- bottle hitting the bottom of a trash
were integral to the car’s structure. ing them on the track, just because can. Screen-printed team T-shirts and

70 september 2010 | pOpULArmeCHANICs.COm

Progressi ve A u to m ot i ve X Prize

Zap $8 haircuts were the common uni- These included a “coast-down” test
form. However, Zap did bring along that generated aerodynamic and
Car: Alias
Keiko, a leggy model in a skirt and high rolling-resistance data that will be
Class: Alternative
Drivetrain: Eleric heels, to accompany its vehicle. used in the dynamometer-based Vali-
Energy Storage: Of the 26 teams that showed up for dation stage in August at the Argonne
batteries Shakedowns, 22 of them, fielding 28 National Laboratory in Chicago.
PM Says: A solid cars, passed the inspections and on- After a month of chewing on the
effort from a proven track performance tests to proceed to objective data, evaluating the business
eleric-car builder.
Odds to Win: 4 to 1 late June’s Knockout round, where the plans and assessing the consumer
competition intensified and more attractiveness of the remaining vehi-
Zap’s bist advantaste teams were eliminated. WWU snuck cles, the X Prizes will be awarded in
is that it agually
produces elegric through with a “probationary” pass, September, at an event in Washington,
vehicles. “Our main but Team FourSight’s appeal didn’t D.C. After that, who knows? At least a
focus has been the
fleet market,” sway the inspectors and it was disqual- couple of these cars—the Aptera, the
company founder ified, along with three other teams. Zap—will soon be available. But the
Gary starr says. “We Those who survived the Knockout event has sparked even greater inter-
sell trucks to cities,
corporations and went back to the speedway in July for est in efficient transportation, a result
military bases.” e the Finals round, where they repeated that makes the sweaty late nights,
three-wheel Alias all they had done before and then skinned knuckles and fried batteries
mixes a Honda Fit
windshield with a faced another fresh set of challenges. worthwhile investments. pm
Corvette rear
window. An elegric
motor identical to
the Aptera’s drives
the front wheels.
Win or lose, Zap
plans to offer the
$35,000 Alias, which
breezed throusth the
shakedown tecs,
for sale in 2011.

72 september 2010 | pOpULArmeCHANICs.COm photographs by joe pugliese

U n a c c e p ta b l e R i s k
a p o p U l a R M e c h a n i c s i n v e s t i g at i o n

b e low Mining in deep UndeRgRoUnd
chaMbeRs filled with explosive
To The miners, The
fire came as no surprise. On Jan. 19,
2006, around 3:30 pm, Carl White saw
haze near a conveyor belt inside Ara­
Methane and Massive Machines is coma Alma Mine No. 1 in Logan
dangeRoUs woRk. bUt it doesn’t
County, W.Va. At 4:20, White’s replace­
h av e t o b e d e a d ly. p M i n v e s t i g at e s
the Real pRice of coal. ment on the afternoon shift, Bryan
Cabell, noticed the haze too. He found
by christopher maag that the belt was misaligned, making it
rub and smoke.
photograph by timothy hogan
Cabell was speaking to the foreman
about the problem when, shortly after
5 o’clock, he saw red embers beneath
the belt. They soon burst into a small
blaze, which was detected immediately.
But Aracoma Alma had a history of
allowing combustible materials, such as
coal dust and grease, to accumulate to
dangerous levels. The flames quickly
grew. Handheld fire extinguishers
proved ineffective. When Cabell tried to
connect a fire hose, he discovered that
the threads of the coupling and the out­
let weren’t compatible—and then that
the water supply had been turned off.
Unaware that a fire was spreading,
Don Bragg and Ellery “Elvis” Hatfield
popul arMechanics.coM / sep teMber 2010 / 75
U n a c c e p ta b l e R i s k
a p o p U l a R M e c h a n i c s i n v e s t i g at i o n

continued to drill roof bolts in 2 Section, of them in small accidents that killed in County, W.Va., for explosive levels of
the deepest part of the mine. Elsewhere, ones and twos, like the fire at Aracoma coal dust. Getting the results would take
carbon-monoxide sensors signaled ele- Alma, rather than in the much larger four weeks. But three weeks after the
vated levels of the gas, but almost half tragedies that make national news. Most samples were collected, the mine
an hour passed before the two men of those deaths were preventable. The exploded, killing 29 people. At press
received orders to evacuate. They first Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and time, MSHA had not specified the cause
boarded a diesel-powered mantrip, but Health Administration (MSHA) issued of the disaster, but given the explosion’s
the vehicle’s route was thick with dense, 175,000 safety violations and levied force, experts believe a coal-dust fire
black smoke. Together, the 12 men $141.2 million in fines in 2009, more ignited methane.
working in 2 Section then attempted to than ever before, but with little effect on After the explosion, MSHA criticized
exit on foot. Ten escaped; the bodies of the number of avoidable fatalities. the Massey Energy Company, which also
Bragg and Hatfield were found two days Affordable, existing technology could owns the Aracoma Coal Company, for
later, lying 575 feet apart in the mine. prevent the needless loss of life. Remote repeated safety violations. In June,
sensors, wireless communications and Massey sued MSHA, alleging that it con-
a century ago, maJor computer-data management have dra- tributed to unsafe conditions at the mine
disasters like the 1907 Monongah explo- matically increased the ability of opera- by barring the company from installing
sion in West Virginia, which killed 362 tors to monitor conditions hundreds or scrubbers to capture coal dust.
miners, drew attention to the need for a even thousands of feet below the sur- Both Massey and the regulators have
U.S. Bureau of Mines to improve work- face. “It’s not that the technologies a point. Some companies, including
place safety. In the 100 years since the don’t exist,” says Raymond C. Pilcher, a Massey, have a long history of fighting
agency’s founding, a great deal has been mining consultant who chairs the common-sense rules that would make
learned about how to operate safer United Nations’ committee on coal mines safer. “Bad actors concentrate
mines. Coal mining fatality rates have mine safety. “The problems generally 100 percent on production and zero on
fallen sharply from the horrific levels of have to do with people not applying the safety,” says Dennis O’Dell, administra-
the early 20th century. technology that’s available.” tor of occupational health and safety for
“My opinion is that the majority of Take the Aracoma Alma fire: A federal the United Mine Workers of America.
the industry is always pushing for better investigation identified 16 root causes, MSHA can also be slow to green-light
safety,” says Rick Honaker, chair of the each of which contributed to the loss existing technology. There was no tech-
mining engineering program at the Uni- of life, including a missing carbon- nical reason MSHA inspectors needed
versity of Kentucky. And regulations gov- monoxide alarm at 2 Section, an inade- to wait a month for coal-dust test results;
erning mine safety have grown progres- quate fire-suppression system and handheld explosivity meters could
sively stricter, most recently with the improperly installed ventilation con- have provided data immediately. But
2006 MINER (Mine Improvement and trols. In April 2009 the Aracoma Coal partly because of MSHA’s cumbersome

photograph by getty images

New Emergency Response) Act. Nonethe- Company pleaded guilty to willfully vio- approval process, the devices won’t
less, the rate of decline in mining deaths lating mandatory safety standards and become commercially available until at
has largely flattened since the mid-1990s. paid $4.2 million in criminal and civil least 2011. “There’s a lot of frustration
With 40 fatalities recorded by July 1, 2010 penalties—the largest settlement in the with MSHA,” says James Sharpe, pub-
is already shaping up to be one of the coal mining industry’s history. lisher of Sharpe’s Point, a mine-safety
worst years of the past decade. newsletter. “And there should be.”
Coal mines are inherently dangerous d u r i n g l at e m a rc h The real regulatory flaw, however, lies
places to work. In the decade ending with 2010, federal inspectors tested the in the agency’s inability to back up its
2009, 354 miners died, nearly 90 percent Upper Big Branch Mine in Raleigh punitive actions. “There are good regula-

“fo r a f ew e xt r a p e n n i e s per t on, two days ager an april 5, 2010, explosion

co m pa nie s cou ld i m p rov e mi ne s af ety at massey energy’s Upper big branch mine
in montcoal, W.Va., rescue workers used a
sub sta nti a l ly,” s ays Ja m es s h ar pe , 560-foot rotary drill to release methane gas
from an area where miners were believed
pub l is h e r of s h a r pe’s p oi nt. to be trapped. e final death toll: 29.

76 september 2010 | popULarmeChaNiCs.Com

I n d u s t ry s a f e t y: H ow t o I m p r ov e t H e o d d s

Problem: Problem: Problem:

Mine operators ocen lack real-time data Mininst naturally produces combugible Miners workinst in low-listht conditions
on conditions understround—includinst materials like coal dug and methane. ocen injure themselves by walkinst into
methane and carbon-monoxide Too ocen, operators fail to pick up unseen hazards and cannot dete
levels—and the location of workers. loose coal and flush out the stas. fissures indicatinst areas of weak rock.

Solution: All-in-one wireless Solution: Ventgop, which Solution: A new headlamp for
sygems that combine resembles a heavy-duty miners’ helmets that allows
atmospheric monitorinst with balloon and inflates to for better vision of dansterous
trackinst and communication. create airtistht seals in mine rock formations. fe National
Wireless antennas in the mine openinsts. Widely used in Ingitute for Occupational
stather data from methane and Augralian coal mines, the Safety and Health is developinst
CO sensors, alonst with temporary sygem redires the device, which has a central
readinsts from air-pressure and the flow of fresh air while 12-volt LED histh beam
airflow monitors. Radio-fre- workers move lonstwall surrounded by a circle of
quency identification chips equipment or congru lower-power bulbs. Research-
transmit the location of permanent seals. It also helps ers hope it will stive miners
workers and equipment in real control the understround gronster listht and better depth
time, sendinst warninsts above atmosphere acer mine perception to spot cracks that
and below stround when miners evacuations or disagers. mistht indicate loose rock in
enter contaminated air or move Ventgop is listht, tousth and dark, featureless rooms coated
too close to machinery. inflates quickly. with stray rock dug.
U n a c c e p ta b l e R i s k
a p o p U l a R M e c h a n i c s i n v e s t i g at i o n

tions in place to protect miners,” O’Dell Inflating the fines, as it turns out,
says. “But enforcement is not used like it didn’t work either. Some of the largest
should be.” Massey has received thou- coal companies responded by challeng- “THE MORE DATA YOU
sands of safety citations for Upper Big ing nearly every citation. Within a year, HAVE, THE MORE LIKELY
Branch, including 425 since 1995 for the number of appeals to the review YOU’RE GOING TO CATCH A
allowing combustible materials to accu- commission grew 400 percent. By the PROBLEM QUICKLY AND
mulate and another 427 for failing to end of June 2010 it had 17,088 cases. REACT TO IT QUICKLY,” SAYS
maintain proper ventilation. Some may “That’s a huge backlog,” says Michael TRACY HAYFORD OF MATRIX
have required only simple fixes, such as McCord, the commission’s general DESIGN GROUP.
rehanging plastic curtains that had fall- counsel. “I wouldn’t use the word over-
en to the ground. “The ventilation system whelmed, but you get the idea.”
didn’t work,” Stanley “Goose” Stewart, a To reduce the caseload, MSHA started
miner who escaped the explosion, told negotiating with company attorneys.
Congress in May. Upper Big Branch, he The process results in a 47 percent drop
said, “was a ticking time bomb.” in fines on average, reducing any motiva-
Yet the mine continued to operate, tion to avoid violations in the first place.
producing 1.2 million tons of coal in “We have this crazy, perverse incentive
2009. By Massey’s estimate, the mine’s for operators to contest, regardless of
high-value coal is worth $91 a ton, so merit,” says Aaron Albright, spokesman
stopping production for half a day to for the U.S. House Committee on Educa-
perform basic maintenance could have tion and Labor, which is studying mine-
cost approximately $150,000 in lost rev- safety regulations. “It’s created a system
enue. Just three months before the Ara- where they have been able to escape
coma disaster, Massey’s CEO, Don tougher scrutiny.”
Blankenship, wrote a memo to the com-
pany’s deep-mine superintendents: “If Low f i n e s d i d n ’ t
any of you have been asked by your improve mine safety. Higher fines back-
group presidents, your supervisors, fired. So safety problems persist, along
engineers or anyone else to do anything with heart-wrenching disasters. One
other than run coal . . . you need to option Congress may consider, Albright
ignore them and run coal. This memo is says, is to levy steep penalties against Hayford with the Handheld Tracker, a
necessary only because we seem not to mining companies that bring frivolous prototype device that allows rescue
understand that the coal pays the bills.” appeals. Another is to improve protec- teams to easily locate miners.
(Despite numerous attempts by PM, tion for whistle-blowers.
a Massey representative could not be Others recommend scrapping the
reached for comment. Blankenship told existing regulatory system altogether. At pression. Instead of looking for places
a Senate committee in May that the present, violations are evaluated indi- where coal dust has accumulated, for
memo had been “quickly and poorly vidually. But that’s not how mine disas- example, risk assessment requires
drafted.”) ters actually unfold—most, like the investigators to test the safety of the
One reason repeated citations uncontrolled fire at Aracoma Alma, entire suppression system and assess
haven’t produced change: For years, the involve multiple events contributing to whether deviations from the plan are
fines were so low companies accepted a runaway chain reaction. MSHA is minor or pose actual safety risks.
them as a cost of doing business. The “geared up to write citations and collect And because companies write the
fines increased with the MINER Act, as fines. That piecemeal approach is not plans, they cannot blame the govern-
did MSHA’s power to shut down mines working,” Sharpe says. “There’s no sys- ment if something goes wrong, as
that have a pattern of safety violations. tematic look at the mine as a whole to Massey attempted to do after the Upper
However, the agency’s own rules bar it determine the hazards.” Big Branch disaster. “Don’t put any
from acting on any violation older than A more realistic model, called risk more liability on the federal govern-
24 months. The Federal Mine Safety and assessment, treats each mine as a col- ment, and thereby on the taxpayer,”
Health Review Commission currently lection of interwoven systems. In Aus- Sharpe says. “Put all the liability on the
takes 26 months, on average, to rule on tralia, regulators require mine operators company. You write the ventilation plan.
a case, which eliminates the regulators’ to write their own plans for each system, You write the roof-control plan. And if
most powerful weapon. such as ventilation and coal-dust sup- there’s a fatality, it’s your ass.”

78 sepTember 2010 | pOpULArmeCHANICs.COm

popul ar Mechanics.coM / sep teMber 2010 / 00

At the dawn of mine safety, risk Some companies, including Matrix

reduction was primarily a matter of and Airo Wireless, recently developed
removing physical hazards, such as don- pagers and phones that communicate
Battery-powered wireless
keys and oil-fed open flames on miners’ with wireless antennas hanging near the
devices handle tracking and helmets. Current safety advances focus working face and connect to the surface
communications at the River on gathering and understanding real- by redundant wireless antennas and
View Mine near Waverly, Ky. time data about the environment inside copper, fiberoptic and coaxial cable.
a mine. The disaster at West Virginia’s Such systems are less expensive than
Sago Mine in 2006 was in part an infor- installing hard-wire connections. And as
I n t h e o p e r at I o n s mation failure. Thirteen workers with all wireless systems, the costs are
office at River View, a northern Kentucky trapped underground had only one way coming down, making it easier for oper-
mine owned by Alliance Coal, air-quality to communicate their position: Bang a ators to blanket mines with sensors.
manager Gary Potts scans six computer single roof bolt with a sledgehammer. At River View, Matrix’s system uses
screens connected to the mine’s They labored in vain, wasting precious radio antennas to transmit not just
advanced atmospheric-monitoring sys- oxygen, and 12 miners died. voice communications but also read-
tem. A carbon-monoxide sensor blinks After Sago, Congress included lan- ings from methane and CO sensors. In
red. High CO levels can indicate fire, but guage in the MINER Act that required addition, it communicates with radio-
Potts suspects a diesel truck is rumbling operators to install wireless communi- frequency identification tags on min-
by. Just in case, he watches the monitor cations systems. The upgrade proved ers’ helmets to monitor workers’ prox-
until the blinking light stops. more difficult than anyone anticipated, imity to mining machines. If a miner
“The more data you have, the more Hayford says. Transmitting signals walks too close, the sensors disable the
likely you’re going to catch a problem through solid rock requires high-voltage machines to prevent the worker from
quickly and react to it quickly,” says electricity, which is unsafe in a post- getting crushed.
Tracy Hayford, director of technology accident mine with high levels of coal Since 2006, roof and wall falls have
and development for Matrix Design dust and methane. Wireless systems use killed 37 underground coal miners in
Group, an Alliance subsidiary that devel- less power but require line-of-sight
oped River View’s monitoring systems. transmission, which limits their range. C on t i n u e d on p ag e 143


3 d t V

GuidE passive, polarized stlasses.
Althousth you can’t watch 3D tV with-
out shutter stlasses, not all 3D sets come
with them. (“cat’s like sellinst you a bicy-
by Glenn Derene cle without handlebars,” one PM teer
photograph by Dan Saelinger said.) Extra stlasses co $130 to $200 a
pair, so a family of four could end up spend-
inst an extra $800 for stlasses.
Over the past 80 years, televisions have evolved from bulg- And if that doesn’t burn you up, con-
ing black-and-white tubes to svelte wall-mounted panels. sider this—currently stlasses from every
major manufacturer are incompatible.
Despite this metamorphosis, TVs have always displayed just
(Some third-party companies are makinst
two dimensions. Not anymore: By the end of the year, most universal stlasses, but none were available
major TV manufacturers will have released 3D models. Yet for teinst.) So, if you brinst your Sony 3D
with all the hype, you can’t blame customers for being stlasses to a friend’s house to watch foot-
skeptical. After all, ball on his LG 3D tV, you’ll be streeted with
3D TV is a brand-new little more than double vision.
technology, with
premium-priced sets
and a mere trickle of The Glasses
content. To see how
the tech holds up, we The Sets
put four new 3D TVs All 3D TVs require battery-powered,
through intensive agive-shutter stlasses, which use a liquid-
testing in our labs. cryal layer on each lens that turns dark As anyone who’s seen an IMAX 3D film
Here’s what you when current is applied. the lenses can tell you, 3D content works be on a
need to know before occlude each eye 120 times per second in bist screen, which is probably why manu-
you shop. response to an infrared sistnal from the facturers are only offering 3D tVs 40
television. ce tVs display 3D content at inches and up. ce edstes of the set tend to
240 frames per second, alternatinst the break the illusion that content is poppinst
view to the lef and ristht eyes to display a off the screen (“You notice the utterinst
slisthtly different anstle to each—thus the of the shutter stlasses in the area outside
ereoscopic separation that makes uff the screen,” one teer said), so the farther
The 4-hour pop. Some people claim this shutterinst the edstes are pushed to the periphery of
makes them feel nauseous or dizzy—and your field of vision, the better the effeg is.
TeST indeed, several of our teers complained those big sets can get expensive,
about just that—but the same is often thousth. Expeg to pay about 20 to 40 per-
said of 3D in movie theaters, which use cent more for a 3D tV than for an equiva-
The average
watches more
than 4 hours of
TV per day. So
what happens 1:00 hr (puT Down ThaT SeconD Screen!)
when you spend
all that time An hour into watching
watching 3D? Monsters vs Aliens on the
PM editor Seth Samsung TV, I grab my iPad,
Porges decided only to find that the screen is
to ignore pitch-black through 3D
manufacturer glasses. (Samsung’s
warnings and engineers claim this is a
find out, while result of the interaction
fellow editor between polarized shutter
Glenn Derene glasses and LCDs). Getting
monitored his work done with 3D glasses
vitals. on? Not going to happen.



lent 2D set (manufagurers claim prices before 2009 uses version 1.3 or lower, it
will come down as 3D becomes more can’t handle full HD 3D video (one notable
mainstream). Many less expensive sets are exception is the Sony playStation 3, which
labeled “3D Ready,” with IR syncing trans- can have its firmware updated to support
mitters for the glasses sold separately. HDMI 1.4).
Some TVs have a trick called 2D-to-3D Still, while older hardware can’t handle
conversion, wherein the television’s image 3D, our tests found that older HDMI 1.3
processor analyzes the video stream and cables work just fine with the new stand-
creates an on-the-fly stereoscopic separa- ard, so don’t get talked into paying extra
tion. We tried the effeg out on a Samsung for any “3D-ready HDMI” cables. Likewise,
3D TV playing a 2D Blu-ray disc of No you can probably get along just fine with
Country for Old Men, and the results were your existing home theater by using differ-
deeply weird and inconsistent. The set ent cables for sound than you do for video.
managed to corregly put agors into the Use the HDMI cable for your Blu-ray’s
foreground and stretch the desert land- video, but send audio to your receiver via
scape behind them into the distance, yet digital optical or coaxial cables.
reviewers complained that the actors
seemed to “have lines around them,” as if Fourteen volunteers
they were cut out from the scene. were shown 3D clips of
live action, animation
The Content and video games, then
asked to rate several
aspects of each set on a
The Setup scale of 1 (awful) to 5
(fantastic). To prevent
At press time, there were exa ly two bias, we taped over all
Blu-ray movies encoded for 3D (Monsters branding. Though we
vs Aliens and Cloudy With a Chance of found a clear winner,
So, if you plunk down a few thousand Meatballs), but there promise to be around we were surprised both
dollars for one of these new 3D sets, then a six by the end of the year and many more by how positive the
few hundred more for glasses, you’re ready next year. Likewise, broadcast content is impressions were (aside
to watch 3D, right? Not exagly. You’ll prob- still fairly limited. You can catch eSpN 3D from glasses comfort,
ably need a new Blu-ray player too. through Comcast, AT&T U-verse and no TV scored below a
3 average in any
The issue here is a standard called DirecTV (which also offers its own suite of
category) and how close
HDMI 1.4. HDMI is the protocol for the 3D stations); the Discovery Channel is the scores were (in
cables and interconnegs used for digital scheduled to launch a 3D network in early the Overall Opinion
hi-def video, and the standard was only 2011; and Verizon FiOS promises to add category, average scores
recently updated to 1.4 to support 3D. 3D by the end of the year. But be wary: were all between
Because audiovisual equipment sold Some providers charge extra for 3D 3.5 and 3.8).

2:00 HRS (SiT up STRaigHT!)

As I move on to Cloudy With a Chance of

Meatballs, I begin to feel the first traces of
eyestrain, and lie down to relax. But as I
lower my head, the screen turns black on
me again (darn you, polarized glasses!).
Sitting up, I notice another strange effect
of the shutter glasses: The white wall
behind the screen seems to flicker distract-
ingly. I scoot up to within 3 feet of the
screen—far closer than I’m used to—and
fill as much of my field of vision as
possible with the TV. Okay, that works.

i l lu s t r at i o n s by m r . ko n e


MANUFACTURER Sony Samsung LG Panasonic

PRICE RANGE $2100 to $5000 $1700 to $7000 $4300 to $5400 $2600 to $4300

SIZE RANGE 40 to 60 inches 40 to 65 inches 47 to 55 inches 50 to 65 inches

GLASSES $150 (two pairs included) $150 to $200 (not included) $130 (not included) $150 (one pair included)


RESULTS We tested the 52-inch Second place went to The 55-inch LG We were surprised
Bravia LX900 the 46-inch Samsung Infinia 55LX9500 that the 50-inch
($4000), which scored UN46C8000 LCD ($5000) was a beauty, Panasonic TC-
highest overall. ($2800). Samsung’s with its razor-thin P50VT25 ($2600)
Sony’s set had glasses scored profile and transpar- came in fourth—
standout performance highest (“much ent bezel. But setup though not by much.
in rendering 3D more comfortable was a chore (for some Our tech editors loved
animation (“just like than the others,” content, the user the plasma’s picture,
theaters,” one tester one tester said) must select the proper yet testers thought it
said) and games. Some and the set got top 3D format). Plus, was “too dark” and
griped about marks for gaming testers complained ganged up on its
the shutter glasses, (“really sharp that the glasses felt glasses (“too heavy,”
however, calling effects”). On the “too tight” and fast- “ouch”). The TV got
them “heavy” and downside, the motion scenes were the highest score
complaining that 2D-to-3D conversion “too blurry.” Yet for live-action
they “hurt the bridge (it was the only the LG ranked footage, and the
of the nose.” But the tested model with highest in overall plasma’s 3D worked
set also scored high the feature) gave picture quality— better than LCD
marks for general some subjects a which it ought to for models when subjects
picture quality. “queasy feeling.” five grand. tilted their heads.

channels, and none is currently in HD; the found that 3D looked great during games. by the performance of these sets, yet cau-
high-bandwidth requirements and limited As part of a firmware upgrade to the Play- tious about high prices and still-evolving
customer base make it financially unfeasi- Station 3, the gaming console can now standards. We can imagine that two or
ble at the moment. And while over-the-air play a host of titles in 3D. Computers with three years from now 3D capability will be
3D is possible, the National Association of graphics cards from Nvidia have been able an inexpensive or free feature in most sets,
Broadcasters claims the networks have no to play 3D games on compatible monitors while glasses will be universal and cheap.
plans for 3D in the next 12 months. for over a year, and the company will Prudent sorts will probably choose to wait.
Perhaps the most compelling use of release sofware that allows 3D-capable As for early adopters, they know that pre-
3D is video gaming. Many games are PCs to render 3D on TVs. mium prices and evolving standards are just
natively produced in 3D, and our testers Our experience has lef us encouraged the costs of being a pioneer. pm

4:00 HrS (Final STagE—accEpTancE)

After enduring two 3D movies and a dune-buggy game, I’m

done. I feel the early stages of nausea, and a mirror reveals
that the glasses have left red marks on the bridge of my nose.
But while I learned that those manufacturer warnings about
the side effects of extended 3D watching are no joke, the sets
did provide an almost theater-level experience, and I’d jump
at the chance to watch a movie or play a game in 3D again—
just so long as I don’t plan on reading, working or reclining at
the same time. In an age of multitasking, this is one technol-
ogy that requires—and rewards—your undivided attention.

Popular Mechanics’s

Track Star
◼ Homemade roller coaster
Jeremy Reid; Oklahoma City
On a 10-acre plot southwest of Oklahoma
City, Jeremy Reid built an unexpected
addition to his parents’ backyard: a roller
coaster. “I thought it would be great to have
a small one to piece together and ride,” he

84 september 2010 | pOpULArmeCHANICs.COm

yearly tribute to the world’s greatest unsung engineers. By Davin Coburn

Jeremy Reid’s roller-coager maintenance schedule includes restular

weed control around the track, wood sealant once or
twice a year and oil for the chain.

says. “Once I started taking college Riders—limited to close friends and initial drop, the car returns to the lift.
engineering courses, I realized I could family because of liability concerns—sit Reid estimates he spent $10,000 on the
probably design and build one on my in a single-seat cart built from an project—though it paid off by helping
own.” And so began a monumental abandoned stadium seat, which is him lock down a post-college job with
project that included 2900 board feet of winched up the first hill by a 1-hp electric coaster design company Arrow Dynamics
southern yellow pine and 7000 assorted motor. A 16-foot drop propels the car to (now S&S Arrow). In fact, the project was
screws and nails. For the next four years, 18 mph; the rider then zips over another such a success, it’s worth wondering if
Reid conjured up ways to raise dozens of hill, down the sloping backyard and the married engineer will build another
supports for the hills, laminate the track around a 50-degree bank that pulls 2 g’s. one in his own backyard. Or maybe not.
and piece it all together. Nearly 1 minute and 450 feet after the “Once was definitely enough,” he says.

PhotograPh by chris buck

2010 B ac k ya r d G e n i U s awa r d s

When Corbin Dunn

first met his future
wife, Louise, he was
intrigued by her
mountain unicycling;
she by his homemade
Sky-High treehouse in a grove
of California red-
Shooters woods. He soon took
his tinkering to Apple,
◼ Video from the stratosphere where he worked on
James Ewen, Barry Sloan, the first-generation
Garrett Sloan; iPhone; she taught
Edmonton, Alberta aerial silks at the
circus. He arrived at
A decA de Ago, A group their wedding via
of amateur radio enthusiasts homemade zipline.
picked up on the growing “My dad built our
hobby of sending balloons house from the
into near space. Recently, foundation up. I’d
they came back with a help him hammer
YouTube sensation. “We nails,” Dunn says. “My
posted video of the flight parents always
online, and it went viral,” says encouraged me to
44-year-old James Ewen, who build things.” It comes
leads tracking operations for as little surprise, then,
the group. This isn’t the first that as Dunn picked Balanced Marriage
time they’ve made news: up Louise’s passion tandem Unicycle
Three years ago, the friends for off-road unicy- Corbin Dunn and Louise Lovelle; Los Gatos, Calif.
sent a Nikon Coolpix to cling, he headed into
117,597 feet, and it came back his shop—and emerged with a unicycle for two. Dunn introduced a pair of
with photos of the upper
salvaged Huffy mountain bikes to a Sawzall, a 4.5-inch angle grinder and a
atmosphere. That success
MIG welder. After severing the bikes’ front halves, he remounted the main
prompted a mission to launch
drive hub and welded the rear triangles together around the wheel. He
the next logical piece of
electronics, an HD video
reinstalled the sprockets and hubs and put in a pair of chains. “I spent a
camera. So last August, they
week trying to machine a special transmission,” Dunn says, “but then I
built a Styrofoam box to
realized the stock components would work fine.” So far the 20-pound
house a Canon iVIS HF20 tandem has been used mainly on special occasions—usually, Dunn admits,
camcorder. They outfitted the for short bursts of time. “We’re still learning how to ride it.”
box with an APRS tracker, a
GPS receiver and 10 lithium
batteries. After clearance
from Canada’s civil aviation
25 miles Aprs tracker
authority, the group launched
its balloon from an Battery pack
Edmonton-area park; the 20
payload touched down 89
miles away. The balloon burst
at 107,145 feet, 21,234 feet shy
I l l u s t r at I o n s b y D o g o

of the record, but the camera st r At o s p h E r E

captured some of the first 10
amateur HD video of the arc
of the Earth. In the future, the 5
group plans to include an RC
plane to its balloon payload troposphErE
and fly the camera home. Camera

86 september 2010 | popularmeCHanICs.Com PhotograPh by gabriel a hasbun

Dave Shinsel has
posted all the source
code and schematics
for his Loki robot at

sensors, 11 servos, a pair of

webcams for eyes and 70,000

Digital Geppetto
lines of custom code. Thanks
to the OpenCV vision
program, Loki can recognize
◼ Loki home robot people, identify CDs, count
Dave Shinsel; Portland, Ore. cash—and, yes, pick up
objects from the floor.
Dav e S h i n S el’ S l at e S t up the pet toys.” What Shinsel Microsoft Speech API allows
robot may look like WALL-E— ultimately created was the Loki to respond to voice
but it takes after the Jetsons’ 4-foot-tall Loki—named for commands. A digital map of
Rosie. “I was just going to the Norse god of mischief, the house, along with a
attach a webcam to a mobile partly for its unpredictable AI compass and an odometer,
pedestal, but then I figured I responses in “conversation helps the robot navigate
should make it more mode,” and partly for the between rooms. Next task for
personable,” says the 40-pound bot’s early predilec- the $2000 droid? Tackling the
longtime engineering tion for running into walls. refrigerator’s tricky vacuum
manager at Intel. “Then I The aluminum chassis is seal. “I’d love for him to grab
decided it should at least pick loaded with two dozen me a beer.”

PhotograPh by chris mueller

2010 B ac k ya r d G e n i u S awa r d S
to tackle the challenge. lower than first gear on most

New Haven Choppers

The result? An 8-pound 10-speeds. So the team
frame, made from sheet improved performance by
◼ SpokeleSS Bicycle aluminum, which holds the connecting an 18-tooth rear
spokeless rear wheel in place. cog to two 53-tooth chain
Student team from Yale Mechanical Engineering 489;
New Haven, Conn. Inside the wheel housing, rings. An outside vendor who
rollers fit into grooves carved was supposed to machine the
In the nearly 150 years spokeless bicycle. into the wheel rim to prevent bike’s wheels fell through,
since the bicycle debuted, its Redesigning something so wobbling and to provide forcing the students to focus
operation has remained fundamental was bound to be support. In place of the solely on the rear wheel to get
remarkably consistent. That difficult. So Vern Van Fleet, a normal rear hub, the team things done quickly and
is, until this year, when a Sikorsky test engineer who added teeth along the inner inexpensively. “That was a
group of mechanical taught the course, broke his rim of the wheel to spin a good lesson,” Van Fleet says.
engineering students at Yale students into three groups small gear behind the pedals. “You’ve got to have contin-
created what might be the first (frame, drivetrain and wheel) That gear ratio, however, is gency plans.”

e Yale University Mechanical Engineering 489 class,

from lec: Henry Misas, Sean McCusker,
Jordan Carter, Nicholas Tsouris, Gregory Brown, Trevor Hines,
Derek Zhao, Stephen Miehls and Aaron Fuchs (not pifured).

photograph by greg miller

When electrical engineers
get into the Halloween
spirit, there’s no telling
what might happen. Last
year Rodger Cleye outdid
himself with a creation as
simple as it was elegant: a
radio-controlled home
theater on wheels that
displays video of a Shower-Curtain Screen
flaming head while Projector
blaring Rockwell’s 1984
song “Somebody’s
Watching Me.” The heart Wet-Cell Battery
of the system is an electric
wheelchair he bought off
eBay; Cleye tapped into
the chair’s control box Electric Wheelchair Base
and converted it to Speaker System
remote operation.
“Suddenly I could puppet
around any 300-pound RC Projectionist
object,” he says. self-propelled movie theater
On top, Cleye stacked Rodger Cleye; Aliso Viejo, Calif.
a DVD player, a marine
battery and a 300-watt projector. The image bounces off a mirror and splashes across a 5-foot screen from
Target. “It’s a shower curtain. ‘Frost,’” he says. “It has excellent optical properties.” A separate 12-volt battery
powers a 100-watt speaker system and a two-channel amp, which are attached to a simple steel frame from a
shelving unit. “We had a blast sending it down the street after the children,” he says. Not only did neighbors
enjoy the handiwork, but Cleye says there was an unexpected safety benefit: Drivers who would otherwise
have sped by slowed down for a look at the video puttering down the street beside them.

C l ay t o n B o y e r wa s day of the week; the day of the

inspired to build wooden month; the month; the zodiac
clocks by plans he saw in sun sign; the phase of the
Popular Miloanils 45 years moon (represented by a ball
ago. Since building his first that rotates to reflect the
clock, Boyer has designed moon in the night sky); the
more than 50 extraordinary equinox and solstice;
timepieces. But his recent cross-quarter holidays such as
wooden creation, the majestic Groundhog Day; and the
Celestial Mechanical synodic rotations and
Calendar and Orrery, doesn’t retrograde cycles of Mercury,
tell time at all. “This is driven Venus and Mars. Boyer says it
by clockworks,” the retired took only a week or two to
chiropractor says. “But I’ve got build—but four months to
other things that tell time.” plan. “This is like building
I L L U S t R At I O N b y d O g O

This 42 x 26–inch machine, two or three clocks at once,”

however, is remarkable for its he says, “but it’s just step by
comprehensive attention to step. Start with the frame,

Divine Clockmaker other details. Powered by 14

gears, a 5-pound drive weight
then add this wheel, then that
wheel, then the levers, then
◼ Wooden mechanical calendar and orrery. and three counterweights, the the weights. It just takes a
Clayton Boyer; Kauai, Hawaii Baltic birch device shows the little stick-to-it-iveness.”


con B ac k ya rof
ruion d G e n i u s awa r d s
their cave house, William sleeper
and his family lived in tents
inside the cave and washed
laundry and dishes in buckets.

wall was a lot cheaper than

four,” William says. So he
incorporated nearly three
dozen orphaned sliding-glass
doors into a 45 x 45–foot outer
Name wall at the mouth of the cave.
Duis alisit Inside the 2000-square-foot
niamet lorem front chamber, the Sleepers—
augait non including daughter Kian, 16,
velisci and son Perry, 14—spent four
liquamet lup
years building a sprawling
kitchen, an office and three

a bedrooms with recycled

hardwood floors. A stairwell
gently spirals through the
home’s three levels. “I had a
bit more confidence than
common sense,” William
says. “I wasn’t intimidated by
the project. But that stairwell
took me six months.” The
doors’ double-paned,
insulated glass provides
passive solar heating to bring
the cave’s temperature to 70
degrees, year-round. Three
industrial-grade dehumidi-
fiers pull 300 gallons of water
from the air daily, keeping the
living space between 60 and
70 percent humidity. Interior
roofs and umbrellas shield
sensitive areas such as the
kitchen from the sand that
sheds from the walls. The
Sleepers worked with the city
of Festus every step of the way
to build evacuation routes

The Cave Dwellers and meet building codes.

“Some people can’t imagine
◼ Family home Built into a cavern that cooperation, but the
William, Deborah, Kian, Perry and Wesley Sleeper; Festus, Mo. politicians all roller-skated
here as kids,” William says.
Sev en y ea r S ago, rink and a concert hall. “We “Three generations of folks
William and Deborah Sleeper loved it,” William says, “but have enjoyed this property.”
found a choice piece of property the property is just 3 acres And maybe more to come:
just west of the Mississippi and a hole. No one wanted to These underground geniuses
River. The defining element? finance it.” The family bought refinanced in March 2009 for
A 17,000-square-foot the property themselves, but the long haul—right after a
sandstone mine that at one were cash-strapped when it doctor visited the home to
time housed a roller-skating came to building there. “One deliver their third child, Wesley.

90 september 2010 | pOpULArmeCHANICs.COm PhotograPh by l ars tunbjörk

Building a personal
Radio Fliers submarine may seem as
◼ Space Station radio call fanciful as a DIY jet
Gino Cunti, Paul Je, Kevin
pack—but Cal Giordano
Luong, Patrick Neelin; proved that with a little
Toronto, Ontario ambition, and a recycled
500-gallon propane
Last y ea r, four
tank, most anything is
Humber College students
possible. “After drawing
working on their senior project
a zillion sketches, it
became the first college students occurred to me I could
to contact the International Space actually make this,” the
Station (ISS) on a radio they built longtime boat mechanic
themselves—to NASA specifica- says. The 32-foot
tions. “When they first suggested semi-sub, which is
doing it, I almost laughed,” says fashioned from an
Mark Rector, an electronics industrial buoy cockpit
engineering professor at Humber welded to the propane
and their mentor for the project. tank, dives by pitching
“Maybe they could achieve its 4-foot-long bow
nuclear fission while they were at planes forward. The front
it.” He quickly learned how half submerges about
serious his students really were. 8 feet, while the engine
While ham operators—like continues breathing air,
Neelin’s grandfather—have long guiding the sub through
contacted astronauts through Auke Bay at a leisurely
NASA’s Amateur Radio Interna- 10 knots. If the boat
tional Space Station program, no drops below
other group of college students 3 knots, it loses the
had built a system from scratch. forward momentum
Over 22 months, the students
necessary to force the Bow Planes Propane Tank
designed and constructed the
craft underwater, and it Electric Snorkel
system, which included a
pops back to the surface.
transmitter, VHF transceivers, a
(Should some malfunc-
pair of antennas and their own
tion pull the 3000-
I L L U S t R At I O N b y d O g O

adapted tracking system and

software that would allow them to
pound boat into too
reach the ISS as it traveled at
steep a dive, the rear
17,000 mph, 250 miles overhead. prop would leave the
With a $4000 budget, the water, eliminating
NASA-approved radio squawked thrust—and popping it
to life on Feb. 2—and flight back to the surface.) An
engineer and science officer electric snorkel cycles
Sandra Magnus answered. fresh air through the
The Submariner
cockpit, and a video
camera mounted on the
top deck allows Giordano Homebuilt perSonal Semi-SubmerSible
to steer when visibility Cal Giordano; Juneau, Alaska
gets hazy. “Around here,
once you hit the deep water, it all just gets green,” he says. For wintertime,
he affixed a blade to the bow that can plow through 4 inches of ice.
Giordano also attached small wheels to the semi-sub’s keel, so that running
aground was no longer a threat. In fact, it’s convenient: The boat can drive
onto the beach after an outing and requires no trailer to transport. And
what about the Dahlgren cannon mounted on the bow? “I only fire that on
the Fourth of July,” he says. “And maybe my birthday.”


s p ec i al advert i s i n g s ec t i on

One hot, spring day in early June, Popular Mechanics teamed up with Rebuilding Together
Philadelphia and some dedicated volunteers on a Block Build that not only brought repairs
to houses in need, but also brought a little bit of green to the inner city.
s p ec i a l a dvert i s i n g s ec t i on
hen you think of living in the city, “green” may not
be the first word that comes to mind—especially
one as historic as Philadelphia. The Germantown
section of Philadelphia is a city unto itself, dating
back to the 1700s. Germantown was the site of
a pivotal battle during the Revolutionary War and later a stop
on the Underground Railroad. Many of the homes, including
those on East Garfield Street, where this project took place,
were constructed in the 1800s. It’s against this backdrop that
Popular Mechanics (PM), and Rebuilding Together Philadelphia
(RTP) commenced work on providing this historic area a green CARRIE And JIM OF
upgrade. The approach to this project was somewhat novel REBUILdInG TOGETHER PHILAdELPHIA
from the outset: instead of working on one home at a time, the rebuilding together philadelphia (rtp) is one of 200
leaders at RTP decided to take on an entire city block. According independent affiliates of rebuilding together, a national
to Executive Director Carrie Rathmann, a block build “can organization based in Washington, d.c., that works
increase the impact of individual repairs and modifications.” to provide warm, safe, dry housing to the elderly, the
Making homes green is a priority for the broader Rebuilding disabled, veterans and those displaced by natural disaster.
While some local affiliates have a large infrastructure in
Together organization. “It’s something we’ve always done;
place to manage projects and volunteers, rtp relies on
making things energy-efficient,” states Tiffanie Kinney, Associate
the power of three: executive director carrie rathmann,
Director, Green Housing for Rebuilding Together. “What’s more
operations Manager Jim coburn, and administrator and
green than rehabilitating a home? It provides a great return on program coordinator Jen Wootten. “We rely on each
investment for local Rebuilding Together affiliates and saves other very heavily,” reflects rathmann, explaining how
the homeowner money.” Rebuilding Together estimates that they manage with a small team. “and, we’re very
with the general energy efficient improvements they provide, appreciative of our volunteers.”
homeowners can save up to 20-30% on their utility bills.
To get started on PM’s Philadelphia-based project, RTP
sought out Residential Energy Solutions, an independent home
energy assessment company, to perform home audits on two
homes on East Garfield to gauge the extent and types of repairs


the Block Build on June 5 kicked off with a press conference organized by rebuilding
together philadelphia (rtp), featuring city and state representatives, members of
rebuilding together’s national organization, local neighborhood action committees
and popular Mechanics.
each speaker stressed the sense of community required for a project like this.
according to city councilwoman donna reed Miller, “if it wasn’t for the residents
of this block working hard together and wanting to make things better, this wouldn’t
be happening.”
s p ec i a l a dvert i s i n g s ec t i on

needed throughout the block. Basic repairs, such 3

as caulking, applying weather stripping, installing
smoke and CO2 detectors, installing hot water heater
blankets and furnace filters, were done to nearly
every home. And certain areas of the block received
custom touches, where project sponsors like Minwax,
Johns Manville, Frog Tape, Kilz, Delta Faucet,
Cooper Lighting and Lee Jeans contributed with
generous product donations.
East Garfield is made up of row houses. However,
there are a few empty lots on the block which had the
potential to be transformed into something useful
and green. 61 East Garfield was one such lot. And
thanks to the volunteers from PM, 61 East Garfield
was turned into a community garden. PM CREATEs A
The plot was littered with trash, broken glass, 4 COMMUnITy GARdEn.
concrete blocks and other debris. Once the land was 1. The lot at 61 East Garfield
before work started.
cleared, volunteers began to build six raised flower
beds, two to a row. Planks were nailed together into 2. The new community
garden at 61 East Garfield.
7’ x 4’ rectangles and supported with wood screws
to accommodate expansion from the fresh dirt that 3. Volunteers shoveling dirt
off of the dump truck and
was shoveled into the beds. into the garden.
A 6’ wooden fence was erected to give the garden
4. A PM volunteer wearing
borders on the side and the back, next to another Lee Jeans plants a bush

The green effecTs of in the new community

neighborhood house. A wide three-person bench
for visitors to sit on was built by the volunteers and garden.
a young boy from the neighborhood. The bench was a communiTy garden
placed at the front of the garden near four newly
include more oxygen
planted holly bushes. White gravel around the beds
provided a simple walkway for visitors. in The air and less
To help maintain the garden, volunteers con- air polluTion.
structed two rain barrels for water and a compost
pile to help replenish the soil. Later on, residents will
choose what to plant in their new community garden.
s p ec i a l a dvert i s i n g s ec t i on



tons of

Of HOurS Of
s p ec i a l a dvert i s i n g s ec t i on
the home at 77 east garfield required the most work of any
home on the block. the roof had major holes. the front steps
E. were nearly unusable. the front door was damaged and the
garfield faucets were leaking.
PHIlADelPHIA, PA on the outside, volunteers installed cooper lighting’s
precision plus doppler radar™ Motion-activated security
Floodlights. new cement stucco front steps were built to replace the broken
brick steps. screens were put into the windows of the above-ground basement
for ventilation. inside the home, lead-based paint was removed from the walls,
and holes in the plaster were repaired. the walls were then given a new coat
of paint, with Frogtape for edging. a delta allora single Handle pull-down
Kitchen faucet replaced an old, leaky faucet in the kitchen.

R e pa i R s c o m p l e t e d :
Patched and installed cool roof, rePlaced windows, stained new
front door, added new faucets, built new front stePs, installed
exterior lights, new Paint throughout house

77 E. Garfield // Years in home: 13
Vernon Roberts is a Philadelphia native

17out 0f22
and has lived at 77 East Garfield for
13 years. He is blind in his left eye and
has chronic arthritis, limiting his ability
REPAIREd OR COMPLETELy REPLACEd. to work full-time. Roberts is very
appreciative of the work that’s been
done to his house. “I couldn’t wait for
PRIMInG And sTAInInG this to happen,” he says. “All this is
FOR PROTECTIOn making my house livable. I’ll be able to
For the exterior of the house, volunteers save money with the energy efficient
primed the door frame, windows and things being done.”
trim using Kilz® premium primer before
a fresh coat of paint was applied. the
front door was stained front and back
with MinWax® Wood Finish. one of the
volunteers, a general contractor by trade,
provided a helpful tip—stain both the
top and bottom of the door to help
prevent rot and moisture from seeping
into the wood.
s p ec i a l a dvert i s i n g s ec t i on
nowhere is the green effect more apparent than at 106 east
garfield. the application of a cool roof coating to this house
E. took energy efficiency to the next level. cool roofs help reflect
heat from the sun instead of allowing it to seep into the house.
garfield according to the cool roof rating council (www.coolroofs.org),
cool roof coating can result in energy savings of 10–30%, as
well as a longer roof life. cool roofs also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by
conserving electricity for air conditioning use—resulting in less co2 emissions
from power plants.
in addition, Johns Manville Formaldehyde-free™ fiberglass building insulation
was installed in the refurbished basement, the foundation was resealed and a sAndRA sMITH
delta addison two Handle centerset faucet was placed in the bathroom. to top
it off, there’s a full garden along the right side of the house, complete with rain 106 E . Garfield // Years in home: 19
barrels and a cooper lighting precision plus doppler radar™ Motion activated For the 19 years she’s lived at 106 East
security Floodlight.
Garfield, Sandra Smith hasn’t been
R e pa i R s c o m p l e t e d :
able to sleep in her 2nd floor bedroom.
installed cool roof, sealed foundation, rePaired Plumbing, “The drafts are overwhelming. It’s
Put in new bathroom faucet either freezing or sweltering up there,”
says Sandra. But the cool roof has
changed that. “Now I can actually
walk up and down the stairs without a
sweater or breaking a sweat. What a
wonderful thing!” Sandra is an active
member of the community in and
around East Garfield. She is the Block
Captain for East Garfield and has
served a variety of roles in the
neighborhood action committee.
“We’re a very active block,” says
Sandra. “This whole project is
amazing to us.”

products for
EffIcIEnt HoME FroG Tape kilz preMiUM joHns Manville
as with any repair, you’ve FrogTape® is a pro painter’s KILZ® Premium is a low-odor, Johns Manville is the only
got to have the right products masking tape and the only water-based stainblocking manufacturer to offer a
to do the job right. and tape treated with PaintBlock® primer perfect for indoor and complete line of certified
that holds true for the work Technology. FrogTape was outdoor surfaces. It enhances Formaldehyde-free™
done to make east garfield designed for use with latex topcoat appearance and fiberglass building insulation.
more energy efficient. these paints. PaintBlock reacts with durability and stands up to Reducing the amount of
products helped rebuilding the water in latex paints to everyday wear-and-tear. formaldehyde in the home
together Philadelphia provide form a micro-barrier along the The advanced formula can can provide improved indoor
homeowners with warm, safe, edges of the tape. This makes be topcoated with latex or air quality and a healthier
dry and green homes. FrogTape more resistant to oil-based paint and is ideal for environment for those inside.
paint bleeding. moisture-prone areas.
www.frogtape.com www.kilz.com
s p ec i a l a dvert i s i n g s ec t i on
like 77 east garfield, the house at 80 east garfield
needed a lot of work, both inside and out. the siding
and flooring needed repair, and some basic electrical
E. work was in order. With such extensive repairs, there
garfield were many opportunities to make this house more
PHIlADelPHIA, PA energy efficient.
the energy-efficient renovation started with
the addition of a solar water heater. installed by
arvak energy solutions in philadelphia, this solar
water heater has two panels, or collectors, on the
roof which transfer heat to a rheem 80-gallon
solar storage tank in the house. solar water
heaters have a reduced impact on the environment
and increased savings on energy bills compared
to electric or gas water heaters. they can save a
resident an estimated 40-50% on heating costs.
other repairs included putting Johns Manville
Formaldehyde-free™ fiberglass building insulation in
the remodeled back laundry room to insulate against
drafts and to reduce energy costs. damaged windows
and porous window frames were replaced or repaired. sOLAR wATER HEATERs PAy
an exhaust fan, washer/dryer vent, a low-flow toilet FOR THEMsELvEs wITHIn 4 TO
and second floor ceiling fans were installed to increase 8 yEARs, And LAsT BETwEEn
energy efficiency and promote water conservation. 15 And 40 yEARs—THE sAME
R e pa i R s c o m p l e t e d :
installed solar water heater, added insulation,
rePaired or rePlaced windows, window frames,
and floors, set uP low-flow toilet, reworked
electrical wiring, Put in ceiling fans

lee jeans Minwax delTa FaUCeT Cooper liGHTinG

Now, with Premium Select, For more than 100 years, At Delta® Faucet, we believe Cooper Lighting’s Precision
Lee® is stepping up its game, the name Minwax® has been there are better ways to Plus Doppler Radar™ Motion
introducing its strongest, synonymous with making experience water and better Activated Security Floodlights
most comfortable jeans. As and keeping wood beautiful. ways to live with water. This combine the sweeping
always, they are bringing Our rich wood stains and conviction goes beyond accuracy and range of
consumers the quality, value clear protective finishes make excellent design to incorporate Doppler radar with the
and good looks consumers it easy to enhance the beauty smart thinking. With products side-to-side advantages
demand. Lee has also teamed and warmth of natural wood. that range from magnetic of Passive Infrared (PIR)
up with Mike Rowe, host of Whether you’re a professional docking spray wands that technology. This produces
Dirty Jobs. Together, they will contractor or a first-time stay put and faucets that an outdoor security lighting
show regular guys every- do-it-yourselfer, there’s a turn on or off with a touch, to system with more coverage
where that Lee® designs jeans Minwax product that’s perfect DIAMOND™ valves that help and fewer false triggers.
that fit great, are comfortable for you. That’s because our the faucets last up to 5 million
and will allow them to get the complete line of stains and uses. These features, when
job done, whatever it may be. protective finishes provide paired with beautiful design,
easy solutions for every type make it easy to understand
of wood—in every room of why Delta® is more than just
your home. a faucet.
www.minwax.com www.deltafaucet.com
s p ec i a l a dvert i s i n g s ec t i on


62 E. Garfield // Years in home: 26
For Pricilla Jamison, the repairs
made to her home at 62 East
Garfield not only improved her living
conditions, but also her working FLUOREsCEnT LIGHTs
conditions. Pricilla is a seamstress by LAsT LOnGER, GIvE OFF
trade, doing the majority of her work ALMOsT nO HEAT And UsE UP
in various carpeted rooms in her TO 75% LEss EnERGy THAn
house where she often stepped on
loose pins and needles. With the
For the house at 62 east garfield, the primary repair was replacing two existing light
installation of the Cooper fluorescent
fixtures in the kitchen and hallway with 4' cooper fluorescent lights. volunteers also
light in her tiled kitchen, she can
added cooper lighting’s precision plus doppler radar™ Motion activated security
now work in a well-lit area and can
Floodlights outside the house and sealed up a large section of the basement’s
pick up any loose pins or needles
foundation. a smoke detector and co2 detector were installed, as well as some basic
with a magnet. “This is such a great
additional electrical work.
help to me. I just can’t afford a lot
of this stuff that needs to be done,” R e pa i R s c o m p l e t e d :
says Pricilla. “It’s a real blessing.” installed fluorescent lighting, sealed foundation, reworked
electrical wiring, Put in exterior lights

“This is going to make people take more pride in this

block and in their homes.” — Earl Tribble
It’s through the donations of time, effort and resources, and
the hard work of so many dedicated people working side-by-side
that make a neighborhood greener, and the earth better, one block
at a time. “I’m almost 90 years old,” says Earl Tribble, an East
Garfield resident of 40 years, “and this means so much to me. I’m
flabbergasted. This is going to make people take more pride in this
block and in their homes. And I’m going to have a beautiful garden
next to my house. And that makes me happy.”
It goes without saying that none of this would have taken place
if not for the amazing group of people who run Rebuilding Together
Philadelphia and their dedicated volunteers. If you would like more block build volunteers from
information about the organization, or if you want to volunteer or rtP and Pm, and the residents of
east garfield at the end of the day
make a donation, visit www.rebuildingphilly.org. You can find out
how to volunteer or donate to your local Rebuilding Together
affiliate at www.rebuildingtogether.org.

Popular Mechanics would like to thank Cooper Lighting, Delta Faucet, Frog Tape, Johns Manville, Kilz, Lee Jeans and Minwax
for the materials they graciously donated to this project.

Prime Movers
WE tESt bACkPA Ck LEA f b LO W ERS t O fI N D tH E b E S t bL A S tE R . b y r o y b e r e n d s o h n

Time versus money. Would you gardener’s answer to the jet pack. We resent the industry’s future—one is a four-
rather put in more hours doing yardwork gathered five homeowner models, rang- cycle and the other a two-stroke hybrid.
or spend some cash on powerful tools to ing from 45.4 to 50.8 cc, and gave them During a second phase, we tested how
do the job quickly? If you’re willing to a workout blowing wet and dry leaves, homeowners used this gear by working
invest, nothing can speed outdoor jobs sticks, pine cones and seedpods. We also alongside volunteers clearing leaves at a
more than a backpack leaf blower—the evaluated two new pro models that rep- church. Here’s what we found.

InsIde gutter guards + fire safety + PM saturday Projects

PhotograPhs by michael Schmelling POPUL ARMECHANICS.COM | SEPtEMbER 2010 109


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DIY hoMe

●●● ●●●● ◗ ●●●●● ●●● ●●● ◗

Dolmar ecHo Husqvarna KawasaKi reDmax

PB500R PB 500 350Bt KRB650B EBZ5100

EnginE: 48.6 cc EnginE: 50.8 cc EnginE: 50.2 cc EnginE: 45.4 cc EnginE: 50.2 cc
AiR (cfm): AiR (cfm): AiR (cfm): AiR (cfm): AiR (cfm):
447 @ 171 mPH 450 @ 162 mPH 494.4 @ 180 mPH 580 @ 164 mPH 487 @ 171 mPH
DRy WEight (LB): 22.7 DRy WEight (LB): 21.8 DRy WEight (LB): 22.5 DRy WEight (LB): 19.1 DRy WEight (LB): 22.7
dBA (At 50 ft): 71 dBA (At 50 ft): 70 dBA (At 50 ft): 71 dBA (At 50 ft): 71 dBA (At 50 ft): 71
PRicE: $300 PRicE: $320 PRicE: $300 PRicE: $410 PRicE: $380

Likes: Only the Dolmar is Likes: simplicity and Likes: e Husqvarna is Likes: simplicity. Likes: Comfort. We
equipped with both a top power. Our volunteer one of the most powerful Kawasaki doesn’t know it’s subjefive, but
handle and a roll-cage corps, working at of the residential overthink things with at least for our
handle on both sides. clearing leaves at a models—you’ve got to this machine. ere’s no shoulders and back, the
sounds like a minor church, needed no strap this thing on to lec wand; the throttle is max has the best
feature until, like us, you coaching to use the echo. appreciate how effefive on the pistol-grip assem- padded shoulder straps;
find yourself on and off a Anyone can start it, sling it is. It not only moves a bly on the blower tube they’re firm—and it has
trafor and in and out of it on his back and start lot of air, but the blast and has the old familiar a correfly shaped back
a pickup truck. ose blasting leaves in from its tube seems rabbit-and-tortoise pad. An accessible and
handles make all the seconds. e gas tank is unusually produfive; graphic. ere’s also a visible gas tank makes
difference. is is a designed so you can perhaps it’s more laminar choke control that’s it easy to fuel.
capable machine, if position your foot and has less turbulence easy to find and to Dislikes: An upside-
somewhat less powerful on the blower frame for than others. It’s also the understand, as well as a down purge bulb that’s
than its competitors. an easy pull start, the most comfortable forward-pointing purge buried on the lec side
Dislikes: e Dolmar is primer bulb is right where machine. We were bulb. ese features of the engine between
cursed with a kooky you can see it, and the skeptical about its hip make this machine easy two plastic tubes is not
graphic on the lec control flexible lec control belt until we started to start and fun to run. optimal. e lec control
arm. It’s confusing. You wand—which has the scaling steep hills and Dislikes: e Kawasaki bar with its clunky
can too easily try to start throttle mounted on stone walls. It works. If moves a lot of air, but it spring-loaded detent

the machine with the it—is so smart, you you clear difficult areas, needs more velocity to positioning also needs
ignition switch off. wonder why other this is your blower. be as effefive as other some improvement.
manufafurers haven’t Dislikes: e upside- blowers.
copied the design. down purge bulb is a
Dislikes: Nothing noted. nuisance.

112 september 2010 | pOpUL ArmeCHANICs.COm i l lu s t r at i o n by M i k e D o l a n

clearing the Air
ge future is clear for two-stroke power equipment. It either becomes
cleaner or it disappears. gat’s especially true for the varieties that pros
operate for hours a day. We tested two low-pollution models, both of them
commercial-duty. ge Stihl is a hybrid that uses a four-cycle engine but
two-stroke fuel. ge Makita is a true four-cycle machine.
Do you give up performance when you go with cleaner equipment? No.
gese machines move an awesome amount of air—and leaves. Although it’s
difficult to quantify, I’d say they’d allow you to
cover about a third more ground than you would
Desirable with the residential equipment mentioned here,
Features and they can move material that’s soaked, packed
large top or lightly frozen. Aer a thorough workout, we’d
carrying hanDle have to say that these machines fought to a
highly accessible draw—each has advantages.
Fuel spout;
gas tank
leDge large Likes: Everything. As Likes: Again, every-
enough to place
your Foot on with its formidable thing. During the
when starting orange competitor, second phase of this
hanDle with when you point the test, when I stepped out
throttle nozzle straight down, with a group of
you get a sensation that volunteers, I chose to
you’re hovering a couple shoulder the Stihl
of inches off the ground. because it’s so powerful
Okay, we’re kidding, but yet lightweight. Later in
it is extremely powerful. the day, I handed it off
I used it to make a to another volunteer
chest-deep pile of who also raved about it.
leaves, then easily It’s the ultimate
blasted a channel pro-grade leaf-clearing
through it. rocket.
Dislikes: Should be Dislikes: Nothing
quieter. noted.

●●●●● ●●●●●

mAkitA Stihl
BBX7600 cA BR600
EnginE: 75.6 cc EnginE: 64.8 cc
AiR (cfm): AiR (cfm):
720 @ 195 mph 712 @ 201 mph
DRy WEight (lB): 22.6 DRy WEight (lB): 21.6
dBA (At 50 ft): 74 dBA (At 50 ft): 65
PRicE: $450 PRicE: $490
by Roy berendsohn

Clearing Gutter Toppers

Gutter → stere are two

types of gutter
Clutter covers. One type
consis of a

formed hood, the
I absolutely back of which slides
hate cleaning under shingles at
gutters. Do gutter the edge of the
roof. ste other
covers work? Can I (shown here) is a
install them myself? screen that snaps
in place over the

A T h e re ’ s a l o t t o top of the gutter.

answer with that
question. Yes, gutter
covers do work. I’ve
owned a house with
them, and I can vouch
for their effectiveness in
stopping a buildup of
leaves and seedpods
from deciduous trees. As effective as manufacturer or retailer before pur- bucket up a ladder or you can throw
they are, I can see where models with chasing anything. the leaves down onto a tarp placed on
a slot for water drainage could let You can install gutter covers your- the ground. The first method works
pine needles in. If you want to guard self. Some models simply snap into best with small quantities of dry leaves,
against pine needles, a perforated place above the gutter. More fre- especially if you use a rectangular
guard may be a better choice. quently, some advanced DIY skills are bucket that you can hold against the
Al so, not all gutter covers work necessary; basic roofing and sheet- gutter’s edge. The second technique
with all types of roofing. Many covers metal work may be required. If you works best with large amounts of wet
are designed to be installed at the decide that the work is too complex— leaves, and where there’s lots of room
edge of a roof with standard three- or dangerous—any roofing or gutter- to lay out the tarp. e best part about
tab shingles, the most popular type of siding contractor can do the job. this technique is that you can hold the
roofing. Those covers may not work Ev en before you install a gutter ladder with one hand and scoop with
with a slate, clay-tile or standing- guard, there’s a lot you can do to make the other.
seam metal roof. Check with the gutter cleaning easier. You can bring a Wh en I was a young guy, I would

PhoToGrAPh bY dan saelinger POPUL ARMECHANICS.COM | SEPtEMbER 2010 115

P M D I Y h o M e /// h o M e o w n e r s c l I n I c q + A how Your house works
➔ garage door

simply walk up onto the roof, squat tions can cenerate surface tempera- ste rise
down at the edge, scoop out the gut-
ter and move on. While I suppose that
works with a reasonably pitched roof,
tures above 200 decrees F. stat doesn’t
happen oen, fortunately.
A more common cause of sidinc
and Fall
it is dangerous. stese days I plant the damace is the heat produced by a cas
foot of the ladder on firm and level or charcoal crill placed too close to the GARAGe-dOOR sYsTeM.
ground, lean the ladder at a 75-degree wall, usually near a patio or deck. In fag, HeRe’s HOW TO MAsTeR
angle and take my time cleaning. the previous owners of my place le a THOse squeAkING
Wherever possible, I avoid placing the heat-damaced segion of sidinc for me spRINGs ANd CHAINs.
by Harry SawyerS
ladder against the gutter so as not to to deal with, so you’re not alone.
damage it. Instead, I lean it against the And, finally, the infallers could have
siding and use a ladder stabilizer. stat set you up for trouble. Nailinc the sid-
provides a more stable platform and inc too tichtly, so that it doesn’t have
c o m p l e t e a c c e s s t o t h e g u t t e r, room to expand and contract, will
because the top of the ladder isn’t cause it to buckle.
sticking above the gutter’s edge. You may be able to blend in a repair
When that isn’t possible, I lean the lad- by usinc sidinc pulled from less visible
der near where the gutter is supported places, like the back of the house. Or
by a bracket. you can simply repair everythinc with

new sidinc and then paint the sidinc a

Report Card

licht color to ensure that the whole sur-

We’re new homeowners and our face has a uniform look. A topnotch fo
home inspeion report pointed out acrylic latex paint will bond extremely nh
damace to the vinyl sidinc in several well to clean vinyl sidinc and can pro-
places. Some parts have tiny dark vide a decade’s worth of protection. e garage door dies
spots that look like paint, while other Granted, it’s a lot of work. Your alterna- some time durinc its
areas are warped or look melted. Can tive, however, is to re-side the house. 13,476th operation, while
the spots be removed, and can the it’s beinc closed. It coes out
other areas be repaired? One of the Rinse and Repeat without much drama—there
is no audible snap as the tor-
warped seions of sidinc is pretty I want to pressure-wash my traor,
sion sprinc breaks, no parts
hich off the cround. We want to avoid boat and some patio furnishincs, but I dancle loose in telltale
re-sidinc the entire house if possible. have a problem with icky detercent failure, and the motor ill
stanks for your help. residue foulinc my pressure washer. lichts up, rains and ops.
The spots are probably dried spores What am I doinc wronc? maybe its decline arted
from microorcanisms known informally Many homeowners necleg the purce that day you closed the door
as shotcun or artillery funci. stey broad- procedure on their machine, causinc on the buick bumper, or
caf their spores toward licht-refleginc detercent residue to build up. Once this maybe durinc the la bic
surfaces, such as licht-colored sidinc, happens, a pressure washer won’t dis- freeze, when ice swelled the

I L L U s t r At I O N b y m e r C è I g L e s I A s
and they fick tenaciously. It may take pense detercent properly. door seions. Or maybe it
was ju the mechanism’s
pressure washinc to remove them—or For example, if your pressure washer
time. ste averace American
at least a scrubbing with a siding uses a siphon hose to pick up cleaninc carace door opens and shuts
cleaner and a sidinc brush on a tele- solution out of a bucket, you’re probably 1500 times a year, and this
scoping pole. These fungi flourish in supposed to fill the bucket with clear torsion sprinc—rated for
wood mulch, especially if it’s spread on water and run that throuch the washer. 10,000 cycles—was
flower beds near a house. Turninc the It may take 5 to 15 minutes of this positively ceriatric in
mulch recularly can reduce the chance purce procedure to completely clear carace-door years. recard-
of its forminc. the hose, the cleaninc solution filter, the less, you’re in the market for
ste bowed or melted sidinc could pump and the chemical injegor. a new syem. Here’s every-
have several causes. For one thinc, a It’s also possible that you’re usinc thinc you’ll need to know.
nearby enercy-efficient window with an the wronc detercent (one not rated for
optical coatinc may be refleginc inten- use in a pressure washer), or that you
sified sunlicht onto the wall. A commit- haven’t diluted the chemical properly.
tee formed by the National Association inside
of Home Builders found that such reflec- Continued on page 120 → belt drive → torsion spring
→ u-factor → operator anatomy
→ new cult drive-in movies

116 september 2010 | pOpUL ArmeCHANICs.COm


e torsion spring, not the operator (or motor), does Hardware
the heavy lifting. Aesthetics aside, the big changes in
door today’s 300-pound geel doors are in insulation. Tisthter
details perimeter seals and sandwiched polyurethane panels stet
some doors’ U-faors, which measure resigance to heat
flow and air infiltration, down as low as 0.2. A door under
0.3 qualifies for a 2010 tax credit of up to $1500.

Pulley & Cable

(Door &

Curved Rope 2
Door Arm

Garage Door


A popular short-film genre has hit youTube: staraste

doors openinst and closinst. ce blockbuger example, with
drive-in 43,985 views, is titled Garage Door. In 1:23 minutes, a door
movies rises, falls, rises and falls. No dialostue, no charaers, no
accident. (Similar youTube hits: footaste of strass strowinst
and paint dryinst.)
Belt → Amonst the quieteg (and coglieg) drive options, the belt’s Kevlar polymer body is molded
into nubby teeth on one side. cese rotate throusth a stear on the operator top to pull the trolley.

Chain → The cheapeg and oldeg technolosty, the bike-chain-gyle chain sits slisthtly slack
when the door is open—at leag ½ inch above the bottom of the T-rail. ce chain makes a racket,
but maybe that’s a stood thinst when your teenasters are sneakinst out.

Screw → A continuous threaded shaf connes the operator to the trolley, and its
arm reaches for the door. Its threads require biannual lubrication with silicone, and it
wears out the trolley more quickly than the other options. But the screw is the Goldilocks
drive—median price and noise level.

anatomy the
of an cul-de-sac
operator hackers
1 Motor & Gears In the pag, suburban
ce motor is typically about burstlars sometimes
a ½-hp, 6-amp machine
hooked to a 120-volt stained access to
outlet—that’s all it takes starastes by usinst radio
to overcome the inertia scanners to eavesdrop
of a gopped door. ce
machine also slows a door on a code transmission
Operator in transit, preventinst it from between a remote
crashinst to the staraste floor. control and a staraste
2 Drive Guide door. doors in the
cis track (aka the T-rail) 1960s were easy
stuides and shields the chain,
tarstets—they used only
screw or belt as it moves
the door open and closed. one code. In the 1970s
It connes the operator to and ’80s, code strabbers
the trolley, which in turn is pilfered one of 256
conneed to the door.
codes that the remotes
3 Height Adjustment
cycled throusth. “Since
operator settinsts determine
the digance the door the mid-1990s, we’ve
travels. ce machine kicks had rollinst codes with
in to arreg the door’s billions of combina-
motion or to make
adjugments if a door isn’t tions,” door-operator
openinst or closinst manufaurer
completely. ce force of the Chamberlain’s Paul
door’s motion can also be
4 Accardo says. “ce
adjuged so the door gops
1 movinst if strabbed. remote sends a code to
4 Inverter &
the receiver; it opens
Battery the door and creates a
To allow smaller, more new code for the next
efficient motors, mog time the door opens.
staraste-door operators use
dC current. An inverter Someone could gill
3 switches household AC capture that code,
power to dC, which is also but it won’t be used
used to charste a battery
backup sygem that kicks astain.” Hear that,
in when the power is out. punks?
PHoToGRAPHS by j muckle

TiTle → TiTle → TiTle → TiTle → TiTle →

New automatic garage Garage Door Opening AUTOMATIC GARAGE Fastest Garage My Garage Doors
door opener! on October 22 Views → 25,512 Door Ever Opening And Closing
Views → 42,591 Views → 25,173 DuraTion → 2:00 Views → 20,944 Views → 8733
DuraTion → 1:01 DuraTion → 0:31 commenT → “NOT an DuraTion → 0:11 DuraTion → 6:49
commenT → “Crafs- commenT → “OMG automatic garage door. commenT → “Dude commenT → “Wow, my
man’s openers Rock and LOVE IT! . . . that remote It is merely an electric there’s no way a garage only regret is that this
LifMaster rock too” is so slick” garage door” could go that fast” video is only 7 minutes”
P M D I Y h o M e ///
hoMeowners clInIc q+A know your stuff

We Didn’t Start the Fire-Sprinkler Mandate

Continued from page 116

Washers that have an onboard chemi- About 3000 Ameri- for sprinkler manufac- Jayson Drake says.
cal tank may require the use of a clean- cans die in house turers to make money is Insurance discounts
fires every year. to focus on mandates. of about 10 percent a
ing solution mixed at a specific ratio. If
beginning in January Otherwise, they’re not month also chip away
you drop two or three cleaning packets financially feasible.” at the price, according
into that tank instead of one, it doesn’t 2011, a change to the
Maria Figueroa, of to Jim Lindahl, a State
just waste cleaner—it will also gum up International residen-
the National Fire protec- Farm agent in Min-
your equipment. tial Code (IrC) aims to tion Association (NFpA), netonka, Minn. “With
reduce that number by turns that argument sprinklers, the cost and
Danger in the Walls making fire sprinklers back on the builders, volume of the claims go
I bought a 100-year-old house, mandatory in all new saying their reluance down, and the severity
and I want to insulate the exterior single-family resi- to embrace expanded of the claims go down.
walls and install new drywall dences. Sounds good, rules is driven by a When we get to a house
but home-building desire to sell houses. that has sprinklers, the
throughout. We plan to use blown-in
lobbies from texas to “proteing lives should damage is so much
cellulose. Does insulation add be a priority over prof- less,” he says.
fire-stopping proteion as well? As Georgia have defied
its,” she says. e fire survival rate
far as I can tell, there’s no fire what they call an
e California build- in homes with working
blocking inside the walls. impraical, expensive ing Industry Association smoke deteors is
It’s quite possible that your house lacks mandate, convincing estimates sprinklers will 99.41 percent, accord-
fire blocking—pieces of lumber nailed legislators to pass add about $5000 to the ing to the NFpA. toss in
horizontally into a wall cavity to stop bills overriding the
the spread of superheated air, sparks requirement.
and combustion gases that race up “We’re not against
residential fire sprin-
through a wall cavity during a fire. With-
klers—as a voluntary
out this blocking, a tall exterior wall
measure,” says Steven
cavity that is not interrupted by win- Orlowski, program man-
dow or door framing becomes, in effe, ager for construion,
a chimney with a powerful upward codes and standards at
drac. fe unchecked spread of fire is the National Associa-
more likely in balloon-frame struures tion of Home builders
in which long, uninterrupted wall studs (NAHb). “A building code
run from the foundation sill to the provides the minimum
eaves. Balloon framing was the pre- balance between cost,
safety and welfare. You
ferred construion method starting in
could do everything to
the 1830s and was used until the
the nth degree and get
1950s, when it was replaced by the 100 percent safety, but
still-current platform frame (one plat- that’s not the purpose
form is built on top of another without of the code.”
uninterrupted wall cavities). Moral of e sprinkler man-
the story: If you renovate a balloon- date was one of 2400
frame struure and find no fire block- code change proposals
ing, install it. in the past IrC revision. price of a new home. to a sprinkler, and the rate
Yes, cellulose insulation can reduce e NAHb took a posi- reduce costs, plumbing- rises to 99.6 percent.
tion on 960 proposals, systems manufaurer “Consider how little it
the spread of fire. Although for the
with an eye on one Uponor has devised a costs to install smoke
most part it is nothing more than recy- simplified AQUASAFe alarms,” Orlowski says.
particular concern:
cled newspaper, it’s treated with fire “You have a number of system that ties into “For the cost of the
retardant, and its use is permitted by manufaurers trying the home’s existing sprinklers, you’re really
national building codes and in many to promote a specific cold-water supply. “Our not getting a significant
places that have state-specific codes. produ,” Orlowski system integrates with increase in safety.” but
Any properly installed, code-approved says. According to the the home’s plumbing, you are, for better or
insulation reduces the spread of fire by NAHb’s communica- like another fixture, worse, buying a house
reducing the flow of superheated air tions direor, Calli faucet or toilet,” Uponor that’s built to the latest
and combustion gases inside wall Schmidt, “e only way produ manager code. — Harry SawyerS

120 SepteMber 2010 | pOpULArMeCHANICS.COM

1 2 3

→ A slab-jacking
contrafor will
bore a hole using
a rotary hammer
(a rock drill). Next,
he will pump
grout under the
slab to lic it and
trowel off the
excess grout.

Probably the most important fire- masonry) to make some holes in the
preventive measure that you can take sunken slab. gen he or she pumps a
with an old house, thousth, is to have it material called strout throusth the hole.
rewired to comply with the current gis is like concrete, but it lacks coarse
National Elefrical Code, or whatever aststrestate, such as one or stravel. As
version of the code is in prafice where this material is forced under the slab, it
you live. lics the slab up. Acer the slab is liced,
the holes are filled with more strout or a
gat Sinkinst Feelinst concrete patchinst compound, or the
One end of my concrete driveway concrete cores are stlued back into
near the staraste has dipped below the place with a specialized adhesive.
re of the driveway, and a larste pool gere’s an obvious streen benefit to this
of water forms there when it rains. procedure. It takes less enersty and
What do I do? Can I cut out and materials to jack up a slab than to
remove that part and pour a new replace it and pulverize the old con-
piece of concrete without damastinst crete for use as road-buildinst material.
the re of the driveway? ge process stenerates very little debris
Yes, a knowledsteable concrete contrac- to dispose of, an obvious benefit in
tor can certainly cut out the piece of areas where there is little or no con-
concrete and inall a new slab without crete recyclinst.
damaging surrounding concrete. The It takes a lot of experience to do this
job can stet tricky, however, if the work correctly. It’s easy to crack an
sunken section is positioned so that adjoininst slab or unevenly lic a sunken
there’s not enousth room for a masonry slab—makinst it worse than it was
saw at one or more edstes. gat can before. gat puts a premium on hirinst
happen in corners where a slab meets an experienced contrafor.
i l l u S t r At i o N S b Y M e r C è i g l e S i A S

a foundation wall or where it meets
another slab. Also, the color of the
Got a home-maintenance or
replacement piece won’t match that of repair problem? Ask Roy about it.
the surroundinst pavement, thousth that Send your questions to
can be mitistated by usinst concrete pmhomeclinic@hearst.com or to
Homeowners Clinic, Popular Mechan-
ain on the entire driveway. ics, 300 W. 57th St., New York, NY
An alternative to cuttinst and 10019-5899. While we cannot
removal is slab jackinst (also known as answer questions individually,
problems of general interest will
mud jackinst). A contrafor uses a rock
drill or a core drill (a holesaw for
be discussed in the column. ?
Builder: Barbara Meyer
Location: Maple Grove, Minn.
Co: $45
cross spar
Ideal Wind Speed: 8–12 mph
18 inches




36 inches

+ one-day project

Go Fly a Kite
amerICaN KIteFlIerS aSSoCIatIoN PreSIDeNt barbara meyer
teaCheS KIte-bUIlDING USING thIS twISt oN the box KIte—It
SKIPS the SewING aND SaIlS oN a SKIN oF tyveK hoUSe wraP.
tow point
tyvek and tape vInyl tubIng
1 → woven polyethylene tyvek house wrap 3 → Join the dowels with 2-inch lenstths of
makes a fine, if heavy, kite-skin subgitute ¼-inch-inside-diameter vinyl tubinst, slit
for gandard nylon spinnaker cloth. tyvek partway across so that it bends into an l.
fagens with 2-inch tape ingead of gitches. Fit a dowel tip into each l end at the joints,
Cut two tyvek cells to 12 x 82 inches. usinst two tubes where spars cross. Use 40
Join them into a circle. Fold the edstes over inches of tubinst to make 20 joints.
¼ inch to prevent frayinst.
brIdle lIne
dowels 4 → to attach 50-pound bridle line to the
2 → Cut four 36-inch-lonst ¼-inch-diameter cells, thread line into a sewinst needle, slip
dowels and eistht 18-inch-lonst ¼-inch- the needle into the tyvek and tie a knot
diameter pieces. Short dowels span the kite around the lonsteron at the points shown.
as spars. tape the lonst dowels, the merste the lines at a ¾-inch tow rinst. leave
lonsterons, inside each corner. Slip dowels 30 to 39 inches of line from the tow rinst to
into pockets or tape them at each end. the cells. wind above 10 mph? wear stloves. CharaCter by axel De roy

+ more to do In september

Sweep the Chimney → accordinst to shiny stlaze? Use a chemical cleaner and a
Captain Soot, a chimney-sweep service in rotary wire brush. oil-furnace chimney? Use
Copiastue, N.y., September is ideal for a DIy a nylon rotary brush. Flaky stray or white soot
de-creosote job in a dirty flue. “you need to on a listht-duty chimney? Nonrotary wire.
stet up on the roof, look down and stive it a Or Just Play → at the bist boy toy expo,
stood inspeion,” says Jeff Caracrigi, Sept. 4 and 5 in Punta Gorda, Fla. Drool over
chimney sweep at Captain Soot. See black, cugom cars and vintaste pinball machines.

122 SePtember 2010 | PoPUlarmeChaNICS.Com i l lu s t r at i o n by E l E f t h E r i a a l E x a n d r i


degree of difficulty

starting With the right Foot

t h e re are P l e n t y
oF W ays t o b re ak
i n you r n e W c ar.
s om e oF t h e m are
t h e ri g h t W ay.
by Mike Allen

it’s a thing of beauty: a brand- “no,” another says. “Drive it like necessarily wise, and the technology
new car, shiny and crisp. it makes you you stole it, if you want it to be fast.” of building a modern automobile has
want to spend the whole evening others recommend synthetic oil, evolved to the point where a lot of
walking around it. Pretty soon, the or nitrogen in the tires, or a mouse- “wisdom” is obsolete. Few cars specify
neighbors wander over to congratu- milk oil additive, guaranteed to double a break-in procedure anymore, simply
late you—and to render advice. fuel economy. cautioning you to avoid extreme accel-
break it in carefully, one says: “no e ritual of breaking in a new car is eration or extended idling for the first
more than 30 miles per hour until it part of the body of knowledge we refer thousand miles or so, and there’s little
has 1000 miles on the odo.” to as conventional wisdom. it’s not in the way of extra service up front.

InsIde CarE and fEEding of nEw Cars + grEasE is thE word + find thE sEnsor

PhotograPhs by fredrik broden POPUL ARMECHANICS.COM | SEPtEMbER 2010 125

P M D I Y a u t o /// you’ll realize that this all-important step heavy trailers for the first 1000 miles.
BreakIng It In has been performed for you many
times. If you’re installing a new engine, Oil
simply give it a few seconds of wide- I customarily change the oil in a
Some don’t even mandate an oil change open throttle in a high gear. For the first new engine after about 20 miles, and
until 6000 miles. We think your new ride thousand miles, avoid constant speeds again at 1000 or so. cat 20-mile oil, you
deserves better. Here are a few tips. and throttle settings. If you commute in would think, would look pretty much like
normal stop-and-go traffic, you’ll be fine. fresh oil right out of the bottle. Wrong. It
Engine Cylinder Walls I advise against cruise-controlled usually looks more like metal-flake paint,
Piston rings don’t rely on their sojourns across Nebraska. iridescent with tiny particles of metal
spring tension to seal against the cylin- worn off rubbing surfaces inside the new
der bores. Instead, combustion gases Bearings engines. Afer a few hours of operation,
work their way between the rings and The admonition to keep engine this completely normal phenomenon
the piston and force the rings outward. revs low for an extended break-in period slows down as the rings, camshaf, lifers
During the first few minutes of engine stems from the days when bearing and and bearings burnish their respeive mat-
operation, it’s important that the throt- crankshaft manufacturing tolerances ing surfaces.
tle be opened pretty far at lower rpms were far less rigorous and lubricating oil
to provide this high pressure. Otherwise, wasn’t nearly as good. While modern Transmission
the rings won’t burnish the cylinder engines are assembled to much the e engine break-in procedure also
walls properly, and the engine will have same design clearances, the tolerances covers the gearbox and the clutch on
high volumes of blow-by—which means are much tighter, meaning the variabil- manual-transmission cars. Most cars
excessive oil consumption and short- ity is smaller, greatly reducing the pos- with automatic transmissions today are
ened engine life. If you’ve ever seen the sibility of a tight spot. Redlining a fresh faory-filled with ATF and, supposedly,
car jockeys who drive new cars off the motor is generally a bad idea, but will never need changing. Some manu-
end of the produion line into the stor- there’s no reason you shouldn’t drive faurers are so confident of this that
age lot, or the transporter drivers zip- normally. I would, however, avoid top- they don’t even have a dipstick or a fill
ping up and down the car-hauler ramps, speed testing, drag racing or towing hole. If the specified fluid is a more




















126 september 2010 | pOpULArmeCHANICs.COm

P M D I Y a u t o /// Interior
BreakIng It In Avoid the impulse to slather the
interior trim with shiny protectants,
which can leach the plaicizers out of
normal mineral oil, I’d change it and clean new vinyl and increase the likelihood of
the pan aster a thousand miles or so. e age-related cracks. On the other hand, a
organic linings on the clutch packs shed generous dousing of Scotchgard on the
a lot of debris, and it generally ju turns cloth upholery and carpets will keep
into sludge that lies in the pan. You don’t dirt, pollen and mildew from clinging.
want wear metals and sludge to get
picked up by the pump and art circulat- Paint
ing in the expensive bits. In years past, it was considered a
good idea to not wax a fresh paint job
Brakes for 90 days, to allow the paint to fully
New brake pads on new brake cure and any solvents to escape with-
rotors don’t really require a break-in pro- out being trapped under the wax.
cedure. e texture deliberately lest on Modern catalyzed clear-coat paint is
the surface of the iron discs will grind as hard as it will ever be as soon as it
down the fresh surface of the pad mate- cures, before the car ever leaves the
rial within a few miles. Even so, refrain plant. Applying 3M Paint Protection
from high-speed ops or dragging the Film to the leading edge of the
brakes for a few hundred miles. Racing painted bodywork will go a long way
pads, however, need to be heated up toward minimizing stone-chip dam-
enough to fade and then carefully age. Otherwise, a good coat of wax
cooled off, which removes the top layer will repel water, atmospheric pollut-
and provides better fade resiance. ants and dead bugs. PM

Now you kNow

Is synthetic oil too slippery for proper break-in?

Conventional wisdom says these ultra-high- ends of the temperature
that a new engine should performance engines. And scale: high-temperature
be broken in on conven- that goes for your Toyota climates, towing or racing.
tional mineral oil, regard- or Jeep as well. But like any oil, synthetic
less of your intentions to Nonetheless, I do will become contaminated
use a synthetic for the prefer to use a mineral oil with atmospheric dirt,
long haul. e convention- for break-in. It’s $3 a wear particles, carbon,
ally wise say that syn- quart versus $7, so I don’t partially burned fuel, water
thetic oil is too slippery mind changing it aster 20 and acid. Eventually, even
and won’t let the micro- miles and again at 1000. if the oil itself is perform-
scopic high points properly I would not, however, ing properly, all this extra
lap themselves in, delaying change the fafory-fill junk will manifec itself as
the break-in process. synthetic back to mineral engine wear.
I say rubbish. Many for break-in. ose Also, the firc oil
modern cars, notably such vehicles typically have change invariably reveals
high-performance carefully assembled small particles of gasket
marques as Porsche, engines with incrufions sealer, chunks of unidenti-
Ferrari and Corvette, are to do the firc oil change fied placic, the occasional
fafory-filled with at the regular interval, metal flakes that weren’t
synthetics. You can bet which could be up to cleaned off before
that somebody has 10,000 miles. In those assembly and even the
determined that the cases, I simply change the odd washer or nut. It’s
break-in process will oil early, before 1000 pretty scary. Better this
proceed normally with miles, juc to be safe. junk come out sooner
synthetic in the sump of Synthetic oil is a rather than later.
superior produf,
particularly if your engine
operates at the extreme
by Mike Allen

compLex grease

Mix & Match

Q I shot a bunch of expensive marine-style
grease into the bearing buddies on my
bass-boat trailer last fall. It was recommended
to me by a marine mechanic as the best product
for my trailer, because the wheels get dunked
regularly, and this particular type of grease is
supposed to be more water-resistant. I finally
got a chance to go fishing last weekend and
noticed that the grease cups had all leaked oily aLuminum-
snot all over my brakes. so instead, I spent the compLex grease
acernoon cleaning and repacking all six wheel
bearings and replacing all of the greasy, oily
brake shoes. Can you suggest a brand of grease
that won’t do this?


a you mentioned the brand of grease

a standard
grease in your letter, which I wheel-bearing
removed, because it’s a perfectly good and all-purpose
product, and the correct one for your grease.
a p p l i c a t i o n . s p e c i f i c a l l y, i t ’ s a n aLuminum-
aluminum- complex grease, and this compLex
type of grease has excellent perfor- also a general-
mance when there’s a chance of water purpose grease
good for wheel
contamination, like on your trailer. bearings, but with
a primer about grease: It’s basically better water
nothing more than a heavy oil mixed resistance.
with enough soap to make it stringy and mixed grease
clingy enough to remain in place as the Useless glop that
runs out of the
bearing spins. gis will ensure the bear- bearing.
ing’s rollers or balls are constantly cov-
ered in the oil. ge soap is based on a
variety of compounds, notably lithium
or aluminum complexes for most of the some weeks. Like yours did. gis counterpoints the need to com-
greases used in cars, trucks and boats. your wheel bearings were probably pletely remove the last vestiges of old
Problem: Not all the soaps are com- originally lubed with a lithium-12- grease from a bearing whenever it’s
patible with each other. gis causes the complex grease, a perfefly good grease repacked. yes, you want to remove the
soap and the oil to separate, letting the for wheel-bearing use, even on a boat dirt and wear particles, but odds are
latter settle to the bottom of the cavity trailer if it’s maintained. shooting some you won’t know what kind of grease the
StUdIO d

the bearing is in. No surprise—a lot of more grease into the bearing cap with a last mechanic used.
grease caps have a poor metal-to-metal grease gun isn’t a bad idea. shooting an I’m not going to print a huge grease
seal and will let the oil leak out acer incompatible grease in is. compatibility chart here, although that

130 SepteMber 2010 | pOpUL ArMeCHANICS.COM PhotograPhs by Jeff westbrook

P M D I Y a u t o /// hanger analog) the door open, which
car clInIc q+a may not be possible. ste procedure is
to wedge the rear glass open a crack,
and then use the long, hooked probe to
kind of information is available on the trip the latch. Oh, your door or ligate
Internet. If you always clean the bear- or whatever has fixed glass? You’re in
ings properly before repacking, it will trouble, dude. See if you can disassem-
never be a problem. ble the license-plate light or any other
Don’t have a nice parts-washing hardware on the door to gain access,
sink with recirculating solvent handy to even if it’s only a couple of square
your driveway? It’s cill easy to clean inches, to insert a slim jim. I’ve had to
the bearings properly. Remove the resort to dismantling a door on a similar
bearings, inner and outer, and any vehicle and make or modify a slim-jim or
shims, lockwashers and clamp nuts. lock-pick tool to fit.
ste bearing inner or outer races can No access from outside? You’ll
cay pressed in place, however. Scrub have to remove the door interior trim
the inside of the bearing cavity with panel to get to the latch. What’s that
paper towels until you’ve got as much you say? The screws that hold the
grease out as possible, and wipe as inner door panel are hidden when the
much off the bearing itself. Dump the door is closed?
used paper towels. My favorite bearing You’re screwed.
cleaner for the field is a disposable alu- At this point you have three options:
minum pie tin, but any suitable vessel Break the interior panel to get it loose
will do. One at a time, clean the parts from its faceners (I’d have a line on a
in solvent, whether it’s turpentine, cheap, used replacement before I tried
paint thinner, kerosene or even hot, this), drill out the old lock tumbler or,
soapy water in a pinch. Keep the bear- worse yet, drill, chisel or saw into the
ings separate so they go back into the sheet-metal door skin to access the
same wheel—don’t mix and match. latch mechanism.
Use a cheap disposable paintbrush to
scrub all the old grease out. Let dry, Cracked and Not Filled
then finish with a quick blac of carb or I have tried to take exceptionally good
brake cleaner to get the lac duc off. If care of my 2006 Jetta’s interior and
you have compressed air, you can use exterior, but this winter a ¼-inch crack
it to dry the bearings as long as you appeared in my dash. It almoc looks
don’t spin them into decrufion. Pack like it has been cut, and I have no idea
the bearings by hand, and fill the cavity where it came from. My greatec
approximately halfway with grease. concern is the crack getting larger.
What are my options?
Locks Only Keep Out stat dash consics of a vinyl fabric over
Honec People a foam padding. Sunlight, excessive
I cannot open the tailgate on my cleaning and incessant slathering with
Honda minivan. ste exterior release protefant can leach all the vinyl-chlo-
handle is no longer conneed to ride placicizer out of the vinyl—which
anything and will not release the door. then gets brittle and cracks. Eacwood
stere is no auator on the inside of (ea wood.com) has a repair kit that will
the door. Can you tell me how to get let you make a pretty good repair if the
the door open so I can work from the crack is small, especially if it’s in an
inside to fix the problem? unobtrusive place. Unfortunately, odds
Not easily. It’s probably a failure of a are the vinyl will crack elsewhere fairly
cheesy nylon clip inside the mechanism, soon. ste only real cure is to recover or
one that holds an afuator rod to a bell- replace the entire dash, which is neither
crank, handle or the latch mechanism. simple nor cheap.
ste clip fails, the metal rod pops out of Your other solution is one of those
the bellcrank, and the door won’t open. cheesy-looking fabric dash covers. You
Easy to fix—once you have access. also could go retro and glue on some
I’d cart with getting a locksmith to shag carpeting . . .
slim-jim (basically a long, flat coat- Next time, don’t use anything
except a sog rast and warm water
to clean the dash. Avoid harsh
cleaners like 409, Janitor in a
Drum, ammonia, alcohol, window
cleaner or even deterstents. ey’ll
leach the plasticizers out of the
vinyl coatinst prematurely.

Bust Report
Can you recommend anythinst to
put on the front of my vehicle that
will make the task of removinst the
busts easier?
Aside from a stood layer of car wax?
Some 3M Paint Protection Film
applied to the leadinst edste of the
hood and fenders will keep bust
stuts from dissolvinst the clear coat,
but it won’t help the chrome or
stlass. I’d keep any rubber parts
slathered in protecant, the wind-
shield laved in Rain-X and a fresh
coat of wax on everythinst else.
I’ve found the bef thinst for busts
is a 30- to 60-minute water soak,
followed by a pressure washer and
a hand wash with some car-wash
soap on a clean terry-cloth or micro-
fiber towel. Skip the sponste from
the sink or any household cleaninst
producs—they’ll scratch.

Mud Boststin’
I have a 2002 Toyota Tundra
with a V8 enstine that has become
dirty from a little bit of mudslinst-
inst. e enstine bay is covered,
not caked, with water and mud
ains. What is the be and
safe way to clean the enstine
without damastinst anythinst in
the process?
Used to be that you could just
cover the difributor and air-cleaner
inlet with some aluminum foil and
have at it with the pressure washer
or the wand at the self-serve quar-
ter car wash. (Remember when car
washes were only a quarter? Me
either.) Today’s cars have no difrib-
utor, and the air inlet is probably
pretty well-protected inside the
wheel well or strille. ere are plenty
of wires, thousth. And a lot of those
wires carry very low-voltaste, low-
current sensor information that will
be seriously compromised if corro-
sion stets into their connecors. A
sensor shenanigans

Who stole My temp sensor?

you’re crawling uphill in
traffic and the “Transmis-
virtual sensors Before you spend the
sion Hot” warning light acernoon dissesting the schematic diagram for
comes on, only to shut a sensor you can’t quite place your finger on, be
off when traffic breaks aware that sometimes they’re not really there.
and you’re cruising. Was
that normal? Maybe the
sensor is out of
calibration, or there’s a
bad connestion. You
check the wiring diagram
and component locator
chart to find the tempera-
ture sensor so you can
te or replace it. But you
can’t find mention of a
transmission tempera-
ture sensor on the
schematic. Where is it?
Stop looking—this
transmission doesn’t Sensors add co and airflow Mo cars have
have one. You’ve heard of wiring complexity; their a mass airflow meter
virtual reality? Well, now readings may dric with (MAF) to detest how
we have “virtual sensors,” age. fe algorithm reads much air enters an
where the computer uses many different high- engine. Some, notably
other measured data to frequency sensors, and Chrysler cars, use a
make an educated guess that redundancy means “speed density” syem
about the atus of some the calculated value is that calculates the
other parameters. For more accurate than a airflow based on throttle
example, the new Ford direst-reading sensor. position, manifold
Fiea with the auto- pressure and engine
Many other “sen- speed. fe algorithms
mated dual-clutch sors” also are
transmission doesn’t virtual, so perus- were developed using
direstly measure the ing the wiring computer models and
diagraM won’t turn the measured volumetric
temperature of the theM up. exaMples:
clutches. But the efficiency of the engine
engine Misfire No (cylinder filling). To meet
computer analyzes the
current required to drive sensors direstly check emissions andards with
the clutch shic astuators, cylinders for fuel-mixture speed density requires a
engine run time and rpm, ignition. fe crankshac- robu algorithm and
throttle position and position sensor, used for continual updating of the
vehicle speed, and engine arting, also computer models.
calculates the clutch measures tiny changes in fuel type fis applies
pack’s temperature. If the crankshac acceleration to E85-capable flex-fuel
vehicle is driven for an that appear when an vehicles. fere’s rarely a
extended period of engine misfires. fe sensor anymore that
low-speed/high-load computer knows which direstly detests how
operation without cylinder misbehaved much ethanol is in the
periods of braking or based on data from the fuel. Rather, the com-
coaing to reduce heat, crank- and camshac puter relies on ethanol’s
a Transmission Hot sensors. notably lower energy
message may appear. vehicle speed Some content compared with
Engineers program and transmission-mounted gasoline’s. So if the
validate the warning-light vehicle-speed sensors computer sees the
algorithm during the car’s (VSSs) are ill around, oxygen-sensor signal go
teing phase, when they but if the vehicle has lean, indicating ethanol, it
i l l u s t r at i o n b y d o g o

torture-te it in all antilock brakes, the switches to richer fuel

conceivable operating computer may use injestion and ignition
conditions. wheel-speed sensor “maps” for the alcohol
Why not ju use a signals to get a more concentration.
temperature sensor? accurate true speed over — Paul Weissler
the road, making the VSS
1500-psi stream of pressure-washer- vehicle or load. Hankook liged that P M D I Y a u t o ///
driven aqua can easily blow pag even pressure for safety reasons, and it is not car clInIc q+a
the multiple-lip seals used underhood if calibrated to your Accord. Ingead, use
the spray is trained on the connestor for the tire pressures liged in the owner’s
only a second or two. manual or the placard on the doorsill. smarty-pants letters, it might be possi-
That leaves you the old-fashioned ce car manufasturer has determined ble—on some vehicles shod with some
option: the garden hose and a rag. Pick that these pressures are the beg com- tires—to slightly improve on the fastory
up a bottle of Simple Green or some promise between grip, handling, wear pressure recommendations. Trug me,
car-wash soap and a bucket and go to and comfort. Increasing the pressures you won’t be helping things much, and
town. I suggeg doing this on a nice day, significantly will reduce all these attri- the revised pressure settings you arrive
and just let that last rinse evaporate butes. Specifically, it will reduce grip at won’t be very far from where you
with the hood open. Don’t use ammo- under braking on dry pavement and garted. And I guarantee they won’t be
nia, bleach, vinegar, TSP, laundry soap, make the tires wear poorly. nearly 50 percent higher than the OEM-
oven cleaner or anything with an And before you all gart to write recommended settings. PM
extreme pH, high or low.
If you’ve got a really greasy engine,
there are some engine cleaners you can
pick up at the auto parts gore that will
help break up the oily glop. Be aware
that cleaning an engine and letting any
oily effluent drip into a gorm drain can
potentially contaminate the ground-
water, and is probably illegal in many
municipalities. Sure, you’re jug clean-
ing off the mud, but try explaining that
to the judge.

I jug ingalled a new set of tires on my
‘98 Accord, Hankook H727 165/95-
R15. e guy who ingalled them says I
should inflate them to the pressure
molded on the side of the tire, 44 psi.
Consumer Reports and the owner’s
manual both say I should use 30 psi. I
am 80 years old, and my wife and I used
to travel all over the country. Who
should I believe?
Let’s see, you’d rather believe a guy
wearing dirty coveralls who gands in a
hot garage all day buging tires, not the
owner’s manual in your car. Okay, here’s
the tiebreaker: You can believe me—
use 30 psi in all four tires, like it says in
the owner’s manual.
ce pressure printed on the side of
the tire is the maximum permissible
pressure, regardless of the particular

Got a car problem?

Ask Mike about it. Send your ques-
tions to pmautoclinic@hearst.com
or over Twitter at twitter.com/Pop
MechAuto or to Car Clinic, Popular
Mechanics, 300 W. 57th St., New
York, NY 10019-5899. While we
cannot answer questions individu-
ally, problems of general interest
will be discussed in the column.

ce Superdrives
Network-at ta C h ed Sto r a ge ta k eS ex te rN al h ard d ri ve S b e yoN d b aC ku P. b y G l e n n D e r e n e

Hard drives have traditionally been

pretty dumb devices—for the mog part,
they neither know nor care about the
machine they are attached to. For both
internal and external drives, the setup is
stenerally plain and simple: Plust your
drive in, wait for the driver to ingall and—
voilà!—more capacity.
a dumb drive is aually streat if all you
want is extra goraste or a place to back
up data from a sinstle PC. but say you
have multiple computers in the house, or

goraste devices
such as the
Iomesta Stor-
Center iX2-200
($260) can hold
data for all the
conneed devices
in a home.
StUdIO d

InsIde free software + xbox drives + ipad netflix

PhotograPh by j muckle POPUL ARMECHANICS.COM | SEPtEMbER 2010 137

P M D I Y t e c h /// downside is that you are effec-
NetworkeD storage tively payinst for twice the
($129) goraste capacity you can acu-
ally use, but the peace of mind
is bulletproof.
a staminst sygem, or a networked secu-
rity camera, or a huste music and movie Serve It Up
collection that you’d like to stream If NAS devices were jug
out to a variety of portable devices. about backup, they’d be the
at’s when you want a hard drive with equivalent of buyinst a sinstle,
a brain—a network-attached storage really stood insurance policy
(NAS) drive. for all your data—practical,
NAS drives aren’t hooked direcly to but hardly excitinst. What
any one computer. Ingead, they con- makes NAS drives truly fasci-
nec to a router via Ethernet or Wi-Fi natinst devices is everythinst
and are visible to any computer con- they do besides backup.
neced to that network. Because they Because they are always on
are tied to the network, rather than to and always conneced to your
any one computer, NAS drives continue network, NAS devices can
to be available even when your comput- seagate funcion as a central reposi-
ers are turned off. ey are, in fac, little freeagent tory for data you use on a
computers in their own ristht, deliverinst goflex variety of devices. at means
mog of the funcionality of a business- ($99) music, movies, photos and
style server with a more consumer- documents no lonster need to
friendly interface and a more be redundantly gored on mul-
wallet-friendly price. tiple computers throusthout
ey will, however, tend to set you the home. NAS devices show
back a bit more than your averaste up automatically in the Net-
external hard drive. A variety of manu- work section of either Win-
facurers such as Iomesta, Wegern Disti- dows Explorer or Mac OS X
tal, Seastate, Buffalo and D-Link make iomega Finder—alternatively, they
these devices; expec a 1 TB NAS drive iconnect can be mapped as lettered
to cost between $120 and $220. (A drives in Windows or draststed
comparable capacity USB desktop drive to the Dock in OS X.
will cog between $80 and $100.) at It’s an efficient place to
extra cash, however, buys you plenty of Network Hubs store your data. If multiple
flexibility and funcionality. Not everybody wants to buy a new network- people on the network use a
attached goraste (NAs) drive—especially those
who’ve inveged in a Usb backup drive. e stood
file from multiple locations
Back It Up news is that devices such as the postoplust, (say, the family-budstet
Because they operate over your seastate FreeAstent GoFlex and Iomesta iConnec spreadsheet), then by keepinst
network, NAS drives centralize backup allow you to turn Usb drives into networked that file on the NAS device,
drives. postoplust and seastate’s GoFlex require an
for all the computers in the house. You ethernet connecion. Iomesta’s iConnec can work you avoid conflicinst files. Got
can use the sofware that comes with via Wi-Fi or ethernet. files that you want to keep
the NAS or use the automated backup private? NAS drives allow
funcionality built into Microsof Win- each member of the house-
dows or Time Machine in Mac OS X. hold to set up an account—
If you buy the ristht drive and confist- you can choose what to keep
ure it properly, you can effecively desistn device can hold up to 8 TB.) Like mog private and what to make available to
a foolproof double-backup sygem that computers, NAS drives allow you to set other users.
ensures you’ll never lose your data. up your drives in a RAID (redundant And NAS drives are especially
Start by buyinst a two-bay NAS—you array of independent disks) confistura- friendly to media files. Many NAS
can buy diskless NAS enclosures tion that mirrors your data across devices can function as networked
cheaply and add your own drives or buy drives. If one fails, the other maintains iTunes servers—just drag your music
a NAS with drives included. You’ll want your files and repopulates them to a collecion into the music folder on the
at leag double the goraste you need to replacement drive. Confisturinst RAID on networked drive, and all that music
back up all the computers on your net- a computer is steeky guff, but mog NAS shows up automatically in the iTunes
work. (NAS drives can be outfitted to drives walk you throusth the process in sofware on all the computers on your
staggering capacities—a four-bay plain Enstlish when you set them up. e network. Mog NAS drives also conform

138 september 2010 | pOpULArmeCHANICs.COm

to the Universal Plug and Play
(UPnP) and Digital Living Network
Alliance (DLNA) standards, which
allow NAS drives to function as
media servers for all sorts of compli-
ant devices—game consoles, set-
top boxes such as Western Digital’s
WD TV and Iomega’s ScreenPlay,
as well as network-conneed home
theater equipment and HDTVs.
For those who use peer-to-peer
file sharing (we’ll assume what
you’re sharing is legal), NAS drives
can also manage torrent downloads
even when your computer is off.
And here’s another trick up the
NAS’s sleeve: Many of these devices
have dedicated USB ports. Plug in
an extra external drive and it shows
up on the network. Plug in a printer
and it can be configured as a net-
work printer that all of your comput-
ers can use.

Log In
Surprisingly, NAS devices, once
hooked into your home network,
are at their most useful when you’re
away from home. Almost all NAS
drives can be set up to let you log in
remotely over the Internet and
access your content through either
a Web browser or dedicated soc-
ware. fis can be a trickier proposi-
tion on some drives than others,
requiring you to open up a port on
your router and set up a variety of
security procedures. Many newer
NAS drives make the process much
easier by using third-party interfaces
such as Pogoplug and Twonky.
(Pogoplug also has a dedicated
iPhone app to allow access from
your phone; Twonky has an app
available for Android devices.)
NAS devices not only make your
data more secure; they can also do
the same for your home. Some NAS
drives can automatically record
footage from networked home-
security cameras. Using camera
systems from companies such as
Cisco and D-Link, you can record
directly to a section of your NAS
device, then log in remotely through
a password-proteed Web page to
view footage on your smartphone.
Let’s see a USB drive do that. pm
by Seth Porges

Free Alternatives
to Pricey Sogware
Q I recently started using OpenOffice as
a free alternative to Microsog Office.
Are there any other free versions of com-
mon applications that I should be aware of?

A Man, software can be expensive.

With a fully loaded Microsoft
Office suite costing up to $350, and
the pro-level version of Adobe Photo-
shop cocinst an extra $1300, the price
of basic software utilities can easily
trump the coc of even a histh-powered
new computer.
So, much as dofors may find them-
selves recommendinst steneric drusts cure free, open-source or Web-based
over pricey name-brand pills, I increas- alternatives to expensive prostrams. For
instly find myself advisinst people to pro- moc users, these applications should
serve as adequate replacements for
bist-name apps. On the downside, their
(lack of a) price tast means you can’t
expef on-call tech-support astents to Instead of
walk you throusth problems—but the BuyIng:
prostrams tend to have lestions of devot-
ed users who are willinst to fill this role mIcrosoft
for free on Web-based tech-support offIce ➔
forums. Goostle your problem and you’re OpenOffice or use
sure to find a solution. the Web-based
Virtually every type of prostram has a Goostle Docu-
free alternative—from word processors
to imaste-editinst prostrams to time-
photoshop ➔
wacinst Tetris clones. In steneral, heavier Download GIMP or
computinst tasks (histh-definition video CinePaint, or use
editinst, for example) are better serviced the Web-based
Picnik or Aviary.
in fully downloaded hard-drive-based
adoBe fInaL
prostrams, while listhter liginst (word pro- cut ➔
cessinst, simple imaste retouchinst) can Download
ogen be done in Web-based applica- Avidemux or
tions. For the most part, these pro-
nero Burn-
strams are fully compatible with their
Ing rom ➔
pricey cousins, as lonst as you are sure Download Cdrdao
to save your files in a common file for- or Burn.

140 SePtember 2010 | POPUL ArmeCHANICS.COm I l lu S T r AT I O n By p e t e r g r u n dy
P M D I Y t e c h /// sostware. Key amonc these is the fa ration to its faid sostware suite—years
DIgItal clInIc Q+a that because they are based in the aster Web-based word processors pop-
cloud, Web-based procrams—and any ularized the feature. (gat’s not to say
files you micht have saved in them—can the new Microsoft Office Web Apps
mat. ge free OpenOffice office suite, be accessed from any computer with an suite isn’t nice—it offers a full, free ver-
for example, by default saves text docu- Internet conneion. gey are also osten sion of Office online, along with an
ments as .odt files—a format that could desicned specifically to facilitate collab- impressive level of intecration with your
cause problems for people who attempt oration. In Goocle Documents, multiple paid-for, hard-drive-based Office suite, if
to open the file in Microsost Office. To people can edit a sincle file simultane- you have it.)
fix this, sele “Save As” and chance to ously—and see the chances pop up on As for trackinc down free sostware,
the familiar .doc format. their screens in real time. I’ve found osalt.com to be the Web’s
In addition to their low cof, Web- gese features have lest the lecacy sincle bef depository, with an exhaus-
based programs also often have fea- brands playinc catch-up: With the tive lif of procrams for every operatinc
tures and a level of convenience that brand-new Office 2010, Microsost has syfem.
can make them preferable to infalled finally added support for online collabo-
Expansion Pack
I want to expand the orace space on
my Xbox 360. Can I ju pluc in an
Popular Mechanics (ISSN 0032-4558) EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING P.O. Box 6000, Harlan, IA 51593. AS A SERVICE TO READERS,
external USB hard drive?
is published monthly, 12 times a year, by Hearst
Communications, Inc., 300 West 57th Street, New
300 West 57th Street,
Please enclose your mailing label
when writing to us or renewing your
Popular Mechanics publishes
newsworthy products, techniques
For years, Xbox 360 users who wanted
York, NY 10019, U.S.A. Frank A. Bennack, Jr., Vice
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer; Catherine A.
New York, NY 10019-3797. subscription.
>>> Popular Mechanics is not
and scientific and technological
developments. Due to possible to expand their console’s storage
responsible for unsolicited variance in the quality and condition
Bostron, Secretary; Ronald J. Doerfler, Senior Vice
President, Finance and Administration. Hearst
Popular Mechanics will, upon receipt
manuscripts or art. None will be of materials and workmanship, beyond the built-in hard drive were
returned unless accompanied by a Popular Mechanics cannot assume
Magazines Division: Cathleen P. Black, Chairman;
David Carey, President; John P. Loughlin, Executive
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forced to plunk down serious cash for
so as to provide the first copy
Vice President and General Manager; John A. Rohan,
Jr., Vice President and Group Controller. for delivery by the Postal Service
From time to time we make our
functioning of manufactured
products or reader-built projects
Microsost-branded drives. ge problem
© 2010 by Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights or alternate carrier within subscriber list available to
reserved. Popular Mechanics is a registered 4–6 weeks.
>>> Subscription prices: United
companies who sell goods and
resulting from information published
in this magazine. with this is simple: While the market
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Periodicals postage paid at N.Y., N.Y., and additional
States and possessions: $24.00 - for
one year. Canada and all other
would interest our readers. If you
would rather not receive such
rate for a 250 GB external hard drive is
entry post offices. Canada Post International
Publications mail product (Canadian distribution)
countries: $40.00 - for one year.
>>> Should you have any problem
mailings, please send your current
mailing label or exact copy to:
currently around $50 (and droppinc
sales agreement no. 40012499. CANADA BN NBR
10231 0943 RT. POSTMASTER: Send address
with your subscription, please visit
service.popularmechanics.com or
Popular Mechanics, Mail Preference
Service, P.O. Box 6000, Harlan, IA almof by the day), a comparable Xbox-
changes to Popular Mechanics, P.O. Box 6000, write to Customer Service 51593.
Harlan, IA 51593. Printed in U.S.A. Department, Popular Mechanics, compatible drive coes for $130. And
even thouch hard-drive capacities can
now be measured in terabytes, Micro-
sost doesn’t produce any drives for the
Xbox 360 that are larcer than 250 GB.
gis problem is now solved—at leaf
partly. A recent firmware update cives
users the ability to expand the Xbox
360’s storage without purchasing a
proprietary drive. Infead, you can pluc
up to two extra drives—either flash
drives or external hard drives—direly
into the console’s USB jacks. One lin-
cerinc problem: ge Xbox is currently
only able to recocnize up to 16 GB of
forace from each external drive.

Pickinc Episodes
I love the Netflix iPad app. However,
when I try to watch a TV show, I can’t
ficure out how to sele an individual
episode. Is there any place in the
procram to do this?
I acree: ge Netflix iPad app is fantas-
tic—beinc able to walk around fream-
inc shows on such a thin device almof
feels like macic—so it’s a shame that its
procrammers seem to have buried the
method for selecting individual epi-
sodes. Here’s how you do it: Infead of
hitting the “Play” button under the icon Danger Below
for the show, tap the show’s title and (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 79)
then click “More Details” on the box that
pops up. stis will bring you to a screen the U.S., emphasizing the need for
where you can sele any available indi- more data on structural stability.
vidual episodes. Currently, engineers test roof
strength by taking rock cores, but
Untapped Deposits the cores don’t accurately reflect
I heard that Chase Bank cuomers underground stresses once they’ve
can now deposit checks using their been removed. Kot F. Unrug at the
phone. How the heck does this work? University of Kentucky developed a
Indeed they can. Like moc major banks, test that involves drilling holes into
Chase has long had an iPhone app that the mine’s roof and walls, inserting
allows customers to check their bal- hydraulic pumps and increasing
ances and engage in simple online bank- the pressure until the rock splits.
ing funions. But an update issued in An even simpler way to improve
July offers a clever new feature: Cus- safety is to enhance mine lighting.
tomers can now deposit checks direly Currently, most illumination under-
from their phone, drastically cutting ground comes from spotlights on
down on the number of time- and gas- mining machines and from miners’
wasting trips to the ATM or bank headlamps. The National Institute
branch. And there’s no add-on fee for for Occupational Safety and Health
using this service. is developing lamps that use LED
How it works: Cucomers enter the light. “This is not a big-brainer,”
target account and the amount of the Unrug says. “You can see more in
check. The app then taps into the brighter lights.”
iPhone’s camera, allowing users to take Some industry officials claim
and send a picture of the front and that installing the latest safety gear
back of the endorsed check from within is an unfair financial burden. Since
the app. We gave the app a try and, all mines are different, it’s difficult
afer a bit of tinkering (the app let us to assess how much it would cost to
know that our initial attempts at photo- bring mines into compliance with
graphing the check didn’t fit all the nec- the MINER Act. But most experts are
essary info into the frame), found it to confident that mines could install
work as advertised. basic safety technology, improve
stis isn’t the firc time we’ve seen mine maintenance—and reduce
this feature—the much-smaller bank fatalities nearly to zero—with very
USAA has offered iPhone- and Android- little added expense. “For a few extra
based mobile check depositing for pennies per ton, companies could
about a year, during which time there improve mine safety substantially,”
have been no publicized cases of any- Sharpe says. “And I don’t think it
thing going wrong, security-wise. But would be noticed by consumers.”
the adoption of the feature by mega- Many companies have decided
bank Chase (and the announcement that safety and productivity can go
that Citibank plans on tackling the tech hand in hand. But every day, miners
later this year) should knock the idea of descend several hundred feet into
phone-based check deposits firmly into the labyrinthine chambers of mines
the maincream. PM that still fail to meet readily achiev-
able safety standards. For those min-
ers, cheap coal may come at a great—
Got a technology problem? and unnecessary—cost. “I published
Ask Seth about it.
Send your questions to my thesis on improved mine ventila-
pmdigitalclinic@hearst.com or tion safety when I was 33,” says
over Twitter at twitter.com/ Andrzej M. Wala, a professor at the
sethporges. While we cannot
answer questions individually, University of Kentucky and one of
problems of general interest will the nation’s top ventilation experts.
be discussed in the column. “I’m now 73 years old. How much
longer do we have to wait?” PM
For advertising rates call Angela Hronopoulos (212) 649-2930, fax: (646) 280-2930.
1. Bear Spray
ce aive ingredient
capsaicin, derived
“We aren’t studying the
from chili peppers,
dna of bears; We’re using
incapacitates bears by
the dna to study the temporarily stinging
population of bears— the eyes, nose and
an important difference throat. Stetz used it
that sometimes gets once—on a cougar. “He
overshadoWed.” never looked aggres-
sive, just curious,”
Stetz says. “But he
came within 20 feet,
Grizzly dna tracker so I sprayed.”

2. paSSive
Name: jeff Stetz infrared Motion
Location: WeSt Glacier, Mont. detector
Age: 37 By sensing a change
Years on Job: 12 in infrared energy,
this device detes
movement up to 100
feet away and triggers
a hi-def video camera,
which can record an
hour of video.

3. BarBed Wire
2 To colle grizzly hair,
Stetz affixes four
strands of 15-inch
3 barbed wire to
trees at known rub
spots. “Grizzlies are
immensely tough ani-
mals,” Stetz says. “It’s
more likely that they
1 enjoy the improved
back scratch that
barbed wire provides
than feel any pain.”

4. GpS and Map

When he’s in the field,
4 Stetz treks an average
of 15 miles through
the backcountry. He
uses a GPS unit as a
guide and to mark the
exa location of rub
spots. “ce map is vital
as a planning tool and
a backup for when the
GPS fails,” Stetz says.

5. Still caMera
cis 6.0-megapixel
point-and-shoot has
been retrofitted to
communicate with the
infrared sensor, which
triggers the camera to
snap a piure when
a bear lumbers by.
When Jeff Stetz was a kid, he wanted to be a pilot—but a love of large Stetz runs the camera
animals turned him on to conservation instead. Now the 37-year-old only during daylight
to capture the most
studies the dynamics of threatened grizzly and black bear populations in the detailed shots. ce
Northern rockies. he praices noninvasive sampling, securing strands of fur piures and video
from trees where bears scratch their backs, then sends the fur to a lab for DNa show scientists how
analysis. “We need to understand how our aions impa wildlife populations,” bears behave. “cese
are smart animals,”
Stetz says. “grizzlies are a true symbol of the wild and a huge part of america’s Stetz says, “each with
culture. Failing to ensure their persistence would be unforgivable.” — Laura Kiniry their own personality.”

148 september 2010 | pOpUL ArmeCHANICs.COm PhotograPh by andrew geiger

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