Popular Mechanics 2010-08 PDF

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THE RACE TO SURVIVE THE WORLD'S HIGHEST JUMP 120,000 feet ’ Mach 1 =_ > -70F BIG HONKIN’ — Ea = Defog Fame Upgrade witch Plates STOP UP TO area ¥h ant PPM iet st ; ) “The MICHELN® Primacy" MMA? te: With the new MICHELIN’ somwe | a | rman haveleallexfety; lo ; ndling and rorsurto oem ae comfort. The MICHELIN Primacy MXMA ti ides superior I. safety with a tire that stops up to 19 feet shorter in wet wl ser a conditions than a leading competitor! It’s backed by an ema crore exceptional 55,000-mile warranty for H/V-speed rated sizes? and MICHELIN tires are the #1 choice of luxury car makers? See how the right tire changes everything at michelinman.com. Be aor Pueiccrau (lati tHcy Oc) Se eee Den ta eerie etre ce a ete as eee a eer ers Ee eee eee ra racetosoareven higher and | of physical bers ae often rT fees het a ere erent e fedgeofspace. | to buld agoodfence? De ce PM FEATURES. Caer nm meer VoL is? Noe Ce een eC eed eee ee in community service more than | that didn’t stop a modern British ra hee tn ee ee rey hoodheroes who aremaking | one such vehicle using a hodge- adference,fromleading out- | podge of partsina bid to claim Pea ere ee ce Cree tae eet eno > iN amet ree eran Deer atk and computer generated model ated by Jeremy Hunt of Screaming Death Monkey VFX. *

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