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Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187 – 210

The “calamine” nonsulfide Zn–Pb deposits of Belgium:

Petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical characterization
Vito Coppola a , Maria Boni a,d,⁎, H. Albert Gilg b ,
Giuseppina Balassone a , Léon Dejonghe c
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Napoli Federico II, Via Mezzocannone 8, 80134 Napoli, Italy
Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurgeologie, Technische Universität München, Arcisstr. 21, 80333 München, Germany
Geological Survey of Belgium, 13 Rue Jenner, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut der Universität, Im Neuenheimer Feld 234, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany

Received 30 October 2005; accepted 7 March 2006

Available online 7 August 2007


The Belgian nonsulfide Zn deposits represent the historical basis for the zinc mining and smelting industry in Europe. The zinc
ores were called “calamines” and consist of a mixture of Zn carbonates (smithsonite, hydrozincite) and Zn silicates (hemimorphite,
willemite and Zn clays), with a variable content of Pb minerals. The “calamines” are considered to be oxidation products of primary
sulfide ores.
The most important was the La Calamine orebody (more than 600,000 tons of Zn metal) that was continuously exploited for several
centuries. Nonsulfide ores were also exploited at Schmalgraf, Engis, Dickenbusch, Fossey, Rocheux-Oneux, Welkenraedt and in other
smaller deposits (all no longer accessible for study), where the “calamines” extended from the surface to an average depth of 40 to 50 m.
The primary Zn–Pb sulfide mineralization consists of post-Variscan hydrothermal veins and replacement bodies, mostly occurring in
the Dinantian (Visean) limestones. The sulfides intersect the Paleozoic rocks and are truncated and unconformably covered by Late
Cretaceous sediments (Santonian Aachen Fm.). The same setting has been observed for the nonsulfide ores, suggesting an Early to
Mid-Cretaceous weathering, consistent with other geological and geochronological data on paleoweathering in Europe.
The extensive occurrence of willemite, that appears to be the first deposited nonsulfide mineral, is a striking particularity of the
Belgian “calamines”. Most fluid inclusions in willemite (80%) and all inclusions in smithsonite are monophase (aqueous). Ice
melting temperatures suggest salinities between 0 and 5 wt.% NaCl equiv. Homogenization temperatures of rare two-phase
inclusions (liquid + vapor) in willemite display a large variation between 80 and 190°, an interval matching the temperature ranges
of other willemite ores throughout the world, so far considered of hydrothermal origin.
The stable isotope variation of Belgian smithsonites and cerussites is very similar to the range measured in other supergene
nonsulfide deposits similar to those of SW Sardinia. Belgian smithsonites exhibit a limited range of δ18O values from 27.1 to
30.6‰, averaging 28.4‰ ± 0.8‰ V-SMOW. This limited range points to a relatively uniform isotope composition of the oxidizing
waters and constant temperatures of smithsonite crystallization. Carbon isotope values, even from the same mine, show a
considerable range from −11.6 to −1.6‰. This extensive range indicates at least two carbon sources: 13C-depleted carbon derived
from the organic matter in the soils and 13C-enriched carbon originating from marine carbonate host rocks. Cerussites have oxygen
isotope values ranging from 16.8 to 19.3‰, averaging 17.8 ± 1.0‰ and carbon isotope values of −18.4 to − 14.7‰.
The metallic deposits of Eastern Belgium have undergone a polyphase history, which started with a possibly Jurassic sulfide
mineralization, followed by oxidation under high silica activities and consequently by supergene weathering. Owing to structure

⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Boni).

0169-1368/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
188 V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210

and mineralogical association, we do not consider the high homogenization temperatures as reliable minimum temperature
estimates of willemite formation. However, it is possible that the willemite concentrations could have been derived from low-
temperature, localized hydrothermal processes caused by deeply reaching oxidizing fluids. Smithsonite and hemimorphite, often
developed at the expenses of willemite, have all the characteristics of supergene oxidation products.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Belgium; Zinc; Nonsulfide; Calamine; Mineralogy; Geochemistry; Paleoweathering

1. Introduction Eastern Belgium, together with Lower Silesia in Poland

and the Iglesias area in SW Sardinia, were the three most
Within the last decade, with the development of important mining districts in Europe for the production
solvent-extraction and electro-winning processes for the of “calamine” ores. The largest deposit, La Calamine
treatment of nonsulfide zinc ores, there has been a (“Kelmis” in German), also named Moresnet, Alten-
renewed commercial interest for this style of mineral- berg, Grande Montagne and Vieille Montagne (Tim-
ization throughout the world (Large, 2001; Boni, 2003; merhans, 1905), situated ca. 30 km ENE of Liège, was
Hitzman et al., 2003). The commercial exploitation of one of the first resources of nonsulfide zinc to be
nonsulfide deposits, commonly defined as “Zinc developed. Production at La Calamine exceeded
Oxides” or “Calamine” (nonsulfide Zn ore in carbonate 600,000 tons of zinc metal and reached perhaps
rocks), is rapidly becoming an important source of 760,000 tons; this uncertainty is due to the lack of
metallic zinc and it is foreseeable that in the near future production statistics before 1825. When the mine was
the annual production of zinc from these ores could still in operation, the concentrates were essentially made
exceed 10% of the global zinc metal production. up of only Zn nonsulfide ore at grades of 33 to 47%.
Scientific research is now focused not only on several Other relatively important nonsulfide Zn resources
economic “Zinc Oxide” deposits throughout the world in Belgium were exploited up until the first half of the
(Borg et al., 2003; Hitzman et al., 2003; Gilg et al., 20th Century in the oxidation zones of the Fossey,
2003a; Monteiro et al., 2006, but also on older (mostly Schmalgraf, Engis, Rocheux-Oneux, Theux, Welken-
European) mining districts containing smaller and raedt and other smaller sulfide deposits, all concentrated
historically exploited deposits (Boni et al., 2003; Boni in the NE of the country. At Fossey, a mine which was
and Large, 2003; Balassone et al., 2005). The aims of active until 1918, the total production of nonsulfides
these studies are both to understand the geological ranged around 485,000 tons with an ore grade between
constraints on the distribution of the nonsulfide 35 and 60% Zn. The smaller mines of Dickenbusch,
orebodies and on their timing of formation, and also to Pandour, Heggelsbruck and Saint-Paul were included
improve our knowledge of mineralogy and geochemis- in the Welkenraedt mining property. The Belgian depo-
try of the nonsulfide mineral phases. A thorough sits, as well as most of the other European nonsulfide
understanding of the relationships of mineralogy to zinc deposits, were hosted mainly in carbonate rocks
each deposit type, will significantly aid in exploration and consisted largely of smithsonite–hemimorphite–
targeting and metal recovery. hydrozincite. They have been considered so far to be
Brass production from nonsulfide Zn ore began in supergene in the sense of Hitzman et al. (2003)
many parts of Europe, including Belgium, during the (Dejonghe and Boni, 2005). However, the ore exploited
Roman period and continued through the Middle Age at in the historically important La Calamine deposit in
a constant pace up to the start of the Industrial Belgium, hosted in Upper Paleozoic carbonates,
Revolution, when the high demand for metals dictated contained up to 40% of the silicate willemite (Dejonghe
a more intensive exploitation. After the first half of the and Jans, 1983). This zinc silicate mineral was
20th Century, owing to the exhaustion of high grade discovered here by M. Levy and named after Willem I
nonsulfide Zn resources in Europe, and to the of Orange-Nassau, King of Holland (Levy, 1843). With
difficulties encountered during the treatment of their few exceptions, the occurrence of willemite-rich ores
complex mineralogy, Zn sulfide ores were preferred, has been recently considered (Brugger et al., 2003;
despite their lower grades. Over 1.5 Mt of zinc metal Hitzman et al., 2003) as a proof of hydrothermal origin:
have been produced from the zinc deposits (sulfides and this thus poses a genetic problem for the Belgian
nonsulfides) in Belgium over the last two centuries. “calamines”.
V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210 189

The main goal of the present contribution is to provide Mons, Namur and Liège) and in the extreme south
a petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical char- (Belgian Lorraine).
acterization of the Belgian nonsulfide Zn–Pb ores that The basement underwent a first deformation during
could help in clarifying the genetical interpretation of the the Caledonian and was deformed again during the
mineralization process and its timing. However, due to Variscan orogeny, together with the post-Caledonian
the fact that the mines are now shut, and are inaccessible, Paleozoic cover. The main Variscan phase (Asturian
and owing to the virtual absence of good mineralized phase) started at the end of the Westphalian. A large
outcrops, a major problem encountered during this study nappe, called Dinant Synclinorium (or, more generally,
was not being able to sample precisely from all those Ardenne Nappe), overthrust the Namur Synclinorium
areas that could reflect the depositional conditions of the northward along a set of east trending faults (Fig. 1).
Zn-oxide ores. This study relies instead on specimens, These faults have different names: Midi, Eifel and
sampled by one of us (M.B.) at the Royal Belgian Aachen (from West to East).
Institute of Natural Sciences of Brussels and at the The geological history of Belgium after the Variscan
Geological Survey of Belgium. Additional samples were orogeny is difficult to reconstruct, due to the scarcity of
also taken from the Museo di Mineralogia dell'Univer- preserved sections comprising the time span from
sità di Napoli. Permian to Late Cretaceous. However it is generally
regarded that sub-horizontal Permian sediments were
2. Geological setting deposited and then removed by erosion during later
uplifts. Vercautere and van den Haute (1993) considered
In Belgium, three main geological units can be that approximately 3 km of Permo-Carboniferous
distinguished (Fig. 1). (1) A basement, made up of sediments, which covered the Brabant Massif, were
Cambrian, Ordovician and Silurian rocks. The basement removed after the Middle Jurassic. Possible relicts are
crops out in the Stavelot, Rocroi, Givonne, Serpont, preserved in the Malmédy Graben (Fig. 1) (Bultynck
Brabant and Condroz Massifs. (2) An older cover, made et al., 2001). Triassic and Jurassic sediments were either
up of Devonian and Carboniferous rocks. This sequence never deposited, or they were deposited only on the
crops out in the Namur, Verviers and Neufchâteau-Eifel eastern side of the Brabant Massif, where they were
Synclinoria as well as in the Dinant and Ardenne completely eroded after the uplift related to the
Anticlinoria. (3) A post-Variscan cover, consisting of Cimmerian phase of the Alpine orogeny.
rocks whose ages range from Permian to Recent. This The structurally complex Verviers Synclinorium
younger cover is found in the northern part of the (Graulich et al., 1984) is located between Liège and
country (approximately to the north of the line joining Aachen. This has been considered as a Variscan fold-

Fig. 1. Geological sketch map of the Vallonie region in Belgium. The square shows the location of the mineralized district depicted in
Fig. 2.
190 V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210

and-thrust unit (Hance et al., 1999), dominated by two gression) by deep weathering with development of
systems of faults: (1) NE–SW longitudinal faults, linked paleosurfaces, as well as by multiple weathering phases
to the Variscan overthrusting; and (2) NNW–SSE trans- during the Tertiary. Among the many paleosurfaces,
verse faults, linked to the tectonic pulses responsible for three could be associated with especially strong
the first initiation of the Rhine Graben. These faults, in oxidation phenomena: the post-Variscan, the pre-
which most of the primary Zn–Pb vein-type sulfide Triassic and the pre-Santonian paleosurface. As men-
deposits occur, were reactivated on several occasions tioned by Laloux et al. (2000), the top of the Paleozoic
during the Mesozoic and Tertiary. rocks is deeply weathered (thickness reduced to between
Cretaceous sediments unconformably overlie the 5 and 30 m) to an alterite consisting of varicolored clays
folded Paleozoic rocks (Fig. 1). The Cretaceous in the Verviers Synclinorium. This is overlain by
succession starts with the deposition of the Aachen Santonian sediments that mainly correspond to the
Formation (Breddin, 1932) of Santonian age (Late Aachen Formation. Several studies have been per-
Cretaceous). At the base of this formation the Mospert formed throughout Belgium (Legrand, 1968; Dupuis,
Sands occur, followed by the Hergenrath Clays Member 1992; Dupuis et al., 1996) on the kaolinized post-
(Breddin et al., 1963), which consists of alternating Variscan regoliths, developed on Paleozoic rocks of
layers of silty clays and argillaceous sands and silts, with various ages and composition and covered by Late
abundant plants debris. These are overlain by the Cretaceous sediments. In the Transinne quarry
Aachen and Hauset Sands Members (Albers, 1978), (Ardennes), where a supergene kaolinite deposit is
both consisting of shallow-water to continental sand- presently exploited, this regolith on the Paleozoic
stones. The Aachen Formation is then overlain by the surface can reach a maximum thickness of 70 m (Dupuis
transgressive Vaals Formation (Felder, 1975) of Cam- et al., 1996). The formation of the regolith has been
panian age, consisting of sandstone, siltstone and clay dated by Yans (2003) and two distinct weathering
layers with glauconite. The Gulpen Formation (Upper periods have been identified: an Early Cretaceous period
Campanian to Maastrichtian chalk and calcarenites with (126 ± 10 Ma and 135 ± 15 Ma, from Berriasian to
chert nodules) overlies the Vaals Formation. Tertiary Barremian) from K–Ar data on two hollandites (ideally
sediments, consisting mainly of alternating sandy and BaMn8O16), and an Early Miocene (21.1 ± 0.4 Ma)
clayey units, eventually overlie the Gulpen Formation. period from Ar–Ar and K–Ar data on cryptomelane
The uplift of the Ardenne Massif, due either to (ideally KMn8O16). Further evidence of Early Creta-
lithospheric buckling induced along the front of the ceous paleoweathering (120 to 130 Ma) in this part of
developing Alpine orogeny, or driven to plume activity Europe comes from paleomagnetic dating of a wide-
related to the Eifel volcanism (Demoulin, 2003), started spread ferricrete occurrence denominated “Borne de fer”
in the Upper Oligocene and continues up to the Present. in Lorraine (Théveniaut et al., 2002).
Since Oligocene time, a maximum of 500 m of uplift has After the pre-Santonian paleoweathering phases,
occurred throughout Belgium (Demoulin, 1995). In the Tertiary weathering episodes combined with karstic
Ardenne region, the uplift has locally resulted in dissolution are recorded in several areas of Belgium,
complete erosion of nearly all the Cretaceous and including the Verviers Synclinorium. A classic example
Tertiary cover. is given by halloysite accumulations occurring in the
If the Belgian “calamines” are, at least partly, of Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse and Condroz areas at the
supergene origin (as stated by Dejonghe and Boni, bottom of large cryptokarsts (100 to 150 m deep),
2005), it becomes important, to consider the different infilled by Oligocene marine sands and Neogene
paleoweathering phases (that in carbonate terrains might continental deposits (Dupuis, 1992; Dupuis et al.,
be associated with deep karsting) recorded in this part of 2003). During part of the continental periods in the
Europe from the end of Variscan orogeny throughout Neogene (mostly Miocene), the percolation of moder-
Mesozoic and Tertiary until Recent (Boni and Large, ately acid fluids induced karstic dissolution of the
2003, 2005). In fact, some of these phases could have topmost limestone below the permeable sands. As a
caused the oxidation of primary sulfides in the Verviers result, deep sinkholes developed under the Tertiary
Synclinorium and the precipitation of secondary Zn– cover (cryptokarst or cryptolapiaz). Solutions were
Fe–Pb minerals in the “calamine” deposits. buffered at the limestone contact, precipitating alumina
Dupuis (1992), Alexandre and Thorez (1995), gel from which massive halloysite and associated
Demoulin (2003) and Quesnel (2003) pointed out that kaolinite crystallized (Ertus et al., 1989). Pleistocene
the Paleozoic rocks in Belgium were affected during the karst is recognized in Paleozoic limestones, in the region
Permian and Mesozoic (before the Cretaceous trans- of Liege (Quinif and Vandycke, 2001).
V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210 191

3. Primary sulfides where four of the six largest zinc–lead deposits in

easternmost Belgium occur (Schmalgraf, Bleiberg,
With the exception of La Calamine, the nonsulfide Fossey and Eschroich; Fig. 2). Most of these deposits
deposits in Belgium were overlying primary Zn–Pb follow a post-Variscan extensional fault network,
sulfide orebodies (Dejonghe and Boni, 2005). The most parallel to the northern sector of the Rhine Graben
productive district for sulfide and nonsulfide Zn–Pb (Bartholomé and Gérard, 1976; Dejonghe, 1998). The
ores in Belgium was mainly concentrated within an area tonnages of the deposits, each exceeding 50,000 tons
of about 400 km2 in the eastern part of the country (Zn + Pb), and the intensity of displacement due to the
(Verviers-Namur Synclinoria; Dejonghe et al., 1993), block-faulting tectonics increased along a SW/NE

Fig. 2. The northeast Belgium mining district of the Verviers Synclinorium, with the location of sulfide and nonsulfide ore deposits (modified from
Dejonghe, 1998).
192 V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210

Fig. 3. (a) Generalized plan of the La Calamine deposit below recent cover (Dejonghe et al., 1993); schematic cross-sections of the small (b)
Dickenbusch (Dejonghe et al., 1993) and (c) Mützhagen (Lespineux, 1905) orebodies: both sulfide and nonsulfide ores (in black) are truncated and
covered by Cretaceous sandstones (Aachen Formation).
V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210 193

trending gradient. Similar Pb–Zn orebodies occur in the as well as pockets of cerussite were also irregularly
adjacent Aachen area of Germany (Gussone, 1964). To enclosed in the primary sulfide bodies down to 120 m in
constrain the weathering phase responsible for the depth (maximum reported depth of oxidation is 211 m at
majority of the nonsulfide ores, the setting of the the Schmalgraf mine).
primary deposits that were in turn subject to oxidation, The nonsulfide Zn products were called “calamine”
as well as their timing of deposition is of crucial by the miners. This term describes a mixture of minerals
importance (Muchez et al., 1994; Dejonghe, 1998; such as Zn carbonate (smithsonite, ZnCO3) and Zn
Heijlen et al., 2001). silicate [hemimorphite, Zn4(Si2O7)(OH)2·H2O], or the
The sulfide orebodies consist of hydrothermal veins,
cutting deformed carbonate rocks of Devonian and
Carboniferous age and often connected to stratabound
“flats” or “mantos” (Balcon, 1981). An exception to the Table 1
XRD analyses of the samples from the Belgian “calamine”; mineral
general carbonate host rock setting is represented by symbols are in order of abundance
the Bleiberg lode, which is hosted in Visean limestones
Sample Mineral(s)
as well as in Namurian siliciclastic rocks. Sulfide
mineralogy is quite simple, including sphalerite, La Calamine -Moresnet
RN1996 sm, cc, qz
galena, and pyrite/marcasite with collomorph struc-
RN2005 sm, wi, he, cc,
tures, often brecciated (Fig. 4a). Low amounts of Ni RN2008 he, sm, cc, wi
and Co are contained in the iron sulfides (Duchesne RN2017 sm
et al., 1983). Dejonghe (1990) also found gersdorffite RN2044 sm, he, cc
(NiAsS) and nickeline (NiAs) in the Bleiberg mine. RN2051 sm, he, cc
RN2101 sm, he
The mineralized lodes do not extend into the Upper
RN2172 sm, cc, qz
Cretaceous rocks (Aachen Formation) (Fig. 3a, b). RN2487 he, sm, cc, qz
Therefore, the emplacement age of the sulfide ores is RN3403 qz
constrained between the end of the Variscan orogeny RN3834 wi, sm
(ca. 295 Ma) and the beginning of the Late Cretaceous RN4106 sm, qz
RN5011 wi
(ca. 100 Ma). After de Magnée (1967), Dejonghe
RA4999 sm, cc
(1998) and Heijlen et al. (2001) the main hydrothermal RA5004 wi, sph, ga, py
mineralizing event in the Verviers district should date RA5012 wi
back to the end of the Jurassic (≈ 150 Ma). In fact, the RA5013 wi, sa
sulfide ores of the Verviers syncline are structurally RA5014 sm, cc, qz
RA6555 he, sm, cc, wi, sa
comparable to the Zn–Pb deposits of Maubach-
RA6661 wi
Mechernich in Germany, hosted in Triassic sandstones, R2B33 qz, sm, cc
some tens of kilometres to the southeast, and have R2B34/2624 sm, wi, cc
possibly been formed at the same time. Direct R2B35/3925 sm
sphalerite Rb–Sr dating of the Maubach deposit Museo Mineralogia (Na) wi
yielded a Middle Jurassic age of 170 ± 4 Ma (Schneider
RN2208 sm, cc, qz, mo, cl
et al., 1999). RN2298 he, sm, do, mo
RN2300 sm, wi, sa
4. Nonsulfides RN2301 sm, he
RN2220 sm
Supergene weathering of the sulfide ores could have
RN2224 he, wi, sm
taken place at several intervals between the Late RN2236 sm, cc
Mesozoic and the present day. Gossans representing RN2242 sm, cc
the oxidation products of Zn, Fe and Pb sulfides RA4986 sm, cc, qz
exploited in the Belgian mineralized districts (Fig. 2), Theux
RN2270 sm, cc
occurred not only on top of the primary ores, but they
also represent the infill of deeper karstic cavities in Distinct parts of few samples (characterized by letters a, b and c) have
Paleozoic carbonates (Lespineux, 1905; Timmerhans, been analysed separately.
Abbreviations: cc = calcite, cl = clay minerals, do = dolomite, ga =
1905; Dejonghe et al., 1993). Oxidation of sulfides galena, go = goethite, he = hemimorphite, mo = monheimite, sm =
generally extends from the surface to an average of 40 to smithsonite, wi = willemite, py = pyrite, sa = sauconite, sph =
50 m in depth. However, in several mines, Zn carbonates sphalerite.
194 V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210

assemblage of hemimorphite, smithsonite, hydrozincite replacement bodies of entire blocks of the host
[Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6] and willemite (Zn2SiO4), locally carbonates and/or sulfides, to the concretionary infilling
associated with Fe-oxyhydroxides and clays. Pb and of isolated druses and cavities with idiomorphic
Fe secondary minerals were always associated to the Zn smithsonite and hemimorphite crystals at different levels
ores. Belgian “calamine” was grey, yellow or even black in the upper part of the oxidation zone.
in color and occurred as dense rock masses or with The large La Calamine orebody was located in a
concretionary, foliated or stalactitic shapes (Dejonghe narrow syncline, dipping about 15° to the SW, made up
and Boni, 2005). Their aggregates were microcrystalline of Famennian sandstones and shales overlain by
(“amorphous” in the old literature) or coarse-grained, Tournaisian dolomites and dolomitic shales (Dejonghe
but also displayed brecciated or vuggy textures. The and Jans, 1983). It formed a large lenticular pocket,
shape of the nonsulfide concentrations ranged from bulk located in the core of the syncline (Fig. 3a). The
V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210 195

economic nonsulfide concentrations overlaid the Oneux and Welkenraedt mines in the NE of the country,
Famennian siliciclastic sediments, as well as the layer was variable. They contained a combination of Zn
of silicified dolomite at the bottom. The deposit had the carbonates and silicates, with willemite as a common,
shape of a sinkhole infill, extending for a length of 450 albeit minor, component. In addition, variable amounts
to 500 m and a width of 65 to 100 m, reaching 110 m in of Pb and Fe minerals were always present. At Fossey, a
its deepest part. The orebody is located on a SW–NE mine that was active until 1918, both sulfides and non-
thrust fault (the Schmalgraf Fault, at the front of the sulfide ores were exploited. In the Welkenraedt mining
Donnerkaul tectonic unit) (Laloux et al., 2000; Ghysel property the mineralization (also comprising both
et al., 2000), which could have facilitated the karstifica- sulfides and calamine) was controlled by the NW–SE
tion process and later also channelled meteoric and/or oriented Welkenraedt fault and other parallel lineaments
hydrothermal fluids (Boni et al., 2005). Detailed cutting NE–SW trending Variscan structures. The
sections of La Calamine, redrawn from the old mining calamines, including a significant amount of Pb carbo-
documents have been published in Dejonghe (1998) and nates, could be traced to a depth of about 50 m below the
Boni and Large (2003). Only traces of sulfides (galena, surface. The oxidation products and host rocks, locally
sphalerite, pyrite, marcasite, greenockite) occurred along comprising pockets of unweathered sulfides, are covered
the walls of the La Calamine pit (Dejonghe and Jans, throughout the entire district by at least 10 m of
1983). Most of these sulfides were possibly supergene horizontal sediments of the Aachen Formation (Fig. 3b,
in origin. The zinciferous nonsulfides, associated with c). In the small permit of Theux, exploited until 1925, the
abundant Fe-(hydr)oxides, were concentrated as irre- main ore consisted of Zn and Pb carbonates, with
gular bodies hosted in mottled Zn clays. The ore as- abundant Fe- and Mn-oxyhydroxides (Mélon et al.,
semblage at La Calamine ranged from dominantly 1976). Abundant hemimorphite was recorded in Theux,
Zn carbonates at the near surface, to a mixture of Zn whereas willemite occurred only episodically.
carbonates and Zn silicates with increasing depth, and a
silicate assemblage (willemite and Zn clays) below −80/ 5. Sampling and analytical methods
85 m in depth (Dejonghe and Boni, 2005). In the old
literature (de Launay, 1913), huge willemite blocks have Presently, both sulfide and nonsulfide deposits in
been often described to occur in the lowermost parts of Belgium are completely inaccessible, due to closure of
the deposit, surrounded by iron hydroxides, smithsonite all the mines. Therefore, the characterization of the
and hemimorphite. The latter minerals were also Belgian “calamines” carried out in this study is based on
cementing collapse breccias containing broken willemite available old literature data, as well as on analyses of
clasts of variable size. In the open pit a few cavities have selected samples (in total 45) from the collections of the
been encountered, filled with siliciclastic sediments Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences; the
comparable to sandstones of the Aachen Formation Geological Survey of Belgium, and from the Museo di
(Dejonghe et al., 1993). Mineralogia dell'Università di Napoli.
The mineralogy of the other, less important non- While sampling from these collections, we selected
sulfides Zn resources at the oxidation zone of Fossey, several ore types covering the wide spectrum of
Schmalgraf, Engis, Dickenbusch, Mützhagen, Rocheux- nonsulfide minerals (most of them from La Calamine),

Fig. 4. Typical ore samples from the Verviers Synclinorium mining district. Smithsonite types are classified as in Sardinia nonsulfide ores (see text for
details): a) Primary sulfide breccia ore: zoned collomorph sphalerite fragments with minor galena are cemented by a microcrystalline sulfide
assemblage (Mineralogical Museum, La Calamine); b) Moresnet1: sphalerite bands (dark) partly replaced by microcrystalline willemite (red-brown)
(RN3861 Coll. Buttgenbach 1916); c) La Calamine: willemite as reddish microglobules (RN3856, Coll. Buttgenbach 1916); d) La Calamine:
dissolution breccia, with clasts consisting of hemimorphite (replacing sphalerite?) cemented by reddish microcrystalline willemite (RN2140);
e) Moresnet: crust made of honey-colored rhombohedral (Type I) smithsonite crystals (RN3834, Coll. Buttgenbach 1916); f) La Calamine: network of
rhombohedral smithsonite (Type I) crystals encrusting the (d) willemite breccia (RN2140); g) Welkenraedt: mammillary microcrystalline smithsonite
(Type V) concretions (RN4988, Coll. Buttgenbach 1916); h) La Calamine: globular smithsonite (Type V) concretions (RN2280, Coll. De Groote);
i) La Calamine: crusts of scalenohedral smithsonite (Type VI) crystals growing on globular willemite (RA5014, Coll. Buttgenbach 1916); k) La
Calamine: mottled sample with hemimorphite I (pale) microclasts cemented by brownish smithsonite (RN2051); l) Moresnet: hemimorphite II laths
in cavity (RA4790); m) Viola Calaminaria, a typical flower growing on “calamine” dumps (good for exploration!).

In the figures and tables we have used the names of La Calamine and Moresnet, as written on the samples at the Museum of the Royal Belgian
Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels, even if both are probably related to the same old mining site of La Calamine. The numbers of the samples
are also referred to the catalogue of the Museum.
196 V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210

in their different morphological shapes. From the same Napoli, Italy, using a Linkam THMSG 600 heating/
collections, we also sampled a number of Ca carbonate freezing stage. The stage was calibrated using synthetic
crystals and concretions that were paragenetically asso- fluid inclusion (Bodnar and Sterner, 1987). The
ciated with the nonsulfide ores in several mines, in order precision of the measurement is better than ± 1 °C in
to establish their mineralogy and compare their stable the range of interest for this work. Stable oxygen and
isotopic geochemistry with those of the Zn/Pb carbonates. carbon isotope ratios of carbonates were determined
Finally, a small number of Ca/Mg carbonate samples, using an automated on-line device (Finnigan Gasbench
corresponding to the local host rock, were collected from II) operated in the continuous flow mode attached to a
a small outcrop near the old La Calamine open pit. Finnigan Deltaplus mass spectrometer at the Bayerische
Before analysis, each pure mineral phase was obtained Staatssammlung für Paläontologie, Munich, Germany
by a combination of hand picking under a stereomicro- (Gilg et al., 2003b), or a Finningan DeltaS mass
scope and gravimetric separation techniques; then cleaned spectrometer at the Ruhr Universität, Bochum, Ger-
in a sonic bath for 10 min, to eliminate impurities many. The purity of handpicked samples was checked
deposited on crystal surfaces. X-ray powder diffraction by XRD. Ancillary calcite in smithsonite-dominated
analyses (XRPD) were carried out at the Dipartimento di samples was removed using a mild dilute hydrochloric
Scienze della Terra, Università di Napoli, Italy, with a acid treatment before isotopic analysis. All carbonate
SEIFERT MZVI automated diffractometer, CuKα radi- samples were reacted with anhydrous phosphoric acid at
ation. Synthetic CaCO3 (Mallinckrodt analytical reagent) 72 °C for 1.5 h. Oxygen isotope analyses were corrected
was used as internal standard (position of the 1014 using the phosphoric acid fractionation factors for
reflection for CaCO3 taken as 3.035 Å, JCPDS-ICDD 5- calcite (1.00864, Swart et al., 1991), dolomite
586). Clay minerals analyses (fraction b2 μm) have been (1.00986, Rosenbaum and Sheppard, 1986), cerussite
performed in oriented aggregates after glycolation (EG) (1.00919, Gilg et al., 2003b) and smithsonite (1.00962,
with several heating steps (250, 350 and 500 °C). SEM Gilg et al., 2003b). The precision of analyses based on
observation and semi-quantitative major element analyses repeated measurements of laboratory and international
were undertaken using a JEOL-JSM 5310 scanning standards is about 0.1‰ (1σ). The isotopic composi-
electron microscope with a Link EDS operating at 15 kV tions are reported as δ-values in per mil relative to V-
and a Link AN10000-ZAF4/FLS. Silicates, sulfates, SMOW for oxygen and V-PDB for carbon.
sulfides, carbonates, oxides and pure elements were
used as standards. The water content was evaluated by 6. Mineralogy and geochemistry of nonsulfide ores
means of thermal analyses and/or stoichiometry. Chem-
ical analyses of willemite, smithsonite and hemimorphite 6.1. Mineralogy
were performed by WDS on a Cameca SX50 electron
microprobe (IGAG at the CNR, Rome) operating at The common mineralogical phases of the nonsulfide
15 kV, 15 nA and 10 μm spot size. Data were corrected ores in the NE Belgian mining district are smithsonite,
using the PAP program (Pouchou and Pichoir, 1991). willemite, hemimorphite and sauconite (Table 1; Figs. 4,
Minerals and pure elements were used as standards. Major 5 and 6). Minor hydrozincite is present, as well as
and minor elements in smithsonites and willemites have remnants of primary sulfides. Calcite was often
been measured at ACME laboratories in Vancouver, observed, both as gangue mineral, which precipitated
Canada. From each pulverized sample, 2 g were digested with the primary sulfides, and as a newly formed phase
with Aqua Regia (HCl–HNO3) at 95 °C. The measure- associated with smithsonite. Idiomorphic quartz crys-
ments have been carried out with a Perkin Elmer Elan tals, as well as spherules of chalcedony occur as one of
6000 ICP-MS in the 1-DX Group (36 elements). the last generations to form, together with transparent
Smithsonites and willemites, in polished thin section hemimorphite laths (Fig. 5f). Fe- and Mn-oxyhydr-
(∼30 μm thick), were examined by conventional and oxides and small kaolinite agglomerates are also very
cold cathodoluminescence (CL) petrography utilizing a common. Nonsulfide minerals from Belgium have been
CITL 8200 Mk3 Cold Cathodoluminescence instrument investigated previously by several authors (Levy, 1843;
at the Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut, Universität Cesàro, 1886, 1887, 1898, 1908; Servigne, 1943; Mélon
Heidelberg (Germany), with the following operating et al., 1976), and particular attention was devoted to
conditions: 23–25 kV voltage and 500–550 μA beam willemite. However, with the exception of de Launay
current. Microthermometric analytical measurements on (1913) almost no paragenetic studies of the nonsulfide
fluid inclusions of willemite were carried out at the associations that could be applied to a genetic interpre-
Dipartimento di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Università di tation have been carried out.
V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210 197

Fig. 5. SEM micrographs of Zn silicates from Belgian nonsulfide deposits. Smithsonite Types are classified as in Sardinia nonsulfide ores (see text): a)
La Calamine: willemite (will) replaces sphalerite (sph) crystals (RA5004); b) La Calamine: hexagonal crystals of willemite in a cavity (Museo
Mineralogia Univ. Napoli); c) La Calamine: microcrystalline terminations of willemite spheroids in botryoidal aggregates (A5013a); d) La Calamine:
internal structure of the willemite aggregate 3c; e) La Calamine: smithsonite Type I filling a vein in willemite (R2B35/3925); f) Fossey: aggregate of
tabular hemimorphite crystals (type II), covered by opal microspheres (RN2298).

6.1.1. Willemite forms of willemite agglomerates: a) masses of clear,

Willemite has been detected in all nonsulfide deposits idiomorphic hexagonal, mm-sized crystals with prismatic
in Belgium, but it was especially common at La terminations (Figs. 5b and 7a) (Cesàro, 1886, 1887); and
Calamine. de Launay (1913) noted the preponderance b) brownish massive concretions with minute botryoidal
of microcrystalline willemite over smithsonite in the terminations (rhombohedral) in druses and radial con-
lower levels of the mine. Locally, traces of incompletely cretions (Figs. 4c and 5c, d). Microcrystalline, massive
replaced sulfides are intergrown with willemite (Figs. 4b willemite also cements a reddish-brown mottled breccia,
and 5a). Our observations, both at the stereoscopic showing evidence of mechanical reworking and chemical
microscope and on SEM, have shown at least two distinct dissolution of a possible paleokarst infill (Fig. 4d).
198 V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210

Fig. 6. SEM micrographs of smithsonite from Belgian nonsulfide deposits. Smithsonite Types are classified as in Sardinia nonsulfide ores (see text):
a) Fossey: cluster of rombohedral smithsonite (Type I) in a cavity (RN2300a, Coll. Buttgenbach 1916); b) Moresnet: rombohedral smithsonite (Type
I) in a cavity (RN4106); c) Fossey: scalenohedral smithsonite crystals ((Type VI)) in aggregates (RN2301a, Coll. Buttgenbach 1916); d) Welkenraedt:
scalenohedral terminations of pseudocolloidal “turkey fat” smithsonite (Type V) (RN2236a); e) Fossey: Fe-smithsonite (“monheimite") Type among
hemimorphite laths (RN2298): f) enlargment of Fe-smithsonite crystals from (e).

The prismatic idiomorphic hexagonal crystals can Remnants of hexagonal willemite crystals form the
reach up to 1 mm in length (Fig. 5b) and their habits are nucleus of the spheres (Fig. 7c). These concretions have
well observed in open cavities. This morphology has only been observed in specimens from La Calamine.
been recorded in the specimens of La Calamine and From the results of X-ray analyses, the cell
Welkenraedt, where the crystals are often fragmented, parameters of the Belgian willemites are in agreement
partly dissolved on the external side and cemented by with the literature data (Simonov and Belov, 1970;
later carbonate phases (Fig. 5e). The brownish rounded Marumo and Syono, 1971; McMurdie et al., 1986).
concretions, consisting of masses of elongated hexag- They are: a from 13.912(3) to 13.969(1) Å and c from
onal crystals emanating from the centers of numerous 9.321(2) to 9.369(7) Å with a ratio a:c constrained from
minute spheres, have a diameter of about 800 μm. 0.6703 to 0.6720. No systematic variations were
V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210 199

observed between the cell parameters and willemite “monheimite”, an intermediate member of the smith-
morphologies. sonite–siderite series (Palache et al., 1951; Sitzia, 1965;
Bak and Niec, 1978; Bak and Zabinski, 1981). The cell
6.1.2. Smithsonite parameters of the measured smithsonites vary from a
Smithsonite has been detected in most samples 4.647(1) to 4.678(6) Å and c between 15.024(8) and
(Table 1). Macroscopically, this mineral occurs in several 15.061(6) Å, and are in quite good agreement with
habits. An extensive SEM study, carried out on a large literature data (Effenberger et al., 1981; Chang et al.,
number of smithsonite-bearing specimens, revealed also 1996). There is no observed direct relationship, however,
several types of micromorphologies. These will be between the measured cell parameters and the crystal
compared with micromorphologies recorded in Sardin- chemistry or morphologies of the Zn carbonates. The
ian (Boni et al., 2003) and Irish (Balassone et al., 2007- Belgian “monheimite” is quite different from the
this volume) smithsonites. Type I smithsonite corre- Sardinian one, but also from similar Fe-rich smithsonites
sponds to rhombohedral, distinctly idiomorphic, and occurring in the Irish nonsulfides (Balassone et al.,
often zoned types, with the best crystals growing on 2007-this volume).
external surfaces or in cavities (Fig. 4e, f, i). Type 1
crystals have been observed in specimens sampled from 6.1.3. Hemimorphite
several Belgian mines (RN2003a, RN4106, RN3834). Hemimorphite, though less important than willemite
The sizes of single rhombohedra (Fig. 6a, b) range from or smithsonite in the Belgian nonsulfide ores, has been
50 to 600 μm. Locally, there is evidence of superficial identified by X-ray analysis in several specimens from
corrosion on the faces of the rhombohedra, and Fe- all the sampled mine sites. It appears to have formed in
oxyhydroxide globular iron concretions occur on these several phases: hemimorphite I occurs in the matrix of
surfaces. supergene breccias (Fig. 4k) or replaces completely the
Another, less widespread morphological type of clasts cemented by a willemite matrix (Fig. 4d); hemi-
smithsonite consists of scalenohedral crystals of various morphite II forms crystals growing freely in late cavities
colors from white to yellow, red and grey, that can reach (Fig. 4l). Observed in the SEM, hemimorphite occurs
centimetric sizes and are coated by Fe–Mn-hydroxides. with a typical tabular habit along the b axis. Hemi-
Locally these grow on a microcrystalline smithsonite morphite occurrences in the late phase of nonsulfide
substrate or as infilling of vugs and fractures (Fig. 6c). deposits suggest a strong mobility of SiO2 (Moore, 1972)
This morphology has been observed mainly in the and a lower buffering capacity of the host carbonates
samples from the Fossey mine (RN2301a, RN2208a), (Hitzman et al., 2003). The occurrence of minute spheres
but also at La Calamine (RA5014). This type does not of chalcedony on the hemimorphite laths (Fig. 5f) also
occur in Sardinia: it has been classified as Type VI. indicates high SiO2 activity.
Concretionary, collomorphous structures (Fig. 4g, h), The X-ray diffraction data for hemimorphite reveals
possibly deposited in open cavities of the vadose zone, a slight variation of the cell parameters for the different
or completely replaced internal sediments, are other samples. Parameter a is constrained from 8.345(0) to
types of smithsonite morphologies. In the colloform 8.400(0) Å, b from 10.712(6) to 10.768(7) Å and c from
structures, a polycrystalline aggregate of scalenohedral 5.081(6) to 5.136(1) Å. The values of the parameters
crystals with sizes smaller than 50 μm, oriented along reported in literature (McDonald and Cruickshank,
the crystallographic c axis, has been called smithsonite 1967; Cooper et al., 1981; Libowitzky et al., 1997;
Type V. Locally, this type evolves in globular or Boni et al., 2003) are in good agreement with the range
mammillary forms, observed hanging in the karstic values for the hemimorphites analyzed here.
cavities of the vadose zone (similar to that found in
Sardinia; Boni et al., 2003). This morphology has been 6.1.4. Sauconite
observed in several samples from the Welkenraedt Sauconite belongs to the group of trioctahedral
mining area (RN4988, RN2236a, RA4986a) and from smectites with monoclinic symmetry [(Na0.3Zn3(Si,
La Calamine (RN2101, RN2280). Al)4O10(OH)2·4(H2O)]. Sauconite is associated with
Fe-rich smithsonite has been identified by SEM– clayey bodies in most zinciferous ore deposits of
EDS analyses in two samples from the Fossey mine Belgium. Together with hemimorphite it has been
(RN2298, RN2208). It occurs as tabular aggregates with recognized as one of the components of a mixture of
a fibrous appearance (maximum size ca. 400 to 500 μm), Zn-minerals known as “vaneuxemite” (Frondel, 1972).
growing between corroded hemimorphite crystals This Zn clay was identified as “moresnetite” by the local
(Fig. 6e, f). This mineral could correspond to former miners in the Zn deposit of Moresnet-Altenberg (La
200 V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210

Calamine) and described by Esquevin (1957) as an oriented samples, showing the main peak at 14.8 Å [the
association of sauconite and fraipontite. In this study, (001) reflection]. After glycolation of oriented samples,
sauconite was analyzed by X-ray powder diffraction on the main peak shifted to 17.0 Å. Successive heating runs
V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210 201

Table 2
Microprobe analyses of selected willemites, smithsonites and hemimorphites from Belgian “calamines”, pointing to compositional variations
Sample # RN3834 RN5011 RA5012 RA5013 RA6661 RA6661a RN2300
SiO2 26.45 26.15 27.20 27.05 26.61 25.70 27.03 26.68 26.21 26.09 26.69 26.31 26.77 26.55
ZnO 73.24 73.79 71.71 71.72 72.01 72.68 70.65 71.78 74.03 72.98 71.78 72.28 71.53 72.27
FeO 0.05 0.03 0.09 0.48 0.18 1.18 0.04 0.23 0.03
MnO 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.09 0.02
CaO 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.08 0.06 0.05
MgO 0.08 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.04
Total 99.74 99.97 98.94 98.92 98.77 98.41 98.25 98.66 100.30 100.42 98.63 98.61 98.58 98.89

Smithsonite Hemimorphite
Sample # RN2008 RN3834 RN4106 RA4999 R2B34/2624 RN2051
ZnO 61.70 39.21 57.62 51.99 62.20 39.48 62.80 39.60 65.29 57.21 SiO2 26.44 25.92 25.99
FeO 0.13 13.96 0.71 6.38 0.48 14.76 0.62 14.02 0.85 ZnO 67.51 67.42 67.40
MnO 0.03 2.93 1.54 0.41 0.03 2.42 0.25 3.79 1.51 FeO 0.02
CaO 1.22 0.29 0.23 0.93 0.13 0.38 0.05 0.32 0.03 0.23 CaO 0.02
MgO 0.18 4.40 4.09 3.29 0.25 3.90 4.19 0.28 4.65 H2 O a 6.04 6.65 6.61
CO2 a 35.19 37.40 36.73 36.20 35.16 37.21 34.72 37.30 34.42 37.12
Total 98.45 98.19 100.91 99.19 98.25 98.15 98.44 99.22 100.02 101.56 Total 100.01 100.01 100.00
Trace amounts of Cd, Co, Cu and Ni were sporadically detected in smithsonite, whereas hemimorphite and willemite showed traces of Co, Cu and Ni.
Calculated from stoichiometry.

at 250, 350 and 550 °C, showed a constant decrease of mainly in smithsonite and in the Zn silicates will-
this peak to 11 Å, confirming the smectitic nature of this emite N hemimorphite. The Pb grade (from residual and
clay phase (Fig. 7). Also SEM images show clearly the neoformed galena and from cerussite) was generally low
typical lamellar structures of this class of phyllosilicates. (b5 wt.%), this also due to the lower Pb content in the
primary sulfide ore.
6.1.5. Other minerals WDS microprobe analyses of smithsonite, willemite
Other minerals in the mining district include and hemimorphite, from an average of 6 to 8 measured
cerussite, anglesite, allophane, aragonite, barite, dolo- points, are reported in Table 2. Zn content in smithsonite
mite, gypsum, pyromorphite, hopeite, fraipontite, kol- ranges from 65.29 to 39.21 wt.% ZnO, the latter
beckite, siderite and kaolinite. The minerals hopeite encountered in exceedingly iron-rich varieties. In the
{Zn3(PO4)2·4H2O} (Brewster, 1822, 1824; Levy, 1843) latter, FeO can reach 13.96 wt.% (in sample RN2008) and
and fraipontite {(Zn,Al)3(Si,Al)2O5(OH)4} (Cesàro, 14.76% and 14.02% (in samples RN4106 and RA4999
1886, 1887; Fransolet and Bourguignon, 1975) were respectively). Fe-rich smithsonites (the so-called “mon-
described for the first time in samples from La heimite”), coexist in the same sample with Fe-poor
Calamine. Additionally, several types of oxyhydroxides smithsonites and are generally the final phases to be
are present: goethite, hetaerolite, braunite, manganite, precipitated. MgO values range from 0.28 and 4.65 wt.%.;
hematite and pyrolusite. CaO up to 1.22 wt.%, and trace amounts of Cd, Co, Cu
and Ni were also detected. Both willemite and hemi-
6.2. Geochemistry morphite are nearly stoichiometric, and show only minor
amounts of Fe, Mn, Ca, Co, Cu and Ni. Microprobe
The nonsulfide ores in Belgium were characterized analyses of several Belgian hemimorphite samples
by a variably high Zn grade (N30 wt.%), contained (Table 2), reveal that they are very homogeneous (almost

Fig. 7. a) Moresnet: hexagonal crystals of willemite; fluid inclusions are visible as black dots (thin section, NII) RN5004; b) La Calamine: the same
area in CL shows a blue color and a zoned structure; c) La Calamine: botryoidal roundish aggregates of willemite. Remnant of a hexagonal crystal in
the nucleus of the aggregate (thin section, N+) RA6661, Coll. Buttgenbach 1916; d) La Calamine: the same area in CL shows a blue color and a zoned
structure. e) Welkenraedt: Fe-rich zoned smithsonite replaces idiomorph willemite (thin section, N+), RN2224; f) Welkenraedt: the same area in CL
shows almost no luminescence for willemite and a zoned texture (from dark red to blue for smithsonite; g) La Calamine: microcrystalline smithsonite
vein cutting willemite (thin section, N+) RN2051; h) La Calamine: the same area in CL shows the dark colors of willemite and the zoned structure
(from blue to red-orange) of the smithsonite vein.
202 V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210

stoichiometric) in their composition. The only excep- of 4 willemite samples reveals again variable Cu (0 to
tions have been encountered in few samples from La 290 ppm), Ag and Co below detection limit, lower Pb
Calamine, where Al3+ and Fe2+ can reach 0.025 a.p.f.u. than in smithsonite (150 to 1790 ppm) and higher As
and 0.145 a.p.f.u., respectively. (73 to 98 ppm). Ni has been detected (7 to 217 ppm) in
On the basis of chemical analyses performed by all the willemite specimens whereas, in contrast to
ICP-MS, the Zn content in smithsonite varies from smithsonite, Cd is absent.
44.77 to 54.28 wt.% (Table 3). Among the other
elements, Ca, Mn and Mg are lower than 1 wt.%, and 7. Petrography and paragenesis
Fe is variable between 0.05 and 6.78 wt.%. The average
trace element composition of 11 smithsonite samples Willemite, characterized by high-order interference
also reveals high Pb (88 to 9052 ppm), variable Cu (3 to colors when observed under crossed nicols, was the first
162 ppm) and Co (3 to 128 ppm) contents. Ag (average mineral to be deposited within the nonsulfide assem-
1 ppm) and As (average 10 ppm) are comparably low. blage. Often, it can clearly be seen that a patchwork of
Ni and Cd are particularly abundant, the former ranging willemite crystals has replaced directly the collomorphic
from 35 to 921 ppm, the latter from 100 to N2000 ppm. concretions of “Schalenblende” (Dejonghe and Boni,
In the Fe-smithsonites, Zn is close to 27 wt.%, while Fe 2005; Fig. 4b), or crystals of sphalerite (Fig. 5a). As
ranges from 11.98 to 18.49 wt.%. Among the already established from the SEM analysis, two types of
smithsonites, the Fe-rich phases (“monheimite”) could willemite exist: (i) idiomorphic–pseudoidiomorphic
be distinguished through their high Fe content (from 10 crystals with hexagonal habit and (ii) botryoidal
to 18 wt.%), and consequently relatively low Zn values aggregates composed of acicular radiated crystals. The
(from 27 to 32 wt.%). hexagonal crystals appear deep blue when observed
Zn contents in the willemite-rich samples range from using the cold CL microscope (Fig. 7b), whereas the
58.87 and 63.40 wt.% (Table 3). Fe and Mn contents are botryoidal concretions, although still displaying shades
higher in the reddish microcrystalline willemite occur- of blue, have a luminescence that varies in intensity
ring in the breccia matrix, and much lower in the from the center to the margins of the concretion
isolated crystals. This could be an evidence of Fe–Mn (Fig. 7d). In a few cases, a time relationship between
oxyhydroxide impurities around the former, typical of a these two willemite types could be deduced. Locally, the
supergene environment. The trace element composition center of the rounded willemite concretions appears to

Table 3
ICP-MS analyses of major and trace elements in selected willemites and smithsonites nonsulfide Zn–Pb deposits
Zn Fe Mn Ca Mg Cd S Pb Cu Ag As Ba Be Co La Li Ni
% % % % % % % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm
RA5012 63.40 0.37 n.d. 0.03 0.01 n.d. 0.10 1790 290 21 98 4 79 b1 0 51 7
RA6661a 61.28 0.79 0.01 0.08 0.04 n.d. b0.10 240 5 1 91 13 35 1 10 29 73
RA5013a 61.62 0.47 n.d. 0.04 0.04 n.d. 0.30 150 b0.1 b0.1 73 17 26 1 3 19 53
RA5013b 58.87 0.84 n.d. 0.03 0.07 n.d. b0.10 280 2 b0.1 77 12 36 3 6 31 217

Smithsonite (+ Fe-smithsonite)
RN2208a 54.28 0.11 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.01 b0.05 127 9 b0.1 b0.5 b1.0 n.d. 12 b1.0 n.d. 169.1
RN2008b 27.63 11.98 0.58 5.52 1.04 n.d. b0.05 192 14 1 9 54 n.d. 21 6 n.d. 120.8
RN2017 50.70 1.65 0.10 0.14 0.25 0.03 b0.05 105.4 7 2 6 4 n.d. 11 b1.0 n.d. 220.7
RN2044b 52.66 1.27 0.04 0.22 0.15 0.03 b0.05 106 6 b0.1 4 6 n.d. 3 b1.0 n.d. 224.4
RN4106 44.77 3.57 0.67 0.33 1.36 0.01 b0.05 88 3 b0.1 6 10 n.d. 59 14 n.d. 567.2
R2B35/3925 32.10 10.68 0.44 8.50 1.27 n.d. b0.10 210 b0.1 0 b1.0 54 14.0 16 16 15.4 297.6
RN2300b 50.63 6.78 0.08 0.15 0.13 b0.1 0.40 1410 40 2 106 16 45.0 5 25 73.7 921.2
RN2220a 48.42 1.76 0.84 0.09 0.11 0.11 0.08 9052.7 8 1 1 1 n.d. 129 1 n.d. 296.2
RN2220b 51.99 1.08 0.47 0.10 0.06 0.15 b0.05 1724.2 4 1 1 1 n.d. 71 1 n.d. 140.8
RN2236b 52.25 0.05 0.12 0.15 0.02 0.19 b0.05 422 25 0 b0.5 1 n.d. 13 2 n.d. 110.5
RN2242a 27.07 18.49 1.00 0.32 1.25 0.03 b0.05 2869.4 55 11 16 7 n.d. 120 2 n.d. 141.1
RN2270b 50.15 0.46 0.38 0.91 0.21 0.05 b0.05 3533.8 162 2 4 67 n.d. 14 48 n.d. 418.9
RA4986a 51.36 0.86 0.02 0.37 n.d. 0.50 b0.05 9792.7 9 1 52 1 n.d. 6 35 n.d. 36
V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210 203

be a fragment of one of the idiomorphic hexagonal carbonate can be present as microcrystalline sediment of
crystals (e.g., RA6661 and RA6661a) (Fig. 7c), whose subidiomorphic crystals, but it occurs also as clear
form can be clearly recognized by CL. This relationship rhombohedral (Type I) or scalenohedral (Type V)
indicates that the idiomorphic willemite crystals can be crystals growing in geodes or in fractures. Only the
considered to be the precursor of the roundish concre- rhombohedral crystals show well developed cleavage
tions. In some samples from the Welkenraedt mine traces. Smithsonite can also replace earlier willemite
(RN2224), euhedral willemite is cut and locally replaced (Figs. 5e and 7g) and (locally) hemimorphite (i.e., at La
by idiomorphic rhombohedra of Fe-rich zoned smith- Calamine). When observed under cold CL microscope,
sonite (Fig. 7e), while thin and/or platy hemimorphite smithsonite displays a zoned luminescence, with colors
crystals and rare hydrozincites represent the last varying from deep blue to deep red (Fig. 7f) or orange
generation of the nonsulfide assemblage. (Fig. 7h). It is generally regarded that red or orange
As mentioned above, smithsonite occurs in different luminescence colors in carbonates, including smithson-
generations and as aggregates with variable forms. Zn ite, are strongly influenced by the Mn content (as CL

Table 4
Carbon and oxygen isotope data of Zn, Pb, and Ca carbonates from Belgian “calamine”
Sample Mineral Description Location δ13C V-PDB δ18O V-SMOW Ave Std.
(‰) (‰) dev.
RN1996a sm a Clear rhombohedral crystals, outer part (Type I) Moresnet −9.8 28.8
RN1996b sm Yellowish crust, inner part (Type I) Moresnet − 11.6 28.2
RN2008b sm Yellow scalenohedral crystals on RN2008c (Type VI) Moresnet −8.6 28.1
RN2008c sm Brownish massive matrix of breccia Moresnet −8.8 28.1
RN2008b sm Yellow scalenohedral crystals on RN2008c (Type VI) Moresnet −8.6 28.1
RN2101c sm Late clear crystals Moresnet −10.9 28.1
RN4106 sm Reddish-brown banded sediment Moresnet −7.4 30.6
RN2017 sm White crystals on globular smithsonite La Calamine −10.7 28.3
RN2044c sm Yellowish crystals La Calamine −1.5 28.1
RN2051a sm a Brownish matrix of mottled breccia and veins La Calamine −9.8 28.7
RA4999a sm a Greyish central part of concretion (Type V) La Calamine −6.2 28.0
RA4999b sm a Yellowish porous outer part of concretion (Type V) La Calamine −6.6 27.4
R2B35/ sm Brownish massive or veins La Calamine −9.2 28.4
RN2208a sm a Yellowish clear crystals, outer part Fossey − 11.6 28.3
RN2208c mo Brownish massive matrix (Fe-rich) Fossey −7.6 30.2
RN2300d sm Clear rhombohedral crystals (Type I) Fossey −10.2 28.6
RN2220a sm Black sulfide-bearing crystals, inner part Welkenraedt −10.1 28.9
RN2220b sm Yellowish clear crystals, outer part Welkenraedt −10.2 28.2
RN2224b sm Zoned Fe-rich brown rhombohedral crystals (Type I) Welkenraedt −8.4 29.5
RN2236a sm Globular greyish concretion, outer part (Iype V) Welkenraedt −7.1 27.2
RN2236b sm Brownish massive inner part (Type V) Welkenraedt −3.2 27.1
RA4986a sm White botryoidal concretion (Type V) Welkenraedt −8.9 28.2
RN2270a sm a White concretion, outer part (Type V) Theux −2.2 27.7
RN2270b sm Brownish, massive inner part (Type V) Theux −1.6 28.1 28.4 0.8
RN2487b cc Green botryoidal crust on will. Moresnet −10.4 24.7
Be4a cc White vitreous crystals in the oxidation zone La Calamine −7.4 25.7
Be5b cc Red vitreous crystals associated to smithsonite La Calamine −6.5 25.5
Be8c cc Red vitreous crystals associated to smithsonite La Calamine −6.5 25.7
Be9b cc Red vitreous crystals associated to smithsonite La Calamine −6.1 25.5 25.4 0.4
Be1a dol Black massive dolomite (wall rock) La Calamine 2.8 16.4
Be2b dol Black massive dolomite (wall rock) La Calamine 2.8 19.5
RA 7898 ce Fibrous crystals Theux −14.7 17.6
RA 8497 ce Clear crystals Theux −15.0 17.2
RN 2330 ce White fibrous crystals Theux −14.8 16.8
RA 8494 ce Fibrous crystals Angleur −15.1 18.4
RN 2339 ce Greyish massive aggregate Welkenraedt −18.4 19.3 17.8 1.0
Abbreviations: sm = smithsonite; mo = Fe-rich smithsonite (“monheimite”); ce = cerussite; cc = calcite; do = dolomite.
Mild acid treatment to remove calcite.
204 V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210

activator) in the carbonate lattice (Götte and Richter, in order to obtain information on the temperature and
2004). From chemical analyses, both in WDS and ICP- salinity of the fluids involved in the formation of the
MS, all the smithsonites are enriched in Mn. secondary ore deposits. Due to the brittle nature of
Hemimorphite I, consisting of very small, radiated willemite, samples needed to be handled very carefully
crystals with lower-order interference colors, can replace during section preparation, avoiding rough or prolonged
the macrocrystals of willemite starting from their (unnecessary) polishing steps and avoiding the use of
margins (Fig. 4d, k). Hemimorphite in radial aggregates heating in resin-mounting the sections. In order to
occurs also as vein-fillings, cutting both limestone and minimize the risk of induced stretching and/or leakage,
nonsulfide masses. It is often associated with Fe–Mn- inclusions were also heated very slowly during analysis,
(oxy)hydroxides, but its relationship with smithsonite is to avoid the risk of overheating.
not yet clear. Although the prismatic smithsonite crystals Only monophase (liquid) inclusions, both primary
in concretions can often be considered as the last and secondary, have been observed in smithsonite and in
generation occurring in the nonsulfide deposits, there is a few, very late quartz crystals. In these inclusions, after
second apparently even younger generation of platy several freezing and subsequent melting cycles, no
hemimorphite crystals (hemimorphite II) growing on bubble could be generated. The predominant occurrence
them (Fig. 4l). Sauconite and other clay minerals are of monophase inclusions points to a formation of these
interspersed with the other nonsulfide minerals, mostly minerals at temperatures below about 70 °C (Roedder,
with hemimorphite I. A late generation of quartz mi- 1984, p. 292). More interesting – though problematic –
crocrystals occurs mainly as inclusions in carbonates, data were obtained from fluid inclusion measurements of
or crystallizes as subidiomorphic individual crystals in willemite samples, representative of a small number of
veins (RN3403). mine localities (Boni et al., 2005). The dimensions of the
inclusions observed in willemite, range between 2 and
8. Fluid inclusions 30 μm. 80% of them are monophase (L) and 20% liquid-
rich two-phase (L + V). Secondary monophase inclu-
A fluid inclusion study has been carried out on sions are very common: they are lined along a network of
smithsonite, quartz and willemite of the nonsulfide ores, small fractures crossing the contacts between crystals,

Fig. 8. Plot of δ13C vs. δ18O for various Pb, Zn and Ca carbonates (smithsonite, cerussite and calcite cogenetic with the former minerals) from Belgian
calamine ores. The open circles represent early diagenetic Tournasian dolomite hosting La Calamine deposit. Field 1 depicts the isotope compositions
of Dinantian limestones and Variscan veins throughout the mining district (Muchez et al., 1994). The isotope values of the hydrothermal calcite
gangue of the Bleiberg primary sulfides are concentrated in field 2, while field 3 comprises all the published values for several generations of
Dinantian dolomites (Nielsen et al., 1994).
V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210 205

but some secondary two-phase have been also encoun- smithsonite and cerussite from Belgium (Fig. 8) are very
tered. More than 60 of the two-phase inclusions, both similar to those from the Iglesiente district, Sardinia,
primary and secondary in origin, have been measured. which are considered as typical for supergene carbonate-
Widespread necking-down and leakage phenomena hosted nonsulfide Zn–Pb deposits (Boni et al., 2003; Gilg
were detected, and those inclusions were avoided, and Boni, 2004).
using as the main criteria, the shape and excessive
dispersion of the vapor/liquid ratio (cf. Roedder, 1984). 9.2. Ca and Ca–Mg carbonates
Homogenization temperatures (Th) ranging between 80
and 190 °C were subsequently obtained from a set of Some calcite samples associated with the calamine
reliable willemite inclusions (Boni et al., 2005). No ores were also investigated (Fig. 8). Sample RN2487b
apparent correlation could be detected between size and from La Calamine consists of a yellow-orange concre-
temperature of the measured fluid inclusions. tion growing on late smithsonite crystals. The other
The ice melting temperatures (Tm) suggest salinities calcites are reddish crystals occurring in veinlets
between 0 and 5 wt.% NaCl equiv. (Bodnar, 1993; together with nonsulfide ore minerals at the margin of
Goldstein and Reynolds, 1994), and the few first the former La Calamine deposit. The δ13C values of the
melting temperatures (Te) (− 18 to − 23 °C) indicate calcites show a small range from − 10.4 to − 6.1‰,
that the aqueous fluids were dominated by NaCl in while the δ18O values cluster around 25.5 ± 0.5‰, about
solution (Roedder, 1984). 3‰ lower than those of smithsonite. The isotope values
of calcite from calamine ores are again identical to those
9. Stable isotope geochemistry from the Iglesiente district. The δ13C values of two
diagenetic dolomites, considered as the host rock of the
The results of oxygen and carbon isotope measure- La Calamine deposit, are clearly positive (2.81 and
ments on smithsonite, cerussite, calcite and two wall- 2.75‰), while their δ18O values are 16.4‰ and 19.5‰,
rock dolomite samples from La Calamine (Moresnet), respectively. These results are broadly comparable to
Welkenraedt, Fossey, Theux and Angleur mines are published data (Fig. 8) on Dinantian dolomites from
presented in Table 4 and depicted in Fig. 8. Eastern Belgium (Nielsen et al., 1994).

9.1. Zn and Pb carbonates 10. Discussion and conclusions

Smithsonite exhibits a limited range of δ18O values Most characteristics of the nonsulfide Zn–Pb ores in
from 27.1 to 30.6‰, with an average value of 28.4‰ ± Eastern Belgium point to supergene weathering pro-
0.8‰ (1σ, n = 23) with most analyses ranging between 27 cesses of primary sulfides, and reprecipitation of metal
and 29‰. There is no systematic difference in δ18O silicates and carbonates from oxidized solutions in
values from different deposits or between petrographic karstic cavities and host rock discontinuities. These
types. This indicates a relatively uniform isotope processes included deep karstification and development
composition of the oxidizing water, and constant of oxidation–cementation profiles in the mineralized
temperatures of smithsonite crystallization (Boni et al., sections, with deposition of Zn(NPb) secondary non-
2003; Gilg and Boni, 2004). The oxygen isotope value of sulfides. As in most supergene deposits, a moderate
iron-rich smithsonite (“monheimite”) RN2208c is higher tectonic uplift and brittle fracturing occurred, and this
than that of the Fe-poor smithsonites. Similarly, sample paired with favourable climatic conditions (hot and
RN4106, a neoformed internal(?) sediment replaced by humid), were the key factors for the development of
smithsonite, has an oxygen isotope value that is about 2‰ extensive weathering profiles. In this context, it should
higher than the average of all other smithsonites. In be mentioned that the European geological record
contrast to oxygen, carbon isotope values of smithsonites, reveals a series of Mesozoic and Tertiary time intervals,
even from the same mine site, show a considerable range during which deep weathering profiles were established,
from −11.6 to −1.6‰. There is, however, no relationship many of which have been widely preserved (Migoñ and
between the stable carbon isotope composition and crystal Lidmar-Bergström, 2001). These weathering profiles
morphology as was observed for smithsonites from the have been recognized in several areas of Europe
Iglesiente district, Sardinia (Boni et al., 2003). Cerussites including Scandinavia, the British Isles, France, Ger-
have oxygen isotope values ranging from 16.8 to 19.3‰ many, Austria, Poland and of course Belgium (Boni and
with an average value of 17.8 ± 1.0‰ and carbon isotope Large, 2005). In the Verviers Synclinorium, both the
values of −18.4 to −14.7‰. The isotope compositions of primary sulfides deposits and some “calamines” have
206 V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210

been truncated by erosion and are unconformably 22 wt.% NaCl equiv. (Hitzman et al., 2003). The
covered by the sediments of the Late Cretaceous hypogene willemite mineralization is often accompa-
Aachen Formation (Fig. 3a, b). It is highly probable nied by a pervasive hematitization and carbonatization
therefore, that at least part of the nonsulfide deposits (ferroan dolomite). At La Calamine however, willemite
were formed by the same pre-Late Cretaceous paleo- mineralization does not have the structural and para-
weathering processes that produced the kaolinized genetic characteristics of hypogene nonsulfide Zn de-
regoliths on siliciclastic lithotypes well known else- posits described by Hitzman et al. (2003). Salinities of
where in the region (Dejonghe and Boni, 2005). Further willemite-hosted fluid inclusions are also much lower
evidence for the genesis of the nonsulfide deposits than those reported in hypogene deposits (Hitzman
during paleoweathering phases is the fact that the depth et al., 2003) and the majority of fluid inclusions
of oxidation in most primary sulfide veins and suggest formation temperatures below 70 °C. The
associated flats reached substantially below the pres- presence of few two-phase inclusions with homogeni-
ent-day water table (more than 100 m in depth from zation temperatures of 80 to 190 °C may be caused
surface outcrops at La Calamine). either by post-entrapment modifications of the fluid
The predominance of willemite, often pervasively inclusion density related to heating or to tectonically
replacing earlier sphalerite, in the lower levels of the induced deformation (Boni et al., 2005), or by
giant La Calamine deposit, as well as in other smaller heterogeneous entrapment of air and water within the
mines throughout Eastern Belgium, contrasts with the vadose zone. Therefore, we do not consider these high
typical mineral assemblage of smithsonite and/or homogenization temperatures as reliable minimum
hemimorphite found in most European supergene temperature estimates of primary willemite formation.
nonsulfide ores. Willemite does not appear to replace Thus, the willemite bodies occurring in the deeper
the host carbonates or siliciclastic rocks, but only the zones of most Belgian deposits were deposited either
sulfide assemblages. Thus, a distinct event of sulfide during weathering processes which took place under
oxidation, followed by willemite precipitation in condi- conditions of peculiar aridity and silica activity, or
tions of high silica activity, has to be postulated for the because of a very low-temperature hydrothermal event.
Belgian deposits. This early willemite was later partially A rather special weathering phase, paired with arid
replaced by the typical assemblage of smithsonite and conditions (e.g., Pough, 1941) to account for the high
hemimorphite. No willemite was deposited after silica content, moderately low salinity, and thus low
smithsonite or hemimorphite. The physico-chemical water activity of the oxidizing fluids cannot be ex-
conditions and geological scenario of willemite forma- cluded at present. We are not able to envisage a pos-
tion in the Verviers district of Eastern Belgium, sible timing of such hypothetical arid climatic phase in
however, remain unclear. Thermodynamic considera- this part of Europe after the deposition of the primary
tions (e.g., Markham, 1960; Takahashi, 1960; Brugger sulfides. Alternatively, a low-temperature hydrother-
et al., 2003) imply that willemite is a more stable phase mal overprint must be considered.
than hemimorphite at lower water activities and/or We note here that a variety of active, low-
higher temperatures (Ingwersen, 1990), although the temperature (b 70 °C) hot springs occur within the
thermodynamic properties of hemimorphite and of the area of the Pb–Zn mineralization, e.g., Chaudfontaine
Zn clay minerals, are still not very well constrained (Graulich, 1983) or the Aachen district (Beyer, 1995;
(e.g., Ingwersen, 1990; McPhail et al., 2004). Willemite Herch, 2000), all located along the SE dipping
should prevail over smithsonite under conditions of Variscan thrust zones. Their waters are mixtures of
higher silica activity, lower CO2 fugacity, and higher deep (N 3500 m), highly mineralized thermal fluids
temperature. At La Calamine, high silica activity in the and cool meteoric waters from a shallow reservoir
alteration fluid may have been buffered by the dolomitic (Herch, 2000). The salinity of the Aachen hot spring
wall rocks that are slightly siliceous. fluids is moderately low (about 4000 ppm TDS), but
Recent studies (e.g., Sweeney et al., 1991; Monteiro their silica content is high (about 30 ppm Si), and the
et al., 2000; Brugger et al., 2003; Hitzman et al., 2003) fluids are oxidized (sulfate-dominated). Thus, similar
have suggested that willemite formed in some non- low-temperature hot spring fluids would have been
sulfide Zn deposits of the southern hemisphere (e.g., potentially capable of forming the willemite-rich
Vazante, Beltana, Star Zinc, Berg Aukas) under deposits from their sulfide precursors. Such a scenario
hydrothermal conditions at temperatures in excess of could also explain the mineralogical composition, the
100 °C. The mineralizing fluids were interpreted as apparently localized process, and the fluid inclusion
oxidized, acidic sulfur-poor brines with salinities of 4 to data.
V. Coppola et al. / Ore Geology Reviews 33 (2008) 187–210 207

The range of isotope compositions of Zn, Pb and Ca Acknowledgments

carbonates from the calamine ores in Belgium overlap
considerably with those found in the supergene Zn–Pb This is the third contribution to an EC-funded project
ores of the Iglesiente district, Sardinia (Boni et al., 2003; (M. Boni and L. Dejonghe) on “The nonsulfide Zn ores
Gilg and Boni, 2004). We only note a slightly smaller in Belgium: A new perspective” that used the facilities
range of carbon isotope values from the Belgian of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
cerussites that is probably related to a limited set of (RBINS) and Geological Survey of Belgium (GSB).
samples (n = 5) as compared to those from Sardinia The help of O. Retout and I. Van de Velde (international
(n = 10). The broad range of carbon isotope values of Zn, co-operation RBINS, management of the Access to
Pb and Ca carbonates points to at least two sources of Belgian Collections Programme) and M. Deliens
carbon: a 13C-depleted carbon (derived from the organic (curator of the mineralogical collection at RBINS)
matter of C3 plants in the overlying soils) and a 13C- is warmly acknowledged. We also want to thank Prof.
enriched carbon, originated from dissolution of the M.R. Ghiara of the Museo di Mineralogia dell'Univer-
carbonate host rocks. The relatively small variability of sità di Napoli for allowing us to sample some willemite
oxygen isotope values for the carbonate minerals (b1%, specimens, and Uli Struck of University of Munich for
1σ) suggests that both temperatures and oxygen isotope his help with the isotope measurements. Thanks are also
composition of the waters did not change much during due to T. De Putter and to an anonymous referee, who
oxidation. Also the isotope data of Ca carbonates from improved a first version of this manuscript and to Dr.
SW Sardinia suggest that local meteoric waters did not Terry Williams of NHM for checking the English text.
change significantly during the Mesozoic to the present The first author is also indebted to Gaia for support.
(Boni et al., 2003). Present-day meteoric waters in NE
Belgium have δ18O values of − 6.8 to − 8.1‰ (Rozanski References
et al., 1993; Beyer, 1995), slightly heavier than the
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