Science Illustrated 2010-03-04 PDF

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ebeeiiidaileg’, MYSTERIES OF THE MILKY WAY. er Ta) <0) of) rere ely Ruairi) TUT tag GET A GRIP ON CALCULUS Calculus has made it possible to build bei "iver, travel tothe moon, and predict patters of population change. that span miles of | ‘Yer for al ts computational power, calculus is the exploration of just wo ideas —the derivative and the inteyral—bath of which arise from a commonsense analysis of motion. Master them and ‘open «new world for yours So why cdn’t you grasp calculus the fist time? In school, many oF us dida’t continue with mathematics and so this grest achievement remains a closed door. And for those of us who did, awand-wini Professor Michael Starbit¢—coauthar ofthe acclaimed math book for nonmathematicians, The Heart of Mathematics: An Invitation to Effective Thinking—ean coerce the clumsy classroom delivery ‘that hid is beauty. In Change and Motion: Caleulus Made Clear, 2° Eaton, the concepts and insights at the heart of ealculus take center stage, This course is one of The Great Courses # noncredit recorded! col- lege lecture series ftom The Teaching Company. Avvand-winning professors ofa wide aray of subjects i te sciences andthe liberal arts have made more than 300 college-level courses that are avail- able now on our website ‘Change and Motion: Caleulus Made Cer, 2 tion 2a lecture (30 minates/ecta ovos _ -s2eos G 1-800-TEACH-12. Change and Motion: Calculus Made Clear, 2" Edition ‘Taught by Professor Michal Starbird, The Unversity of Texas at Austin Lecture Titles 1. Wwoldes, astimptes 12, Bufon's New or 7 rom Breadth 2. Slop Sgn Cirme—TheFistides of 19, Aci Toss, Lins, CGacub—The Derate tdcorenay| 3. athe Car Another Cine 14, Gelstors and Agpronimatone We Second len of Cah 1S, The est of al Poswne Wore Theinigal Optmaston 4, Thefundamental There afCaleus 46, Cherie and Achtetre 5. Wading Detar Stee 19-Gate meen cuca 6. Detaties the ny Wy 1B. Going ofthe Line Motion a Spce SymblPuring 19, Mount Sloper ed Tangent lanes 2. Absctng the Deva 20, Severs Varbies volumes Gore icles and ats 21, The anaamenta Theorem ended & Gres raids cone andsohees Fads cfAnoo™ 10. Thelngaland he 2 Ol Ras, Vives, and Guts Pama aoe Dae qe Learn how geneticists can engineer a better world, one DNA snippet at atime. Meet the innovators behind the most detailed diagram ofthe brain’ circuitry. ‘a matter off and death for leatherback turtles onthe beaches of French Guiana, SeldNes ‘The Spitzer Space Telescope is giving us anew perspective on our own galaxy. ce Fle Perr “The more we learn, the clearer it Dia mysterious sa help feed ong lost inhabitants ofthe Amazon rainforest? becomes that the brain is more than the sum of its parts.” Find out how detectors atthe bottom of the sea are capturing elusive subatomic particles, inside a unique effort to Keep flesh-eating worms from invading the US, MARCHYAPRIL2010 SCIENCEILLUSTRATED.COM | 1 Letters Trivia Countdown Brain Trainers & 2 | SCIENCEILLUSTRATED.COM MARCIVAPRIL2010 VES MR et | TODAY - The United States Rare Coin & Bullion Reserve has scheduled the final (CR eee oe OBC eee Ue MR eu ROM eae OS mao ecls Be eee rene Bese basis, for the incredible markup/ree price of $126/each. This “at-cost” Gov't"Gold Cem ies eC a oe caer Ne Bsc See omar OWN GOV'T ISSUED'GOLD COINS Set "gee $42, 00 If you've been waiting to move your hard-earned money into precious metals, the time is now to consider transferring your U.S. dollars into United NT ' ¥ AH ‘aj u wil —__ Ealing ie ese States Government Gold. The Gold market aT ae is on the move, up more than 290% over = Di. the past 10 years - outpacing the DOW, ran NASDAQ and S&P 500. Call immediately to order your United States Gold Coins direct from our Main Vault Facility, “at-cost’, for the amazing price of only $126 per coin. Special arrangements can be made for Gold pur- chases over $50,000. Order your Gold today! 1-Gov't Issued Gold Coin $126.00, 5-Gov't Issued Gold Coins $630.00 10 ~ Gov't Issued Gold Coins $ 1,260.00 CALL TOLL FREE (24 Hours A Day,7 Days A Week) 1-800-309-6107 MASTERCARD + VISA+ AMEX « DISCO} eae hen a ami Ba ar a pit FU Oey See rer in the ed ee eer Se caer See ey engacina way. Ever isue, we highlight Se ets) Deen ee ga Ce ea Cesena eens eee ee een See ees eee een eee eT rea ray Xelaives BROS ian The Lowdown In “Who Will Survive?” January! February, you state that pikas live at ides from 8,000 10 13,000 fee. ‘Yerother populations have recently ‘been found at elevations well below 8,000 feet, according to Embere Hall of the Teton Science School's Con- servation Research Center in Jackson, ‘Wyoming, This shows chat they are ati capable of living ata broader ra use (er Yellowstone Fcosystem than previously thought. ‘Marilyn Stone Via e-mail Darwin Debate ‘Origins of a Revolution in Hard cover" [NovembertDecember 2009] ‘as most interesting, In the 1926 au thorized edition af The Origin of Species, however, the final sentence actually reads: “There is graneur in this view of Tite, with is several powers, hav ing been originally breathed by the (Creator into afew forms or into one: and that, whilst this planet has gone ‘eyeing om according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning, endless forms most beautifil and ‘most wonderful have been, and are being evolved,” By editing the quote [to remove "by the Creator") you continue to foster the unnecessary debate betwteen science and religion. Richard J. Erdlac, Via e-mail EDS: Dawinadded'by the Creator to the book’ second edition. Modem edits Cofhisistedtion, the ate’ subject, do not include these words, according to science historia University of Ronald Numbers of the Corrections The London Underground has 155 miles ofan racks not 250 Word Sclence, Now/Dec 2009) stil holds the record fo the longest stance traveled by diferent routes by sighdy mare than 10rnies. ‘Seaice decin is threatening some polar bear populationsin the Arctic notin Ant- atctica Who Wl Survver, Jan Feb enor tte new uscnprions Keng ancry Poets ILLUSTRATED Editor-in-Chief Mark Jannot eatvepwectrsom sed DBenaty eter cob Eoratreduon Managers Copy an eenreh Director ina et, Eopyeaiortsontass i onmopcmetegengteon Pheer eet ie cette escicrecet Seticerr Ss Ses ee he Seep ea teu tonne crooner cusps sero ese seperenceeaceeeyastc Ee caierona iceman ecietaracgite tno intronon icootreeonnestas ieeethaepraaad Rn fotze acts er Banco Se, wn uanine town a ampere eosin eter ie a Se cccpe te tie Director of Special Events che Cot sorcerer See ama etal each in Sarin are Reeds es Peon a Sacatemeteesy ee caren Sewer Spohr seoteerreotout tamer Sree Em iene Reaves tatibnth he BONNIER het Emcee ery Soe {hit Operating Ofer bon Aran ‘hit Pancial ttet Racal Fou Sit Comrrat Stes ond Marketing rh Whnan ‘is Presiden Consumer Marating ior ‘ee Present Producto in Ene ‘ie Preagent edi All ‘is Presson Digs Sler a harting ihn skin ‘ee Present Enterprise Systems hor on ‘ee Present Human Resources Cathy ‘es Present Corporate Communications bean Tul Brond Director Jnl Publching Contant son. War Corporate Counsel rey Thorson Sewerkuusattooputted unr come erent ith Bri utteatans capri Banna Pleats opening Derr {SucShatocalae nor sm auae eUS plecal 336597388 Or ourmoy wre Cstome Sen, Fostocezans PamconaFUIaNa2 O23 4 | SCIENCEILUSTRATED.COM ¥ARCH/APRIL 2010 SCIENCE he b ould Attend? + Elementary Teachers of Science * Science Teachers * Preservice Teachers + Science Coordinators * Curriculum Specialists + Administrators * Principals * College Methods Professors * College Science Educators + Policymakers Visit Philadelphia or call 1-800-328-8998 for more information. hoo by Sim Means ‘ Featured Speakers: VP of the Planetary Society Bill Nye the Science Guy®, Greg Marshall, inventor of National Geographic's Crittercam research tool, and Dr. Jane Lubchenco, Administrator of NOAA. * Day-long special events including Teacher Researcher Day, Informal Day, and International Day. * Develop content knowledge, new teaching strategies, best practices. * Presentations, workshops, and sessions in your discipline and grade band © Competence on relevant issues— literacy, assessment, inquiry—and more * Networking with peers and other professionals * Exhibition Hall: Top companies, top products, top giveaways Development Strands ‘* Meeting the Unique Needs of Urban and Rural Science Leamers Connecting Content: Between, Within, and Among Subjects * Closing the Digital Generation Gap Between Teachers and Students ‘© Rekindling the Fires of Science Teaching and Learning ‘srt National Science “Teachers ‘Association, a eee —_~ a x Pa on Cec lad aut reread sa I ace earl PoC e rata rune Ibeunue Deuce curl See meee eat — invasion ofthe Bled) BS eee ete one ome Cece ek form when a cell's structure degrades, divides, or is placed under physical or chemical stress. During this process, the cell membrane detaches from the cytoskeleton, the scaffolding that Dene ee eo oe eee oe ce et eee) such images to examine how cells maintain normal functioning and to lean how cancer cells distupt the process. This microscopy image, by researcher Anne Weston, won 2009 Wellcome Image Award, given for outstanding scientificand medical photography. a ec Xm net a Tear} weave Q) ET eee Pee ed rome) Itty-Bitty Blossom So thin that they're nearly transparent, the blooms of one of the world’s smallest orchids ‘measure just over 0.08 inch across. Lou Jost, an ecologist with EcoMinga, a plant-conservation foundation, discovered the yet-to-be-named species in a cloud forest at an altitude of almost 10,000 feet on the Cerro Candelaria mountain in Ecuador. The minuscule orchid, shown here besidea ruler, was flowering among the roots ofa larger orchid that Jost had brought back to his greenhouse for study. Dea kon AJetof flame shoots out ofthe Lynxrocket’s main engine during Renae eee eee ese cleat oa Ree Cece cin eee caen Ered eau ear tacc altitudes of up to 200,000 feet. Roughly the size of asmalllplane, ynxis powered by four engines that burn liquid oxygenand kero- Pea eo ncaa cuca e aR nee first test flight scheduled for later this year or early next. ————ereens Pela emiectetea te nus REY FUN LIKE SUDOKU except you end up SPEAKING JAPANESE. ‘Watch anyone solving a Sudoku puzzle and {you see a brain on fire: eyes transfixed, pencil (or pen for the audacious) skittering across the squares, a number seribbled in place, done! ‘Surprisingly, what looks like work is actually fun. Not so surprising say cognitive scientists because your brain loves solving puzzles. That’s how it learns. It thrives on the bursts of pleasure that are part of the brain's reward system allenges, ‘when you solve problems and AtRovetta Stones we get the link between Innguage learning and problem solving. Every screen in our full-immersion programs presents an elegant language puzzle with just the right level of challenge to make learning effective and fun. Using Intelligent Sequencing, we combine language you already know with powerful visual clues help you solve new language meaning intuitively — all without translation. And our sophisticated speech technologies have you speaking from the slatt — in Jupanese or any of our 31 languages. Rosetta Stone is your language-learning solution. Let the fun begin! SAVE 10% WHEN YOU ORDER TODAY Level 1 $206 Lewl1&2 $368 lowell 2&3 $485 Arabic 1 chinese Gorman | Greek | Het Portuguese (Brai)| Call or go online (877) 247-0097 Use promo cect ss080 when ordre. ieee peel an a (Fars | Polish ash (Span | Swail | Swedish Tha | Tarksh | Vietnamese | Welsh RosettaStone 3 Soa se snl tin inch yh i cae i M3, 4 £ Od ee ore) Red Planet's Ancient Lake Shorelines on the surface o ars most lcely the remnants of 34-bilion: yearcll eke, are the best evidence yet that ding bodes of water once exsted on the slant, say researchers atthe Univers of Colo aj rer p22 ara) eee? eng Cero Pe ne Experiment (HiRS®, a camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter took pictures ofthe area ie lance fecare ce existed Ultrashort laser pulses are ‘amplified and slowedsoa ‘computer can convert them. Laser Camera Is World's Fastest capture then—untl Ww. University of California at designed a photos by emitting laser pulse billionth of a second long W few rogue cells among the billions of healthy ones is cif copy technique [MARCHVAPRIL2010.SCIENCEILUSTRATED.COM | 15, ‘Science Update Cr ee ey eee ay Pe ee eee ee Peer! over surfaces such as sand and paved roads with no helpful objects has been more of a mystery. Now research from Denar ero See ae eed 2 snake's scales, combined with almost, imperceptible shftsin its bady weight, helps the reptile move forward on flat Nee ee Ces Seas 16 | SCIENCEILLUSTRATED.COM MH H/APRI The Secret of Slithering: PIE COR UU Rac Special belly scales and subtle movements help propel snakes forward on flat terrain Pe ea Coe ee eee See) Ee ea eae on atilted board, When the board was covered with a piece of fabric, sideways Set ae et friction compared with forward sliding (friction was calculated based on the angle of the board). The researchers say Cee ee en Cee eee ne eee ee een eee Cee eae er ere eee a Figged to light up when the reptiles ap- Pees ee aed en Sees eee et eae iat Net eda to their body waves. The findings could help engineers design better snakelike robots for search-and-rescue missions. LETT CRU Dery Senne) eee a ee eee eg Seen ac) eet eee eg See ed Soe ea eer) ene eer) A Car for the Blind ‘Students at Virginia Tech have designed a prototype car to put steering in the hands of the blind. The retrofitted four-wheel dirt buggy uses laser range finders, voice commands and vibrating gloves, among other features, to direct the driver. Two Ford Escape hybrids equipped with the technology are planned for this year. Peet ered Saad De ed Cee eas —aos Dei Marca a ete Cee eects US. could be used to sequester Cee ae Pee at) ©, toform carbonate minerals Peed aided by Cec eee reach om Pane ed eee esis Pe ose rere eee Ree thatare decimating Australias Sere aay ee Dee eens RL2010 SCIENCEILUSTRATED.COM | 17 Potbellied Bottle Warded Off Witches SRSLY oe ee pe ean ee certo ed eee ed among the bizarre contents of a“witch bottle” _ such bottles could ward off ree alee) reflect their spells—commonly believed to Se eeaeecens Tropical Storms Prevent Quakes aoe ause widespread destruction Peru bat also preveri some a aster geophysic bottle, probably the resultofa chemical from the Carnegie Insti ee amen re teres Washington an f Eee eerie) ie fea ee ee oe rae ic (1542-162 end See acon ear eect! The miles most likely covered by millions of globe skimmer dragonflies during their annual journeys from India to Africa and back, according toanew study. It’s the longest insect migration known. E 16 | SCIENCEILLUSTRATED.COM MARCH/APRIL 2010 ur buyers just discovered one of the most significant European Bank hoards of US, gold in years. They secured 1,769 magnificent US. gold coins Don’t Miss This Opportunity: Order Now! guaranteed to be over 100 years old. The Consider that the num her of US, coin collectors Vintage coins in this hoard represen dates ranging from 1866 through 1907 that uniquely represent the tas sharply risen 10 over 50 history of our nation in fine gold, million today, you may never geta second chance to take Uncirculated Gold Coins | 5 advantage of this oppor from the Past are nity. Order now while Timeless Treasures : \ Buy more and save! Due Each of these $10 Gold {0 our limited supply of Liberty coins is certified in these coins, we must issue Uncirculated Condition, As gold a strict limit of 5 coins per values have soared with unpre customer, Why pay $900 or dictable oil prices and he falling dollar, ‘more for similar coins? Prices and you may never again have the opportunity ‘orders subject to availability, so call to own these gold coins at this. price With the falling dollar, demand for these coins today. Your satisfaction is assured by our Shown orger than octualsice —_30hiy money-back guarantee continues 10 escalate as collectors and 927 mann diameter investors scramble to scoop up US. gold G Cranes coins for thee pure gold content and scarcity non mar j percoin shipping — total 7 Certified genuine uncircuated US. gold yeh coin have historical and numismatie value 1 LBerty Cin Bos isssii | Se60 RES that bullion gold cannot match, making a Uber Cals a are GPRM, vse coins exen more aracive 5 beny Coins (man) $795 FREE! $3, Call Toll-Free: 1-800-695-3120... New York Mint, 5577 W 78th St., Edina, MN 55439 Cee eens pons Science Update DietingMonkéys erg Ce ard ete i e Longer, Healthier Lives Reducing calories benefits humans’ close relatives Dre Ree ee Cece ee) Eee ty ee rea argon ee eee ae oe eee eee following 76 monkeys and their food ee eee allowed to eat freely, while the others on a restricted diet of 30 percent fewer calo- Pe nes ee ee ey control group have died, whereas 80 per eRe er ener “A Ancient Symbols: Not Just Pretty Pictures 20 | SCIENCEILLUSTRATED.COM MARCH/APRIL: oem Cai Cee aera eet ied ee eee feed Pee as Seer The researchers caution, however, that such long-term calorie reduction et een et oa eee ete Tc TR en pee ee eee ee! en ere tee eee eee ae lead study author Ricki Colman, research provides eviden hypothe NEWSFLASH Wi ar ene Ce een Cre erin lights called substorms The Cree ny a slow-moving auroraand a teas co Pere e tet Peer eto Se eer a Se tion often used to treat patients Se Peete ceed ci pee Peet ecu! ase See eas eae) eno) freer er Ca Peer) See es cece net eee ey Peo ns Se (suchas images depic that the Indus scrote Black is the New Black “An exquisite 1 carat black diamond for under $200— Less than ‘680 still available. A genuine one carat | diamond ring at an 7 incredible price— 4 under $200! ‘Experience some of that old black magic at an unbelievable price: a genuine I-carat Black Diamond Ring now under $200! When scent the palatial by ff the Grand Casino in Monte-Carlo, headed straight tor the roulette table to place my one bet for the evening. Of ‘course, I bet It all on black. Black diamonds that is! met our Belgian diamond dealer in the casino here and he pulled out a black suede pouch. He had almost 90% carats of rose cut black diamonds with him, Whe! he told me the terrific price, I said that lL take them al, Faceted one carat diamonds for under $200 a carat—maybe this is one time ou can leave a casino. ‘with a winning hand. Right now, black diamonds are the hottest precious stones in high-end jewelry. You see them everywhere, from the glitz and glamour of the French Riviera to the haute-couture fash- Jon houses of London, Paris and Milan, And thanks to our priceless connections with the Belgium's top gem cutters, Stauer has found a way to make black diamonds even more attractive. ODPPP. Introducing the Exclusive Stauer Rose Cut. Our Black Diamond Ring is a ‘nie stunner in classic black and white, But ‘what really sets it apart from other black lamond jewelry is the exclusive Stauer Rose Cut. You'll see that we meticulously tengineered the geometry to coax the best sparkle from the bold black stone. Every angle and edge catches and bounces back the light, setting the center stone on fire The Black Diamond Ring featutes a L-carat, rose-cut genuine black diamond surrounded by 48 brilliant, lab-created white DiamondAura’. The’ gem-quality Dlack diamond Is prongiset In the finest 1925 sterling silver and rises up fom the concentric circles, like pond ripples that sparkle with dozens of fiery facets. The shoulders are adorned with their own glittering epaulets, radiant_rows of DiamondAura® that draw the eye back to & the diamond center, Our buying power saves you thou sands. You can find similarly designed black diamond rings that are selling tor 52,000, $3,000 and leven $4,000 per carat! low is it possible that Smart Luxuries—Surprising Prices Stauer can offer our spectacular Black Diamond ing. for less than $2002 Its simple, really. Since we buy literally millions of carats of precious gemstones every year, no one can touch our pee. ‘Try our Black Diamond Ring. And, i for any reason, you find yoursell looking like less than million bucks, just retuon the Black Diamond Ring within 30 days for a refund of your purchase price. But, be warned. Once you've had a taste of the “good life, there’ no turning back. rey secs 1 ew genuine black mond 48 scent grown Diamond? 95 sing ser seing Ring ses 5-10 A. Black Diamond Ring (1 % ctw) S295" $195: 3, Black Diamond Farrings (1 ‘/s cts) S495." $295: . Black Diamond Pendant (1 5/s ctw) $295" $195: Black Diamond Set—Si,085." $645." save $440 al not take advance ofthis ted ofr 1-888-201-7659 ‘Promotional Code BDRI68-01 Plse mention this ede when you cal Depe BDRIGEO} Baril, Minne 55837 TCT ee beret efe Fi Savvy Lizards Shake Off Venomous Ants Fence lizard in the south eastern US. are providing a significant ample of ust how fast nati especies, animals.can imerican f vvaded North America in the rized stat 0s and have sfrom Texas 0 Florida, The ants, which operate oinject nd 0 chs that hailed lloften cs off the bugs by twitching their bodies and then flee the seene, whereas those prior freant exper e more lil simply close their eyes and stand sil The ant-exposed lizards also have longer hind leas, which may give them an advantage hing and fleeing, Both adap sbly evolved as shorter legged and ive lars were killed off by ants a higher rates than longerlimbed animals 22 | SCIENCEILLUSTRATED.COM MARCH/APRIL 2010 Teagan eet Bee ee ee nd eee Eee the evolution of our large brains Pra Rese ee) Ce ee age eas ee eee te ing. Ten years ago, biologists David SE ese ena re ae rs prehistoric bran size was constrained byahotclimate. Humans probably Rene sete eect Ceca an researchers posited thata cooling trend ‘over the past 50 milion years allowed forincreasesin human brain size. Recent work by climate researcher Cooler Heads Prevailed Peer eae er Ca portsa theory of temperature-resticted Ce ee models, both temperature and carbon Cee ee ees Pelee aT nae Schwartzman and Middendorf hhave since calculated that air tempera Meet ere yeas Pe en esc eta ee Create ere Dee ee aus ee yore gue ay Ratna carts eeu t sed Soe cee ee Dee et ete CoE Se ee aR ea al years, a worldwide cooling trend may have allowed large-brained humans to develop from thesmaller-brained Austalopithecus line Pray ‘AFRICANS Cr ae rT rT te Eri Pee ond Oi =O) one NexStar 4130 SLT Ic ar ated @ Meave EDGLS Lightswiten S 950m OES ie Te BRUMTON. ADC Pro, Handheld ‘Atmospheric Data Center Meter foc et ay as BRUTON. Solaris 26 Watt olden le rsp (este maa ony fr se SSCARSON ePix Digital Zoom aie a Customer Relations aoo- 816-0702 212-741-0466 Mon-Thur. 9-40, Fri 9-1, EST Fax # 212-409-7228, FREE SHIPPING ‘on thousand of IN OPTICS SHOPPING: 14 DAYS MONEY-BACK ‘SkyScout a Ase tanta at fret ut aren rn pun yerhoe Prof/7If 8 x 42 Birding Series Plone Laser Forestry 550/ Hypsometer Laser Rangefinder & ‘Macsense GNC-35 Geomet’r Real Time Geotagging GPS Receiver ett cnn 020 Dove oe wen SP Saas (Gacrrey Biological Microscope vin tn it Care, OP, PAT Pore tr nied WE BUY & TRADE EOS 50D 151 Mepood UES en Die a Yer steel ‘ae nat aS Gee fi i sae pu Sarg “Committ ‘Spacemaster 60mm sa sort ve 15-32 Gk, Tae {ay Ca ck Nightvision 2.5x-42mi Binoculars with nae Iluminators Datetnewatds ka ‘omy nator yeh \VMS-004 Deluxe 400x USB Powered Microscope with USB Interface . Peet nar ‘STORE: 212-675-6769 Store & Wal Order Hows: Mon Thurs. 9-7:306m ‘Fr to 330 (Store tl 1:30) « Sun 8:30-5:00, sed photo/video equipmement I y as ee y 3 —— r f fans ats) CS als (olsea National School Inventors Challenge” oo eles nce rei Del cla a CceeLen) POPULAR SCIENCES WANTS YOU TO is hosting the 2nd annual School Vciabeee a eC) VC Tr Seri nN eta ed oot -oe oN TLMNN-NN NNT Niele heal ce) KOLO molto CALLING ALL 1p Nei Sey SILC) ES WORTH OF SCIENCE EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR SCHOOL! Dee ee tact peta sara Go to Enter by June 30 oT SENN a cm erg rer ey Crees What happens ee ae Coa! eee] greeting? ered ae Can mountains shoot up overnight? emery ee one! See es eee ete anes Most mountains are created by coll Peet aan tain grew 1,391 feet Snead Pee cacao) Ceramicamphorae were once used for storage and shipping. eee ose That's probably the closest you can come in around them, bringing rain and snowstorms Pee . that lead to erosion. Many are therefore in See ee acu) Etec Sete reese tet ae eee have pointed rela el yS Vee ad constantly change the height Cereus hem convenient for storing and ransporting liquids like live designed to be stacked in layers. The pointed bottoms could be situated firmly between the 1ecks ofthe layer below, with ‘ured in sand or pebble 8 Their pointy shape gave the 3 ceramic jars stuctural svengt | allowing themo hold large when empty MARCHVAPRIL 2010. SCIENCEILLUSTRATED.COM | 25 that come after hydrogen and helium on eer sa Oe eas Dn eon erie ges inside stars, eee ieee eo CeCe eee See ene heavier lithium) were formed by nuclear reactions during the big bang, The ele ments beryllium, boron and most of the Cee ees with interstellar carbon, rn SEE) ee eee Peers 26 | SCIENCEILLUSTRATED.COM_ MARCH/APRIL 2010 Gree esto stars, can create all ofthe elements up t aaa Be eee od eee Cec Pere eae Se nen Into its nucleus. The capture makes the Renee chs inthe form of radiation to Re eee eae a ‘number Increases by one, turning it into ee Eerie tas |) =e en eee en) eect Pe ee pee in thelr core and start burning he: en ed Sects ee eeu a nee oes asec een ace ened like gold and, Pree eet oe emer Who discovered oxygen? Dray Helium — a Who invented the cannon? roy ory Pre cure ad | ron ASK US Are dogs the only animals to wag their tails? Pee mers a trey ae Ce ba A Se ame Saag ce What's the origin of the dollar sign? er ore Poe Peet eT Justonce evolved fram fish that breed some part in their death. eee eee ere Ste ge eet one) What is hypothermia? eet eee Thomas Quin eee) roe Det Se a ee are Pees eet Crary ae ea iquids must evap into vaporin o reduce their vapor pressure in an effo thece conun Nature's search for equilibrium drives the behavior of water ina vacuum. 28 | SCIENCEILLUSTRATED.COM MARCIV/APRIL 2010 If Your Passion Lasts Longer Than This neCKlace corttatns a “stunining 350 etw of deep fe rubtes. Enlarged to e 4, show details. 4 Hours...Call Your Doctor Spark her passion with a spectacular 350 carats of genuine polished rubies. feed more passion in your life? Looking for some romantic heat to ignite that old flame? You're not going to find it in the drug store, The secret of history’ great lovers hhad nothing to do with pharmaceutical Casanova and Valentino wooed women the colc-fashioned way: with chivalry, poetry and sigantic gemstones, If you want to melt her heart, forget subtlety, Go for fireworks, Our Polished Ruby Necklace features a whopping, 350 carats of smooth-tumbled, genuine rubies. The Polished Ruby Necklace is a grand gesture guaranteed to make her swoon, ‘The world’s rarest and most precious stone has been working its magic for centuries. Ruby is the red. variety of the ‘mineral corundum, one of Farth’s hardest minerals. It has everything a precious stone should have including intense color, superb hardness (second only toa diamond) and rarity. So it's no wonder that top quality rubies achieve such high prices at auctions, surpassing even the hammer price for diamonds in equal classification, In the time of chivalry, the regal ruby was considercd # times more valuable than diamonds. Ancient people even believed that rubies were lit from within by an inextinguishable flame. Luckily, after ‘thousands of years reigning as the “King of Gems," the passionate fire inside of the radiant ted ruby has shown no. signs of cooling, Desire for this sulty, seductive stone iS hotter than ever. And at a price this low, i's the perfect time to get things smoldering again. Genuine ruby for under 2.00 per ‘carat? Believe it, High-end jewelers can sell some rubies for more than $5,000 a carat! We think that’s ridiculous In today’s economy so we dropped that price by about 99.95%. How do we get our prices so low? Volume, Last _yeat, we believe Stauet ‘was ‘the largest buyer ‘of carat-weight emer- alds in the world and ‘this year we're on track to be the largest buyer of carat-weight rubies. At 350 carats for under $150, we've really outdone our- selves this time. Designed to take her breath away, this ‘windfall of enormous rubles Is. strung together into an elegant, hand-knotted Discover the passionate fre and Scquste color ide ‘hese radiant rubles Smart Luxuries—Surprising Prices 18 necklace that secures with a gold vermeil lobster clasp and includes 32" extender, The size and shape of each stone fs unique, with natural color variations from burgundy to bordeaux. Our passionate guarantee. The seduc- tive fire of brilliant red ruby expresses your love like no other gemstone, Try our Polished Ruby Necklace for 30 days, I for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply retum it t0 us for a full refund of the purchase price, JEWELRY SPECS: '350 cr of genuine smooth tumble rubies Gold vere clasp 18" necace with 2” extender Stauer Polished Ruby Necklace 350 ctw—Was.$395 Now, Your price $145 +s&p Call now to take advantage of his listed offer 1-888-324-1969 Promotional Code RKN155-01 Please mention chis cde when you cll Stauer 410 Souths Deve W, Dope RKNIS5.01 Barnle, Minnent 58337, Whyare tropical bite -vetreKae) (emit Fy Where do most earthquakes occur? 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