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2arsre0%8 @Bioquark Blogutk he. Me sconces company, developing proprietary combinatoral bologies forthe rageneraton andrapair ot human organs ans baves, hip hwwcbioquark conaboutustteamy Bioguark| Team Prone: (57) ars725 Background The Opportunity Our Programs About UsContact Us Team Bioquark Team IRA PASTOR - CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER ‘Over 30 years of expriance across multe sectors of he pharmaceutical indus including pharmaceutical ommercialzaton, biotch drug development. manages cas, istbuton, OTC, and ea; Servo as VP. usin Development or deg development compary Prytomeds Ine, raising S40 milion of pve ny, cenaummeting over $50 lion of eensing dens and benging Ind du candidate rom discovery stage to Phase development rt thal, amplyed by SmthKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals working a ales, maken, and srategy poslons. Mr. Pastor has also served as Vice President of Corprate Development for De srarmacy benaft managemnt company Presciption Delvery Sysioms (aquved by Cigna Heals Insurance} MBA, Temple University. 8S, Prarmacy, Rutgers Univers, He is also & Boars Member of RegenerAge SAPI de (Cv, (wasogonoragecricion) a erica company fcusad on expedited ranslaoalerapeuc applications of ‘aoneraive and ouvenatve healthcare nerves, te Reanim Projet piven reanima ees), member Select Pubtations Plants and human health nthe twenty fist century. ~ Trends Biotechnol 2002 Dec:20/12):822-3. Potent! Threspeutle Applications of Extract Made from Erectroporsted Xenopus Laevs frog Oocytes in ‘Murine Modols of Melanoma, Traumatic Brain Inlury and Experimenta Skin WrinKling~ BA Pharm Sci 2016, 2:22: 024 DR. SERGEI PAYLIAN (PAKHLEVANIANTS) ~ FOUNDER, PRESIDENT, AND CHIEF SCIENTIFIC OFFICER wr 2arsre0%8 hip hwwcbioquark conaboutustteamy Bioguark| Team ‘Over 30 yours of extensive research and adminiave experiance inthe temedca ences cushy: molecular iolgy,gntes, immunology, mmnaisochemisy, vialogy, expermants gerontology. encoegy, pharmacology, microbiology physlology,elcvophyscigy, and siem cal blog. Developed breakhvough ‘ecology in human somate cell programming (U.S Patents pening). a wells precureor mirineubator technology (Use of Xenopus lnovso0oyss 9s mirinevbaors US, Patent 87,185,338); Hel vaous academic ‘eaoare nse poston inciting: Depart of Voternry Medcne, Unversity of inns, Ursars-Charpaan Froid, Tanp, Flr; Department of Pedic, Ovi of Punanary Medicine, Univer of Wisconsin, Mason; Unters olin at CNeago, Chieago—MS, Ph.D (Hon) n Slophysies,Bopomaet Insts ot Physiology Ke, Uicana: MS in Physics, Biology and Chemis, Deparment of Physical Scence, Talis State Univrsiy, Republi of Georgia. Ho's also a Board Member of RegenarAgo SAP d CV, {wn opererae.clncion)acnical company focused on sxpedtd translational rerapeuticappkcatons of regenerative and oivenntve healthcare interventions, an the Resrima Projet (h:lvereania.ech) Potential Threapoutle Applications of Extract Made rom Erectroporated Xenopus Laevs frog Oocytes In ‘Murine Models of Melanoma, Traumatic Brain Injury and Exporimental Skin WrinKling BAO Pharm Sci 2016, 2:22: 024 Co-Electroporation wih Xenopus Laevis Oocytes Roprograms Normal and Cancerous Human Calls to The aphaY nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit exists in two Isoforms that contribute fo functional ligand-gated fon channels- Mo! Pharmacol. 2004 Sp;85()420-9 Smokeless fobacco-exposed oral Keratinocytes Increase macromolecular ffx rom the in sity oral ‘mucosa Am J Physiol. 198 Jan;274(1 Pt 2: R106-11 ‘Anglotensn-converting enzyme and neural endopeptidase modulate smokeless tobacco-nduced Increase in macromolecular efflux trom te oral mucoss In vivo JLab Cin Med. 1987 Oct: 190():206-400 Purttied ACE attenuates emoksles tobacco-nduced Increase In macromolecular etx trom the oral 1 Appl Physiol (1988). 1997 J 89(9:7404 ‘Aqusous smokeless tobacco extract impairs endothallum-dopondent vascdation In the oral mucosa — J ‘Appl Physiol (1985), 1996 Ju 81(9'225.1 [NUR structure ofa recoptor-bound G-protein pptide= Nature. 1993 May 20;263(6426:276.1 ARTHUR FINNEL - FINANCIAL CONTROLLER dr. Finnl has more than 20 years of senor executive exsarance as bth a Ganoral Manager and a Chist Francal Ofc. is industyexpesonce spans He sconcos (ug dvelprent and nutraceuticals), consumer products human food an pel ood), angi, His Fanci experine ranges in scope and sie rom age, vate mutintonal fms (Mars, esrporated) angel and vant backed startup. He worked fr 8 yous a 8 pute company CFO, including an IPO an taking a compa private, Al possesses significant neretonal ‘xparence fo Canada, Europe, end Menlo, Mr Final olds ee degrees fom the Univeaty of Pennayvana—a Bachelor of Seance degre n Ecanomis fom the Wharton Schol a Mastr's Ooet ‘ad 8 Warn MBA in Finance In Operatone Reseach, DR. JOEL ISAIAS OSORIO GARCIA, MD - VP OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT an 2arsre0%8 hip hwwcbioquark conaboutustteamy Bioquark | Team ag Dr Osero brings ovr 20 ysars of experiance in meicalpractco. Served in capaci in pvato an puble practeos, as hospital staf physician and as omergoncy host sores coordina: fo varity of private and utc insttions troughout Mexico and managed a bond bank om 2009-2012, Eamed MD degraas at Woat of AntrAging and Regenaratve Medicine, visting scholar at Unveratyof Neth Gazeta at Chapel ln dermatology Fallow of Stam Cal Made by ne Amaresn Academy of An-Aging Madine and Univer of South Florida, and cureny completing addtional masters workin metabo and nutton sconces at Univers of South Florida and Master in Heath Scionces Aged Services, Vieora Unversity at Melbourne Australia. Armomber ofthe Round table ofthe ReGoNeRa laboratories Mexco's Commitee, a DNAge-Lab Company, working on the (lest & Co-Founder at Astrum Salud Monin Mexico Cy. PRP eee pacilner ste aesthetic and ‘eganarative fed since 2011 by GyCo, Speaker athe lamatonal Cngress of the Western Clea Research Instn 2073. Appearing on derent Mexican national TY programs and nieve as an ant-sang speaker {dha alto collaborated win diferent magazines wring relate arses. Has conducted moe than 4000 PRP's procedures an expertin te uss of anioxcants and BHRT, weight conta (more than 400 patonts with a igh _sezoas rat), more than 200 patients implanted subetanoousl sing human placer derived som calls, ana ‘over 360 calluar medicine teatments given for antag purposes. Oaveoped 3 diferent pate practic a3 {wn regenera clin) cnel company focused on expadd translational harapeuteappatons of ‘eganarative and euvenatve healthcare intrvanons, te Reanim Pojact sowin eaniia ae), na vember of the Execute Counc of WANS, The World Academy of Masia Sciences, ‘Select Pubeations Risk factors associated with infections in peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). Rev Esp Med Quir 2006, 11 (3): 2-24 DR. ANTOINETTE DU TOIT, MD ~ VP OF AESTHETIC MEDICINE ‘he eld, She obtains her MECHE a the University of Pretoria 2002, She urtered her suds inthe Jment of clabees atthe Cate for Diabetes end Endocrnlagy in Suth At 2ccraditescousos in Aashotc medicine and he appkcaton of stom col therapies inh incl medel practices. Throughout her aofessional carer, Dr dv Toth consistant demonated passion vision dedication and gence necessary to experience great sucess in the entrepreneurial arera and inal of busines acu, Dr. Toa a medal dactr a her ou aesthetic practice hat specalizes in cosa care ‘ad dlabetology, She nas also bean an savor to various aesthetic les in Suth Adie, shang ar knowledge, bohm aesthetic procedures and cnc sets, Her comprehensive range of services covers bot, dermal Mes, ov nd alo tock various va of aesthetics ana a7 2arsre0%8 hip hwwcbioquark conaboutustteamy Bioguark| Team chemical pels, mesoteray laser position, stem cal herapes, PAP appleaons. Meshjle modesto programs, detoxication ad te management of dabetes, HIV and various cher crcl eseases. Evidencing Mer remarkable reputation inte esthcare inst, Dr ds Toss mamber of the Asshaic and An-aging Society of {othe appeton of naw and revoldionary erage TATYANA RESHETNIKOVA, MS ~ DIRECTOR, PRODUCTION OPERATIONS Me, Reshetnkova has ovar20 year f experince inthe toenginetingsenoes and medal technology. She nas broad and outstanding coss-discpline knowlgge of micro contrat, malarial since, bemochanics, ‘engineering mathemates,mecicainsrumentaton ear coral theory, sgnal processing, neva gral _2cqulston, ieesign, ans engineering management. Ms. Reshorikova consitucted short rango, low requoncy power ransle systom 0b plemented in mplansble dees, special forthe acquton of nora conrad ung aman blopolanl, Ma, Reshlrkove has an MS in Bledel Engineering rm the Coa of Industry ena Technology rash, Russia ALEJANDRO DE LA PARRA SOLOMON - DIGITAL MEDIA DIRECTOR "Enreprencur focused on irformation Technology, Education and Heath, Hes ceatve and esuts-rivan wits 15> ‘years of experience in Mulimeda Proauston and G+ yaar in Mobile Developmen {GEO & Foundor at Astrum Salus Movil insing att branches, Mass Modio Dynamics and De la Para Mobile Solutions, Dial Stalag Drectr at ReAria Advanced Biosciences and Digital Media Director at Boquar, ne. (6p founder and Oia! Stategy adviser at Or. Jost, Regenerhge®, Srganickgnge, Wal Skin Neods™ ‘and Cerezo Edoes, and Latin America Reglon Manager and Oita Suatogy adviser at CadiacSenso [Alejandro i leo the Exoostve Vee President Execute Chakan of the WAMS Mable Heath Dison, WAMS (Chef Coorsnaing Ofce. Mombsr ofthe WAMS Executve Counc (WANS Executve Beard), Member ofthe \WAMS Esucalon & Training Board (ETB), Member of the WANS Eel Board, Honorary Member of the Cyprus Newosciance & Tachreleay Insts (Senior TV Program), Federated ember at nimatonsl Longevity Alans, Digtl Statgy advise Mor Mouse Testing Program, member of ‘he Web Commitee at Life Extension Advocacy Foundation / Lifspanio and has colaborated with SENS Ressarch Foundation for OncoSENS in Digital Srategy ar Digital Desin an 24612018 hip ahwwbioquark conaboutusiteamy Bloquark | Team Strategic Consultants DAVID GITLIN / GREENBERG TRAURIG — CORPORATE / PATENT COUNSEL ‘Mr. Gn focuses his pratos on corporate and secures, whan emphasis on mergers and acqultions, venture apt tecmology develop, and eatpovate nance, For mare then 30 yeas, David has counseled fron ‘lors doing busines inthe United States and US. cles doing business abroad. He has seuctired mere than 200 M&A deals, more han half of wich nave bean cogs-orderransacion invoking leasing busnesses in Fran ni, Israel and Sweden, ameng thers. He has represented U.S. consi th purchass or sale of businesses in more than 15 counties, DR. VERONICA NAVARRO ROMERO MD - ADVISOR - INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE Dt Nevaro i Head of ICU Star Medica Cento Hospaln Mexico Ciy and Parner / Founder In Ves Mescal Dt. Navaro graduatd fromthe mene faculy in UNAM in 1990 ubsequerty Warned a ansetnesclogst completing her rasgenc nto ISSTE goverment resp n 2002, whare sho was chs of resents. Later she compete stutles in etical adic, nishing he residency in Weica Sur Prvate Hospaln 2005, She a> susie a mason s0sbtc masicne completing he stusios inthe IPPC Instn 2018, Sho also has

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