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And they will call him Immanuel,

God with us.—Matthew 1:23 We have GOOD NEWS! Jesus is ALIVE and LOVES YOU! J u l y, 2 0 1 8

From Pastor Vrudny would she view replacing the One Creator’s Book for all nations
hard work & self-sacrifice of the and peoples, and His Command-
pioneers with the ‘what’s-in-it- ments are to be universally
for-me’ attitude of many of our obeyed in all places for all time.
citizens today? While she ad-
Many privileges we enjoy as citi-
mired the beauty of our nation’s
zens have their underpinnings in
fields and farmlands, she outright
the ‘fear of God’ in the Christian
praised the early pilgrims’ quest
way. We truly have been endowed
for freedom, and told America:
by our Creator with certain inal-
Dear Brothers and Sisters in “Confirm thy soul in self-control,
ienable rights: life, liberty and the
Christ, thy liberty in law.”

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, No matter what the year, or
there is freedom.” - 2 Corinthians the advanced technologies,
3:17 those words express truth.
America’s beauty is more
“Freedom;” we Americans like than natural resources; our
that word ~ so do we as Chris- citizens make a beautiful
tians. In the summer of 1893, nation by conducting their
after viewing ‘spacious skies’ and lives and watching over the
‘amber waves of grain,’ Kathe- condition of their souls with
rine Lee Bates wrote the song, proper self-control. This
“America, the Beautiful.” Would happens by fully using our liber- pursuit of happiness. Freedom
this patriotic poetess be disap- ties under the watchful eye of benefits everyone; it’s how we
pointed today with the removal moral laws and good values ~ can pursue our individual inter-
of raw landscape and putting in specifically Christian values. For ests, for our family‘s good and for
of mega-malls? Or widening we believe that the Bible is our our neighbor‘s good. Only when
highways into farmland? How
Continued on page 3

Church Mission Statement:

We, the people of Immanuel Lutheran Church, in joyful response to all that our gracious God has done for us,
seek to glorify God by bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people.
Pastor Vrudny:  Cell: 612-390-4935  Home: 218-547-4720
School Mission Statement:
A Child nurtured in a Christian Lutheran setting will be Prepared to live a Joyful, productive, God-pleasing Life.
Quality Christian education open to all children Preschool through Grade 8
Principal Janna Kietzman:  School Phone: 218-547-4139
Page 2

Opportunities For Worship

 Sunday Worship—We worship God each Sunday at 9:00 AM and celebrate The Lord’s
Supper the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month. Remember to invite your family members,
your new neighbor or a friend to worship with you. They are welcome, wanted and
 Lutheran Hour Ministries—Lutheran Hour Ministries can be heard on Sunday morn-
ings at 6:05 AM on WCCO 830, 12:30 PM on KDHL 920, or 5 PM Sundays on KTIG
102.7. They have expanded into additional markets. The Lutheran Hour is now availa-
ble: online, MP3, Podcast, Sirius XM Satellite Radio. For local broadcast information
 College Students—Students don’t leave home without Him! Connect with your Cam-
pus Church now or contact:

Opportunity For Bible Study

Great discussions! Wonderful discoveries! Good friendships!

Everyone welcome, wanted, and needed!
Sunday Morning Bible Study: Fill up your coffee cup and join from 10:00 am to noon. Never too late to join! Come any time to
a group right after Sunday Worship from 10:30—11:30, in the check it out!
Fellowship Hall. Your input is valued. You will be blessed and God With Us Home Groups: Social time, study time, Prayer time.
be a blessing to others! Contact Randy Fabian for more information: 817-
Men's Bible Study each Thursday morning at 401-8560
8:30 am in the back of the sanctuary. All men Sunday School: Kids welcome after fellowship
are encouraged and invited to attend for the time on Sundays from 10:30—11:30, except in
lively, informative discussion! summer.
Women’s Bible Study every Thursday morning E-DiBS: now has a website that you can go to for
at 8:30 am, meeting at the church library. We more information on their ministry, daily Bible
would love to have you join us as we share Studies and archived EDiBS (Every Day in Bible
God’s Word and fellowship with one another. Study). The teacher is Rev. Paul Stark. Check it out at:
Crossways: Genesis to Revelation study held on Thursdays

Will You Help?

THRIVENT FINANCIAL wants to provide you with grant money They are part of Thrivent's fraternal support for charitable activ-
to support our Church and School or other charitable cause. ities. If you have questions you may ask your congregational
Just a reminder that if you have a Thrivent product you may be support team Karen Sellner or Pat Kastning. Or you may call the
Thrivent support center 800-847-483. Please say "fraternal"
eligible for 2 different types of Charitable grants. You just need
when prompted.
to request them. Don't let this funding slip away.
1) Choice dollars allow you to support a charitable cause of
your choice. These funds are distributed to you by Thrivent
and do expire if not directed in the prescribed time frame.
2) Action Team grants allow you to apply for a $250 grant to
support a project or event.
You may apply on line or call the service center for help if you
do not have computer access available to you.
Neither of these funds decrease your investments in Thrivent.

NEEDED: Paper Towels

Immanuel Messenger Page 3

Continued from page 1

people know their Creator, and realize the larger ing productive citizens, benefiting ourselves, our
freedom Jesus Christ won for them ~ freedom from families and our neighbors.
sin, death, and the devil ~ only then are they in a posi-
This is how the Gospel of Jesus Christ is
tion to live out those civil liberties as
truly good news and daily guidance
well! The freedom in our civil lives is
“Many privileges we in lands and nations where it is
precious, it needs to be exercised
believed and applied. Where the
and defended, because the same enjoy as citizens have
Spirit of the Lord is, there is a
evil that attacks our spiritual free- their underpinnings in people enjoying the sweet fruits
doms will affect our civil liberties the ‘fear of God’ in the of faith for the good of everyone.
as well. Christian way.”
“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there
is freedom”, says 2 Corinthians 3:17. Our A blessed July to you and to your
good works are necessary; but not for our salvation. household ! --- pastor vrudny
Jesus Himself has forgiven and saved us ~ we are Bap-
tized into freedom eternally! And this alone leaves us
free to live out our Christian faith {in its morals & val-
ues} simply because it results in daily blessings by be-

Prayer Corner

Father, I want those you gave me to be with me, right where I am, so they can see my glory, the splendor you
gave me, having loved me long before there ever was a world.— Jesus (John 17:24 TMSG)

Health Concerns & Other Issues: Pray for Church Workers: Cara Schmidtke & Eve Vrudny—
 Phil Anderson both at Concordia, St Paul
 Warren Anderson (Cancer)
 Alicia Payne-Beres (stroke, daughter of Duane & Phyllis LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces
 Tony Blauert (quadriplegic & therapy, friend of Randy &
Missions: Immanuel Lutheran School; Bethany and Victor
Karla Schmidtke) Herron—Missionaries to Central Asia (Carol Gustafson’s
 Lola Bond (heart surgery, infant from Akeley)
 Floyd Caster (hospital)
 Phyllis Eklund (medical)
 Greg Haroldson (cancer treatment)
 Dan Iverson (stroke, brother-in-law of Bonnie Vrudny)
 Carla Morgenstern (friend of Darin & Corina Bronczyk)
 Duane Payne (chemo treatment)
 Will Pehling (medical)
 Deborah Peterson (Mike Keske’s sister)
 Patti Ross (daughter of Dale Ross)
 Steve Roth (cancer, friend of Sherman & Judy Jensen)
 Jeff Woodruff (surgery & cancer treatments)
Page 4


Promises promise God has given when we look put Him first, there will always be
at the cross. At the very beginning, time to do whatever He asks us to
You've probably been at a wedding God gave the promise of a Savior to do – to spend time in His Word and
and witnessed the exchange of rings. Adam and Eve. Throughout Scripture prayer, to participate in worship and
This is an important part of the that promise is repeated. Because Bible study, to help others in any
service, because those rings signify way we can. If we feel inadequate
the promise the couple makes. They for a task or responsibility, we can
help the husband and wife to rely on God's strength and confi-
remember that they have promised to dence to enable us to carry out
be faithful to one another till death. whatever He's put in our lives to do.
As we know, sometimes that promise If we give to God first, before we
is not kept and marriages fail. spend money on ourselves, He will
make sure we always have enough.
God has given us promises, too, and
signs of His promises. When you see Yes, God is faithful, and the best
a rainbow, do you remember that part is that He is faithful even when
God first placed it in the sky as a sign we aren't. When we don't keep the
God gave His Son, because Jesus was
of a promise? (See Genesis 9:12-17) promises we've made, when we are
obedient to His Father, we have
When you think back to your baptism selfish with our time or gifts, when
forgiveness of sins and life forever in
and consider the water that was we stubbornly go our own ways,
Heaven with Him.
sprinkled on you, or when you take God is faithful to forgive. Jesus lived
the bread and wine in Communion, do God is always faithful to His Word. the perfect life in our places and
you remember that God uses these Not one promise has He broken. won our forgiveness on the Cross of
everyday elements to remind us of His Because of His faithfulness, we can be Calvary. He promised He would,
promise of forgiveness and eternal faithful too. When He calls us to and He did it.
life? (See Matthew 26:26-28) donate our time, to share our talents,
Blessings on your stewardship
to give of our money, He is faithful to
We are reminded of the greatest journey!
provide a way for us to do that. If we


Church Finances School Finances

4/1/18-4/30/18 income = $13,030.69
May Envelope & Plate = $12,533.00
May Electronic Offerings = $3,882.36 4/1/18-4/30/18 expense = $11,570
Total Offerings = $16,415.36 (Actual income & expense – loan amounts removed)
Expenses = $11,116.29 Lines of credit balance owed as of 5/7/18 = $6,570
Over = $5,299.07 (+$40,000 to transfer to building account)

Building Fund:
May Offering = $30.00
Building Fund Balance 5/31 = $5,742.34
Page 5

LWML Update

All Ladies Invited All the Time!

Every woman of Immanuel is WELCOME, WANTED, and
NEEDED to attend the monthly “Mary Martha LWML”
here at Immanuel. We know that God has equipped YOU
with special gifts which are just exactly what is needed to
accomplish His mission! There is no “membership” - as all Kabekona Beach! Bring a dish to share and your plates
ladies are already “members”! and utensils. Some seating available! Everyone is invit-
Upcoming Events:
North District Goal Set: the 2019 Mission Goal is
 LWML at Lutheran Island Camp: August 10-12. Theme is $186,000. Each little mite brings us closer! Ask for your
“Grief”. mite box!
 Congregational Picnic: Save the date! July 17 at Thanks for your prayers and participation!

Men of Immanuel

Men of Immanuel will gather together Saturday, July 14 at 8

am for fellowship breakfast and short meeting. Joel Vinkemei-
er & Dale Ross are the cooks for breakfast. All men of the con-
gregation are invited and encouraged to come and enjoy the
fellowship. The coffee will be on!

Secret Servants
There were SOOOOO many Secret Servants during the past couple of weeks! Everywhere we looked, we
saw people helping and helping and helping—especially during the school ABC Sale! Here are a few...
Thank you, Vern Black for repairing some of kitchen stools.
Thank you, Vern Black, Bill Sellner and Dale Ross for your tireless efforts.
Thank you, Pat Kastning for replacing pans, knives, towels, etc. in the kitchen and making the extra effort
in so many areas.
The “Kitchen Cleaners”: Joann Loewen (who never stops), Karen Sellner, Lavonne Keske, Marilyn
Bakeberg, Bonnie Vrudny, Kathy Pinsonneault, and Pam Kruger—and so many more of you who continu-
ally work at keeping our kitchen usable!
Thank you, Meg Duin for keeping our church looking presentable and appropriate for each season and
Thank you to so many of the “behind the scenes” helpers on Sunday mornings.
Just think. Our entire “church family” functions thanks to many “body parts” using their God-given gifts. It
really is amazing! THANK YOU!
Yes, God is keeping track of the “good deeds” you do in private. However, if you see someone doing some-
thing “in secret”, let the church office (or Pam Kruger) know so we can all say thank you! The smallest
thing you do is GREATLY appreciated! YOU are appreciated!
Page 6

Audio Video Help Needed

The installation of our audio/video systems
are now ready to use. The only missing
piece is finding a reliable, savvy person (no
matter your age) to prepare the order of
service and hymns for presentation for
Sunday mornings. If that person is YOU,
please contact our pastor, church office,
or an Elder.

2018 VBS
Immanuel Lutheran Church—Walker
August 5—9 , 6—8:30 pm
Age 3 years—6th Grade
Register at: 218-547-3156
Everyone Welcome!

Pastor and Bonnie are looking forward to bringing 5
youth (Matthew, Mark, Brandon, Jessica, and Jeff) to
Tacoma, Washington for a Higher Things Conference
on July 30-August 3, 2018. The mission of “Higher
Things” is to assist parents, pastors, and congregations
in cultivating a distinctively Lutheran identity among
their youth and young adults.
July Celebrations Page 7

Anniversaries Our Sympathy to the family of

7/4 Paul & Kathy Pinsonneault (44 years) Leroy Strand
who lived his faith and loved us—as we
7/6 Bill & Karen Sellner (44 years)
loved him. Leroy died Friday, June 1. His
7/6 Pastor & Bonnie Vrudny (33 years) Christian funeral was at Immanuel June
7/11 Clark & Linda Daniel (38 Years) 11, 2018. He will be mightily missed by
7/19 Jeff & Melissa Schmidtke (10 years) his Immanuel Family and the school.

7/24 Duane & Helen Paulsen (58 years)

Quilting Ministry
7/29 Joel & Polly Ruhl (19 years)
Tuesdays, July 10 & 24
9 am—Fellowship Hall
7/2 Pam Pederson
7/2 Mary Schmidtke Church Picnic -July 17
7/5 Josh Schmidtke Kabekona Beach—5:00
7/7 Linda Daniel Bring a dish to share,
7/7 Alicia Payne your plates and utensils.
Everyone is invited!
7/11 Nancy Albrecht
7/11 Jim Gratke
7/12 Isla Campbell (8) Pie and Ice Cream Social
7/13 Adam Baumann (11) Sunday, July 29
7/13 Pastor Vrudny after church
Money raised will be for the
7/16 Natalee Gardner (6)
Mercy Fund.
7/17 Theresa Bilben
7/18 Elizabeth Anderson
7/19 Randy Schmidtke
2018 VBS
August 5—9 , 6—8:30 pm
7/20 Dale Ross Age 3 years—6th Grade
7/24 William Schmidtke (11) Register at: 218-547-3156
7/27 Jonathan Anderson (See page 5)
7/27 Cameron Daniel
7/28 Grant Pickar Sunday, August 27, 2018
7/28 Vicki Vorel Annual Pork Roast Dinner,
7/29 Joel Ruhl served by the Men of Immanuel
7/30 Nathan Harder and Cooked by Charlie and Deb
Thompson of Charlie’s Up North
7/30 Sharon Lindsey
7/31 Duane Paulsen (81)
7/31 Rachel Groesbeck Contact Information
Please let the office know if you
We want to include YOU! have changed your email
Please let the office know your special days address, your phone numbers
or address. Thank you!
so we can celebrate with you!
Immanuel Messenger Page 8

Board of Education
ABC SALE THANK YOU –The Board of Education, Another new record for clean up day on Saturday. At
the teachers in our school and those involved with this time, our net sales are $18,500, with more mon-
our school extend to the congregation, their friends ies still coming in. God has truly blessed this congre-
and family our deepest gratitude, gation with dedicated people who
and how very blessed we feel for love Christian education and want
the outpouring of support the to support our school. All items
school received during the week of remaining after the sale were do-
the ABC Sale. We are so blessed by nated to the Walker Area Food
the generous and hard-working Shelf and they did an amazing job
spirit of our congregation mem- of packing, loading and hauling
bers. About 60 people worked at everything away for us in record
the sale, people from our congre- time. Thank you again for all of
gation from the youngest to some your support!!
of the oldest!
If you weren’t directly involved VBS – Vacation Bible School will be
with working at the ABC Sale, held on August 5th through the
there were dozens of you who do- 9th from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Spread
nated items, shopped, or helped the word to children in your neigh-
feed all of those 60 people! More borhood or family members. It is
importantly, throughout the week always a fun week with lots of mu-
we all experienced Christian fellowship with each oth- sic, crafts and Bible stories.
er, laughing, and joking but at the same time, working
hard to get everything accomplished. Probably the
best end to a week of hard work was that the church
was put back to its usual state in 2-1/2 hours!

Opportunities to Help the School

RECYCLING: Immanuel School can now recycle your old cell
phones. Just drop them at the office or deposit them with the Scrip Orders: The school’s scrip program is a great way for par-
ink jet cartridges. ents, grandparents, family and friends to help
On-Line Search: Immanuel School has signed up as a charity on pay for tuition! 50% of each scrip order’s Every time you use this search engine, profit may be designated toward a student’s
they donate 1 cent to our school. Please choose Immanuel Lu- tuition. Many retailers participate in the gift
theran School as your charity when it asks you, “Who do you card program and also offer ScripNow, where
“Goodsearch” for?” certificates can be downloaded from your
Amazon Smile: Take advantage of the Amazon Smile Program account through orders placed online at
with your Amazon orders and help the school! Simple. Anyone Scrip packets are available by the
who signs up for Amazon Smile and chooses the school for their office. New order deadline: 10th of each month. Contact Kelly
charity will automatically contribute 0.5% if their purchase of Schmidtke (547-1080).
most items to the school! You can sign up at: http://

Look it up! &

Immanuel Messenger Page 9

Walker Area Pregnancy Support Center

• Clothing room needs: Summer shorts and onsies size newborn

Life MATTERS to 2T.

The Walker Area Pregnancy Support Center exists to provide

physical and spiritual life affirming choices for women and REALLY NEED VOLUNTEERS! We need volunteers for either
families facing an unplanned pregnancy. Mondays or Thursdays on a weekly basis - helping with light
office duties, a bit of cleaning and organizing, interacting
Please be in prayer for women (and men) making the tough- with clients and/or their children. Hours will be 11am-4pm.
est decision of their lives…and one that will affect them for Stop in to the office for more information!
the rest of their lives, no matter what they choose. Pray for
them to come to know and trust God with their future and New Bible Study “Making Life Disciples”: We have three
their child’s life. copies of a new Small Group Bible Study available for anyone
to borrow. It is designed as a 6 week study. If you would like
EXCITING NEWS! A New Home for Walker to lead a study give us a call.
Area Pregnancy Support PLEASE NOTE: We are now partnering
Center! At the Banquet, our Board with ‘Cradle of Hope’, a Minnesota
based non-profit. With this new part-
of Directors asked our Banquet Guests
nership, we are able to give away a
to be in prayer for our Center to have a
‘free’ portable crib (Pack-N-Play) —to
building of our own. Our prayers were
any Minnesota woman who is in their
answered within a week. We are so
2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy or
blessed to be able to look forward to
have a baby under the age of
relocating to our permanent home
12mos—who complete our ‘Safe
across from the Holiday Gas Station in
Sleep’ Educational Module. IF YOU
Walker sometime in late August or Sep-
New Opportunities means new needs: THEM CONTACT OUR CENTER. This
Our greatest need? Pray, pray, pray includes Grandparents or Dads who
like crazy! For all to go as planned and need a safe place for their baby aged
in God’s will and with God’s blessings. 12 months or younger.
Here are a few needs:
Teal’s Market: Please keep saving
• A small safe play yard and small sandbox those Teal’s receipts. We get a 1%
for our already fenced in back yard where we can have classes donation for receipts we turn in to them.
with Clients on nice days while their young children play safely
next to us. A new way to donate: Online giving is now available on our
• A kitchen table and 4 chairs, a rocking chair and a couple of good new website and on Facebook through “”.
“LIKE” us on Facebook: Please find us on Facebook for min-
• A blender to teach “Smoothie” making.
istry updates and then be sure to “Like” us.
• Shelving units for our storage area.
• A new vacuum cleaner. Our new space is twice what we clean Contact Info: Location: 507 Front Street in Walker. Hours:
now and our current vacuum is on its last leg. Monday through Thursday, 11 AM to 4PM. Phone: 218-547-
• Volunteers willing to build a few walls inside and help to enclose LIFE (5433);
and put a floor in the garage to be converted to an indoor space.
We will also need help to place new signs. P O BOX 1527, Walker, MN 56484; email is: walk-
• We would like to build a beautiful raised flower bed in front of; website:
the house under the window for welcoming effect. This is where
we will place our ‘Sargent Place’ Memorial Plaque.
• We will be looking for donations of building supplies to help with Thank you for your continued
these projects.
• We will be asking for help for the final move toward the end of
prayers and support!
August or early September.
Immanuel Lutheran School. Where faith and education meet.


Preschool/Pre-K List Kindergarten - 3rd Grade List 4th - 8th Grade List
• Crayons, Markers and Glue will be • No. 2 pencils • 1 box of washable markers
provided • 1 box of 24 or more crayons • 1 box of 64 or 96 count crayons
• 1 box of colored pencils • 1 bottle of Elmer’s School glue & glue
Please sure your child has: • Washable markers (classic colors) stick
• Regular size backpack • Water color paints • 1 box of colored pencils
• Extra complete outfit to leave in • 3 Glue sticks • No. 2 pencils (at least 12)
backpack • Good pair of scissors • 1 large eraser
• Optional - Pre-K: small blanket & • 1 large eraser • 1 pen
small pillow for rest time. • 1 pencil box • 1 inch binder
• Book bag • Loose leaf paper wide ruled
• Extra outfit to leave in book bag • Good pair of scissors
• Ruler with inches and cm
• Headphones or earbuds
• 3rd grade headphones or • Book bag
Earbuds • Water Color Paints
• Optional - 8th grade graphing

• Each Child is asked to bring 1 roll of paper towels We attended the LWML
and 1 box of Kleenex. Convention to thank
them, on behalf of our
• Additional pencils and supplies may be needed
during the course of the year. MN North schools, for
their generous gift to
• Please Mark your items
the CROSS Appeal.


If you have school related
questions please contact: Teacher Supply Wish List
Principal, Janna Kietzman • Band-Aids
218-507-0103 • White board markers • Cardstock

Tie-dyeing pillow cases

7th grade Biology -

Dissecting a frog

The pre-k students are practicing for the musical.

Finally a nice outdoor day!

Braydon brought his bearded Carrie talks to the students about the summer
dragon to school for show-n-tell library program
Immanuel Lutheran Church and School

4656 State 200 NW

Walker, MN 56484

Join us for worship on Sundays at 9

Forwarding Service Requested

Immanuel Messenger
July, 2018

And they will call Him

“God With Us”
Lutheran Church
The Missouri Synod


Church Website:
School Website
Join Us for Worship!
These businesses contribute to newsletter publication costs!

Altar Duty
Karen Sellner & Karla Schmidtke

7/1, 7/8 & 7/15 Randy Fabian
7/22 & 7/29 Glenn Bakeberg

7/1 Will & Dar Pehling
7/8 Bill & Karen Sellner
7/15 Joel & Barb Vinkemeier
7/22 Marie Bakker & Phyllis Eklund
7/29 Vern & Marilyn Black

7/1 Brandon Dodge
7/8 Mark Salvhus
7/15 Jeffrey Schmidtke
7/22 John Schmidtke
7/29 Brandon Dodge

Fellowship Servers
7/1 Judy Jensen & Lori Reeve
7/8 Karen Sellner & Marletta Froehlich
7/15 Corina Bronczyk & Kathy Pinsonneault
7/22 Marilyn Black & Barb Vinkemeier
7/29 Mercy Team Pie & Ice Cream Social
Whatever you do, work heartily as for the Lord and not for man. Colossians 3:23

7/1 Bill Sellner & Jim Kolar
7/8 Wayne Kastning & Will Pehling
7/15Wayne Kastning & Will Pehling
A huge THANK YOU 7/22 Duane Payne & Rick Schmidtke
7/29 Duane Payne & Rick Schmidtke
to all who continue to
serve our congregation!
Bless you!
Immanuel Lutheran Church JULY 2018 “God With Us”
1 2 3 4 Independence 5 6 7
6th Sunday After Pentecost Council Agenda Due Day 8:30 am Men’s Bible Study Pastor’s Day Off
9 am Worship w/Communion 10 am Elders meet 8:30 am Women’s Bible
10 am Fellowship 7 pm Board of Ed Study
10:30 am Bible Study 10 am Crossways

8 7th Sunday after Pentecost 9 10 Scrip Deadline 11 12 13 14

9 am Worship 9 am Quilting 8:30 am Men’s Bible Study Pastor’s Day Off 8 am Men of
10 am Fellowship
9:30amPastor @ 8:30 am Women’s Bible Immanuel
10:30 am Bible Study
District LWML Meeting Study Breakfast
7 pm Council in Brainerd 10 am Crossways
15 8th Sunday after Pentecost 16 17 18 19 20 21
9 am Worship w/Communion NEWSLETTER 5 pm LWML/Church 8:30 am Men’s Bible Study Pastor’s Day Off
10 am Fellowship DEADLINE Picnic @ Lakewood 8:30 am Women’s Bible
10:30 am Bible Study Acres Kabekona Study
Beach 10 am Crossways

22 9th Sunday after Pentecost 23 24 25 26 27 28

9 am Worship 9 am Quilting 8:30 am Men’s Bible Study Pastor’s Day Off
10 am Fellowship 8:30 am Women’s Bible
10:30 am Bible Study Study
10 am Crossways

29 10th Sunday after Pentecost 30 31 August 1 August 2 August 3 August 4

9 am Worship 8:30 am Men’s Bible Study Pastor’s Day Off
10 am Pie & Ice Cream Social 8:30 am Women’s Bible
for Mercy Fundraiser Study
10 am Crossways

Older Youth group at Higher Things Conference in Tacoma, WA, Pastor & Bonnie are Chaperones

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