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Alamat : Jl. Pattimura Sempan Kel. Inauga / Hp. 081380428005

Name :
Lesson : english langguage
Class : X ( tenth grade)
Choose the correct answer!

Dear Mr. Aditya Ismail,

Welcome to the Jaya Hotel

We hope you have pleasant stay here. You can use all facilities inthis
hotel. Just bring and show this card whwn coming to our restaurant
and coffee shop, and when using the sport facilities. This card should
be returned when you sign charges to your room account.
Room no 157.

Hary Saputra
Desk Clerk

1. When did the guest receive this card?

a. When he checked in to the hotel c. When he left the hotel
b. When ordering meals at the restaurant d. When making the reservation
2. Who issued the card to the guest?
a. Mr. Aditya Ismail c. The restaurant cashier
b. The hotel manager d. The desk clerk
3. The hotel facilities below are mentioned in the text, except...
a. The restaurant b. The gym c. The meeting room d. The coffe shop

Question 4-7 are based on the following text!

Missing child. Hari andika, aged 10, failed to return to his house on Tuesday afternoon.
Hari Andika is 140 cm tall, weighs 35 kg and has curly black hair. He was wearing an elementary
school uniform (white shirt and red shorts), black shoes and had a blue backpack when last seen.
Anyone who has seen him, please contact Mr. Tanuwijaya at (021) 5472225 0r 08123456979.

4. What does the text tell us about?

a. The location of Hari’s house c. A missing child
b. Mr. Tanuwijaya d. Introduction of a new student
5. What did Hari andika look like when last seen?
a. He was an old man c. He had curly hair
b. He lived in an apartement d. He was wearing a jacket
6. Which statement is not true accordingto the text?
a. Hari Andika is a student c. Hari Andika left his house
b. Hari Andika is overwight d. Hari Andika dissapeared on Tuesday afternoon
7. Doni : ......
Akbar : I like to play soccer
a. What were you doing yesterday? C. Do you have time to meet me?
b. Do you prefer basketball or soccer? D. What do you like to do in your free time?
8. Teacher : dina, why were you absent yesterday?
Dina : I’m sorry Miss........
a. I forgot to bring my paper this morning
b. I had to help the victim of an accident
c. I will not forget to come to class
d. I think today is a very good day
9. Lily : i’m bored......
Dean : Then let’s play a game!
a. Bored b. Terrified c. Boring d. Terrfying
10. Tere : what a nice blouse! I’m sure it was very expensive.
Dara : no, ....
a. It’s more expensive than that c. It’s quite expensive, indeed
b. It’s more cheap than yours d. It’s cheaper than you think
11. Rina : tia, please help me carry.....from the library.
Tia : Ok
a. Some book b. Little books c. A lot of book d. These books
12. Dad : are you having fun, lana?
Lana : yes, dad. Going to the amusement park is......
a. Terrible b. Excited c. Playful d. Enjoyable
13. Tria : we should go to the....floor.
Agni : let’s take the elevator
a. Fifteenth b. Five c. Fifty d. Above
14. Aska : she lost her money yesterday.
Damar : ......
a. I don’t know that c. Such a pity
b. That’s a great idea d. Oh, i’m sorry to hear that
15. Waitress : .........
Mr.lisa : yes, please. Thank you
a. What wil you have for the appetizer, miss?
b. I’m sorry, but we run out of bread
c. Would you like some tea?
d. Do you want to order now or later?

Question 16-20 are based on the invitation below.


The national Council of the boy Scouts of America and
Jamboree Scouts cordinally invite
Mr. James Brown
To visit the National jamboree in washington at the
National Capital Park
August 21 to 30, 2010
16. What is the event of the invitation?
a. Scout’s party c. International meeting
b. National Jamboree d. No spesial event
17. When will it be held?
a. Next week b. August 21-30 c. Tomorrow morning d. July 21-30
18. Who sent the invitation?
a. The National Agency c. The committe of the event
b. The president d. The scouts
19. Where will the event be held?
a. National Capital Park, Washington c. Chicago
b. Times square, new york d. Sacramento
20. What is the tone of invitation?
a. Formal b. Informal c. Upset d. Casual

Wonder Town Restaurant

Table no: 22
Number of cutomers: 3
1 chichen steak Rp. 15.000
2 cheeseburgers Rp. 20.000
1 chocolate milk shake Rp. 12.000
1 tomato juice Rp. 8.000
1 ice coffee Rp. 10.000
3 slices of cheesecake Rp. 15.000
Sub total Rp. 75.000
10% tax Rp. 7.500
TOTAL Rp. 85.000
Thank you for eating with us
Please pay at the cashier

21. How much does a slice of cheese cake cost?

a. Rp. 5.000 b. Rp. 15.000 c. Rp. 10.000 d. Rp. 8.000
22. How many people were eating together based on the bill?
a. Six b. Three c. Four d. Seven
23. How does the customer pay for the food?
a. Using credit b. Pay at the cashier c. Using debit card d. Pay at the kitchen

Good evening. Our speaker tonight is Dr. Jamie Raditya, professor of chemistry at international
University. Dr. Raditya is a naturalist by hobby, and will speak to us about his recent hiking trip in the
Kalimantan rain forest where he went in search of wild orchids and other exotic flowers. Following
the talk Dr. Raditya will answer your questions. If you haven’t got any questions yet, please enjoy his
wonderful photographs of his trip on display in the lobby.

24. Who is Dr. Raditya?

a. A backpacker c. A professor of chemestry
b. A photographer d. A journalist
25. Why did Dr. Raditya go to Kalimantan rain forest?
a. Visiting his family c. Searching wild orchids and other exotic flower
b. Doing some research d. Exploring the life of the kalimantan people
26. What will Dr. Raditya do after the talk?
a. He will show his photographs c. He will take photographs
b. He will go to the lobby d. He will answer questions from the audience
27. “Dr. Raditya is a naturalist by hobby, ...” What does the synonym of the underlined word?
a. Biologist b. Scientist c. Expert d. Socialist
28. “...., please enjoy his wonderful photographs....”
What does the antonym of the underlined word?
a. Beautiful b. Poor c. Amazing d. Strange
29. Anita : hi..Fahri. How was your trip to Bali?
Fahri : .....I really had a great time.
Anita : Lucky you.
a. It was terrific c. The bus was bad
b. c. The food was boring d. The weather was terrible
30. R : Good morning
G : Good morning. Can I speak to Mr. Joko?
R : ...
a. i’m sorry to hear that c. That’s my pleasure
b. sure. Who is speaking? D. Sorry. I’m still using it
31. Mela : My lovely sister has just passed away
Bayu : ....
a. I’m afraid i can’t help you c. I feel bad
b. I’m sorry to hear that d. She is such a sweet woman
32. Rani : it is very hot in here. I hate the weather today.
Boni : .....
a. Yes, the weather is depressed c. Yeah, it is depressing
b. Hmmmm... it was exhausted d. Indeed, it is boring
33. I rarely go to the cinema. I am not ... in watching movies.
a. Interested b. Boring c. Exhausting d. Bored
34. Sassy : i lost my purse at the airport yesterday.
Vhino :....
a. I’m sorry to hear that c. Wow, fantastic
b. Cool! D. Pardon me?
35. Dila : tessa, I’d like to introduce you to my friend, Agy.
Tessa :...
a. I’m tessa. How do you do? C. Hi. See you later
b. Good, how are you? D. Hi, see you tomorrow
36. Ms. Anny : Mr. Smith. I like you to meet Mr. Dan,
the donor that I told you about yesterday.

Mr. Smith :....

a. Hi, How’d you do? C. It’s a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Dan
b. Good to see you d. Hey, what’s up?
37. Ani : ....
Derby : Hi, ani. I hope we can be good friends.
a. Thank you everyone c. Please allow her to introduce herself
b. Hi everyone. My name is ani d. Hello. The people seem nice
38. My a nice house.
a. Live b. Lives c. Are live d. Lived
39. happy today.
A. Looks b. Is c. Be d. Look
40. It.....a bright day today.
A. Is b. Are c. Am d. Does
41. Raya : hurry up. We don’t have much time.
Jack : what time is the meeting?
Raya : ....
a. I don’t know for sure c. It’ll begin in 10 minutes
b. It will end soon d. At 10 o’clock
42. Lia : Which one is your book?
Mary : .....
a. The blue and round one c. A big red pretty one
b. The old big one d. The little black striped one
43. Ami : How many red shirts do you have?
Dede :.....
a. I have many shirts c. I have a lot of red ones but no blue ones
b. I have a dozen red shirts d. I don’t have nothing
44. Nana : when will the party be held?
Ajeng : it’ll be held.....
a. On next morning c. On Sunday afternoon
b. At Tuesday d. In an instant
45. Rizal : what time should i pick you up, mom?
Mom : Pick me up at....
A . 7 o ‘clock b. Nine in the afternoon c. This night d. Twelve past thirteen


Find the meaning in Indonesie

1. Onion :
2. Frying pan :
3. Garlic :
4. Cheeseburger :
5. Mixer :
Alamat : Jl. Pattimura Sempan Kel. Inauga / Hp. 081380428005

Name :
Lesson : english langguage
Class : XI ( eleventh grade)
Choose the correct answer!

1. Roni : rafi, what did you usually do when you lived in London?
Rafi : ........
a. I play tennis with my father c. I drank english tea for breakfast
b. I used to walk down the road in the afternoon d. I sometimes went to the movies
2. Lisa :....
Verny : Just tea, please
a. Would you mind some tea or coffee?
b. Would you like to bring me some water?
c. Would you like the tea or coffee?
d. Would you like some tea or coffee?
3. Iwan : ......
Kim : Yes, she is
a. She isn’t your girlfriend, isn’t she? c. She is your girlfriend, is she?
b. She isn’t your girlfriend, was she? D. She is your girlfriend, isn’t she?
4. Dinda : may I know and use your ID?
Hanna : What for?
Dinda : I need to order something. I lost mine yesterday.
Hanna : ......It’s private.
a. Sorry, i’m afraid you can’t c. All right, but you have to keep my ID after this
b. Well, it’s up to you d. I’ll give you my ID
5. Rina : is there nothing I can do here?.....
Marisa : you’re right. It’s so boring here.
a. I’m so boring here c. It’s so annoyed
b. I’m so bored d. I’m getting boring
6. Audy : ......
Ridha : No, my mom cooks its for me
a. You cook the food by your self, are you? C. You cook the food by yourself, aren’t you?
b. You cook the food by yourself, don’t you? D. You cook the food by yourself, do you?
7. Sean : Rina, can you bring the camera tomorrow?
Raisha : What did he say?
Rina : he asked....
a. If I could bring the camera tomorrow
b. If i can bring the camera or not
c. Whether I must bring the camera or not
d. Whether the camera is with me or not
8. Lola : is this fan mine?
Dean : No, it’s not yours.....
a. It’s me b. It’s the fan with mine c. It’s mine d. It’s my
9. Rosa : what is your dream job, lia?
Lia : is the cheapest way to reach my dream to go around the world
a. I want to be a policewoman
b. My dream job is to be a doctor
c. I want to work as a guide in an international travel agency
d. I want to be a business woman
10. You....before your flu gets worse.
a. Can see a doctor c. Might have to see a doctor
b. Will have to go see a doctor d. Should go see a doctor
11. Would you mind if....for one night?
a. I stayed in your house c. I had stayed in your house
b. I stay in your house d. I am staying in your house
12. Didy : I think we should move to new town
Lila : ......I feel comfortable here.
a. I have no opinion c. I think so
b. I disagree with you d. I completely agree with that
13. Narsha : Would you like to come to my party tonight?
Jean : Oh, I’d love to, but....
a. I think it’s a great idea c. I don’t know about that
b. I have already had another plan for tonight d. It’s Okay
14. Titi : it’s already lunch time. I feel like i’m starving.
Danu : Let’s eat at the cafetaria, then
Titi :......i’m rather bored with the food there
a. Why don’t we have something different?
b. What about having lunch together?
c. How about dinner?
d. Let’s not eat anywhere else
15. Dewi : Hello, would you like to come to my house tonight?
We will have a birthday party for my youngest sister
Dewa : yes, sure......
a. I’d love to c. I don’t think so
b. I have a lot of work to do d. Would you like to have dinner with me?
16. .......this weekend
a. I was going to Korea c. I will get to go to Korea
b. I would go to Korea d. I am going to Korea
17. What do we need when we want to apply for a job?
a. Application letter and resume c. Resume and reference
b. Resume only d. Application letter only
18. What does janitor do?
a. He plans the menu and prepare the food
b. He looks after a house or a building
c. He looks after a family
d. He prepares medicine
19. I work as a pharmacist, and my job is...
a. Making and preparing medicine c. Looking after patient
b. Diagnosing a disease d. Finding a cure for a certain illness
20. Working as a tour guide means that we are responsible for.....
a. Making sure that tourists are happy
b. Giving a right direction to people
c. Guiding groups of tourists in visiting certain tourist attractions
d. Getting to be on vacation for free
21. Receptionist : What can I do for you, sir?
Guest : can I talk to your manager, please?
Receptionist : .......
a. Certainly. You can talk to me anytime c. Don’t worry. I can meet you now
b. Sorry, i’m busy right now d. Just a moment, please
22. Chester : 555-6678 is my phone number
Bryan : What did he say?
Ruth : He said 555-6678.....
a. Is his number c. Wasn’t his number
b. Are his number d. Were his number
The text below is for questions 23- 25.
Mrs. Donovan : ...(23)...
Grace : okay
Stephen : Stephen is here. What’s up, grace?
Grace : oh, my math book with you?
Stephen :what do you mean?
Grace : Kevin borrowed my math book yesterday. He said....(24)..
Stephen : oh, yes. I thought it was kevin’s
Grace : ..(25)...I need it badly
Stephen : okay. I will bring it to your house. How about at 4 p.m?
Grace : All right. Thanks, stephen. See you later.
Stephen : See you.
23. A. Stephen is not at home b. Who am I talking with?
c. What’s the problem, grace? D. Hello, grace. Hold on a minute
24. a. It is with you now b. You had borrowed it from him this morning
c. You borrowed it from him this morning d. You have borrowed it from him this morning
25. A. Can you give it back to me today? b. Can you come to my house?
c.May I borrow it today? D. You may have it
26. Aryo : Good morning. This is Aryo calling. May I talk to Mr. Agus, please?
Recept : ..... I’ll try to put you through to Mr. Agus at this office
a. It’s all right c. Hold the line please
b. Who ‘s speaking, please d. Sorry to keep you waiting
27. Waiter : Under what name would you like the reservation?
Hasan : siregar, Hasan siregar
Waiter : .....
Hasan : yes, it’s 555-9363
a. May I have your number? C. Can I tell you my phone number?
b. Should you write your phone number? D. Will you speak about your phone number?
28. Shella : what do you do in your present company?
Dinah :........
a. I have sent this insurance policy to a new client
b. I check mail, sort letters, and put them in the agenda
c. I will have to arrange the annual meeting with the stake holders
d. I met some clients this morning, and got to explain the company policy
Questions 29- 31
Ulfah : Hanif, ...(29)...?
Hanif : I like traveling, reading comics and debating. How about you?
Ulfah : ....(30).... Have you ever visited Papua?
Hanif : No, not yet, but I would like to.
Ulfah : ..(31).. Are you interested in joining?
Hanif : yes, i’m very exited
29. A. What are doing? b. What are your hobbies?
c. What do you like to read? D. What do you usually do?
30. A. I really love traveling b. I prefer staying home to traveling
c.I have no idea about it d. I never think about it
31. a. Papua is a wonderful place b. Papua is rich in culture and has beautiful scenery
c.Do you want to go there? D. Next month I’m going there
32. Ms. Dila : Are you doing anything tonight?
Ms. Sari : Yes,...a chef at the Sheraton Hotel
a. I had to see c. I’m going to meet
b. You will accompany d. You should accompany
33. Amin : i’m sorry for being late. My car broke down on the way here.
Mr. Budi :.....
Amin : Thanks for your advice. I’ll do that
a. You should call a taxi c. My driver can help you
b. I think i will send you a driver d. You’d better have it checked regularly
Read the following text!
An elephant is the largest and strongest of all land animals. It is a strange looking animal with
thick legs, huge sides and back, large hanging ears, a small tail, small eyes, long white tusks, and
above all it has a long nose called the trunk.
The trunk is an elephant draws up water by its trunk and can squirt it all over its body like a
shower bath. It can also lift leaves and put them in to its mouth. In fact, the trunk serves the
elephant as a long arm and hand. An elephant also looks very clumsy and heavy and yet it can
move very quickly.
An elephant is very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great strength makes it
very useful to man and it can be trained to do many things such as carry heavy loads, hunt for
tigers and even fight.
34. The third paragraph is mainly about the fact that....
a. elephants are strong c. Elephants can lift logs
b. elephants are helpful animals d. Elephants are intelligent
35. which of the following is not part of how an elephant is described in the first paragraph?
a. it looks strange c. It’s strong
b. it’s wild d. It has a trunk
36. it is stated in the text that the elephant uses its trunk to do the following, except....
a. to eat b. To push c. To drink d. To carry things
37. “ the trunk is an elephant’s peculiar feature...”. the underlined word is closest in the meaning to..
a. large b. Strange c. Tough d. Smooth
38. How does the elephant draw up water?
a. by its trunk b. By its legs c. By its tail d. By its nose
39. Amin : I’m sorry for being late. My car broke down on the way here.
Mr. Budi : .....
Amin : thanks for you advice. I’ll do that.
a. You should call a taxi c. I think i will send you a driver
b. My driver can help you d. You’d better have97itGloucester
checked Roadregulrary
Denver, CO 80409
October 17, 2009

Dear Mr. And Mrs Aldridge,

As the parents of the bride, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the wedding of our daughter, Alice Smith to her
fiance, David Campbell. On this joyous occasion, we wish to share the day with our closest friends and family members.

The formal event will be held at Gloucester Lake Golf and Country Club on the third of November at four o’clock, two thousand
and nine.

Please RSVP by the twenty-fifth of October to ensure attendance.

We hope to see you there, to enjoy this special day with friends and family.

Sincerely Yours,

Mr. Smith

40. the letter above is an invitation to a......

a. wedding party b. Birthday party c. Farewell party d. Graduation party
41. Who is getting married according to the invitation letter?
a. Mr. And Mrs. Aldridge c. Alice and Mr. Aldridge
b. Alice and David d. David and Mrs. Aldridge
42. when the event will be held?
a. 3 novembre 2009 c. 13 novembre 2009
b. 2 novembre 2009 d. 12 novembre 2009
43. where the event will be held?
a. Gloucester Road c. Gloucester lake Golf
b. Gloucester Lake Golf and Country club d. Mr. Aldridge’s house
44. Ms. Dila : Are you doing anything tonight?
Ms. Sari : Yes, .... a chef at the Sheraton Hotel
a. I had to see c. I’m going to meet
b. You will accompany d. You should accompany
45. Duta : it will be a long weekend next week. What is your plan?
Echa : ....There will be family outing sponsored by my office.
a. We have gone by a tourist bus c. We are going to go to Anyer
b. We stayed in a cottage d. We have a barbeque

1. Have you ever read a cooking recipe “ making a cup coffee”?
2. Can you make some steps to do something?
3. What would you say to explain the process?
4. How much sugar is needed for making a cup of coffee?
5. What is the ingredients blended for?

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