Exit Ticket Directions

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At the conclusion of The Surviving Guaraní lesson, students will individually complete an exit

ticket to show their understanding of what they learned. Students will take ten minutes and
respond to the two following questions:

Explain the significance of the Guaraní language, culture, and people within the greater
context of the Spanish-speaking world. Provide at least two examples.

Using what you have learned so far in this unit, explain why people from English-speaking
countries may have never heard of the Guaraní language or people.

These questions do not have simple answers that can be found by copying the information from
the lesson content. Students should think critically about what they have learned before writing
their response. Do not consult your peers. This assignment should be done individually.
Responses should be at least one paragraph in length.

This assignment will be graded according to the following criteria presented in the rubric.

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