Lesson Plan Outline

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Brittany Dawson 1

Lesson Plan Outline

Standards: What learning standards are the focus of this lesson?
● Recognizing the -igh sound

Related standard(s) are fully detailed from the CCSS.

● Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams.

Objective: A-B-C-D (Audience, Behavior, Condition, Degree)

● Audience - one 2nd grade boy
● B - Learning long /i/ sound connected with -igh
● C - one-on-one
● D - identify and correctly pronounce ⅘ -igh words unassisted

Lesson objectives are clear, measurable and specific progression is evidenced (How will you
know students have met the objective? What is the minimum level of acceptable performance?)
● Student will be able to identify the long /i/ sound as it is connected to -igh and read it in
sentences provided by myself. He will correctly read ⅘ -igh words with minimal

Assessment Plan: WHAT, HOW, WHEN, WHY Does your assessment plan include what
students will be doing as stated in the objective? How will you administer the assessment? How
will you record the data you obtain? What will you do with the information your gather?
● The last five minutes will be spent asking student to identify challenge words such as
fright, sight, might, lighter, bright thigh. Words that were not included in the practice and
reading to assess that he is not just memorizing the word but memorizing that -igh says
long /i/.

Formative and/or summative assessments are defined, showing clear relationship to all
objectives addressed in the lesson.
● I believe so. It will be a direct summative assessment at the end, informally.

Materials/Technology Needed:
● Whiteboard, whiteboard marker, sentences sheet

Detailed list of materials/technology is provided for both the teacher and students. All handouts,
both teacher created and those from other resources are referenced in the procedures
(teach/model, guided practice, or independent practice) and attached to the lesson.
● Whiteboard, whiteboard marker, attached sentences sheet

Gain Attention/Recall Prior Knowledge Anticipatory Set – How will you “hook” the students into
the lesson? Help students recall prior knowledge so they will make connections to what is going
to be taught.
● Can you tell me the names of these letters? Do you know the sound they say when they
are together? Do you know any words that have these letters together? Can you
remember how when o and a are next to each other, you can’t hear the /a/ sound? What
is the /a/ busy doing? (the A is too busy saying “hey O! Say your name!) Well this is just
like that!

Introduce the lesson by sharing purpose, relevance, and eliciting schema in student friendly
language; fully states what the teacher will say.
Brittany Dawson 2

● This will help you to read and spell better because you will know which letters make
which sounds.You’ll be able to read super quick! That would be cool wouldn’t it!

Teach/Model: What key concepts or understandings need to be taught? How will you present
this information?
● I’ll say the sound, you say sound, and then we will say the sound and the word together.

Guided Practice: How will you scaffold students learning to ensure they understand the
concepts? What type of group work will be done to offer guided practice?
● Underline the -igh words in the sentences and when you’re done, we will go through and
practice saying them together before you read all the sentences out loud.

Independent Practice: What will students do to practice the concept independently? This can be
a type formative assessment
● You are going to read the sentences twice and we will see how much faster you read it
the first time than the second time. We will practice any words you have a difficult time
with in between the readings.

Lesson plan has explicit match between procedures and objective(s); multiple teacher modeling
and examples provided with opportunities for guided and independent practice; procedures are
clear and detailed to enable a third party to follow the lesson without aide.
● Yes

Differentiation: How will you differentiate instruction to ensure needs of all students are met?
What will fast finishers do? How will you address needs of struggling learners? How will address
behaviors for specific children.
● It’s a one on one lesson, its specifically made for this student. If it does not hold his
attention or appear to be affective, I will change and try again. I have only met with this
student often enough to know that if we do a strikes system and offer the last three
minutes time for him to draw on the whiteboard if he doesn’t get three strikes, it will
generally keep him on task.

Anticipates and plans ahead for any necessary class-wide differentiation for diverse learners
with specific attention to English Language Learners and students with special needs.
● It’s one on one. Not applicable

Closure: How will you re-group students to summarize/review learning?

● Review long /i/ sound, ask the student to tell me the saying we came up with, if student
has done well behaviorally, offer him three minutes to draw. If not, practice counting

Students review the lesson by summarizing and/or sharing what they learned; teacher revisits
the purpose for the lesson.

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