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Sustainable Sites Mini Quiz

Is there a prerequisite for the Sustainable

Sites category? ( Yes or No )

What documentation should the contractor

include as supporting documentation for
the construction activity pollution
prevention plan? (Choose 1.)
a) Daily logs
b) Superintendent's Reports
c) Photos
d) Submittals
e) All of the above

Which credit has a requirement option

that refers to ten basic services within ½-
mile radius around the main building
entrance? (Choose 1.)
a) SSc3
b) SSc4.1
c) SSc2
d) SSc6.1
Sustainable Sites Mini Quiz

Do not develop buildings, hardscape, roads or

parking areas on portions of sites that meet any of
the following criteria. (Choose 3.)

a) Prime Farmland
b) Within 100 feet of any wetlands as defined
by US CFR 40, Parts 230-233 and Part 22
a, b, d
c) Previously undeveloped land that is within
25 feet of a water body and qualifies by
definition in the Clean Water Act.
d) Land that is specifically identified as
habitat for any species on Federal or State
threatened or endangered lists.

Ex-Situ Remediation involves the removal of

contaminated soil and groundwater. In-Situ
Remediation involves treatment of
contaminants in place using technologies such
as injection wells or reactive trenches. What
credit is associated with these terms? (Choose

a) SSc1
b) SSc2
c) SSc3
d) SSc5.1

For the purpose of SSc4.3, low-emitting and fuel-

efficient vehicles are defined as vehicles that are
either classified as: (Choose 2.)

a) Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) by the

California Air Resources Board
b) Achieved a minimum green score of 40 on
the American Council for an Energy a, b
Efficient Economy (ACEEE) annual vehicle
rating guide
c) Low Emission Hybrid (LEH) by the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
d) Green-E electric vehicles in chapter 3,
Viable Alternative Fuel Vehicles,
Department of Energy 2002 Alternative
Fuels report
Sustainable Sites Mini Quiz

Projects earning SSc2 and using vegetated

roof surfaces may apply the vegetated roof
surface to the calculation for or
compliance of: (Choose 2.)
a, b
a) SSc5.1
b) SSc5.2
c) SSc6.1
d) SSc6.2
e) SSc7.1
f) SSc7.2

SSc7.1 Heat Island Effect – Non-Roof

discusses paving materials with a SRI of at
least 29. What is SRI? d
a) Standard Road Index
b) Solar Reaction Index
c) Solar Resistive Indicator
d) Solar Reflectance Index

SSc8 Light Pollution Reduction classifies

projects into four zones: ( True or False )

1) LZ1 – Dark (Park and Rural Settings)

2) LZ2 – Low (Residential Areas) True
3) LZ3 – Medium
(Commercial/Industrial, High-
Density Residential)
4) LZ4 – High (Major City Centers,
Entertainment Districts)
Sustainable Sites Mini Quiz

For Development Density and Community

Connectivity credit, how many times can
restaurants be counted toward the ten
basic services?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1

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