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Vol. 40, No. 3, May–June 2010, pp. 222–245 doi 10.1287/inte.1090.0492

issn 0092-2102  eissn 1526-551X  10  4003  0222 © 2010 INFORMS

A Review of Operations Research in Mine Planning

Alexandra M. Newman
Division of Economics and Business, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado 80401,
Enrique Rubio
Mining Engineering Department, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile,

Rodrigo Caro, Andrés Weintraub

Industrial Engineering Department, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile

Kelly Eurek
Division of Economics and Business, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado 80401,

Applications of operations research to mine planning date back to the 1960s. Since that time, optimization and
simulation, in particular, have been applied to both surface and underground mine planning problems, including
mine design, long- and short-term production scheduling, equipment selection, and dispatching, inter alia.
In this paper, we review several decades of such literature with a particular emphasis on more recent work,
suggestions for emerging areas, and highlights of successful industry applications.
Key words: literature review; mine planning; mine design; production scheduling; equipment selection;
dispatching; optimization; simulation; open-pit mining; underground mining.
History: This paper was refereed. Published online in Articles in Advance April 7, 2010.

M ining is the process of extracting a naturally

occurring material from the earth to derive a
profit. In this paper, we confine our discussion of
the extracted areas to enforce stability in the excavated
tunnels (Gregory 1980).
Mining has five stages: (1) prospecting, (2) explo-
mining to the extraction of the following minerals: ration, (3) development, (4) exploitation, and (5) recla-
(1) metallic ores such as iron and copper, (2) nonmetal- mation. In the first phase, geologists use visual
lic minerals such as sand and gravel, and (3) fossil inspection and physical measurements of the earth’s
fuels such as coal. We omit literature regarding natu- properties to discover mineral deposits. In the explo-
rally occurring liquids such as petroleum and natural ration phase, geologists determine the value of
gas that have very different characteristics and require the deposit by drilling holes to estimate the min-
different extraction procedures. The oldest mine is eral concentration and its variability throughout the
located in southern Africa; about 43,000 years ago, pre- orebody. Interpolation techniques such as kriging
historic humans found iron (i.e., hematite) close to the (Krige 1951) and simulation techniques (Deutsch 2004)
earth’s surface and used open-pit (i.e., surface) min- provide tonnage-grade curves representing the poten-
ing to remove ore and waste from the top downward tial benefits of exploiting the orebody for a given
in a methodical fashion. Ancient underground mines set of economic parameters. The third stage, devel-
also exist. One such site in England was exploited opment, consists of obtaining rights to access the
from about 3,000 to 1,900 BC to recover flint from well land and preliminarily preparing it to be mined by
beneath the earth’s surface. Rather than completely removing overlying waste by sinking shafts below
exposing the mining face, miners dug shafts and used the earth’s surface. The development stage trans-
ladders to retrieve the hard stone before backfilling lates mine planning studies into mine design by
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Interfaces 40(3), pp. 222–245, © 2010 INFORMS 223

(1) determining the mining method, which consists We separate both sections into subsections based on
of the geometrical arrangements of infrastructure; strategic, tactical, and operational models. Finally, we
(2) estimating production capacity and infrastructure conclude with the Emerging Areas and Conclusions sec-
capital; and (3) performing detailed engineering tion, in which we point out emerging areas in mine
design. In the exploitation stage, ore is removed from planning research.
the ground via surface and (or) underground min-
ing methods. It is transported to the surface in trucks Surface Mining
via haulage ramps or in shafts. From there, it may be Surface mining, which can be used when ore is close
stockpiled (and eventually sent to a processing plant), to the earth’s surface, is an older and more pro-
sent directly to a processing plant, or taken to a dump. ductive method than underground mining. Open-pit
Finally, the fifth stage, reclamation, consists of restor- mines differ depending on the nature of the mate-
ing the area in which mining occurred to its natural rial removed. Shallow mines from which gravel and
state to the extent possible. sand are extracted are generally referred to as quar-
Operations research (OR) has been used in min- ries; deeper, long mines from which coal is removed
ing primarily for the development and exploita- are known as strip mines. Figure 1 depicts a deep
tion stages. Mine planners must make decisions surface mine that is typical of mines with hard metal
about when and how to perform both surface and deposits such as copper. Overburden (i.e., waste)
underground extraction. Extraction decisions consist must be removed before extraction can begin. Haul
of determining (1) how to recover the material and roads wind up through the mine from the bottom of
(2) what to do with the extracted material. Because the pit to the surface. Extraction occurs from benches
machines are used to extract the ore, decisions about (i.e., open faces of material).
which type of machines to use, how many machines If prospectors deem the extraction of material in an
to use, and how to allocate them also arise. open pit to be viable, they must determine both the
Topuz and Duan (1989) mention potential areas of pit design and the plan of operations. Pit design relies
mining applications, e.g., production planning, equip- on preliminary analysis consisting of (1) an orebody
ment selection and maintenance, mineral processing, model in which the deposit is discretized into a grid
and ventilation. Osanloo et al. (2008) review long- of blocks, each of which consists of a volume of mate-
term optimization models for open-pit scheduling. rial and the corresponding mineral properties; (2) the
Although the mining industry has been aware of OR value of each block, which is determined by compar-
methods for half a century, few places in the litera- ing market prices for ore with extraction and process-
ture include a comprehensive, state-of-the-art review ing costs; and (3) a geometric model of the deposit.
of the field and mention papers both from the OR Blocks are used as spatial reference points. Geomet-
and the mining-engineering literature. Our work pro- ric constraints, as Figure 2 depicts, ensure that the pit
vides an all-encompassing review of optimization walls are stable and that the equipment can access the
and simulation models to improve mining operations. areas to be mined.
Although we limit ourselves primarily to papers Solving the pit design problem yields the final pit
appearing in the last three decades, we highlight boundary, i.e., the ultimate pit limit, while balancing
directions for future research and note the progres- the ore-to-waste (stripping) ratio with the cumulative
sion of methodologies and theories throughout these value in the pit boundaries. This analysis requires that
decades. We hope to overcome existing shortcomings the cutoff grade, i.e., the grade that separates ore from
in the literature and to motivate researchers to con- waste, is fixed. Other aspects of open-pit mine design
tinue to improve models and algorithms that have a include the location and type of haulage ramps and
direct application to the mining industry. We have additional infrastructure, as well as long-term deci-
organized the remainder of this paper as follows. In sions regarding the size and location of production
the Surface Mining section, we discuss surface-mining and processing facilities.
models; in the Underground Mining section, we give Following the solution of the pit design prob-
a corresponding treatment of underground models. lem, traditional open-pit production scheduling uses
Newman et al.: A Review of Operations Research in Mine Planning
224 Interfaces 40(3), pp. 222–245, © 2010 INFORMS

Ground surface



Bench height


Crater Ramp

Haulage rode

Figure 1: The schematic illustrates an open-pit mine.

Source. Illustration from ©QA International, 2010.

a discretized orebody model, i.e., the block model, then determined. The basic premise of this approach
assuming a fixed cutoff grade to determine a series is that one can determine a cutoff grade policy to
of nested pits in which a given (notional) price is maximize net present value (NPV) subject to capacity
used to define one pit and increasing prices corre- constraints. Higher cutoff grades in the initial years of
spond to larger pits. From these pits, an ultimate the project lead to higher overall NPVs; over the life
pit is chosen. The nested pits within the ultimate of the mine, the tendency is to reduce the cutoff grade
pit are then grouped into pushbacks, where a sin- to a break-even level depending on the overall grade
gle pushback is often associated with similar resource composition of the mine. Lane (1988), Fytas et al.
usage, e.g., extraction equipment. Within each push- (1987), and Kim and Zhao (1994) extensively discuss
back (which contains only a small subset of blocks this process. The need to partition the problem in this
within the block model), an extraction sequence is way stems from the daunting and, until now, com-
putationally intractable task of determining a start
date (if any) for each production block in the entire
1 1 2 3 geologic area of interest. Determining these dates for
2 3 4 4 5 6 a subset of blocks within a predefined pushback is
5 7 8 9 less challenging. However, three problematic aspects
of this approach are (1) the assumption of a fixed
cutoff grade, which depends on an arbitrary delin-
6 10 eation between ore and waste; (2) the use of notional
(and monotonically increasing) prices in determin-
ing the nested pits; and (3) the piecemeal approach
Figure 2: Sequencing rules can be based, for example, on the removal of
five blocks above a given block (left) or on the removal of nine blocks to the entire optimization problem, which disregards
above a given block (right). the temporal interaction of resource requirements.
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We now mention the progress from the traditional Note that this problem has a totally unimodu-
technique to advanced techniques that attempt to lar structure; therefore, solving the linear program
solve the entire mine scheduling problem as a mixed- relaxation of the model, as we show above, is suffi-
integer program. Although the latter approach is cient. Specifically, Lerchs and Grossmann (1965) use
newer and less tractable, there is promise that it will a maximum-weight closure algorithm that exploits
soon solve large enough models to become widely network structure to produce an optimal solution.
accepted. Bixby and Rothberg (2007) remind us of the Because of their algorithm’s fast solve times and
continued improvements in hardware and software solution accuracy, many current commercial soft-
capabilities. ware packages that incorporate open-pit mine design
(e.g., Whittle 2009, Maptek 2009, Datamine 2009)
Strategic Ultimate Pit Limit Design and use it. Other authors seek to improve this algo-
Mine Layout Models rithm. Underwood and Tolwinski (1998) solve the
Two principal classical methods determine the shape problem by developing a network-flow algorithm
of a surface mine. The floating cone method (Laurich based on the dual of its linear programming formu-
1990) assumes a block as a reference point for expand- lation. The authors provide an interpretation of the
ing the pit upward according to pit slope rules. This graph theoretic methodology. Similarly, Hochbaum
upward expansion, which contains all blocks whose and Chen (2000) suggest a maximum-flow, push-
removal is necessary for the removal of the refer- relabel algorithm with improved theoretical complex-
ence block’s removal, forms a cone whose economic ity and faster run times on problem instances with
value we can compute. One can then take a second varying mine characteristics such as ore-grade distri-
reference block and add to the value of the cone bution. Wright (1989) argues that dynamic program-
the incremental value associated with the removal of ming is an effective way to determine the ultimate
the additional blocks necessary to remove the sec- pit limits, particularly because it allows identification
ond reference block; the process then continues. Prob- of incremental pit boundaries. The boundaries define
lems with this method include the following: (1) the production requirements and equipment capacities,
final pit design relies on the sequence in which refer- and these boundaries can then be used to determine
ence blocks are chosen, and (2) many reference blocks those incremental pits that satisfy the corresponding
might need to be chosen (and the associated value of constraints. Wright presents a case study.
the cone computed) to achieve a reasonable, although Two authors propose extensions to the basic ulti-
not even necessarily optimal, pit design. mate pit limit problem by incorporating stochastic-
Although the floating cone method is used ity. Frimpong et al. (2002) argue that most models
widely in practice, the seminal work of Lerchs and developed to address pit design lack the ability to
Grossmann (1965), who provide an exact and compu- incorporate structural, hydrological, and geotechnical
tationally tractable method for open-pit design, and elements. The authors discuss a case study on a gold
associated extensions appear more often in the litera- mine in Zimbabwe using neural networks and artifi-
ture. This problem can be cast as an integer program cial intelligence approaches. Jalali et al. (2006) propose
(Hochbaum and Chen 2000), as we describe below. the use of Markov chains to determine ultimate pit
• b b   ∈ B: set of precedences between blocks limits via spatial constraint aggregation. The authors
(predetermined set). assume an initial pit depth and then assign prob-
• vb : value obtained from extracting block b abilities to the existence of lower pit depths based
(parameter). on the economic values of underlying blocks. They
• yb : 1 if block b is extracted, i.e., if the block is part then present an application of the algorithm for two-
of the ultimate pit, 0 otherwise (variable). dimensional problems; however, they concede that
 the method would be more difficult to apply to three-
max v b yb
dimensional cases.
In addition to the design of the mine itself with
subject to yb ≤ yb ∀ b b   ∈ B
respect to the pit limits, authors have also consid-
0 ≤ yb ≤ 1 ered mine layouts. Specifically, Bradley et al. (1985)
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226 Interfaces 40(3), pp. 222–245, © 2010 INFORMS

determine the number of train tracks and silos to assume a fixed cutoff grade and tend to aggregate
include at a mine site by using formulae to compute entities (strata in early work and aggregated blocks
storage capacity requirements and minimum produc- later). Although authors also use linear programming,
tion rates as a function of demand. They then use this method cannot accurately capture block prece-
simulation to analyze trade-offs between the number dence. Finally, authors also present decomposition
of loading trucks, storage capacity, production rates, techniques and heuristics.
and train filling rates. Using data from Wyoming’s Early work aggregated blocks into strata, or hori-
Powder River Basin mine, they measure the average zontal layers, subject to a simple set of constraints.
train waiting time. Busnach et al. (1985) solve the problem of produc-
tion scheduling in a phosphate mine in Israel. They
Tactical Block-Sequencing Models determine which sublayers to extract at what time
Unlike the ultimate pit limit problem, the block- and to which extent (referred to as shallow or deep
sequencing problem considers not only which blocks mining). The corresponding model maximizes the
to remove, i.e., which blocks form part of the eco- NPV (influenced by factors such as phosphate prices,
nomic envelope, but also when to remove these transportation distance, and ratio of good material to
blocks. The introduction of time into these sequenc- waste) while ensuring that each sublayer is removed
ing models allows for the inclusion of resource con- either via deep or shallow mining, and that only one
straints, e.g., production (extraction) and processing sublayer is mined within a given period. The objec-
(milling). In addition, discounting can be used to tive function is nonconcave; therefore, the authors use
more accurately reflect the value of a block as a func- a tailored local search heuristic and demonstrate its
tion of its extraction date. use with a numerical example. Klingman and Phillips
A typical formulation of such a model is as follows: (1988) solve a similar problem (although they do
• b ∈ B: set of all blocks b. not differentiate by shallow and deep mining, and
• t ∈ T : set of periods within the horizon. they use a linear objective) also for phosphate; they
• Bb : set of blocks that must be excavated immedi- note that their model has been used to make deci-
ately before block b. sions worth millions of dollars. Gershon and Murphy
• vbt : value associated with the extraction of block (1989) determine which strata of material to mine,
b in period t. either as ore or waste, to maximize NPV, and they
• cb : consumption of resource associated with the present a dynamic program that aggregates strata into
extraction of block b (tons). layers, which are mined entirely as ore or waste.
• C C: minimum (maximum) resource bound in
A spreadsheet model demonstrates the technique on
any period (tons). an oil shale deposit. Samanta et al. (2005) extract lay-
• ybt : 1 if block b is extracted in period t, 0 other- ers of material to minimize deviation between target
wise. levels of two quality characteristics, silicon oxide and
 aluminum oxide, subject to sequencing constraints,
max vbt ybt
b∈B t∈T
for a bauxite mine. The authors employ a genetic
 algorithm on a data set containing 98 layers and
subject to ybt ≤ 1 ∀ b
24 periods to arrive at “good” schedules.
 Other early work treats blocks but ignores the
C≤ cb ybt ≤ C ∀ t binary nature of the decisions. Tan and Ramani (1992)
consider both a linear program and a dynamic pro-

gram to schedule extraction over multiple periods
ybt ≤ yb   ∀ b b  ∈ Bb  t
=1 subject to equipment capacity constraints. The linear
ybt ∈ 0 1 ∀ b t program assesses the differences in production sched-
ules with varied interest rates and equipment avail-
Life-of-mine instances of the above model contain ability. In the absence of discrete variables, block-
many blocks and periods. Therefore, researchers often sequencing decisions are not made. Fytas et al. (1993)
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use simulation to determine long-term extracted that he designs open-pit mine phases and incorpo-
material in each period subject to sequencing con- rates constraints such as production capacity and sul-
straints and to minimum and maximum produc- phur content. The author concedes that there may
tion bounds, processing bounds, waste stripping, and be gaps between nested pits, precluding his solution
quality. They then use linear programming (under technique from providing optimal multiperiod sched-
the assumption of partial block removal) to schedule ules; he presents a gold mine case study with 11 mil-
blocks in the short term subject to constraints similar lion blocks.
to those considered in the long term. The authors pro- Although the above are exact techniques for
pose an iterative technique to obtain practical mining addressing the monolithic problem, many authors
sequences. attempt to sequentially determine the ultimate pit lim-
In the 1980s, researchers were aware that sequenc- its, and then the production schedule, by either suc-
ing decisions had to be made at the block level for cessively or iteratively solving the problem. Dynamic
reasonable schedule fidelity and also that such models programming is a popular approach because of its
were difficult to solve because of their problem struc- ability to allow the creation of solutions sequentially.
ture and size. Some authors exploit the structure. An For example, Dowd and Onur (1993) use dynamic pro-
example of seminal work in this area is Dagdelen and gramming for sequence and pit design via a variable
Johnson (1986), who maximize NPV subject to con- cone algorithm. Onur and Dowd (1993) take the ulti-
straints on production and block sequencing. Rather mate pit limits as given and schedule blocks to be
extracted while including haul roads. The production
than relying on heuristics, the authors propose an
schedule can be smoothed to include such roads after
exact approach, Lagrangian relaxation, that exploits
the pit design has been created. The authors’ software
the network structure of the problem if side con-
generates a number of feasible roads from which the
straints, e.g., a constraint on the maximum amount
user can select based on various monetary and geolog-
of material that can be removed per period, are
ical criteria. Elevli (1995) presents a model that max-
dualized, i.e., placed in the objective with associated
imizes the NPV of extracted blocks subject to hard
multipliers to induce the relaxed constraint(s) to be
sequencing constraints and soft constraints on pro-
satisfied. They apply a subgradient multiplier updat-
duction and processing capacity. The author poses the
ing scheme to small examples. Akaike and Dagdelen
problem as a dynamic program and uses local search
(1999) extend this work by iteratively altering the
techniques to solve it. He illustrates his methodology
values of the Lagrangian multipliers until the solu- with a small example of approximately 1,000 blocks.
tion to the relaxed problem meets the original side Two papers use a sequential approach; the first
constraints, if possible. Kawahata (2006) expands on is Sundar and Acharya (1995), who consider one
the Lagrangian relaxation procedure (Dagdelen and model to determine blocks to be blasted and a sec-
Johnson 1986) by including a variable cutoff grade ond model to subsequently find the benches and
(with a variable such as yblt , where the l index would blocks to be excavated from those available from the
denote the location to which the extracted ore is sent), blast, accounting also for mill and transport capacity.
stockpiling (with the inclusion of an inventory vari- A chance-constrained program addresses the random
able and associated balance constraints), and waste- nature of ore quality and quantity characteristics and
dump restrictions. To bound the solution space, he variations in operation-time requirements. Blending
uses two Lagrangian relaxation subproblems, one for of ore blocks meets demand. The authors test the
the most aggressive case of mine sequencing and the program on a mine in India, demonstrating results
other for the most conservative case. Because he has with reduced equipment requirements for a given
difficulty obtaining feasible solutions for the relax- production level. The second paper, Sevim and Lei
ation, he adjusts bounds on capacities to ensure that (1998), describes how the ultimate pit limits, the cut-
the Lagrangian solution is feasible for this adjusted off grade, the mining sequence, and the production
model. Cai (2001) also uses Lagrangian relaxation. rate interact in a circular fashion. The authors propose
His problem differs from conventional scheduling in a methodology based on a combination of heuristics
Newman et al.: A Review of Operations Research in Mine Planning
228 Interfaces 40(3), pp. 222–245, © 2010 INFORMS

and dynamic programming to obtain simultaneously higher NPV, on small problems, but solution times
the optimum mining sequence, ore and waste produc- increase rapidly with problem size. Zhang (2006) also
tion, ultimate pit limits, and mine life. Their model uses a genetic algorithm and aggregates blocks a pri-
has three phases. In the first phase, a block model is ori to reduce the problem size. The author tests the
formed based on the deposit’s boundaries. A bound- algorithm against the ability of CPLEX (IBM 2009)
ing algorithm is then applied to this block model to to solve the same instances from BHP Billiton and
determine the largest feasible pit. The second phase finds that CPLEX requires approximately two to four
considers a spectrum of cutoff grades; for each cut- times longer to achieve solutions of the same quality.
off grade, a series of nested pits is generated inside However, the author does not mention the practical
the largest feasible pit. These pits are generated in consequences of aggregation or how to subsequently
such a way that each pit contains the highest amount disaggregate.
of metal among all possible pits of the same size. In Caccetta and Hill (2003) provide an exact approach
the third phase, all possible sequences of pushbacks by defining variables representing whether a block
are formed with the generated pits and are evaluated is mined by period t. (Using the definition of ybt
with respect to their NPV. (above) and defining wbt = 1 if block b is mined by
Erarslan and Çelebi (2001) determine a production period t and 0 otherwise, then yb1 = wb1 and for t > 1,
schedule to maximize NPV subject to such factors ybt = wbt − wb t−1 .) The model contains constraints on
as grade, blending, and production constraints. They the mining extraction sequence; mining, milling, and
use dynamic programming to enumerate various vol-
refining capacities; grades of mill feed and concen-
umes and determine the optimal pit size. This method
trates; stockpiles; logistics; and various operational
ostensibly solves the ultimate pit limit problem and
requirements such as minimum pit-bottom width and
the block-sequencing problem simultaneously. Wang
maximum vertical depth. To solve this problem, the
and Sun (2001) propose an approach using a dynamic
authors use a branch-and-cut strategy, which con-
pit-sequencing scheme to integrate cutoff-grade deter-
sists of a combination of breadth-first search and
mination, production rates, the ultimate pit limits,
depth-first search to achieve a variety of possible
and sequencing. In each period, different options for
pit schedules. A judicious choice of variable def-
the next pit phase are modeled as a network.
initions and fixings and the implementation of a
Some of the above authors concede that dynamic
linear programming-based heuristic help obtain good
programming is not tractable for larger problems.
However, the Lagrangian approach described above bounds on the solutions. Bley et al. (2010) present
remains a prominent method for addressing large an open-pit formulation defined by the same vari-
problems while also (theoretically) ensuring an opti- ables (see Caccetta and Hill 2003) that maximizes
mal solution. Other authors simply pose a mono- net present value subject to precedence and multiple
lithic integer program; e.g., Hoerger et al. (1999) upper bound resource constraints; cutoff grade is
develop a multiperiod mixed-integer programming fixed. The authors develop variable reduction tech-
model for Newmont’s mining operations. The authors niques and cuts based on the precedence-constrained
use LINGO (Lindo) to solve small instances. knapsack structure of the problem and demonstrate
The following two works use genetic algorithms how their developments significantly reduce solution
to attempt to solve large integer programs more time for problems containing hundreds of blocks and
efficiently. Denby and Schofield (1994) concede that 5–10 time periods.
determining the final open pit and extraction sched- Halatchev (2005) maximizes revenues of gold, less
ule must be integrated. The authors define schedules fixed and variable operating (e.g., processing) costs,
as a combination of a final open pit and one extrac- costs associated with handling waste, and fixed-
tion schedule. To generate the best “schedules” from capital costs. To adhere to sequencing and capacity
these combinations, the authors use a genetic algo- constraints, the author enumerates all viable produc-
rithm, employing the typical tools of crossover and tion sequences. However, he takes benches, which are
mutations. They obtain good results, e.g., 6 percent generated via the ultimate pit limit, as given and uses
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variants of bench-sequencing rules to provide flexi- et al. The authors solve model instances contain-
bility to his production schedules, all of which must ing between 8 and 100 time periods and between
adhere to mill supply and demand constraints; cutoff about 3,000 and 200,000 production blocks in seconds,
grade is fixed. The author uses Monte Carlo simu- whereas CPLEX consumers up to 4 orders of magni-
lation to generate a variety of data sets that reflect tude more time, if it can solve the instances at all.
ore-grade variability; he provides a case study with a Amaya et al. (2009) also use “by” variables but not
sample of schedules for various ore-grade data. aggregation. They maximize NPV based on a fixed
Aggregation combined with optimal solution cutoff grade subject to upper bounds on resource and
strategies, as opposed to heuristics such as genetic block-sequencing constraints; the authors develop a
algorithms, has also started to play a role in block random, local search heuristic that seeks to improve
sequencing. In short, authors seek to reduce model on an incumbent solution by iteratively fixing and
size by combining blocks with similar properties; they relaxing part of the solution, with the relaxation
then exploit the problem structure with a view to determined through geometric strategies. This simple,
using fast solution methods on the reduced problem. effective idea produces solutions for instances contain-
For example, Ramazan (2007) proposes an aggrega- ing up to four million blocks and 15 periods in four
tion scheme in which he uses linear programming to hours of computing time. These solutions are approx-
construct “fundamental trees” to reduce the number
imately 25 percent better than the solutions that stan-
of blocks to sequence. Each fundamental tree con-
dard heuristics provide, e.g., Gershon (1987); in some
tains blocks within the smallest aggregate entity pos-
cases, a standard application of CPLEX requires mul-
sible that can be mined without violating sequencing
tiple days to find any feasible solution. Chicoisne et al.
constraints and that have an overall positive value.
(2009) extend the aforementioned work to include a
The author applies his techniques to a copper mine
customized algorithm to solve linear programming
consisting of about 40,000 blocks to be scheduled
relaxations of large instances of the same problem; the
over eight years. Boland et al. (2009) use binary vari-
authors also demonstrate that using heuristics simi-
ables (similar to those in Caccetta and Hill 2003)
to enforce precedence between aggregates of blocks lar to those in Amaya et al. (2009) on the solutions
while continuous-valued variables control the amount obtained from the LP relaxations produces results in
of material extracted both from each aggregate and about an hour that are within 5 percent of optimal-
from each block within an aggregate. The authors ity for problem instances containing millions of blocks
exploit the structure of the linear programming relax- and 20 time periods.
ation of their problem to develop partitions of the Open-pit block sequencing is a heavily studied
aggregates into sets of blocks such that these sets area, largely because of the many open-pit mines
are optimal for the linear programming (LP) relax- in existence today and the somewhat generic nature
ation of their monolith, if possible, or show how of the mines. Researchers are able to solve increas-
to obtain good sets of such blocks. They then use ingly large models, which has enabled progress from
these sets to approximate a solution for their origi- solving an ultimate pit model and subsequently
nal, mixed-integer program. The authors demonstrate sequencing blocks within small nested pits to solv-
their procedure using instances containing as many ing a monolith sequencing problem containing up
as 125 aggregates and nearly 100,000 blocks. Times to hundreds of thousands of blocks. However, work
to obtain a solution within 1 percent of optimality remains in terms of incorporating fidelity such as
range from thousands to tens of thousands of sec- variable cutoff grades and inventory constraints into
onds. Gleixner (2008) extends these results with a dif- large models that produce optimal solutions in a rea-
ferent type of aggregation and also presents ideas for sonable amount of time.
using Lagrangian relaxation in this context. Bienstock
and Zuckerberg (2010) extend the work of Boland Tactical and Operational Equipment-Allocation
et al. (2009) by developing a customized linear pro- Models
gramming algorithm to solve the linear program- In addition to determining a production schedule,
ming relaxation of the problem addressed in Boland a related question is determining the resources that
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230 Interfaces 40(3), pp. 222–245, © 2010 INFORMS

enable such a schedule. These are generally separate show that ignoring queuing leads to overestimating
models in the literature; however, in theory, the deci- production by about 8 percent.
sions are connected. A tactical problem consists of the Many equipment routing and selection models use
size and nature of the fleet, which can be determined optimization, i.e., integer programming, to deter-
by artificial and geological mine characteristics and mine fleet size and allocation. A few exploit the
by equipment capabilities. The operational problem problem structure to arrive at network-like models
of equipment allocation entails scheduling and dis- or incorporate stochasticity. Weintraub et al. (1987)
patching strategies; decisions are based on haul route exploit network structure in their development of lin-
requirements and equipment limitations. To this end, ear programming-based heuristics to route multiple
both stochastic and deterministic models exist. trucks with varying capacities to minimize waiting
Both queuing theory and simulation are used as time at servers, i.e., loaders that fill trucks with ore
stochastic methodologies. For example, Oraee and Asi and waste for transport from the mine. The authors
(2004) use simulation for truck scheduling, consid- account for loading, unloading, and transportation
ering fuzzy parameters on outputs per shovel. The times and use the underlying transportation network
authors wish to attain desired production levels while structure of the problem as a basis for their solu-
ensuring that the ore sent to the mill is of sufficient tion algorithm. This model results in an estimated
quality. They present a case study for Songun Copper 8 percent increase in productivity at Chuquicamata,
Mine in Iran. a large open-pit mine in northern Chile. Similarly,
Kappas and Yegulalp (1991) use queuing theory Goodman and Sarin (1988) develop an integer
to analyze the steady-state performance of a typical program combined with a transportation model to
open-pit truck and shovel system in which trucks, determine an optimal equipment schedule and waste
or customers, transport excavated material to an end distribution. They successively solve the integer por-
location on a path consisting of a network of haul tion of the model, fix those values, and evaluate the
roads. Trucks also undergo repair and maintenance; fixed solution in the resulting transportation model.
although these facilities are capacitated, the authors The authors’ results provide insight as to which com-
assume that the haul roads have infinite capacity. binations of transport equipment result in the highest
Because no trucks enter or leave the system, it is productivity. Soumis et al. (1989) also solve a model
closed; a matrix gives the probabilities of a truck tran- in phases. In short, they seek to maximize truck and
sitioning from one (service) area to another. Because shovel productivity while meeting demand require-
of factors such as the service-time distributions at var- ments. The authors first determine the location of
ious areas, the corresponding stochastic process is not shovels; they then use a network model to estab-
Markovian. However, the authors derive results based lish an optimal production plan (considering waiting
on extensions of Markovian principles to estimate times) that includes access routes to the ore. Finally,
performance parameters such as the expected number they solve a real-time assignment model to dispatch
of trucks in an area. The authors verify the accuracy trucks within the mine.
of their derivations with simulation, benchmark tests White and Olson (1992) suggest an operational
against a purely Markovian approach, and present a truck-dispatching system based on network models,
small numerical example. linear programming, and dynamic programming. The
Najor and Hagan (2006) use queuing theory to objectives maximize production, minimize material
model stochastic behavior of truck and shovel sys- rehandling, and ensure that the plant is supplied
tems. A spreadsheet records truck productivity given with material while meeting blending constraints. The
truck payloads, crusher feed rate, and cycle time. authors’ three-stage process first finds shortest paths
The model analyzes equipment idle time and predicts between all locations in the mine; the linear program
lower material throughput when both truck and plant then determines material flows along these paths.
capacity are considered rather than simply the former. Finally, the dynamic program assigns trucks to oper-
Numerical results on the Pilbara mine in Australia ate between shovels and dumps. The authors’ system,
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which is in real-time use at more than 10 mines inter- to maximize revenue subject to processing time avail-
nationally, yields significant (10–20 percent, in most able at the mills. Rubio demonstrates the use of his
cases) productivity improvements in these mines. model at the open-pit Grasberg Mine in Indonesia,
Naoum and Haidar (2000) develop an integer compares the results against a heuristic, and con-
program to choose a cost-minimizing set of equipment cludes that using an optimization model can have
that satisfies maximum production requirements, min- significant benefits; however, he concedes that such
imum and maximum bounds on the number of pieces a model should also incorporate block sequencing.
of each type of equipment and the operational hours McKenzie et al. (2008) address the question of how
for each piece of equipment, and mine-life duration. to locate equipment, specifically a feeder into which
The different characteristics of each type of equipment, extracted aggregate (e.g., sand and gravel) is fun-
e.g., capital and maintenance costs and capabilities, neled. This feeder is attached to a conveyor belt that
make solving the problem difficult. The authors tai- transports the material to a processing plant and can
lor a genetic algorithm to provide solutions that save be moved by adding conveyor belt extensions. The
trade-off is the proximity of the feeder to the opera-
15 percent in equipment-selection costs to the mine
tions, vice the (nonoperational) time required to relo-
for specific case studies. Burt et al. (2005) develop an
cate the feeder as the mining frontier progresses. The
integer program to determine the number of trucks
authors model the problem as a dynamic program
assigned to a loader to minimize the cost of operating
and solve it as a shortest-path model in which an arc
a truck and loader fleet subject to capacity, cycle time,
in the model represents moving the feeder along a
fleet efficiency, and tonnage requirements. The fleet
linear path from location i to location j. Implement-
is heterogeneous, and some machines cannot work
ing the model results in savings of approximately
together. Operational costs increase and productiv- 14 percent of total operational costs at the mine.
ity decreases, both nonlinearly with equipment age. Munirathinam and Yingling (1994) discuss sur-
The authors linearize their objective and demonstrate vey articles on open-pit truck dispatching; they
their model on small instances containing fewer than classify truck-dispatching strategies, examine their
10 trucks and loaders. underlying mathematical formulations in detail, and
Ta et al. (2005) extend optimization modeling identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternate
to incorporate stochasticity by formulating a truck approaches. Alarie and Gamache (2002) analyze dis-
allocation model using chance-constrained stochastic patching systems and the advantages and disadvan-
optimization that accommodates uncertain parame- tages of solution strategies, and they present the
ters such as truckload and cycle time. The num- current challenges of dispatching systems such as
ber and type of trucks that are allocated to shovels real-time monitoring capabilities.
are the decision variables. The objective minimizes
the operating and capital cost of ore delivery sub- Underground Mining
ject to production rates, shovel capacity, waste mate- Despite the relatively lower fixed infrastructure cost
rial removal, and truck availability. The crucial step of an open-pit mine, surface mines necessitate signif-
in solving the chance-constrained problem is to con- icant extraction of waste. A mine can be or become
vert the constraints into a deterministic form by iden- cost prohibitive to operate when the ratio of extracted
tifying the confidence level that must be satisfied. waste to ore becomes too high, when waste storage
Apparently, the technique is simple to implement and space is insufficient, when pit walls fail, or when envi-
possesses reasonable computation times, thus making ronmental considerations outweigh extraction bene-
it applicable to real-time problems. fits. In these cases, underground mining begins.
Rubio (2006) addresses the use of processing The economic viability of an underground mine
facilities rather than the routing or scheduling of relies on much of the same economic analysis as
transportation equipment. He takes the production an open-pit mine. Given viability, there are both pit
schedule as given; for each block, he then determines design and operating decisions. However, in under-
the processing facility to which it is to be sent, if any, ground mine planning, there is no real equivalent to
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232 Interfaces 40(3), pp. 222–245, © 2010 INFORMS

determining ultimate pit limits. Underground mining deposit and to flow into a recovery location without
methods are commonly categorized as unsupported having to blast all the ore. Longwall mining (Figure 4)
methods, supported methods, and caving methods; is a caving method used on long, thin deposits such
the choice of which method to employ in a mine as coal seams. If the rock (e.g., coal) is soft, it is sim-
depends on the size and shape of the orebody, the ply mechanically cut from the mining face (without
characteristics of the surrounding rock, and the char- blasting). The continuous extraction of the material
acteristics of the ore. Although there are many under- makes it amenable to transport via a conveyor belt.
ground methods (and variants), we restrict ourselves Mined-out areas collapse behind the currently active
to brief descriptions of the methods used in papers ones.
contained in our literature review. Sublevel caving (Figure 5, left panel) is a caving
Room and pillar (Figure 3, left panel) is an unsup- method that is used for long, relatively pure vein-like
ported method designed for flat, relatively thin, deposits. Ore is blasted and extracted from systemati-
homogeneous deposits such as coal. Regularly posi- cally laid-out tunnels (sublevels) parallel to each other
tioned pillars consisting of unrecoverable ore sup- at the same depth. Other series of parallel tunnels lie
port “rooms” from which ore is blasted and then deeper in the mine. Because of the highly structured
removed via trackless loaders. Bolts or pillars are used nature of the mine design, the surrounding rock must
as ceiling supports. In a second phase of this method, cave in a controlled fashion. Blasted ore is hauled via
retreat mining, the pillars are mined until the tunnel loaders to an ore pass; the ore falls down a chute to
collapses. a haulage level from where it can be broken into rock
Sublevel stoping (Figure 3, right panel) is another small enough to be hoisted to the surface via a series
unsupported method used for steeply dipping ore- of vertical shafts.
bodies with regular boundaries. The orebody is Finally, block caving (Figure 5, right panel) is a cav-
divided into separate stopes (i.e., large, vertical pipes ing method with much less structure than sublevel
of rock) into which ore is blasted from various drilled caving. It is applied to orebodies of much lower qual-
access levels. Ore is recovered from drawpoints at the ity in which large masses of rock are blasted; the
bottom of each stope. Stopes are usually backfilled. ore is recovered through drawpoints at the bottom
Caving methods rely on the rock breaking into of the location at which the ore is undercut. Manag-
pieces that are small enough to be retrieved from the ing the size of the rock and the rate at which rock

drilling and Drill
blasting access 1

Vertical benching Stope Drill

access 2


Blasted ore Undercut fan


Benching of thicker parts

Loading Transport drift

Figure 3: The diagram illustrates room-and-pillar mining (left) and sublevel stoping mining (right).
Source. Hamrin (2001).
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Interfaces 40(3), pp. 222–245, © 2010 INFORMS 233

Detail of
coal mining
with drum shearer
and self-advancing
hydraulic support

Roof collapses Longwall

behind supported face
Chain Transport drift
Drift supported
by yieldable
steel arches


Figure 4: The diagram illustrates longwall mining.

Source. Hamrin (2001).

filters through the drawpoints, as well as continually or haulage systems can be evaluated using simula-
monitoring the stability of the mine, are critical. Early tion. Haulage ramps can be designed using geomet-
applications of block caving relied entirely on the ric approaches. Long-term decisions, e.g., whether to
gravity flow of the rock. Now, large rock is redrilled operate a mine or to position a mill at a given location,
and reblasted or broken with hydraulic hammers. As are often made using integer programming optimiza-
in sublevel caving, the rock is sent down a chute to a tion models.
main haulage level before it is hoisted to the surface. Tactical production models generally consist of a
The literature on underground mining is more mixed-integer program in which binary variables
recent, partially because of the complicated nature address longer-term block-extraction decisions and
of underground operations. A parallel to the Lerchs– continuous variables address the related shorter-term
Grossmann algorithm (1965) does not exist for decisions of how much ore should be extracted from
underground mines; therefore, early optimization a block. Transportation devices, e.g., conveyor belts in
work does not necessarily rely upon network-based coal mines or front-end loaders, are usually assessed
methods. Strategic decisions in underground mining using tactical or operational optimization and simula-
may consider how to geographically position various tion models.
facilities, e.g., mills, on the mine site. One may also be
concerned with which mining method to choose and Strategic Mine Layout and Design Models
with mine layout, such as the design of haulage ramps Generally speaking, the mining method is determined
and other infrastructure. Alternative mining methods via geotechnics rather than using OR techniques;
Newman et al.: A Review of Operations Research in Mine Planning
234 Interfaces 40(3), pp. 222–245, © 2010 INFORMS

wall Undercut

Production =
blasting and
drilling Sublevels

Charging Finger Grizzly Haulage

raise level tunnel + drift
Long-hole Footwall drift
Main level

Ore pass

Development of
new sublevels

Figure 5: The diagram illustrates sublevel-caving mining (left) and block-caving mining (right).
Source. Hamrin (2001).

however, Qinglin et al. (1996) use neural networks Ultimate Pit Limit Design and Mine Layout Models sub-
based on a deposit’s geotechnical and economic section describes) as a tool for analyzing mineral
factors to optimally select an underground mining reserves and stope geometry. Model inputs are the
method. The case study the authors address is that orebody model, the stope geometry, and a cutoff
of a gold mine in which they consider longwall, grade. The model minimizes waste, maximizes grade,
room-and-pillar, sublevel caving, and sublevel stop- or maximizes metal based on ore-quality restrictions
ing methods. such as minimum grade and maximum dilution from
Other prominent work on underground mine a stope. Brazil and Thomas (2007) provide theory
design concerns mine shape and layout given the and background for Brazil et al. (2003), who con-
method. Yun et al. (1990) use a genetic algorithm to
sider the strategic decision of determining the three-
determine the number and spacing of openings given
dimensional geometry of haulage ramps through
restrictions on their relative placement. To value the
a sublevel stoping mine to serve each stope in a
quality of a given set of openings, the authors consider
given order while subscribing to maximum-gradient,
costs of development, drilling and blasting, under-
minimum-curvature, and area-avoidance constraints.
ground pressure, transportation and dilution, and the
revenue from the excavated ore. They apply their algo- They use existing mathematical theory that projects
rithm to a sublevel caving mine and show how they their problem onto a two-dimensional space to find
tune algorithmic parameters, e.g., crossover and muta- a minimum-cost path satisfying the above conditions
tion rates. with the exception of the gradient and area-avoidance
The following three articles pertain to underground constraints. These constraints are later imposed on
sublevel stoping. Concerned with the shape of an the ramp geometry. The optimization model has been
underground mine, much like the shape of an ulti- embedded into software and implemented at various
mate pit for surface mining, Alford (1995) describes mines in Australia. The authors specifically mention
the floating stope method (analogous to the float- an 11 percent decrease in costs at one representative
ing cone method for surface mines as the Strategic mine in Queensland.
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Two early papers address underground facilities, underground block-sequencing formulation. Such for-
e.g., production shafts, and those above ground, e.g., mulations possess the general flavor of those of
mills. Lizotte and Elbrond (1985) discuss the prob- open-pit block sequencing in that objective functions
lem of siting a single facility to minimize demand- represent NPV and constraints generally encompass
weighted transportation costs for a set of existing both precedence and resource restrictions. However,
facilities. Using Euclidean distances, the authors for- both sets of constraints are more complex and min-
mulate their problem as an unconstrained, nonlinear ing method (or even mine) specific. Typical decision
optimization model. Therefore, they propose using variables in this context could include the following:
a hyperboloid approximation procedure based on (1) yatt = 1 if we (start to) mine area a in period t and
methods of calculus and show how the procedure can subsequently backfill it in period t  , and 0 otherwise
be adapted to the problem of siting multiple facili- (for some type of supported method); (2) yakt = 1 if
ties. They then describe two case studies in which we (start to) mine area a with equipment of type k
they use their procedure to lay out underground lev- in period t, and 0 otherwise (Sarin and West-Hansen
els and to locate a production shaft. Finally, they point 2005); or (3) variables representing whether area a
out some shortcomings in their optimization model, is developed, drilled, prepared, or extracted from in
e.g., assumptions that haulage and excavation costs period t (Carlyle and Eaves 2001).
are not necessarily directly proportional to Euclidean Linear programming enables the user to optimize
distance. Barbaro and Ramani (1986) formulate a yet does not account for discrete aspects such as
mixed-integer programming model that can be used block sequencing. Jawed (1993) uses linear program-
to determine if a mine produces in a given period, if ming to determine the amount of material to be
market demand is satisfied in a given period, where extracted, e.g., via room and pillar. He minimizes
to locate a processing facility, and the amount of ore deviation from prescribed production and cost tar-
to ship from a mine to a processing facility and then gets subject to operational constraints, manpower
to a market. The objective function maximizes rev- requirements, extraction capacity, ventilation require-
enue less production, processing, waste disposal, and ments, plant capacity, and lower bounds on extrac-
fixed costs. Constraints include minimum and maxi- tion quantity. The author performs sensitivity analysis
mum production requirements, market demand, qual- on the results for a typical mine; of special interest
ity, and limits on the number of mines and facilities are changes in cost parameters and resource (min-
open simultaneously. The authors use a coal system ing equipment) availability. Similarly, Magda (1994)
to demonstrate their model’s capabilities. circumvents binary variables in a model that evalu-
ates the economics of decision making in mine pro-
Tactical Block-Sequencing Models duction processes. He gives formulas for the costs
The literature on sequencing models for underground and benefits of investments as a function of time.
operations is relatively new. Early models use simu- Using geometry, the rate at which the project is con-
lation to assess production schedules and linear pro- structed, construction costs, and commodity prices,
gramming to make decisions regarding ore extracted. he can maximize values, e.g., NPV or internal rate
Integer programming models are needed to deter- of return. The author presents an example of long-
mine whether to mine a given segment of ore in wall coal mining in which, for a particular extraction
a particular period, e.g., to maximize NPV sub- sequence of panels, the length and width of exploita-
ject to, inter alia, complex sequencing constraints tion panels and the number of longwall panels within
and minimum and maximum production (or draw) an exploitation panel can be determined. An enumer-
rates. These models, which have appeared relatively ative procedure yields the NPV for a given point in
recently, were solved first via enumeration and later time and interactions between NPV and panel dimen-
via more sophisticated techniques. sions can be examined.
As is the case for underground mine design, in Authors combine simulation with optimization—
which it is not easy to identify a general mine-design the first article we describe here uses linear pro-
formulation, it is also not easy to identify a generic gramming, and the second uses integer programming.
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236 Interfaces 40(3), pp. 222–245, © 2010 INFORMS

Winkler (1998) describes a production-scheduling relationship in time; (2) stope extraction and back-
model to determine the amount of ore to mine in each fill quantities; (3) equipment capacity; and (4) grade
period from each production block. He minimizes requirements on the metal recovered. The model con-
weighted deviations from production goal averages tains a 17-period horizon in which the last 4 peri-
in each of 14 to 28 daily periods subject to con- ods are aggregated into durations that are three times
straints on ore quality, a lower bound on demand longer than the previous 13. Although the model runs
and on the amount extracted from a block, and out of memory, it yields a 25 percent improvement
capacity restrictions on available ore. Linear program- over the NPV generated by then-current operational
ming solves a corresponding single-period model; policies.
simulation is then used to fix the current period’s Since the early 2000s, authors have routinely
decisions and optimize over the successive period. used increasingly sophisticated optimization models
The results for a case study involving an iron ore to derive tactical production schedules, in some cases
mine using sublevel caving are displayed in a three- for complex underground mines, that use a vari-
dimensional environment. Chanda (1990) combines ety of methods. Carlyle and Eaves (2001) present a
simulation with optimization in a model that uses model that maximizes revenue from Stillwater’s sub-
an integer program to determine when ore should level stoping platinum and palladium mine. Integer
be extracted from drawpoints in an underground variables schedule the timing of various expansion-
block-caving mine to minimize the differences in aver- planning activities, such as development and drilling,
and the number of stopes to prepare and pro-
age grade between successive periods. Constraints
duce from in a given period. Constraints include
include limits on production and grade, and on the
(1) sequencing of operations and stope preparation;
operational aspects of block caving. The production
(2) production limits of stopes, lower bounds on
schedule given by the integer program is used as
production targets, and upper bounds on process-
input to a simulation model that considers constraints
ing per period; and (3) bounds on the change in
such as production capacity. Depletion of the ore as it
crew size between periods. The authors obtain near-
is extracted is based on gravity flow principles. The
optimal solutions for a variety of scenarios over
author applies his model to a copper mine in Zambia
a 10-quarter time horizon. Their scenarios exam-
and shows a decreased intertemporal ore-quality fluc-
ine variations consisting of (1) constraint relaxation,
tuation and a decreased number of open drawpoints.
(2) time-horizon expansion, and (3) mine-design
The presumed intractability of a mixed-integer pro- (drift-spacing) changes, and the scenarios provide
gram to model the complexities of tactical production planners with insights into different tactical oper-
scheduling is sometimes mitigated by the fact that ating procedures. Smith et al. (2003) construct a
much of the added detail is modeled with continu- production-scheduling model for a copper and zinc
ous, as opposed to binary, variables. As software (e.g., underground mine at Mount Isa, Australia. Decision
IBM’s CPLEX) and hardware improved, researchers variables represent the time at which to mine each
began to use mixed-integer programs. Trout (1995) production block to maximize NPV subject to oper-
might represent the first attempt to optimize under- ational constraints, e.g., ore availability, concentrator
ground mine production schedules, either at the (mill) capacity, mine-infrastructure production capac-
strategic or at the tactical level, using integer program- ity, grade (mineral quality) limits, continuous produc-
ming. By maximizing NPV, the model schedules an tion rules, and precedence relationships between pro-
underground stoping mine for base metals (e.g., cop- duction blocks. However, the authors are unable to
per sulphide). Binary variables control the timing of solve all instances of their problem in a reasonable
extraction from or backfilling of a stope. Continuous- amount of time.
valued variables track the material extracted from Epstein et al. (2003) present a mathematical pro-
or backfilled into a stope in a given period. The gramming model to determine the levels of extracted
constraint set incorporates (1) stope sequencing in ore from several different underground copper mines
terms of extraction, backfilling, and the corresponding to maximize profit over a 25-year horizon subject
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to demand, technical exploitation constraints, and they then solve the original model using information
environmental limitations. The mixed-integer pro- gained from the aggregated model. They compute a
gram specifically defines the geological area of inter- bound on the worst-case performance of this heuris-
est through profitable columns (or extraction points), tic and demonstrate empirically that this procedure
which are the vertical aggregation of blocks; a mine produces good-quality solutions while substantially
or sector corresponds to a set of neighboring columns. reducing computation time for problem instances; this
Extracted material is sent through a network of alter- model was implemented at the Kiruna mine (Kuchta
native technologies and (or) infrastructure (e.g., mill) et al. 2004).
investments. This capacitated network contains hun- Sarin and West-Hansen (2005) use decomposition to
dreds of thousands of variables and constraints. The successfully solve the original problem. The authors
authors develop a rounding heuristic that provides maximize NPV for an underground coal mine that
implemented solutions that represent an improve- consists of sections mined with longwall, room-and-
ment of more than 5 percent on current operations at pillar, and retreat mining. Binary variables track
El Teniente, the largest underground copper mine in whether a section is scheduled to start being mined
the world. by a given set of equipment at a given time, whereas
Interestingly enough, several seminal works in this continuous variables track the quality and produc-
subfield do not consider monetary goals. The exam- tion volume of the material extracted. The con-
ples that follow use different methods—block caving straint set consists primarily of enforcing precedence,
and sublevel caving—and although the models are smoothing quality and production levels, and limit-
conceptually similar, it is interesting to note the differ- ing the quantity of sections simultaneously mined.
ence in decisions because of the difference in mining The authors tailor a Benders’ decomposition tech-
methods. Rahal et al. (2003) describe a mixed-integer nique, exploiting the structure of the master problem.
programming model to plan operations of a block- A case study containing over 100 weekly periods sug-
caving mine. Their mathematical program schedules gests that their model can improve profits. Weintraub
drawpoint production to minimize deviations from et al. (2008) also successfully exploit the problem
preset demand levels while also minimizing devia- structure to arrive at good solutions by develop-
tions from a given draw profile. Constraints measure ing an aggregation scheme based on cluster analysis
these deviations, restrict draw rates between mini- for El Teniente, a large Chilean block-caving mine.
mum and maximum levels, limit waste content within The scheme reduces the size of the five-year pro-
a drawpoint, and establish precedence relationships duction scheduling model, allowing it to be solved
between points from which ore is removed. Detailed about one order of magnitude faster with an error of
implementation of these constraints can incorporate approximately 3 percent (on original, disaggregated
ore grade and quality. The authors develop life-of- instances) because of aggregation. Note that both this
mine draw profiles for notional scenarios and show work and that of Epstein et al. (2003) use aggregation
that by using the results from their integer program, for underground block-sequencing operations and
they greatly reduce deviations from ideal drawpoint embed it in an optimization-based heuristic; we also
depletion rates while adhering to a production target. mention this technique in open-pit block-sequencing
Rubio and Diering (2004) expand the analysis to models.
include cost considerations. Newman and Kuchta Underground OR problems, both strategic mine-
(2007), motivated by an underground mining oper- layout and design models and tactical block-
ation at Kiruna, Sweden, formulate a multiperiod sequencing models, are not as heavily studied as
mixed-integer program for iron ore production. The their open-pit counterparts because fewer real-life
optimization model determines an operationally fea- instances of such models exist; each underground
sible ore extraction sequence that minimizes devia- mine is unique in its design and operations. Mine
tions from planned production quantities. The authors planners work with existing software but try to meet
design a heuristic based on solving a smaller, more conflicting objectives—to have software specifically
tractable model in which they aggregate periods; tailored to the orebody at hand yet to also have the
Newman et al.: A Review of Operations Research in Mine Planning
238 Interfaces 40(3), pp. 222–245, © 2010 INFORMS

same software that can handle a general underground shows statistics on water and slurry pumping times,
orebody. Continuing to develop faster-solving and surge-tank overflows, the concentration of slurry fed
customized models is necessary. It remains to be seen to the preparation plant, etc., as well as associated
whether such models could be developed into a gen- operating costs for particular mine configurations.
erally applicable underground design and scheduling Mutagwaba and Hudson (1993) present a simulation
model. model to assess underground transportation systems.
Given a mine layout, a hoisting system, and desired
Tactical and Operational Equipment-Allocation
production rates, their model evaluates the perfor-
mance of various transport systems, such as trucks
The majority of equipment allocation concerns trans-
and conveyor belts. The authors apply their anal-
portation systems in underground coal mines that
ysis to a mine in North Wales, UK to choose the
have numerous alternatives, complicated systems,
equipment that best balances performance and costs.
and different types of machines, e.g., conveyor belts
McNearny and Nie (2000) simulate a conveyor belt
and transport cars that are interdependent and
system used with longwall and continuous miner
require analysis to determine bottleneck locations. To
methods to transport coal from a mine face to the
allow managers to address uncertainty, these mines
surface. The authors balance the cost of the con-
commonly use discrete event simulation as their
veyor belt system with overall performance. The
analysis tool.
study reveals bottlenecks and examines the effect of
In the early 1980s, Topuz et al. (1982) simulated the
adding surge bins to remove or mitigate these bottle-
performance of two different haulage systems for an
necks. The authors experiment with various conveyor
underground coal mine. Their work compares a con-
ventional shuttle car with a conveyor belt and a diesel belt speeds and sizes and show that at a mine in
shuttle car (without a conveyor belt). They vary per- southern Utah, productivity could increase by more
formance parameters such as haulage distance and than 13 percent. Simsir and Ozfirat (2008) construct
speed, the number and discharge rates of haulage a simulation model as a case study for a Turkish
units available for coal transport, and the capacity coal mine that uses longwall top-coal caving. The
of a feeder located where the shuttle car dumps its model assesses the efficiency of loaders, crushers, and
output. They also perform a case study on a room- conveyor belts; however, it omits the geomechanical
and-pillar mine to select feeder discharge rates, the effects on the mine of different types of extraction
number and type of haulage units, and a reasonable equipment.
haulage distance to improve the overall production In contrast, in another type of stochastic model that
potential of the mine. Sevim (1987) uses simulation is applied to an iron ore mine, Huang and Kumar
to examine a hydrotransport system that mixes coal (1994) use queuing theory to determine the optimal
with water upon extraction of the coal from the mine number of load-haul-dump machines by considering
face; the coal is then pumped directly to a process- their performance and price, required maintenance,
ing plant. Model events include (1) preparing coal operators’ salaries, etc. An example from a Swedish
to be extracted from a face, (2) pumping water into mine illustrates that their queuing model can accu-
a pipeline to the requisite pressure level, (3) min- rately calculate the probability that a given number
ing the coal and subsequently pumping it into the of machines is sufficient for production. The authors
pipeline with the water, and (4) repositioning the argue that the number of machines estimated by
equipment for new extraction. Between the third and using the queuing model is more accurate than a stan-
fourth stages, a delay can occur because of factors dard method using statistical distributions.
such as equipment malfunction. The authors con- Optimization models are also used to allocate
sider two particular operational characteristics: (1) the equipment in underground mines. These models are
merging of pipelines from different areas of the mine deterministic and less common; in general, they
and (2) the inclusion of a surge tank to store slurry. address a more limited system than simulation mod-
The authors present an instance using both room-and- els do. Dornetto (1988) studies equipment that is
pillar and longwall mining. Their simulation study designed to extract, store, and transport material in
Newman et al.: A Review of Operations Research in Mine Planning
Interfaces 40(3), pp. 222–245, © 2010 INFORMS 239

an underground coal mine. The objective is to min- problem and arrives at reasonable levels of minimum
imize the number of extraction cycles necessary to required reliability levels for each subsystem.
fill a shuttle car that transports coal from a surge Operational decisions other than in situ transporta-
bin to a belt feeder by determining optimal values tion exist—specifically, issues outside of the mine
for the position and rate of mining equipment. Con- such as stockpiling, transportation, and facility oper-
straints include lower and upper bounds on the min- ating procedures. For example, Baker and Daellen-
ing position and rate, allowable amounts of coal bach (1984) use dynamic programming to determine
mined in a cycle, and an upper bound on the dis- optimal operating settings for a coal-fired power sta-
tance that must be mined before the equipment can tion and subsequently use simulation to determine
be moved. This nonlinear program is solved via ana- corresponding coal mining and stockpiling policies.
lytical methods; the author shows that lost production Everett (1996) uses a simulation model to reduce fluc-
decreases by using his (optimized) operational policy. tuations in iron ore composition by intelligently stack-
Vagenas (1991) examines real-time dispatching for ing the ore in stockpiles and subsequently recovering
load-haul-dump units in underground mines. He it prior to placing it on a ship for overseas trans-
considers bidirectional loader movement and a few port. Pendharkar (1997) presents a short-term model
alternate paths between an origin and a destination; to determine the quantity of coal to ship from a mine
he preliminarily uses Dijkstra’s (1959) algorithm to to a processing facility and from the processing facil-
determine a shortest path between an origin and ity to a market in each period of the planning horizon.
a destination, and he subsequently develops algo- Pendharkar and Rodger (2000) extend the afore-
rithms that resolve vehicle conflicts either by slowing mentioned model to include a nonlinear objective.
a loader, by stopping it completely, or by routing it to Binkowski and McCarragher (1999) use queuing the-
a different destination. The goal is to minimize loader ory to determine the optimal number and size of
delays. The author uses a simulation model to assess stockpiles in a yard to maximize throughput. Ore
the performance of his algorithms via case studies. arrives at the yard by train, is deposited into a single
Gamache et al. (2005) extend Vagenas (1991) by con- stockpile, can be blended, and awaits transportation
sidering routing on a network with load-haul-dump by ship. The authors demonstrate how system param-
unit orientation and by accounting for time win- eters such as stockyard capacity, ship capacity, and
dows; the authors use Dijkstra’s algorithm to solve arrival and service rates hypothetically influence the
these shortest-path problems. The approach has two performance of the stockyard and its configuration.
drawbacks; it assumes deterministic travel times and
the algorithm considers only a single vehicle at a time,
thus ignoring the effect of the current vehicle on sub- Emerging Areas and Conclusions
sequent vehicle movements. As hardware, software, and solution techniques
Kumral (2005) poses the problem of choosing the improve, we can expect to see models that are
extent to which to improve the reliability of an more realistic and include more detail. For example,
underground mine consisting of five independently stochastic mine planning is relevant given the long
functioning subsystems: (1) drilling, (2) blasting, time horizons involved, the large initial investments
(3) loading, (4) hauling and hoisting, and (5) ventila- and operational budget required, and the historical
tion. The author assumes that each subsystem is either fluctuations of metal prices. In addition, the per-
operational or not and defines a failure as the result centage of ore contained in each block of a deposit
of events such as uncontrolled caving, improper air is uncertain, and significant costs are involved in
circulation, or equipment breakdowns. He minimizes determining ore content with accuracy. Brennan and
the cost of operating all subsystems at an accept- Schwartz (1985) use real options theory to evaluate
able level of reliability subject to bounds on reliability natural resource investment. To date, the heavy com-
variances and reliabilities of the subsystems them- putational burden has precluded using this method-
selves. He presents a case study in which he uses a ology in mathematical programming models with a
genetic algorithm to solve the nonlinear programming large search space; however, the concepts are highly
Newman et al.: A Review of Operations Research in Mine Planning
240 Interfaces 40(3), pp. 222–245, © 2010 INFORMS

relevant to stochastic planning scenarios. Cortazar model produces a schedule with a more imple-
et al. (1998) develop a model that determines the opti- mentable mine sequence, i.e., one in which equipment
mum output price level for a firm to invest in envi- movement is reduced substantially. The modified
ronmental technologies and the main parameters that model also accounts for geological uncertainty, which
affect this decision. (the authors claim) helps to produce a schedule
With respect to mine planning (as we discuss that can more readily meet production constraints.
specifically in this paper), Lemelin et al. (2007) con- Gholamnejad and Osanloo (2007) present a problem
sider the collection of geologic block data, the com- in which they determine which blocks to extract in an
pletion of mine design and production planning, and open-pit mine; they consider block-grade uncertainty
the performance of financial analysis based on the in which each block has a probability distribution
outcome from the mine design and planned pro- function obtained using geostatistical simulation.
duction. The authors criticize approaches that accept They transform the probabilistic problem (i.e., the
subjective, if uncertain, parameter values and that problem that has probabilities of satisfying the con-
ignore the relationship between production schedules straints) into a nonlinear integer program. Because of
and information availability. The authors propose the resulting model’s complexity, the authors propose
modeling prices according to well-regarded stochas- using a genetic algorithm; however, they do not give
tic models in which operational plans are updated as details or examples. Askari-Nasab et al. (2007) use a
prices become available. They present a case study stochastic simulation model to develop an open-pit
in which a mine’s value is substantially different schedule based on a geometric elliptical frustum
using their approach when compared with a conven- model. They use a simulator to evaluate a variety of
tional approach, primarily because the authors con- open-pit expansions associated with a schedule or
sider shutdown options for unprofitable portions of volume of ore removed (i.e., processed, sent to waste,
the mine. Carvallo et al. (2009) consider production or stockpiled) in each period. A case study from an
planning for an underground mine in Chile. They iron ore mine with 114,000 blocks and over 20 periods
maximize NPV subject to sequencing and mining-rate demonstrates an improvement in NPV using their
constraints and reduce the problem size by aggre- elliptical frustrum model with stochasticity compared
gating mineable areas; however, because the authors with the NPV obtained from a parametric analysis
introduce price uncertainty, which they characterize using commercial software (Whittle 2009). Finally,
in various scenarios, the problem is large. They use Boland et al. (2010) extend Boland et al. (2009) to
Lagrangian relaxation to dualize the nonanticipativity incorporate ore-grade uncertainty (note that the
constraints so that each scenario can be solved inde- online version of Boland et al. 2010 was available
pendently as a deterministic problem. Although the as of December 2008); the authors update ore-grade
algorithm produces more robust results when it con- data in their model instances as information becomes
siders price uncertainly than when it does not, it does available.
so at the expense of computer time. The following article addresses geological uncer-
Ramazan and Dimitrakopoulos (2004) and tainty in sublevel stoping mines. Grieco and Dimi-
Gholamnejad and Osanloo (2007) consider ore-grade trakopoulos (2007) present a strategic model for deter-
uncertainty in open-pit mines. Ramazan and mining the design of a sublevel stoping mine under
Dimitrakopoulos (2004) mention the traditional ore-grade uncertainty. The design parameters of inter-
block-sequencing problem and illustrate a schedule est are the location, size, and number of stopes. Their
obtained from such a formulation for a case study model seeks to determine if a given ring should
involving a nickel laterite deposit. They then intro- be included in a panel for extraction to maximize
duce a model with a modified objective in which, a probability-weighted metal content across all rings
in addition to the NPV obtained from the extraction and panels subject to constraints on the minimum
of a block, a penalty is incurred for production and maximum number of rings allowed in a panel,
capacity-constraint violations. The authors use var- a minimum acceptable risk level (as defined by the
ious simulated data sets to show that the modified probability of a ring in a panel meeting a specified
Newman et al.: A Review of Operations Research in Mine Planning
Interfaces 40(3), pp. 222–245, © 2010 INFORMS 241

cutoff grade), and stope-size constraints in terms of an handle various strategic-, tactical-, and operational-
acceptable number of rings mined in adjacent panels. level decisions. Many authors use case studies
The authors apply their model to a case study of a to demonstrate the advantages of OR, which has
polymetallic mine in Ontario, Canada. played a particularly important industry role in long-
Other emerging areas include a more holistic view range planning. Industry has begun to incorporate
of the mine planning process, e.g., the entire supply the ideas mentioned here in software. For example,
chain, including the decisions of investing, mining, MineMax (2006) and Maptek (2009) use CPLEX to
and processing (Caro et al. 2007). The authors argue provide underlying optimization algorithms to deter-
that although these decisions are often made inde- mine block-sequencing schedules to maximize NPV
pendently, they should be made simultaneously. They subject to sequencing and operational constraints.
describe in detail the various resources necessary to Such software, which can account for blending and
extract ore from a deposit and the processes involved cutoff grade, also contains underground schedulers.
in obtaining saleable metal from the extracted ore; Whittle (2009) and Gemcom (2009) address many
they mention the transportation issues associated of these elements; the former includes an opti-
with processing facilities (e.g., leaching plants versus mization model that considers uncertainty. Datamine
refineries) and the nature of the markets in which (2009) focuses on pushback design and production-
the metal is sold. Other recent models address deci- scheduling optimization in open-pit mines. Unfor-
sions involving distinct stages in mine life. In other tunately, because the details of these models are
words, these models address multiple different deci- proprietary, stating the types of decision variables,
sions that must be made over the life of the mine
objectives, and constraints the underlying optimiza-
rather than decisions that are made throughout the
tion models have or how they perform optimization
geographical space of the production supply chain. To
is impossible. However, academics are increasingly
date, the most prominent of these temporal decisions
seeking ties with companies in the mining industry;
is the transition from open-pit to underground mining
to some extent, they are also openly incorporating the
(Chen et al. 2003, Newman et al. 2009). These models
state of the art into real mining operations at the level
take a long-term view of the mine planning process,
of detail that individual companies seek.
anticipating that a deposit will be mined both via sur-
The direction of research in the mining industry
face and subsequently via underground methods; the
is toward solving larger and more complicated (i.e.,
authors seek to optimize the timing of the transition.
Bley et al. (2009) address an open-pit block- more detailed and realistic) models faster. Specifi-
sequencing model in which ore grade is variable and cally, we see a trend in the open-pit block-sequencing
an option to stockpile ore before sending it to a pro- literature that abandons the traditional approach in
cessing plant exists. To preserve ore grade in a stock- which models are solved in stages and adopts one
pile, the authors use (nonconvex) blending constraints. in which researchers successfully solve large-scale
They examine the performance of a variety of off- life-of-mine models in their monolithic form. With
the-shelf commercial solvers (i.e., BARON (University advances in hardware and software, researchers are
of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Couenne (Lehigh Uni- exploring methods to exploit problem structures to
versity), SBB (ARKI Consulting and Development), tackle more detailed (e.g., stochastic), more complex
and SCIP (TU Braunschweig, TU Darmstadt, and (e.g., nonlinear), and larger problems. These methods
Siemens AG)) to solve this problem and show that include limiting the size of very large problems and
such solvers can obtain very good solutions, thus pre- subsequently demonstrating that these limits do not
cluding the need for specialized solution algorithms. significantly compromise the solution quality. Some
This work exhibits the important point that commer- researchers are using heuristics based on aggrega-
cial solvers are becoming more powerful; thus, they tion, including optimization-based heuristics; others
can be used more easily and effectively on complex are using exact decomposition techniques such as
problems. Lagrangian relaxation. This trend is also being fol-
We have presented a review of OR mining lit- lowed in the underground arena; however, the more
erature. Researchers propose different techniques to complex sequencing constraints currently preclude
Newman et al.: A Review of Operations Research in Mine Planning
242 Interfaces 40(3), pp. 222–245, © 2010 INFORMS

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