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Task Notification

Notification Date: 22nd/ 23rd May 2017



DUE DATE: Wednesday 14th/ Thursday 15th June 2017

NATURE OF TASK: Ancient Egypt Research Task

LATE PENALTY: See Assessment Booklet


NAME: __________________________I certify that this is all my own work unless otherwise



HT4-2 describes major periods of historical time and sequences events, people and societies
from the past
HT4-3 describes and assesses the motives and actions of past individuals and groups in the
context of past societies
HT4-6 uses evidence from sources to support historical narratives and explanations
HT4-9 uses a range of historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding of
the past
HT4-10 selects and uses appropriate oral, written, visual and digital forms to communicate
about the past

1. You task is to research ONE Egyptian god, goddess, Pharaoh or Queen. Some examples
include Gods like Ra, Anubis, Aten, Bastet, Thoth, Horus, Isis, Osiris, Set etc and
Pharaohs, Queens or viziers like Tutankhamen, Khufu, Djedefra, Nefertiti, Akhenaten,
Ramses II or Cleopatra (VII).

2. Answer the following questions in your research:

For Gods or goddesses:

 What was the god’s name?

 Describe the form that your god took? Was the god associated with an animal or natural
feature? Explain why do you think this animal represented this god?
 Explain why you think this God was important to the Egyptians?
 Where and when was this god worshipped?

For Pharaohs or Queens:

 What was this leader’s name?

 When did he/she rule?
 Describe this leader’s actions or achievements?
 Explain why this leader important?
 Explain how the monarch died? Describe how they were the preserved?

3. Select ONE of the following formats to present your information.

 Create a poster (A2-A3 size) on cardboard with illustrations and drawings etc
 You will need to include approx 500 words about your Egyptian god, goddess, Pharaoh
or Queen.
Power point
 You need to include 7-10 slides
 Your slides need to contain pictures, diagrams, maps, etc
 You need to include approx 500 words about your chosen Egyptian god, goddess,
Pharaoh or Queen
Artwork – you can create one of the following:
 Painting
 Sculpture
 Drawing/illustration
 Your artwork must be accompanied by a 500 words overview of your chosen Egyptian
god, goddess, Pharaoh or Queen
Fake Facebook Page (Example Template can be provided for those that select this option)
 Design a fake facebook page for your Egyptian god, goddess, Pharaoh or Queen.
 When printed the page must be minimum of 4 A4 pages in length and include daily
status updates, images and important events and experiences
 You need to include approx 500 words in the ‘about’ section of your page providing and
overview of your chosen Egyptian god, goddess, Pharaoh or Queen.

4. You must include a Bibliography of 3-5 sources (list of books and websites that you got
your information from).
Students answered all the research questions for their chosen Egyptian god, 20– 25
goddess or leader with great detail and accuracy. The presentation is of a high
standard and visual aids have been used where applicable. Students locate,
select and organise their information from range of sources.
Students answered all the research questions for their chosen Egyptian god, 14—19
goddess or leader with detail and accuracy. The presentation of the task is
neat and tidy and visual aids have been used where applicable. Students
demonstrate solid research skills and use of variety of sources.

Students answered all the research questions for their chosen Egyptian god, 8-13
goddess or leader in limited detail.
The presentation of the task is acceptable and visual aids have been used
where applicable. Students locate, select and organise information from a
limited number of sources.
Students answered some of the research questions for their chosen Egyptian 5-8
god, goddess or leader to an elementary standard.
The presentation is lacking a clear logical structure using no visual aids where
applicable. Minimal demonstration of research.

Students have failed to meet the outcomes for this task. Not attempted or 0-4
plagiarised (copy and paste).

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