IAC FTech - 2005 Review 9.2

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IAC: past and future of

Brazil’s floriculture
The Instituto Agronômico de Campinas has played a
major role in the advancement of Brazilian agriculture.
Located in the city of Campinas, it is renowned
throughout Brazil and overseas. Last year its discovery of
a near totally caffeine-free coffee species was depicted in
Nature magazine. However, its ornamental and flower
research programmes are not so well known, but things
may change as more varieties are about to be released.

By Mauricio C. Mathias

AC is an example of quali- performance, but attention to
ty research made on a tight post-production has been
budget and decreasing heightened due to the export-
staff. Presently with five ing momentum of the sector.
researchers dedicated to flori- Fernando Tombolato is in
culture, the institute actively charge of screening potential This red and white anthurium variety, bred by IAC, is called ‘Eidibel’.
seeks partnerships with grow- species and the breeding pro-
ers and laboratories that can gram. He points out that
bring synergy by cooperation, some of the popular flower including the time at the con- American Hyppeastrum genus,
with advantages to both sides. crops in Brazil nowadays are sumer’s home,” Tombolato not the true amaryllis from
When a more systematic either European species that says. “New releases have to Africa. We invested in a bio-
approach to floriculture are cultivated under complete- constantly follow new con- type other than the one stan-
research was laid out in the ly different conditions here, or sumer demands. Some 70% of dardised by European breeders
eighties, a choice was made to native species bred overseas the world anthurium market and intend to recover the
avoid crops that private breed- for cultivation in their cli- now is for red and white flow- national identity of this plant
ing companies had traditional- mate, whatever the case their ers, which we focus on. by selling it under its local
ly focused on. By emphasising use now impose an extra agro- Novelties, however, are a must name – ‘Açucena’. More inno-
on native species, such as nomic and post-harvest chal- to maintain interest. Our new vations are coming up with
amaryllis, alstroemeria and lenge. Prelúdio breed, for example, gladiolli and Hemerocallis,”
anthurium, the IAC increased has the shape of a ladle.” continues Tombolato.
the scope of options for com- New releases Other new releases include Gláucia Tagliacozzo coordi-
mercial growers. Swift progress has been three ‘amaryllis’ cultivars, nates the physiology studies in
Research for the improve- achieved since the first IAC based on the crossing of native the floriculture programme,
ment of any species is three- anthurium cultivar was species. André Boersen, a part- emphasising on post-harvest.
fold: the selection and breed- released in 1997. The 2002 cat- ner grower, now tries out 120 She believes that atoxic pulsing
ing itself, growth and flowering alogue included 24 cultivars, selections out of the 3,000 solutions can replace toxic
physiological studies, and and the newest one will have developed by the IAC in its ones and mentions a few of
post-harvest. Market success more than 30; 15 of which are experimental fields since 1982. her laboratory’s achievements:
depends on team work among already under commercial pro- “Nowadays what’s traded in “A known quality keeping
all areas so that any new duction. “The best ones last up the world under the name of problem to lilies for example
release has an overall good to 30 days after harvest – amaryllis is actually our South is the early yellowing of its

26 FlowerTECH 2006, vol. 9/no. 2 www.HortiWorld.nl

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seriously as an economical sec-

tor, it was only in the early
eighties that we had the first
financed flower-specific
research project,” she says.
IAC research shows that for at least one specific alstroemeria variety, flower induc- “Now we are living in a total-
tion is caused by day length. ly different times. It’s time to In an attempt to recover some lost
ponder again where the sector territory, IAC developed this own
is going, reassess its priorities variety of amaryllis and named it
leaves. The answer for that Decades of work and then maybe change some Açucena.
came with a sucrose, citric and The release of new flower vari- of our present policies. The
giberellic acid solution that eties may be something rela- growth of the sector has not
also improved floral opening. tively new in IAC’s history, but caused an increase in research end, nursery cultivation of
In alpineas the problem was senior researcher Hermes financing, for example.” threatened species has been
the yellowing and drooping of Matthes, an ornamental tree There is good news though, expanded to later replace
its inflorescences: ten extra specialist, tells of the ground- new research funds now them in their original habitat.
days without loss of turgidity work laid out by his predeces- finance projects set up on Natural vegetation now covers
were achieved with a citokinin sors. “The emphasis on plant commercial sites. One such only 14% of the state’s sur-
spray. For ornamental ginger collection started in the fifties, example is a post-doctorate Dr face. The most economically
however, the best results came and from the sixties onwards Graziano is currently supervis- developed part of the country
with clear water only, replaced more specifically on trees and ing. Set up in partnership with started its economical boom
every two days.” palms. Decades of collecting a grower, it tries out curcuma based on plantations, but it
The increased exports of trop- excursions, exchange with for- as a vase plant, following the still had some surprises left,
ical plants has also been eign institutes and private col- trend to revisit known crops, such as 40 new plant species,
reflected in other ongoing lectors resulted in a very rich rekindling its appeal as they now described for the first
projects. One of them is devel- living genome banks with are fashioned to new formats. time.
oping packaging specific to 2,000 tree species and 700 According to the project’s
tropical flowers in partnership palms.” The Flora Project most recent estimates there is a
with neighbour research insti- The impact of that work in IAC is also one of many total of 7,297 species in the
tute ITAL. Another solved a today’s plant sector is hard to research institutions that state of São Paulo alone,
grower’s problem with the assess. Many of the major tree together with universities in already excluding previous
opening of the second flower nurseries in business today the state of São Paulo develop errors such as double-naming
in strelitzias that were being started out with material cata- what has been deemed “the of single species. This amount
exported to the Netherlands. logued or freely distributed by work of a generation” – the corresponds to two thirds of
Still another example of the the IAC at the time. This is Flora Project. A gigantic effort the whole plant diversity of
interaction between a native helping fuel today’s growing to survey and catalogue the Europe for example, in an area
species and European breeding interest in landscaping and state floral diversity with the covering 3% of Brazil’s surface.
is alstroemeria. All of the 15 ornamental plants in general. collaboration of federal insti- Flora Project’s fourth volume
predominant varieties in Brazil Other pioneer actions were the tutions, out-of-state and even came out last July and it
were bred there, with a climate use of in vitro techniques for foreign researchers. A total of marked the end of the project
distinct from where it originat- ornamentals, and the first the- 250 botanists are involved in phase supported by São Paolo
ed. It was believed that its flo- sis in Brazil about flower post- the identification and descrip- state research support founda-
ral induction was caused by harvest. tion of all flowering. tion Fapesp. Work has been
cold alone, IAC research still to Last but not least, Dr Taís The project’s main objectives going on for 12 years now but
be published shows that for at Graziano reminds of how are to survey the state’s biodi- it is far from over. Even though
least one specific variety it recent the support to the sector versity while helping preserve the material for the next three
actually was day length. is. “Floriculture wasn’t taken its natural heritage. To that volumes is already in place, the

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Mixed bag of results in fifth record year for flower exports

s in many other exporting sectors of the less Reais than in 2004.
A Brazilian economy, the yellow light is According to Hórtica, a
Figure 1. The last five years have been consecutive
records for the export of flowers and plants from
definitely on for the export of flower and Brazilian consulting compa-
Brazil. Currency valuation is now threatening the
plants. The sector has taken its foot off the ny that analysed the
speed of its growth.
gas pedal due to the continued valuation of Ministry of Commerce data,
the currency, the Real (R$). Even though this seedlings continues to be 28
valuation progressed along 2005, the the sector’s main item,

US $ Million FOB
Brazilian exports of flower and plants still responsible for 46.5% of 24
managed to grow almost 10% (in US$) last total exports. It grew an 20
year, compared to 2004. Last year’s totals average of 5%, but more 30%
were the sector’s fifth consecutive export than doubled sales to coun- 16
*11% 13%
record (Figure 1), but celebrations were less- tries like Spain and
ened by the fact that the value of the US dol- Belgium. Brazil’s main
lar decreased 13.8% along 2005, on top of a buyer however remains the 8
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
previous 6.5% devaluation in 2004. Netherlands. Bulbs and
* increase from previous year
After years of a steadily devaluating exchange such come in second, with
rate to the dollar, the Real started to turn 24% of the total exported.
around along the second half of 2004, but the Composed mostly of gladiolus and amaryllis, and foliage were the only items decreasing in
sector’s outlook for 2005 was still optimistic. this item grew nearly 15% in 2005 compared value in 2005. They went down almost 14%,
All along last year though, the export numbers to the year before. in spite of its recent entrance in the Far East
went down from initial projections of nearly The growth in exports of Brazilian fresh cut market. Fresh foliage however, the smallest
US$ 28 million to the actual US$ 25.75 mil- flowers was a modest 3.3%, but highlighted item in the exports list, grew the most last
lion. The average exchange rate of the US$ was by its entrance in the German and Swiss mar- year, a whopping 394%.
R$ 2.9 in 2004, but it went down to R$ 2.5 in kets, both of which imported above 1,000% Brazil’s greatest asset, when compared to
2005. The consequence is that international more than in 2004. This segment is closely other flower-exporting countries in the
sales and contracts are made in US$, but once monitored not only because it represents the southern hemisphere, is it has a home mar-
the exporter brings this currency home, it can most of the world’s plant market, but also ket to explore. The new Ibraflor board
buy less of the local money. This means that because it is demanding in quality and infra- (Brazilian Institute of Floriculture), elected
even though the sector’s total exports brought structure. The leading importer of this high last year, is expected to focus on increasing
more dollars home in 2005, they were worth added-value item was the US. Dried leaves per capita consumption.

end of the work is in sight for Bad news extinction, which increased to create spices, ornamentals
2016 only, with the fifteenth News is not always good from 200 six years ago to or pharmaceutical drugs.
volume. The schedule is to though, there are species previ- 1,020. The identification and Few other states have similar
release one book per year, each ously described that have not localisation of these species are projects, the previous reference
with detailed descriptions and yet been found, at least in the the basis for more effective work of such dimensions in
drawings of plants from differ- state. More than 500 collecting environmental conservation the country, Flora Brasiliensis,
ent habitats. The only group expeditions however, brought policies. was made by Bavarian botanist
not included in the most com- back species believed to be From the scientific perspec- Karl von Martius. Presenting
prehensive mapping of native extinct until some of the col- tive the Flora Project has gen- almost 23,000 plant species, it
vegetation to date is that of lected 20,000 plant samples erated 20 Master’s theses, five started out to be published in
non-flowering plants. These were studied. One important PhD dissertations and 30 sci- 1840 and was only concluded
are being investigated as well spin off from this same data entific articles so far. In practi- 66 years later. ❙
by a parallel project. has been the updating of the cal terms, possible new crops
list of species on the brink of are likely to have been found mauriciomathias@hotmail.com

28 FlowerTECH 2006, vol. 9/no. 2 www.HortiWorld.nl

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