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RESEARCH REVIEWS 10: 106–111 (2004)


Eric Courchesne*
Center for Autism Research, Children’s Hospital Research Center, La Jolla, California, and Neurosciences Department,
School of Medicine, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California

Due to the relatively late age of clinical diagnosis of autism, the early In humans, it is not until after this crucial phase of devel-
brain pathology of children with autism has remained largely unstudied. opment is largely over that autism is clinically recognized and
The increased use of retrospective measures such as head circumference,
along with a surge of MRI studies of toddlers with autism, have opened a diagnosed, typically between 2 and 4 years of age [Baron-Cohen
whole new area of research and discovery. Recent studies have now shown et al., 1992; De Giacomo and Fombonne, 1998; Lord and Risi,
that abnormal brain overgrowth occurs during the first 2 years of life in 2000; Rogers and DiLalla, 1990]. However, retrospective stud-
children with autism. By 2– 4 years of age, the most deviant overgrowth is ies, single case reports and parental comments indicate that signs
in cerebral, cerebellar, and limbic structures that underlie higher-order cog-
nitive, social, emotional, and language functions. Excessive growth is fol-
of abnormal behavior may sometimes appear as early as the first
lowed by abnormally slow or arrested growth. Deviant brain growth in year of life [Adrien et al., 1993; Dawson et al., 2000; Maestro et
autism occurs at the very time when the formation of cerebral circuitry is at al., 2002; Osterling and Dawson, 1994]. Because its presence
its most exuberant and vulnerable stage, and it may signal disruption of this ordinarily goes unrecognized until a later age, brain develop-
process of circuit formation. The resulting aberrant connectivity and dys- ment in autism during the crucial first 2 years of life has, with a
function may lead to the development of autistic behaviors. To discover the
causes, neural substrates, early-warning signs and effective treatments of single exception [Hashimoto et al., 1995], remained largely
autism, future research should focus on elucidating the neurobiological unstudied.
defects that underlie brain growth abnormalities in autism that appear Hints as to what might be happening during the first 2
during these critical first years of life. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
years appeared for the first time in recent studies that used either
MRDD Research Reviews 2004;10:106 –111.
head circumference [Courchesne et al., 2003] or MRI (Carper
and Courchesne, submitted; Carper and Courchesne; 2000;
Key Words: autism; brain growth; development; neuroimaging; head Carper et al., 2002; Courchesne et al., 2001; Sparks et al., 2002].
circumference; MRI; postmortem Because head circumference (HC) has been shown in HC-MRI
correlation studies to be a good indicator of brain size in young
autistic and normal children [Bartholomeusz et al., 2002], we
used HC as an indirect index of brain growth during these first

he first 2 years of life are unique and crucial in human 2 years of life [Courchesne et al., 2003]. The neuroanatomical
brain development. Bateson referred to this brief period state of the brain at the end of this critical 2-year period of
as a “window of opportunity.” Dobbing [1981] and development has been documented with MRI in prospective
Kinney et al. [1988] observed that it is also a time of particular studies of autism at the age of first clinical concern and referral
vulnerability to abnormal events and conditions. As Hutten- (Carper and Courchesne, submitted; Carper and Courchesne,
locher [2002] points out, this early vulnerability arises from the 2000; Carper et al., 2002; Courchesne et al., 2001; Sparks et al.,
fact that at birth, neural circuitry in the cerebral cortex is 2002].
relatively sparse; and the creation of mature, complex cerebral
circuitry depends heavily on neuronal growth in the first post-
natal months and years. These growth events cause the brain to HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE IN EARLY LIFE
triple in size during the first 2 years of life [Blinkov and Glezer, Retrospective studies of autism find HC is typically nor-
1968; Courchesne et al., 2000] and are marked by unparalleled mal average at birth [Gillberg and de Souza, 2002; Lainhart et
increases in synaptic numbers, dendritic and axonal growth, and
myelination [Huttenlocher, 2002; Kinney et al., 1988; Quartz Grant sponsors: This work is supported by grants from NIMH (2-ROI-MH36840) and
and Sejnowski, 1998]. These neuronal and glial growth pro- NINDS (2-RO1-NS-19855) awarded to Eric Courchesne. Thanks to Karen Pierce
and Philip Schwartzkroin for helpful comments on the article.
cesses form the circuits that underlie growing neurobehavioral *Correspondence to: Eric Courchesne, Center for Autism Research, 8110 La Jolla
capacity, with early maturing neuronal systems providing sen- Shores Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037. E-mail:
sory, perceptual, and basic memory functions, and later matur- Received 23 June 2004; Accepted 25 June 2004
Published online in Wiley InterScience (
ing systems providing working memory, social communication, DOI: 10.1002/mrdd.20020
language and speech, and self-awareness [Herschkowitz, 2000].
© 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
volumes exceeding normal average
[Courchesne et al., 2001]. The difference
in brain volume from normal in these
autistic toddlers was 10%. The Sparks et
al. study [2002] also showed brain vol-
ume of autistic 3- and 4-year-olds to be
about 10% larger than normal; addition-
ally, they found cerebrum, cerebellum,
and amygdala volumes to be larger than
normal. In a recent presentation at IM-
FAR, Piven, (2004), reported similar re-
sults from an MRI study in progress. Last,
in a new MRI study of 2- to 5-years-olds
from our laboratory, we found that both
girls and boys with autism had signifi-
cantly enlarged whole-brain volume
(Bloss and Courchesne, submitted). At 2
to 4 years of age, a 10% greater brain
volume translates into roughly a 1.5-cm
greater HC in children with autism as
compared to normal controls [Bar-
tholomeusz et al., 2002].

Given these differences in brain vol-
ume, an important question is whether the
entire brain is uniformly enlarged (at 2– 4
years) or whether the enlargement occurs
differentially in only specific regions. A fur-
Fig. 1. Age-related changes in head circumference during infancy in autism spectrum disorder
shown. At birth and at 1–2-months of age, head circumference in a longitudinal autism spectrum
ther question is whether enlargement re-
disorder group was statistically significantly below the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention flects abnormality in gray matter, white
(CDC) mean for healthy infants, but by 6 –14 months of age, it was more than 1.0 SD (84th matter, or both. A recent study showed
percentile) above the mean for healthy infants. The CDC mean of healthy infants at each age is 0. that in 2- to 3-year-olds, overall brain en-
Error bars are SEM. Reproduced with permission from Courchesne et al. [2003] largement was found to be due to signifi-
cant increases in cerebral white matter (by
18%), cerebral gray matter (by 12%), and
cerebellar white matter (by 39%) (but not
al., 1997; Stevenson et al., 1997] or higher than that at 6 –14 months (Fig. 1). cerebellar gray matter) [Courchesne et al.,
slightly smaller than normal at birth and This observation raises the possibility that 2001]. Within the cerebrum, dorsolateral
1–2 months of age [Courchesne et al., the process of abnormally accelerated and medial frontal regions in 2- to 4-year-
2003] (Fig. 1). Because HC is a good brain growth may conclude during old autistic children were most abnormal,
indicator of brain size at young ages, it the 2nd year of life. A follow-up study whereas occipital lobes were not signifi-
can be concluded that the brains of most in our laboratory which compared autis- cantly different from normal [Carper and
autistic newborns are definitely not larger tic infants to normal healthy infants (n ⫽ Courchesne, submitted; Carper et al.,
than normal. 225) as well as the CDC norms (Pierce, 2002] (Fig. 2). In addition, temporal gray
We recently reported results from a Wideman, Courchesne, in progress) has matter and parietal white matter volumes
longitudinal study of changes in HC dur- replicated and extended this finding of were significantly enlarged. Consistent
ing the first 2 years of life in a sample of abnormally rapid and excessive HC with the differential enlargement of the
autism spectrum disorder (ASD) patients growth during the first 2 years of life in frontal and temporal gray matter, an MRI
(Courchesne et al., 2003). The group autism. sulcal mapping study of autistic preadoles-
included both autistic disorder (the se- cents showed anterior and superior shifting
vere end of the spectrum) and pervasive BRAIN OVERGROWTH IN of several sulci, with the greatest deviations
developmental disorder-not otherwise AUTISM AT 2– 4 YEARS: seen in the superior frontal, inferior frontal,
specified (the mild end) patients. As QUANTITATIVE MRI and superior temporal sulci and the Sylvian
compared to the HC norms from the ANALYSES fissure [Levitt et al., 2003].
Center for Disease Control and Preven- If HC in autistic infants grows be- The neuroanatomy in girls with
tion (CDC), the HC in the ASD groups yond normal HC during the first 2 years autism has been little studied. In a new
was at the 25th percentile at birth and of life, then direct quantitative MRI MRI study, we compared brain volumes
then increased rapidly to the 84th per- measurements at 2– 4 years of age ought in 2- to 5-year-old girls with autism to
centile by 6 –14 months of age (Fig. 1). to show that autistic toddlers have abnor- normal age-matched girls as well as to 2-
This period of abnormally accelerated mally large brain volumes. Three MRI to 5-year-old boys with autism by nor-
HC increase was largely concluded by studies now show this to be the case. In malizing volumes first (Bloss and
the end of the 2nd year of life; by 15–28 the first MRI study of brain size in au- Courchesne, submitted). We found that
months HC was only 2 percentile points tistic toddlers, we found that 90% had for several structures—including whole
this information has come from older excessive excitatory output from the cere-
ages: adults, adolescents, and older chil- bellum, a consequence of reduced inhibi-
dren with autism. One postmortem study tory Purkinje cell input to deep cerebellar
reported malformations of the cerebellar nuclei.
cortex, Purkinje neuron loss, cerebellar This remarkably consistent picture of
white defects, and abnormal expression microscopic, macroscopic, and functional
of nicotinic receptors in the same sample reductions in the cerebellum stands in sharp
of autistic cases [Lee et al., 2002]. Other contrast to recent MRI volumetric findings
studies also found reductions in Purkinje in very young autistic children. Sparks et al.
neuron numbers [Bailey et al., 1998; [2002] reported a significant increase of 7%
Bauman and Kemper; 1994; Lee et al., in the volume of the whole cerebellum in
2002], and one study found reductions in 3- and 4-year-old autistic children. In a
Bcl-2 in cerebellar cortex [Fatemi et al., study in which we separately measured the
2001]. MRS studies have reported re- volumes of cerebellar gray and white mat-
ductions in NAA relative to controls ter and the vermis, in 2- and 3-year-old
[Chugani et al., 1999; Otsuka et al., autistic and normal children [Courchesne
1999] (a finding consistent with reduc- et al., 2001], we found that cerebellar white
tion in neuron numbers, synapses or neu- matter volume was dramatically (39%)
ron viability). FMRI studies report re- greater than that in the normal children
duction in activation during attention [Courchesne et al., 2001]. In contrast, we
tasks in cerebellar regions reported to also found that cerebellar gray matter vol-
have the most Purkinje neuron reduc- ume was not enlarged, the gray/white ra-
tions, namely posterior neocerebellar tio was abnormally small, and vermis lob-
hemispheres [Allen and Courchesne, ules VI–VII were reduced [Courchesne et
2003]. Brain– behavior studies report that al., 2001]. The fact that cerebellar white
reduction in a measure of vermis anat- matter is abnormally increased complicates
Fig. 2. In autistic 2- to 4-year-old children, omy is significantly correlated with ab- the effort to measure cerebellar gray matter
frontal lobes have the most abnormal en- normality in orienting attention [Harris volumes. Cerebellar cortex is very thin
largement of white- and gray-matter vol-
umes. For each white- and gray-matter re- et al., 1999; Townsend et al., 1999] and (only about 1 mm) and highly convoluted,
gion, volumes were converted to z scores for exploration [Pierce and Courchesne, and the folia and lobules are highly envagi-
each 2- to 4-year-old autistic child, based on 2001]. An association has recently been nated with white matter fiber tracts. Cur-
the means and standard deviations of nor- found between autism and the EN-2 rent widely used MRI volumetric imaging
mal children of the same age. The zero on
the y axis indicates the normal mean and
gene, a cerebellar patterning gene (Gha- procedures simply lack the spatial resolu-
y-axis values indicate z scores above this nor- rani et al., 2004). EN-2 mutations are tion to accurately and separately resolve the
mal mean. Among autistic 2- to 4-year-old known to cause reductions in Purkinje cerebellar cortex (gray matter) and these
children, frontal and parietal white-matter and other cerebellar neurons and folial white matter tracts in folia and lobules. So,
volumes and frontal and temporal gray-mat- malformation in animal studies. The im- if white matter is as much as 39% increased
ter volumes were each significantly larger
(asterisks) than normal. Error bars are stan- portance of cerebellar abnormality in the in autism, then current methodology will
dard error of the mean for autistic children. development of autism is also suggested necessarily report whole cerebellar gray
Reproduced with permission from Carper et by a report that among monozygotic matter volumes that are proportionally in-
al. [2002] twins, one of whom has autism, discor- flated by these white matter changes.
dance for autism is paralleled by discor- Why then, do so many studies report
dance in cerebellar— but not cerebral— reduction in the size of one or another
anatomical volumes [Kates et al., 2004]. region of the vermis in autism [Carper and
brain, cerebrum, frontal cortex, and tem- In the largest autism MRI study of Courchesne, 2000; Courchesne et al.,
poral cortex— enlargement was greater the cerebellar vermis (over 200 autistic and 2001; Hashimoto et al., 1995; Kaufmann et
in girls than boys with autism. Moreover, normal subjects), Hashimoto et al. [1995] al., 2003; Levitt et al., 1999]? The answer
every structural volume abnormality reported underdevelopment of the cerebel- might be that, unlike the cerebellar hemi-
present in boys with autism was also lar vermis in autistic individuals ranging spheres, the vermis has very little white
present in girls with autism. Additionally, from infants to adolescents. In a study of 3- matter volume and so vermis provides a
girls with autism showed substantial re- to 9-year-old children, a reduced size of the better index of cerebellar gray matter ab-
duction in cerebellar gray matter volumes cerebellar vermis lobules VI–VII was found normality than do the hemispheres. Be-
as compared to normal girls as well as to to be specific to autistic children compared cause Purkinje neuron loss is the single
boys with autism. Thus, at least in this with normal, fragile X, fragile X with au- most consistent neural defect known for
first study of neuroanatomy in young tism, Down syndrome with autism and autism, and the loss occurs in the hemi-
girls with autism, brain developmental Down syndrome children [Kaufmann et spheres as well as vermis, future MRI re-
abnormalities appear to be more severe in al., 2003]. In another recent study, the pos- search will have to use new imaging meth-
girls than in boys with autism. terior vermis was found to be significantly ods to get an accurate measure in vivo of
reduced in size in autistic children [Levitt et cerebellar gray matter. In the meantime,
THE CEREBELLUM IN AUTISM: al., 1999]. Interestingly, we previously reports of cerebellar gray volumes based on
A SITE OF DEVELOPMENTAL found that increased frontal volumes and commonly used imaging techniques are
ABNORMALITY decreased cerebellar vermal volumes were unlikely to provide accurate information.
To date, a large number of struc- linked in autism [Carper and Courchesne, Because the cerebellum plays a role
tural and functional studies have reported 2000]. We suggested that frontal over- in perception, attention, memory, lan-
cerebellar abnormality in autism. Most of growth in early life could be a result of guage, novelty exploration, and emotion
[Allen et al., 1997; Allen and Courchesne, Maximum cerebral gray matter volume is followed by abnormally slow or ar-
1998; Courchesne and Allen, 1997; Levi- in autistic individuals was reached by 2– 4 rested growth. Thus, it is quite likely
sohn et al., 2000; Middleton and Strick, years of age, about 4 to 6 years earlier that, despite the initial aberrant over-
1994; Pierce and Courchesne, 2001; Pierce than normal. Carper et al., [Carper et al., growth phase, development in these neu-
and Courchesne, 2002; Schmahmann, 2002] found that frontal and temporal ral systems is, in fact, curtailed. Neuronal
1997], it has been theorized that its devel- cortical gray matter increase by 20% and underdevelopment and abnormal cir-
opmental abnormality likely contributes to 17%, respectively, in normal children be- cuitry is the likely final outcome in the
dysfunction in these several neurobe- tween 2– 4 and 6 – 8 years of age, but autistic brain. This view is consistent
havioral areas in autism [Allen and change by 1% and –1%, respectively, in with histological, molecular, MRS and
Courchesne, 1998; Courchesne and Allen, autism. functional neuroimaging studies, as re-
1997; Mostofsky et al., 2000; Pierce and Seven MRI studies have reported cently reviewed [Courchesn et al., 2004].
Courchesne, 2001]. Therefore, it is impor- no significant difference from normal in Courchesne and Pierce [in press]
tant for future studies to replicate and elu- autistic brain volume at ages 5–13 years suggest that large pyramidal neurons in
cidate the neurobiological reasons and de- [Kates et al., 2004], 7–11 years [Herbert association cortices, especially in frontal
velopment and functional consequences of et al., 2003], 5–16 years [Courchesne et cortex where growth dysregulation in
the extreme and remarkable increase in al., 2001], 8 – 45 years [Hardan et al., autism is most extreme, may be most
cerebellar white matter. 2003], 18 – 40 years [Tsatsanis et al., abnormally underdeveloped and that this
2003], 17– 47 years [Rojas et al., 2002], defect may be pivotal. Pyramidal neurons
LATER CHILDHOOD IN and 13– 46 years [Aylward et al., 2002]. in frontal cortex play a key role in inte-
AUTISM: REDUCED AND Aylward et al. [2002] reported brain vol- grating information from multiple func-
ARRESTED BRAIN GROWTH ume in autism to be larger than normal in tional domains (e.g., sensory, emotional,
In normal brain development, fur- 8- to 12-year-olds but not in adolescents autonomic, social) and in providing es-
ther growth, synaptic selection, and neuro- and adults. Dager [2004] reported pre- sential higher-order, top-down influ-
nal and circuit elaboration continues liminary findings from a 3-year longitu- ences on lower-level systems. Develop-
throughout childhood; in the cases of my- dinal study of the 3- to 4-year-olds who ment in these large integrating and
elination and synapse formation and selec- had been in the Sparks et al. [2002] study. projecting neurons is protracted. For ex-
tion, these processes continue well into As described above, those autistic chil- ample, layer III pyramidal neurons in
adult life. For instance, frontal gray matter dren had brain volumes exceeding nor- frontal cortex have dendritic arbors that
volumes increase 20% between early child- mal children by about 10%; however, 3 are only 3% of mature size at birth, only
hood and the end of childhood [Carper et years later, that difference had entirely 50% at 2 years of age, and not fully ma-
al., 2002], maximum volumes not being disappeared. An interesting exception ture until the end of childhood [Hutten-
reached until about 10 to 12 years of age. was the amygdala, which did not show locher, 2002]. Early developmental dis-
The size of dendritic arbors in frontal cor- this effect and remained larger than nor- ruption or reduced numbers of large
tex doubles between 2 and about 8 years of mal. This exception raises the possibility frontal pyramidal neurons will result in
age [Schade and van Groenigen, 1961]. that there may be spatiotemporal heter- reduced long distance cortico-cortical
Myelination and axon growth are substan- ogeneity in the growth reduction phase connectivity and reduced top-down
tial throughout childhood. For example, of autistic brain maldevelopment. control capacity; this disruption, in turn,
cerebral white matter volumes increase might trigger local and short-distance
59% between about 2–3 and 16 years of CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE overconnectivity. In this sense, autism
age [Courchesne et al., 2001]. In fact, ce- DIRECTIONS may be an unusual disconnection disor-
rebral white matter volume continues to Recent MRI and HC studies lead der with sparing (or perhaps even en-
increase through middle age [Courchesne to the conclusion that early abnormal hancement) of lower-level basic process-
et al., 2000], and the corpus callosum con- growth processes underlie the emergence ing, but also with an impaired capacity to
tinues to grow throughout childhood and of autistic behavior during the first years fully integrate lower-level detailed infor-
into adulthood [Pujol et al., 1993]. of life. These processes precede the clin- mation into higher-order meaningful
According to recent MRI studies, ical onset of the disorder and coincide contexts.
this slow and methodical maturing of the with the first appearance of more subtle The relationship between the post-
brain does not happen in autism. Instead, preclinical behavioral abnormalities. natal process of brain overgrowth and
following the relatively brief period of Thus, these studies provide the first evi- prenatal neural defects detected in the
overgrowth, there is a shift to reduced or dence of brain maldevelopment in process postmortem brain remain to be deter-
arrested growth. Structures that had been in the first years of life in autism. mined. Prenatal neural defects seen in
far larger than normal in the 2- or 3-year- The abnormal overgrowth is most postmortem studies include cells arrested
old autistic brain stop growing at an ac- marked in neural systems (frontal, tem- in migration to the cerebrum and cere-
celerated rate [Courchesne et al., 2001]. poral, cerebellar, limbic) that underlie the bellum, laminar disorganization in frontal
Eventually, brain volume in the normal higher-order cognitive, language, emo- cortex, and dysgenesis of a major input to
child “catches up” to the autistic brain. In tional and social functions known to be the cerebellum—the inferior olive. Per-
the first MRI study of age-related impaired in autism. Also, overgrowth oc- haps the postnatal brain overgrowth is a
changes from early childhood to adoles- curs at a stage in development when the reaction triggered by adverse events that
cence in autism, we found that cerebral circuits that mediate these functions are cause the prenatal defects. For example,
white matter volume increased 59% in being formed; this stage is well known to in an experiment designed to test a spe-
normal individuals, but only 11% in chil- be particularly vulnerable to disruption cific hypothesis regarding the etiology of
dren with autism [Courchesne et al., [Dobbing, 1981; Kinney et al., 1988]. autism [Fatemi et al., 2002], it was found
2001]. Maximum brain size was reached Further, these neural systems normally that prenatal influenza exposure in mice
in autism by about 3–5 years of age, need many years to develop fully, but the resulted in smaller brain sizes at birth but
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