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Guideline for Startup

of VRF systems

Content Page

Contents ………………………………………………………………………………….…. 2

Introduction .………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Before beginning of Startup

Startup …….………………..………..………………………………………………… 4 - 11

Appendix "Opening the injectors" ………………...…………………………………….. 12

Appendix "DIP switches" ……………..…………………………………………….. 13 - 15

Appendix „Readdressing“ …………...……………………………………………… 16 - 17

Appendix „DN code“ ………………...………………………………………………. 18 - 21

Appendix „Wiring“ ………………………………………………………………………… 22

Appendix „Calculation of the amount of Refrigerant “ ……………………..……. 23 - 27

Retrieval of outdoor units ……………….....……………………………………….. 28 - 32

Refrigeration scheme …………………..…...……………………………………… 33 - 40

Guideline for Startup - Page 2

Guideline for Startup
of TOSHIBA VRF systems
Read this guide, the installation instructions and the instructions for all components
and devices carefully before you start working.
The Toshiba Mini-SMMS, SMMSi and SHRMi systems are highly developed systems
whose components are well designed and developed. Therefore, use these systems
never with components of other manufacturer.
The installation, startup and servicing should be performed only by qualified and
trained people.

Before beginning of Startup

1. Check to see if you can work on all devices safely and securely.

2. Check if all units were installed as stated in installation manual and if any
transportation safety of the fans are removed.

3. Verify that for all devices future maintenance and repairs can be performed
(eg, inspection openings in ceilings)

4. Verify that the installation complies with the interpretation

(Pipe sizing, distribution ...).

5. Check the installation position of the valve and the insulation of the entire
pipeline system.

6. Check all electrical cables and wiring of the various bus lines. (See Appendix)

7. Check that all equipment is properly grounded and your electrical connection
complies with the applicable standards and regulations.

8. Check that the oil heaters were turned on in time (depending on ambient
temperature 2-5 hours) before the first operation of the compressors.
(After turning on the power supply for external devices the heaters turn on

Guideline for Startup - Page 3

The Startup
1. Leak test
After installation of pipes please perform a leak test in accordance with
applicable technical regulations. Do not exceed the maximum working
pressure of 37.3 bar.
1. min. 24 hours from 30 to 37 bar with nitrogen 5.0
2. To avoid that nitrogen flows over into the outdoor unit, we
recommend to connect the pipes to the outdoor unit not
before the leak test of the lines and indoor units. The
connection pipe - Outdoor unit should be pushed away with max.
20 bars.

2. Evacuation (SHRMi view)

Evacuate the system with two-stage vacuum pump according to the rules of
the art.
(The oil balance pipe must only be evacuated when several external devices
can be connected in a refrigeration cycle.)

3. Fill in refrigerant
Fill in the calculated amount of refrigerant (Refrigerant R410A) liquid into the
pipe system.
If the total capacity cannot be filled equally, the rest can be liquid filled slowly
during operation in the suction line.
(The calculation of the amount of refrigerant can be done by Dyna Doc
Software, the tables in the Installation Manual and on the table in Appendix
"Calculation of refrigerant charge.")
The calculated amount should be recorded legibly and durably on the header
outdoor unit.

Guideline for Startup - Page 4

4. Open the valves of the outdoor unit (SMMSi view).

Suction line

Liquid line

Oil equalization line

5. Central remote controller BUS

Let the white connector, which connects the indoor unit-BUS (U1/U2) to the central
controller-BUS (U3/U4) opened.

U5/U6: Bus between outdoor units 
U3/U4: Bus to the central control unit (TCC‐Link) 
U1/U2: Bus between outdoor/indoor units 

6. Set DIP switch

Set on the header outdoor unit the necessary and desired settings with the Dip
switch. (Please note system „DIP switch“)

(If multiple refrigeration circuits are controlled by a central controller device, the
cooling circuits are addressed with the help of the DIP switches on SW13 and

Guideline for Startup - Page 5

7. Power indoor units (IDU)
Turn on the power supply of the indoor units.

(The injection valves of the indoor units are opened by default and close when
turn on the power supply. If you are not sure whether the valves are open,
evacuate simultaneously to the suction and liquid line and note the attachment
"open the injectors")

(As long as the indoor units are not addressed, they can be switched on via
the remote control.)

8. Power outdoor unit (CDU)

Turn on the power supply of the outdoor units.
Verify that L1, L2, L3 and N are properly in place.
( Mini-SMMS only L1 and N )

The outdoor units address themselves immediately.

The master outdoor unit (U1/U2 bus to IG is only connected to the master unit)
displays after some time [U.1.L08]. The fault L08 appears, because the IGs
are not addressed yet.
At follower will be displayed after this step U2---, U3--- and U4---.

9. Automatic adressing
Start the automatic addressing of indoor units. The rotary switches SW1, SW2,
SW3 are on 1/1/1, press at the master outside unit the switch SW15 for 5 sec.

The display shows successively AUTO1, AUTO2, AUTO3 .... till AUTO9.
(The address can take depending on the size of the system up to 15 min.)

Guideline for Startup - Page 6

(This display is independent of the number of connected indoor units. With this
display only the various steps of addressing are displayed.)

After the last step, the outdoor unit starts the electronics new. If the outdoor
unit displays [U.1.---], the addressing is completed.

10. Check IDU number

After addressing has to be checked, with these settings, on the rotary switches
SW1, SW2, SW3, how many indoor units were found through the

SW1, SW2, SW3 = 1/4/3.

(On 1st and 2nd place of display the number of connected indoor units is
displayed. On 3rd place a C is displayed for COOLING. On 4th and 5th place the
number of units is displayed which demand cooling power currently. If all units
were turned off, on the 5th place is displayed 0.)

Guideline for Startup - Page 7

This example shows 4 devices connected, 0 devices require cooling capacity

(If at addressing less devices have been found than are connected, the bus wiring and the
power supply of the non-detected devices can be checked.
(The "not found" (= not addressed) devices can be located most easily by turning on all indoor
units at the remote controls -> unaddressed indoor units cannot be turned on.) If the reason
for not addressing is resolved, you can insert the affected indoor unit later in the system, or
delete the previously assigned addresses and start the new automatic addressing (see
Appendix "readdressing")).

(11.) FS-BOX (FlowSelector) connection

For SHRMi systems a specialty should be noted:
When multiple indoor units are connected to a FS box, make sure that:

1. The FS-Box is connected to the master unit

2. At all follower of Group the DN code 0E has to be set to 0001. (See
Appendix DN code)

(If that is not the case, disturbances may occur.

Now the indoor units are powered up and tested.)

12. Fan test run

Check the operation of the condenser fan first.

Set SW1/SW2/SW3 on 2/1/4 and push SW04 for 2 seconds. At display the
speed of the fan is shown. So you can check the system up to unwanted
noise. The speed can be adjusted and tested according to the table below.
Always start at the highest speed.

Guideline for Startup - Page 8

7-digit display [B] fan speed 7-digit display [B] fan speed

Stop the test by pressing 1x SW05.

13. Single - test run

Make a unit test run. The system controls if all found indoor units belong
actually to own refrigeration system and are operational.

Above 10 ° C ambient temperature the test has to be carried out in the

cooling mode. Below 10 ° C the heating mode is required.
- For cooling mode test set on the rotary switches: SW1 = 2, = 1, SW2, SW3 = 1
- For heating mode test set on the rotary switches: SW1 = 2, = 2 SW2, SW3 = 1

At display [JC] appears for Cool Mode or [JH] for Heat Mode. Then press
SW04 for 5 seconds to start the test.

After termination of the test the system shows the number of incorrectly
connected devices.

Guideline for Startup - Page 9

This example shows: 2 incorrectly connected devices

Exampel. 0 error = [0P]

2 error = [2P]

(If errors occur, run the test again in another mode (Cool
or Heat). If errors still occur, then check the wiring and
piping connections for the affected devices. Through
pressing the SW05 the addresses of the affected internal
device addresses are displayed.)

To end the test, turn the switches SW1, SW2 and SW3 on 1/1/1

14. Test run cooling or heating

Set the rotary switch to the desired test run mode:
Cooling: SW1,SW2,SW3=> 2/5/1
Heating: SW1,SW2,SW3=> 2/6/1)
Start the test run through pressing SW04 for 5 seconds.

To stop the test run, turn the switches SW1, SW2, SW3 to 1/1/1.

15. Follower systems

Operate the steps 1-14 to master outdoor units of all other refrigeration cycles.
If no central control device (central control, on-off controller, LON Gateway ...)
will be used, the

addressing is completed .

16. Central controller

To use the central controller devices, it is necessary to join the central
controller bus and to set the DIP - switch SW30 (see Appendix DIP switch).

Guideline for Startup - Page 10

To start up the central controller, please use the appropriate manuals.

Guideline for Startup - Page 11

Appendix "Opening the injectors"
The injection valves of indoor units can be forced open.
To do this, set the leadership outdoor unit SW1, SW2, SW3 on 2/3/1
The display shows [P. in]

Press SW04for about 2 seconds.

The display shows [P. FF].
The injection valves of indoor units open now completely.


The valves remain open for only 2 minutes.

In order to keep open the valves longer, e.g. for evacuating the system, just turn off
the power to the indoor unit when the valves are "open".
(In case of power failure, the valves stay in current position.)

Guideline for Startup - Page 12

Appendix "DIP switches"

DIP switches can be switched only with power supply.

1. Priorities for mode adjustment

Over the DIP switch SW11 on master outdoor unit [U1] different priorities for the
mode adjustment of the corresponding system cycle can be selected.

Priority: Heating (Factory setting) Priority: According to No. Of indoor units

Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4


If at this setting an indoor unit is switched to heating In this setting, the outdoor unit switches depending
mode, then the outdoor unit is connected in the on the requirement of the indoor units between
heating mode, and all indoor units that are modes back and forth. I.e. are more devices in
connected in the cooling mode switch in Stand By cooling mode => outdoor unit switches to cooling.
mode. The devices in heating switch off, or vice versa.

Priority: Cooling Priority: Selected indoor unit

Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4


If at this setting an indoor unit is switched to cooling In this setting, the outdoor unit switches depending
mode, then the outdoor unit is connected in the on the requirements of a particular indoor unit (by
cooling mode, and all indoor units that are DN-defined code 04) between the modes back and
connected in the heating mode switch in Stand By forth. I.e. This unit is in cooling mode => outdoor
mode. unit switches to cooling. The devices in heating
switch off.

Guideline for Startup - Page 13

2. Increasing the pressure of the condenser fan (only SMMSi /

On the DIP switch SW10/Bit 2 on master outdoor unit [U1] different pressures of the
condenser fan can be set. The factory setting of the unit is set for outdoor operation.
If an exhaust pipe is built up to the unit, the pressure should be increased.

Once you are outside the operating limits, may cause damage to the

If the safety gate on the unit is dismantled, the external pressure

can be increased by 10 Pa

3. System address at several outdoor units groups

When multiple cooling circuits are controlled by a central control unit, the individual
circuits have to be addressed over the DIP switch SW13 and SW14.

The adjustment of the addresses occurs only at the master outdoor units [U.1.].

Setting the cooling circuit addresses

unused dip switches (do not change settings)

Guideline for Startup - Page 14

4. Excessive internal device power

Setup of Header
Turn on Bit 2 of SW09 on the interface PC Board of header unit.
(Setting to avoid error (E16), too high capacity of indoor units.)

5. Set first for startup of the central control.

At all master outdoor units where the system address is not 1, the BIT 2 has to be set
on DIP switch SW30 to Off. On System 1 Bit 2 has to remain at On.

In several systems, a system must always be addressed with 1.

Header unit
After the setting of Follower Header unit Follower Header unit

Relays Relays Relays

connector connector connector

Remote Remote Remote Remote

controller controller controller controller

Single system Group

Guideline for Startup - Page 15

Appendix "Readdressing"

1. Fit in indoor units into a system:

Method 1: Set, with help of a wired remote control the refrigerant circuit-, indoor unit-,
group- and central address at the added interior part with unused values. See
Appendix DN code.
Recommended, if only a few indoor units will be added.

Method 2: If a system is extended, or at the addressing an error occurred and an

indoor unit is not found, you can insert either indoor units in a system, or delete the
addresses of the indoor units and start the automatic addressing new.
In both functions, the connector (U1/U2-U3/U4) to the central controller BUS (if
connected) has to be separated and SW30 Bit 2 is set to On.
Set on rotary switches SW01/SW02/SW03 on the header outdoor unit to the
positions 2/14/2.

The display shows [in. At].

Push SW04 for at least 5 seconds.

The display shows in sequence AUTO1, AUTO2, AUTO3 .... till AUTO9.

Then reset SW30 Bit 2 and connect the connector again.

Guideline for Startup - Page 16

2. Delete the refrigerant circuit-, indoor units- and group
Set the rotary switches SW01/SW02/SW03 on the master outdoor unit to the
positions 2/1/2.

The display shows [A.d.b.u.S.].

Press SW04 for at least 5 seconds.

The display shows [A.D. . C.I.]. Hereby the refrigerant circuit address (DN code 12),
indoor unit address (DN13) and the group addressing is deleted (DN 14).

Set the rotary switch again to 1/1/1 and restart the automatic addressing when
[U1L08] is shown on display.

3. Delete the central addresses:

To delete the central addresses (DN 03) set the rotary switches SW01/SW02/SW03
on the master outdoor unit to the positions 2/2/2.
The display shows [A.d.nET.].
Press SW04 for at least 5 seconds.
The display shows [A.D. . C.I.]. Herewith the central addresses are deleted. Central
addresses cannot be assigned by the external device, but only with a central remote
control or automatically each indoor unit individually with a wired remote control.

Guideline for Startup - Page 17

Appendix "DN-code"

Before changing the DN menu make always sure that you are in the
right unit and DN code. Incorrectly use can cause irreparably damage.

Instructions to amend DN codes with the cable remote controller


1. Press simultaneously SET + CL + TEST buttons for 4 seconds or more.

(In a group control, the firstly displayed number is the address of the header
2. In a group control, select with UNIT button that indoor unit wherein the
values have to be changed.
(The fan of the selected indoor unit is turned on.)
3. Use the buttons to adjust the temperature to the desired DN code.
4. Change with the buttons for setting the time the value of the DN codes.
5. Press SET to confirm.
6. To save and exit the menu, press TEST.

Guideline for Startup - Page 18

Instructions to amend DN codes with the cable remote controller

1. Press the menu button to access the menu

2. Press the menu button and the temperature down button simultaneously
for at least 5 seconds to reach the next submenu.
3. Then go with the arrow keys to point "DN Settings" and press „F2“.
4. Select with help of arrow keys the code which has to be changed and
change between both fields by using „F1“ and „F2“ button
5. After changing of the code, press „FIX“ to save.
6. For exit press the „Back“ button.

Menu / FIX


Temperature + / -

The most important DN codes

Code Function
03 Central address
10 Indoor unit type
11 Indoor unit capacity
12 Refrigerant address
13 Indoor unit address
14 Single or group control
28 Activate automatic restart after power default
0F Heat pump or cooling only function
32 Temperature sensor selection (device or remote controller)

Guideline for Startup - Page 19

DN-Code Chart
DN‐ Code  Name  Description   
0001=150 Std. 
Filter sign displayed after selected time has elapsed ‐  or by  0002=250 Std. 
01  Intervall filter alarm time 
external pressure switch (CN70)  0003=500 Std. 
0004=1000 Std. 
0005=ext. switch (CN70) 

02  protection intensity  Halved the values of DN01 
0001=high pollution in space 

In conjunction with the central control unit 0001=address 1, etc. 
03  Network address 
Adjustment: 0‐64 (0000‐0064)  0099=undefined 

Priority of a specific  On the outer part SW11 0000=No priority 

indoor unit   Bit 1+2 on = Priority specific indoor unit  0001=Priority 

Change of heating  0001=+1°C, etc. 
Adaptation to space heating temperature conditions. 
06  temperature (setpoint  0002=+2°C (default) 
Adjustment: 0‐10°C (0000‐0010) 
value)  0010=+10°C 

0d  AUTO Mode  Deactivating of Auto mode 
0001=not available 

Header/Slave Internal 
parts (For SHRMi systems,  Flowswitch box conneted to the header  0000=Single unit (Header) 
when using distribution  Set all followers of the group to 0001  0001=Follower (Slave) 

0000=heat pump 
0F  Only cooling  Deactivating of HEAT & AUTO Mode  
0001=cooling only 

2d  Only heating  Deactivating of COOL & DRY 0008=heating only 

0000=1‐way cassette (Series SH)
0001=4‐way cassette (Series H) 
0002=2‐way cassette (Series WH) 
0003=1‐way cassette (Series YH) 
0004=series duct (Series BH) 
0007=Ceiling Type (Series H) 
0008=High‐wall Type (Serie H + MH) 
10  Indoor type  Set according to design of the unit 
0010=Floor Standing Cabinet Type 
0011=Floor Standing Concealed Type 
0012=Floor Standing Type (14‐16 kW) 
0013=Floor Standing Type (4,5‐11,2 kW) 
0014=4‐way cassette (Serie MH) 
0016=Fresh Air Intake Inndoor Unit (HFE) 
0050=VN‐Air to Air Heat Exchanger 

0001=2,2kW  0015=9,0kW 
0003=2,8kW  0017=14,0kW 
0005=3,6kW  0018=16,0kW 
Set according to the type of the device  0007=4,5kW  0021=22,4kW 
11  Indoor unit capacity 
(Power Reduction NOT possible!)  0009=5,6kW  0023=28,0kW 
0011=7,1kW  0099=unfixed 

0001=system 1, etc. 
12  Refrigerant cycle address  Adjustment: 0‐30 (0000‐0030) 

0001=address 1, etc. 
13  Indoor unit address  Adjustment: 0‐64 (0000‐0064) 

0099=factory setting 
0000=Single indoor unit 
14  Group master/Slave  multiple indoor units to a remote control 
0001=group master 
0002=group slave 

19  Louver functions  Availability/Type Louver  0001=AC motor 
0004=stepper motor 

Guideline for Startup - Page 20

DN‐ Code  Name  Description   
Minimum requirement of  0000=5 minutes 
1b  Minimum time to the execution of the operating mode 
HEAT or COOL  0001=4 minutes 

Adaptation of the cooling temperature at ambient 
Temperature Offset in  0004=4°C 
1C  conditions. 
cooling mode  0005=5°C 
Adjustment: 0‐10°C (0000‐0010) 

Switching temperature difference between COOL and 
Neutral Zone in Auto  HEAT.  0003=3°C (TS +/‐ 1,5 °C) 
mode  (Accuracy = data value / 2)  0010=10°C 
Adjustment: 0‐10 (0000‐0010) 

1F  Max. Temperature COOL Cooling mode maximum temperature setting 0029=29°C, etc. 

20  Min. Temperature COOL  Cooling mode minimum temperature setting 0018=18°C, etc. 

21  Max. Temperature HEAT Heating mode maximum temperature setting 0029=29°C, etc. 

22  Min. Temperature HEAT  Heating mode minimum temperature setting 0018=18°C, etc. 

23  Max. Temperature DRY  Dry mode maximum temperature setting 0029=29°C, etc. 

24  Min. Temperature DRY  Dry mode minimum temperature setting 0018=18°C, etc. 

25  Max. Temperature AUTO Auto mode maximum temperature setting 0029=29°C, etc. 

26  Min. Temperature AUTO Auto mode minimum temperature setting 0018=18°C, etc. 

28  Auto restart enable  Selective restart after power failure 
0001= on 

0000=ext. filter input 
Function assignment contact CN70.  0001=ext. alarm input 
2A  Ext. Error input (CN70) 
(Series 2 wall unit ‐> condensate pump)  0002=ext. humidifier input  
          (factory setting) 

0001=restart in the same mode, such as when   
2E  HA connector(CN61)  Function assignment contact CN61 (HA terminal) 
  switching off 
0002=fire alarm input 

0000=off (factory setting) 
31  Ext. Fan control (CN32)  Activating of „FAN“ button on the remote controller 
0001=CN32 ON/OFF 

0000=Sensor on air conditioner 
32  Selection TA Sensor  Adaptation to ambient conditions 
0001=remote sensor 

33  Temperature unit  Display TS on remote controller 
0001=°F (Fahrenheit) 

Actual display on remote  Current actual temperature is displayed on remote control  0000=Setpoint Temperature 

controller  display  0001=Actual Temperature 

Series duct: 
0000=Standard (40 Pa) 
0001=average pressure (70 Pa) 
0003=high pressure (90/100 Pa) 
0005=low noise 
For very large room heights, when using a special filter or if 
5d  Airflow adjustment  0006=low pressure (20 Pa) 
called for stronger external pressure 
4‐way cassettes, ceiling units: 
0000=Standard filter 
0001=Super long‐life‐filter 
0003=high ceilings from 3.5 m (in group circuit) 

60  Timer‐lock  Activation timer operation in wired remote controller 

62  Coander Effect  Only at 4‐way cassettes 
0001=Jumper change from C112 to CN110  

Correction of start  0000=normal 
8b  Only DI wall units 
temperature HEAT  0001=high temperature 

8c  Forced defrost  After activation it resets automatically 

Guideline for Startup - Page 21

Appendix „Wiring“

1. Conductor

3-phase, 50 Hz,
380-415 V, earth Earth
leakage breaker,
manual switch

Outdoor unit
Current source

branching box
Indoor unit
Current source

1-phase, 50 Hz,
220-240 V, earth
leakage breaker,
power switch

Model Outdoor unit-current source
MMY-AP***T8, HT8 3-phase, 380-415 V, 50 Hz___

2. BUS cable and shielding

All bus lines have to be executed, depending on the length, as a 2-wire, shielded,
flexible, 1.5 mm² strong lines. The BUS line between the devices should be looped,
in series, from the first to the last device.

Connect the indoor unit-BUS (U1/U2) only to the header outdoor unit.

The shielding of the bus cable should be looped at the indoor units, but without being
connected to ground. The shielding should be placed only on the outdoor unit on
Central Open
Remote Looped
controller GROUNDED




Guideline for Startup - Page 22

Appendix „Calculation of the amount of Refrigerant “

Additional refrigerant charge  Compensation
Real length 
refrigerant charge     R (kg)  = 
of liquid pipe 
x amount per liquid pipe 1m  + by outdoor HP 
amount at site  (Table 1)  (Table 2) 


Calculate the additional amount of refrigerant from the following:

Additional amount of refrigerant by pipe length (Table 1)

Pipe dia at Standard amount of Additional amount of
liquid side refrigerant kg/m Total pipe length at each liquid side refrigerant pipe dia at
each liquid side kg

Ø 6.4 0.025 × = kg

Ø 9.5 0.055 × = kg
Additional amount of refrigerant by pipe kg
length (A)

Next, refer to the following table for the corrective amount of refrigerant (B) by system capacity.

Compensation by outdoor HP (Table 2)

Outdoor unit capacity type Compensation by outdoor HP kg

0401 Type –0.8

0501 Type –0.4

0601 Type 0

Finally add the additional amount of refrigerant by pipe length (A) to the corrective amount of refrigerant by system
capacity (B). This is the final additional amount of refrigerant.

If the result is indicated as a negative, do not add any refrigerant. Do not add the refrigerant (=0kg).

Additional refrigerant charge amount at site (R)

Additional amount of refrigerant by pipe length (Table 1) kg

Compensation by outdoor HP (Table 2) kg

Additional amount of refrigerant (R) kg

Guideline for Startup - Page 23


Prefilled refrigerant

Heat pump Outdoor unit type MAP080 MAP100 MAP120 MAP140 MAP160
Charging amount (kg) 11.5

Table 1
Pipe dia at Standard amount of Additional amount of
liquid side refrigerant kg/m Total pipe length at each liquid side refrigerant pipe dia at
each liquid side kg

Ø 6.4 0.025 × = kg

Ø 9.5 0.055 ×

Ø 12.7 0.105 x

Ø 15.9 0.160 x

Ø 19.1 0.250 x

Ø 22.2 0.350 × = kg
Additional amount of refrigerant by pipe kg
length (A)

Table 2
C (Corrective
Combined HP
Combined outdoor units (HP) amount of
(HP) refrigerant) (kg)
8 8 HP – – – 1.5
10 10 HP – – – 2.5
12 12 HP – – – 3.5
14 14 HP – – – 8.5
16 16 HP – – – 10.5
18 10 HP 8 HP – – 0.0
20 10 HP 10 HP – – 3.0
22 12 HP 10 HP – – 5.0
24 12 HP 12 HP – – 7.5
26 16 HP 10 HP – – 8.5
Standard type 28 16 HP 12 HP – – 9.5
30 16 HP 14 HP – – 11.5
32 16 HP 16 HP – – 12.5
34 12 HP 12 HP 10 HP – 3.0
36 12 HP 12 HP 12 HP – 4.0
38 16 HP 12 HP 10 HP – 6.0
40 16 HP 12 HP 12 HP – 7.0
42 16 HP 14 HP 12 HP – 8.0
44 16 HP 16 HP 12 HP – 10.0
46 16 HP 16 HP 14 HP – 12.0
48 16 HP 16 HP 16 HP – 14.0
16 8 HP 8 HP – – 0.0
24 8 HP 8 HP 8 HP – -4.0
High Efficiency 
type  26 10 HP 8 HP 8 HP – -4.0
28 10 HP 10 HP 8 HP – -2.0
30 10 HP 10 HP 10 HP – 0.0
32 8 HP 8 HP 8 HP 8 HP -6.0
Guideline for Startup - Page 24

34 10 HP 8 HP 8 HP 8 HP -6.0
High Efficiency 
type  36 10 HP 10 HP 8 HP 8 HP -6.0
38 10 HP 10 HP 10 HP 8 HP -6.0
40 10 HP 10 HP 10 HP 10 HP -5.0
42 12 HP 10 HP 10 HP 10 HP -4.0
44 12 HP 12 HP 10 HP 10 HP -2.0
46 12 HP 12 HP 12 HP 10 HP 0.0
48 12 HP 12 HP 12 HP 12 HP 2.0

Charging of refrigerant

• Keeping the valve of the outdoor unit closed, be sure to charge the liquid refrigerant into the service port at the
liquid side.

• If the specified amount of refrigerant cannot be charged, fully open the valves of the outdoor unit at liquid and
gas sides, operate the air conditioner in COOL mode, and then charge refrigerant into service port at the gas
side. In this time, choke the refrigerant slightly by operating the valve of the canister to charge liquid refrigerant.

• The liquid refrigerant may be charged suddenly, therefore be sure to charge refrigerant gradually.

Guideline for Startup - Page 25


Refilled refrigerant

Outdoor unit type MAP080 MAP100 MAP120 MAP140 MAP160

Charging amount (kg) 11.0

Additional refrigerant Corrective amount of

Additional refrigerant
Real length of charge amount per refrigerant depending
charge amount at = x x 1.3 +
liquid pipe 1m liquid pipe on HP of co-operating
local site
(Table 1) outdoor units (Table 2)

Table 1
Pipe dia at Standard amount of Additional amount of
liquid side refrigerant kg/m Total pipe length at each liquid side refrigerant pipe dia at
each liquid side kg

Ø 6.4 0.025 × = kg

Ø 9.5 0.055 ×

Ø 12.7 0.105 x

Ø 15.9 0.160 x

Ø 19.1 0.250 x

Ø 22.2 0.350 × = kg
Additional amount of refrigerant by pipe kg
length (A)

Table 2

Model name of Combination of outdoor units C (Corrective

Equivalent HP outdoor units MMY- amount of
MMY- refrigerant) (kg)
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
8 HP MAP0804* MAP0804* - - 2
10 HP MAP1004* MAP1004* - - 3
12 HP MAP1204* MAP1204* - - 8
14 HP MAP1404* MAP1204* - - 10
16 HP AP1614* MAP0804* MAP0804* - 0
18 HP AP1814* MAP1004* MAP0804* - 1.5
20 HP AP2014* MAP1004* MAP1004* - 3.5
22 HP AP2214* MAP1204* MAP1004* - 7.5
24 HP AP2414* MAP1404* MAP1004* - 8.5
26 HP AP2614* MAP1404* MAP1204* - 11
28 HP AP2814* MAP1404* MAP1404* - 12
30 HP AP3014* MAP1004* MAP1004* MAP1004* 2.5
32 HP AP3214* MAP1204* MAP1004* MAP1004* 5
34 HP AP3414* MAP1404* MAP1004* MAP1004* 6
36 HP AP3614* MAP1204* MAP1204* MAP1204* 8
38 HP AP3814* MAP1404* MAP1204* MAP1204* 9.5
40 HP AP4014* MAP1404* MAP1404* MAP1204* 11
42 HP AP4214* MAP1404* MAP1404* MAP1404* 12.5

Guideline for Startup - Page 26

Charging of refrigerant

• Keeping the valve of the outdoor unit closed, be sure to charge the liquid refrigerant into the service port at the
liquid side.

• If the specified amount of refrigerant cannot be charged, fully open the valves of the outdoor unit at liquid and
gas sides, operate the air conditioner in COOL mode, and then charge refrigerant into service port at the gas
side. In this time, choke the refrigerant slightly by operating the valve of the canister to charge liquid refrigerant.

• The liquid refrigerant may be charged suddenly, therefore be sure to charge refrigerant gradually.

Guideline for Startup - Page 27

Retrieval of outdoor units
(1) Display of System Information (Displayed on Header Outdoor Unit Only)

SW01 SW02 SW03 Display detail

Unused A B

System capacity A [...8]'-[48]:8 to 48 HP

B [HP]
No. of outdoor units A [...1]'-[...4]:1 to 4
B [...P]
No. of indoor units connected/ A [...0.]'-[48.]:0 to 48 (No. of units connected)
4 No. of units with cooling thermo ON
B [C...0]'-[C48]:0 to 48 (No. of units with cooling thermo ON)
No. of indoor units connected/ A [...0.]'-[48.]:0 to 48 (No. of units connected)
5 No. of units with heating thermo ON B [H...0]'-[H48]:0 to 48 (No. of units with heating thermo ON)
Amount of compressor command A Value displayed in hexadecimal format.
6 correction
Release control A Normal: [r. ...], During release control: [r.1]
B –
Oil equalization control Normal: [oiL-0]
During oil equalization control: [oiL-1]
Oil equalization request A Displayed through LED segment lighting pattern
B If element F shown on sketch at right turned on: 
Header unit oil equalization request 
9 If element C shown on sketch at right turned on: 
Follower unit oil equalization request

Refrigerant/oil recovery operation A Oil recovery in cooling: [C1], Normal: [C ...]

B Oil recovery in heating: [H1], Normal: [H ...]
1 3 Automatic addressing A [Ad]
B During automatic addressing: [... FF], Normal: [... ... ...]
Power pick-cut A [dU]
12 B Normal: [... ... ...], During 50-90% capacity operation: [_50-_90]
While control is based on BUS line input: [E50-E90]
Optional control (P.C. board input) Displays optional control status A B
Operation mode selection: During priority heating (normal) h.*. *.*.*.
Priority cooling c .* . *.*.*.
Heating only H.*. *.*.*.
Cooling only C.*. *.*.*.
Priority given to No. of indoor units in operation n.*. *.*.*.
Priority given to specific indoor unit U.*. *.*.*.
External master ON/OFF: Normal * ....... *.*.*.
Start input *.1. *.*.*.
Stop input *.0. *.*.*.
Night operation: Normal *.*. ....*.*.
Start input *.*. 1.*.*.
Snowfall operation: Normal *.*. * ..... *.
Start input *.*. *.1.*.
Optional control (BUS line input) Same as above
15 Unused
– A –
B –

Guideline for Startup - Page 28

(2) Display of Outdoor Unit Information (Displayed on Each Outdoor Unit)

SW01 SW02 SW03 Display detail

Error data  A Outdoor unit No.: [U1] to [U4]

B Check code (only latest one displayed)
If there is no check code, [– – –] is displayed.
1 If there is sub-code, check code [* * *] and sub-code [– * *] are displayed
alternately, for 3 seconds and 1 second, respectively.
<SW04> push SW function: Fan operation at outdoor unit with error. 7-segment display section A: [E.1]
<SW04 + SW05> push SW function: Fan operation at outdoor unit without error. 7-segment display section A: [E.0]
<SW05> push SW function: Fan operation function check mode is cancelled.
– A –
B –
Operation mode A Stop [... ...]
3 Normal cooling: [... C], Normal heating: [... H], Normal defrosting: [... J]
B –
Outdoor unit HP capacity A 8 HP: [... 8], 10 HP: [... 10], 12 HP: [... 12], 14 HP: [14], 16 HP: [16]
4 B [...HP]
Compressor operation command * Operation data of each compressor is displayed in turn in 2 second
intervals. If compressor No. 3 does not exist, [– –.– – –] is displayed.
Normal: Compressor speed (rps) is displayed in decimal format.
5 7-segment display (A/B): [C1.* * *] [C2.* * *] [C3.* * *] ...
<SW04> push SW function: Switches to display of operating current (decimal value).
7-segment display (A/B): [i1.* * *] [i2.* * *] [i3.* * *]...
Pressing of <SW05> restores normal display.
Outdoor fan mode A [FP]
B Mode 0 to 63: [... 0] to [63]
Compressor backup A [C.b.]
B Displays compressor backup setting status
7 Normal: [... ... ...]
Compressor No. 1 backup: [1 ... ...]
Compressor No. 2 backup: [... 1 ...]
Compressor No. 3 backup: [... ... 1]
– A –
1 8 1
B –
Control value output data Displays control output status of solenoid valve A B
9 4-way valve: ON / 4-way valve 2: OFF H. 1 ... ... ...
4-way valve: OFF / 4-way valve 2: ON H. 0 ... ... ...
SV2: ON / SV5: OFF / SV6: OFF 2. ... 100
10 SV2: OFF / SV5: ON / SV6: ON 2. ... 010
SV2: OFF / SV5: OFF / SV6: ON 2. ... 001
SV3A: ON / SV3B: OFF / SV3C: OFF / SV3D: OFF 3. 1 000
SV3A: OFF / SV3B: ON / SV3C: OFF / SV3D: OFF 3. 0 100
SV3A: OFF / SV3B: OFF / SV3C: ON / SV3D: OFF 3. 0 010
SV3A: OFF / SV3B: OFF / SV3C: OFF / SV3D: ON 3. 0 001
SV41: ON / SV42: OFF / SV43: OFF 4. ... 100
12 SV41: OFF / SV42: ON / SV43: OFF 4. ... 010
SV41: OFF / SV42: OFF / SV43: ON 4. ... 001
SV3F: OFF A. ... ... ... 0
SV3F: ON A. ... ... ... 1
14 PMV1/PMV2 opening Displays opening data in decimal format (total opening) * * **. P
15 PMV4 Start Displays opening data in decimal format ... * **. P
Oil level judgment status
Normal A [o L.]
B Initial display: [... ... ...], Oil level judgment result: [#.*.$]
Displayed letters #, * and $ represent judgment results for compressor No.
1, 2 and 3, respectively (“0” for normal and “1” or “2” for low level).
<SW04> push SW function: Displays low level confirmed judgment result of each compressor
* Pressing of <SW05> restores A [L d.]
normal display. B Compressor No. 1 low level being confirmed: [L ... ...]
Compressor No. 2 low level being confirmed: [... L ...]
Compressor No. 3 low level being confirmed: [... ... L]

Guideline for Startup - Page 29

(3) Display of Outdoor Cycle Data (Displayed at Each Outdoor Unit)

SW01 SW02 SW03 Display detail

Pd pressure data Pd pressure (MPaG) is displayed in decimal format. A B
1 (MPaG: Approx. 10 times magnitude of kg/cm G)
P d. *. * *
2 Ps pressure data Ps pressure (MPaG) is displayed in decimal format. P S. *. * *
3 PL pressure conversion data Converted PL pressure (MPaG) is displayed in decimal format. P L. *. * *
TD1 sensor data Temperature sensor reading (°C) is displayed Letter symbol td 1 ... ...
4 in decimal format.
Data * * *.
 Letter symbol and data are displayed
TD2 sensor data alternately, for 1 second and display for Letter symbol td 2 ... ...
5 3 seconds, respectively.
 Data with negative value is displayed as: Data * * *. *
TD3 sensor data [– *] [ * * *]. Letter symbol td 3 ... ...
Data * * *. *
TS sensor data Letter symbol tS ... ... ...
Data * * *. *
TE1 sensor data Letter symbol tE ... ... ...
Data * * *. *
TE2 sensor data Letter symbol tE 2 ... ...
1 9 2
Data * * *. *
TL sensor data Letter symbol tL ... ... ...
Data * * *. *
TO sensor data Letter symbol to ... ... ...
Data * * *. *
TK1 sensor data Letter symbol F1 ... ... ...
Data * * *. *
TK2 sensor data Letter symbol F2 ... ... ...
13 * * *
Data * .
TK3 sensor data Letter symbol F3 ... ... ...
14 * * * *
Data .
TK4 sensor data Letter symbol F4 ... ... ...
15 * * * *
Data .
TK5 sensor data Letter symbol F5 ... ... ...
16 * * * *
Data .

Guideline for Startup - Page 30

(4) Display of Outdoor Cycle Data (Displayed at Header Unit)
* This method is used when displaying follower unit information on the 7-segment display of the header unit.

SW01 SW02 SW03 Display detail

Error data A [U.*], *: SW03 Setting No.+ 1 (Outdoor unit No. U2 to U4)

3 1 1-3
B Check code is displayed (latest one only)
If there is no check code: [– – ]
Type of compressor installed A [U.*], *: SW03 Setting No. + 1 (Outdoor unit No. U2 to U4)
B –
Outdoor unit HP capacity A [U.*], *: SW03 Setting No. + 1 (Outdoor unit No. U2 to U4)
3 B 8 HP: [... 8], 10 HP: [... 10], 12 HP: [... 12], 14 HP: [14], 16 HP: [16]
Compressor operation command A [U.*], *: SW03 Setting No. + 1 (Outdoor unit No. U2 to U4)
B Indicates which compressor is ON.
* Any unconnected compressor is represented by “-“. B
When compressor No. 1 is ON. 100
When compressor No. 2 is ON. 010
When compressor No. 3 is ON. 001
Fan operation mode A [U.*], *: SW03 Setting No. + 1 (Outdoor unit No. U2 to U4)
B At rest: [F … 0], in mode 63: [F 6 3]
Release signal A [U.*], *: SW03 Setting No. + 1 (Outdoor unit No. U2 to U4)
B Normal: [r … …], Upon receiving release signal: [r … 1]
Oil level judgment A [U.*], *: SW03 Setting No. + 1 (Outdoor unit No. U2 to U4)
B Normal: [… … …], Low level: [… … L]
Compressor 1 operating current A [U.*], *: SW03 Setting No. + 1 (Outdoor unit No. U2 to U4)
B [**.*], **.* is value of operating current in decimal format.
Compressor 2 operating current A [U.*], *: SW03 Setting No. + 1 (Outdoor unit No. U2 to U4)
B [**.*],is value of operating current in decimal format.
Compressor 3 operating current A [U.*], *: SW03 Setting No. + 1 (Outdoor unit No. U2 to U4)
B [**.*], **.* is value of operating current in decimal format.
Fan operating current A [U.*], *: SW03 Setting No. + 1 (Outdoor unit No. U2 to U4)
B [**.*], **.* is value of operating current in decimal format.

Note: Follower unit is selected by setting SW03.

SW03 7-segment display section A
1 U2
2 U3
3 U4

Guideline for Startup - Page 31

(5) Display of Indoor Unit Information (Displayed on Header Unit Only)

SW01 SW02 SW03 Display detail

Indoor BUS communication signal B Upon receiving signal: [... ... 1], Other times: [... ... ...]
receiving status
5 Indoor check code B No check code: [– – –]
Indoor HP capacity B 0. 2; 0, 5; 0. 8; ... 1; 1, 2; 1, 7; ... 2; 2. 5;
...3; 3. 2; ...4; ...5; ...6; ...8; 1 0; 1 6; 2 0
1~4 Indoor request command B [ #. ... * ]
(S code, operation mode) # represents mode:
7 COOL: [C. ... *], HEAT: [H. ... *]
1~16 FAN: [F. ... *], OFF: [S. ... *]
* represents S code: [#. ... 0] to [#. ... F]
8 Indoor PMV opening data B Displayed in decimal format
9 Indoor TA sensor data B Displayed in decimal format
11 Indoor TCJ sensor data B Displayed in decimal format
12 1~4 Indoor TC1 sensor data B Displayed in decimal format
13 Indoor TC2 sensor data B Displayed in decimal format

Note: Indoor address No. is selected by setting SW02 and SW03 and displayed on 7-segment display, section A.

SW03 SW02 Indoor address 7-segment display section A

1 1~16 SW02 setting number [01]~[16]
2 1~16 SW02 setting number +16 [17]~[32]
3 1~16 SW02 setting number +32 [33]~[48]
4 1~16 SW02 setting number +48 [49]~[64]

* Although 64 indoor unit addresses (Nos. 01-64) are theoretically available, the number of indoor units that can be connected to the same
refrigerant piping system is limited to 48.

(6) Display of Outdoor EEPROM Writing Error Code (Displayed on Header Unit Only)
* The latest error code written in the EEPROM of each outdoor unit is displayed.
(This function is used to check the error code after the resetting of the power supply.)
To display the error code, press SW04 and hold for at least 5 seconds after setting SW01 to 03 as shown in the table below.

SW01 SW02 SW03 Indoor address 7-segment display section A

1 Latest error code of header unit (U1) E. 1. ***
2 Latest error code of follower unit No. 1 (U2) E. 2. ***
1 16
3 Latest error code of follower unit No. 2 (U3) E. 3. ***
4 Latest error code of follower unit No. 3 (U4) E. 4. ***

• 7-Segment Display
Section A Section B
D600 D601 D602 D603 D604

Set SW01/SW02/SW03 to [1/1/16] and press SW04 and hold for at least 5 seconds. The latest error code of the header unit (U1) will be

If the setting of SW02 is changed, the latest error code of a follower unit (U2-U4) will be displayed.

Guideline for Startup - Page 32

MINI SMMS: Refrigeration scheme and sensor positions 


Guideline for Startup - Page 33
Functional part name  Functional outline  Connector 
Solenoid valve  SV2  1) Low‐pressure release function  CN312 (White) 
2) High‐pressure release function 
3) Gas balance function during off time 
4) Hot gas bypass into accumulator 
SV4  1) High‐pressure release function  SN311 (Blue) 
2) Low‐pressure release function   
SV5  Preventive function for high‐pressure rising in heating operation  CN310 (White) 
Capillary tube  1  ID: 1,5, Length: 200 mm   
2  ID: 2,2, Length: 100 mm   
4‐way valve  1) Cooling/heating exchange  CN317 (Blue) 
2) Reverse defrost 
PMV (Pulse motor valve)  1) Super heat control function in all heating and majority heating operation  CN300 (White) 
2) Sub‐cool adjustment function in cooling operation 
Temp. Sensor  TD  Protection of compressor discharge temp. Used for release  CN502 (White) 
TS  Controls super heat in heating operation  CN504 (White) 
TE  1) Controls defrost in heating operation  CN505 (Green) 
2) Controls outdoor fan in heating operation 
TL  Detects under cool in cooling operation  CN521 (White) 
TO  Detects outside temperature  CN507 (Yellow) 
High‐pressure sensor  1) Detects high‐pressure and controls compressor capacity  CN501 (Red) 
2) Detects high‐pressure in cooling operation and controls the fan in low 
ambient cooling operation 
Low‐pressure sensor  1) Detects low‐pressure in cooling operation and controls compressor  CN500 (White) 
2) Detects low‐pressure in heating operation and controls the super heat 
Compressor case heater  Prevents liquid accumulation to compressor  CN316 (White) 
Accumulator case heater  Prevents liquid accumulation to accumulator  CN321 (Red) 

Guideline for Startup - Page 34

Schematic representation of the refrigerant pipes and sensor positions 

35 Guideline for Startup - Page 35

Explanation of Functional Parts 
Functional part name  Functional outline 
(Connector CN321: White) 
Supplies oil reserved in the oil header during ON time. 
(Connector CN321: White) 
Returns oil supplied in the balance pipe to the compressor. 
(Connector CN321: White) 
Pressurizes oil reserved in the oil header during ON time. 
(Connector CN322: White) 
SV3D  1) Reserves oil in the oil separator during OFF time. 
2) Returns oil reserved in the oil separator to the compressor during ON time. 
(Connector CN322: White) 
Turns on during operation and balances oil between compressors. 
(Connector CN323: White) 
Controls oil level balances between compressors. 
Solenoid valve 
(Hot gas bypass) (Connector CN311: White) 
1) Low pressure release function 
2) High pressure release function 
3) Gas balance function during stop time 
(Start compensation valve of compressor) 
SV41  (SV41 Connector CN312: Blue, SV42 Connector CN312: Blue, SV43 Connector CN313: Red) 
SV42  1) For gas balance start 
SV43  2) High pressure release function 
3) Low pressure release function 
(Connector CN314: White) 
Preventive function for high‐pressure rising in heating operation 
(Connector CN315: White) 
Liquid bypass function for discharge temperature release (cooling bypass function) 
4‐way valve  (Connector CN317: Blue) 
1) Cooling/heating exchange 
2) Reverse defrost 
(Connector CN300, 301: White) 
1) Super heat control function in heating operation 
PMV1, 2  2) Liquid line shut‐down function while follower unit stops 
Pulse motor  3) Under cool adjustment function in cooling operation 
valve  4) Exchange function between main and sub exchangers in cooling operation 
(Connector CN303: Rot) 
PMV4  1) Exchange function between main and sub exchangers in cooling operation 
2) Preventive function for high‐pressure rising in heating operation 
Oil separator  1) Prevention for rapid decreasing of oil (Decreases oil flowing to the cycle) 
2) Reserve function of surplus oil 
TD1  (TD1 Connector CN502: White, TD2 Connector CN503: Pink, TD3 Connector CN504: Blue) 
TD2  1) Protection of compressor discharge temperature 
TD3  2) Used for discharge temperature release 
(Connector CN505: White) 
Controls PMV super heat in heating operation 
(Connector CN520: Green) 
TE1  1) Controls defrost in heating operation 
2) Controls outdoor fan in heating operation 
(Connector CN521: Red) 
Sensor  TE2 
Controls exchange function between main and sub exchangers 
TK1, TK2  (TK1 Connector CN531: Black, TK2 Connector CN532: Green, TK3 Connector CN533: Red, TK4 Connector CN534: Yellow, TK5 Connector 
TK3, TK4  CN535: Red) 
TK5  Judges oil level of the compressor 
(Connector CN523: White) 
Detects under cool in cooling operation 
(Connector CN507: Yellow) 
Detects outside temperature 
(Connector CN501: Red) 
1) Detects high pressure and controls compressor capacity 
High pressure sensor 
2) Detects high pressure in cooling operation, and controls the fan in low ambient cooling operation 
3) Detects under cool in indoor unit in heating operation 
(Connector CN500: White) 
Low pressure sensor  1) Detects low pressure in cooling operation and controls compressor capacity 
2) Detects low pressure in heating operation, and controls the super heat 
Compressor   (Compressor 1 Connector CN331: White, Compressor 2 Connector CN332: Blue, Compressor 3 Connector CN333: Black) 
case heater  Prevents liquid accumulation to compressor 
Accumulator  (Connector CN334: Red) 
Case heater  Prevents liquid accumulation to accumulator 
Balance pipe  Oil balancing in each outdoor unit 

Guideline for Startup - Page 36

Outdoor Unit (12, 14 HP)
Model: MMY-MAP1204∗, MMY-MAP1404∗  

Guideline for Startup - Page 37

Explanation of Functional Parts 
Functional part name  Functional outline 
(Connector CN321: White) 
Supplies oil reserved in the oil header during ON time. 
(Connector CN321: White) 
Returns oil supplied in the balance pipe to the compressor. 
(Connector CN321: White) 
Pressurizes oil reserved in the oil header during ON time. 
(Connector CN322: White) 
SV3D  1) Reserves oil in the oil separator during OFF time. 
2) Returns oil reserved in the oil separator to the compressor during ON time. 
(Connector CN322: White) 
Turns on during operation and balances oil between compressors. 
(Connector CN323: White) 
Controls oil level balances between compressors. 
(Hot gas bypass) (Connector CN311: White) 
1) Low pressure release function 
Solenoid valve  2) High pressure release function 
3) Gas balance function during stop time 
(Start compensation valve of compressor) 
SV41  (SV41 Connector CN312: Blue, SV42 Connector CN312: Blue, SV43 Connector CN313: Red) 
SV42  1) For gas balance start 
SV43  2) High pressure release function 
3) Low pressure release function 
(Connector CN314: White) 
SV5  1)  Gas balance function at defrost operation when the number of heating indoor units increased/decreased 
2)  Gas recovery function in the discharge gas pipes when the single cooling operation 
(Connector CN315: White) 
SV6 1) Liquid bypass function for discharge temperature release (cooling bypass function) 
2) Refrigerant recovery function from the stopped follower unit 
(Connector CN319: White) 
To block discharge gas pipe (At single cooling or defrost operation) 
(Connector CN336: Yellow) 
To block the liquid line 
(Connector CN317: Blue) 
1) Cooling/heating exchange 
4‐way valve 
2) Reverse defrost 
3) Exchange of main heat exchanger with auxiliary heat exchanger 
(Connector CN300, 301: White) 
PMV1, 2  1) Super heat control function at single heating, collective heating operation 
Pulse motor  2) Under cool control function in single cooling operation 
valve   (Connector CN303: Red) 
PMV4  1) Controls flow volume of the auxiliary heat exchanger at collective operation 
2) Preventive function for high‐pressure rising in single heating operation 
Oil separator  1) Prevention for rapid decreasing of oil (Decreases oil flowing to the cycle) 
2) Reserve function of surplus oil 
(TD1 Connector CN502: White, TD2 Connector CN503: Pink, TD3 Connector CN504: Blue) 
TD1, TD2, TD3 
Protection of compressor discharge temperature 
(Connector CN505: White) 
Controls PMV1, 2 super heat in single heating / collective heating 
(Connector CN506: Black) 
TS2  1) Controls indoor oil recovery at single cooling, collective cooling operation 
2) Detects overheat of the cycle 
(Connector CN520: Green) 
TE1  1) Controls defrost in single / collective heating operation 
2) Controls outdoor fan in single / collective heating operation 
(Connector CN521: Red) 
Controls low volume of the auxiliary heat exchanger at collective operation 
TK1, TK2  (TK1 Connector CN531: Black, TK2 Connector CN532: Green, TK3 Connector CN533: Red, TK4 Connector CN534: Yellow, TK5 Connector 
TK3, TK4  CN535: Red) 
TK5  Judges oil level of the compressor 
(Connector CN523: White) 
Detects under cool at single operation / collective cooling operation 
(Connector CN507: Yellow) 
Detects outside temperature 
(Connector CN501: Red) 
1) Detects high pressure and controls compressor capacity 
High pressure sensor  2) Detects high pressure at single operation / collective cooling operation, and controls the fan in low ambient cooling operation 
Pressure  3) Detects under cool in indoor unit at single operation / collective heating operation 
sensor  4) Controls rps outdoor fan at collective cooling operation 
(Connector CN500: White) 
Low pressure sensor  1) Detects low pressure at single / collective cooling operation and controls compressor capacity 
2) Detects low pressure at single / collective heating operation, and controls the super heat 

Guideline for Startup - Page 38

Explanation of Functional Parts 
Functional part name  Functional outline 
Compressor  (Compressor 1 Connector CN331: White, Compressor 2 Connector CN332: Blue, Compressor 3 Connector CN333: Black) 
(Connector CN321: White) 
case heater  Prevents liquid accumulation to compressor 
Heater   Supplies oil reserved in the oil header during ON time. 
Accumulator  (Connector CN334: Red) 
(Connector CN321: White) 
case heater  Prevents liquid accumulation to accumulator 
Returns oil supplied in the balance pipe to the compressor. 
Balance pipe  Oil balancing in each outdoor unit 
(Connector CN321: White) 
  Pressurizes oil reserved in the oil header during ON time. 
  (Connector CN322: White) 
SV3D  1) Reserves oil in the oil separator during OFF time. 
2) Returns oil reserved in the oil separator to the compressor during ON time. 
(Connector CN322: White) 
Turns on during operation and balances oil between compressors. 
(Connector CN323: White) 
Controls oil level balances between compressors. 
(Hot gas bypass) (Connector CN311: White) 
1) Low pressure release function 
Solenoid valve  2) High pressure release function 
3) Gas balance function during stop time 
(Start compensation valve of compressor) 
SV41  (SV41 Connector CN312: Blue, SV42 Connector CN312: Blue, SV43 Connector CN313: Red) 
SV42  1) For gas balance start 
SV43  2) High pressure release function 
3) Low pressure release function 
(Connector CN314: White) 
SV5  1)  Gas balance function at defrost operation when the number of heating indoor units increased/decreased 
2)  Gas recovery function in the discharge gas pipes when the single cooling operation 
(Connector CN315: White) 
SV6 1) Liquid bypass function for discharge temperature release (cooling bypass function) 
2) Refrigerant recovery function from the stopped follower unit 
(Connector CN319: White) 
To block discharge gas pipe (At single cooling or defrost operation) 
(Connector CN336: Yellow) 
To block the liquid line 
(Connector CN317: Blue) 
1) Cooling/heating exchange 
4‐way valve 
2) Reverse defrost 
3) Exchange of main heat exchanger with auxiliary heat exchanger 
(Connector CN300, 301: White) 
PMV1, 2  1) Super heat control function at single heating, collective heating operation 
Pulse motor  2) Under cool control function in single cooling operation 
valve   (Connector CN303: Red) 
PMV4  1) Controls flow volume of the auxiliary heat exchanger at collective operation 
2) Preventive function for high‐pressure rising in single heating operation 
Oil separator  1) Prevention for rapid decreasing of oil (Decreases oil flowing to the cycle) 
2) Reserve function of surplus oil 
(TD1 Connector CN502: White, TD2 Connector CN503: Pink, TD3 Connector CN504: Blue) 
TD1, TD2, TD3 
Protection of compressor discharge temperature 
(Connector CN505: White) 
Controls PMV1, 2 super heat in single heating / collective heating 
(Connector CN506: Black) 
TS2  1) Controls indoor oil recovery at single cooling, collective cooling operation 
2) Detects overheat of the cycle 
(Connector CN520: Green) 
TE1  1) Controls defrost in single / collective heating operation 
2) Controls outdoor fan in single / collective heating operation 
(Connector CN521: Red) 
Controls low volume of the auxiliary heat exchanger at collective operation 
TK1, TK2  (TK1 Connector CN531: Black, TK2 Connector CN532: Green, TK3 Connector CN533: Red, TK4 Connector CN534: Yellow, TK5 Connector 
TK3, TK4  CN535: Red) 
TK5  Judges oil level of the compressor 
(Connector CN523: White) 
Detects under cool at single operation / collective cooling operation 
(Connector CN507: Yellow) 
Detects outside temperature 
(Connector CN501: Red) 
1) Detects high pressure and controls compressor capacity 
High pressure sensor  2) Detects high pressure at single operation / collective cooling operation, and controls the fan in low ambient cooling operation 
Pressure  3) Detects under cool in indoor unit at single operation / collective heating operation 
sensor  4) Controls rps outdoor fan at collective cooling operation 
(Connector CN500: White) 
Low pressure sensor  1) Detects low pressure at single / collective cooling operation and controls compressor capacity 
2) Detects low pressure at single / collective heating operation, and controls the super heat 

Guideline for Startup - Page 38

39 Guideline for Startup - Page 39


Indoor Unit 


(CAUTION) MMU‐AP0071YH, AP0121YH type air conditioners have no TC2 sensor. 
Explanation of functional parts in indoor unit 
Functional part name  Functional outline 
Pulse Motor Valve  (Connector CN082 (6P): Blue) 
1) Controls super heat in cooling operation 
2) Controls under cool in heating operation 
3) Recovers refrigerant oil in cooling operation 
4) Recovers refrigerant oil in heating operation 
1.TA  (Connector CN104 (2P): Yellow) 
Detects indoor suction temperature 
2.TC1  (Connector CN100 (3P): Brown) 
Controls PMV super heat in cooling operation 
3.TC2  (Connector CN101 (2P): Black) 
Controls PMV under cool in heating operation 
4.TCJ  (Connector CN102 (2P): Red) 
1) Controls PMV super heat in cooling operation 
2) [MMU‐AP007YH to AP012YH only] Controls PMV under cool in heating operation 

Guideline for Startup - Page 40

Printed: January 2013
Subject to typographical and other errors!
SMMS • SHRM • Mini SMMS Guideline for Startup of VRF systems
AIR-COND Klimaanlagen-Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H., Haushamer Straße 2, A-8054 Graz-Seiersberg, Austria, Tel.: +43 316 80 89, Fax: +43 316 82 63 71, E-mail:,

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