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Before The Beginning

In The Beginning
From The Beginning

The Fullness Of Time

Brother Joseph Coleman

Forest Hills, New York

August 16, 1981

Revelation Of 7 Thunders
Time: Sept 20, 1974
Fri - Morning 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Head O
Bride Age Holy Spirit
Laodicea Bro Kindness Elijah

Philadelphia Godliness Wesley

Sardis Patience Luther
Thyatira Temperance Columba

Pergamos Knowledge Martin

Smyrna Virtue Irenaeus
Eph Faith Paul

2 Peter 1:1-8 Act 7:44-47

Eph 4:11-15
St Matt 5:48
Isaiah 6:1-8
Heb 11:32-40
Friday, Sept. 20, 1974 The following inspiration
was given to me between 10:30 AM and 11:00 AM
The 7 Thunders are the 7 Voices of the 7 Church Ages
which are 7 Manifestations of the Holy Spirit into the church as
Faith Lived Voice
Virtue " "
Knowledge " "
Temperance " "
Patience " "
Godliness " "
Brotherly Kindness " "
7 Voices to build the Perfect Church to be capped off with the
Capstone. He builds His individuals the same way.
These Voices shook the kingdom of the devil in each age.
It’s the Lived Voice that is the Thunder that shakes the devil’s kingdom.
Each age Bride lived the Word Voice Virtue for her age.
Mal 4 restored back to the church 7 Voices for the Bride to live
and manifest Brotherly Kindness as her Virtue of her age.
Therefore when Charity falls the Bride will manifest
not one Virtue but she will actually manifest
7 Voices as Thunder to shake the devil’s kingdom

The 7 Earthly Angels spoke on earth

The Word Bride Body on earth utters 7 Thunders (Voices)
with the Word opened. . . . . . .
The 7th Angel goes forth after the 7 Seals open with the
7 last Mysteries Thunders Voice Of God
to restore back The Faith to the remnant.
The Word that was in the early church as one Voice Of God is
spaced out over 7 Church Ages as 7 Manifestations
of the same Holy Spirit that was in the early church.
The 7th Angel brings back these 7 Manifestations
with a message to the last day Bride.

She receives the Word Message as the 7 Part Voice Of God.

It wakes her up
Revival for her

The 7 Voices thundered out in the Bride

7 Steps added back because she's one with the Original Voice,
Then the 7 Voices go forth as One Voice Of The Resurrection.
Each (Word Virtue) lived as the Voice Of God for it's day and age
The Bride Tree fully restored shall live again with all
7 Manifestations of the Holy Spirit in her,
with signs - wonders - miracles.
The Word (7 Parts) is now born into manifestation in your midst,
allowing the Spirit to confirm that you are preaching the Word.

Heb 2:4 God also bearing them witness, both with signs and
wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy
Ghost, according to his own will?
Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for

On the wings of a snow white dove

God sends His pure sweet love.
A sign from above
on the wings of a dove.
Praise God. Thank You Lord. Lord, praise God, amen. Thank
You Jesus. Oh Father, we raise up our hands and thank You and praise
You Lord. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. We want to remember
David Ruiz and family in prayer, a decision...job. He has a job offer in
custom department in Puerto Rico. Quarantine officer, International
Airport, Puerto Rico. And tomorrow they have to make a decision
whether they’re gonna pay him for his moving expenses over to Puerto
Rico. So we’ll be praying for that.
Shall we bow our heads? Almighty God, we have come to this
day now Lord. We took time out to try to bring in the new people, give
them a little understanding of the season that they’re in. A new day is
here Father. Oh praise God. Thank You Lord. Father, may You send
down the great Holy Fire to confirm the message today. And Lord,
anoint Brother Quinones and anoint me. And Lord, give me strength.
I’m tired Lord, I’m weary. I want to finish my course. God, may you
confirm it with signs following. May You baptize people in their seats,
Lord, may You get glory for Your Holy child Jesus. And bless
all those that would hear this tape if it should get out to my friends.
May they have a holy time. Amen. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.
Would you open your Bibles please to Leviticus 23, verse...where am
I reading from? Verse 33 through 36 and 39 through 44. St. John 7,
verse 37 and 38. Ephesians 1:10. Reading from Leviticus 23:33.
And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, The fifteenth day
of this seventh month shall be the feast of the tabernacles for
seven days unto the LORD.
On the first day shall be an holy convocation: ye shall do no
servile work therein.
Seven days ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the
LORD: on the eight day shall be an holy convocation unto
you; and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the
LORD: it is a solemn assembly; and ye shall do no servile
work therein.
Verse 39:
Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when ye have
gathered in the fruit of the land, ye shall keep a feast unto the
LORD seven days: (and) on the first day shall be a Sabbath,
and on the eight day shall be a Sabbath.
And you notice the first day of this feast is a Sabbath. And the
eight day was a Sabbath. Special feast.
And ye shall take you on the first day the boughs of goodly
trees, branches of palm trees, and the boughs of thick trees,
and willows of the brook; and ye shall rejoice before the LORD
your God seven days.
If you don’t know what it is and you live near Jewish people.
In October this year you see them building little huts and things and
that’s what it’s all about. Amen.
And ye shall keep it a feast unto the LORD seven days in the
year. It shall be a statute for ever in your generations: ye
shall celebrate it in the seventh month.
Ye shall dwell in booths seven days; all that are Israelites
born (that shall) shall dwell in booths:
That your generations may know that I made the children of
Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the
land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.
And Moses declared unto the children of Israel the feasts of
the LORD.
St. John 7:37:
In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and
cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and
He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his
belly shall flow rivers of living water.
And Ephesians 1:10:
That in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might
gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in
heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:
May God add a blessing to the reading of His Word. You may
be seated. Well praise God. So, thing I had forgot to an-
nounce, from now on, on Friday night at 7:30 P.M., we will take time
out, Brother Nino and myself to have the spiritual counseling then.
And so we’re expecting this through this series here, a lot of little baby
things should be finished. You should do your own praying. But there
are problems and spiritual problems that people are entangled in. And
we’ll try to take care of these on Friday nights. We had a tremendous
Friday night prayer here, a tremendous service.
And the Lord spoke to my heart that morning and told me to do
what I told you to do in 1974. So I came in here on Friday, and I took
care of a couple of problems. The anointing was there; the people
were ready to hear the Word. Then something happened. He told me
to do it in 1974, but the people wasn’t ready, nobody wanted to come
in. But I think now the hour is here. Amen. That’s Church Order.
Now there are people from Massachusetts and New York State and out
of town, Connecticut and different places, and New Jersey. Well I
don’t expect them to come down here Friday. So remember if you’re
in the New York area, if you’ve got a spiritual problem, not no “Why
am I having mind battles?” That’s for you to pray through. Amen.
No, but a spiritual problem with families, this is wrong and
that’s wrong. Then you just give us a call or see us on Sunday and
we’ll come in here Friday unless there’s an emergency. But the people
from out of town, still no baby things, get rid of that baby stuff. You’ve
got to pray. But if it’s a problem, from out of town, we’ll see you on
Sunday. Is it clear? This is the Church Order He told me to do in
1974. But I couldn’t do it cause nobody wanted the Word. Amen.
Trust and pray that we’re striving for the Word now. Amen.
Well praise God, we’re happy to be here this morning. So to
my friends, with the pastors and churches, I wanted to greet my friends
down in South America. I have a lot of friends down in Argentina,
amen, down in Chile, amen. Our friends, Chile, is down there in Chile.
Amen. So I have offers from my friends down there cause this tape is
going there, amen. So I wanted to greet them this morning in the
Name of the Lord. And my pastor brother there in, I think, Chile.
What’s the name of that place? I can’t think of the name...Santiago.
He wrote me a letter. Well brother, I haven’t had a chance to answer
the letter yet. But I sure love you and respect all the people down
there. And give my greetings to all the pastors down there and all the
If God tarries, I trust to be down to see you. Amen. And greet-
ings to Brother Junior in Puerto Rico. Praise God. A revival is on.
Amen. And all...and my American friends in South Africa and Eu-
rope, friends, all over, Canada and everywhere, amen. Well praise the
So I’ve got a title, “The Fullness Of Time.” Amen. Now this
tape is for New York and if it comes out okay, I’ll send it out. Amen. I
don’t know what I’m gonna say. But anyway, by faith, I’m calling for
another Holy Convocation. Right in the time of harvest, I’m looking
for a Holy Ghost revival. Now I don’t know how long I’m gonna last
but I do have some quotes that I want to put on this tape. So it’s up to
the Holy Spirit. Now get your minds right now. Amen. Get your
minds right, praise God. Your minds is opened. “Second Coming Of
Christ,” page 2, paragraph 5.
Now we are, we know that revivals only come by the Holy
Spirit. He’s the One who brings revivals. And we can’t do it our-
selves. We can only make that effort. Have you made the effort?
Have you got the mechanics right? What you can do. Have you sanc-
tified yourselves? Have you repented? Have you made things right?
Have you not made any provisions for the flesh? Praise God, amen.
Are you ready? Amen. Well then, stand there, amen, God can fill you
today. You made the effort and God has to bless that effort. And we
trust that He will do it. I’m looking for Him to do it. He said so.
But now notice the hour that we’re in. We are, page 4, para-
graph 20. We are living in the very shadows of His Second Coming.
There to my way of seeing it by the Light of the Scripture, there’s not
one hope left for the Church outside of the Second Coming of the
Lord. The world and its wild pana...panamaniac condition has got
completely out of control. Of every man-made organization in the
world, kings cannot hold their subjects no more, neither can dictators
hold their subjects anymore. Democracy cannot hold its subjects any-
more. And there’s no hope left in...but the Second Coming of the
Lord Jesus.
And it is now one of the most horrible times for the unbeliever
and sinner that he has ever witnessed because the doom time is close
at hand. It’s the most blessed time for the believer. Amen. Let me tell
you one thing. Brother, I’m looking out for me and my wife, my fam-
ily and the Church. Brother, I had to press, I had to die. So therefore,’s whatever you’ve done, that’s what you have done. Be not de-
ceived, God is not mocked. Amen. Therefore, what you sow, you
reap. So I’m gonna reap joy. Amen. I want faith, an atmosphere.
People that live right, people that died out, that’s not ashamed of the
Gospel. Glory. People that can come boldly to the Throne. They’re
not afraid, not trembling, fearful. But full of faith. “God said so. God
said so.” Praise God. Amen.
So I hope you understand what I’m saying. It’s the most blessed
time for the believer, for his redemption is at hand. There’s two fac-
tions in the earth tonight, the believer and the unbeliever. The one the
Lord is coming for to receive, that’s the believer. And the one the
Lord is coming to condemn, that’s the unbeliever. At His Coming will
bless one and will curse the other one. And the Lord Himself has
already descended from Heaven with a Shout. Praise God. And those
of you that have received His Message, Seven Seals, Seven Thunders,
Adoption, Perfection, you are being blessed, and shall be blessed.
Glory. Glory. Amen.
Those of you that have sanctified yourself, cleaned your homes
out, glory to God, you shall be blessed. Now, in the Coming of the
Lord, is here, I Jesus is here, to bless you, seal you, praise God, adopt
It’s here, adoption time to fill your souls. Amen. Thus saith
the Lord. Amen. And being that this is such a vital thing, I think at the
eve rather of our little revival, that’s right here now, that we should
look solemnly and into the Scriptures and see how close that we are. If
I wanted to know what time it was, I’d look at my watch. If I wanted
to know what day of the week we was living in or the month or the
year, I’d look at the calendar. And if I want to know the approaching
time of this great event, I’d look at the Word of God. It tells the time
when it’s at hand. For the Bible said, when these things begin to come
to pass, lift up your head for your redemption is drawing nigh. The
time is at hand and I’m not about to start looking down all sad and...and
moaning and groaning because this one did something and he’s being
judged for it. I don’t have nothing to do with it. I’m looking up cause
my redemption draweth nigh. It’s my revival; it’s my harvest, my joy,
my shouting, my blessing. Glory. What you do is what you do. But
what I do is what I do, individual revival.
Ain’t no sorry for poor Brother Jones no more. No more.
Whatever Brother Jones sowed, that shall he reap. What I sow in
tears, I’m gonna reap in joy. So get it out of here. This is joy time,
harvest time. I’m separated. Amen. Hear me. Praise God. It was
such a great thing to John, the Revelator. On the Isle of Patmos when
he saw the preview, the Coming of the Lord, when he saw the curses
that rested upon the unbeliever and the blessing that rests upon the
believer. How can you sit here with the Seven Thunders showing you
the blessings, and still wolly in the flesh? Don’t you...are you mad,
insane? You’re going to hell. Repent today! I see the blessings. That’s
why I shout, that’s why I sing, that’s why I dance. I don’t know where
you’re going.
But I heard a Voice, “Come up hither.” I ain’t begging you no
more, stop this and stop that. I’m preaching the Word to the Bride.
Another day is here, a Holy Convocation. If you want it, come and get
it. If you want it, come and rejoice with us. I found the lost coin. We
have it. Where is it at? It’s in me. Well halleluiah. Yes. I’m having
a Pentecost. Amen. My, when I see the curses, when I see the plagues.
How can you young people sell your birthrights? How come you old
rascals sell your birthright? Huh? How can you do it? Anoint your
eyes with faith. Wash your eyes in Blood of the Lamb. How can you
sit in your old carcasses of your old rotten self-will? Huh? How can
you do it? Repent! Glory.
We’ve seen the blessings that rests upon the believer. He
screamed out, “Even so come Lord Jesus.” It so thrilled his heart after
all he had seen, the events before His coming, he screamed, “Even so
come Lord Jesus.” Did you hear what I said? He seen the events
before the Coming. He seen the opening of the Seven Seals in
Jeffersonville. He seen the Seven Thunders being revealed and
screamed, “Even so come Lord Jesus.” Amen. My.
And when the whole Church Age had passed in his view and
he seen everything in major, the way it should happen. And the Prophet
laid it out on the tapes, just the way it should happen. And we have
this Message, glory to God. How can you be sad? How can you walk
around like an ungrateful something? How can you help but praise
God? Don’t you ever walk in here with a long face no more. Because
three times he screams here. When the whole Church passed in his
view. Everything in major, the way it should happen. Then he screamed
again, “Even so come Lord Jesus.” It must be a glorious thing that the
Coming of the Lord draws near here. Oh my, you may be seated. I’ve
got a little bit...a little time here. Oh my.
The judgment hour is here. But the Bride faith in the hour of
judgment; she ain’t looking down here. Cause the Word tells her when
the cloud appears, lift up your head for your redemption draweth nigh.
Stop looking down here. “The devil told me this, the devil told me
that.” God said, “Lift up your head.” Sha! Koopendaba! Amen.
In the hour of judgment, I say, “Even so come Lord Jesus.”
Why? This is the hour of blessing. This is the joy of the harvest time.
The joy in the judgment? Yes sir. The joyful sound comes in the hour
of judgment. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth
forth and weapeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again
with rejoicing bringing the sheaves with him. Rejoicing. Glory. Can’t
you see God blessing His people? Blessing them with jobs and homes
and things? Huh? That’s temporal, but the hour of blessing, natural
blessing, spiritual blessing. God can’t help it. He’s blessing you. The
devil can’t stop it. Glory. It won’t stop. Amen. Praise God.
I ain’t got time to read it but on Psalms 98, verse 1 through 9,
explains about the joy before the judgment. But on Psalms 89:15:
Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: Blessed is
the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O
LORD, in the light of thy countenance.
When all else is dark, it shall be light in the evening time. The
joyful sound comes just before judgment. We know the joyful sound
and we’re walking in the Light. What Light? II Peter 1: 4 through 7.
That’s the Light. We know the joyful sound. We raise up and say
with all faith, “Even so come Lord Jesus. We have all faith now. On
Agapo love, “Hear Ye Him,” South Bend, Indiana, 1958.
Jesus said these signs shall follow them that believe. God,
when He brings His children in a place of all faith and overshadows
that and positionally puts them into the place where they are supposed
to be. Amen. Did you hear what I said? When He brings you to a
position of all faith. Has this hour come? God bringing His children
into a position of all faith, all the mysteries, all the revelation and Seven
Thunders gives all faith. And God overshadows Seven Thunders with
Charity and positionally puts you in your place where you belong at in
this hour. A joyful sound comes. I’m a son of the King. The Shout of
the King. Halleluiah.
What a faith. What an absolute. What a tie post. Praise God.
A more sure word of prophecy. Amen. Are all the seeds in? Is it fruit
time? Has the harvest been gathered in? Is the door fixing to be closed?
Has the Seven Thunder Blood claimed the last seed or is there a little
time left? The Blood claims the earth, sanctifies the earth. Amen.
Making the earth ready for the Holy Fire. There’s your Seven Thun-
ders. The Seven Thunders went out to call and claim and sanctify.
Way down in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, South
Africa, Europe, all over. Seven Thunders giving all faith, claiming
you, sanctifying you, making you ready. Charity never faileth.
You’re overshadowed like Peter was overshadowed. The hour
is coming. Silver and gold have I none, such as I have I give it unto
you. Adoption time. Speak the Word. Halleluiah. Glory. My, my,
my. Now this is just for the tape. You may be seated. “A Man That
Can Turn On The Light,” volume 6, number 1. I used it already. But
I want to put it on this tape. Amen. 29, paragraph 151.
The sun comes today, getting a little stronger. Each day it’s
getting a little stronger, a little stronger till finally the wheat that’s
laying there, it’ll go to taking life. After a while, the life will come up.
Then a little stronger, a little stronger. March, April, May, June, July,
she’s in the harvest. Then, you see, the same sun...the same sun shin-
ing today in January or December, that’s up, up there bathing that snow
and melting it down on that grain, bringing it water. It’s the same sun.
But the wheat could not live in that same sunlight in June cause the
sun gets a little stronger each day. And the grain should be a little
more mature to receive the sunlight.
Did you hear what he said there? He said it’ll go to taking life
in March and April and May and June. The life will come up. What
does it mean, the life will come up? On a message, “Choosing Law
From Grace,” Middletown, Ohio. Quote: That sound that came on
the Day of Pentecost, like a rushing mighty wind, that was certainty
that life had come, for it was spiritual life, same spiritual life, Charity,
dropped down here in April; It’s here now, came down in Penn Har-
ris. All three elements are here. Are you sanctified? Then you shall
be filled. The spiritual life is here. Oh, the same spiritual life in the
Upper Room is here now. The Cloud has been turned. The Life is
here. My. March, April, May, June, July she’s in the harvest.
Page 32, paragraph 162: Not Luther’s manna, Wesley manna,
Pentecostal manna, but this is introducing the Headstone. The last
day, THE Bride Tree, the Headstone is the Bride Tree. And the Bride
Tree, which is the Headstone, is in you. Does it mean that my broth-
ers? Then the Seven Thunders caps the Pyramid. The Seven Thun-
ders is the Headstone. That’s your message to manifest Jesus Christ.
Amen. It’s contrary to all of it. And yet it’s the same life for the
matured. It’s the same life that Luther had but it wasn’t so strong.
And Wesley and the Pentecostals, it wasn’t July yet. It would ruin it
then but it went to taking life.
That meant in April the wheat must grow and mature and take
back on the same seed life that they had on the Day of Pentecost. It’ll
take the same Son of Man to bring the same Life, the same Word, the
same Power. And the Bride would have to receive it. And that’s the
Life. And by June, by June 30th, all of the food value should be in the
seed. All the promises, all the way down to Adoption Time. That
seed should have received it. Amen. Seven Seals, Seven Thunders,
Seven Vials, amen, Jacob Grace Joseph Perfection, Seven Virtues,
Seven Thunders, Virtue Power for service, Adoption, Perfection, Char-
ity. You should have received it.
And if you have received it, you are now mature, you’re now
ready to take the July hot sun, hot Charity, Holy fire to burn. No more
Pentecostal babies that’s afraid of the Word, afraid of the Word. “My
complex this and this is wrong and this happened.” You can’t take this
hot sun. Repent. You’ve got excuses, you’re not ready. You need to be
sanctified, amen. Oh my. Praise God. Same light, ripen it. The same
sunshine today will be ripening the grain for the harvest in July. Did
you hear what he said?’s Malachi 4. The same sunshine
today, ’63, signs and wonders and miracles, the Word, all the myster-
ies, that same sun will be ripening the grain, amen, ripening the grain
for the harvest in July. My, my. Are we here? The fullness of time
has come. What an hour, what a joy. My. Glory. Amen. Certainly it
It could not take it now, the Prophet speaking in 1963. You
cannot take it now. I have many things to tell you. But you can’t bear
it now. Oh, but when the Spirit of Truth is come He’ll take what’s
mine, He’ll show it to you. He’ll reveal it and show you things to
come. Why? Cause you’re mature, you’re ready. Even so come Lord
Jesus. Amen. The season wasn’t ripe then. But it is now. Oh my, my,
my. My. We are here. Spiritual life is here. The Cloud has been
turned. She’s in the harvest. July, amen, cause I’d like to ask you a
question. Was a little Penn Harris meeting in July? July 4th through
the 8th, 1981? Was it a sign to the Bride today that the grain is mature
and we are now in July? Now remember July is the harvest. You don’t
go past July. July remains until the literal harvest. You stay in July
until the literal Resurrection. Did you get it? My. You got it. Amen.
Is that why if the Lord tarries, we have to go back to Penn
Harris in July? Is that what’s going on? Was this July Ephesians
4:11? A five-fold ministry, a sign on display that there is a five-fold
ministry? Will next July, if the Lord tarries, will it be a sign of Ephesians
4:13, a perfect man, a Bride adopted, vindicated, perfected? Will it be
a sign on the way to the harvest, becoming like Him, in His very im-
age? Praise God. My. We are in July. We’re gonna stay in July. I’m
gonna prove it to you. Sit down, amen. Oh my. Are we in a
sign...and we’re now in July, drying out time. Now the Indiana wheat,
same type in Palestine. Here’s the grain, this is some of it, by June all
of the food value is in it. The life of the original seed must come back
to it by the latter rain. The latter rain makes the last crop for the end.
But the rain...but the seed must...the life must come in. And the life is
the Word and the Word is the Germ and the Germ is the Life. My. But
it’s still too moist to harvest it. So let it dry out about July 1st, she
turns from green, fleshy, and the shuck is green and you don’t know
who’s who. But you bring them Seven Thunders on and you begin to
find out who’s shuck and who’s wheat.
And during the Seven Thunders, last seven years, the seed be-
gins to die out and stop their fleshy shuck ways. And the shuck goes
on being shuck because they’re shuck. But the seed is the grain, the
Word made flesh for this hour. Faith, Virtue, Knowledge, Temper-
ance, Patience, Godliness? Yes Godliness. Without, no man shall see
the Lord.
And identified in Brotherly Kindness. “He did this, she did
that. Should I forgive them?” Yes. “How many times?” Seventy
times seven. Amen. So about July 1st, the seed turns golden brown.
Only a few days now. July 7th, 1970, I was down in Brother Tommy
Dillard’s place on July 7th. I was there for July and I actually seen a
harvest. I watched it every day and Brother Tommy said, “Come and
watch.” I watched the husbandman, the farmer, all during the time
that the wheat was a growing, he didn’t even look at it, he didn’t even
come out there. Even while it thundered, he still didn’t come. Amen.
But about July 1st, he begin to come out, he begins...why? He
seen a sign. The Heavenly Father sees a sign. This one is dying from
their fleshy green ways to golden brown. They’re rotting to theirselves,
to their attitudes. Then he begins to come around, then you begin to
feel the power. Then you begin to feel the blessings. Not before you
repent. Amen.
So I watched the farmer come out. He’d pluck one, pluck an-
other one. Each day he’s plucking. That July sun is hot. Then right
down, he knows there’s tares at the bottom in the church and they’re
gonna shout and scream when they feel the power. But He knows that
so He plucks here and He plucks there. He finds a ripened grain and
He found one on July 7th. I found it written in my notes. And it was
right there on July 7th, 1970. One month later up on Mt. Tremblant,
amen, oh halleluiah, hit it, amen. I know that I know that I know.
Then He pulls it, He calls for the reapers, “Cut this field down
now.” Short quick message shake the whole nation. Why? The farmer
called for the reapers. He called them at 2 P.M. in the afternoon, 2
P.M., Second Pull is finished, Third Pull at hand. Amen. The reapers
reaped that field the same night. They were finished about 12 P.M. at
night. The midnight hour is here. Go out to meet the Bridegroom.
Trim your lamp, halleluiah, praise God, amen. Yes sir. Amen.
I seen it with these eyes. I said, “Lord, I’m gonna see that one
day in the spiritual.” Didn’t know anything about Penn Harris or noth-
ing. Oh my. So what...what am I saying? Between July 1st and July
6th, 7th or 8th somewhere. It’s only a few days now where it dry us
right out. It’s a sign to the Church. A short drying out period and the
hot July sun is there. The hot July Charity sun for a few days. A little
short time, maybe one year. God can do more in one year what the
theologians failed to do in 2000 years. Amen.
This is called by the farmers, the final ripening stage. The
husk has turned from green to yellow and pulled away and it’s yellow
straw. The seed changes from yellow to golden brown, green and it
shrinks, because it’s full of moisture, it’s a little wet. It’s not good for
the cattle, it’s not good for bread, not good for anything yet. And in
the July harvest, if that seed is still wet, it cannot be replanted in the
Resurrection. My, my. It’ll take them Seven Living Voices in the July
hot sun to live out the Word Image to prove it’s not moist anymore.
And when the last one is not moist anymore is adopted, then
you will hear a Voice, the last Trump, the dead in Christ shall rise.
The same husbandman that plucked you will pluck them from Glory
in the fullness of time. What’s gathered in Heaven, what’s gathered
on the earth shall be Him all things shall be gathered in Him in
the fullness of time. Glory. Oh what an hour. What a time. Shake
loose the flesh. Shake loose the world. “Get off of me demons. I’m
going home. I come from Glory. I’m going back to Glory.” Halleluiah,
praise God.
You purpose in your heart today, how many devils here, whether
your wife don’t want it, your husband don’t want it, your children
don’t want it. You’re going through. You’re gonna make it. I shall be
caught up to meet Him in the air. Glory. Halleluiah. I’m gonna make
it. I’ve already made it. Amen. I ain’t got too much time left. Sit
down a minute. Amen. “C.O.D.” book. I want to put it on the tape.
You heard it before. Brother Branham on, “The Feast Of The Trum-
pets,” it was a little confusing about the seven...about the feast there.
Feast of Passover and the Feast of The Trumpets and Feast of Pente-
cost. But I’ll skip on down. But he...he explained it here on “Ques-
tions And Answers.” “C.O.D.” book, page 965 and 966, paragraph
204 and 205. But I’ll skip it down for the sake of time.
He said I didn’t explain it on there. I said the Seven Sabbaths
like that. But then I carried the same thought on over. When it’s the
seventh month after the Feast of Pente...of Passover, or at the Feast of
Pentecost. Then come the feast. Notice, after the sheaf was brought in
and waved, see, for your acceptance, then you see then, remember
there, the sheaf, that’s Malachi 4. The sheaf turns into a loaf of bread
after that time. And if you don’t take the sheaf’s Message, the sheaf is
still being waved but if you’ve taken the sheaf’s Message like the same
faith I have, the Seven Thunders will give you my faith, then you’re
ready to be a loaf of bread. Amen? Praise God.
When the sheaf, one sheaf, then all goes into one loaf. Then it
was two loaves, Jew and Gentile. But now it’s one loaf, a Gentile
Bride. Amen. Oh, it’s a great teaching there. I didn’t touch the edge
of it. But if you happen to catch that on your tape, remember, look in
the Bible, look in the Bible, there you’ll find it. That’s what I’m doing
now. Amen.
See, you see, it’s seven months after that. Count off seven
months. January, February, March, April, May, June, July. It would
be July, seven months, which represents the full Seven Church Ages.
You mean January and February this year to July would represent the
Seven Church Ages? Huh? He said the full Seven Church Ages.
Some minister, any minister after the Prophet, some minister might
pick that up and then you would have it. Then He can put the Word
together so you can know your hour, know your time. The Coming of
the Lord is here, the harvest time is here. Some minister might pick it
up. It didn’t say a “bullhead.” It said a “minister.” Amen. It didn’t
say no backslidden preacher. It said a five-fold minister. Glory. It
ain’t no group revelation. It’s individual. My.
Could it be friends, as Malachi 4 said, January, February, March,
April, May, June, July, represents the Seven Church Ages and July is
the Seventh Age, the harvest, 1981, a sign to the Bride? Is this the
harvest month? Is it finished? Is it all over? Whew. What an hour. Is
judgment here? Judgment is here but so is the joy of the harvest here.
July is actually a harvest month? Did God give us a sign of this in
Penn Harris? Are we actually in another Holy Convocation season?
A little bit more time?
Is July the harvest time? Well let’s examine the Jewish har-
vest time feast. The Feast of Tabernacles. It was the Seventh Jewish
Feast of the year. It fell at the seventh month. It was the third great
feast that month. It’s October 15 to the 22nd. It was the time of joy in
the harvest time. It was the people thanking God with thanksgiving
for the harvest. This was the seventh great feast in the seventh month.
It was the harvest feast. The people dwelt in tabernacles or booths
typing rest to commemorate life in the wilderness. Feast of the Taber-
nacles was called the ingathering feast. A time of gathering in what
you planted. Deuteronomy 16:13:
Thou shalt observe the feast of the tabernacles seven days,
after that thou hast gathered in thy corn and thy wine:
Have we gathered in the Seven Seals Message, the corn; and
our wine, the stimulation of revelation, the Seven Thunder new wine?
Do we have it? We have a harvest with promises for the Holy Ghost,
for Adoption. We have a revelation. It belongs to us. Deuteronomy
16:14, the time of joy, here it is:
(You) shall rejoice in (your) feast, thou, and thy son, and thy
And the Levites and the rest of them. But it was family time,
rejoicing in your harvest. It was the most blessed time for the believer.
It was the harvest of all his aspirations, the harvest of all that he stood
for. Oh my. All the labor, all the tears, all the sweat, all the work.
Now was coming the harvest. Glory. Time for joy. Joy unspeakable.
Glory. Amen.
This feast of the Tabernacle lasted seven days. It was the last
of three great festivals. And it came at the close of the harvest. And
during the seven days, the children of Israel dwelt in booths or taber-
nacles. It types out God’s eternal rest. Yet it’s still in time cause the
seventh day and the seventh feast will be in the Millennium. Amen.
And this is the type of it. It represented the last Church Age also.
I...did you hear what I said? It also represented the last Church Age,
the Feast of the Tabernacles. Notice, it represented the seventh day of
time in the Millennium. But it also represented the Seventh Church
Age. Then the seventh feast, the Feast of Tabernacles, would also
represent the last or the Seventh Church Age as the harvest time.
So then to find out what would...what you’re supposed to be in
in July, you have to go back to their harvest feast and what they did
you do the same thing in July. A...amen. Now we’re on the beam. So
let’s find out what they did by the Word. What they did in the natural
we’ll do here in the spiritual. Seven days, but on the eighth day of the
feast, there was an extra day, the eighth day. There was a Holy Convo-
Now a convocation is a calling of a solemn assembly. A call-
ing together down in Penn Harris, assembling by a summons. Malachi
4 summoned you. “You get to the Bride’s supper.” I have a summons
from the chief magistrate to bring you to the Wedding Supper. COME
OUT OF THERE. Amen. And only God’s elected can come by the
summons. They’re the only one that can hear the judge’s voice, “My
sheep hear my voice.”
So you say, “I don’t believe that there.” You wasn’t
summonsed. You’re not the elected one. Only the sheep can come.
You don’t have to believe it. Amen. The group of people called to-
gether by the summons. Now I have to read something for you now.
So just put on your spiritual caps now and let the shades up. I have to
read cause it’s not my words; it’s the Prophet’s words. I feel like
letting go and closing out, amen. But I want to get it in the tape, amen.
A few more minutes. Now I only started preaching at 12 o’clock. So
I haven’t even been here an hour yet. I took forty minutes to get you
straightened out. Now I’m preaching. Here’s the message now. So
you’ve got a few more minutes, about ten more minutes or so. Just
open up and let me read this here, you’re gonna get it.
Now he’s speaking about this Millennium. Notice, this is still
not referred to, this Millennium reign, the thousand years, it’s not the
new earth. The Millennium reign is a different reign. That’s what we
go into, the Millennium. But that isn’t the new earth, the new Heaven.
No, no. That’s just a rest place, a rest period so the Bride will rest on
the seventh day in the Millennium before the eighth day. Amen. A
rest, cause seventh is a Sabbath. And on the Holy Convocation the
first day is a Sabbath and the eighth day is a Sabbath on this feast here,
a rest period. Not at all in the new Heavens and new earth.
For you see in the Millennium, we have things that would not
go into that. It’s a type of the old seventh day out of Eden, the day
when Adam and Eve sinned and that day was interrupted by the ser-
pent. Well God’s gonna have that same day, amen. We’re going back
to Eden. Amen. Do you understand now? The rest day, God means to
rest on that day. So He built the world in six days but He rested on the
seventh day. And the serpent interrupted the seventh day. But God
called the elected out, revealed the mysteries and brings her right back
to the seventh day.
The Word of God shall not fail. “My Word shall not fail. It
shall not return void. It shall accomplish, it shall accomplish.” You
shall be filled. There ain’t enough devils in hell to stop you from
being filled, sealed, healed, delivered. Glory. We are from Eternity.
We always was. You can’t fail. Amen Steve? You shall be filled.
Praise God. Amen. Glory. My, my. Amen.
In the Millennium, almost six thousand years old, every two
thousand years they had a destruction. The first two thousand years,
the flood come. And he baptized it with water. Next two thousand
years, Jesus come and dropped His Blood upon the earth and sancti-
fied and claimed it. The Blood claims you. “You are mine, redeemed
by the Blood. You was in the pawn shop and I paid the price and I’m
bringing you out.” Amen. Amen.
Jesus came to sanctify and claim it, dropped His Blood upon it,
called it His. I’ll come again, King with His Queen. And the
second two thousand years, what does He do? He comes and gives
His rest period. Then He burns her off and cleans her for His own,
puts His own back on it. And notice, not...and notice, not the perfect
world, this Millennium, the type of the seventh day. Then comes the
White Throne, the Judgment. See, we...because see, the thousand year
day, seventh day, is a honeymoon. Amen. You still have judgment,
we’re still in time in the Millennium. It’s a day, one thousand years.
It’s a time element. Don’t get that mixed up with the new earth now
because it’s not. Amen.
Now Brother Branham, page 31, you trying to put something
way out over yonder beyond the seventh day, that seventh day Sab-
bath? As God made the earth and labored six days and rested the
seventh. It was only a type of time. But I just said here, we become
eternal. Now here we are. He said all right, where’s your type now?
Because you was a typologist, are you run out of types now. No, I
haven’t. Let’s find out we haven’t. Let’s go to Leviticus, 23rd chap-
ter, 33rd verse...I mean the 26th verse there, he said here. Amen.
I want you to notice in Leviticus, 23rd chapter of Leviticus,
26th verse. Now remember there’s seven feast days. The Feast of the
Trumpets, The Feast of the Tabernacles, The Feast of the Sheaf wav-
ing all this. Here it is. There’s seven great feast days that was only a
type of the Seven Church Ages. You mean the seven feasts of Israel
was a type of the Seven Church Ages? And the Feast of the Taber-
nacles is the last feast? And this is the last Church Age? Then we’re
in the Feast of the Tabernacles. Amen.
And you remember how many Sabbaths there was between
one and the other? Seven Sabbaths between Pentecost and the Trum-
pets, which was the Seven Church Ages. And there was seven feast
days that represents the Seven Church Ages. Then he says it again.
Well Brother Branham, you done run out, you’ve got your seven. Okay,
let’s take the last feast which was the Feast of the Tabernacles, 36th
verse. Seven days, Seven Church Ages, offerings made of fire unto
the Lord. Fire, Seven Church Ages. On the eighth day, on the eighth
day shall be a Holy Convocation.
Here’s the Prophet revealing it. There’s another Holy Time
coming, Holy Convocation unto you. And you shall offer an offering
made by Fire. “I’m this, I’m that.” Make it by Fire. Come up here as
a sacrifice. “I’m the pastor, I’m this, I’m the elder, I’m the deacon.”
Make it by Fire. “I’ll send the Fire. I’ll vindicate what you are, not
what you think you are, but what the Fire vindicates you are.” It’s Fire
unto the Lord. And it’s a solemn assembly. Ye shall do no servile
work therein. Now here we are. Not much time left. Just stay awake
a little while.
Now we’ve got an eighth day. There’s only seven days but
here we speak of the eighth day, Holy Convocation. Notice, do no
work in it. The eighth day or what? Back to the first day. Why? It
speaks of Eternity. As she rolls around without a stopping place, amen.
Do you see it? Notice, it was also upon this eighth day, the last day of
the Feast of the Tabernacles, notice after that, after the last feast day,
after the last Church Age, amen, after the last seven...the last complete
seven days upon the earth after the Millennium, after the Seven Church
Ages, after the seventh day Millennium that this Holy Convocation
Remember, this is Feast of Tabernacles, gathering places, amen,
where in the Millennium, they shall build houses, they shall inhabit;
but in the new earth, He has already went and prepared a place, it’s
built. We have nothing to do with building of it. Amen. Eternal. I
just love that word. A Holy Convocation, the eighth day, which there’s
only seven days. Then on the eighth day, which comes back to the
first day again. It comes right back to the first day, the eighth day is a
Holy Convocation.
Now we’re gonna find out what is the Holy Ghost? The Holy
Ghost ain’t got nothing to do with no seven days. It’s the eighth day,
eternal. We’re gonna prove it to you. We’re gonna put some faith in
you so you’ll receive the Holy Ghost. Stop all this, “Will I get it? Will
I won’t get it?” You’ve got to know who you are. It’s impossible for
you not to get it. Glory to God. You are creatures from Eternity. That’s
your mind telling you that, imagination, memory, affection, conscience.
It’s lying to you. You, is a real seed down in your soul. These are lies,
filthy lies. “You sinned, you did this.” That’s the devil trying to hold
you, trying to hold on to you.
You’re going up, you’re going up. “Come back.” You can’t.
You’re from Eternity. You are not a creature of time. You can’t stay
here. There’s something within you. You’ve got to go. I’ve got to
leave. I’ve got to go. I can’t help it. Something within me. I feel a
magnet, it’s moving here, it’s moving there, it’s moving everywhere.
Glory. Halleluiah. Praise God. Amen. Yes sir.
Brother, Holy Convocation, the eighth day. Notice, seven days
only has to do with the old creation, world time, seven days and that’s
the Millennium, the rest day. If God labored six days and rested on the
seventh day. Amen. The Church labors six days and rests on the
seventh but you’re still in time element. I ain’t speaking of the Eternal
but you see, there’s no such a thing as eight days. You go back to the
first day again. Amen. There’s only seven days.
The Sabbath speaks of the old law, which was to pass away.
The keeping of the Sabbath which passed away, changed to another. It
didn’t pass away. It changed from the old law of keeping a certain day
of the week. Isaiah 28:19: Precept must be upon precept. Here a little
and there a little. Hold fast to that what’s good. Stammering lips and
other tongues will I speak to this people and here is the rest. See you
enter into life. Not keeping a day or shadow. That’s why the legalists
can’t make it. “I is holy.” You ain’t gonna make nothing. It’s the
Blood of Jesus Christ. Hebrews, fourth chapter. Keeping days and
shadows and things like that. I’m...I’m scared of your experience.
See, we don’t pass into certain days and orders. That was nailed to the
cross, blotted it out. You pass from death unto Eternal Life, not days
and times. You pass into Eternity. That’s the Holy Convocation.
Oh, the Holy Convocation is the Baptism of the Holy Ghost,
the eighth day, which is the first day? My, what a revelation. The
Holy Convocation, the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. I passed from time,
amen, into Eternity. My. I’m getting ready to close out and I’m trying
to re...ho...amen.
Seven days is what? Will change to another, eighth day, deals
with a new creation, not an old creation. Eight days is new creation.
So it was on the eighth day that our Lord raised from the dead. Satur-
day was the seventh day. Sunday morning was the eighth day or the
first day of the week, but it was the eighth day and the first day. Then
the Lord raised from the dead on the eighth day. This is the first day.
Glory. Amen. Halleluiah. Thank You Jesus.
There is your other Convocation. The Holiness, not consider-
ing the Sabbath at all, or the Feast of the Tabernacles and a feast of this
and a Feast of Pentecost. Jesus raised from the dead for our justifica-
tion on the eighth day. After the seven Sabbaths or seven days, Seven
Church Ages, Jesus raised from the dead the eighth day, which is the
Holy Convocation, see, which is the first day. You have passed through
time and dropped into Eternity again and if you was there before, you’ll
drop back in there again.
When you receive the Holy Ghost, you drop back into Eter-
nity. That’s why you see a man with the Holy Ghost, he’s a new crea-
ture; a woman with the Holy Ghost, they ain’t the same. You don’t
understand them. You think they’re crazy. They’re not crazy. They’re
not from this world. They’re from another world. They ain’t got one
thing to do with your filth, nothing to do with Harvard, Yale, this job,
some old job, filthy women, whatever you want. Nothing to do with
good genealogy, where you come from, Europe, Africa, praise God.
They come from Heaven. They always was. Praise God. Glory. I’m
not from here. You don’t understand me because you’re not from there.
If you’re from there you’ll understand me. Praise God.
“What’s Brother Coleman talking about now? His...upon us
now?” You’re not from there. You don’t know what I’m talking about.
You have no understanding. But if you’ve got a seed in your soul, you
know what I’m talking about. And right now, you’re not what you
want to be, you’re not what you ought to be, but you’re not what you
used to be. You’re passed from time into Eternity. You have got to get
the Holy Ghost. You had it before in God’s mind. Glory. You have got
to be filled. Amen.
The eighth day which is a Holy Convocation. You may be
seated. Which is the first day. Keeping, you’re passed
dropped into Eternity, not keeping of days, keeping of Sabbaths and
new moons and things like that. It’s not “What did Brother Coleman
say? Don’t tell Brother Coleman.” You idiot. That ain’t no salvation.
That’s foolishness. A child of God wants the Word of God burning in
their soul. A child of God will say, “Praise God, if Brother Coleman
don’t preach Brother Branham’s Message, I’ll stay here and pray till
somebody comes and preaches it.” That’s a child of God. Not no
afraid something in the world, living like a devil coming in here afraid
that I’m gonna preach the Word of God. What are you afraid of?
What are you, a little wishy-washy something you? Praise God. Are
you a Word seed, a son of the King, child of the King? Live it, preach
it, talk it. Praise God. Glory.
Here’s your complexes right here. “I’m from Puerto Rico, I’m
Amish, I’m West Indian.” You ain’t nothing. Here’s God’s people
here. Away with that traditions and forget about it. Away with Trinidad
and Jamaica and this and that. Forget it. They’re God’s people. Amen.
Amen. Glory. Lord God, free them. Halleluiah, praise God. God be
In the balcony, in the basement, amen. Oh halleluiah, halleluiah.
Glory to God, amen. My. My. My. Thank You Jesus. Oh my. My,
my, my, glory. Praise God. The eighth day is here, a Holy Convoca-
tion, a Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire. I wouldn’t be surprised if
somebody is being baptized right now. Lord, send the Fire on the faith
here, balcony, basement, baptize them with the Holy Ghost. Wake up
these seeds Lord, shake them from the world. Pull them out of there
Lord. This is the Holy Convocation.
Oh Lord God, fill them. Glory. Fill the deacons on their posts,
fill the ushers, fill the tape boy, fill everybody. Glory. Halleluiah.
Glory to God. Thank You Jesus. My. Oh. Praise God. Amen. Can I
have about ten minutes more? Praise God. Page 34.
Notice the eighth day. Trying to get this to you. I can hardly
hold on, amen. Jesus raised for our justification, the Eternal King with
the Eternal Kingdom to be baptized into Eternal Life. Not seven days.
It had nothing to do with it, with any of the days. It’s speaking of
another Eternal Coming. You’re not from here. Get that out of your
mind. You are leaving here. Glory. You’re leaving the system, you’re
leaving everything here. You’re not from here. You come from God,
you’re going back to God. Glory.
Speaking of Eternal Coming. Speaking of Eternal Time, the
world I’m speaking of. And notice after 50 days, seven Sabbaths from
there, after He raised and 50 days later, 49, 7...I mean 49 days, seven
sevens, there come another Holy Convocation on the Day of Pente-
cost. What happened? The Holy Ghost fell on the Day of Pentecost
on the eighth day, fell on the eighth day or seven Sabbaths later after
His resurrection. It’d be seven times that again bringing you right
back around to the first day of the week exactly. There’s your Holy
Convocation. Nothing to do with the literal thing. It’s beyond that.
It’s into the Kingdom of God with Eternal Life. My. With the predes-
tinated that never did start. It never started on any day. You wasn’t
saved on any day. My. You was always saved. Amen.
Jesus has come to redeem those that was already saved. But
you was saved from the beginning because you have Eternal Life to
begin with. The only ones that can be saved. You don’t come by laws
and rituals. You come by predestination. There’s the genuine Holy
Convocation. We’re ending the Seventh Church Age, the Pentecostal
Age, do you see it? We’re entering the Holy Convocation, we’re en-
tering into that real genuine Eternity where the Church is called not to
some station, some denomination, but you’re called to Eternity.
As Brother Branham said, “Stature Of A Perfect Man,” page 6.
I’m gonna show you the man that’s gonna be redeemed by the Blood,
that’s gonna be in the Eternal Church Age. That’s the man that’s gonna
be there. Glory. And I mean to be there. You better be there...forget
about your failures and the whole thing. Get out of here.
Let the Eternal King, oh my, you’re passed into Eternity. Did
you finally get it? Yes sir, the eighth day was a Holy Convocation.
Jesus raised on the eighth day, resurrection. It was the first day, the
first Sunday after the seventh day, which was Saturday. The next day
was Sunday, that was the eighth day but it was also the first day. My.
Amen. The Holy Ghost fell. That’s your Holy Convocation. That’s
your solemn assembly. That’s your sacrifice with Fire, Holy Fire; not
this mess, going out in the world and coming in and going back out.
You haven’t heard from God. You ain’t heard from your theophany. If
you hear from your theophany, you will never go out of here. You’ll
never go out of here. Glory. You cannot go. A seed from Eternity.
You always was.
Ephesians 1:4: According as He has chosen us, me, you, cho-
sen us before the foundation of the world that we should be holy with-
out blame before Him in love. Faith worketh by love. That’s why I’m
shouting, that’s why I’m dancing. The harvest is here. So is the judg-
ment. But I have the joyful sound. The harvest is come. Lord, I’m
coming home. I’m coming home Lord. Glory to God. You see your
name in the Seven Thunder revelation. You have gathered in your
corn, your Headstone message. You caught caught your wine,
the Seven Thunders giving you the Faith. So you see you are living
holy, sanctified life knowing where He called you from. You tasted it,
of the world to come, the good Power of God. You tasted of the Holy
Word. You’re not going back in the world where you come from. You
come from God, you’re going back to God. Halleluiah.
Your shoulders are back, your head is up. Lift up your head,
your redemption draweth nigh. Amen. The Seven Thunder Blood,
that revelation is a revelation that your name is in the Book splashed in
Blood. On “Questions And Answers,” number 3, page 207, paragraph
295. Quote: Sanctification is when your name goes on the Book as a
believer. Your word, your name. Your word is your name. The Head-
stone is your word, that’s your name and your name is called the Word
of God. It’s on the thigh. BOOM, Jacob’s thigh. He had a new walk,
he had a new talk. God cracked him in the thigh. Oh I want to close
out here but I want to say something. My.
Your name is wrote in His Blood. See? Sanctification does
that. We’ll go into it Wednesday. We’ll recap it Wednesday. I told
you, I don’t know where I’m going. But there’s five messages that’s
gonna pull you out of here. You will not be the same when we finish
on August the 30th. Amen. Let’s find out where you come from. You
may sit down a minute. Just about ten minutes. I think I can make it.
I’ve got a climax here. I want to tell you about it. Whew...sha! Glory.
I felt Fire. You feel Fire? Amen. My. I know I’m acting silly. I can’t
help it. He’s all over me; He’s keeping me alive. Amen. Glory.
Halleluiah, praise God. Thank You Jesus. Glory to God.
Here’s where you come from. “C.O.D., Conduct And Order,”
page 397, paragraph 165. Yes sir. If we were saved...if we were saved
before the foundation of the world, were we? The question. Brother
Branham’s answer. Yes sir. Revelation 13:8 says you were saved and
your name was put in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the world was
ever created. Because the world, as Brother Roscoe told us here in his
message, was created in the beginning. But you was before the begin-
ning. See why you have to get the Holy Ghost? You have to get It.
Can’t nothing stop it. You shall be filled. It’s not me speaking, it’s
God speaking telling you, you shall be filled. My, you shall be filled,
in the balcony, basement, babies, everybody. Every last predestinated
seed shall be filled. My. Amen. You may be seated.
Were we spirits then? I feel Fire. I don’t know what I’m gonna
say. This is a faith message to prepare you for the Holy Ghost. No,
were we spirits then before the foundation of the world? See? He says
here, he’s quoting from Revelation 13:8. And all that dwell upon the
earth whose names from the earth shall worship him, whose names
were not written in the book of the...of the life of the Lamb slain be-
fore the foundation of the world. That’s when it was.
And these people in these denominations, their names wasn’t
there. But He gives them a chance, like Judas; to put their names on
there cause all life is recorded in a Book. But your name was in the
Blood section before the foundation of the world. Church members
names go on when they get saved. And church members can take their
names out. But your name cannot be blotted out. Amen. You’re not a
church member. You are the Bride of Jesus Christ. Sha! Koopendabah!
Glory. Amen. My.
Were you a spirit then? No. We was not even nothing then.
But in God’s mind we were. The Eternal One that dwelt alone, wasn’t
even called God yet, the Eternal. My. You were there in His mind. He
spoke it, it materialized. When the Logos materialized, that was your
spirit. The Logos. There you was with Him in the beginning, with
Him standing against the church members, standing against the World
Council, standing against Satan and all his denominations, antichrists,
false christs. By Him in the beginning you defeated every devil. You’ve
overcome the flesh. You’ve overcome the pride of life, you overcome
the lust of the spirit, you overcome denominations, antichirst, false
christs, the world. Why?
Greater is He that’s in you. Greater. There’s no way possible,
any human being could overcome in this age, except God be with him.
And if God be with you, who can be against you? He’s your judge,
He’s your lawyer, glory, not guilty. The devils accuse you, “They did
this, they did that.” NOT GUILTY. NOT GUILTY. Paul, you’re not
guilty. Not guilty, not guilty. But God is guilty until He give you the
Holy Ghost. Amen.
“Lord, you said I’m not guilty. You have to give me the Holy
Ghost. I’m a seed. You’re my papa.” Oh halleluiah. My my. There’s
your spirit, the Logos, your theophany, that’s your spirit. My. He
spoke it, it materialized. Jesus was slain before. How many knows
that? The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ was the Lamb slain before
the foundation of the world. Why? God spoke it. When He spoke it,
it was as good as finished. You were there when He was slain. Your
names was washed in the Blood in His mind. You always was Brother
Rivers. And when He saw me, He saw you before the foundation of
the world. We were only figurative in His mind, then when we come
to the world, we were both men and women, male and female. That
was Adam. My.
He separated the feminish spirit from the man and made a
woman out of it and left the masculine spirit in a man. When you see
a woman acting like a man, there’s something wrong. When you see a
man acting like a sissy, like a sissified woman, you see a man acting
sissy like a woman, there’s something wrong. And then He took from
the man’s side a rib and made a help mete out of mate. And
these...they two are one. Glory. But before the foundation of the world,
our name, the Blood part, here it is. I’m gonna get to shout now.
When the Lamb was slain, our names was put on the Book in God’s
mind. He foresaw us and predestinated us by His foreknowledge be-
fore the foundation of the world.
Oh brother, listen here, oh brother, if that wouldn’t make the
Church get up and run through the aisles. It makes you get up. It
makes you run all around the building. It makes you shout. It makes
you dance. You see your name in Blood. You’re rooting and shouting
and jumping. Glory. What a quote. My. We were in God’s mind
before the foundation. Oh brother. My. It makes you get up and run
the aisles. And them old formal fanatic. My, they...and they get mad.
“Look, they’re doing Utanda La Kai. Bunch of formal fanatics.” Get
them out of here. Brother. My.
Think of it. Make the Church get up and run through the aisles.
Think of it. You who are born again before the foundation of the world.
God put your name on the Lamb’s Book of Life. Christ died, sent the
Holy Ghost here to call you to Eternal Life. You have received It. He
seals you. You’re there till the day of your redemption. Halleluiah.
Talk about holding on. It isn’t, “Do I hold on? Can I make it?” I’m
reading. It’s, did He hold on? Did the Lord hold on the Cross? Did
He hold on? Did He make it? Christ died for the sinner. Christ held
on the Cross. When He held on, you held on. When He died, you
died. When the veil was rent, your veil was rent. When He rose, you
rose. When He comes back, you’re going with Him. Sha! My.
It isn’t what I done? It’s not what you did today, what you’re
gonna do tomorrow. You can’t make it like that. It’s what He already
done. Do you believe He died for you? You’re passed from death unto
life. Faith is the victory. Glory. Then when you really know He died
for you, the Blood takes every devil out of you. The cigarette demon
leaves. Speak the Word, the devils leave. Sex demons run for their
lives. Lust devils get out. Praise God. The demons have got to go.
If a man that was a sinner in this age, he hears from God, God
calls him. Oh halleluiah, praise God, thank You Jesus. My. If you’re
a Word seed, amen, moreover all things work together for good. What-
ever problem you have, circumstance, whatever it is, it works together
for good. If you’re a Word seed, moreover whom He did predestinate,
He also called. And when He called you, He justified you. Whom He
justified, He already glorified. So you’re already glorified now, right
now before the foundation of the world, you have the Holy Ghost now.
Then all He’s got to do is send the Seven Thunder Blood to claim you,
sanctify you, get you ready for a Holy Fire, Fire, Holy Fire to burn the
old nature out. It’s impossible, impossible, impossible, the Word seed,
not to be born again, to become a real seed because the seed of God is
in you. You cannot sin. You’ve got to receive it. You’re from the
eighth day, the fullness of time. Oh halleluiah. Praise God. My, my.
Oh, I didn’t think I would go this long.
What is the fullness of time? “Adoption,” book, page 89 and
90. I’ll just quote it. What is the fullness of time? When the dead
raises. Church, we’ve been called, summoned to another Holy Time,
a Holy Convocation on the eighth day. Here we go. A couple of
quotes and I’m gonna finish. So I got them in. Amen. We’ll just let it
go this way.
The Holy Ghost is Eternal. If you’ve got Eternal Life, there’s
only one form, that’s God. And you are an expressed attribute. If
you’re not, you’re not gonna be there anyhow. No man can come to
me except my Father draw him, which passes away all these old things.
Because these things, it speaks of Eternity. These...these things don’t
see? So it speaks of Eternity. The Holy Ghost is Eternal. Here you
are in Eternity, where you was all the time. My, my, my.
Please, get the Holy Ghost, whatever you do. But you just
recognized what happened, see? You were made for an Eternal pur-
pose. And when you get the Holy Ghost you will recognize your place.
You don’t stagger around, in and out and I’m sure, I’m not sure. Re-
ceive the Holy Ghost. You will see you were made for an Eternal
purpose, because you was a manifestation of an attribute that was in
God by...He thought of you and expressed you and He made an earth
to take you out of. Adam’s body was in the earth. So was your body.
And if they had left it alone, the serpent, in your season and in your
time, you would have been called from the earth and molded by God.
But the serpent got there with sex, but from dust to dust and earth to
earth and ashes to ashes. That proves it goes right back to the dirt.
He made a earth to take you out of it to make you a human
being. And sin come along and perverted His way. You come any-
how. But you was lost with the world. And though you were lost, so
He come and redeemed you. My, I tell you. The expressed attributes.
But notice, He also redeemed the earth the same way by the natural
earth. As He lives in your earth, He’s gonna live on the natural earth.
He claimed it the same way. Water, blood, fire. Claim you the same
way. Water, blood, fire. Then the person sits in your earth and then
we and Him together sit on this earth. But it’ll be a new heavens and
a new earth. Amen, praise God, amen. My. Then His purpose rolls
around, halleluiah. I know you’re hot. Just a few more minutes, cause
I’m soaked.
He...oh, that does me so much good. Think of what lays ahead.
And I’m gonna strike the text here, Ephesians 1:10 and I’m gonna
close out. It’s Ephesians 1:10. Now in Ephesians 1:10, this is page
35. I’m quoting from “Future Home Of The Bride.” It’s called now, if
you’re putting it down, it’s called not a dispensation, not the seventh
day. It’s called the fullness of time. When the fullness of time has
come. That’s when time has been fulfilled when there’s no more time.
Is that what the Angel says, “Time no longer.” And yet...yet there’s
three and a half year tribulation period, one thousand, the seventh day
Millennium; but not for you. You become Eternity. You go to the
Rapture, the Wedding Supper. And you passed over the three and a
half years. That’s the real Passover. And you come down in time.
And when the fullness of time has come, that’s when time has
been fulfilled and there’s no more time, then you go into Eternity.
After the Seventh Church Age is over, notice, and it is...the Prophet
said, and it is. He’s prophesying. One day it’s gonna be over. So how
many people grabbed this book in ’64, “It’s over.” Amen Brother
Russell? “It’s over. Let’s go to Sierra Vista, the Rapture’s gonna be
in Sierra Vista.” ’64. See? They don’’s a prophecy. Amen.
But some minister might pick it up and then it’s over. Might
be in July. Then you know it’s over. Oh, who do you say this is?
When time has been fulfilled, then there’s no more time and you go
into Eternity after the Seventh Church Age is over and it is; Luther’s
Age is over, Methodist Age is over, Pentecostal Age is over and now
you go into what? Eternity. No more sevens, no more threes, no more
any, Eternity, where there’s no such time as numbers and times and
things. Do you believe it? Amen.
We’ve been called, summoned to another Holy Time. We’ve
got a promise. Here’s the promise. “Future Home,” page 62 and 63.
Speaking about the Millennium. I’ll leave some of it out but he said to
the old fellows in here. Some old man, some old woman, don’t you be
discouraged. If you are a representation up here in this attribute of
God, you are in the Eternal. Amen. All right, but there’s more here.
This is the Eternal. This is the Eternal, the feast after the Feast of
Tabernacles, the Feast of Tabernacles was the last feast, the seventh
feast. We’re worshipping now, we’re worshipping now under the Feast
of the Tabernacles, the Seventh Church Age. Sha!
Do you know what this means? Lord, give them the Holy Ghost
so you’ll understand where you’re at. We’re in the harvest. My. In
the Millennium, we’ll be under the Feast of Tabernacles again in the
seventh day. But this is the Seventh Church Age, the seventh feast. It
represents both. My, praise God, amen. Then after the seventh day,
we have an eighth day, a Holy Convocation. We go back into the
Eternal. How? By the Eternal One that came and redeemed us, taking
us back, letting us recognize that we were part of this, glory.
Now, how do you know your part? Because that the Word of
the hour, the promise of the day. What is it? A restoration back, back
to the first day and he shall restore the hearts of the children back to
the fathers, bringing a restoration again for the Pentecostal genuine,
not sensation, and will manifest the evening Light. The same sun that
shined in the morning light as promised for today. Amen, amen. Where
are we at friends? Where are we? Just waiting now to get out of the
way so Revelation 11 can be made known to the Jews. That’s right.
The Rapture coming. Oh praise God.
Malachi 4 come to restore us back. That’s the reason I’m happy
this morning. I’m a creature of the eighth day. I’ve been called, I’ve
been claimed by the Seven Thunder Blood Revelation to a Holy Con-
vocation, the Feast of the Tabernacles. Now I’m finished. I finally
made it. About five minutes or so. Halleluiah, praise God. Now, let’s
put on your shouting shoes.
The Feast of Tabernacles according to Jewish tradition is to
thoroughly prove that we’re in the Seventh Church Age. The Feast of
the Tabernacles is joy time, harvest time, rejoicing time. I did some
reading on the Jewish traditions and their feasts. This comes from
their history. The feast lasted seven days to recap it. It was followed
by an eighth day, a special Holy Convocation. According to Jewish
history, on the eighth day, the eighth day was a Holy Convocation. It
was a very peculiar solemn time. On the morning of this day, the
seven days was finished. The Seventh Church Age was finished. The
Millennium was finished.
On “Future Home Of The Bride,” on page 42 and 43, I don’t
have time to read it but here’s what happened. After the Seventh Church
Age, after the Millennium, seventh day, we will tear down the booths
but we won’t go back to our houses. Brother Branham said Christ is
now preparing a new City for the eighth day. Halleluiah. Amen. Glory
to God. He is now, St. John 14: Let not your heart be troubled. You
believe in me, believe also in God. In my Father’s house there are
many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you in there. In the Holy
Convocation, new heavens, new earth. I’m gonna take you to your
place in the heavens. I’m preparing, building a City for you now. I
John, seen the City coming down from Heaven, a Bride adorned for
her husband. You are the New Jerusalem where the streets are lined
with gold; everything you want will be there. Oh, He knows what you
like. He knows what you want. He’s gonna put it in there. Halleluiah.
Glory to God. Thank You Jesus.
The Master Builder, the Divine Architect is designing it now
for you just the way you like it in your heart. That’s the way He’s
building it over there. If it were not so, I would not have told you. But
I go to prepare a place for you and where I shall be, so shall you be
with me. Halleluiah. Praise God. My. Halleluiah. My, my. I’m
giving him some water from Siloam. This is water from Siloam. Jew-
ish tradition, five minutes.
We have two particulars in the observance of the Tabernacle
Feast which appear to be referred to in the New Testament but are not
noticed in the Old Testament. St. John 7:37 and 38.
In that last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and
cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and
June 20th, any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink.
June 20th, that David is here this morning.
He that believeth on me, as the scripture has said, out of his
belly shall flow rivers of living water.
Now on the eighth day, they had taken down their booths. It
was the last day, the great day. Now there was two things going on
that day. One was a ceremony of pouring out some water of the pool
of Siloam and the display of some great lights in the court of the women.
Now St. John 9:1 through 7, when the blind man was healed, he spit
and made some clay and rubbed it in his eye, that was the Word. He
received the Word in his eyes. He said, go to the pool of Siloam and
wash and the man went. He obeyed. Seven Thunders give faith. Then
wash in the pool of Siloam and come back seeing. Have your eyes
anointed from the pool of Siloam. Oh praise God, amen. I believe I
received St. John 9 for my wife in 1973, Mt. Poconos. It means “sent,
sent one.” As my Father sent me, even so send I you. Same way, same
signs, same wonders, same miracles.
Now, number two: The Israelites was all dressed up in their
holiday attire and they had a morning sacrifice on the eighth day. And
one of the priests, he went to get some water with a golden vessel. He
went to the pool of Siloam. This was a great ceremony, which he
brought back into the court but he had to walk through the water gate.
He had to come by the waterway. Number one: He’s on his way back,
he has a golden vessel with water from Siloam. He’s sent, amen, he’s
coming back on the eighth day as he walked through the water gate.
He’s got the water from the pool of Siloam in a golden vessel.
All the people are standing around on the great day. They’re
happy, they are rejoicing. Everybody got their own harvest. There’s
no jealousy, there’s no backbiting, there’s no evil surmising, there’s
no resentment. The trumpets are sounding. What a day that was. It
was the eighth day. Here come the priest with the water from Siloam.
He comes walking back. All the people are watching. He ascends up
the slope of the altar. At the top of the altar there was two fixed silver
basins, one on either side of the altar. On the bottom there are two
small openings, at the bottom for the water to come down through
there. It had one in the East and one in the West. The one in the East,
they poured wine into it. On the Eastern side on...out of the East,
stimulation of revelation, Seven Thunders coming out of the East.
There was wine poured on the East. Then on the Western side
another silver basin, it was on the Western side. And on the Western
side, it had water in it. Then they put the two together. It had pipes
and it went down into a caldron; the water was mingled with the wine.
Amen. I’m gonna say something. In the evening the eighth day, the
water got mixed with the wine in the court of the women. Both men
and women, assembled in the court outside of Penn Harris. Amen.
They came out of the Temple in the court of the women, they held a
rejoicing. They were dancing, shouting, for the joining of the water of
Siloam. Is that what happened at Penn Harris on Monday night when
Brother Thornton come from the West? He preached, “Getting In The
Spirit.” Amen.
Somebody come behind Brother Thornton, somebody come
out of New York, Seven Thunder revelation and it was mixed together
and we...we got in the Spirit. We had a prayer line. People got healed,
people got saved. It was so great, it was the eighth day. My. They
spilled outside. We are marching over to Jerusalem. They were danc-
ing, marching over to Jerusalem. They were in the Spirit at Penn Har-
ris. Oh praise God. Thank You Jesus. My, my, my. Is that what
happened Monday night? Is that why Brother Thornton, getting in the
Spirit. You don’t know what you’re doing but have faith. God knows
right from New York City, there’ll be another Holy Convocation. The
Spirit of Prophecy, prophesy another Holy Time in Penn Harris. Praise
God. My.
At the same time, there were two stands, one on either side.
Each one supported four lights. There were two stands holding four
lights each making eight lights. Each night a light was lighted, eight
messages. It was lighted, eight. Amen. It says here, it appears to be
generally admitted that the words of St. John 7:37 and 38 were sug-
gested by the pouring out of the water of Siloam. Is this the harvest
time? My, the eight lights of II Peter, Faith, Virtue, Knowledge, Tem-
perance, Patience, Godliness, Brotherly Kindness, and Charity. At the
last day, that great Light, Charity never faileth. A restoration of a Holy
Convocation back to the original genuine Pentecostal Baptism on the
eighth day. Oh my. My, my, my.
The eighth day, we are here. Holy Fire burning the earth’s
atmosphere. Then Christ and His Bride setting on the new earth, new
City, new Heaven. And I saw a new Heaven and a new earth. There
was no more sea. And I John saw the Holy City. He’s fixing it now.
Oh my. And God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes. There
shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying. Neither shall there
be no more pain for the former things are passed away.
Do you understand what I’m saying? The Holy Fire, when you
get the Holy Ghost, the former things are burned away. Mother, fa-
ther, sister, brother, where you come from, what school or what gene-
alogy passes away. You’re a new creature. On the eighth day a Holy
Convocation, another Holy Time harvest. The Dynamics to your me-
chanics to burn away the former things. I’m finished, 2 P.M., Second
Pull finished, Third Pull at hand. Halleluiah, praise God, amen. My,
my, my. Are we in July? Will this be July all the way around to next
July on our way to the Resurrection? We’ll pause in Pennsylvania and
we’ll do our dance again. We’re marching over to Jerusalem. Give us
a key. Halleluiah. The fullness of time has come. We have a more
sure word of prophecy. Even so come Lord Jesus. Halleluiah,
halleluiah, glory to God.
Can we thank the Lord? Can we praise the Lord? Oh, raise
your hands and praise Him, thank Him. Glory to God. Another Holy
Time. Thank You Jesus. Oh, my, my, my. Thank You Jesus. My. Oh
my, my, my, my. We are here. You ain’t going back no more. Not
after this morning’s message. You are a creature of Eternity. I believe
with all my heart you shall be filled in these meetings. You repent, you
get rid of your sins, you sanctify yourself and you shall be filled. But
understand we are marching over to Jerusalem. This is the joy, this is
that time. Oh, the time we longed for. The shouting time, the praising
time, the glory time. Oh, the most blessed time for the believer but a
judgment for the unbeliever. But I’m a believer. I’ve got to sing. I’ve
got to shout. Amen.

(Singing: “Marching Over To Jerusalem”)

The Stature Of A Perfect Man Jeff., In. 10-14-1962 M
Page 47 Here you are, seven church ages, seven steps, God build-
ing His church is like one person into an individual-into Himself.


Bro Kindness




Feast Of The Trumpets Jeff., In. 64-0719M

Page 17 - 18 Go into the prophet’s chamber and watch them
seven steps. Where did the guard meet the challenge to bring the
comer into the presence of the king at the top of the steps? Was in
the seventh step. There shows that we’ve got to come again with
that same Spirit that was on John. He introduced the Messiah; he
was greater than all the prophets; he introduced it.

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