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Crown Legacy Designs Release Form 

Below here are the terms and conditions associated with being a customer of Crown 
*****Cash App, Paypal, Apple Pay, and Cash are accepted***** 
1. The design will be completed within one (1) month of the d ​ rop-off date​. If 
design is not completed within that time, customer will receive a 15% discount. 
2. If the customer’s clothing item is damaged during the process of designing, the 
customer will receive a 25% off total price 
3. If the customer is unpleased with the design will be required to pay ​without 
refund. Any customer who refuses to pay will not be given the designed item. I, 
Tatiana will do my best to achieve what you are asking for.  
Clothing  Drop-Off  Design  Deposit  Colors  Pick-Up  Total  
Item  Date  Price  Date   
(w. receipt) 


I _____________________ (print) truthfully paid the above amount for the clothing 
item and understand the prices and commitment by engaging in this settlement. 
Sign below, as you consenting to the above terms & conditions.  
___________________________ ___________ 
Client Signature Date 
___________________________ ___________ 
Tatiana Signature Date 

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