Failure of The Collection Volume Method

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Abdul M. Mousa
Consultant (retired from BC Hydro)
Vancouver, Canada

ABSTRACT frequency distribution of stroke amplitude having a

median value of 31 kA (the so-called “CIGRE
To facilitate the marketing of their gadgets, the vendors of ESE Distribution”) be adopted for all structure heights up to
(Early Streamer Emission) lightning rods are attempting to get
60 m as well as for the strokes to flat ground [3].
the CVM (Collection Volume Method) in IEEE Standard 998
which deals with the Shielding of Substations. This attempt But Melander [28] showed that the measurements on
follows their failure before both Standards Australia and the Eriksson’s tower, upon which most of his research was
NFPA (National Fire Protection Association). This paper seeks based, were flawed; as he took the measurements at base
to help in defending IEEE Standards by exposing the invalidity of the tower instead of its top. Melander’s analysis was
of the CVM. The paper also shows that the CVM should never subsequently confirmed by the observed differences
have been written as it arose from Eriksson’s false perception between the simultaneous current measurements taken at
that discrepancies existed between field observations and the different heights of the 540 m Ostankino TV tower in
Electrogeometric Model, and that Eriksson’s method failed to Moscow [19]. Also, critics showed that the CVM
address those claimed discrepancies.
suffered from the same alleged deficiencies, and Eriksson
offered no plausible answer. Further, Eriksson’s so-
called “Improved EGM” constituted no improvement
Lightning, Lightning protection, Lightning Protection whatsoever as it complicated the design of shielding
Standards, Collection Volume Method, Electrogeometric systems without offering any compensating advantage
Model, Early Streamer Emission (ESE) lightning rods. [32].
The CVM was short-lived within the scientific
1. INTRODUCTION community when it was shown that Eriksson erred in
While its roots go further back in history, the interpreting field observations [30, 34] and that
Electrogeometric Model (EGM) was first articulated by predictions of the EGM can be reconciled with field
Young et al. in 1963 [48]. An important subsequent observations by making minor rational revisions [31, 33].
paper by Sargent [44] showed that the EGM predicts an Mousa also showed that Eriksson’s/CIGRE’s frequency
increase in the median amplitude of the collected distribution of stroke amplitudes was poorly defined [35].
lightning strokes with increase in height of the structure. The above should have been enough to cause the
Sargent also showed that the median stroke amplitude CVM to peacefully die away, same as what routinely
depends on shape of the structure (mast versus wire). happens to theories that turn out to be flawed. But this
During the early 1980’s, Eriksson [11] incorrectly did not happen because Rick Gumley, an Australian
thought that the predictions of the EGM were manufacturer of Early Streamer Emission (ESE)
contradicted by field observations. His main criticisms lightning rods, realized that it provided an alternative way
were the following: of justifying the claim that a single air terminal can
a) that field observations for a wide range of structure protect a whole building. While the Critical Radius
heights appeared to give an almost constant median value concept of Carrara & Thione [7] is sound for spark
of the amplitude of the collected strokes, and; discharges in the lab, the trick in commercializing the
b) that the EGM presumes that the striking distance is CVM is in manipulating the “field intensification factor”
correlated with amplitude of the return stroke while of Eriksson’s failed theory [12].
measurements revealed a wide dispersion. Gumley developed BENJI software for applying the
Eriksson [12, 13] hence developed the Collection CVM to the placement of ESE devices. However, his
Volume Method (CVM) in the hope of curing the above idea of using the CVM to promote ESE devices remained
perceived shortcomings. He also proposed that a low profile in the beginning as vendors focused their
promotion efforts on getting ESE theory sanctioned by

standards organizations. Their first success was in Working Group D5. Hopefully, this will rally the support
France and it was rather easy as the French system needed to defeat the attempts of vendors to corrupt those
enabled manufacturers within a given sector to issue standards, same as was previously accomplished by the
standards if they agreed among themselves, and without scientific community in connection with both the
scrutiny by independent scientists. However, their Australian Standard and NFPA/USA Standard 780.
attempts to expand into the USA, by attacking NFPA Finally, this paper’s defense of the EGM should not be
(National Fire Protection Association), was met with stiff construed as rejection of the more recent models, e.g.
opposition when the scientific community at large made those by Dellera et al [10], Rizk [42], Mazur et al. [23],
its position known. Becerra and Cooray [4], etc. While the above works
The failure of the attack on NFPA after a decade-long advance our knowledge of lightning, the author shares
bitter dispute gave the word “ESE” a bad name. As a Professor Pedersen’s opinion that they are not yet ready
result, some vendors changed the names of their devices, for implementation in standards [36, 40].
and the interest in using the CVM as a commercial
promotion tool was resurrected. In connection with the
above, it should be noted that Mousa [37, 38] was quick 2. GENERAL
to recognize vendors’ promotion of the CVM as a back 2.1 The “Collection Volume” is a Misnomer
door to legitimizing ESE technology. Recently, Hartono
and Robiah [18] went further by renaming the subject The term “Collection Volume” implies that all strokes
technology “ESE/CVM devices”. arriving within a certain volume/area will be collected by
The corporate funding behind the CVM promotion led to a the structure. But that is not what Eriksson meant. Rather,
flood of papers by the related commercial scientists. Eriksson’s “Collection Volume” is the locus of the end
While the first of those paper was a “company paper” co- points of the attractive radii for different values of the
authored by Gumley and D’Alessandro [9], the promotion charge on the leader, i.e. different stroke amplitudes.
has since been buttressed by using outsiders, either as co- Since the analysis of the shielding system is done for a
authors or sole authors. Independent scientists have single stroke amplitude, Eriksson’s concept of a
responded by documenting their reservations regarding the combined parabolic locus complicated matters without
CVM [5, 6, 39, 40, 41]. serving any purpose. Further, his use of this term is
Today, ESE vendors in Europe are fighting to prevent misleading.
their standard from being withdrawn by CENELEC, a
battle in which ICLP has been playing an admirable role 2.2 Eriksson’s “Handicapped Model”
on behalf of both the scientific community and the public
at large. In North America, on the other hand, the main As shown herein, the CVM is invalid. Eriksson was
thrust of ESE vendors has been in getting the CVM misguided in calling his model an “improved EGM” as
sanctioned by standards organizations, namely the IEEE no such description can be given to an invalid model. It
via Working Group D5 which deals with the shielding of is more appropriate to describe it as a “handicapped
substations. model” for having complicated the design process by
This paper summarizes the criticism against the CVM eliminating the ground plane. This omission arose from a
with emphasis on its early history. It also reports on the discrepancy between Eriksson’s theory and field
proceedings before IEEE Working Group D5 where the observations, namely, his failure to realize that upward
CVM is being promoted as an “improved model” that is leaders can be induced from the ground plane, the same
“modern” and “cost-effective”. The objectives of this way that they are induced from structures. This point is
paper are as follows: further discussed later herein.
a) Documenting the fact that the CVM should never have
been written, as it was driven by false perceptions
regarding deficiencies of the EGM, it failed to 3. RESOLVING THE PERCEIVED
accomplish its intended objectives, and that the EGM was DISCREPANCIES OF THE EGM
revised long ago to eliminate the discrepancies which
Eriksson thought to exist between its predictions and The work done by Mousa and Srivastava during the
field observations. 1980’s to reconcile predictions of the EGM with field
b) Presenting the proof regarding invalidity of the CVM observations is briefly summarized hereafter.
in terms which non-specialists can understand, namely, 1) Eriksson’s perception that some of his measured
the contradiction of the CVM with field observations. striking distances were excessive was shown to arise
c) Making the scientific community aware of the from error in identifying the striking distance from his
imminent risk to national and international standards that photos. Specifically, an upward leader is induced from a
is posed by the ongoing proceedings before IEEE tall tower when a nearby cloud-to-cloud or cloud-to-

ground lightning strike occurs. If a downward lightning 4. CIGRE’S FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF
stroke occurs while the above unrelated upward leader is STROKE AMPLITUDES
still conductive, then it will terminate at its tip instead of
striking the peak of the tower itself. An error could then As a corollary of the above, Mousa [35] found the
occur in identifying the striking distance from still frequency distribution of stroke amplitudes, which was
photographs. The above mechanism was shown to apply developed by R.B. Anderson and Eriksson and became
to one of the photos taken by Eriksson himself [30]. known as the CIGRE Distribution [3], included the
If the downward stroke in the above case terminated following errors:
instead at a point below the top of the tall tower, then the 1) The portion of the data obtained on Eriksson’s mast
photo would simultaneously show the existence of the was in error based on the findings of Melander [28] and
unrelated upward streamer emanating from top of the others [19].
tower. Three such photos are mentioned later herein, and 2) Eriksson lumped data from towers with those from
Professor Krider’s alternative explanation [21] of the power lines without regard to the effect of shape of the
subject upward leader agrees with that of Mousa [30]. object on the median current.
2. The median current to flat ground Ig was thought to 3) In the case of tall towers where a large percentage of
be only 13 kA at the time when Sargent [44] did his upward flashes occurs, some potential downward flashes
analysis. Mousa & Srivastava [34] showed that will be aborted. This in turn affects the median value of
underestimating Ig causes the effect of height on the the collected downward flashes.
median current of the strokes collected by the structure 4) Incidental shielding, e.g. existence of shorter structures
(Is) to be exaggerated. On the other hand, when a proper or trees in the vicinity, applies to many of the tall towers
value of Ig is used, the effect of height on Is becomes on which the data was collected. This may have skewed
small. Also, the difference between Is and Ig becomes the frequency distribution of the collected strokes.
relatively small. On the other hand, Mousa and 5) Measurements for both positive and negative strokes
Srivasatava confirmed Sargent’s finding that the value of were included in the same data set, and it may not have
the median current for towers (It) is significantly larger been possible to identify each type.
than that for horizontal wires (Iw). 6) In line with his opinion that height had no effect on the
3. In the case of towers where upward flashes do not median current, Eriksson lumped data from masts of
occur, measurement errors, error in normalizing the data different heights without discrimination.
to a common keraunic level, and errors due to the 7) The data included some measurements based on a 2
incidental shielding from other surrounding objects can kA lower sensitivity threshold while others were based
mask the small effect of height on the median amplitude on a 5 kA threshold.
of the collected strokes. That was the cause of Eriksson’s 8) Some of the data included readings caused by
false perception that height had no effect on the median induction from nearby strokes rather than from direct
current. strokes.
4. In case of power lines, Eriksson’s false perception 9) Further to the above, Mousa concluded that Eriksson
regarding the effect of height on the median current arose erred in suggesting that the frequency distribution of
from his gross simplification in simulating the power line stroke amplitudes to structures should be taken as being
by a set of horizontal wires. In real life, the power line also applicable to strokes to flat ground. The latter value
consists of both towers and SAGGED wires, and the was found to be 24 kA, which is about 20% less than the
median current to each is different. The net median about 30 kA value that applies to transmission lines.
current for the whole line is governed by both the above
values of the median current, as well as by the percentage 5. ERIKSSON’s FAILURE TO ADDRESS THE
of the total strokes that terminate on the towers. CLAIMED DISCREPANCIES
5. In view of the above, the effect of height of the
power line on its net median current can only be As stated in the INTRODUCTION, Eriksson’s CVM was
determined from a 3-D model that includes both the developed in response to perceived discrepancies in the
towers and the sagged wires. When this was done, EGM. It is ironic that his own model failed to address
Mousa & Srivasatave [31, 33] found the net median those claimed discrepancies. Specifically,
current to be practically independent of the height. One 1) Eriksson’s equations for the attractive radius, which
of the related aspects is that larger heights are associated are reproduced later herein, do imply dependence of the
with higher voltage lines and the spans for these are median current of the collected strokes on height of the
usually longer. This in turn contributes to changing the structure. They also imply that the strikes to flat ground
percentage of the total strokes that terminate on the should have a lower median value than that measured on
towers. structures.

2) The subject equations similarly presume a correlation based, c) the way the model was constructed, namely its
between the striking distance and amplitude of the return elimination of the ground plane, and, d) its estimates of
stroke. the striking distance.
In discussing Eriksson’s 1987 papers, Mousa, Srivasatave
and others [32] raised questions regarding the above 7.1 Lightning Strikes below the Tops of Tall
ironic situation. No satisfactory reply was received from Structures
Eriksson. Eriksson’s model implies that a tall tower cannot be
struck below its top. This prediction of the CVM rests on
6. THE FUDGING IN ERIKSSON’S METHOD two of its aspects that make the striking distance of the
peak of the structure much larger than that of points
Eriksson [12, 13] claimed agreement between field below the top, namely: 1) The claimed large effect of
observations and predictions of the CVM. However, he height on the striking distance, and; 2) The field
resorted to fudging to accomplish the above. This was intensification factor which is huge for the pointed peak
pointed out by Mousa and others [32] in their discussions [2] and drops to 1.0 (or less) for any point on a flat side
of Eriksson’s work. Some examples follow: surface of the structure.
1) To decrease the required shielding angle, Eriksson The above prediction of Eriksson’s theory is contradicted
arbitrarily used a conductor height equal to only 60% of by many field observations, some of which are listed
height of the tower. Whitehead’s EGM, on the other hereafter:
hand, uses the height of the wires at the points of
attachment to the tower.
2) There is a critical stroke current Ic below which strokes
to an energized wire are harmless as the resulting surge is
below the withstand voltage of its insulation. Where the
shielding is not perfect, strokes up to a higher value I1 can
penetrate the shielding system. The correct number of
shielding failures is obtained by integrating the
“exposure arc” over the current range Ic to I1. Eriksson.
on the other hand, took all the strokes to the whole line
that fall in the range Ic to I1 as causing shielding failures.
Upon being questioned, Eriksson refused to concede that
his proposal had no physical basis.
3) In comparing his method to Whitehead’s EGM,
Eriksson mixed the definitions of striking distance and
attractive radius despite these being different physical
4) Eriksson assigned arbitrary “effective heights” to
Berger’s masts to make them fit into his equation
regarding effect of height on the ratio of upward flashes.


A great deal of the criticism against the CVM has been Fig. 1. A lightning strike to the Washington Monument.
based on physics and theoretical grounds. However, the
attack of the vendors of ESE lightning rod are directed at 1) Fig. 1, which shows a lightning strike to the
persons who are not experts in lightning physics. To Washington Monument in USA, is one of the best photos
those would-be victims, the arguments of the commercial of strikes to points below top of a structure [1]. Note that
scientists, coupled with intense marketing campaigns and the stroke terminated on a flat surface at a point well
slick presentations crafted by public relations below the pointed peak where the lightning rod is
professionals, make the CVM theory appear plausible. located. The height of the monument is 169.3 m and it is
Hence it would be more effective to respond to the junk built of marble, granite and sandstone. The photo
science of the vendors by showing the contradictions indicates that the struck point was at least 40 m below the
between the CVM and undisputed field observations. top.
The following discussion shows that the CVM 2) Golde [15] reported that the 230 m high Palace of
contradicts field observations regarding the following: a) Culture in Warsaw, Poland, was struck at a platform
its predictions regarding effectiveness of the shielding located 95 m below its top. This is schematically
that it provides, b) the assumptions upon which it is depicted in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. A lightning strike to the Palace of Culture,
Warsaw, Poland.

Fig. 4. Geometry of the lightning strike of Fig. 3.

6) Golde [16] reported after H.M. Towne that the side

elevations of the Empire State Building were struck by
lightning, and that one of the struck points was located 50
ft (15 m) below the top.
7) Hartono & Robiah reported a lightning strike to a point
about 30 m below the top of a 116 m minaret of a mosque
in Putrajaya, Malaysia. The minaret was equipped with
an ESE device. Please see Fig. 7 of [18].
8) Krider et al. [21] reported an unusual case in which
lightning struck one of the three guy wires that support an
80 m TV tower. This was reproduced on page 106 of
Uman’s book [47]. Please see Figs. 3 and 4 herein. The
struck point was 14 m below the top and 5 m horizontally
from the axis of the tower. The photo shows an upward
leader emanating from top of the tower, similar to what
was noted above for both the Washington Monument and
Berger’s mast. Krider suggested that the upward leader
was likely induced by an unrelated (nearby) lightning
Fig. 3. A Lightning strike to the guy wire of a TV tower. strike. In this connection, it should be noted that three
separate flashes were captured in the photo and that the
3) The CN Tower in Toronto, Canada, was reported to total exposure time was 2 minutes. The following
have been struck below its top [26]. discussion of Krider’s photo provides analytical proof of
4) The railing of the uppermost platform of one of the failure of the CVM.
Berger’s masts was struck by lightning [15]. An According to Eriksson [13], the attractive radius of the
unrelated streamer from the top simultaneously appeared tower is given by:
in the related photo, same as in the photo of the
Washington Monument. Rt = 0.84 H 0.6 I a ......(1)
5) The 540 m high Ostankino TV tower in Moscow was
reported to have been often struck at points below the top
[17]. The lowest struck point (at the 325 m elevation) Where,
was 215 m below the top. a = 0.7 H 0.02 ......(2)

Substituting H = 80 m gives, the above guy wire where the field intensification factor
Rt = 11.645 I 0.764
...(3) is presumed to be about 40 shows that the CVM implies
that it would be impossible for the side of a tall tower to
Eriksson takes the attractive radius of a wire to be 80% of be struck at a point below the top. This contradiction
that of a tower having the same height. Hence the between field observations and Eriksson’s CVM proves
attractive radius of the 1.2 cm guy wire would take the its invalidity. The same applies to the Field
form: Intensification Method which is a slightly modified
version of the CVM [37, 38].
Rw = 0.67 H 0.6 I a ......(4)
Substituting H=66 m gives: 7.2 Other Observations Proving Invalidity of the
Claimed Zone of Protection of the CVM
1) The use of a single ESE lightning rod to protect a
Rw = 8.276 I 0.761 ......(5) whole building was initially based on the claim that ESE
It is a characteristic of shielding geometry that only devices have some “magic powers”. When that claim
strokes less than a certain value, say I1, can strike the was subsequently dropped, the same practice of using a
protected object, In that case, the related protective single air terminal to protect a whole building was
circles just touch each other without overlapping. In view maintained but then justified by the CVM. On the other
of the 5 m horizontal offset of the struck point of the wire hand, Hartono [18] proved the ineffectiveness of the
relative to the axis of the tower, current I1 is governed by subject devices by extensive documentation of lightning
the equation: strikes to the related buildings. Some of those strikes
occurred very close to the locations of the air terminals.
Rt – Rw = 5.0 …..(6) Hartono’s evidence equally proves the invalidity of the
CVM, same as it proved the invalidity of the prior claim
Substitution from (3) and (5) in (6) gives: regarding the capabilities of ESE devices.
I1 = 1.7 kA … (7) 2) Present lightning protection codes, which are based on
the Rolling Sphere Method / EGM, imply the need for
Based on the above, Eriksson’s CVM implies that the many Franklin rods to protect any of the buildings for
stroke of the flash must have been below 1.7 kA. This is which a single ESE-CVM device is applied by their
obviously incorrect for the following reasons: 1) The vendors. Buildings protected by Franklin rods do
luminosity and branching of the flash in Fig. 3 indicate experience some lightning strikes / bypasses and the
that the current was significant, say 10 kA or larger. 2) reason is known: the striking distance of those strokes
Based on theoretical considerations, Cooray [8] found the must have been less than the 45 m (about 150 ft) radius
minimum stroke amplitude to be 2 kA. 3) Based on of the Rolling Sphere upon which the design was based.
available measurements, Krider et al. [22] found the The vendors of ESE devices previously raised an uproar
minimum current of first negative strokes to be 3 kA. 4) regarding the above occasional failures of Franklin rod
Capturing three flashes within 2 minutes in a single photo systems. However, it should be noted that those
indicates that the storm was intense at that moment. undisputed failures imply that many more failures /
Hence the current could not have been below 1.7 kA. bypasses would occur if the number of air terminals was
Note that, for a given stroke amplitude, the CVM drastically reduced as proposed by the CVM. Also, if the
overestimates both the striking distance and the CVM was applied to a system designed according to the
protective radius. It follows that, for a given protective Rolling Sphere Method, the CVM would indicate that the
radius, the CVM underestimates the corresponding stroke system is over-shielded and that no bypasses can occur.
amplitude. This explains why the above analysis gave an This contradicts field observations and it proves the
unrealistically low current. invalidity of the CVM.
Note that Eriksson assigned a field intensification factor 3) ESE devices were developed as a replacement for
equal to 60 for his 60 m high mast. Hence a value at least radio-active lightning rods after the latter type was
this high should apply to the above 80 m TV tower. Note banned on the grounds that the claimed benefit did not
also that Eriksson assumes the field intensification factor justify the related nuclear pollution. It has been shown
for wires to be about 80% of that of a mast having the that lightning struck the buildings that were presumed to
same height, and this is reflected in equations (1) and (4) be protected by radio-active lightning rods and that those
above. Hence the field intensification factor for the guy devices are not effective [15]. A single radio-active
wire would be about 40. On the other hand, the field lightning rod was used per building, same as the current
intensification factor for a point on a vertical flat surface practice for ESE devices. Hence radio-active lightning
would be only 1.0 (or less). rods can be considered to be air terminals placed in
The failure of Eriksson’s CVM to explain the strike to accordance with the CVM. It follows that the failure of

radio-active lightning rods also proves the invalidity of c) As noted by Golde [16] after Berger, the electric fields
the CVM. at ground level under an active thunderstorm are notably
lower than those which result from the assumption of an
7.3 Invalidity of the Assumptions upon which the undisturbed electric field between the known cloud
CVM is based charges and earth. Citing Wilson, Golde states that this
must be due to the presence of positive space charge
It has been known for a long time that most cloud-to- between cloud and ground. This is confirmed by the
ground lightning discharges are of the negative polarity, simultaneous measurements taken by Rust and Moore
and that the related channel is branched. On the other [43] in which the electric field at ground level was found
hand, negative impulses in the lab did not produce to be significantly smaller than the electric field aloft.
Schonland & Allibone [45] believed that the above 7.4 Discrepancy Regarding Construction of the Model
discrepancy arose from the existence of pockets of charge
in the space between surface of the ground and base of Eriksson [13] described strikes to ground as a “default
the cloud. To test their hypothesis, they attached nails to condition” which arises when the structure under
the ground plane so as to generate corona, then repeated consideration fails to intercept a stroke. Eriksson’s
the lab tests. The negative impulses then produced elimination of the ground plane was apparently a
branching, same as the case of natural lightning consequence of having boxed himself into concepts that
discharges. are not applicable to the ground plane, namely:
As the above indicates, it has been known since 1931 that a) Describing the strike process as termination on an
the reason lightning behaves the way it does is the electrode having a specific critical radius. Obviously, no
existence of random pockets of space charge in the such value can be assigned to a flat surface.
atmosphere. Those charges are generated by point b) Describing the formation of the upward leader in terms
discharge from many ground sources, and they guide the of a field intensification factor governed by the ratio of
development of the lightning channel over most of its the height to diameter of the struck object. Again, no
route. That is why the channel usually takes a zigzag such ratio can be assigned to a flat surface.
In summary, the development of the lightning channel is
governed by two forces: a) the charges on the downward
leader and in the cloud, and, b) the random pockets of
space charge. The CVM rests on the assumption that the
above pockets of space charge do not exist, and that is
one of the main reasons that it produces erroneous
It is the omission of the space charge in the CVM that
makes the height of the cloud, the charge in the cloud,
and the charges in the upper part of the leader appear to
be significant to the lightning attachment process, when
in fact they are not. This leads to an absurd conclusion,
for how would it sound if designing the lightning
protection of an installation, say a power line, required
knowledge of the height of the clouds in the area where
the line has been built? Fig. 5. Upward leaders emanating from the ground.
In connection with the above, the following should be
a) J.G. Anderson (private communication, 31 January In their discussion of Eriksson’s model, Hileman,
2002) used EPRI software STROKE8 to investigate the Whitehead, Mousa and Srivastava [32] criticized his
effect of space charge. He found that the CVM’s bending elimination of the ground plane. Eriksson’s reply implies
of the descending downward leader toward the charges failure to realize that strikes to ground involve upward
on the wires of the power line, and the resulting increase leaders, same as the case of strikes to structures. On the
in the attractive radius with height, becomes negligible other hand, as far back as 1934, photographs have shown
when the downward leader is assumed to “wiggle” as that upward leaders/streamers occur from flat ground.
seen in lightning photos. Please see Fig. 34 of [27]. Since then, other photos of
b) Szpor [46] commented: “Theories predicting a upward leaders emanating from the ground have been
rectilinear leader’s path do not conform to nature”. obtained, including the following: a) the Boys’ camera

photo that was documented by Golde [14] of a case in would not stand scrutiny. In this connection, it should be
which the striking distance was about 50 m, b) the 1975 noted that ERICO reneged on a promise that it made
photo by Krider and Ladd [20], and, c) the photo in Fig. during ICLP 2002 in Krakow to provide a copy of its
5 which was taken by a French storm chaser (source: CVM software for evaluation. Instead, vendors try to gain legitimacy through standard organizations where the
process is administrative rather than technical, most of
7.5 Striking Distance Discrepancies the involved persons are not experts, and voting within
The estimates of the striking distance given by the CVM the subject small groups can be manipulated.
far exceed those used in the EGM. The invalidity of the The history of the attempts to push the CVM through
estimates of the CVM has now been proven by the recent standards organizations is summarized hereafter:
measurements obtained by Miki et al. [29] on 80 m tall 1) The first attack was directed at Standards Australia in
double circuit 500 kV towers using high speed cameras. 2002. The secrecy surrounding the development of draft
Please see Fig. 6. standards, together with the influence exerted by the
vendors, enabled them to get the FIM (Field
Intensification Method), in the draft standard. (The FIM
is a slightly modified version of the CVM.) However,
upon opening the door for public comments, the
intervention by the scientific community forced the
removal of the FIM from the standard. The role of the
Scientific Committee of ICLP was especially helpful in
that respect [24, 39]. The vendors then sought to get the
FIM included in an INFORMATIVE appendix. But that
attempt also failed. The FIM has since been abandoned
and vendors subsequently resumed promoting the CVM.
2) The vendors then directed their attack against NFPA
Fig. 6, Striking distances measured on power lines. without even waiting for the ink on the Australian
rejection decision to dry. Their January 2003 submission
8. IN DEFENSE OF THE EGM to NFPA failed to mention the related September 2002
As discussed above, random pockets of space charge ICLP discussions, nor the rejection by Standards
exist in the atmosphere and govern the development of Australia. When this fact became known and the
the downward leader. This fact is reflected in the EGM scientific community intervened [25], NFPA rejected the
by assuming that the leader develops unaffected by the 2003 CVM proposal.
existence of ground objects until within striking distance 3) The review cycle of Standard NFPA 780 on Lightning
from the ground object. No alternative to the EGM can Protection is rather short. This opened the door for the
be considered to constitute an improvement unless it vendors to quickly resume their attack against NFPA.
accounts for the effect of the subject random pockets of Their second attempt failed during the 2006-2007 cycle.
space charge. Failing this, the only open room for 4) The vendors then turned their attention to IEEE
improvement concerns magnitude of the striking Standards Association. Working Group (WG) D5 which
distance. While the effect of height of the object is not is in charge of the substation shielding standard No. 998,
denied, it is the magnitude of such an effect which is in offered a weak target as its members are mostly
dispute. The present conservative approach to limiting substation designers with little expertise in lightning.
the presumed effect of height is appropriate for use in The vendors managed to take control of the standard
lightning protection standards unless and until field development process by getting one of their employees to
observations prove the existence of larger dependence of become secretary of the WG despite the fact that the
the striking distance on height of the structure. Such vendors neither design nor own substations. They also
observations, if taken on masts, should not be arbitrarily succeeded in stacking the membership with many of their
extended to wires and/or buildings without adequate employees and agents. With the vendors funding the
justification. So far, the only available extended persistent attendance of their staff and agents while
measurements are those taken by Miki et al. [29] and they independent parties are not able to do so, attendance at
do not support Eriksson’s theory. WG meetings has been dominated by vendors’ forces.
This gave them the voting majority needed to get the
9. VENDORS’ ATTACK AGAINST STANDARDS CVM into the draft standard. The draft is in its final
ORGANIZATIONS development stage and is expected to go to voting by
IEEE-SA at large either in late 2010 or early 2011.
Promoters of flawed theories never seek the judgment
of expert groups as they know that their junk science

9.1 Protecting the Integrity of IEEE Standards 6) It is hoped that intervention by the scientific
community at large will make it possible to maintain the
Unlike Standards Australia and NFPA, IEEE-SA does integrity of IEEE Standard 998, by defeating the attack of
not open its standards for comments by the public at the vendors, during the final voting process which is
large. Only members of IEEE-SA who join the voting expected to take place during late 2010 or early 2011.
pool of a specific standard are allowed to vote. IEEE
members are required to pay an additional annual fee of REFERENCES
$45 to join IEEE-SA. Persons wishing to contribute to [1] Ambrose, Kevin. (2005). Photo of a lightning strike to the
the process may do the following: Washington Monument, Washington. DC, USA. This was
1) Those who are members of IEEE-SA should join the posted on
voting pool of standard 998 as soon as the door is opened [2] Anderson, R.B. (1977). “Measuring Techniques”, Chapter
for joining that pool. 13, of Golde, R.H. (Editor), Lightning, Volume 1, Academic
2) Those who are members of IEEE but not IEEE-SA are Press, London, Britain, pp. 437-463.
encouraged to join IEEE-SA via the IEEE web site. [3] Anderson, R. B. and A. J. Eriksson. (March 1980).
“Lightning Parameters for Engineering Application”,
3) Scientists and engineers who are not members of IEEE Electra, No. 69, pp. 65-102.
can still contribute by posting comments to educate those [4] Becerra, M. and V. Cooray. (2006). “A Self-consistent
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whole building. By switching to using the CVM, the [7] Carrara, G. and L. Thione. (1976). “Switching Surge
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