Phase 2 of Final Project

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Issues Impacting Sunshine State 1

Significant Issues Impacting the Sunshine State University

Melissa Klein

Professor Niralee Patel-Lye

Issues Impacting Sunshine State 2

The following paper will detail and document the two most significant issues impacting the

Sunshine State University based on the Common Data Set 2015-2016. The two most significant

issues apparent in the report are the lack of a Dean to lead the international curriculum and co-

curriculum programs and the effect this absence has on the study abroad students academically.

The reasons for the significance of these issues will be discussed below, along with the

additional data needed to form a strategic plan for the future.

Goals Internationalization of Curriculum

The primary concern that is detailed in the report is that there is no apparent Dean established

to lead the internationalization of curricular and co-curricular programs. This is indicated by the

first of the goals and strategies portion of the report (Sunshine State University, 2015-2016).

Butin’s (2016) article, So You Want to be a Dean?, describes a study that found that a Dean

performs more than 168 duties. The absence of a Dean prevents the forward progress of

curriculum formation, establishing policy and procedures, and future strategic planning.

Table I specifies the areas within the international curricular and co-curricular programs that

are negatively affected without an established Dean:

Experiences Policy &
Strategic Impact of
Faculty Roles,
Dean Communication,
Program Vision &

Table I
Issues Impacting Sunshine State 3

Strategic Planning

A major role of a Dean is the ability to strategically plan for the future (Butin, 2016). A

Dean must think ahead, analyze current data, foresee potential problems, and formulate strategies

and an action plan for future program success.

Program Policy and Procedure

Without a Dean in place, the international curriculum and co-curriculum programs fail to

have an established policy and procedure. The data report describes that the Sunshine State

University has over 300 study abroad programs (The Sunshine State University, 2015-2016).

With this many study-abroad programs, an established policy and procedure is crucial for the

efficiency of the program.

It is impossible for the international program to have order without a leader in place. The

success of the entire program relies on established routines and a standard for operational

procedures. Consequentially, without a Dean, issues go unaddressed and are not dealt with in a

timely fashion.

Faculty Roles, Communication and Relations

One of the roles of a Dean is to establish a team of faculty that assists in the smooth

operation of the program. Waters (2003) details a list of responsibilities of accomplished leaders,

culture is the responsibility listed as most important. It is critical to have a Dean who will support

staff by fostering an environment of self-worth, cohesion, and cooperation within the program

(Waters, 2003). A successful Dean must know his or her strengths and weaknesses and how to

delegate responsibilities accordingly (Zimmerman, 2012). A Dean who delegates responsibility

by distributing leadership can help the international curriculum and co-curriculum program
Issues Impacting Sunshine State 4

benefit from the unique capabilities and strengths of each team member. In addition, people feel

valued when asked to take on responsibilities that capitalize on their unique strengths which is

beneficial for the program’s success (Curriculum and Leadership Journal, 2012).

Without a leader, there is a lack of communication among program staff which prevents

cohesion. According to Waters (2003), Balanced Leadership: What 30 Years of Research Tells

Us About the Effect of Leadership on Student Achievement, the third most important

responsibility of a leader is communication. Communication is a key aspect for success within an

educational setting because it is the foundation of organization and issue prioritization.


The Sunshine State University must employ a Dean that shares its same vision for the

international curriculum and co-curriculum program. The Dean should have a vision for the

program that parallels the goals of the university. An effective Dean is one who establishes

vision and direction while supporting the development of staff (Curriculum and Leadership

Journal, 2012). Passion is a key aspect of great leadership. Passion fuels initiative for strategic

future planning for the vision of the Sunshine State University (Zimmerman, 2012).

Compromised Student Academic Success

The second major issue within the data report of the Sunshine State University is the poor

effect on students within the international programs without an established Dean. There is

substantial evidence that correlates the relationship between leadership and student’s academic

achievement (Waters, 2003). The student’s academic success within the international curriculum

and co-curriculum program depend on the presence of a program leader.

Issues Impacting Sunshine State 5

The Sunshine State University boasts having over 300 study-abroad programs however,

students may be suffering without a Dean academically. The data report describes the goal of the

university is to equip students through international experiences and provide students with the

"intellectual foundation, knowledge, skills, and competencies for continued intellectual growth,

leadership, success, and service" (The Sunshine State University, 2015-2016, p. 7). The Dean’s

presence within the program plays a critical role in meeting the goals of the university to enhance

student learning with international studies and help students compete in a global environment.

Students currently within the international program may not be receiving all that they need

academically to be successful professionally. This is due to a lack of established curriculum,

policy and procedure, program support staff, strategic planning, and vision.

Additional Data Needed

In order to develop a strategic plan for the future, additional data is needed that is not

specified in the Sunshine State University’s common data report. Table II details a list of

questions that must be addressed in order to formulate successful future strategies for the


Are there any underlying issues preventing a Dean from joining the international

curriculum and co-curriculum program?

What steps are needed to establish a Dean immediately?

What specific qualifications and vision requirements does the university require of

the Dean?

What is the post-graduate hire percentage of students who study abroad with SSU

vs. those that do not study abroad?

Issues Impacting Sunshine State 6

In what specific ways have the study abroad students been negatively affected by a

lack of program leader? How can this be improved with a Dean of the international


What areas of the international program have been neglected without an established

Dean in place?

Table II


Currently, the students of international study abroad programs at the Sunshine State

University may be suffering academically because of a lack of Dean. Without a Dean of the

international curriculum and co-curriculum programs, there is: no established policy and

procedure, dysfunction of faculty communication and relations, and no vision or future strategic

planning. Once the questions detailed in Table II have been addressed, the university should

immediately begin the hiring process of Dean to lead the internationalization of curriculum and

co-curriculum programs. The goals of the university to transform student experiences by

integrating international curriculum and co-curriculum academics depend on a leader of the

Issues Impacting Sunshine State 7


Butin, D. (2016). So you want to be a dean?. The chronicle of higher education. Retrieved from

Curriculum and Leadership Journal. (2012). The importance of leadership in high performing

schools. Retrieved from


Sunshine State University. (2015-2016). Common Data Set. Retrieved from




Waters, J.T., Marzano, R.J. & McNulty, B.A. (2003). Balanced leadership: what 30 years of

research tells us about the effect of leadership on student achievement. Mid-continent

Research for Education and Learning.

Work Group for Community Health and Development, University of Kansas. (2018). Analyzing

problems and goals.

Zimmerman, P. B., & Kanter, R. M. (2012). Decision-making for leaders: A synthesis of ideas

from the Harvard University Advanced Leadership Initiative Think Tank. Cambridge,

MA: Advanced Leadership Initiative Think Tank.

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