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PROPRI RY AND CONFIDENTIAL ‘This Manual is the proprietary property of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (*MeGraw-Hill’) and protected by copyright and other state anc! federal laws. By opening and using this Manual the user agrees to the following restrictions, and if the recipient does nol agree to these restrictions, the Manual should be promptly retu to McGraw-Hill: This Manual is being provided only to authorized professors and instructors for use in preparing for the classes using the affiliated textbook. No other use or distribution of this Manual is permitted, ‘This Manual may not be sold and may not be distributed to or. used by any student or other third party. No part of this Manual may be reproduced, displayed or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the prior written permission of McGraw-Hill. ed unops Instructor's and Solutions Manual Volume 1, Chapters 2-5 to accompany sa ete ey 23 beast BEER | JOHNSTON | MAZUREK | EISENBERG Ninth Edition Instructor’s and Solutions Manual to accompany Vector Mechanics for Engineers, Statics Ninth Edition Volume I, Chapters 2-5 Ferdinand P. Beer Late of Lehigh University E. Russell Johnston, Jr. University of Connecticut David F. Mazurek United States Coast Guard Academy Elliot Eisenberg ‘The Pennsylvania State University Prepared by Amy Mazurek Williams Memorial instinute PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL “This Manual isthe proprietary property of The McGraw-Hill Companies, ine. C°MeCra other state and federal laws. By opening and using this Manual the: does not auree to these restrictions, the Manual should be prom provided only to authorized prot ) and protected by eopyeight and agrees tothe following restritions, and ifthe recipient ned unopened to MeGraw-Hill: This M reparing for the easses using the affiliated texthook. No other use or distribution of not be distributed to or tused by any student or other dlisteibuted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the prior weitte of the MeGraw-Till a S Higher Education Boston Burr Ridge, IL Dubuque, 1A New York San Francisco St. Louis Bangkok GBogotd Caracas Kuala Lumpur Lisbon London Madrid Mexico Cily Milan Montreal New Delhi Santiago Seoul Singapore Sydney Taipe! Toronto ERM Higher Education Instustr’s and Solutions Manual, Volume 1 accompany VECTOR MECHANICS FOR ENGINEERS, STATICS, NINTH EDITION Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, J, David P. Macurek, and Elliot Eisenberg, Pobished by McGraw Higher Education an imprint of The McGraw-Hill Companies In. 1224 Avenve ofthe Americas, [ew York, NY 10020. Copyright 2010, 2007, 200, and 1997 by The MeGiaw-Hill Companies, In. Allright reserved “Te cotents, of parts theo, my be rprodiced in print fxm soley fr cassoom use with VECTOR MECHANICS POR ENGINEERS, STATICS, NINTH EDITION provided Soh vorodvctons bear copyright notice, bet may not be reproduced in any ater fom for any ater Purpose without the prog writen consent of The Merah Hil Companies, ine, nelung. bu not Tinie, in any network: o other electronic rage or ansnission, or broadest for distance leaming This book is printed om aeidefee paper: 1234567890.0CWICCW09 ISBN; 978-0.07-724918-2 MIND: 0.07-724918-6 TABLE OF CONTENTS TO THE INSTRUCTOR .... DESCRIPTION OF THE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN VECTOR MECHANICS FOR ENGINEERS: STATICS, NINTH EDITION... TABLE I: LIST OF THE TOPICS COVERE VECTOR MECHANICS FOR ENGINEE IN STATICS oceotne TABLE IJ: CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM! TABLE Ill: SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE FOR A COURSE IN STATICS. (50% of Problems in $1 Units and 50% of Problems in U.S, Customary Units). TABLE IV: SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE FOR A COURSE IN STATICS. (75% of Problems in SI Units and 25% of Problems in U.S. Customary Units) TABLE V: SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE FOR A COMBINED COURSE IN STATICS AND DYNAMICS (50% of Problems in SI Units and 50% of Problems in U.S. Customary Units) .... PROBLEM SOLUTIONS wa XV xxix AXX TO THE INSTRUCTOR As indicated in its preface, Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Staties is designed for the first course in statics offered in the sophomore year of college. New concepts have, therefore, been presented in simple terms and every step has been explained in detail. However, bee of the large number of optional sections which have been included and the maturity of approach which has been achieved, this text can also be used to teach a course which will challenge the more advanced student The text has been divided into units, each corresponding 10 a well-defined topie and consisting of one or several theory sections, one or several Sample Problems, a section entitled Solving Problems on Your Own, and a large number of problems to be assigned. To assist instructors in making up a schedule of iignments that will best fit their classes, the various topics covered in the text have been listed in Table I and a suggested number of periods to be spent on each topic has been indicated, Both a minimum and a maximum number of periods have heen suggested, and the topics which form the standard b course in statics have been separated from those which are optional. The total number of periods required to teach the basic material varies from 26 to 39, while covering the entire text would require from 41 to 65 periods. If allowance is made for the time spent for review and exams, it is seen that this text is equally suitable for teaching a basic staties course to students with limited preparation (since this ean be done in 39 periods or less) and for teaching a more complete staties course to advanced students (since 41 periods or more are necessary to cover the entire text). In most instances, of course, the instructor will want to include some, but not all, of the additional material presented in the text. In addition, it is noted that the text is suitable for teaching an abridged course in statics which can be used as an introduction to the study of dynamies (see Table 1), ‘The problems have been grouped according to the portions of material they illustrate and have been arranged in order of increasing difficulty, with problems requiring special attention indicated by asterisks. We note that, in most cases, problems have been arranged in groups of six or more, all problems of the same group boeing closely related. This means that instructors will easily find additional problems to amplify @ particular point which they may have brought up in discussing a problem assigned for homework. A group of problems designed to be solved with computational software can be found at the end of each chapter. Solutions for these problems, including analyses of the problems and problem solutions and output for the most widely used computational programs, are provided at the instructor s edition of the text’s website: http://ww.mbhe.comy/beerjohnston To assist in the preparation of homework assignments, Table I provides a brief description of all groups of problems and a classification of the problems in each group according, to the units used, It should also be noted that the answers to all problems are given at the end of the text, except for those with a number in italic, Because of the large number of problems available in both systems of units, the instructor has the choice of assigning problems using SI units and problems using U.S. customary units in whatever proportion is found to be most desivable for a given class, To illustrate this point, sample lesson schedules are shown in Tables III, IV, id V, together with various alternative lists igned homework problems. Half of the problems in cach of the six lists suggested in Table HI and Table V are stated in SI units of a and half in. U.S. customary units, On the other hand, 75% of the problems in the four lists suggested in Table TV are stated in SI units and 25% in U.S. customary units. Since the approach used in this text differs in a number of respeets from the approach used in other books, instructors will be well advi sed to read the preface to Vector Mechanics for Engineers, in which the authors have outlined their general philosophy. In addition, will find in the following pages a by chapter, of the more int features of this text, Tt is hoped that this material will help instructors in organizing their courses to best fit the needs their students. The authors wish to acknowledge and thank Amy Mazurek of Williams Memorial Institute for her careful preparation of the solutions contained in this manual. E, Russell Johnston, Jr. David Mazurek Elliot R Eisenberg DESCRIPTION OF THE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN VECTOR MECHANICS FOR ENGINEERS: STATICS, Ninth Edition Chapter 1 Introduction The material in this chapter can be used as a first assignment or for later reference. The six fundamental principles listed in See. 1.2 are introduced separately and are discussed at greater length in the following chapters. Scetion 1.3 deals with the two systems of units used in the text. The SI metric units are discussed first. The base units are defined and the use of multiples and submultiples. is explained. The various Si prefixes are presented in Table 1.1, while the principal SI units used in statics and dynamics are listed in Table 1.2. In the second part of Sec. 1.3, the base U.S. customary units used in mechanics are defined, and in Sec. 1.4, it is shown how numerical data stated in U.S. customary units can be converted into SI units, and vice versa. The SI equivalents of the prineipal U.S. customary units used in statics and dynamies are listed in Table 1.3. ‘The instructor’s attention is called to the fact that the various rules relating to the use of ST units have been observed throughout the text For instance, multiples and submultiples (such as KN and mm) are used whenever possible to avoid writing more than four digits to the left of the decimal point or zeros to the right of the decimal point, When 5-digit or larger numbers involving SI units are used, spaces rather than commas are utilized to separate digits into groups of three (for example, 20 000 km). Also, prefixes are never used in the denominator of derived units; for example, the constant of a spring which stretches 20 mm under a load of 100 N is expressed as 5 kN/m, not as 5 N/mm. In order to achieve as much uniformity as possible between results expressed respectively in Sl and U.S. customary units, a center point, rather than a hyphen, has been used to combine the symbols representing U.S. customary units (for example, 10 Ib ft); furthermore, the unit of time has been represented by the symbol s, rather than sec, whether SI or U.S. customary units are involved (for example, 5 s, 50 fvs, 15 m/s). However, the traditional use of commas to separate digits into groups of three has been maintained for S-digit and larger numbers involving U.S, customary units. Chapter 2 Staties of Particles This is the first of two chapters dealing with the fundamental properties of force systems, A simple, intuitive classification of forces has been used: forces acting on a particle (Chap. 2) and forces acting on a rigid body (Chap. 3) Chapter 2 begins with the parallelogram law of addition of forces and with the introduction of the fundamental properties of vectors. In the text, forces and other vector quantities are always shown in bold-face type. Thus, a force F (boldface), which is a vector quantity, is clearly distinguished from the magnitude F (italic) of the force, which is a scalar quantity. On the blackboard and in handwritten work, where bold-face lettering is not practical, vector quantities can be indicated by underlining. Both the magnitude and the direction of a vector quantity must be given to completely define that quantity, Thus, a force F of magnitude F = 280 Ib, directed upward to the right at an angle of 25° with the horizontal, is indicated as F = 280 tb <<”. 25° when printed or as F = 280 th <<” 25° when handwritten. Unit vectors i and j are introduced in Sec. 2.7, where the rectangular components of forces are considered. In the carly sections of Chap. 2 the following basic topics are presented: the equilibrium of a particle, Newton’s first law, and the concept of the free-body diagram. These first sections provide a review of the methods of plane trigonometry and familiarize the students with the proper use of a calculator. A general procedure for the solution of problems involving concurrent forces is given; when a problem involves only three forces, the use of a force triangle and a trigonometric solution is preferred; when a problem involves more than three forces, the forces should be resolved info. rectangular components and the equations EF = 0, EF y= 0 should be used The second part of Chap. 2 deals with forces in space and with the equilibrium of particles in space. Unit vectors are used and forces are expressed in the form F= Ii + Aj + F Fi, where i, j, and k are the unit vectors directed respectively along the x, y, and z axes, and 2 is the unit vector directed along the line of action of F, Note that since this chapter deals only with particles or bodies which can be considered as particles, problems involving compression members have been postponed with only a few exceptions until Chap. 4, where students will learn to handle rigid-body problems in a uniform fashion and will not be tempted to erroneously assume that forces are concurrent or that reactions are directed along members, It should be observed that when SI units are used a body is generally specified by its mass expressed in kilograms, The weight of the body, however, should be expressed in newtons. Therefore, in many equilibrium problems involving SI units, an additional ealeulation is, required before a free-body diagram can be drawn (compare the example in Sec. 2.11 and Sample Probs. 2.5 and 2.9). This apparent disadvantage of the SI system of units, when compared to the U.S. customary units, will be offset in dynamics, where the mass of a body expressed in kilograms can be entered directly into the equation F = na, whereas with U.S. customary units the mass of the body must first be determined in Ib - s*/fi (or slugs) from, its weight in pounds. Chapter 3 Rigid Bodie Equivalent stems of Forces The principle of transmissibility is presented as the basic assumption of the statics of rigid bodies. However, itis pointed out that this principle can be derived from Newton s three laws of motion (see Sec, 16.5 of Dynamics). ‘The vector product is then introduced and used to define the moment of a force about a point. The convenience of using the determinant form (Egs. 3.19 and 3.21) to express the moment of a force about a point should be noted, The scalat product and the mixed triple product are introduced and used (0 define the moment of a force about an axis. Again, the convenience of using the determinant form (Egs. 3.43 and 3.46) should be noted. The amount of time which should be assigned to this part of the chapter will depend on the extent to which vector algebra has been considered and used in prerequisite mathematics and physics courses. It is felt that, even with no previous knowledge of vector algebra, a maximum of four periods is adequate (see Table 1) In Sees. 3.12 through 3.15 couples are introduced, and it is proved that couples are equivalent if they have the same moment. While this fundamental property of couples is often taken for granted, the authors believe that its rigorous and logical proof is necessary if rigor and logic are to be demanded of the students in the solution of their mechanics problems In Sections 3.16 through 3.20, the concept of equivalent systems of forces is carefully presented. This concept is made more intuitive through the extensive use of free-body-diagram equations (see Figs. 3.39 through 3.46), Note that the moment of a force is either not shown or is represented by a green vector (Figs. 3.12 and 3.27). A red veetor with the symbol ) is used only to represent a couple, that is, an actual system consisting of two forces (Figs. 3.38 through 3.46). Section 3.21 is optional; it introduces the concept of a wrench and shows how the most general system of forces in space can be reduced to this combination of a force and a couple with the same line of aetion. Since one of the purposes of Chap. 3 is to familiarize students with the fundamental operations of vector algebra, students should be encouraged to solve all problems in this chapter (two-dimensional as well as three- dimensional) using the methods of vector algebra. However, many students may be expected to develop solutions of their own, particularly in the case of two-dimensional problems, based on the direct computation of the moment of a force about a given point as the product of the magnitude of the force and the perpendicular distance to the point lered. Such alternative solutions may onallly be indicated by the instructor (as in Sample Prob. 3.9), who may then wish to compare the solutions of the sample problems of this chapter with the solutions of the same sample problems given in Chaps. 3 and 4 of the parallel text Mechanics for Engineers. It should be pointed out that in later chapters the use of vector products will generally be reserved for the solution of three-dimensional problems Chapter 4 Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies In the first part of this chapter, problems involving the equilibrium of rigid bo two dimensions are considered and solved ing ordinary algebra, problems involving three dimensions and requiring the full use of vector algebra are discussed in the second part of the chapter. Particular emphasis is placed on the correct drawing and use of free-body diagrams and on the types of reactions produced by various supports and connections (see Figs. 4.1 and 4,10). Note that a distinction is made between hinges used in pairs and hinges used alone; in the first case the reactions consist only of force components, while in the second case the reactions may, if necessary, include couples, while For a rigid body in two dimensions, it is shown (Sec. 4.4) that no more than three independent equations can be written for a given free body, so that a problem involving the equilibrium of a single rigid body can be solved for no more than three unknowns. It is. also shown that it is possible to choose equilibrium equations containing only one unknown to avoid the necessity of solving simultaneous equations. Section 4.5 introduces the concepts of statical indeterminacy and partial constraints, Sections 4.6 and 4.7 are devoted to the equilibrium of two- and three- force bodies; it is shown how these concepts can be used to simplify the solution of certain problems. This topic is presented only after the general case of equilibrium of a rigid body to lessen the possibility of students misusing this particular method of solution. The equilibrium of a rigid body in three dimensions is considered with full emphasis placed on the five-body diagram. While the tool of vector algebra is freely used to simplify the computations involved, vector algebra does not, and indeed cannot, replace the free-body diagram as the focal point of an equilibrium problem, Therefore, the solution of every sample problem in this section begins with a reference to the drawing of a free-body diagram, Emphasis is also placed on the fact that the number of unknowns and the number of equations must be equal if a structure is to be statically determinate and completely constrained ‘Chapter 5 istributed Forces: Centroids and Cente of Gravity Chapter S starts by defining the center of gravity of a body as the point of application of the resultant of the weights of the various particles forming the body. This definition is then used to establish the concept of the of an area or line. Section 5.4 introduces the concept of the first moment of an area or line, a concept fundamental to the analysis of shearing stresses in beams in a later study of mechanics of materials. All problems assigned for the first period involve only areas and lines made of simple geometric shapes; thus, they can be solved without using calculus. centroid Section 5.6 explains the use of differential elements in the determination of centroids by integration, The theorems of Pappus-Guldinus are given in Sec. 5.7. Sections 5.8 and 5.9 are optional; they show how the resultant of a distributed load can be determined by evaluating an area and by locating its centroid, Sections 5.10 through 5.12 deal with centers of gravity and centroids of volumes. Here again the determination of the centroids of composite shapes precedes the calculation of centroids by integration. It should be noted that when SI units are used, a given material is generally characterized by its density (mass per unit volume, expressed in kg/m’), rather than by its specific weight (weight per unit volume, expressed in N/m’), The specific weight of the material can then be obtained by multiplying its density by g = 9.81 mis’ (see footnote, page 222 of the text). Chapter 6 Analysis of Structures In this chapter students learn to determine the internal forces exerted on the members of pin- connected structures. The chapter starts with the statement of Newton s third law (action and reaction) and is divided into two parts: (a) trusses, that is, structures consisting of two-force members only, (b) frame and machines, that is, structures involving multiforce members. After trusses and simple trusses have been defined in Secs. 6.2 and 6.3, the method of joints and the method of sections are explained in detail in See. 6.4 and See. 6.7, respectively. Since a discussion of Maxwell’s diagram is not included in this text, the use of Bow’s notation has been avoided, and a uniform notation has been used in presenting the method of joints and the method of sections In the method of joints, a free-body diagram should be drawn for each pin, Since all forces are of known direction, their magnitudes, rather than their components, should be used as unknowns. Following the general procedure outlined in Chap. 2, joints involving only three forces are solved using a force triangle, while joints involving more than three forces are solved by summing x and p components. Sections 6.5 and 6.6 are optional, It is shown in See. 6.5 how the analysis of certain trusses can be expedited by recognizing joints under special loading conditions, while in Scc. 6.6 the method of joints is applicd to the solution of three- mensional trusses. It is pointed out in Sec. 6.4 that forces in a simple truss can be determined by analyzing the truss joint by joint and that joints can always be found’ that involve only two unknown forces, The method of sections (See. 6.7) should be used (4) if only the forces in a few members are desired, or (6) if the truss is not a simple truss and if the solution of simultaneous equations is to be avoided (for example, Fink truss). Students should be urged to draw a separate frve-body diagram for each section used, The free body obtained should be emphasized by shading and the intersected members should be removed and replaced by the forces they exerted on the free body. It is shown that, through a judicious choice of equilibrium equations, the foree in any given member can be obtained in most cases by solving a single equation. Section 6.8 is optional; it deals with the trusses obtained by combining several simple trusses and discusses the statical determinacy of such structures as well as the completeness of th: constraints. Structures involving multiforee members are separated into frames and machines. Frames are designed to support loads, while machines are designed to transmit and modify forces. It is shown that while some frames remain rigid after they have been detached from their supports, others will collapse (Sec, 6.11), In the latter case, the equations obtained by considering the entire frame as a free body provide necessary but not sufficient conditions for the equilibrium of the frame. It is then necessary to dismember the frame and to consider the equilibrium of its component parts in order to determine the reactions at the extemal supports. The same procedure is necessary with most machines in order to determine the output force Q from the input force P or inversely (Sec. 6.12). Students should be urged to resolve a fore of unknown magnitude and direction into two components but to represent a force of known direction by a single unknown, namely its magnitude. While this rule may sometimes result in slightly more complicated arithmetic, it has the advantage of matching the numbers of equations and unknowns and thus makes it possible for students to know at any time during the computations what is known and ‘what is yet to be determined. Chapter 7 Forces in Beams and Cables This chapter consists of five groups of sections, all of which are optional. The first three groups deal with forces in beams and the last two groups with forces in cables Most likely the instructor will not have time to cover the entire chapter and will have to choose between beams and cables. Section 7.2 defines the internal forces in a member. While these forces are limited to tension or compression in a straight two-force member, they include a shearing force and a bending couple in the case of multiforce members or curved two-force members. Problems in this scetion do not make use of sign conventions for shear and bending moment and answers should specify which part of the member is used as the free body. In Sees, 7.3 through 7.5 the usual. sign conventions are introduced and shear and bending-moment diagrams are drawn, All problems in these sections should be solved by drawing the free-body diagrams of the various portions of the beams. The relations among load, shear, and bending moment are introduced in Sec. 7.6. Problems in this section should be solved by evaluating areas under load and shear curves or by formal integration (as in Probs. 7.87 and 7.88). Some instructors may feel that the special methods used in this section detract from the unity achieved in the rest of the text through the use of the free-body diagram, and they may wish to omit See, 7.6. Others will feel that the study of shear and bending- moment diagrams is incomplete without this section, and they will want to include it, The latter view is particularly justified when the course in staties is immediately followed by a course in mechanics of materials. Sections 7.7 through 7.9 are devoted to st with concentrated loads and then stributed loads. In both cases, the is based on free-body diagrams. The al-equation approach is considered in the last problems of this group (Probs. 7.124 through 7.126). Seetion 7.10 is devoted to catenaries and requires the use of hyperbolic funetions. Chapter 8 Friction This chapter not only introduces the general topic of friction but also provides an opportunity for students to consolidate their knowledge of the methods of analysis presented in Chaps. 2, 3, 4, and 6. It is recommended that each course in statics include at least a portion of this chapter. The first group of sections (Secs. 8.1 through 8.4) is devoted to the presentation of the laws of dry friction and to their application to various problems. The different cases which can be encountered are illustrated by diagrams in Figs. 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4. Particular ‘emphasis is placed on the fact that no relation between the friction forve and the normal exis force except when motion is impending or when motion is actually taking place. Following the general procedure outlined in Chap. 2, problems involving only three forces are solved by a force triangle, while problems involving more than three forces are solved by summing x and y components. In the first case the reaction of the surface of contact should be represented by the resultant R of the friction force and normal force, while in the second case it should be resolved into its nts F Special applications of friction are considered in Secs. 8.5 through 8.10. They are divided into the following groups: wedges and screws (Sees. 8.5 and 8.6); axle and disk friction, rolling resistance (Sees. 8.7 through 8.9); belt friction (Sec. 8.10). The sections on axle and disk friction and on rolling resistance are not essential to the understanding of the rest of the text and thus may be omitted. Chapter 9 Distributed Forces Moments of Inertia The purpose of Sec. 9.2 is to give motivation to the study of moments of inertia of areas, ‘Two examples are considered: one deals with the pure bending of a beam and the other with the hydrostatic forces exerted on a submerged circular gate. It is shown in each case that the solution of the problem reduces to the computation of the moment of inertia of an area, The other sections in the first assignment are devoted to the definition and the computation of rectangular moments of inertia, polar moments of inertia, and the corresponding radii of gyration. It is shown how the same differential element can be used to determine the moment of inertia of an area about each of the two coordinate axes. Sections 9.6 and 9.7 introduce the parallel- axis theorem and its application to the determination of moments of inertia of composite areas. Particular emphasis is placed on the proper use of the parallel-axis theorem (sce Sample Prob. 9.5). Sections 9.8 through 9.10 are optional; they are devoted to products of inertia and to the determination of principal axes of inertia. Sections 9.11 through 9.18 deal with the moments of inertia of masses, Particular emphasis is placed on the moments of iner of thin plates (Sec. 9.13) and on the use of these plates as differential elements the computation of moments of of symmetrical three-dimensional bodies (Sec. 9.14), Sections 9.16 through 9.18 are optional but should be used whenever the following dynamics course includes the motion of rigid bodies in three dimensions. Sections 9.16 and 9.17 introduce the moment of inertia of a body with respect to an arbitrary axis as weil as the concepts of mass products of inertia and principal axes of inettia. Section 9.18 discusses the determination of the principal axes and principal moments of inertia of a body of arbitrary shape. ‘When solving many of the problems of Chap. 5, information on the specific weight of a mate~ rial was generally required. This information w ily available in. problems stated in U.S. customary units, while it had to be obtained from the density of the material in problems stated in St units (see the last paragraph of our discussion of Chap. 5). In Chap. 9, when SI units are used, the mass and ‘mass moment of inertia of a given body are respectively obtained in kg and kg - m? directly from the dimensions of the body in meters and from its density in kg/m’, However, if U.S. customary units are used, the density of the body must first be calculated from its specific weight or, alternatively, the weight of the body can be obtained from its dimensi and specific weight and then converted the corresponding mass expressed in Ib + s (or slugs). The mass moment of inertia of the body is then obtained in Ib - f= s?(or slug - 1), Sample Problem 9.12 provides an example of such a computation, Attention is also called to the footnote on page of the $13 regarding the read conversion of mass moments of inertia from U.S, customary units to St units. Chapter 10 should give serious consideration to its inclu- sion in the basic staties course, Indeed, stud who lea the method of virtual work in their first course in mechanics will remember it as 4 fundamental and natural principle. They may, on the other hand, consider it as an attificial device if its presentation is postponed toa more advanced course. ‘The first group of sections (Sees. 10.2 through 10.5) is devoted to the derivation of the prin- ciple of virtual work and to its direct application to the solution of equilibrium problems. The second group of sections (Sees. 10.6 through 10.9) introduces the concept of potential energy and shows that equilibrium requires that the derivative of the potential energy be zero. Section 10,5 defines the mechanical efficieney of a machine and Sec. 10.9 discusses the stability of equilibrium, The first groups of problems in each assis ment utilize the principle of virtual work as an alternative method for the computation of unknown forees. Subsequent problems call for the determination of positions of equilibrium, while other problems combine the conventional methods of statics with the method of virtual ‘work fo determine displacements (Probs, 10.55 through 10.58). TABL IST OF THE TOPICS COVER! 3D IN VECTOR MECHANICS BOR ENGINEERS: STATICS ‘Suggested Number of Periods Additional Abridged Course tobe Sections Toples ase Course Topies| used 95a introduction to dynamics 1. INTRODUCTION 11-6 This material may be wsed forthe first asignment ‘or fr later reference 2. STATICS OF PARTICLES 21-6 Audition and Resoition of Forces os O54 27-8 Rectangular Components os-1 ost 29-11 Fguilvim ofa Particle 1 1 22-14 Forces n Space ' 1 2 [Equilbeam in Space ' ' 3, RIOID BODIES, BOUIVALENT SYSTEMS OF FORCES 3-8 Vector Product Menent of a Fore about a Pint 2 1a. S911 Seal Product: Moment of «Foxe ain an AN 2 ie BIDAG Couples ' fi 317-20 Equivalent Systems of Forces rs rs 4321 Redetion ofa Weench 51 4. FQUILIBRIUM OF RIGID BODIES “41-4 Equilisium in Two Dimensions 132 152 45 Indctrninte Reto; Pain Contin os 46-7 Tworand Thee Force Bodies : 48-9 Eglo in Tee Dimensions 2 2 5, CENTROIDS AND CENTERS OF GRAVITY. SIS) Centvids and Fast Moments of Areas and Lines 1 56-3 Centro by integration ie S49 came unl Submerged Succes Hs 510-12 _Centeoide of Vohines 1a (OF STRUCTURES. ses by Method of Tonks 1s 565 Joints under Special Loading Conditions 925-05 "66 Space Truss ost 67 Thusses by Method of Sestions 1a 6% Combinod Trusses 025-05 691 Frames 23 L 612 Machines 2 os4s 7. FORCES IN BEAMS AND CAMLES 7.1.2 Inlermsl Fores in Members 1 473.5 Showrand Moment Diagn by FB Digg 1 #71 Shove and Moment Diagrams by llgraton ie 475.9 Cables with Concenated Load; Parbolie Cable ie 710 Caonary 1 FRICTION eta ts oF riton and Applications ha 12 85-6 Wegesand Sereus ' 787-9 Asleand Disk Friction; Rolling Resisince La S10 Bal Friction ' 9. MOMENTS OF INERTIA 9.1-8 Moments of Inertial of Areas ' 96-7 Composite Aras a 595-9 Prodvets of ert Principal Axes a S010 Mohs Cute fi SATIS. Moment of Inertia of Masses 1 9.1618 Mass Products of lors: Principal Axe and Pensa i ‘Moments of insti 10, METHOD OF VIRTUAL WORK 104 Prieipte of Vital Work 12 1S Mechanial EMiieney ost 116-9 Povenial Energy: Stay Las “Total Number of Periods 2619 15-26 ren A sample assignment schedule fora course in dyuamicsinluing this miniroum armour of introductory material in satis is given Table V. is reconnect more corpleestaies cous, sach asthe one cat in Tables Ian V of is moa, be deed fn cricula which nea the study of mechanics of materi 4 Mase moments of Judd in the base stetics cose since this material often taught in yan. TABLE Il: CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEMS Problem Namber* SLUnits Problem Description CHAPTER 2; STATICS OP PARTICLI FORCES IN A PLANE Resultant of concurrent forces 2a 22,3 sraphical method 27.8 25,6 lave of sines 29,10 212 23 2d) special problems 217,18 2.15.16 laws of eosines and sines 2.19, 20 Reotangular components of Force 221,24 222,28 simple problems 226,27 225,30 more advanced problems 2.28, 29 232,34 231,32 Resultant by BP = 0, EF = 0 235,36 237,38 239, 40 Data Select force so that resultant as a given ditection Equilibrium, Free-Bedy Diagram 243, 44 2.47, 48 equilibrium of 3 forees 25,40 21,52 2.49, 50 equilibrium of 4 forces 2:38, 2.83, 54 257,60 2.58, 59 Sind parameter co satisfy specified conditions 21, 62 263, 64 2.65, 66 2.67, 68 special problems 2.69, 70 Rectangular components of a force in space 20, 275,16 ssiven F, @.and ¢ find components and cireetion angles 273.74 277,78 279,80 281, 82 relations between components and direction angles 283,84 287,88 2.85, 86 ditection of foree defined by two points on its line of ction 2.39, 90 291,92 293,94 resultant of hwo or three forces 2.95, 96 297, 98 Equilibrium of a particle in spece 2.99, 100 2.103, 108 Teal applied to thee cables, introductory problems 2.101, 102 2.107, 108 2.108, £06 intermediate problems Dhue 2109, 110 2.115, 116 2.113, 114 advanced problems DUNS 2.119, 120 ¥ Problems which do nol involve any specific system oF units have been indicated by underlining their number Answers are not given to problems with a number set in italic type. TABLE Ul: CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROBLE 1S (CONTINUED) Problem Number® SLUnits US. Units Problem Deseription 2.121, 122 problems involving cable through ring 2.123, 124 2.125, 126 special problems 131, 132 2121, Review problems 2.135, 136 2.129, 130 2.137, 138 2.133, 134 C16: 202 Computer problems 24 205, |APTER 3: RIGID BODIES; EQUIVALENT SYSTEMS OF FORCES Moen! of foree about a point: Two dimensions 3,2 35,6 ntroduetory problems 33.4 37.8 3.9.10 312,13 Airection ofa force defined by to points on its fine of action Rie 31s) derivation ofa formula 3.16, 17 3.8 applications ofthe veetor product ‘Moment of force about a point: Three dimensions 319 3.20 ‘computing M = 1x R, introductory problems 321,22 324,26 computing M =r F, more involved preblems 3.23.25 3.27.28 3.29.30 using M to find the perpendicular distance from a point toa Hine 33132 333,34 3.36 Scalar Produet 339, 40 Finding the angle between two lines 343,44 3.46 Mixed triple product 351,32 Moment ofa force about the coordinate axes 353, 54 359, 00 Moment of 2 foree about an oblique axis 361,62 3.03 $3.04, $05 93.68, *69 Finding the perpendicular distance between te ines 93.66, %67 3.10, 72 3.1, 23 Couples in two dimensions 374 36 375,77 Couples in three dimensions 3.79, 80, 3.78 3.83, 44 31.82 a force by an equivalent foree-couple system: (wo dimensions 385,86 397, 88 3.99, 90 4 force-couple system by an equivalent force of forces 3.91. 92 3.03, 04 3.95, 96 force by an equivalent foree-couple system: three dimensions 3.97, 98 3.99, 100 * Problems which do not involve any spe Answers are not given to problems wit a number set ini ‘System of units have been indicated by underlining their naniber i ype. TABLE I: CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEMS (CONTINUED) Problem Number™ SLUnits US. Units Problem Description 3.101, 102 3.104 Equivalent foree-couple systems 3.03 3.107 3.105, 106 Finding the resultant of parallel forces: two dimensions San, 112 3.408, 109 Finding the resultant and its line faction; two dimensions 3.115, 116 3.110, 113, 3418) 34, 17 3.119, 120, 3.121, 122 Reducing a thrcs-dimensional system of forces toa single foree-couple sys 3.124, 125 3.123, 126 3.127, 128 3.129, 130, Finding the resultant of parallel forees: three dimensions "3.131, "232 Reducing three-dimensional systoms of force or forces and couples toa wrench "3.130, 135 3M, "136 ‘axis of wrench is parallel fo a coordinate axis or passes through O “37 force-couple system parle! the coordinate axes ¥3.139, 140 93.138 genera, three-dimensional ease SMI 3K2 special eases where the wrench reduces toa single foree 5.43, 4s "3.145, "146 special, more advanced problems 3.147, 148 3.149, 151 Review problems 3.150, 154 3.152, 153 3.155, 157 3.156, 158 Computer problems CHAPTER 4: FOUILIBRIUM OF RIGID BODIES EQUILIBRIUM IN TWO DIMENSIONS 42,3 414 Porallel forees 45.6 47.8 49,10 ata Parallel forces, find range of values of loads to satisfy multiple eiteria 412,13 415,16 417,18 Rigid bodies with one reaction of unknown direction and one of known disection 419,20 421,26 422,23 427,28 4.24, 25 430) 31 4298 432.4 431,38 435,36 Rigid bouies with three reactions of known direction 44n,a2 439, 40 443,46 4.44, 45 Rigid bodies with a couple included in the reactions 4.49, 50 4aT 48 43153 Find position ofrgid body in equilibrium 455, 56 459 4.60 Partial constraints, static inden © Problems which do not involve any specific stem of Answers are not given to problems with a nurnber set its have been indicated by underlining their number lie type. ‘TABLE Il; CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEMS (CONTINUED) Problem Numiber®™ SI Units US. Units Problem Description ‘Three-forve bodies 4.61, 62 4063, 64 simple geometry, solution of aright triangle required 4.66, 67 4.65, 68 simple geometry, frame includes a two-foree member 4.69, 70 A174 more involved geomeiry 422,73 476,77 475,81 478,79 482 430 4.83, 8a 486,87 Find position of equilibrium. 485, 88 489,90 EQUILIBRIUM IN THREE DIMENSIONS 492,93 491,04 Rigid boules with two hinges along a coordinate axis and 4.95, 95 an additional reaction parallel to another coordinate axis 497,98 4.99, 100 Rigid bodies supported by three vertical wires or by vertical reactions 4.101, 102 4.103, 104 4.106, 107 4.205, 108 Dertick and boom problemas involving unknown tension in wo cables 4.109, 10 411, 112 4113, 114 4117, 8 Rigid bodies with two hinges slong a coordinate axis and an additional AIS, 110. reaction net parallel 1 a coordinate axis 419, 122 4.120, 121 Problems involving couples as part ofthe reaction at hinge 4.125, 126 4123, 124 Advanced problems 41129, 130. 4.197, 128 4.131, 82 4.135, 136 4.133, 134 Problems involving taking moments shout an oblique fine passing 4140, 140 4137, 138 ‘through two supports 4.139 4.142, 143 4.144, 146 Review problems 4.145, 149 4147, 148 4.150, 151 4152, 153 42,05 401,63 ‘Computer problems 4c8) ace (CHAPTER 5;_DISTRIBUTBD FORCES: CENTROIDS AND CENTERS OF GRA Contoid of a area formed by combining 5.1.2 53,4 teciamgles and triangles 569 33.7 rectangles, angles, and portions of eirwlar areas 58 5.10, 12 51,14 ‘tiangles, portions of eitcular or elliptical areas, and areas of analytical SUR 5 functions 5.16 SAT Derive expression for location of centroid 3a 58 Find ratio of dimensions so that cemroid is ata given point 53.20, 23 521,22 First moment of an area 524,25 526,27 Center of gravity of a wite figure 5.29, 30 5.28.31 quilbvium of wire figures 532,33 Find dimension to maximize distanee to centroid Problems which do not involve any spesific system oF unite have been indicated by underlining their number Answers are not given fo problems with a number set in italic type ail TABLE Il; CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEMS (CONTINUED) Problem Number* SLUnits USS. Units Problem Deseription Use integration to find centroid of 5.35, 36 534 simple areas 538,39 531 areas obtained by combining shapes of Fi 5.40, Sal 342 parabolic area Sahat areas dete by different funetions over the interval of interest Sar homogeneous wires areas defined by exponential or cosine funtion 5.50.51 areas defined by a hyperbola Find areas or volumes by Pappus- Guldinns 5.52, 53 5.54, 55 stale simple geometric figures 5.56, ST 539,61 3.38, 00 practical applications 5.62, *65 5.63, 64 Distributed load on beams 567 5.66 resullant of loading 5.68, 71 5.69, 70 reactions at supports 32 37 5.04, 75 5.16, 77 special problems 5.18, 79 Forces on submerged surfaces 5.80, 82 Salsa reactions on dams or vertical gates 5.83, 86 588 Sar 5.88, 99 5.90, 91 cactions on non-vertical gates 5.93, 04 5.92 5.95 special applications Centroids and centers of gravity of three-dimensional bodies ‘composite bodies formed fiom 190 common shapes composite hodies formed from thre or more elements 5.102, 105 5.106, 107 5.108, 109 composite bodies formed fiom a material of uniform thickness S110, 112 Sunnis S114 113 S.1d6, 317 composite dis formed fom a wite or stectural shape of uniform cross section sig, 121 59,20 composite bodies made of two differet materials ‘se inegation To locale the centroid of 5.123, 124 5.122, standard shapes: single integration 5126127 512 bodies of evolution: single integration 5.128, “129 5132 5.130, 31 special applications: single integration 5.138, 134 special applications: double integration 5.135,4136 bodies Formed by culing a stands shape with an oblique plane: singe integration © Problems whic do not hwolve any speci system of wits have been indicaied by underlining their nmber Answers are net given to problems with a number set in tale type. ‘TABLE Il: CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEMS (CONTINUED) Problem Number* SLUnits Problem Description 5.137, 139 3.138, 140 Review problems S143, 44 5.141, S147, 148 Suds 502.03 SCL. C4 Computer problems S.C5,C6 = CHAPTER 6; ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURES "TRUSSES Method ofjo 613 62,4 simple problems 66,7 65,8 69,10 641, 12 problems of average difficulty 613,14 6.15, 16 6.19, 20 6.17.18 more advanced problems 623,24 621,22 623,26 627 6.28) 629 a0 designate simple trusses 631, 32 Find zevo-force members 633, 4 16.36,97 70.35, $38 space teusses 16.39, *40 sol, 242 Method of sections 6.45, 46 ‘two ofthe members eut ae parallel 647,48 6.49, 50 none of the members eut are parallel, 6.53, 54 635, 56 61, 62 Kutype trusses 6.65, 66 trusses with counters 6.20, 31 ‘Clossity trusses aeconing to constraints 62824 FRAMES AND MACHIN Analysis of Frames 6.75.76 6.77.78 ‘easy problems 681,82 6.79, 80 5.83, 84 6.87, 88 problems where intemal forces are changed by repositioning a couple or by 6.85, 86 639) ‘moving a force along its line of action, 690) replacement of pulleys by equivalent loadings 691,92 6.93, 94 analysis of frames supporting pulleys or pipes 6.95, 96 analysis of highway vehicles * Problems which do not involve any specific system oF units have been indicated by underlining thelr nul ‘Answers are not given to problems with 2 number set in ital type % {CRIPTION OF PROBLEMS (CONTINUED) Problem Number= su US. Units Problem Description 6.97, 98 6.99, 100 nlysis oF frames consisting of mtiforce members 6.101, 102 6,108, 108 6.105, 106 6.107, 108 6.109, 110 problems involving the solution of simultaneous equations GAL, 2 6.15, 116, ‘unusual floor systems 6.124, 125 6.126, 127 6.128 6.129, 130) 6.133, 134 6.137, 38. 6.139, 180) 6.143, M44 6.146, 148 6151, 186 6.152, 653 6.159, 160 6.122, 128 6.131, 132 6.135, 156 6.41, 142 6.145, 147 6.149, 150 6.155, 156 6.197, 158 6.161, 9162 Analysis of Machines toggle-type machines 1s involving cranks machines involving 2 erank with a collar robotic machines tongs pliers, bolteuters, pruning shears find force to maintain postion of togale garden shears force in hydraulic eylinder Jarge mechanical equipment gears and universal joints *6.163 special tongs 6.165, 166 6.164, 168 Review probleins 6.167, 170 6.169, 171 6.172, 174 6.173, 115 6.02,c4 6c1.c3 Computer problems 606 65 * Problems which do not involve any specifi system of units have been indicaled by unde Their number. Answers ate not given to problems with & number et in italic type, ‘TABLE Ils CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEMS (CONTINUED) Problem Number® SL Units US. Units Problem Description (CHAPTER 7; FORCES IN BEAMS AND CABLES Inermal forces in members 14 1,2 simple frames 73.6 11.8 curved members 713, 14 75,16 fame with pulleys or pipes TAT AS cflect of supports 7.23.25 ‘bending moment in eieular rods duc to their own weight 726.22 BEAMS ‘Shege and bending: moment diagrams using portions of beam as fre bodies 731, problems involving no numerical values 74h 4 137,38 beams with concentrated loads ana beams with mixed loads 745,46 beams resting onthe ground 7582, 53 beans subjected to Forces and couples 748, 59 find value of parameter to minimize sbsotute value of bending monvent 760,61 Shear and bending-moment diagrams using relations among e2 Vand M 793,64 able involving nome ves 167 6s 769.90 aaa14 pects involving numerical ales ran 198.76 rk 779,80 nahi nd stim of maximum bending moment 1,84 rs? raza rss.80 Determine Fond by inerating wie 739.90 791,92 Find values of ods or ich [Aisa smal as posible cans Cable wth concentrated loads 793,94 195,96 vera ads hones 799.100 7, 104 Zl, 1e2 horizontal an ver ods 71108106 Parole ables 2.107, 108 2.10, 110 oppor odo sane leven hui zanita natn tt rus iie oppor dire lvatona © Problems which do not involve any specific system of units have been in "Answers are not given to problems with a nurnher se in ali type cated by underlining their number. wil TABLE II: CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OP PROBLEMS (CONTINUED) Problem Number" SL Units US. Units Problem Description “7.19 Derive analogy between 3 da cable 7.120, 121 7.122, 123, use analogy to solve previous peablems 1d 97.125, "126 Derive ruse vile w68) To Catenary 7.127, 129 7.128, 130 given length of cable and sag oF Ty, find span of cable T3132 7133, 135 7.134, 136 sgivon span and length ofeable, Find sag andor weight 7.139, 140 1137, 138 ven span, Ty, and w, ind sig 7143, 144 Tat, 142, sven To, 0, and sag or slope, find span or sag, 7.145, 146 97.147, "148. $7151, #152 1.149, *150 special problems “Tl 7.154, 155 7.156, 157 Review problems 7.150, LoL 7138, 160 7164, 165 1162, 163 702,C4 71,03 Computer problems 7.05, 66 cuary 8: FRICTION Forgiven loading, determine whether block is in eqilibvium and Gn ieton force Find minimum force required to sat, maintain, oF prevent mation Analyze motion of several blocks Sliding and/or tipping of 8 rigid bod Problems involving wheels and eylinders Problems involving rods ‘Analysis of mechanisms with fretion Analysis of more advanced rod and b m problems Analysis of systems with possibility oF slippage fr various Hoadings 8.48, 49 8.50, ST 833, 54 B55 8.57, 60 861 78.64, °65 8.66, 8.69, 70 871, 74 ‘Wedges, introductory problems ‘Wedges, more advanced problems Square-theeaded serews > Problems which do not involve any specific system of units have been indicated by onderining their number, Answers are not given to problems with a number set in italic type, £ Il: CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEMS (CONTINUED) Problem Number SL Units US. Units Peoblem Description 8.26,77 875,81 ‘Axle ition 9.78.79 8.82, 84 8.80, 83 885, 86 8.88, 39 87 8.91, “92 8.90, 98 Disk friction *8.93, 908 8.96, 99 897,98 ing resistence 8.100 Belt fiction 8.102, 103 8.101, 108 bel passing over fixed dram 8.105.106 8.107, 108 S.110,111 wansnission belts and bard brakes 8.109, 112 8113, 14 8115 8.116, 107 818,119 advanced problems 8.122, 123 8.120, 121 8.126, 127 8.128, 125 8.130, 131 Aerivations, V belts 8.132, 134 8.133, 136 Review problems 8.135, 39 8137, 38 S142, 143 8.140, 147 801,03 802, ‘Computer problems 8.04.06 8c7 sce. 932,34 9.39, 40 943,44 9; DISTRIBUTED FORCES: MOMENTS OF INERTIA TS OF INERTIA OF AREAS MoM: Pind by diet integration moments of inertia of an area moments of inertia nd radi of gyration of an area polar moments of inertia and pofar rai of gyration of Special problems Parallel-axis theorem applied to composite areas to Find moment of inertia and vais of gyration centroidal moment oferta centroidal moments oFinertin given Ford * Probleme which do not involve ny specific system oF unis have heen indicated by underlining their number “Answers are not given to problems with a number sot in italic type, TABLE Il; CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEMS (CONTINUED) Problem, SL Units Peoblem Description 945,46 947,48 854° R=Ti Alb, @=854" We measure: PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AIL ights reserved. No part of this Mana may: be displayed, produced ov dsibuted in any form or by any means, wihow the prior writin permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the hinited ‘tantra to feachorsandeducttors permite by McGrail fov tei nda course preparation yon arc stadent wn Hs Maral, pon are aig a eon peveussion. } PROBLEM 2.3 ‘The cable stays AB and AD help support pole AC, Knowing, that the tension is 120 Ib in AB and 40 tb in AD, determine 1 graphically the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the forces exerted by the stays at A using (a) the parallelogram law, (3) the triangle rule, bse SOLUTION (i eller ee We measure: ass" f=59.0° (a) Parallelogram law: (6) Triangle ule: We measure: R=139.11b, = 67.0" R=139.11b > 67.0" PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGrav-Hill Cenypanies Ie. All rghts reseed. No prt of tiv Meal maybe dpa, reproduced or csibuted in any form or by ayy means, without She prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or sed beyont te ted tsi to teachers an educators permite by MeCre-FB for thir ndividnal cos preparaton Ifyou area student ang Os heal ow are sing i en permis PROBLEM 2.4 Two forces are applied at Point B of beam AB. Determine graphically the magnitude and direction of their resultant using (@) the parallelogram law, (b) the triangle rule, SOLUTION (@) Paralletogram law: CO 4o” fo 2s R co" 3kN We measure: R=330KN, = 666° R=3.30kN SQ 66.6" € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AIL ighs reserve. No pat af this Monva may be dxplaved, Foproduced or uritted in any frm or by eny means. withont the rior writen permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the Uiied UIsrabsion wo toachers and educators printed by UeGraw fl for the nivel couse preparation. Ifo are stale avg his Manne, oware uring withoet permission PROBLEM 2.5 a0 » ‘The 300-1b force is to be resolved into components along lines aa’ and b-b". 9 or (@) Determine the angle c by wigonometry knowing that the component —- “along line aa’ is to be 240 Ib. (b) What is the corresponding value of the component along b-b"? SOLUTION (@) Using the triangle rule and law of sines: sin _ sing” 30016) sin = 0.69282 B= 43.854" + B60" = 180° 80° 60° —43.854° = 76.146 a= 16.19 300 tb sino (©) Law of sines: 1 = 336 Ib PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGeaw Ail Compania, Ine. All ihe reserved. No part ofthis Manual may be displayed ‘reproduced or disribured in any form or by any means, withow the prior ries person ofthe prblisher, oF raed beyond te ited 95.49 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McCall Companics, Ie, All cghtssxerved, No part ofthis Moma may be dived reproduced or dised ine form or by any means, widow the prior writen permusson ofthe publisher, or ted beyond tte ited isibution to teachers an edyenors permite by MeGravr-1El fr Air individual course preparation. Ifvan area student asi Hs Adena, are ning isdn permission PROBLEM 2.16 Solve Problem 2.3 by trigonometry. toi PROBLEM 2.3 The cable stays 4B and AD help support pole AC. Knowing that the tension is 120 1b in AB and 40 Ib in AD, determine graphically the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the forces exerted by the stays at A using (a) the parallelogram law, (b) the triangle rule. SOLUTION ef —t 6h —I 8 tna=& a= 386° 6 tan B= Pi 1-30.96 Using the triangle nl as ey= 180 38,662 430,962 4 y = 180° y= 110.38" Yl = (120 Iby? + (40 Tb)? ~2(120 16)(40 tb)cost 10.38° R=139.08 Ib Using the law of cosines: siny _ sin110.38° 401b 139.08 Using the law of sines: y= 15.64" o=00=a)+7 = (90? ~ 38.66°) + 15.64" = 66.98" R=139.11b 3 67.09 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-Hil Companies, nc All ight wserved, No part of this Manual may be displayed, Pepronticed or dsrdnted any frm or By en means, thot the por ween permission ofthe publisher, or wsed bevond te fined ‘txtibtion to tenchors ad educars permite by McCraw Hor the llonbua couse preparation Hyouare aster wing hs Mana prow mtg tnt peraitsion BIN PROBLEM 2.17 Solve Problem 2.4 by trigonometry. PROBLEM 2.4 Two forces are applied at Point B of beam AB. Determine graphically the magnitude and direction of their resultant using (a) the parallelogram law, (0) the triangle rule SOLUTION Using the law of cosines: R (2 RNY + RNY ~2(2 KN)(3 KN)cos80° R=3.304 KN iny __sin80° 2kN 73659 B+ 7+80° =180" Using the law of sines: y= 180?~80"—36.59° ya Ol” 9=180°— B +50" = 66.59 304 KN BORN = 66.0" PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ie. All rights reserved. No art of tls Mana maybe displayed, ‘epruduced or dieibated in can for® By any muons, how the prior writion permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the lined isrbnton to teachers ad educators permite by Me rel forth ndvide cones preparation If on area student avin hs Manual, bow ae using i without permission PROBLEM 2.18 ‘Two structural members 4 and B are bolted to a bracket as shown. Knowing that both members are in compression and that the force is 15 kN in member 4 and 10 KN in member 8 determine by trigonometry the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the: forces applied to the bracket by members 4 and B, SOLUTION Using the force triangle and the laws of cosines and si We have 7 = 180°—(40° +20") =120° ISkN ‘Then R? = (IS KN)’ + (10 KN)? ~2(15 kN)(IO kN)cos 120° lo kent 1OKN _ 21.794 KN and sing sin120° sine (ft ae 21-794 kN 39737 Hence: R=218INS TBA PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ‘9 2010 The MeGiaw-1il Companies, Ine. AIL ight reserved. No part of thir Monn may be daplayed, ‘eprodced or disuibuted iv any form oF by any means, wou the prior eiten persion ofthe publisher, or used Devon the lite ttsibatin to teachers an edcaons peated by McGraw for ter nda conse preparation Ifyou are ase wing Has Mania tnt nag if thon pesmsion » PROBLEM 2.19 Two structural members A and B are bolted to a bracket as shown. Knowing that both members are in compression and that the foree is 10 KN in member 4 and 15 kN in member B, determine by trigonometry the magnitude and diteetion of the resultant of the forces applied to the bracket by members A and B, ‘SOLUTION Using the force triangle and the laws of cosines and sine We have 80° —(40"+ 20°) 20° Then RP =O RNY +05 KN)? ~2(10 KNYXIS kN)eos 120° = 475 kN? 1.794 kN a ISKN _ 21.794kN sina sini20" sine at} 31.794 kN =0,59605 = 36,588" Hence: 9 = 0+ 50° =86,588" R=21.8 NS 6.69 € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. & 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, le. AIL rights reserved. No part of this Manual aay he dpe, ssproduced ov distributed in any form or by any mans, without the pri watten permission ofthe publisher, or nsed beyond the inte) datribution to eachers end educators permuted by MeGre-IUM fr ther india conte preparation. fon area sine avin this Men, ow are ating i without permseion 4 PROBLEM 2.20 For the hook support of Problem 2.7, knowing that P=75N and @=50°, determine by trigonometry the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the two forees applied fo the support PROBLEM 2.7 ‘Two forces are applied as shown to a hook support. Knowing that the magnitude of P is 35 N, determine by trigonometry (a) the required angle a if the resultant R of the two forces applied to the support is to be horizontal, (6) the corresponding magnitude of R, SOLUTION Using the force triangle and the laws of eosines and sines: We have B= 180° (50°+25%) =105° Then R? =(75 Ny +(S0N)° ~2(75 NV(50 N) cos 105° R® = 10066.1 N? R=100.330.N a siny __ sin105° TSN 100330N sin 7 =0.72206 y= 46225° Hence: 7 ~ 25° = 46,225° 25° = 21.225" R=1003N 7 21.29 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 ‘The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All righ reserved. No put of this Manna muy be displayed reproduced or dissed in cu form or by any means, wihow the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or raed beyond the ited Aisntaation to teachers an educoors permit by Metra forthe individual couse prepration Ifyou are astadentwsing this Meaual ow are using f without permssion 2 PROBLEM 2.21 shown, Determine the x and y components of each of the fore Dimensions ‘nm I 600 SOLUTION 7 7 Compute the following distances: fT ie it 04 = (600) + 600)" Boon =1000 mm ° ct OB = \{(S60)" +(900)" 424N AORN =1060 mm oc = ((480) +900)? B C =1020 mm 800-N Force: F, = +800 N) 5. 4040 N 1000 600, 5, = +(800 N) OO. =+480 F, = #800 NG B= +480N 424-N Force: F=-(a24 ny 30. =2N< 1060 900. (24) ~360.N (24ND < 408-N Force: = 4408 ny 282. 41920N 4 1020 900 =~(408 N) 220. ~360.N (408 N)- 1020 6ON PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All rights reserved. No por ofthis Manual muy be dplaed, Iapradiced or dtibuted in any form or by any mot, witiont the prior writen peraassion of the publisher, or wad beyod the teal ‘esbaton teachers deat ported by Me Gravel for thelr indie cone preparations Uf yon recast hse this Mat Sport usne I wht permission 3 Leasinel in 0. PROBLEM 2.22 Determine the x and,y components of each of the forces shown. SOLUTION Compute the followi 29-1b Force: S0-Ib Foree Sb Fore: OA = (84) +(80"" =116 in, 0B = 28) +06) =100in, F, = (60 16) 78. a8 F,= +631 1b) 5 = HEL Ib) 80 +29 Ib) OG 100 9% +(50 Ib) — COT o5 90, 102 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The Mews 1hil Companies, Inc. AI rights reserve. No part of ix Manual may Be dspavee reproduced on disibuted in ey form or by any meas, who the pre rite permission of the pubher, or wsed bevond the ited 866° € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeCaaw-¥it Companies Ie. Al rights fexetved. No part of this Manual aye display reproduced or disibuted in ny form or by any moans, wiliow the prior writen permission of the publish or used beste the Tne sistributon teachers and educators permitted by MeGrans-1ll for thelr advil cre preparation. fon area student wing this Manual, ow are uring f widont pormission a PROBLEM 2.36 Knowing that the tension in cable BC is 725 N, determine the resultant of the three forces exerted at Point B of beam AB. a uN SOLUTION Cable BC Force: 500-N Force: TRO-N Force: and Farther: tan = 200 =226N 3” 623° € Thus: PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. Allright reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced ot sdeibuted in any form or By any means, sito the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the lied (theibuton to teachers and edctors permite hy MeGrave Hd for tel nvidua cose preparation Ifyoware student axing hes Manne "yr are sing it withon penmassion. 38 PROBLEM 2.37 Knowing that er= 40°, determine the resultant of the three forces th shown, SOLUTION 60h Force: (60 Ib)cas 20° = 56.38 1b F, = (60 lb)sin20° = 20,52 1b 80-Ib Porce: (80 1b)c0s 60" = 40,00 tb Rr ereewd, 4 (80 1b)sin 60° = 69.28 1b R,- C00.s01d 120-1b Force: (120 1b)e0530"=103.92 Ib * F, =-(020 b)sin30° and R= (200.30 1b)? + 29.80 by" = 202.50 Ib Farther: R=203 Ib & 8.46° € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AIL igh eeserved. No port of this Manual may fe displayed, ‘repnaticed or cstribued on any form oF By any moans, withont the prior writen peission of the prblisher, or ase Beyond the Tinted distribution io teachers and educoiors prmited by MeCvxe48l for thir india cnn preparation. fon are astnen wing this Mena, dw are ung 1 without perouston. cae PROBLEM 2.38 Knowing that = 75°, determine the resultant of the three forces shown, SOLUTION 60.10 Force (60 bcos 20" F, = (60 b)sin 20° = 20.52 Ib 80-1b Foree (8018) c0895° =-697 1b (80 Ib)sin 95°=79.70 1b 120415 Fore: F, =(120 1b) 08 $°=119.54 Ib F, = (120 sin $°=10.46 Ib Then B= EP, =168.95 1b x, 110.68 tb and R= (168.95 Iby +(110.68 Iby = 201.98 tb ton ae= 10.88 168.95 tana = 0.655 a=3329 02 Ib 2 33.2" PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, le. AIL rights reserve. No part of this Manwat may be displayed, Iepreduced or distrib in any form or by any moans, won the prior wvttn permission ofthe pusher, or aed Deyond the Limited Cdsibution fo tetshers and ecucaore pera by McCraw fr thei individual conrse preparation. fyam area stent using this Mann Son are ang it with pormieion. “0 PROBLEM 2.39 For the collar of Problem 2.35, determine (a) the required value of rif the resultant of the three forces shown is to be vertical, (b) the ‘corresponding magnitude of the resultant. SOLUTION R= 2k, = (100 N) cos. + (150 Nycos(ar + 30°)— (200 N)cos er R, = (100 N)coser + (150 Nycos(a7+30°) ay Ri =EK, = (100 N)sin c= (150 N)sin (er+ 30°) — (200 N)siner R, = (300 N)sin @~ (150 N)sin (e+ 30°) @) @ _ ForR to be vertical, we must have &, = 0. We make R, =0 in Eg, (1) 10008 & +150c0s(a-+30°) 100c08 «+150 (cos er cos 30°~ sin asin 30°) 29.904 cos or o=2174 a= 4 (b) Substituting for in Bq, 2) R, =—300sin21,74° —150sin51.74° ~228.9N =1R,|=228.9 N R=229N PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 1 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ie_ All rghts reserved. No part af the Manual may be daplayed, ‘reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prion watts permission ofthe publisher, ar sed Beyond the ited isvibution to teachers and educators permite by MeGravel bil forth dividval cnrsepreparaton. you ae student asin this Mermal pow ae wing i without permiscion a PROBLEM 2.40 For the beam of Problem 2.36, determine (a) the required tension in cable BC if the resultant of the three forves exerted at Point B is to be vertical, (4) the corresponding magnitude of the resultant, 10 se SOLUTION so, 12 3 840-7, 2 e780 N)-3 (500 i160 Te #13 HON 5600N) 2 2 #420 N “ 800 4 xp, = 82 5, Scr80 n)~4¢s00 n’ + F169 B73 HPN) SOOO) 20 225,700 N Q 291% Q) (a) For Rt be vertical, we must have R, =O Set R, =0 ing, (1) Btje +20N=0 Tye = 580N (0) Substituting for Tye in Eq. (2): R=|R,|=300N R=300N 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGrow{Iill Companies, Inc. AIL ighs woseved. No part of this Manual may be dsplaed, rprodced or dsrilted iv any form or y any means, withom the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or nsed beyond the lived UUstbrin bo teachers aml eductors permite by Metra Hil for thee ndvidual couse preparation Ife area stant asi this Marne Sou are using witout permission. 2 PROBLEM 2.41 Determine (a) the required tension in eable AC, knowing that the resultant of the three forces exerted at Point C of boom BC must be directed along BC, (D) the corresponding magnitude of the resultant, SOLUTION Using the x and y axes shown: (@) Sct R, =0 in Eq, (2): (B) — Substitu F, = Ty Sin 10° + (50 Ib)cos35° +(75 Ib)cos 60° Pye Sin 10° + 78.46 Ib a R, = EF, =(50 Ib)sin35°+ (75 Ib}sin60°~ Tye cos 1° R, = 93.63 Ib— Ty c0s 10° 2 93.63 Ib=Tje-€0s10° =0 Tye =95.07 Ib Tye = 95.110 ig for Ty. n Eq. (1): (95.07 Ib)sin 10° + 78.46 Ib PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGinw-Htil Companies, Ine. AIL ighs wserved. No pare ofthis Mona! may be spayed reproduced or dissed incon form or hy any means, waont the prior writen perausson ofthe publisher, ov wed bexond He inated ‘dition techn an aes porited By Meret ott advil come preparation If yon area student rx hs Mane, ‘on are sing wth permission “a 80th PROBLEM 2.42 For the block of Problems 2.37 and 2.38, determine (a) the required value of aif the resultant of the three forces shown is to be parallel to the incline, (b) the corresponding magnitude of the resultant antn SOLUTION bob HOW a Select the x axis to be along aa’. ‘Then R, =EA, =(60 Ib) +(80 Tb)ooser+ (120 Th)sin ax a and R, =EK, =(80 Ib)sinar —(120 Ibjeosar ) (@) Set R, =0 in Eq. 2), (80 Ib)sin er ~ (120 Ib)cosar=0 Dividing each term by cosar gives: (80 Ib) tan ar= 120 Ib 120 1b cy = 120 1b 80 1b @=56,310° 563° € (b) Substituting for or in Eg, (1) gives: R, =60 Ib-+ (80 1b) cos 56.31° + (1201b)sin 56.31? = 204,22 Ib R, = 2041 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AIL Fights reserved. No part of dis Mae! men be displayed reproduced or distributed im ans form or by any means. without the prior writen permission af the publisher, or wsed beyond the limited srdnton to teachers an educa ported by MeGrxeHll for ter india come preparation. IY ar a student si this Manu, Sear are sing thot permision “ PROBLEM 2.43 Two cables are tied together at C and are loaded as shown. Knowing that a= 20°, determine the tension (a) in cable AC, (b)in cable BC. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram Force Triangle Tee ie = (200 xe AEH inf?) azn qT, Ts 1962 N qe sin70° sinS0° sin 60° (a) Tye = =2128.9N Tye =2IZKN a yc = 2M nso 1549 rye =1RSAN PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AI righisreservsd. No part of this Manual nay be displayed ryproduced or distibued in any form oF by any means, without prior writes permission ofthe publisher, oF sed beyond the Lonted isrbaton to fachers and edcaior peroited by MeCraw-1l fo ther indisdaal cours preparation, Ifyou are student wing this Man, ou are weg if without permission 4s PROBLEM 2.44 ‘Two cables are tied together at C and are loaded as showa, Determine the tension (@) in cable AC, (4) in cable BC. sans SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram Foree Triangle 500N ” Te SOON Bor Y Tee Tee Te 500 N SreAieiaaas sin60° sin40°_ sin80” @ Ty in 60" = 439.69 N Tc =440N 4 sin 80° (b) Tec ON si 40° = 326.35 N Tye =326N 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, ( 2010 "he McGaw Hill Companies Ine. Allright reserved. No part ofthis Monual may be displayed reproduced or distibted in eny foro by any meses, iho the prior seritenpermisston of tie pubicher, or ued beyond the hited ‘dition to teochers and edycatars ported by McGraw Hill for their individual cor prepavation Ifyou are shaken asin his Maral Sen ave asin i without permission. 46 PROBLEM 2.45 ‘Two cables are tied together at C and are loaded as shown, Knowing that P = 500 N and a= 60°, determine the tension in (a) in cable AC, (6) in cable BC SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram Foree Triangle Law of si @ wo PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGrave-Hill Companies, he. Al ights reserved, No part of rhe Manual may be display Deprediced or dried tn any form Dy any means, withow the prin writen peroission of the pulser, or used beyond the Hine ‘sribution wo oachers aud educaurs permite by MeCra-HUl fr thet nda couase preparation. If ow ae astcent wing this Manual, “yor are uring i with permission a PROBLEM 2.46 ‘Two cables are tied together at C and are loaded as shown, Determine the tension (a) in cable AC, (b) in cable BC. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram Force Triangle Tuc I as OS as° ise & Te 1962 1928| he os wong v = (200 kg)(9.81 mis?) =1962N Tyo Tac 1962N sin 15° sin 105° sin 60° (0962 N) sin 15* Tuc sin 60° Tye =586N 1, = 1962 N)sin 105° ne sin. 60° =2190N 4 Toc PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Allright reseved. No part of this Mamwal may be dsplared, reproduced or dried in any for or By eny means, thot the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or ase Devond dhe ante? ‘herbi to teachers and ductors permite by Wer Hl forthe onda coarse preparation Ifyowarea stent using hs Sn, ow are using iT wont pormasion “6 PROBLEM 2.47 Knowing that = 20°, determine the tension (a) in cable AC, (6) in cope BC, SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram zoo! : Tye 1200 Ip Law of lo Beer sin 5 sin 65° @ = 2001 sin 110° Tye =1244 1b 4 ac sin 65" . ) Tye = 200 gin 52 Tye =115.4 1b sin 65° PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All righis reserved. Na part of diy Maal wey be dispar, ‘repradhced or distributed n any form» by any aseans, without the prior writen permission of the prblsher nase Befond the listed distribution to teachers ant educators permitted by MeGrve Sil for thr indal cone prepvetien. Ison student sing this Mant, ow are wig 1 thou permission 0 PROBLEM 2.48 Knowing that @=55* and that boom AC exerts on pin C a force directed along line AC, determine (a) the magnitude of that force, (6) the tension in cable BC. Force Triangle Law of snes: @ yg = OO. sin 35° Fy =1T.110 4 sin 95° “ Tye = 220%, sin 50 Tye =231 10 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2010 The MeGraw-Hil! Companies, Ine. Allright reserved. No part of dis Manual way be displayed reproduced or dsritated tn can form or by any means, without the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or wsed beyond the lived istic to teachers an educars permed by McCraw for thr india cowse preparation, ou are astadent using tis baa, owe using it without pormision PROBLEM 2.49 Two forces P and Q are applied as shown to an aircraft connection. Knowing that the connection is in equilibrium and that P=5001b and = 650 1b, determine the magnitudes of the forces exerted on the rods A and B. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram Resolving the forces into x- and y-directions: R=P+Q+F,+F, =0 Substituting components: R= ~(500 Ib)j +[(650 Ib)eos 50° ~[(650 tb) sin 50°]j + Fi —(F, 00850 + (F, sin 50°) In the y-direction (one unknown force) 500 Ib ~ (650 Ib)sin 50°+ F; sin 50° = 0 Thus, F., = 500 10+ (650 Ib)sin 50° sin 50° =1302,70 Ib In the x-direction: (650 Ib)c0s50°+ Fy ~F,cos50°=0 Thus, Fg =F 60850? —(650 Ib)eos 50” 302.70 Ib) cos50° ~ (650 Ib)eos SO” 19.55 Ib PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The Mei Companies, All rights reserved. No part of this Mena may be displayed, ‘reproduced or disributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission ofthe pubisher, or used beyond te iited disributon to teachers and educators permed by Me Gravel fr tir individual course preparation Ifyou ance student asin is Mane, Dea are using i thon permission st x) PROBLEM 2.50 Two forces P and Q are applied as shown to an aircraft connection. Knowing, that the connection is in equilibrium, and that the magnitudes of the forces exerted on rods 4 and B are F,=750lb and F, = 4001b, determine the magnitudes of PandQ. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram Resolving the forces into x- and y-direetions: Substituting components: =[(750 Ib) cos 50°} +[(750 tb) sin 50°]j-+ (400 Ibyi In the s-direction (one unknown force) Qos 50° =[(750 Ib) cos 50°] + 400 Ib =0 Ib) cos 50° —400 Ib ‘0s 50° 127.710 In the y-direction: P= Q sin 50° + (750 Ib)sin 50°=0 .Q sin 50° + (750 Ib)sin 50° (127.710 Ib)sin 50° + (750 Ib)sin 50° 476.10 1b P=AT7 Ib; Q=127.7 Ib € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 the McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All ighls reserve. No part of ix Manel may be dspayed, produced om doiriuted in as form oF by any med, wit the peter wllen permission of the publisher, or use beyond the Tinted dart to teachers and eucoios peated Dy Meee fort adaidual couse preparation ff ow area student sig this Maal an are using thou permission st PROBLEM 2.51 ‘A welded connection is in equilibrium under the aetion of the four forces shown. Knowing that £, =8 kN and fy =16 kN, determine the magnitudes of the other two forces. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram of Conneetion 3 f EX 0 With Fo=640KN With F, and Fg as above: 480kKN (16 kN) — 26 KN) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, In All ighs reserved. No part of this Manna mey be elplayed, ‘reproduced or disributed in any form or by ey means, thon the prior writen pormisson ofthe publisher, or ned bond he linted \spibution to teachers amd denne pst by derail fitted couse preperation Ifyou are-astcen ain dis Mena bow are sing it without persis, st PROBLEM 2.52 ‘A welded connection is in equilibrium under the action of the four forces shown. Knowing that F, =5 kN and F,, =6 kN, determine the magnitudes of the other two forces, SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram of Connection 48 EX A any -dej sin, 5 5 or fy +R, 5 with SKN, Ey =8KN iy Sows 3s «| 15.00kN 4 -K+4 5 (Fy ~ Fa) (ISKN~SKN) Fo =8.00kN PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 Ve MeGrw-Hill Companies, In. All rights reserved. No pur ofthis Manual may be displayed, rapreduced or distributed in any form or By any meant, wathowt the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or ned beyond the fied dsaribuion teachers and dco permuted by Mehl forthe india couse preparation. 1j ow are ascent ting this Monta, ‘po are ing i tio permission s4 PROBLEM 2.53 ‘Two cables tied together at C are loaded ay shown. Knowing that = 60 Ib, determine the tension (a) in cable AC, (b) in cable BC. ‘SOLUTION ¥y \ Te Q Tey ~Qe0s30°=0 with Q=601b @ Teg =(60 1bX0.866) Oy EF, =0: P~T, -Qsin30?=0 with P=TSIb Teg = 75 Ib —(60 100.50) OF Tay =45.01b PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 1 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AM ighsreseved. No part of this Manual moy be displayed, ‘reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prov writen permission ofthe publisher, or need Beyond the ited ‘dstributon to teachers and educors permite by McCrae TH for Ste wivadel corse prepara If von area sine avin his Monel, Yo are wing iio permission ss PROBLEM 2.54 ‘Two cables tied together at C are loaded as shown, Determine the range of values of Q for which the tension will not exceed 60 tb in either eable. SOLUTION ‘ee-Body Diagram Tne ~ 060860" + 75 I Vv Tye = 15 10-0 cos 60° a : Tre mt Tye —Qsin60°=0 @ Requirement From Eg. 2) - 4. Q) 0569316 Requirement Tye = 60 tb: From Eq, (1): 75 b—Qsin60° = 60 Ib 0230.0 3.050563) € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. All rights receved, No put ofthis Mannal may be displayed, ‘reproduced or distributed in ens form oF by ay moans, wie the prior writen penmision of the publisher, 2 need Beyond the lied “Astribution to teachers and cos port hy Metra Mil for itr dividual ore preparation Ifyou ar stent sing is Maal, Yon are nsng iF ethout permisio se PROBLEM 2.55, A sailor is being rescued using a boatswain’s chair that is suspended from a pulley that can roll freely on the support cable ACB and is pulled at a constant speed by cable CD. Knowing that a@=30° and = 10° and that the combined weight of the boatswain’s chair and the sailor is 900.N, determine the tension (a) in the support eable ACB, (b) in the traction cable CD. SOLUTION ELE, =0: Zep €08 10° -Tyoy 608 30° Tey, 605 30°= 0 Tey =O.ISTISST ye a Hf EE, =0: Tycg sin 10°+ Tyco sin 30°-+ Top sin 30° 900 =0 0.673657 jog + 0.5T ey =900 e (a) Substitute (1) into 2): 0.67365T yep + 0.5(0.137158T yep) = 900 Top = 1212.56 N Typ 21213 N ® From Q Toy = 0.137158(1212.56 NY Tey =1063N PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, lc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, ‘aprodced or diuribed in any form or by any means, withon the priar writen permission of he publisher, or aed hesond the timed ttstibution to teachers and educators permed by Meira HM fr ie tnd conve preevation. Ifyou stent wn his Mana Yow are sing i withoul permission PROBLEM 2.56 A sailor is being rescued using a boatswain’s chair that is suspended from a pulley that can roll freely on the support cable ACB and is pulled at a constant speed by cable CD. Knowing that @=25° and =15° and that the tension in cable CD is 80 N, determine (a) the combined weight of the boatswain’s chair and the sailor, (b) in tension in the support cable ACB. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram Y Tey 008 1S? ~T ye 608 25°—(80 Neos 25°= 0 Tycy = 1216.15 N (1216.15 N)sin 15° 4(1216,15 N)sin 25° +{80 N)sin 25° =0 W =862.54 N () — W=803N 4 () Typ =1210N PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw Hill Companies, Ie. All rights reserved. No part of shis Manvot may be dsploed, aprediced 0» cnibued in any form or by any means, without the pres: permission ofthe publisher, oF nse beyond the Tied ‘Usributon to oachors and educators permit by McGraw-Hill for thes ndividua couse preparation Ifyou areca stent ving his Man, omar uri wthonl pormieson PROBLEM 2.57 For the cables of Problem allowable tension is 600 N in cable AC and 750 N in cable BC. ‘, Determine (a) the maximum force P that ean be applied at C, (B) the « corresponding value of a ” és 15, it is known that the maximum SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram 250" (600)? + (750)" ~ 2(600\750) cos (25° + 45°) P=784.02N P=784N 4 f__ sin(25°445°) GOON” 784.02 46.48 = 46,07 425°=71.0° (@) Law of cos (>) Law ofsines PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 he MeGraw-Hil Companies, fn, All rights resived. No par’ of thx tkouaal may be dplaycd, reproduced or cisrbuted m any form or by any means, without the prior written permission ofthe publisher. or sed beyond the Tinted dsoribaion Wo teachers vd econ perth Mean fr tel india connse preparation Ifyou arctestadent tv hs Manta, Yow ae sing i wit! pormision » PROBLEM 2.58 For the situation described in Figure P2.47, determine (a) the value of @ for which the tension in rope BC is as small as possible, () the corresponding value of the tension PROBLEM 2.47 Knowing that @ = 20°, determine the tension (a) in cable AC, (6) in rope BC. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram Force Triangle Te G srs Tee Bieeion heals entar-2eh Cc 1200 Ib \20010 ‘To be smallest, Tyo must be perpendicular to the ditection of 7 (a) Thus, a=s° a=5.00 at 4 ) Tye = (1200 tb)sin 5° Tye = 104.6 Ib PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.All hts reserved. No pare of this Monual mey be disptayet reproduced or dsrited tn any form or by ans means. wiht the prior wren permision of the publisher, or used beyond the lindted sributon ta teachers and eduenors permit Py MeGraw-Hillfor thelr individual couse preparation Ifyou area sea asing his Mana don ave using i thon permission ‘i PROBLEM 2.59 For the structure and loading of Problem 2.48, determine (a) the value of a for which the tension in cable BC is as small as possible, (b) the corresponding value ofthe tension, 20s SOLUTION The must be perpendicular to Fc to be as small as possible Free-Body Diagram: C Force Triangle is a right triangle Too ‘oer g Be tee” w 300lb ‘To bea minimum, Tye must be perpendicular to Fy. | @ Weobserve: = 90" —30° a= 60.0 € &) Tyo = (300 Thysin 50° or Tye = 229.81 Ib Toe =2301b PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 ‘The McGraw-Hill Companies Ie. All righis reserved. No pur ofthis Manta may: be displayed, reproduces or disiibuted inc form or by any means, without the pris wrtten permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the ited sdisibution to teachers and ductors permed hy MeGray-Fllfr der dividual couse preparation Ifyou are a sudo asin hs nah oware using without permission es yap 2 ma PROBLEM 2.60 Knowing that portions AC and BC of cable ACB must be equal, determine the shortest length of cable that can be used to support the load shown if the tension in the cable is not to exceed 870 N. 90 SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram: C (For = 725 N) BION 2% ___etow \ o an-i0w=0 1, =600N Te 4Ty =T? 2 + (600 NY’ =(870 NY’ T, =630N. \ rae _ BC i oo sat By-simiarianglss 5 | on Seen L=580m 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2010 Tos MeGrow-Hill Companies, Ine. AIL Fights reserved. No part of this Manna may be dae, Ieprodiced ov distritwied in any form or by any muses, withont the pri writen permission of the publisher, or ase beyond the Finite Ustibuton to teachers end esctrsperited by MeGrexeTHil fr ther indivi comse prpareton. fou ara student wing this Mane, ‘om are sig whos porbassion. a PROBLEM 2.61 Two cables tied together at C are loaded as shown. Knowing that the maximum allowable tension in each cable is 800 N, determine (a) the magnitude of the largest force P that can be applied at C, (6) the corresponding value of a SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram: C Tac: 800K; Tyez 200N sot 35° « = Force triangle is isosceles with 2f =180—85° Bears @ P = 2(800 N)cos 47.5° = 1081 N Since P >0, the solution is correct. P=1081N 4 a =180°—50°—47.5° = 82.5° aa825°-< (by PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGiw-Hill Companies Ine. All ighls reserved. No part of this Manual maybe clipleyed. produced or dsiributed in any form or by any meus, withou the prot written permission ofthe publish oF aad herond de honed 1200 N, the solution is correct. P=I294N 4 (0) Law of sines: B__sin 85° 1200N 1294N pros = 180° -50°-67.5° PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGeew Hill Companies, ne, All ight served. No port of this Manual moy be dnplaed, reproduced oe dried i any frm or by eny means. shout the pelor written persion of de publisher, or ased beyond the Tinted Uistrbption to fouchors and eestor permite by Meret for ete nvidua cose preparctan.ffoware a stent ung this Maral, ow are asin witout poration PROBLEM 2.63 Collar A is connected as shown to a 50-Ib load and can slide on 4 ftictionless horizontal rod. Determine the magnitude of the force P required to maintain the equilibrium of the collar when (@) x=45in, (6) x=15 in, SOLUTION (@) Free Body: Collar A 50 ib r05/f25 P N (6) Free Body: Collar A ota : oy 7 N = Force Triangle P_S01b eee P=98 Ib 45 205 Force Triangle P50 tb ea P= 30.0 Ib 1525 bt PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGraw-Ill Companies, Alt sights reserved, No part of this Mrmal maybe dsplayat repradced or disiibuted in any form or by any mans, without the prio writen permission ofthe publishes or ned beyond ie lnated tisibution to teachers and ecicatorspermited by Meira. for thet individual course preparation Wow areca stalet tao ths Moone, {ow are using Lewin permscsion “6 PROBLEM 2.64 Collar 4 is connected as shown to 2 50-1b load and can slide on @ frictionless horizontal rod, Determine the distance x for which the collar is in equilibrium when P= 48 Ib. SOLUTION Free Body: N=14.00 Ib + Similar Triangles eye ey 481b trier ee 14 b PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-¥il Companies, Ine. All ights reserved. No part of this Manval moy be dplayed, epradheed on divribted in any form or by any means, without the prior wrt permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the limited \Taributon to leachors an educators permite by MeGra-Hilfor ther tndviul course prepavaion. Ifyow ave stent using this Mana, ow are nag without pormisson PROBLEM 2.65 A 160-kg load is supported by the rope-and-pulley arrangement shown, Knowing that #=20°, determine tho magnitude and digestion of the force P that must be exerted on the free end of the rope to maintain equilibrium. (int: The tension inthe rope isthe same on each side of simple pulley. This ean be proved by the methods of Chapter 4.) 160 ig SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram: Pulley A tae . ALBR,=0: 2Psin20°~Pemwer=0 and cos = 0.8452 or a= 246.840" = 446.840 For 4] EF, =0: 2Pc0s20°+ Psin 46.840° 1569.60 N=0 or P=602N™. 46.8" 4 For = 46,840 0: 2Peos20” + Psin(-46.840°) -1569,60 N=0 or P=1365N 2746.8" PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, lo AU rights reserved. No put ofthis Manual may be displayed, ‘reproduced cisibuied in any form oF by any acans, thon the priar written person ofthe publisher, or sed hey the Fined sition to eachers and educators poral by MeCraw II for tet inva course preparation ify area seen wi hs Bra, ow ve wing wou permis @ PROBLEM 2.66 A 160-kg load is supported by the rope-and-pulley arrangement shown, Knowing that a'=40°, determine (a) the angle 8, (b) the magnitude of the force P that must be exerted on the fiee end of the rope £0 maintain equilibrium. (See the hint for Problem 2.65.) SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram: Pulley 4 We mg = UWE NASI mis?) 1564.60 4 w@ 2Psin sin f~ Poos 40°= 0 sin f= 252 eos 40° fa225° € (0) BF, =0: Pain 40°+2Pe0s 22.52°-1569.60 N = P=60N 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGraw-Hil Companies, fn All ightseeerved. No part of this Manna ony Be dsplaved, Nepvoduced or siribaeed in ey form or by any means, witht the pra vit permission ef the publisher, or ase Beyond the Tinted (ikertbuton wo teachers nd ducaorspormte By Mera for their dividual course preparation Ifyonare ase wsing his Mora pow are ws it without pormision PROBLEM 2.67 A 600-Ib crate is supported by several rope-and- y pulley arrangements as shown. Determine for each arrangement the tension in the rope. (See the hint for Problem 2.65.) w © a w SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram of Pulley @ TT 27 ~(600 Ib)=0 7 =5(600 by coo le T=3001b ® TT 27 ~(600 Ib)=0 1 r=1(600 ’ i ech T=3001 € o Wer {ER =0: 37-(6001b)=0 1 = (600 1) ib 5 (6001) oe T=200 4 @ ter 4] ER, =0: 37-(600 Ib) =0 1 4600 ty (6001) Go0\b T=2001b 4 © ne +] ER, =0: 47-(600 iby =0 r (600 Ib) 50.0 ib 6001 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 ‘The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ie. Allright reserved, No part ofthis Maal maybe delved ‘reproduced or desribated in any form or by any means, thou the pri written permission ofthe plier, or used beyond te lined distribution to teachers and educeiors permite by MeGroHi for thc diva cour preperation. pom are student asi this Mao, “yom are sing i hut permission ° @ © @ ® PROBLEM 2.68 Solve Parts b and d of Problem 2.67, assuming that the free end of the rope is attached to the crate PROBLEM 2.67 A 600-Ib crate is supported by several rope-and-pulley arrangements as. shown, Determine for each arrangement the tension in the rope. (See the hint for Problem 2.65.) SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram of Pulley and Crate @) ” = e001b (do rere Oo 37° ~ (600 Ib) =0 1 T= 1600 Ib) (600 Ib) AT — (600 Ib) =0 (600 Ib) 50.0 Ib PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, * 2010 The MeGra- Hil Compe Ie. All rights reserved Ma part of this Maal may be displayed, reprouced or dsriuted iv ony fr or by any mans, witht the prior writen permision ef the publisher or wsed beyond the lntied “Haibution ta teachers andar ported By MeGrae il forthe mdividoal couse preparaton Ifyou are aside sing his Mona Dore wun without persion. » PROBLEM 2.69 A load Q is applied to the pulley C, which can toll on the cable ACB. The puilley is held in the position shown by a second cable CAD, which passes over the pulley 4 and supports a load P. Knowing that P=750N, determine (a) the tension in cable ACB, (b) the magnitude of load Q. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram: Pulley C (2) ALB =0: Ty,(cos25* ~c0855°)~ (750 Ncos55° =0 ON Hence: Tey = 1292.88 N ase ‘en =W293N (ABR 20: Tyeplsin2S"+5in55) + (750 Nysin5Se—-O=0 (1292.88 NY(sin25°+ sin 55°) + (750 N)sin55°—-Q=0 or Q=2219.8N Q=2220N 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Is. All rights reserved. Ne port of this Muna may be displayed, ‘reproduced cstribued in any form or by any means, wethont the prior written permisson of the pobliser, erased beyond the Tine istibation to teachers ad educators permite by MeCrav-Al fr thet inevidua course preparation Ifyou arceastedent asig this Mesa, rare wing I without permission, n PROBLEM 2.70 An 1800-N load Q is applied to the pulley C, which can roll cn the cable ACB, The pulley is held in the position shown by a second cable CAD, which passes over the pulley A and supports a load P, Determine (a) the tension in cable ACB, (4) the magnitude of load P. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram: Pulley C 1800 Tyq(008 25° ~ c0s55°)— Pe0s 55° =0 PHOSMOT eg — Tyep (sin 25° + sin 55°)+ Psin 55° 1800 N= 0 or 1.24177P yay + OS191SP =1800.N- Q) (a) Substitute Equation (1) into Bquation (2) L2A17IT ey + 0.81915(0,580107 cq) = 1800 N Hence: Typ =1048.37 N yp =1048N 4 (@) Using (1), | S8010(1048.37 N) = 608.16 N P=608N 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McCraw Companies, Ine. Al ights reserve. No part ofthis Mana! may be dspleye eprnduced or donated tn any form or By any meas, ion de prior writin permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the limited Uoriburin to teachers an educors permite by McGraw for dir indivi course prepaaion If yo are stent using his Mana, peweave using thou permission n PROBLEM 2.71 Determine (a) the x, y, and 2 components of the 750:N foree, (b) the angles @, @, and 6, thatthe force forms with the coordinate axes, SOLUTION ‘sin 35° 750 N)sin 35° 1, = 430.2 N @ F, = F,c0s 25° Feos35° = (430.2 N)cos25° = (750 Ncos 35° = (430.2 N)sin 25° +390 N, 614 N, F=41818N < 4390 N sar o 750N 4 7 esl 0, =350° € 750 N +181 750 N 8-760" PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw Company, Ine. AI rights reserved. No part ofthis Manual mua he displayed ‘repraduced or distributed in any form or Dy any ima, withowt the prior writen permission of the publisher, or med beso the ante) dis tbaton to teachers end educators permuted by MeGranIl fr ther nda eons preparation If yom area student using ths Manta, ow ane ing iti persion a PROBLEM 2.72 Determine (a) the x, y and z components of the 900-N force, (b) the angles @,, 6, and 6. that the force forms with the coordinate axes. SOLUTION @ F,sin 20° 5, £08 20° = 80.4 N)s cig = (900 N)sin 65° = (380.4 N)cos20” =-130.1N, 357 N < () PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Cnpanies, Me. AIL Highs rescved. No par of this Manual may be disphaved, reproduced or ditribted in any form or by any means, thou the prior writen pormasian of the publisher, or used Beyond the Tanied CGstribwrion te eachers and educators permite by MeCra I forthe individual cows preparation Ifyonareastacent using hs Manna pare wing i withon permis 1 PROBLEM 2.73 ‘A horizontal circular plate is suspended as shown from three wires that are attached t0 a support at D and form 30° angles with the vertical Knowing that the x component of the force exerted by wire AD on the plate is 110.3 N, determine (a) the tension in wire AD, (b) the angles 8, 6,204 iat the force exerted at 4 forms with the coordinate axes. SOLUTION @ P=288N € F,__UO3N ) caso, = f= ASN 0,015 7 SOE 28797 N 2 F 0830" =249.39 F,_ 24939 eos8, 40.39N 9 seus =30.0" € +p BRT TN % F sin30°c0s50? = ~(287.97 N)sin 30°e0s 50° 92.852 N F-92582. 4 SN o3139 0, =108.7° € PF 287.97 eee }z PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 the MeGru-Hill Companies, Inc.All rights served. No port of this Manual my be dsplaved, repridiced or distsbued in any form oF by any mans, withon the prior written permission ofthe publisher, or used beyond the lined ‘istration te teachers ak eccators permed by Metra ll fr te india onnveprsravaion If yescneastdent sing his Mem ow are usin haut pormszson PROBLEM 2.74 A horizontal circular plate is suspended as shown from: three wires that are attached to a support at D and form 30° angles with the vertical Knowing that the z component of the force exerted by wire BD on the plate is ~32.14 N, determine (a) the tension in wire BD, (b) the ang 2, 8, and 6, that the force exerted at B forms with the coordinate axes SOLUTION @ (Given) F=1000N € o sin30° cos 40° (100.0 N)sin 30°e0s 40° 38.302N cos 8, = 2 = SBS0EN __9 38302 a.=1125° € 100.0 N = F e0830" = 86.603 N 86.603 N 100N 86603 300° < 0, =108.7° 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, 8 2010 The MeGraw-Hil Companies, Ine. All ights reserve. No part ofthis Mannal may be dsplayer reproduced ov disiibnted in cy form cr by ay meas, whoa the pre rit permission ofthe pubher, oF used beyond the ited isribacion to teachers and escsters peated by McGrane Hl for their dividual eourse preparation. Ifyou ae a stem sing this Mama, Som are ws ithond permission % PROBLEM 2.75 ‘A horizontal circular plate is suspended as shown from three wires that are attached to a support at D and form 30° angles with the vertical. Knowing that the tension in wire CD is 60 Ib, determine (a) the components of the force exerted by this wire ‘on the plate, (6) the angles 6, 6, and 6, that the force Forms With the coordinate axes SOLUTION @ (60 bb)sin30%0s 6 15.0016 F,, = (60 Ib)e0s30°~51.96 Ib F-15201 4 (60 1h) sin 30° sin 60° = 25.98 Tb F=#260b 4 o 038, =IS.0 Ib _ os 60 51.961 _ 6 gop 0b cosé, 25.98 10 9433, F601 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ‘ 2010 ‘he Meraw Hill Companies Ie. All rights reserved. No part of this Mannal maybe diplaos ‘reproduced or deribted in any form or by any mets, witht the pri wren permission ofthe publisher, or waed beyond the lnited Alisribsion to teachors an edvcators permuted by Mew Hl for thels ndividaal couse preparation Ifyou ave aston wn hs Mar, on ane sing ito prison ” a PROBLEM 2.76 A horizontal circular plate is suspended as shown from three wires that are attached to a support at D and form 30° angles with the vertical. Knowing that the x component of the force exerted by wire CD on the plate is 20.0 I, determine (a) the tension in wire CD, (B) the angles 2,8, and 0, that the force exerted at C forms with the coordinate axes, SOLUTION ® Psin30°c0s60°=—20 Ib (Given) — 2016 80 1b F=80.01b € 30% cos" ® 6, =1045° F, = (80 Ib)c0s30° = 69.282 Ib F, _ 69.282 b 0, = Ae = 69.282 I 300° cos8, == CAEP g6015 F, = (80 Ib)sin30°sin 60° =34.64 Ib cos0, = 22 2G = 0.42501 0-643" 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ‘© 2010 The McGraw-Hill Compumnis, Ine. All igs reserved. No part of this Maonval maybe diplayedt ‘reproduced on disnibted in cy form or by ey mec, i te prior written permission ofthe publisher, or woud beyond the Umited ‘disriutn to teachers and edccorspermited by McGraw Hil for der hud ial course preparation Mfvon avec stadet azn his Manna yon are using i seth pormsion 1 _ PROBLEM 2.77 | ‘The end of the coaxial cable AF is attached to the pole AB, which is cen strengthened by the guy wires AC and AD. Knowing that the tension in wire AC’ is 120 Ib, dotermine (a) the components of the force exerted by this wire on the pole, (6) the angles 8, 8, and 6 that the force forms with the coordinate axes. OV aw, sg_—-Pae fr igs tD SOLUTION @ (120 1b) c0s 60°08 20° F, = 56.382 Ib Fs 4564 Ib ~(120 Ib) sin 60° F, =~ 103.923 tb = 103.9 Ib { =+(120 Ib) cos 60° sin 20° = 20.521 tb -205 Ib € ® cos @, =f 50382 Ib 0, =620" F 1201 03.923 Ib 1201 cos 0, UEC 0, =9980 4 120 Ib PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 59 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. A rights sero. No part of this Maral may be displayed, ‘eprodced or diuributed in any form oF by any mean, withont the prior wwiten permission of the publisher, or nse beyond te fined distribution to teachers and ehcetors periitd by MeGram-Hil fo thor india course prpavatin. If yonare a aludent wring this Man, Yow are usin thon permission PROBLEM 2.78 ‘The end of the eosxial cable AF is attached to the pole AB, which is strengthened by the guy wires AC and AD. Knowing that the tension in wire AD is 85 Ib, determine (a) the components of the force exerted by this wire on the pole, (6) the angles @,, 6, and 6, that the force forms with the coordinate axes. SOLUTION (85 tb) sin 36° sin 48° @ = 37.129 1b F=-6881b € = (85 Ib)sin 36° cos 48% 3.431 Ih 37.129 Ih 85 Ib 0) sii) -08.706 I 4, =144.0° F RSIb = 33.431 Ib 0, = 66.8° 8516 F : PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The McGraw) Compo, Ine. AIL ight eoseved. No part of dis Mamnal may be displared ‘eprnduced or estibued in ey form or by any means, witha the prior written permission ofthe publisher, oF ted bevond the Tinted Adstibution to teachers amd edactors permite by Mera for thelr andlvidual conse preparation If vow. astdont waxing is Mond, rom are sing i athon permission ‘0 PROBLEM 2.79 Determine the magnilude and direction of the force F = (320 N)i + 400 N)j ~ (250 N)k. SOLUTION F=S00N 4 0, =1160° € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. AIL ight served. No pars af his Mannal may be cisparedt reproduced or dlstrbited in any form or by ans means. etal the prior writen pormisrion ofthe publisher or nse beyond the nated (cos 8, )° = Since F, <0 we must have cosd, <0 “Thus, taking the negative square root, from above, we have: 08, = ft (0855)? —(cas45}° = 041353, o.=14e 4 (%) Then: mr (AO = 1209.10 2091b and 1088, = (209.10 Ib}eos 55° 6941 ‘cos, = (1209.10 Ib)cos45° 855 Ib PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. (0 2010 The MeGraw-Hill Companies, Ine. All igh reserved. No pt of this Monnal may be dplayed, produced or daarabned 19 any far or by any means, wal te prior written permission ofthe puiher, or ned bond the Ite ‘derbi to toachors and educators pric by Meta Hil forthe nid corse preparation Yow area stent wig he Maal Yow are sing i wathon permission i PROBLEM 2.83 A force F of magnitude 210 N acts at the origin ofa coordinate system. Knowing that F, = 80 N, @= 151.2", and F, <0, determine (a) the components and F, (6) the angles 6, and 6). SOLUTION @ 210 NyeostS1.2" 184.024 N =H184.0N ‘Then: So: Hence: -62.01b 4 ” 6-610 0, =1012 € PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © Al sights teserwe. No part of this Mama! may be displayed, produced or dhibted in any form or by any meas, without the prior writen permission ofthe publisher, or nied beyond the Lite lsribution to teachers ond edhe ported hy MeGrevelil for tir individ conree preparation If on ae student swig his Move, Yo are using it withont permission PROBLEM 2.84 and F. > 0, determine (a) the components F, and F., (B) the angles 8, and 6, A force F of magnitude 230 N acts atthe origin of a coordinate system. Knowing that 6, SOLUTION (@ Wehave F, = Fcos@, = (230 N)cos32.5° F, Then: 1.980 N PER HE, So: 193,980 N)° +(-60. N)* + FE Hence: F, = 4 (230 N) ~093.980 N60 NY 108.0 N € () 08.036 N 0, =105.1° 0, = 020" 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw Hill Companies, ne. All igh reserved. No part of this Manual may’ be dipleyedd reproduced or diasbted tv ey foro by eny meus, stot he por wetten permision ofthe publisher, or used beyond the lied ‘dation to teachers and educators ormited by Mera Il for ther Individual course preparation. Ifyou are astudent sing his eva ‘your are axing i with permission. 6 PROBLEM 2.85 A ansmission tower is held by three guy wires anchored by bolts at B, C, and D, If the tension in wire AB is $25 Ib, determine the components of the force exerted by the wire on the bolt at B. SOLUTION 20 Ni + (100 A)j—(25 Ak BA= Je20 fy © (00 A)? +25 [(20 R)i-+ (00 AY}~(25 YK] 100.0 Ibji + (500 Ib) ~ (125.0 Ib)k F, 125.01 100.01, F, =+5001b, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGaw-Uill Companies Inc- AN rights reserved. No part of this Manval may be displayed, ‘aproduced or distributed in any form or by any miss, wition the prise writen permission of the phir, or ned Desoad the oul ‘distribution to lachere and eco pited by ers il forthe indivdual eons prepara If yon arate sig his Masi ‘yon ae using i withow pernision. "7 PROBLEM 2.86 A transmission tower is held by three guy wires anchored by bolls at B, C, and D. IP the tension in wire AD is 315 1b, determine the ‘components of the force exerted by the wire on the bolt at D. 20 Ri + (100 Nj +(70.N)K DA = (208) + 100 1)? + (470 ft)? 26.0 315 1b, = 322 20 mit (oo mj +(74 Dk gy U2 E+ (100 H+ (74 A} F = (50 Ib)i-+ (250 Ib)j-+ (185 Ib)k. 2501b, F, =4185.01b PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGrow ill Companies, Ine. All rights reserved. No part of this Manval may be displayed ‘reproduced or estribed in any form or By any mouns, thou the prior writen permission of the publisher, or nse Beyond the fed CUstribudon to teachers and educotrs permed by MeCraw-1l for ei inivial connse preparotion.Ifyowarea student using his Menu, bo are usin without permission i PROBLEM 2.87 om 2 ne A Tiame ABC is supported in part by cable DBE that passes through a frictionless ring at B. Knowing that the tension in the cable is 385 N, determine the components of the force exerted by = ee the cable on the support at D. I I a ‘ cc oN ; SOLUTION DB = (480 mm)i~(510 mm)j+ (320 mm)k DB = (480 mm)? + (510 mm?) + (320 mm)? = 770 mm how =p DB DB 385.N (480 mm)i~(510 mm) 0 mm) 770 mm“ vi~( 0} + (320 mm)k] = (240 N)i~ (255 N)j+ (160 Nk BF, =4240 Ny 2SSN, F.=+160.0N 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL” © 2010 the McGraw-Hill Companies, ne. AE rights reserved. No part of dis Monal uy’ be dsplased, ‘reproduced of disiibuted In avy foro or by any meas, without the peor erin permasson of te pnbiher. ov wsed Bayon! the nied ‘dspsution to teachers aed edueaars permed Py Metra ifort dividual core preparation. {von areashden nein his aout You are sing i wethou permission 4 PROBLEM 2.88 oO ato For the frame and cable of Problem 2.87, determine the components of the force exerted by the cable on the support at E. PROBLEM 2.87 A frame ABC is supported in part by cable DBE that passes through a frictionless ting at B. Knowing that the tension in the cable is 385 N, determine the components of the foree exerted by the cable on the support at D. SOLUTION Bi = (270 mmm (400 mo} + (600 mum EB = (270 sam) + (400 ran)? + (600 mn)? 710 mm B= Phup EB PB __385N F70 mm F =(135 N)i~(200 N)j + (300 NY ((270 mm)i ~ (400 mm)j + (600 mo)k] +300N PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2010 The MeGraw:Kill Companies, Ine. AIL fights reserved. No part of dis Menaul may be displayed, reproduced o distributed in ey form or By any maces, nian De prion written permission ofthe publaher, or wae beyond the linited Utsbitio te echers aa edsors ported by Mean for tei dividual course preeoation, If yon area student ving hs Moa, Sore are sing It thou permission ” PROBLEM 2.89 Knowing that the tension in cable AB is 1425 N, determine the components of the Force exerted on the plate at 2. SOLUTION BA =~(900 mm)i + (600 mm)j-+ (360 mm)k BA = (900 mama)? + (600 ram)? + (360 mam)? =1140 mm Ty 24 BA 1425 N 1140 mam = ~(1125 N)i+(750 N)j+ (450 Nyk (Tra), {-(900 munyi + (600 mm)j-+ (360 mm] “H25N, (Tog), =750N, (pa). =450N PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. {© 2010 The MeGiaw-Hill Companies, ne. AI rights reserved. No part of thie Monval may be dpsed, reproduced or dsnibused I any form or by any means, wethont the prior sitonpormission of the publisher, oF wSed bevond the lined ‘tsributin to teuchors anal educators ported by MeCiraw- Hilo the inelividual corse preparation. fy areca stack using he Mana, on ae ing it withow poison, on seiieeeinl PROBLEM 2.90 Knowing that the tension in cable AC is 2130 N, determine the components of the force exerted on the plate at C. Zs 40300 mn SOLUTION CA = ~(900 mm) + (600 mm)j—(920 mm) CA= (900 mm)? + (600 mm)? +920 mm)? 1420 mm 2130N leg = (900 mmyi + (600 mm)j—(9: Tea Ta50 mm ji + (600 mm)j— (920 mm)k] = =(1350 N)i-+ (900 N)j~(1380 N)k 1350N, (Tey), =900N, (Tog), =-1380N 4 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The MeGraw¥il Companies, le. All sghts reserved. No part af this Manual may be displayed reproduced or disnibted jn eny fre ot hy any mess, si the or vvitten permission ofthe publisher, or wed Beyond the lined Adsbibution te tecchers and educators ported by McGarr indvidel cows preparation Ifyou are astudent using ths Sowa, You ave singleton permussion 2 PROBLEM 2,91 Find the magnitude and diteetion of the resultant of the «wo forces shown knowing that P = 300 N and Q = 400 N. SOLUTION (300 N)[-cos30° sin 15% +sin 30° +-c0830°cos 15°] (67.243 N)i + (150 N)j + (250.95 N)k Q= (400 Njfe0s 50°eos 20° + sin 50°j ~ eos S0°sin 20°} 400 N)0.604021 + 0.76604 -0.21985] = (241,61 N)i + (306.42 N)j—(87.939 N)k +Q 74.367 N)i + (456.42 N)j + 163.011 NJ. R= (174367 NY? + (456.42 NY (163.011 NP R = 515.07 N R=SISN cos, = Bs = WASOTN 9.33853 0-102 4 S07N $5042 N 9 s613 0,=216° 4 ‘S1S.07N 63.011 1G.OUIN 6.3) nse 4 ‘S15.07N Nahe 1 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ie, All rights reserve. No part of this Manno! muy be displayed, reproduced or dried 0» any form or by any means, witht the prior ites permission ofthe publisher, or nse beyond the lied 0 requires P>0, From 2), Tac > 0 teauies FEP-<480N, P< 514.29 N O

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